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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


BP-British Petroleum-Part-3

BP an evil element in a very evil BIG PICTURE


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This document was created on: 15.09.2019, and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


Important note added on 14.07.2021: This page is Version-1, if you have access to the Version-2 page, then do not read this page, instead read Version-2, which equals this page + re-edited several times + added much more important information, therefore this page will not be updated or reedited!


You can also download version 2 from or

End of note.



Please note that this page is the evil big picture of my life and the lives of countless others, and maybe also your life, and that is the reason for the over 360 pages!


I want not only the good people to see what others are doing, but I also want the others to look at their own doings!




This page is dedicated to…




English Royal family


UK, USA, Nazis, Eu and Brexit




The so-called Arab Countries!


Misusing religions and misleading the general public


Patriotism, the new hidden destructive religion


The hidden president of USA and some other countries


The pattern of women used to enslave men


What is one- or two-track intelligence?


The pattern of forcing sicknesses upon their victims such as the Corona virus



The deadliest Tax cut in the history of mankind, that brought a plague upon the entire world


Using addiction to enslave their victims


Surrounding their victims with problems that are either difficult to solve or are unsolvable (Operation Choke)


Slavery through fake heroes?


Preventing some of their hidden slaves to have children


Using rape to brainwash their hidden slaves or their opponents


The hidden top-victim’s hunters, an unknown networked-group!






This page is dedicated to…

This page is dedicated to all those that are suffering through the persons, groups and institutions mentioned in this page. Here are some of them:

1.                  All those who were harmed or died by the USA + English royalties through intentionally distributing COVID-19 to harm the Economy of China + EU + Iran as described below including proves

2.                  Jamaal Khashoggi, that was murdered by the Donald Trump White House Administration by using Saudi Arabia as proxy, mainly for 2 reasons:

2.1. As a threat to Washington Post and Jeffrey P. Bezos the owner of among others the Washington Post,, AWS-Amazon Web Services, which is very clear that they hate Jeff Pezos, and is visible in that these criminals of the Donald Trump White House Administration have dropped AWS and took Microsoft for the military storage ( ). Amazon was since years the biggest and best in Cloud computing. Don’t misunderstand me, I love many or even most of Microsoft products, but no one is perfect and when it comes to the clouds Amazon is the world leader, yet the military dropped them because the criminally insane Donald Trump White House Administration do not like the Washington Post and Jeff Pezos, and therewith they allowed their feelings to cloud their judgements. I must add that Hillary Clinton was right when she said the Donald Trump yet to be president is never to trust, and that because she knew who is behind him and who are his masters, which are the biggest organized crime family that the world ever knew, which is the English royal families and their relatives the Rockefeller families. Therefor they killed a man named Jamaal Khashoggi and then cut him to pieces with a hacksaw, using Saudi Arabia as proxy, whereby Saudi Arabia is often used as proxy, for example against Yemen, Ethiopia, Somalia and countless other countries

2.2. He knows too much. He is the nephew of Adnan Khashoggi that was a CIA agent and Arms Dealer/Weapon Dealer, where he reports everything, he sells to the CIA + MI6, and therewith they know who has what and can better plan to counter the buyer.

2.3. His father was the medical doctor of the Saudi King

2.4. He knows too much about Saudi Arabia hidden slavery and viciousness against their own people, I went there around 3-4 times in 1980s and I did not believe that these criminals mistreat their own people, but again Saudi Arabia is controlled by the English Royal families + the Rockefeller families, and they do not give any shit about their American and British population, how can they care about the population of Saudi Arabia that consist of over 95% out of foreigners from all over the world

3.                  The murdered Iranian General Qasem Soleimani (for more info see  + by the US president Donald Trump White House Administration to help the Iranian government, because the Iranian government think General Qasem Soleimani is getting too powerful for them to handle. Where would we human go if each one of us start killing others because they are getting too powerful, then everyone will be busy all their lives killing the others. This is 100% organized crime actions

4.                  The slaughtering of  the northern Kurdish-Syrian since October 2019 by the order of Donald Trump White House Administration ( + ). The Kurdish were the allies of USA since ages, and suddenly USA drops them for one reason only, because they are protecting their criminal puppets the Syrian government (for a prove that the Syrian government is working mainly for USA in illegal drugs see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + this page, beside The Assad family is related to the English Royalties + the Rockefeller family + Bush family and all working hand in hand with illegal drugs) and do not want that the Kurdish military that they trained to be in the way of the Syrian government. And since October 2019 the USA conspired with their ally the Turkish military to disperse and kill many of the Kurdish including their families and children to not allow them to be the owner of the land they live in in northern Syria, and this is more than barbaric, it is criminal

5.                  Yemini. The USA + UK have been trying hard to control Yemen for over a century, I recall that Yemen had always problems with USA and UK since at least 1960 when I was kidnaped to Egypt. And now and since over a year the English royal families and their hidden relatives the Rockefeller families are trying to take over total control of Yemen to complete their total control in that area from Iraq to Israel to Kuwait to Oman Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Yemen is on the entrance of the Red Sea, and most probably they have tons of natural resources and these families I am complaining about that kidnapped me several times in my life, they would kill anyone, children, adults, women, older people for money and power, they have no mercy, no empathy, no compassion, no feeling what so ever, they are like a robot that is programmed to collect money and kill anything in it ways to do that. In the last year and until current countless Yeminis were killed, but since at least March 2020, we do not hear anything about them anymore, or about any other major suppression in the world, because most of the news owned by the English royalties and their hidden relatives such as the Rockefeller families, they report only the Corona virus 22 hours daily, such as ABC, BBC, Fox, CNN, Aljazeera and many others

6.                  Palestinians. Again the Donald Trump White House Administration are killing people’s life, this time in Palestine by taking their pride and the only small land that they have left after the English royalties and their hidden American relatives the Rockefeller family tricked the Jewish and told them we are giving you a land, in reality they were building one of the biggest military bases in the world called Israel to protect their stolen properties in the Middle East, such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, Jordan and the list is long, and to build this big military base for the soldiers and their families they stole the land of the Palestinians in 1948 and ever since they continue to steal a peace or two of it. Here too, we are not allowed to hear any more about the Palestinians sufferings because the news media and intentionally are limiting their news to the COVID-19 alias the Corona virus, while labeling the Palestinians as a terrorist group. They label an entire nation as a terrorist group, just as they labeled Afghanistan as Terrorist group and Iraqis as terrorist groups and this goes back also to Vietnam that they also labeled as a terrorist group called “Charlie” the code name for Vietnamese freedom fighters living in the jungle!

7.                  All the Iraqis that are suffering severely since the American invasion and were constantly protesting through mass demonstrations all over Iraq, and now again we do not hear about them anymore, because the only news is the evil news is over COVID-19, as if there are no other problems in the world

8.                  All the Afghanis that unjustly died due to the greed of the English royalties and their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefeller families that want to suck the life out of Afghanistan natural resources and control the land

9.                  All the Afro-Americans, that are unjustly mistreated in USA, not only by the police, but also by countless fortune 1000 companies that need the Afro Americans to stay poor so they can control them and use them in the hidden as slaves such as ins selling their illegal drugs, farming, small time organized crimes that is often used to damage peaceful demonstrations, but also they need them as soldiers because if all Afro-Americans suddenly become educated and have well paid jobs, they will never go to the military, then the military will lose roughly 20%, which means 20% less soldiers that go around the world killing innocent people and stealing their lands and natural resources for the English royalties and their hidden relatives, among others the Rockefeller families!

10.             All the illegal aliens in USA. I was kidnaped in 1986 from Germany to USA by the concentrated evil Rockefeller and English royal families, where they forced me to live in USA as an illegal alien with no rights whatsoever enable these psychopaths can control my life in the name of their most corrupted laws I have ever seen in my life. Ans therewith I was illegal aliens paying attention to other illegal aliens and therewith seeing countless illegal aliens in USA. USA have officially 12 Million illegal aliens, this is more than 2 third of the Dutch population, unofficially they are lying and there is in reality over 30 Million, among others no one can ever count them, because they are too many, and they build the hidden engine of the American economy, because they work for 1-5 Dollars per hour in farm land, in factories that located in country sides, and there are many of them. Without these poor illegal aliens that American farmers cannot sell their products competitively on the world market. These illegal aliens have no rights whatsoever and are always living in fear of being caught, jailed and deported, which the American immigration does that to a few thousand to scare the rest of the over 30 million and force them to keep quit through fear and that is more than criminal that is sadistic and most barbaric

11.             All the demonstrations in Hong Kong, France, Germany, USA, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Iraq, India and elsewhere, that were silent through in-home-shelter allegedly due to the COVID-19. All these countries had countless demonstrations in these mentioned countries and other countries, some for weeks others since over a year, now they were all silenced by force of the law for the COVID-19, that is why sometimes I ask myself, was the COVID-19 intentionally spread also to silence the mass worldwide demonstrations that are mainly seeking justice and equality in these and other countries??? They all were fighting for more freedom and equality, just as I am complaining about these criminals with my complaint pages!

12.             For all the prisoners in USA. I have never seen such a filthy prison and jail treatments as it is in USA. They treat the prisoners as if they are a filth or trash or animals, as a result and after being in jail for a while, the prisoners become just that, wild animals, because that is how they were treated, and they get used to it. A side note: only animals treat others as equal animals!! I was locked up in their so-called luxury prison for 6 months in so-called deportation prison near the International Airport of Houston, Texas, USA from 24 or 27 July 2000 and until 10 February 2000, and then they brought me to the Netherlands for another long-term lock of 14 years. It took me several years to calm down of how I was mistreated in these savage prisons of USA. We were over 80 persons in one room that was around 200 -300 square meters, one room with one bathroom (with several showers next to each other’s) and one toilet (with several toilet bowels next to each other’s), some were in 2 or 3 floor beds, and they were generous to place 2 TVs, one only for Spanish and the other only for English, where prisoner fought on a daily bases to watch the TV, this wants to watch that and the other wanted to watch something else. Over 80% of all prisoners were because illegal drugs. That says it all. I believe we all make mistakes and some mistakes are against the law, and if someone do something illegal, often it is something he did not want to do, but had no choice due to the poverty, and prison is the wrong answer, the right answer is treatment with education to help the person to find his way in society, but these criminal laws they have in USA, they drive prisoners to perform more crimes, such as the law that the ex-USA present Bill Clinton did which is 3 strikes and you are out = Typical American mentality of no understanding, no compassion and above all no imagination or even intelligence for the correct solutions. 3 strikes and you are out means if you get arrested for 3 crimes then you go to prison for life, which is music in the ears of criminals such as the Bush family, because and as far I was told by the justice officers where I was imprisoned they own the prison and other alike it, in USA most of the prisons in USA are private and the government pays an arm and leg to lock up a prisoner, which equals stealing the tax payers money and on top of that these prisons are totally unhygienic, filthy and no one get a good treatment, and how can you, if the guards get a monthly salary between 700-1200 US Dollar, which is not enough for the basic bills such as rent, phone, water, electricity, car not to mention food and clothing. You can buy a cheap car in USA, but everything else is more than expensive, such as insurance, at least 200 US Dollar per month, and without car in USA you are screwed, unless you live and work in the same city section!

13.             And many others who cannot speak for their selves




(Go to Main index)

The most important to note on this page, is that it is the pig picture and I, or anyone else in matter of fact, can never make it complete, because the facts are too much, above all they increase dramatically almost on a daily basis. Yet, this is the essence of my life and the lives of millions or even billions of other human beings, it is also the essence of your life, yet I am concentrated on my own life and occasionally adding some of the current events as a conformation to the pattern and what they did to me and what they do to countless other children, adults male and female, and older generation of men and women, and even to an entire country, which is going to be very clear through this page!


I apologize if I cannot make it shorter and that sometimes I cannot be very objective and lose my temper, which is sometimes visible when I use bad language, descriptive language or curses, such as whore, bitch and MF, and this is because when I write the past I remember and it hurts, makes me sad and very depressive, maybe that is what they used against me in the last 12 months to prevent me to continue to write my complaint pages!


This page has 4 purposes:

A.               I mentioned many problems in my complaint pages that are always hidden of the general public, and I would like to offer or suggest possible solutions for at least some of these major destructive problems, yet the solutions will not work if you do not know the big picture, and this page shows the big picture of my life, which is also and simultaneously the big picture of millions of other innocent human beings, and the reason I am positive about that, is because I saw the pattern of many general destruction actions in my own life that point to a routine brainwash and destruction actions but also I see it in the daily news

B.               To show the pattern of performed crimes against me, I may have to add situation not related directly to me, yet it shows the pattern of performed crimes against me!

C.               To show the pattern, sometimes I must go to the source to understand and see the pattern

D.               Each human being situation is absolutely-individual and unique compared to others, therefore the above points are most important enable to help individuals adjust the offered solutions to their individual situations because my yet to be suggested possible solutions to the problems that they created against me and are unique to my situations and yet countless others may have similarities to my life. They, meaning the English royal family + the ex-German royalties + their hidden American relatives + the Freemasons and their public and hidden very destructive allies such as member of my fake family and many small to large companies, that I have listed some of them within including what they did to me!!!


Some of the contents of this page is repetition of other pages, among others because this page represents the pig picture of my life and the lives of countless others. Not everything is repetition, because when I write situations of my past it helps me concentrate on them and then I discover new things that you cannot find in other pages!


Please note that I am by nature a very optimist person for one reason only, because I trust in God and God is Not Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism  or any other religion, God is a person you meet when you look at life itself, life meaning sun, moon other planets, and the entire universe including earth, mountain, water, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, animals, insects, birds, water creatures such as fish and shellfish, amphibians and all in comparison to human, then you meet God, that no one ever seen or met, we just see his superb intelligence in his works alias all the previously mentioned. In short, I do not see black and white life or good and evil people, but rather a very colorful variety of it and not it and that God have thought of all possibilities and accordingly created also a solution = I am from nature out optimist and that is why I am filling my complaint, not because I am pessimist and see conspiracies all over but rather because I am an optimist and that is why I am complaining to the general public because I believe many of the general public have learned from God and behave accordingly and justly!


Important note: this page includes some facts and some theories based on my life experience, which equals what is in my memory. And what is in my memory is what I think. Therefore please excuse me for being open and saying what is in my memory, I do not mean any harm or disrespect to any religion or ethnic group, as a Christian I do not see religion or ethnic groups, I see human beings which is the holiest creature on this earth, because it has a touch of God, which is intelligence, no other creature on this earth is a match to our human intelligence, because none of them flew to the moon, or built a car or a plane, but we did, and this only because God, or if you prefer nature, want us to learn to go where we do not yet know, just like one thousand years ago, no one knew that Christopher Columbus was going to the Americas. Yet if you feel offended in any way of or some of the content of this page, then and by all means let me know, or better yet complain to those criminals that forced these bad memories and partially also fake memory upon me as highlighted in the page “Kidnapping me as a child”, by among others kidnapping me twice in January 1960 from unknown place to Egypt. That unknown place can only be USA, UK, Germany or the Netherlands, because they always wanted to keep me under their control, therefore they would never allow that I land in a country out of their control. Then kidnapped me again in September 1986 from Germany to USA, then locked me up for all in all nearly 14 years from 2000 to 2012. And that is the reason I am complaining to the general public and warning them of these hidden crimes. General public is not only Christian, it is any religion and any ethnic group, but rather the general public is the human being with all kinds of variation, just as we have all kind of variations of cats, dogs, apples. Oranges and the list is endless!


Even this page it is a part of my complaint about what government did to me , yet it is the problem of our all lives as follow: we, all human, are sitting in one big boat called earth, controlled by corrupt persons and no one is daring to shake the boat, because everyone is afraid to lose his position in this boat, and therefore each responsible person says a lie to cover up the previous lies and that is totally irresponsible, unacceptable and therefore I am at the moment at the bottom and shacking the boat the whole way to the top!


I am searching for my family and I have to look at all corners of my life, and I see several very strong relations of my life to the English royal family, and this is very unfortunate, because I really do not like them, I used to think that they are a good group of people because they have been sticking together as one family for nearly one thousand years, which it turned out to be very wrong as described below.


No one will know so much about the English royal family hidden atrocities as described within my complaint pages except organizations such as the Freemason, CIA, MI6, or some member of the English Royal family, and since I am not a Freemason nor CIA nor MI6, then I must be related to them. PERIOD.


I have no proves of the below except what is mentioned and many of it is verifiable either through reality or logically based on the history and the current behavior.


One of these reality checks is Prince Andrew that his face and body similarities with several persons of my fake family such as Jawdat Baroudi (fake name) and the CIA = MI6 whore agent that these criminals enslaved me under at the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich in 1970 and for 7 years, her name was Anita Disbray allegedly from London-Wembley in the UK,  the alleged daughter of Joan and John Disbray and the sister of Sean Disbray and the sister of another lady that allegedly is married in Belfast, Ireland to either a stockcar racer or a hobby racer, and the alleged niece of an Oxford university professor, but also his face has a lot of similarities to Jameel Baroudi and his cousin Mamdoh Baroudi both have fake identities in Egypt and Saudi Arabia but also other small and large connections between my life and this so called English royalty, that I did not see before, including hidden Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal family members around my life as well as the Freemason and kidnapping me in 1960 and kidnapping me again from Germany to USA in 1986 by using the concentrated evil company called BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND and members of my fake family that today I have no doubt what so ever that they are related to and/or working for the English royal family and this is 100% provable through the hidden Jordanian, Saudi Arabian, UAE, Kuwaiti and Omani royal families named Abokurah, + Bdeir/Budier + Malas + Tabaaa + Kheir+ Baroudi + other families, that I did not see before, and the reason I did not see before because they brainwashed me not to + stressed the life out of me with all the persecution + mass created brainwash situation + forcing me to fight for survival + when everything else fails then using telepathy!


This page makes the big picture of my own life that the BP-British Petroleum + ARAMCO + CIA + MI6 + Freemasons (=English Royalties) and others were forced upon me for brainwash and kidnap purposes. Sometimes I must check the history of a country, institution, or other persons to verify the pattern of all the atrocities that these group of people performed against me!


Finally, I am sure that there are many good persons within the huge network of the ER- English Royalties, but they are limited to a small percent!


First a very important note 1:

This complaint page is about a very powerful and scary group of people that organized kidnapping me on or earlier than 10/11 January 1960, possibly they kidnapped me several years earlier or even immediately after my birth and then took me on an international brainwash and hide tour to coverup my tracks and where I came from, and at the end caused me a total amnesia to prevent me to remember anything including the language that I used to speak prior to 10/11 January 1960, falsified my identity to Syrian and kidnapped me to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960.


This group of people you can find in every country or even in every major city in the world, connected through a very evil network scheme that they pushed me into, and that makes them a very dangerous and very scary group of people.


Yet, you do not scare me, not because I am courageous, but rather because you have stolen everything from me: my home, my biological family by birth, my memory, my logic, enslaved me under a very sadistic fake family that are related to you not to mention all the rape and torture you did to me over and over again, forcing me to relocate countless times as a mean of brainwash, slavery and isolation of my past, but also prevented me to learn and advance in life, among others by stealing my IT work, destructed my relationship to every single person I knew from fake family members to church friends, to work colleagues to women I loved, to stealing my multi-lingual IT designs and the list goes on and on, imprisoning me for nearly 14 years and forcing me to be a refugee for over 50 years, therefore you do not scare me, because I have nothing to lose, and since I am Christian and  I am a peaceful man, I am just trying to understand your history and what in God’s name drove you to perform all these atrocities against me, and this is what this page is about, it is about you and your bad disgusting characters, your history and what drove you to be the top hidden organized criminals of our world that make the living for others worse than hell, and I do not mean only myself, but also several Billions others from China to India + Pakistan to South Africa, to North Africa, to South America to north America as well as to the Middle East and Europe. Last but not least, you do not scare me because you all are a punch of cowards that operates their destructions in the dark while no one can see who is attacking them, and simultaneously controlling many government members  as distraction of their selves, and these hidden slaves government members being surrounded by thousands of bodyguards, just as the coward US White House administration and their fake president alias their hidden slave president Donald Trump is doing right now, just like the ones before him,  and the prove for that is, if he the US president is a good person then there is no need for the American secret Service, or police or national guards or military that are mainly there NOT to protect the American people, but rather to protect the criminals controlling families of the general public and all other people of other countries that they either enslaved, tortured, displaced or killed their families, and the best prove for that, one out of countless Millions, is that this new current criminal US president called Donald Trump was used to disperse a very peaceful demonstration in Washington D.C. on 3.6.2020 by using a very violent police attacks, as well as defense helicopters and war planes hovering over the area at that time, and only for one reason, which is the White House Administration were trying to show who is the boss over every single human being in and around Washington D.C. by showing that they are cowards and attacking unarmed peaceful civilians with fully armed police and national guards to cover up for their cowardness. For more info see:!!! Therefore, I am also, questioning their sanity ???

End of note 1:


First a very important note 2: in other pages I claimed some persons in my fake family are hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, and this based on situations in my past since 1960s but also as recent as 2001 and until 2014. Facts remain that the English royal family is heavily related to the ex-German royal families (the actual hidden Nazis) alias the current controlling families in Germany, ex-Russian royal family and other royal families, often by force and this through hundreds if not thousands of marriages between both that possibly started 300-500 years ago.


Therefore, they often have a very strong lookalike or even identical lookalikes cousins from Russia, East Europe, Germany, South Africa, Australia, Canada, USA, Middle East and also nephews, nieces, grandchildren and great grandchildren, which makes it sometimes very difficult to differentiate between all these families or even other families from other countries!


But also, the English royal family has been related to many other royal families and controlling families worldwide through marriages, such as with the Benelux countries, Scandinavian countries, but also in Africa, Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia, South and North America and above all in the so-called Arab countries, which will be clear and visible through these complaint pages.

End of note 2:


First a very important note 3:

This page is part of my complaint and only about what they did to me and how they did it to me. Often, I must go back to my history or the history of others to see the cause of what they did to me, otherwise I will not understand it and I will not be able to confirm it through their patterns!

End of note 3:


First a very important note 4:

As far as I was able to find out, I was born in the USA, and that is why you were so stupid to kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986 and blaming it on my fake family, Islam and the Syrians as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, just to blackmail my biological family in USA that are related to you while covering up the tracks of my fake family as well as my twin/triplets in Egypt that took over my identity after 1969!


Therefore, and as American by birth or by falsified identity as a UK born and kidnapped to USA in 1950s and forced to believe being born in USA through Americans parents, I will do everything in my power to protect the USA and UK from your criminal acts as highlighted below.


Very unfortunately, you brainwashed me to hate USA and UK, hate Muslims, to hate Jewish and hate the churches that misused me, or you misused them, but also dislike the EU, and in particular Germany and the Netherlands due to what you did to me and blamed it on them. But I cleaned my brain of your very severe and most destructive brainwash.


Therefore, I will also and most definitely will do everything in my power to defend the EU of your hidden destructive schemes and destructive future agenda for the EU and China, but also the same very destructive schemes that you have been using in Africa and the Middle East where I lived for 10 years and saw that the population of these countries have no chance against your vicious aggressiveness to steal their land, natural resources while creating, as usual, a never ending conflict = an unsolvable conflict that you constantly throw food for fire on these conflicts to keep them a life as long as you can and unsolvable to blame everything that you do on them as distraction of your selves, an example is Catholic and protestant in Ireland, Israel + Palestine, or Pakistan + Bangladesh + India, North and South Korea, East and West Germany, North and South Vietnam, North and South Ireland and many others!!

End of note 4:


First a very important note 5:

Sometimes my disappointment and anger take control of my words such as I place some group of people all in one pot and describe them as criminal. For example, I sometimes write “these criminal or evil English royalties”, and that is wrong, because if there is one good person among them then I should not generalize, I am sure there are more than just one good person, but not by much, among the English royalties that is a good person, for now and beside all the hidden and public crimes that the English or British performed in countless others countries and today, I recognize one person as a total and concentrated evil person(s), which is queen Elizabeth the Second (and all those who helped her) in doing most of the damages to my life most probably starting February 6, 1952, and if her husband Prince Philip knows about that, then he is also criminal and if her children and grandchildren knows also about that, then they are all criminals except Prince Harry and his Wife Meghan, because they are trying to escape the tyranny of his grandmother, that the movie Star Wars described her and her entire family as “Emperor Palpatine” in the movie Star Wars!


This is Star Wars Emperor Palpatine look based on his actions!

A picture containing indoor, bed, wearing, child

Description automatically generated


End of note 5:


First a very important note 6:

Please note that most people in our world are busy working, including all the members of each government, and I am sure that all governments have the majority of employees as good persons, yet some government such as the UK and the USA are controlled by very sadistic and criminal elements of our own lives that makes a bad name for the entire government as it is current in USA and in the UK and both since 2016, is this coincident that both countries have started Brexit and the criminal hidden slave Donald Trump, while I was seeking protection in since 1 March 2-16 in the city of Den Haag/The Hague by the Dutch government, the Dutch royal family and all the consulates and embassies in this city??!!


When someone is working he is too busy to see what is going on around his life and the lives of others, and because a person is often busy surviving, they are often not able to take the time to gather their daily knowledge and their daily thoughts except and at the most for their own lives only and cannot see most of the elements in this big picture page, and because I love people and very much care about them, and this no matter who they are, black, white, Asian, South Americans, old, young, homosexual, or other religion than me, because I absolutely do not care about religion, because it is a human divider and I love human no matter who they are Muslims, Jewish, Hindu, Christians, Buddhist and all others, or even persons who perform crimes against me or against others, all of you should see this big picture, because I want to help make our all world a better place for us all and for your future children, even though my biological family and my fake family did everything in their evil power to prevent me of ever having my own children, which is very visible through my complaint pages, and this because who kidnapped me, stole my place, I am the son of King George VI of the UK, and that alone make them top criminals and organized crime family. I will not allow my past to cloud my judgment or my thinking, yet I am human being and as such I do make mistakes and now and then and especially while I am writing my complaint pages, I lose control over my rhetoric!


Therefore, I am gathering my thoughts for you all in this page called: The Big Picture!

End of note 6:


With this page I am trying to show a very destructive pattern of the English Royal families and their hidden relatives in USA and elsewhere.


But what is the UK?

UK is United Kingdom, which is 4 kingdoms that were forced to join forces because England waged wars against them and forced them to be under their control, therefore the word United Kingdom is very deceiving because it sounds like as if all 4 kingdoms voluntarily united, but it is far from the truth, whereby the reader can verify these facts through the written history, among others on!

What are the 4 kingdoms?

England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland (the northern part of the island Ireland), whereby Ireland was divided in to 2 parts, north and south, and the south is Republic of Ireland and is not part of the United Kingdom but part of the EU-European Union, and the northern part, the smaller part, of the island is just plainly called Ireland or North Ireland and is part of the United Kingdom, because they want to have influence on this island called Ireland!


Just like Ireland was split in to 2 countries, England has divided many countries worldwide enable they can control them, often using USA as a weapon against those who resist them, and this since a couple of centuries, because they were the ones that created the American constitution enable to have a mean to control USA, while pretending to be Americans.


I am not complaining about the UK, I am complaining about England only, and to be more precise about the English royal family (families) that today I see as the enemy of humanity, enemy of freedom, the number one danger of world peace and the wellbeing of each individual human being in the world.

What does this have to do with my complaint against kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960, causing me total amnesia enable they can enslave me under a fake family consisting of CIA+ MI6 agents mixed with various Arab royalties (originated among others from the UK) established by the English royal family such as the Baroudi, Bdeir, Malas, Abokurah, Dardiri Ahmad Ismael family and many other families, it is the pattern!

I have examined my past and tried to understand it in relation with many members of my fake families that pretend, yes pretend to be Muslim Sunni, while in the background behaving like anything else but not as Muslim, until I recognized that there are several Islam, and some of them are copycat of other Islam, just like also in Judaism there is copycat Judaism, but also in Christianity there are almost countless copycat Christian groups/religions, and therewith there is also a copycat Islam, and not one but and very unfortunately countless as highlighted below!

And these copycat religions are often misused by you, the English Royal families to blame the religion for the atrocities and destructive actions of the English royal families against me and against others as highlighted in this page.


English Royal family

(Go to Main index)

Officially I never met anyone who told me “I am member of the English Royal family”, yet I see their very evil foot prints all over my life, such as the hidden Jordanian royal family members that were surrounding me as the family of my 2 brothers-in-law in Amman Jordan from the Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah families but also their friends and relatives such as Malas, Tabaa and so on, not to forget the hidden Saudi Arabian and UAE that also pretended to be my uncles or cousins, all these and many more also in Egypt such as Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and others are hidden English royal family members, whereby it is not important anymore if some of them are 100% their relatives or not , because they 100% work for them and with them against their own population in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Egypt and other Arab countries but also in USA and in Germany, they work to enslave people and suck their life hard work dry as they did to me!


The below description will show all that and much more, and it is mainly what they used against me, to kidnap me on 10/11 January 1960 from USA to Egypt, enslave me and kidnap me gain in 1986 from Germany to USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family while using me as slave to raise one of their hidden criminal children by forcing me to believe it is my biological son, but also to prevent me to visit members of my family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Switzerland, Germany, the UK and other countries, whereby this family turned out to be my fake family and working for them and helped kidnaping me twice with their cooperation and that makes the English royal family an organized crime family that makes the Mafia looks like angels.


Who is the English royal family?


They are not only the current Queen Elizabeth II, her husband and her official children and grandchildren but rather they are the followings:

1.                They are the hidden brothers and sisters of the current queen Elizabeth II, because this is what this family and other similar families do, they mass produce children through countless hidden marriages in several countries and use these children to control UK and many other countries that are officially under their control or were officially once upon the time under their control and are still in the hidden under their control such as Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Egypt, Jordan UAE, Saudi Arabia and the list is much longer. Therefore, it will not surprise me if the current queen Elizabeth II has 200 or more brothers and sisters or half brothers and sisters, and not to mention the nephews and cousins that are produced based on the same concept

2.                Many of them are living under fake identity in the UK enable to be in the government in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland and are raised to be minister and member of the parliament, top CEO, Top generals, top controlling managing directors of Scotland Yard (Similar to the American FBI and German BKA), MI6 and other security services  and the list is endless, and since they have children in almost every country of the world, they use them in the UK and in USA for these mentioned positions, and no one will relate them to the English royal family, and therewith they always in control with force and deceive, which is usually not my business, but it became my business when they performed all these vicious crimes against me since 1960 and described within

3.                Many of them are in USA under fake identities since Independence Day of USA in 1776 and that is over 200 years, and ever since they are using USA as a weapon against their opponent and therewith they are stealing the budget of USA for their own good and benefit, whereby USA has the biggest amount of poverty in the western world, because the budget money are mainly year after year are being misused to conquer the world by the English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA instead of spending it on the well beings of the American population, and one of the best recent prove for that, is that they lowered the business tax from 35% to 20%, which has as a result massive cuts in all kind of social spending from veterans wellbeing funds to even social security

4.                The same as above in many countries that I started to notice in Germany between 1970 and until these criminals kidnapped me to USA in 1986, and it stretches to Hong Kong, Australia, Middle East, countless countries in Africa and South America and in Asia, and everywhere they are, you can see their vicious laws of forcing fear upon the population as a method of brainwash and slavery, as they did to me and to Millions of others that I saw myself in many countries, here is one: the courts of Singapore punish their people by whipping them with sticks or other tools, see Wikipedia under “Caning in Singapore” (, to cutting the hands of people in Saudi Arabia or even cutting their heads off, which then will make Europeans look better than and more merciful than God which is absolutely impossible, and this because the Saudi Laws are allegedly based on God’s will, yet the Europeans consider these methods barbaric and they are.


In this page I will try my best to lay down what they did to me and what they used and show the pattern of their doings.


But first and to understand the severity of the problems that the English royal families have caused me and the world here are information that you can verify yourself:

Slavery in USA is a very big business even today in July 2020, among others for Black Skinned people that are suffering most in USA, yet they are a very small percentage of the current slavery in USA, some of the favorite slavery professions in USA are the followings:

1.                Soldiers. If everyone is educated and have a profession, then no one will ever go to the military, and there with the controlling families have no one they can use to kill others enable they can steal their natural resources and lands, which is common for them since centuries such as killed countless American natives called Red Indians, because they are always in the sun, their skin is most of the time red, but also native in Canada, Australia, Sri Lanka, China, real Arabs and many others

2.                Small time crocks to sell for the controlling family’s huge amount of illegal drugs revenue over 300 Billion yearly revenue alone in USA, and most probably over 500 Billion in Europe, which makes is more than over 2-3 Trillion US Dollar illegal drugs yearly revenue worldwide

3.                Small time crocks that they always use them in mass as needed such as to disperse peaceful demonstrations, by sending these gangs to make some destructions to give the police a reason to attack the demonstration, and I saw that not only in USA, but also in Germany and also in Egypt

4.                Farming, farming is big in USA, yet if the farmers pays 8-15 Dollars an hour for the workers during the harvest, then they cannot compete with other countries, therefore they need cheap labor, and if you are illegal alien or even a local native and honest and do not want to commit crimes to get money, and you cannot find a job, then you will accept slavery jobs during harvest at one of the countless slavery farms in USA that pays somewhere from I Dollar per day to 20 Dollars per day for a 10-14 hours working day


Who is responsible for all these slaveries that exist even today in 2020?


The English royalties have integrated this system since over 200 years ago in USA and in other countries in the Americas but also in Europe and in Asia, which is almost eradicated in Europe, yet not in USA and most probably also not in Canada and Australia, and most definitely not in their hidden countries the so-called Arab petroleum countries


For more info see Atlantic slave trade:


Professor Patrick Manning is world renowned in world history and is also professor of World History, Emeritus, at the University of Pittsburgh:, He suggests that about 12 million slaves entered the Atlantic trade between the 16th and 19th century, and about 1.5 million died on board the ships. About 10.5 (Others suggest it was even up to 25 Million) million slaves arrived in the Americas. Mainly through the English royalties!


At least now you know what we are dealing with and what I am talking about!


UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit

(Go to Main index)

UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit. These are 5 different subjects, yet all are very heavily related and interconnected like a web. Which is a very strong part of mass brainwash. But also, some of them are the cause of others while others are a reaction of their actions, which will also be clear through this page. I will start with the easy one, which is Nazis!









EU and Brexit



(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit)

As it was mentioned in other pages, especially in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 & -Part-2, there are also hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 in my fake family mixed with royalties that are also originated from the English royal family. I may have been wrong by the one or another, but most definitely not by all. And this mixed up, is not only due to all the brainwash and persecution against my person, but also due to the facts that the English Royal family is heavily related by many marriages with the ex-German royal family alias the current German controlling families alias the ex-Nazis to regain their country that they systematically lost during and after the First and the second World Wars. And I will leave it at that for now, but also one of the specialties of the English royal family is to create a lot of situations as confusion to prevent the victims to see through the deceive they perform against them, for example I was kidnapped from somewhere that I am guessing it to be USA, then took me for a couple of days to Damascus, Syria, falsified my identity and took me as a decoy son and brother with a fake mother and 2 fake sisters to Cairo Egypt, then in 10.10.1969 took me to Germany after setting me up to be related to multi-crimes from fake currency to terrorism, to Nazis, to illegal drugs, to look like as if I am a member of the ex-Soviet Union agents family, all this to give the CIA + MI6 the upper hand over my life instead of the German government where I was forced to apply for political asylum and kept enslaved for 7 years under an English woman, that today I have no doubt what so ever she is from the English royal family and named Anita Disbray, this evil woman had telepathy, controlled me with it, isolated me by force and destroyed any friendship that I ever made from August 1970 and until 1976, then set me up to become Christian as a multi-purpose on the one side to give my fake family that are related to the English royal family a reason to persecute me under the flag of Islam because I allegedly became Christian, but also to force me to read the bible, also for a multipurpose, and one of them to force me to think that what my evil fake family did to me, is because they are Jewish pretending to be Muslims as distraction of the English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA and Germany. All this and many more is creating confusion in a person’s life, and I must admit, the English royal family is very efficient in creating huge confusion as a part of mass brainwash (see Brexit as the best recent example of this evil deceive and brainwash method) in the life of people as they did against the Palestinians since 1948 and before them the Indians also around the same time by splitting India in Muslim and None Muslim, and now and since 2016 creating lies and confusion through Brexit. Back to the Nazis, they also created a mass confusion and misused the Jewish for it!


Why I may be wrong by the one or another point but not by the others?


Because no one is coming up to me and telling me: I am or we are sorry, we kidnapped you, we caused you total amnesia, we placed you in a fake family consisting of CIA + MI6 agents, we enslaved you, we raped you and we repeated the process over and over again because…..


Also, because some nasty persons with telepathies force other persons to perform destructive actions against me, but I cannot see that, however I suspect it, yet I blame only what I see and can prove as described within!


Therefore, I must rely on the facts of what they did to me, when they did it to me, and what benefit they have of all these atrocities against me. And since I am not a perfect human being, I can make a mistake here and there, but these mistakes are less than 20-30%, in matter of fact I strongly believe it is less than 10% error!


Except that the Nazis (the ex-German royalties related to English royal family), were most probably killing Jewish as a hidden act based on the actions of the English royal family and the first world war, and this page shows the possibility of that. I cannot prove it, it is only a logical conclusion based on the English and the ex-German royal families, vicious actions in the history that stretches until today worldwide, except now there is no Nazis in power, some pretend to be to get their votes as the current American president Donald Trump doing since 2016 and until now in the year 2020 and in USA !


But also, I kept on asking myself, why do the English royal families and the ex-German royal families (alias ex-Nazis) hated Jewish so much that they gathered them and killed them very viciously during the second world war, and I believe to have found the answer as laid out in this page and not as they claim it to be, which is partially verifiable!



(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit)

In this page the words “UK” is the wrong expression, it is ER-English Royalties, and within I will be using ER instead of UK. And the reason I am using ER instead of UK, because the other 3 kingdoms Wales, Scotland and Ireland has either no direct connection with atrocities performed against me since 1960 or they were forced by the ER, yet I was severely brainwashed to believe that the ex-IRA were working with members of my fake family, among others because these evil CIA + MI6 brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray that has a sister married to an Irish man living in Belfast, and as they used to say “All northern Irish are members of the IRA”. The IRA-Irish Republican Army that was publicized by the UK government as a terrorist group while in reality they were fighting for their own freedom. And this, just as the UK also did the same with many other countries, such as the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, where they also, publicized it as a terrorist groups and saying all Palestinians are members of PLO and therewith, they categorized an entire nation as a terrorist groups just as they are doing right now with Afghanistan, Iran, Syrian, Yemen and others just because they were fighting for their own freedom, yet they hide their involvements and blame it on others such as on Saudi Arabia that is 100% controlled by them, because they created it, first through the organization called “The league of Nations” (later in 1945 was replaced with UNO-United Nation Organizations, and there with the original planned and performed division of the so called Arab countries was covered up) that was created after the first World War (by the predecessor of UNO called League of Nations), then reaffirmed it through the UNO-United Nations Organization that was established after the second world war and as a replacement of the “League of Nations” and to wipe the tracks of what the “League of Nations” real purpose was, which was to falsify history, which they did, among others about the Saudi Arabian fake history, just to enslave people and blame it on Islam-Sunni as distraction of their selves!!


The ER, think of their selves as Gods of this world and that everyone should submit to them after the motto: my way or the highway, whereby the highway often means millions of being forced to be refugees in other strange countries and are willing to do anything to escape the status of being refugees as they did to me for over 50 years, where then they are systematically enslaved as they did to me for over 55 Years from 10/11 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016, and I was not able to do anything about it until I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016!


The ER is not the Queen Elizabeth II + her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and their joint handful of children. No, it is their hidden children and hidden relatives, that today I cannot estimate how many they are, yet I can say they are a double-digit of Millions all over the world, which is going to be very clear through this page.


I really do not need a corrupt family like that to govern me, just because a hand full of them has telepathy, which went into their heads as if they are Gods, then and with their power that they built through force of fear and destruction, they took all the free lands that they can get their hands on and proclaimed it theirs, but can they claim that the moon is theirs or the air we breathe?


Who knows maybe one day we will be buying air/oxygen in bottles, and if someone has no money, then he/she will die, and if this would ever come to happen, then only through the ER?


And this cannot be permitted to happen, because they are doing that already right now and since centuries not with air but with the land that was given to all of us for free by God or if you prefer by Nature yet Millions of people are being constantly forced to leave their land because they are stealing it as they doing it in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and many other countries and before that Palestine, Millions of Palestinians and since 1948 are refugees all over the world because their land was stolen by the evil English royal family to create a never ending conflict as a mean of mass brainwash and to have something they can blame all the miseries that the Arabs have, not only Palestinians but over 150 Million Arabs are suffering through these criminals and today from Syria to Yemen and from Iran to Afghanistan, not to forget Egypt the biggest Arab country by population yet they are suffering the most by these criminals as you will see the reason that they kidnapped me for on 10/11 January 1960, which was and still is a very mean mass slavery brainwash in Egypt until today!


These Millions of hidden ER, are causing all the troubles we have in our world since at least 5 centuries ago, which will also be visible in this page and is very much verifiable today through the current events in the last a few years and until current.


I know I am related to them, directly or indirectly, and I am very ashamed of that, because I cannot be proud of them for kidnapping thousands of children from all over the world, then lying, stealing, killing and repeating the process over and over again since over 500 years and until current in 2019, I think they have a brain disease  called: Greed, Power for Control, which makes them anti-United States of America, anti-European Union and in general anti-humanity. And this is a severe sickness that they do not know how to heal their selves from, and someone must, and with this page I am taking the first peaceful step, hoping that many will follow my peaceful steps with much more peaceful steps, yet direct to the point!


The ER are not always white, blond, and blue eyes or in public eyes, they are hidden and mixed with Pakistanis, Chinese, Germans, Russians, Indians, Sri Lankans, Argentines Africans as well as mixed with the obvious ones such as Canadians, Australians, Singaporeans, Americans, Germans, Hong Kongese, Jordanians, Saudi Arabians, UAE and many others. Therefore, they have a variation of look, above all they have a variation and very destructive deceiving behaviors, and the reason I know that is because I saw it firsthand alone through the Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Mufleh, Kheir, Khayat, Tabaa and other families in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon that I saw it stretches (but I was not there) to Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Yemen, that were 100% set by them and are related to them, because they are working on the same schemes that the ER are working together with them on, which is going to be clear in this page.


The ER stole my life and everything in it, from family, friends, home, money to relation to home, to professions and many more using their very destructive networking all over the world, also in USA, the Netherlands and Germany, and that alone makes them thieves equaling to a bitty thieves that attack a person, drug him/her, rape him, steal his life away and leave him for dead for their other thieves to steal the rest, which also going to be very clear in this page!



(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit)

The ER are the biggest network in USA, they control most of the Republican party, but also a large amount of the Democratic party. And since USA is limited by 2 political parties, then there is no choice but to choose one of their 2 parties that and mostly are almost equally corrupt and the best prove of that is the following:

1.                I was brainwashed, enslaved and kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986 through the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6, and since they used the project Calypso that was based on American satellites, then the American government, American military and The White House knew about me being brainwashed, enslaved and kidnapped in 1986 to USA and helped covering it up=the American government performed a sever crime against an innocent person and I have many proves for that

2.                They set on me the FBI as distraction of all the above and to force me to think that I am being persecuted by the FBI because I am allegedly originated from the Ex-Soviet Union, other times to because I am allegedly connected to terrorism, in other words they were using the same brainwash scheme as they used against me in Germany since 1970 and until they kidnapped me from Germany in 1986

3.                I was forced to be locked up in USA from September 1986 to 10 February 2001 as an illegal alien!

4.                During which the ex-USA president Ronald (evil) Reagan (republican), I was not freed but rather locked up more securely

5.                During which the ex-USA president George H. W. (evil) Bush (republican) that had at least 2-3 persons related to him personally in the church where I was setup to become Christian in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany and in January 1976 to 1977 during which he was CIA director in that period, then he arranged it, which makes him a criminal

6.                During which ex-USA president Bill Clinton (Democrat) was 2 terms president, meaning 8 years, yet he did nothing to free me, except rearrange the role of the FBI in my life and was trying to use me against his opponents the Bush family where the republican and mainly George H. W. Bush was not able to get over it that he lost the elections to Bill Clinton in 1992

7.                During which the ex-USA president George W. (evil) Bush (republican), was 2 terms president, meaning 8 years during which he made sure that I was locked up and prevented to think to not endanger his first election, where I started to complain in April 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA that I was kidnapped by the CIA even to the evil deportation judge, yet I was locked up since July 2000, I have no doubt what so ever that this evil president was a crook and owned a fake investing company in around 1991/1992 called Cherry Energy in the city called The Woodlands, just 10 miles north of Houston, Texas, USA, or 50 miles from the center of Houston, where I was setup to go to this company for work, and I was doing a good job and on my 2nd day I already sold at least to 3 customers, yet and for no reasons what so ever they fired me on the spot and did not pay me my share of the 3 sales, and I am guessing that the Bush family recognized I am working for Cherry Energy, that was a crook company collecting investments for a so called pocket petroleum, and were collecting these investments mainly from retired old people, with minimum 2000 US Dollars investment and with no maximum US Dollar investments, and then a few months later filed for bankruptcies, and I received a letter of their attorney, even though I was fired several months earlier, and their attorney was forbidding me to cooperate or speak or answer questions of the Houston or Texas public prosecutor or any other person otherwise I will be sued by this attorney, very unfortunately the CIA and FBI stole all my belonging including this letter in the year 2000, and I do not remember the name of this stupid attorney that was trying to scare me with this letter. If it was George W. Bush the owner of this company called Cherry Energy in The Woodlands, I am not positive, yet everything in my past says a big “YES”, especially that his official father George H. W. Bush was in similar business prior to becoming president, meaning he learned the same crooked con business of his father that learned it most probably of the hidden English royalties in USA that owns massive amount of petroleum and weapon manufacturing in USA and elsewhere!

8.                As the result of all of the above, I was re-brainwashed starting July 1998 and through the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium and Fluor Daniel in Sugar Land and Houston, Texas as preparation to separate me of my fake son, and then in September 1999 I was forced out of my housing and forced to live in a motel as a part of the re-brainwash to deport me to the Netherlands by using severe scare tactics and telepathy that alone scared the life out of me and I just wanted to run away of the telepathy attacks, that partially forced me to place diesel in a gasoline car, which is practically impossible, and this one of hundreds if not thousands of other telepathy attacks that were always there in my life but I did not recognize them as telepathy until they started to perform severe attacks on me while forcing me to recognize it is telepathy and not hallucination. Who knows, maybe the Bush family are related to Netherlands, then that would explain why the evil Dutch immigration mistreated me and locked me up until the criminals Bush family members are not in the government any more, which was gradually from 2008 and until I was able to escape these vicious destructive networking attacks as well as telepathy attacks and relocate to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, Dutch government and the many embassies in this city, yet the telepathy attacks did not 100% stop, but rather by 80%, and the 20% is causing me severe life problems and as a side effect also severe health problems, among others by forcing me to purchase a huge amount of alcohol, to prevent me to throw them away as I have been doing repeatedly since the year 2008, and lost thousands of Euros alone through throwing away the forced upon me alcohol. The last huge attack to force me to purchase a huge amount of alcohol in a short period of time (1-2 months) after I throw away around 300 Euro worth of alcohol down the kitchen sink, was in September 2019, where then in October I tried to get rid of them, they were over 400 bottles mixed of alcohol drinks, which causes me severe problems!


Through the above and other situation I recognized that the evil ER usually train persons since childhood how to be crook and con-persons while teaching them to create a small tiny business to show as if this person has experience in business and economy such as the 2 Bush ex-presidents had allegedly experience in petroleum, they also lie about their incomes and hide the facts, which is the absolute same schemes that has been used by most republicans which is visible today with the current US-president Donald Trump.


And therewith I end this section with the ER cunning the world with Donald Trump, and the best is to list the highlight. The below points are all just about the current US-president Donald Trump and in comparison, and are only a small portion of many other facts that 100% point to that they own Donald Trump, and here I just want to show the pattern, to my life:

1.                  He is married to 3 women, 2 of which are originated from the ex-Soviet Union countries, which are:

1.1.                 Ivana Marie Zelníčková (married 1977; divorced 1992) from former Czechoslovakia alias ex-Soviet Union member, that in 1992 was split into 2 countries: Czech Republic and Slovakia

1.2.                 Marla Maples (married 1993; divorced 1999), show business = ER. ER have a huge chunk of Hollywood and other media, which is very important to influence the people through news, newspapers, magazines, TV, movies and the list goes on and on. And that is why they are furious about the Internet that they cannot control and trying hard to find ways to control the media by among others and in the hidden attacking major internet information providers such as social media, including, which is possibly the reason that google has changed the concept of their company by creating a new company called Alphabet!

1.3.                 Melania Knauss (married 2005, yet to be divorced), Slovenia, was part of the former Yugoslavia alias ex-Soviet Union member, that split several times since 1993, currently and since 2008, these split countries are: Slovenia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Serb Republic, Bosnia-Croat, Kosovo, Croatia

1.4.                 In 2005 I guess 0.the ER decided to use their strong connections of the ex-Soviet Union alias the current Russian Federation and reinforce it as distraction of the ER by getting him married or enslaved under Melania Knauss alias Melania Trump

2.                  Most of his businesses are relied on hidden partners and investments of others, mainly from ER in the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman and others that are 100% controlled by ER. It would not surprise me if some of these hidden investments that he receives are money laundering through illegal drugs from Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and other countries and that would explain why he killed the Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as mentioned within this page

3.                  2016 MI6, alias the ER long hand, came up with the Russian poisoning scheme as attention and preparation for Donald Trump distraction of the ER

4.                  2016, MI6 report to the CIA and the US government that Donald Trump has illegal connections with Russian Federations and the president Vladimir Putin as distraction of ER while nothing is provable except rhetoric’s through media that is often owned or controlled by the ER, among others through their brainwash organization the Freemasons and CNN

5.                  The ER media, such as CNN, is most definitely helping Donald Trump, while pretending to be against him, one of these helps are the advertisement of his golf courses by using repeated and very large advertisement campaign over how to improve your golfing capabilities, and hereby it is not necessary to use Donald Trump golf courses, but through the repeated indirect media advertisement that he has many golf course, this will animate countless people to go to his golf course, just to say I played golf in the presidents golf course, which is an additional side free advertisement, not to mention the other advertisements that he directly makes in the media over his hotels. Whereby I see him only as a Stroman for illegal investments and money laundering because his intelligence is lacking in the same way as my intelligence was lacking through hidden telepathy slavery, because it takes a hidden slave to recognize another hidden slave, and Donald Trump is 100% a hidden slave!!

6.                  US News media report of the alleged 2006 alleged Russian interference with the fake American democracy and election. Fake democracy because if they enslave one person, then it is not democracy anymore but rather slavery, and I was forced to live in USA as a slave and an illegal alien against my will, to cover up for the slavery, for 15 years, during which I was able to recognize a very hidden and destructive scheme of mass slavery in USA, which I might layout at a later time

7.                  US news media report the alleged Russian interference with many European countries, as confirmation of the American election interference by the alleged Russians

8.                  Russians play along with all these schemes to coverup for their best business partners and allies and relatives since centuries, which are the ER, that and most probably both are in the same network through family marriage relations and through the so called “Freemason” (in addition to be related by marriage) that was created by ER allegedly 500 years ago to entertain the king, but today and in reality it is a very destructive brainwash international organization, also in Russia. And this organization played several times a big role in kidnapping me in January 1960 through two of their members named Dardiri Hamad Ismael and Saieed Alumary and again in 1970 in enslaving me by the CIA and MI6 in the American military base called McGraw kaserne starting March 1970 and also in setting me up to become Christian and later to be re-brainwashed, enslaved again and kidnapped in 1986 from Germany to USA to be locked up as an illegal alien to use me to blackmail my biological family, which is typical ER daily business!

9.                  After 2016 MI6, refreshes the alleged suspicion of Donald Trump + Vladimir Putin hidden cooperation, which really would mean treason, if it was true, and it is true but not with Russia rather with the ER

10.             MI6, the same MI6 that worked on kidnapping me in 1960, and the same MI6 that worked in cooperation with the Freemasons in 1970 on re-brainwashing me and enslaving me under their CIA whore agent named Anita Disbray. The same MI6 that worked with the CIA and BP-British Petroleum, my fake family and the German government in 1984-1986 on re-brainwashing me and enslaving me under their joint whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapping me from Germany to USA to be locked up as an illegal alien for 15 years while using me to blackmail my biological family. The same MI6 that worked on locking me up for additional nearly 15 years and the in the Netherlands and the UK as cover up for the evil Bush family and my fake family and later manipulating my life very destructively until 1 March 2016

11.             The same MI6 that worked on preventing me to ever go back to Egypt to not see my twin that took over my place but also to not see the other fake family members that pretended to have left Egypt to prevent me of want to visit them in Egypt

12.             The same MI6 and CIA that used me as a multi-purpose decoy for their agents since 1960 while implicating me with Nazis, PLO terrorism, IRA terrorism, drug lords and Mafia like families as distraction of the evil hidden members of the ER that pretended to be my fake family since 10/11 January 1960

13.             The same evil MI6 and CIA that conspired to separate me by force of the woman I very much loved and wanted to marry and named Adelheid Kuczka in Munich, Germany. And later forced me to write wrong things about her and to complain about her and blame her for everything that these evil 3 institutions did to me between December 1983 and 1 March 2016 to prevent me to try to see her again or even marry her to keep me away by force from Germany as protection for their very nasty and criminal agents that pretended to be members of my fake family but are members of the ER and goes a lot to Germany, while many of them have several additional residence in Germany because they also have many business interest in Germany, legal and illegal ones

14.             The same CIA + MI6 + the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum that dragged me in July 1998 to the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium in Houston, Texas to re-brainwash me and link me to Russians and Jewish by force of brainwash that started in 1980s and in particular in December 1983 as described in the pages BP-British petroleum-Part-1 & -Part-2

15.             The same MI6 and CIA that are now and since the year 2016 trying to link Donald Trump by force to Russia and Jewish and Israel as distraction of ER, during which they are performing more severe damages to Jewish, Israel and Palestinian than any one can imagine

16.             The same MI6 + CIA + ER and their very good and hidden connections to Russians to link Syria to Russians and not to ER, because they were also the ones that gave the Syrian government American satellite computer technologies between 1983 and at least 1986 through the project Calypso as mentioned in BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to control the Syrian population. Now why would ER, UK + USA give Syria this technology if they are against USA and UK and with the Iranians and Russians, don’t you think that Russia is very will capable to control the population of at that time small and insignificant country called Syria that had at that time under 9 Million population, whereby the Ex-Soviet Union was controlling nearly 300 Million during the same period of time (that started in 1920) and until 1991 and until the fall of the ex-Soviet Union = they are all lairs, because they are all coordinating their lies and covering up for each other’s. Don’t take my word for it, the ex-Soviet Union was one of the biggest importers from USA and Europe and now it has not changed their relation, it even became very wider partnerships from Space station to Food, to Technologies, to Energy, to thousands of Americans and ER that are heavy investors in the Russian federation, which started in 1990s. where the UK, ER and USA were heavily promoting investment in former Soviet Union and East Germany that the US government were matching either each or maximum of 100,000 (Hundred Thousand) US Dollars investment in these countries and were advertising about it, and this is where I saw it. In other words, if I was free at that time and had 100,000 US Dollars and were willing to invest it in Russia or East Germany, then the American government would have granted me additional 100,000 US Dollars. In short and based on the below information, the controlling families in Russia and the controlling families in USA and Europe were closely working together at least since first world war and second world war, on top of that the Russian controlling families (=ex-Russian royalties are heavily related to the English royalties) anything else is a lie. On top of that, the Americans and ER were investing since 1990 very heavily in the east part of Germany alias the former DDR, and their work is very visible today, the East Germans in in the year 2019 feel as second class people, just like USA and the UK, and are far right or far left and are going to cause problems to Germany because among others of the Brexit and because the ER envy the largest European economy, which is Germany!

17.             Telepathy, hidden slavery and Donald Trump. This part is complicated for those without telepathy and/or for those who do not want to believe that telepathy exist, which is the majority of the world except some Christians, due to the New Testament is all about freedom of telepathy and some other religions or group of people that I do not know think equally, yet they know of the existence of telepathy. And that is why the Bible and in particular the new Testament is laying telepathy out in details what is telepathy and who use it and what they can do with it and since the New Testament has been adjusted countless times by hundreds or even thousands of priests, they have described it better than me, because they are describing it based on the repeated discoveries of many hundreds or even thousands of priests/pastors, and they adjust the bible every a few decades under the pretention, that there was mistakes in previous translation of the old and partially dead languages, such as Hebrew, that was reanimated (meaning brought to life again) in Israel since 1948/49

18.             What does telepathy have to-do with Donald Trump? I strongly believe that the current US-president Donald Trump is a hidden slave as I was, by controlling him with telepathy. The pattern of controlling a high positioned person with telepathy is solid. A person with telepathy would do anything to coverup his/her identity, and among others, he/she would not want to be tight up as top public figure such as a president of USA, or queen of England, where he/she cannot go where he wants and when he wants or without 100 body guards. Therefore, I strongly believe that those around Donald Trump have telepathy and they helped him to become US president and to choose them as his cabinet while always standing around him pretending to be taken an order from him, in reality they are forcing him to every main action he takes. And the best prove of that is not one but countless, starting by Donald Trump  is a crook and a conman and lies to hides his taxes to cover up his real income that is mainly investments through others (ER) to make him look as a good business man, just as they also did with many before him, and as recent as the 2 Bush presidents and their fake family members. It takes a long time to train a person for hidden slavery, and it takes even much longer to prepare him for a position like US president. But also, he is erratic, a person with telepathy is not erratic, because of one major fact, which is: no one can manipulate his thoughts with telepathy (except God), and therewith can think much clearer than Donald Trump, but also the enemies of his group, find loopholes where they can force Donald Trump to certain actions or even just to say nasty words to make him look bad. It is always the same behavior and strategies as they did to me since 1960=Donald Trump is 100% a hidden slave and is being used, most probably his wife and/or one or more persons of his children have telepathy to be close to him enable to control him and to prevent others of controlling him. On top of that I have recognized a few of his cabinet members as related to bad people I know, either through their looks, their behavior, their rhetoric  or a combination, and one of these persons I strongly suspect to be the son or grandson of a major Nazi figure from the second World War, on the other side he could be related to ER because the ER-English Royalties are heavily related to Nazis from the second World War. This point maybe should have been split into smaller points, yet they are all related, and I leave it at that!

19.             Not to forget that Donald Trump helped the ER by vetoing the forbid of selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, and therewith USA is selling massive number of weapons to kill anyone that opposes the ER that are using Saudi Arabia as a proxy to enslave others such as Yemen, but also Egypt and many countries in Africa. Where they go to Africa and claim to be Muslims from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain or Kuwait, just as the members of my fake family did go to Egypt in 1960 and claimed to be Syrian, which was either not verifiable at that time or most difficult to verify. Today we have internet!

20.             Not to forget that the Donald Trump is helping the ER to sign out of the agreement with Iran because the ER still doing one of two things: Number-1: Still trying to get Iran back since they lost their puppet the Shah of Iran in 1979. Number-2: using Iran as a major drug farm just as they used many before it by pretending to have war with them, such as Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Philippine, Thailand, Vietnam as well as several countries in South America, and that would explain the killing of the Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, maybe he was becoming too strong and wanted to avoid that he get independent in the drug business. Illegal drug business is very, very large business and above all it is very, very hidden business among others it is always covered up by conflicts and pretending to be enemies, it is the pattern. The yearly revenue of illegal drug business is far over one Trillion US Dollars worldwide, alone in USA it is over 200 billion, probably much more than that in Europe. Illegal drug business is very important for mass slavery and forcing people to be afraid of being discovered as users, just like tobacco and alcohol, they are all tools of slavery

21.             Not to forget that Donald Trump is covering up for the tax cut he made for large companies from 35 to 20%, by forcing tariffs upon the Chinese in a very rude, bad  and destructive manner for the entire world, while the ER is helping him by creating a huge up rise in Hong Kong through their hidden children and grandchildren and great grant children in Hong Kong that they created in the last several hundred years and in particular during the period where they had Hong Kong under their control for 99 years that ended in 1997, whereby the ER were ruling Hong Kong all in all for over 155 years and in China since over 500 years. Not to forget the Coronavirus, that today in January 2020 is totally isolating China and performing a severe economic damage to it, where many airlines stopped going there, many non-chines businesses closed their offices and left and the list goes on and on, not to forget all the expenses that the Chinese have to carry in fighting this virus, which leads me to conclude that the Coronavirus was a part of the ER-Trump trade war against China, just as they doing with Huawei and claim because they have strong connection with the Chinese government, in reality they are jealous that the Chinese have better and cheaper 5G technology than them and therewith they want to protect their companies such as Apple that cannot match up with the Huawei mobile phone and the list goes on and on, which can cause World War 3

22.             Not to forget that Donald Trump was forcing new Tariffs upon the EU members just like the evil George W. Bush also did, yet in both case they had to track down/back, but this time it is in combination with the Brexit, and the Brexit is 100% in the interest of the ER and their evil hidden relatives in USA, Canada, Australia and so on

23.             Not to forget that ER noticed that they are not successful in breaking the EU from within since they became members in 1973, and I strongly believe they became members just to break the EU from the inside out, and now they are trying a new strategy, which is Brexit to help hidden US companies to succeed against the EU, whereby it is very easy to beat the EU, they just have to work and do business honestly and in the interest of the consumers and the general public, then everything will go right in place of success, but what can I say, they are used since centuries to lie, con, wage wars and KAS-Kill and Steal!

24.             And the list goes on and on, in short never to trust MI6 or CIA, because both are 100% working for the wellbeing of the ER and the destruction of individual freedom of every single American and every single British, and everyone else and the prove for that is not only what is above, but also Brexit as highlighted below under “EU and Brexit”, Brexit meaning forcing the British back to isolation and under the control of the ER, anything else is a lie!


The below information is just confirmation to the above information, while also the above information confirms the below information!


On top of the above, the US constitution is a joke, and is the laugh of the world, because they take a slavery constitution that did not work for the last 230 years and praise it as the best they have or even the best in the world, which is far from reality.


The US constitution is 230 years old, yet here is a small incident, one out of Millions (thousands out of my own life  that I have seen in USA during my 15 years forced upon me) slavery behavior in USA: I was setup to get a job by a company called Gulf Systems. It was supposedly 30-50 men company, yet I saw mainly 1 person for around 10 weeks and twice in the same 10 weeks the alleged owner and his secretary. I strongly suspect this company to be one of two: Possibility-1: it was a fake company created by the FBI to study me because the CIA was preventing them to come close to me. Possibility-2: it was semi-fake company, and it was a setup through either BP-British Petroleum that kidnapped me in the first of all from Germany to USA, or it was from ARAMCO, where they want to see the result of brainwashing me in Connecticut, where they 100% enslaved me and forced my mind to forget my past. I was kidnapped from Germany to Bridgeport, Connecticut in September 1986, during which they totally destroyed my logic and forced my mind to accept that I am a slave under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that had at least 2 lookalike and one of them was Saudi Arabian, and in Connecticut they, and very unfortunately, they succeeded in enslaving my brain and on 15 December 1990 I was forced to relocate to Houston Texas, where these criminal petroleum companies (BP-British Petroleum + their hidden relatives ARAMCO + EXXON and Chevron that are owned by the hidden English royalties the Rockefeller family) are in total control  then I immediately get this job at the company Gulf Systems. and I guess it was FBI setup, because they repeatedly performed similar setups against me in Connecticut, while with this particular setup other things happened, such as setting me up to lose this job, which pointed out to me today it was the FBI. Long explanation.  I started working there on 1 January 1991, immediately after the forced upon me relocation on 15 December 1990 from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Houston, Texas as a major part of ending this part of the brainwash by forcing me to go to another town and start all over again while being busy again with building a new life to force me to forget what they did to me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, while in Bridgeport Connecticut they performed similar strategy to force me to forget what these criminals did to me in Germany between 1983 and 1986 and then kidnapped me to USA. The Gulf System company was in the city named Humble just a few miles north-east of Houston, Texas, but 35 miles from where I was forced to live in south-west Houston in the city section called Alief, and just on the edge of Houston and close to the city Sugar Land. The company was in a small standalone one floor building, that used to be a bank with drive through that went bankrupt.  The man I was always seeing I believe his name was Randy something. They allegedly specialized in selling straps for trucks, also petroleum trucks, yet I never so any products. They claimed to have another 3-5 branches in other cities in Texas, but I do not know if this is true. I worked there as Software developer using FoxBASE and FoxPro. To the point, one day after finishing work, my secondhand, or better said 20th hand car would not start, and Randy was willing to go out of his way and drive me 35 miles to my forced upon me housing in southwest Houston, Texas in an apartment complex named Stancliff Park apartments on 10350 Lands’ End Drive. We took the ring highway called Sam Houston Tollway, where we have to pay toll every while, and at one of these tollbooths in the middle of the highway, there was an Afro-American young lady collecting the toll. Suddenly Randy started to press the gas pedal of his diesel truck very heavily while we are stopping and waiting for this Afro-American cashier to give him back his change which caused/forced a very large cloud of his exhaust pipe to come out and go into the tollbooth where the young Afro-American lady is still busy with the change for his money , and she started coughing, our windows were closed and therewith I did not feel the effect, but I saw it, and I asked him why are doing this, he said F… her, let her die, she is not supposed to be in the US!


So much for the 230 years old constitution and that all men are equal. I never forgot that, and I really felt awful for a couple of days about it, I bet that this young lady, and her colleagues have lung cancer at a very young age due to this nasty destructive job and many like it in USA, and this was the smallest nasty incident that I saw in USA!


The ER always innovate in slavery and in particular in hidden slavery, because it cost them time to create a hidden slave for a particular job, such as US president, so they came up with a new strategy, and this strategy they have been using for centuries, but not so publicly. It is based on the strategy the son of a king is going to be a king, a son of a good and well trained soldier is going to be a good and well trained soldier, and the son of a carpenter is going to be a carpenter, and the son or daughter of an actor or actress will become an actor or actress, in other words, they use their hidden slave to train his children to be the same=a hidden slave while is not aware that he/she is preparing their child for hidden slavery, in this case they train since birth a person to become a president of USA, and use his family to be also equally trained to be the family of the president, and now several family members are going to be in the government or even presidents, which is visible by the Bush family (2 x president + 1 x governor), the Clinton family and now the Trump family, many of the hidden slave Donald Trump’s family  are being today already trained to take one higher job or another in the US government to continue the destruction of USA through hidden slavery. I believe at least 3 to 4 persons of the trump family are already preparing for one of these higher positions, including the male and female children of Donald Trump as well as his son-in-law.


USA might not be the richest country in the world as they are claiming, I believe the EU or Russia is the richest countries in the world, or even China and India are the richest countries, and not necessarily by money but rather by either well educated and informed population or a huge amount of population and that when managed well, it can turn to endless wealth, which is very visible in China and India that are not yet fully developed to full capacity, but they are going to be within the next 10-30 years. Yet and at the moment USA has a very large budget for 2019 it is  4.407 Trillion US Dollar, that is Million multiplied by Million then multiplied by 4.407 = 4 407 000 000 000 US Dollar or 4.407 Trillion US Dollar, however the income of the federal US government for the same year 2019 is 3,422 Trillion US Dollar, this mean the Federal US government will take a loan from the banks of nearly 1 Trillion US Dollar, which equals one third of their income and added to the current debt that the US federal government already have, as a result, next year there will not be enough money for the budget, because the US federal government will be paying the yearly loan payment back to the banks. The Intergovernmental US National debt is currently as of 2019 23 trillion US Dollar, which equals almost 6 years budget. I do not know how much interest the US government is paying for this amount of debt, yet it is definitely not pennies, but rather billions every single year and it continue to rise. Here is a small history of the US Budget since kidnapping me from Germany to USA:

1.                1789 to 1849 the US budget was ran a surplus of $70 million, with $1.16 billion in revenue and $1.09 billion in spending (

2.                1987: $ 0.8 trillion = income info unknown to me

3.                1996: $ 1.6 trillion = income $ 1.45 trillion + borrow $ 0.107 trillion

4.                2019: $ 4.4 Trillion = income 3.4 trillion + to borrow $ 1 trillion = $ 4.4 Trillion


This mean there is not enough money for the veteran, for infrastructure such as roads, where the quality of the average roads in USA is really below world average, at least when comparing it to Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia or even Brazil. I recall seeing holes of 20 and more centimeters on highways around New York city and other major cities. But also, there is no enough money for other social sectors, such as health, elderly care, orphans, handicap persons, education enable to be able to compete internationally, where USA and since years is lacking behind the world average education, see the link (, and the list go on and on. I believe the bad education in USA is planned to be bad to keep people under control, when people need to borrow money, then they are always under control!


By this huge government incomes/revenues of over 3 trillion, yet it is not enough, they started to take one Billion US Dollar credit from the banks and now they take one Trillion at a time and in a couple of years’ times, they will start to take 5 Trillion credit.


What does that mean?


It means the tax payer is being screwed and every major conman and crook in the world would want to have his hands on a few Billions of this huge amount of budget, as a result, each one blackmail the other enable to get a piece of the pie, which results in selling toilet paper to the government or military for 35 US Dollar a roll, which happened already in 1990s, or pay for military food, clothing, electronics and others products 10  times the regular price instead getting a huge discount because the huge quantity ordered by the military, with the reasoning, it is special manufacturing for the military and it can last longer, and there with the military  was paying 15 Thousand US Dollars for a laptop, instead of 800 to 2000 US Dollars. Now they are more sophisticated on how to steal as much money of the budget as they can and as a result they cut the budgets for education, for veterans, for elderly and the list is endless, which will simultaneously tighten the mass hidden slavery and that is why the UK + USA are absolutely no match for the EU, which treat their people 100 times better than these 2 countries do, and this even the EU-European Union is by far not perfect, but it is on the right track to be towards the future!


Here where you can see it today, where the US budget is being systematically stolen:

1.                The Administration of Donald Trump cut only the corporate tax from 35% to max 20%, this is a huge chunk of the tax = revenue = US government revenue and possibly they did the same in state government revenues and city government revenue are gone, I do not know the exact amount, but I guess it to be at least 20% to 30% of the revenue, that already being cheated through companies

2.                Through the above tax cut, there is no enough revenues

3.                The administration is desperate to cover up this huge loses by creating import tariffs against their allies and business partners such as Europeans and Chinese, Mexico, Canada but also Africans and other Asians that will gradually come

4.                Cut all social support and claim: “it is a hoax” and people should work for their money

5.                Cut all environment protection and claim: “it is a hoax!” and it has nothing to do with the environment!

6.                Cut the health care with the claim it is bad, and people are paying more, which is wrong

7.                Cut the infrastructure that is already and since decades lacking and behind the western world standards

8.                Cut money that support freedom and promote successful business ventures for small businesses = slavery + poverty

9.                And many others


Here is last example of my own health care:

1.                Until 1986 and in Germany, and after these criminals called BP-British Petroleum + MI6 + CIA + BND enslaved me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, I was paying 300 Deutsch Mark for health insurance for myself, the woman I was enslaved under my fake mother and 2 or 3 children (which I did not have except my fake son), and without any deduction what so ever

2.                1987-2000 in USA, I was desperate to make a health insurance because I cannot afford to go to the medical professional and pay them their rate, which was a very big part of brainwash and slavery and keep me worried about bills, which I did not before. Finally I found one company that was willing to give me health coverage for nearly 900 US Dollars monthly for up to maximum 100 Thousand yearly medical expenses for myself and the whore agent and my fake son where I have to pay the first 30% and up to the first 10,000 US Dollar then the insurance will pay in full until 100,000, meaning I have to pay the first 3000 Dollars , what is my health insurance then worth, nothing, I did not take it, and this after I called all major health insurance companies

3.                2008 to 2019 in the Netherlands. I am not sure what is the maximum coverage, I think it is 1 or 2 million Euro, I have to pay the first 385 Euro per year, then the insurance will pay the rest in full and up to the maximum. I think in 2008 I was paying around 100 Euro per month and now 155 Euro per month. I went once to the emergency in a nearby hospital and they send me a bill that the insurance paid, it was around 1,200 Euro and it was paid in full. I went to emergency in Houston 2-3 times, due to telepathy attacks that prevented me of breathing at 3 o’clock in the morning, and was in the hospital emergency for around 4 hours, it was governmental hospital and far away, yet I received a bill of nearly 2000 Dollars I was not able to pay it, on top of that they 100% gave me the wrong diagnoses and therewith the wrong medication and forced me to sit under inhalation apparatus right next to a person that had AIDS, he told me he has AIDS, so far for a good hospitalization in Houston, Texas


This is the result of the tax cut + stopping the Obama Care health care that the criminal Donald Trump did, is going to have a severe effect on the population to keep them busy struggling = slavery = at least 40% of US population live in hidden slavery and get used to it and do not know that they are living like slaves anymore, because they are told lies that they live in the best country in the world, which is by far not true!


As a result, the people will have on the long term less income, and therewith they will buy less and work more for less just to survive = slavery!


But also, this will dramatically degrade the quality of life in the USA, which is already low, and which will push the economy down the stairs the whole way to the basement and much below that, and many will benefit, but not Americans. Chinese will benefit, Russian will benefit, European will benefit, because through these above actions you make them the big boys around the block!


In comparison, the Europeans have long time ago recognized that the best economy is when the population are happy and are not worried, then they can think better and be better innovators, in USA the majority of people cannot afford to think, because they are busy working 3-5 jobs enable to survive. If you want to remain world leader in economy, then treat the American population as intelligent human being and assets to USA and not as stupid slaves of their 3-5 jobs!


The average quality of life for individuals in the EU is much higher than in USA, I wonder why!


The crime in the EU is much or by far is lower than USA, I wonder why!


For example, and as I was forced to live between Connecticut (4,3 years) and Texas (more than 10 years) all in all for 15 years, I used to often hear gun shots, especially in Houston, Texas and I even called the police several times, among others because the police sent their evil agent that pretended to be crazy and pulled a shot gun on me and many other times hearing gun shots where I was living in Houston in an area called Alief and called the police a couple of times. In Netherlands I hear even more often bangs that sounds almost like gun shots, but they are either fireworks or a bicycle or cart tire explodes or some nearby construction to improve the infrastructure (!) , so far and 18 years forced upon me to live in the Netherlands or 17 years prior to that in Germany I never heard a gunshot, not even one, while in USA people kill others through mass shootings several times per year, I wonder why!?


Is it because the Europeans are smarter or is it because they have more heart with their fellow citizens, or is it because they are more innovative, or is it because they stick more together, where in USA the isolation of individuals are much larger than in Europe or is it a combination, I do not know, and I do not dare to guess because I know that the European are not smarter or have more heart, but these are facts that scares the lives of millions of Americans not to mention the tourists, where there was also tourist mass killing in 1990s in Florida!


Personally I do not think that they are smarter, because all human are born with the capability to build intelligence, yet the majority of us are not allowed to use their own intelligence, just as they did to me since 10/11 January 1960 and until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, among others by planning and performing a total amnesia upon me to wipe off my current experience and logic enable they can, among others, control me and feel superior than me as an 8 years old that just had a total amnesia suddenly have a brain of a new born baby!


As mentioned before the US budget attracts the top con-persons in the world to steal a piece of this budget and excel in it because no one is complaining, while some are planning for years to get their hands on at least part of the budget, yet the best of them all is the ER-English Royalties that have control over a huge chunk of the budget every single year in many countries from Canada to USA (federal + State + County + City budgets!!!) to Australia, to Saudi Arabia, UAE, Jordan, Egypt (and it used to be for a couple of decades also Germany) and the list is long, and often more than just a big chunk, which is very visible since 20 January 2017 through Donald Trump take office as the president of USA. This alone shows that the 230 years old US constitution is a joke!


The biggest network that steals the US budget is ER. Period!


The ER are using the USA to steal the world, while they are stealing the USA blindly, they have been in China for 500 years, they have been in India for 500 years and they are in USA since over 300 years and are more than experience in stealing any country, in matter of fact they stole USA from native Indians, and later from Spain, France and others and stole New Amsterdam from the Dutch and renamed it as New York!


Stealing the US budget is easy, just sell weapons and create wars to supply more weapons and ammunitions because a large portion of the small and heavy weapon manufacturer in USA and in the UK are owned by the ER and if there is no wars, then these manufacturer will go broke, therefore they always manufacture wars among others to steal the natural resources of another countries and they call that win/win situation=selling weapons and making money + selling the natural resources and making money + enslaving the population to uses them as slave for either illegal drugs, light manufacturing while paying them pennies and selling for hundreds such as Kashmir and to do all that they need to kill the controlling families to steal their land and slaves and to do that they need weapon and they manufacture them and sell their weapons to the government and to the public to kill others and to make it look like it is normal and it is a daily routine that everyone get numb to it, because you always hear it = make money=win/win situation=mis-concept of win/win situation, Bill gates alone can create thousand time better win/win salutation than the ER. Google, Amazon and Oracle can also do the same, and yet cannot create a perfect win/win situation as intended to be such as the sun, air, land and the list is longer and larger and more than my knowledge. The ER are the number one criminal in my life and as is also visible in this page are the number one criminal worldwide of every one’s life and the biggest mass murderer since the existence of humanity!


And therewith I come to the second amendment of the constitution of the USA that was 100% created by ER and for the benefit of the ER, for details see The second amendment of the US Constitution was created by the English Royalties


EU and Brexit

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit)

EU and Brexit have many involvements in my life, negatively as well as positively, yet what the EU stands for makes the positive side in most population’s lives over weigh my personal negative side in my life, that was mainly caused by the ER-English Royal families from the UK and USA in the UK, USA, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Germany!


If I am the king of the UK, then I will most definitely imprison all top management that were responsible for Brexit, starting by Queen Elizabeth II, Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson as well as the 2 previous UK prime ministers: Theresa May and the stupid David Cameron that started it all.


Why is Brexit a crime?


Yes, Brexit is a huge criminal act because of the following reasons:

1.                Breaking the best and most real freedom promising union, even though the EU is by far not yet perfect, yet neither the USA nor the UK come close to the freedom and democracy of the EU

2.                Creating a confusion for the economy of UK, EU and worldwide and this for the past 4 years since 2016 and also for years to come

3.                Brexit is slavery that forbid Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales to deal with the EU independently

4.                Brexit is slavery that isolate individuals of the UK and possibly also the commonwealth of the EU

5.                EU became one of the top 3 economies in the world, but after Brexit it is going to be a couple of steps down

6.                The Brexit is being performed to prevent the EU of topping the US economy, which is not in the interest of the UK, because the USA is the fifth hidden kingdom of the UK, and there with the UK is using the US to suppress the EU economy

7.                Limiting the free movement agreement of individuals

8.                Creating an opponent to the UK called EU instead of a partner EU, which can in the future lead to wars instead of friendly partnerships

9.                The evil English royal family is losing control over their hidden slave countries, because they are free to deal directly with the EU instead through the UK


The Brexit is an English royalty’s act, shame on you all English royalties for being 2 track thinkers (money + power) instead multi track thinkers (people come first, environment to protect people and other creatures that are vital for the environment and therefore also for the people, economy for the people, making life livable and lovable for the people and much more=multi thinking). If the English royalties start to practice multi thinking then they will never want to go back, because it is the only win-win situation, anything else is stupidity = single or dual thinking!!





Real hidden purpose of EU


ER-English Royalties repeated attempt to destruct the EU for isolation and control purposes


The current status of the EU






(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit) or (Go to Index of EU and Brexit)

First let me get it out of my system. Boris Johnson is used and is following a very sick mass brainwash scheme in that he talks like Winston Churchill, walk like him and trying hard to force the general British public to see him as Winston Churchill, and therewith to see him as their salvation or liberator as Winston Churchill allegedly was. And that is as sick as it gets!


Now this is out of my system, let me continue where I left.


I was Kidnapped from USA on or prior to 10/11 January 1960, and taken to Cairo, Egypt with fake identity and placed with in a fake family that is mainly originated from the UK, USA and hidden Escaped Nazis from 1945 and then taken to Egypt and kept in there until 1969, during which I was used as a multi-purpose decoy for this fake family.


Then and on 10.10.1969 I was brought to Germany that was a member of the EC-European Common Market, the predecessor of EU-European Union and kept there until the evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND brainwashed me, enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA, where they forced me to be an illegal alien for 15 years, not allowed to leave this evil country. And that is what the brainwash does to human being by forcing him to throw everyone, good (many) and bad  (a few), in one pot and label them as evil country, not knowing it was possibly my birth place, and I just wanted to escape it and go back home to where these criminals kidnapped me from in 1986, which was Munich, Germany.


USA is the most hated country in the world, whereby a hand full of people think of it as a freedom and democracy country, which is far from the truth, and now you know why it is one of the most hated countries in the world, because the ER use it as a weapon against their enemies, and distraction of the hidden ER. Meaning distractions of their selves, the hidden English royal family members in USA that can survive only if they kill a few thousand or a few hundred thousand as they have been doing alone since 1980, between Iran and Iraq war that they initiated it, to Afghanistan, back to Iraq, Syria, Yemen not to forget Africa and South America, and above all they have being doing this for centuries!


And therefore, I wanted to escape this evil lockup as an illegal alien in USA, not understanding why I am in this position. On top of all that and since I was severely stressed between July 1998 and July 2000, I just wanted to leave this evil country and go back home, no matter what the cost is, this is how evil is the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum and their relatives ARAMCO, as well as the evil Bush family that forced me into this position in Houston, Texas. And therewith I started to protest kidnapping me from Germany in 1999 and very publicly, among others by writing to all the congress men and Senators in around April 2000, and then also protested in front of the INS (immigration) building headquarter in Houston, Texas. As a result of all that the American government brought me to the Netherlands for a re-brainwash and a long term lock up on 11 February 2001, and therewith I was back in the EC-European Common market, yet and since 1991 it is not EC any more, it is now EU-European Union, and I really did not know that, this is how powerful is the mass brainwash and isolation of the evil CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum + Aramco + my fake family + my biological family = ER-English Royalties + ex-German royalty


ER are 2 track-thinkers only, which are money and power enable they can control the world, because they think of their selves as Gods, because some of them have telepathy and they inherited this 2-track thinking over and over again since their own existence, possibly 600-1000 years ago!


I am a multi-track thinker, meaning I always weigh my planned actions with the wellbeing of others, and this no matter what. Very unfortunately and because I was so long enslaved and controlled, it does not always work out, but and unlike the ER and their alike I am still working on cleaning my thoughts of my past. You can see that sometimes I just use bad words such as whore agent, which others may see as wrong, and they may very well be right, yet I see it as description for doing anything, including selling their body that is often very disgusting, for the money or for favors (=benefits) they receive from the CIA and/or MI6 or others!


A multi-track thinking is for most the members of the ER very difficult because, and on top of the money and power that they seek, they are arrogant and absolutely ignorant to the need of a human being, and that is why they were the first Europeans that brought slaves from other countries and exported the first African and Indian slaves, after kidnapping thousands of them from Africa and India and taking them by force under very harsh conditions, worse than most people treat their dogs, to USA, and continued to mistreat them, even their own written constitution prohibited that. When I was forced to relocate to the UK in 2013, I was more than surprised, that more than 70% of the British populations are originated from the rest of the world, and if they joint forces, then they can take over the UK and the ER cannot stop them, yet I hope that they do not do that, but rather win the UK through economic means. At first site seeing so many foreigner in the UK, it gives the impression that the British are tolerant and love people from all kind of origins and religions, but I soon realized, it is a hidden slavery, they go around the world to steal other countries, while their base, the UK, needs workers, and therefore they bring workers from over sees, especially people from very poor conditions such as India, Africa and East Asians, where they will be very happy to have an apartment with 3 rooms for 5 family members, instead of what they used to have 10 or 20 live in one room that could be swept away through flood or strong wind, on top of that, they also can afford to buy the food that they were not able to buy earlier on a regular base. It is like a lollypop for a child, he is happy and will be happy each time you give him this rare to him lollypop. This evil strategy was always used on me, among others by forcing me to constantly relocate and be homeless for a while until I receive the lollypop, that is why it takes a hidden slave to recognize another hidden slave as Donald Trump and the 2 Bush presidents, but also it takes a hidden slave to recognize slaves in general!


The ER are highly organized, even more organized than a government, which might surprise you how they do that, which is also explained in this page.


USA is the actual hidden 5th kingdom of the UK, and there with the ER control the majority of north America = USA + Canada. You can see their work and philosophy of governing in USA because USA is the bread dough of the ER!


Back to the EU!


Real hidden purpose of EU

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit) or (Go to Index of EU and Brexit)

Germany was forced to be the Nazi Germany from around 1932 to 1945, because mainly one reason: The military and in particular the Navy rebelled against the emperor (in German Kaiser) Wilhelm II, which resulted in ousting him during his visit in the Benelux countries and he was not able to go back to Germany and remain in the Netherlands as a very well taken care off until he died in 1941. Very unfortunately, I believe that this man, Kaiser/Emperor Wilhelm II was either my grandfather or great grandfather or the lookalike of my actual grandparents and parents, for more info see the pages “Is this my biological family?”.


The German Emperor Wilhelm II was abducted. Above all and even much more important, he was not the real Emperor, he was a small and public show of the actual emperor which is the hidden German royalty, and that is why in German, as well as in Dutch as well as in English as well as in many other countries, people were forced to address the King, Queen, Emperor or Empress as plural such as in German “Sie” or “Eure”, in Dutch “U”, “Jullie” and in English “Your Majesty” or your “Your Grace” and he or she would always use plural to talk about him/her self “We” decided or “We, the king are ordering you”. And this because the King was nothing else than a representative of the entire family that consider their selves Royalties or often called blue blood for something more superior than the peaceful and hardworking people that use their intelligence to build and not to kill and steal of others!


Therefore, when Emperor Wilhelm II was ousted/abducted in 1918, his family was still in control, yet not officially, which very much means, they still control the military and all the various ministry branches therefore they tried hard to regain the official control as Emperors, and to do that they used an ER-English Royalties old strategy: Pretend to be of the general public and gain control, meaning deceive the people, which they did by raising and brainwashing Adolf Hitler to come to power, and they succeeded, which is visible, that most of his helpers were either the children of the ousted Emperor Wilhelm II or their nephews, nieces and cousins, or even distant cousins from the UK, whereby officially the UK was hated by the ex-German Royalties, yet that too was a deceive and an act, among others it is visible by killing Jewish, that number one enemies of ER and ex-German royalties, see the details in the below sub section “Analyzing the above religions because nothing makes since to me” within the section Religions as I was forced into.


Using the strategy to pretend to be from the people brought the so-called Nazis in to our world.


This period of Nazis from 1932 to 1945 was one of the biggest and most destructive mass brainwashes that the world has ever seen that had one goal to regain the German empire as it was prior to the first World war.


At the end we had Nazis murdering innocent Jewish and other groups of people, which then invoked the Second World War out of greed of the ER and their relatives the ex-German Royalties.


The Second Word War was lost, and the German Nazis, that were brought by the Royalties in the first of all, went officially away and were replaced by the so-called Allies!


Yet some of these allies were nothing else but new masters that were systematically pushing people into a new slavery, which were the ER, that already had major control of USA and used USA as a weapon against their enemies in Europe and elsewhere in Asia. You look up the history in USA who encouraged USA to go into the war in Europe, and when you find this group of people, then you will know they are hidden ER-English Royalties, and it would not surprise me if the ER were the ones who forced the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor to force the Americans in the second world war!


A couple of years after the end of the Second World War, some European realized, that they are now being pushed into a new slavery, and some of these European were also allies to the USA and the UK, and decided to protect their selves peacefully by creating a common market to help each other’s to get free of this new hidden economic slavery.


The new slavery was everywhere, among others the English royalties that are in USA and have a lot of Cash, came to the aid of their relatives the ER-English Royalties and buying blindly and indiscriminately big chunks of Europe, and that is why many companies transferred the ownership of their company to Switzerland, to not be forced to sell it to them, one of these companies was Siemens AG, that opened a branch in Basel named Siemens Albis and sold the entire company Siemens AG in Germany with all it is branches worldwide to this Swiss company, and therewith the company Siemens AG stayed within the family Siemens that today and based on my educated guess, owns 40-65% of all Siemens AG shares. Many other companies did the same to avoid losing their companies to the cash of USA that in reality is coming out of slavery in USA that I was forced to see myself. And that is among others why Siemens AG used me as a blackmail object against the British Royalties and their hidden English Royalties in USA by sending me to the Middle East: Saudi Arabia and therewith indirectly also to Jordan and Egypt, which cause my fake family to go berserk, because they had fake identities and were working for the ER through CIA and MI6. And this at least in the following countries: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon (where Saudi and Iraqi petroleum pipelines flew), Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, and Kuwait!


And there with the countries in Europe that wanted to avoid that the USA cash buys them out of their own country built between 1951 and 1957 and gradually the EC-European Common market also called ECC- EC-European Common Community, but always spoken as EC in German called EWG.


Then and gradually they continued to voluntarily and without wars to expand it until it became the EU-European Union, no other union in the world was ever build on this scale and without wars, not the United States of America, and not the United Kingdoms or England and not the Soviet Union, and that is what makes the EU so precious, because they are working voluntarily for the people and gradually succeeding of creating the best humane living environment in the world with constantly more freedom for everyone, including for Jewish, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhist, even for Scientology (since 1950), Mormon (since 1820) and Jehovah Witnesses (since 1870), all last 3 religions are Americans and less than 200 Years old religions, and only 3 out of countless other American copycat religions!

These are the countries that started in 1957:

1.                Belgium

2.                Luxembourg

3.                Netherlands

4.                France

5.                Germany

6.                Italy


ER-English Royalties repeated attempt to destruct the EU for isolation and control purposes

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit) or (Go to Index of EU and Brexit)

The ER and the USA did not like the EC-European Common Market and tried to stop it, however they were not successful.


In 1973, United Kingdom entered the EC for one purpose only, to destroy it from the inside out.


To destroy it from inside they revolted to many common laws that would bring people closer together, which is visible with all the exceptions that the UK received, from their yearly payments to dealing with refugees to refusing Schengen to many others, for one purpose only, to encourage the other members also to refuse these agreements that would turn in to laws for the wellbeing for the population of the EU as well as for the wellbeing of the EU visitors. See the map below that shows very clearly that the UK was the only one refusing Schengen agreement!

This map shows the followings:

1.       Purple are EU countries that agreed to the Schengen agreement

2.       Blue are none EU countries that agreed to the schengen agreement

3.       Green are EU but no Schengen agreement


These are the countries that are members of the Schengen agreement, some of which are not even members of the EU:


EU and non-EU Members that are members of the Schengen agreement

EU members that are not members of the Schengen agreement


Austria (EU)

Croatia (have problems with countries outside the EU)


Belgium (EU)

Cyprus (have problems with countries outside the EU)


Czech Republic (EU)

Ireland (ER Slavery reasons)


Denmark (excluding the Faroe Isles and Greenland) (EU)

Romania (have problems with countries outside the EU)


Estonia (EU)

United Kingdom (ER Slavery reasons)


Finland (EU)



France (excluding French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte and La Reunion) (EU)



Germany (EU)



Greece (EU)



Hungary (EU)



Iceland (Not EU Member)



Italy (EU)



Latvia (EU)



Liechtenstein (Not EU Member)



Lithuania (EU)



Luxembourg (EU)



Malta (EU)



Netherlands (EU)



Norway (excluding Spitsbergen) (Not EU Member)



Poland (EU)



Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira) (EU)



Slovakia (EU)



Slovenia (EU)



Spain (including the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands) (EU)



Sweden (EU)



Switzerland (Not EU Member)




The current status of the EU

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit) or (Go to Index of EU and Brexit)

Through the Brexit and other hidden attacks on the EU that I did not mention, the ER and their relatives in the USA want not only to destroy the EU, but want to force each country to be isolated enable they can easily influence the countries in Europe, and therefore and through the Brexit alone, they are causing the following major damages:

1.                Number one is preventing the commonwealth members to deal directly with the EU, because if some business of commonwealth country such as Canada or Australia opens a branch in the UK, then, they can deal directly with all EU members and therefore the ER lose control over their enslaved countries=Commonwealth countries

2.                Causing a serious economic damage to the member EU countries by dragging the Brexit and causing uncertainty



(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of UK, USA, Nazis, EU and Brexit) or (Go to Index of EU and Brexit)

The ER caused the Brexit to protect their own control of their slave countries, which are the commonwealth countries, and therewith preventing the Commonwealth countries to deal directly with EU members. ER want to destroy the EU because it sees it as competition to their control in the commonwealth countries as well as being strong competition against their interest in the USA, and they will stop at nothing to create isolation between the commonwealth, USA and the rest of the world, including wars, such as the current almost civil war in Hong Kong that they are causing and the economic wars with almost each country in the world, including with the EU and China!


In short, the ER are not capable to be partners and not capable to share, they just want to steal!



(Go to Main index)

Free Mason is an ER-English Royalties established networking system since over 450 Years.


This organization was heavily and very destructively involved in kidnapping me, brainwashing me and locking me up as a refugee for 7 years not allowed to leave Germany and then 15 years in USA!


Everything in this section is the crimes performed against me by using the Freemason from 1960 to at least 2001, and most definitely everything destructive that happened to me thereafter was at least as a consequence of what these criminals did to me from 1960 to at least 2001 and thereafter in the Netherlands and until 2016!





Summary of Freemasons involvements in my life


January 1960 kidnapping me, causing me total amnesia, and enslaving me under a fake family


1970 brainwashing me and enslaving me under one of their whore agents in Munich


1976 setting me up to become Christian as a long-term brainwash


1984 brainwashing me and enslaving me again under one of their whore agents in Munich





(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

This organization was among the cooperators/conspirators in kidnapping me on or prior to 10/11 January 1960 from possibly the USA and again were 100% the cooperators/conspirators of brainwashing me and luring me between February and March 1970 into the hands of the CIA + MI6 and isolating me for 2.5 years in the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany while enslaving me under one of the CIA/MI6 whore agents named Anita Disbray to prevent others to come near me, even the German government that was processing my political asylum that was forced upon me by the Freemasons as  mean of locking me up in Germany as a refugee without any papers to prevent me to ever go back to the Middle East to visit members of my family that turned out to be my kidnappers and CIA + MI6 agents mixed with hidden Arab royalties that are originated from the UK and USA.


And here I am just presenting the secret institution called Freemason that is controlled in the hidden by the English royal family and is being used to brainwash others and enslave them for the English royal family, which will not only be clear through this section, but also it is verifiable, among others through the US government, that many of them are members of the Freemasons, including but not limited to the 2 Bush presidents, Donald Trump, ex-King Hussein of Jordan and his son king Abdullah, kings of Saudi Arabia and many others also members of my fake family!


A small and very important notes about the Freemason organization:

1.                They translate their name to the language of the country where they are located, Image I would translate BMW or Siemens AG or General Electric or General Motors to local wording in each country, for example BMW stands for Bayerische Motoren Werke then I would call it in English BEF-Bavrian Engine Factory or translate GE-General Electric to German as AE-Algemeine Elektrisiteit. I will do that only if I am trying to hide something and/or trying to force others to like me because they can easier associate to an organization name in their native language=deceive. When I change the name as the Freemason does in each country then it cannot be found under the name of Freemason but rather under another name, therefore they are hiding + deceiving because they are not easy to find even though they are 100% represented in each major city worldwide for example in the following countries they are called the following names:

1.1.                   In the UK + USA: Freemasons

1.2.                   In Germany: Freimuarer

1.3.                   In Netherlands: Vrijmetselaar

1.4.                   In Arab countries: “ماسوني” translated to English: “Mason”

1.5.                   In French: franc maçon

1.6.                   In Russian: масон

1.7.                   In China: “济会/共濟會

1.8.                   In Japan: “フリーメーソン

1.9.                   In Thailand: “สมาชิก

1.10.              In Philippine: freemason

1.11.              In India: “संगतराश

1.12.              In Pakistan: “فری میسن” in English Freemason

1.13.              In Singapore: in Tamil: “ஃப்ரீமேஸனாக”, in Malay: “Freemason”, in Chinese mandarin : “济会成员” or in English: “Freemason”

1.14.              In Iran: “فراماسون” in English Freemason

1.15.              In Spain: francmasón

1.16.              In Italy: “massone”

1.17.              In Greece: “ελευθερότεκτων”

1.18.              In Turkey: “mason”

1.19.              In Israel/Hebrew: “בונה חופשי

1.20.              And so on…

2.                in German they are not called “Freemason”, but rather “Freimuarer”, which means Freemasons, therefore they are not easy to find even though they 100% represented in each major in Germany as well as also each major city worldwide

3.                You cannot go to the Freemason and fill out an application to become a member, they elect/select their members and then and out of the blue someone will go to the new elected/selected and should be member (!!!???) and invite him to be a member, usually a friend or an acquaintance, in other words it is only by invitation. It took me a very long time to understand why, there are many reasons why, but here are 2 very important ones:

3.1.                   the number one reason is to avoid that someone or a group of persons with telepathy come to them with intention they cannot discover until it is too late, because a person with telepathy can block another person with telepathy of reading his mind, for example to spy on them and sabotage their scheme by questioning certain methods that he would immediately recognize as dangerous for others or even dangerous for the member himself, there is no herself because women are not allowed, because these people are organized crime institution since over 450 years, and most women have more heart than any of these thugs, what they did to me shows that they are thugs and most definitely an honorable organization or a human being will never do that, not even 1% of what these criminals did to me!!??

3.2.                   They elect persons only when they need access to a certain area or they need a scapegoat for something hidden, for example they need a higher management member in the electric company, and one of their member maybe is the neighbor of the CEO of the electric company, or they need a one in a lower management at the electric company and do not want the CEO, that is already a member and does not want to be officially involved in this, therefore the CEO will elect one of his employees to use him as the scapegoat for something illegal. These are the main 2 reasons that no one can go there and join them

4.                I never attended their meetings, however and in January 1970 I was taken by my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi to their offices on around 16/17 January 1970 at the Freemason lodge in Germany isL Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany, during which we were asked to go there at least twice, during which I saw their meeting room, which was a long table, similar to large conference table, with around 15-20 chairs around the table, and each chair was being used. Therefore I strongly suspect that they brainwash their new members among others by inviting them for the first time and then they most probably would have at least 3-5 famous persons that the new invited yet to be member will be most impressed by and would want to join just to have the feeling he is a member of an organization that one of the followings or other in similar positions are also member of the Freemason and are current at the first meeting of this new elected newcomer, for example the following persons, since it was in Munich at that time, I will be guessing the attendance of the following persons, I am just picking persons randomly out of the blue and I am not saying that these persons are member of the Freemasons, example of possible persons: the mayor of Munich, the prime minister of the state of Bavaria, the CEO of Siemens AG, the CEO of BMW, some American military general, some state ministers, some famous movie star such as Gert Fröbe (also international movie star), some famous sport star such as Franz Beckenbauer (a football legend) or even CEOs of large companies such as Messerschmitt AG (aircraft manufacturer) or BP-British Petroleum or Schalt Bau, or Exxon, or Chevron, or Texaco and the list goes on and on. Then the new selected and invited yet to be a member would not want to leave without being a member=first step of the brainwash. They always elect persons that they need for their goal. Look at it this way: The English royal family has the mental sickness of believing of their selves as rulers and Gods of the world, and they have maybe 50 thousand sticky notes of things that they need or want to do enable to control the world, and they divide these 50 thousand sickies to all of their offices worldwide, whereby each office is 100% controlled by one of their hidden royalty member that then changes or adjust the sticky notes for the locals and hide the actual goal of the stickies and then assign it to one or several of his local groups to find ways to reach the goal, then and once they find a suitable way, they then use it at their headquarter = pure English royalties, in other words they also use their evil organization for thoughts manufacturing or brain slavery because they are only 2 track thinkers as explained elsewhere in this page!!!!!

5.                I am sure that there are many other evil notes over them, yet the above 4 are destructive enough to show what they do!


Summary of Freemasons involvements in my life

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

These are the persons that were members of the Freemasons or I suspect to have been members of the Freemasons and were very negatively and destructively involved in my life, starting by kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 from possibly USA to Egypt during which falsifying my identity to Syrian and placing me within a fake family consisting of CIA + MI6 agents mixed with hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 and hidden Jordanian, Saudi Arabians and UAE royal family members that are in reality originated from USA and the UK:

1.                  Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, an Egyptian politician and Egypt representative in the UNO, that pretended to be the ex-colleague and friend of my father from the Freemason. Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael was the one who to be a part of a very complex brainwash scheme and took us to Egypt vouching for us that we are Syrians as described in other pages. which makes him traitor to Egypt and to humanity

2.                  Saieed Al-Umary, this man came allegedly from Syria just 4-5 months after we arrived in Cairo, Egypt and pretended to know my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and wanted allegedly to marry her as a second wife, just to show that he knows her and us since years from Syria but also shows as if we are Muslims. As he came, he took us for a 4 weeks summer vacation to Alexandria, Egypt. He allegedly owns a movie theater next door to the hotel in Damascus, where they took me after kidnapping me most probably from USA to this hotel on around 10/11 January 1960, where we stayed 3-4 days until 15 January 1960, during which I strongly believe they caused me total amnesia and then added my fake memories as described in the page “Kidnapping me as child” and then took me with plane to Cairo, Egypt. What is important about this evil man is mainly this important 3 points:

2.1.                 We were staying in a hotel right next door to his movie theater that was reserved for us and allegedly paid for by the Egyptian politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that pretended to be the friend of my none existing father named Abdulhamid Abdallah Shaker Najar, and as a prove they later gave me several Freemason certificate shows the name of this fake father and that he was a Master Freemason and also 2 Gold medals with his name engraved on them as a Master Freemason which point to that both men knew each other’s and were working hand in hand to cover up for each other’s and for our fake identities

2.2.                 When we went to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January and for the first 4 weeks we were guests at the home of this Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, then 4 weeks as guest by the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that I strongly believe he is British origin with fake identity, while being married to 2 sisters, one after the first died and both are allegedly cousins of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, their names were: the first wife that allegedly died just a couple of months after we arrived in Cairo named Amira Baroudi, her older sister named Elham Baroudi, and what is odd on these 2 sisters is that they do not look anything like each other’s, one was darker than the other, and have different facial features than the other, for example dark brown lips with larger lower lip, while the other had red lips and almost equally sized upper and lower lips, and based on that the children of the general and his first wife look white and have similar facial feature to their father and mother, but look nothing like their aunt alias their new step mother what does this have to do with all this? The following: Amira Baroudi fits the pattern that she is immigrated to Cairo with fake identity and her fake sister Elham Baroudi claimed that this her sister from Syria, just as they were claiming that my mother is their cousin and we, me and my fake 2 sisters allegedly the children of my fake mother that looks nothing like anyone of us, and just like the 21 adults and children of the Baroudi family, as listed in the page “My fake family the kidnappers” that allegedly all originated from Syrian and pretended to be the brothers of my fake mother, their wives and children, as well as the fake grandparents that I never seen them in my life prior to that they came to Egypt one after the other and within 1-2 years and claimed that they know me, yet and all the persons mentioned under this point I had no contacts with them and they had no contacts with us, even though some of them were living in Cairo for one year, other for 2 years and other for 4-10 years=fake family

2.3.                 The above 2 points show clearly that these 2 evil men: the Egyptian politician that took us to Egypt and named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and the Syrian and owner of the Movie theater next to the hotel where we were for 3-4 days prior to coming to Cairo, were 100% covering up for our fake identities, and since the Freemasons either arranged all these fake situations or helped with it, then they must be both members of the Freemason

3.                  My fake brothers-in-law in Jordan that are hidden ex-German and English royalties and simultaneously Jordanian royalties, named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, his brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and my other fake sister’s husband Abdalghani Abokurah and all English, ex-German and Arab royalties are members of the Freemasons including previous and current Kings of Jordan and Saudi Arabia!

4.                  Suspected only: The Egyptian General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that covered up my kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960 and hosted us for 4 weeks in Cairo Egypt during that time and immediately after Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael also hosted us for 4 weeks

5.                  Suspected only: my fake brother that was forced upon my life in 1965/66 named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that I strongly suspect to have been the hidden son of ex-Jordanian King Hussein and simultaneously a CIA + MI6 agent. King Hussein was known to be member of the Freemasons

6.                  In January 1970 the German Freemason branch named Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., on Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany, that set me up to be a locked up as a refugee in Germany for 7 years, helped and organized me being taken over with brainwash to the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved under their + CIA + MI6 joint whore agents named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and literally kept me as slave from 20 August 1970 and until September 1977

7.                  In around February 1970 I was hired by the company named Schalt Bau in Munich, Germany whereby the manager that hired me was a Freemason member and was part of a very complex scheme of setups that took from December 1969 to March 1970 to force me to apply for political Asylum in Germany while implicating me as if I am a member of a terrorist group called PLO, member of an organized crime families from Jordan, Lebanon, Syrian, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE called Bdeir/Budeir + Baroudi+ Abokurah + Malas, also to look like as if I am a member of an illegal drug ring, which they used these setup to isolate me by hiring me by Schalt Bau and then setting me up to be homeless enable to force me to be in an controlled environment named American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich during which they enslaved me under one of their whores agents named Anita Disbray that pretended to be spying on me and on terrorism, illegal drugs and other fake setup that they pushed me into, in reality Anita Disbray was isolating me by force because she had telepathy and destroyed all my attempts to advance in life or have friends and a social life, during which I was forced to be homeless while I was employed by the company Schalt Bau and I had to leave my job because I was severely tired of lack of sleep and they did not move a finger to help me to get a room, even they knew my situations and they pretended to be helping the son of one of their members, which was a lie, they were planning every bad things around my life, but also the German police did not move a finger to help me even though I was arrested twice between February and March 1970 due to being homeless and while I was a refugee and under age, yet the law clearly stated that an underage refugee must be provided with housing and education!

8.                  In November 1975 set me up to become Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany through a setup among others through one of their members that was a famous attorney named Rolf Bossi in Munich, Germany but also, I strongly suspect the following persons of the above mentioned church, where I was setup to become Christian have been also members of the freemasons, which are:

8.1.                 Mr. Klaus Fischer, whereby his son Mr. Detlev Fischer was officially my best friend, that turned out to be set on me to look like as my best friend enable to use him against me when it is necessary, which they most definitely did!

8.2.                 Not to forget that prior to that they forced upon me in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany a lookalike of my fake brother mentioned above and named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar that was a CIA + MI6 agent + I strongly suspected him to have been one of the hidden children of King Hussein of Jordan that was 100% a freemason member that never left Egypt in 1970, and that is why the evil CIA + MI6 forced upon me another lookalike to prevent me of wanting to visit my family in Egypt or even think about them and Egypt by forcing me during that period of time to believe that my 2 fake sisters, and my fake brother and my fake mother have already left Egypt between 1970 and 1971 and therewith nothing connect my mind with Egypt as protection of their evil agents that used me for them as a multipurpose decoy

8.3.                 And very possibly also the others

9.                  9.          After setting me up to become Christian and I really loved of being member of the church, among others because I met other people and was not isolated any more, it was a new experience for me to have friends, the concept of friendship was for me and at that time was out of this world, meaning unknown to me. And here I come to something that I still do not understand, through the church I get in touch with a pastor named Friedrich Wilhelm Haack ( ), he was also Commissioned by the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of Germany to study sects and other religions and was specialized in youth brainwash by the all new sects. And he often wrote books or booklets about his studies. This pastor was famous in Germany, among others for his study work to protect the youth. One day he came to our church where I became Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim and held a small lecture. And since I was working there as part-time job helping in all kind of duties, I was preparing for his lecture and we came to talk about many things. The problem here I cannot remember the date, if it was in 1976 or 1977 and what month, now I remember a little bit, it must have been prior to spring 1977, because the lecture was held in an old church community center that the church rented and was direct next door to my housing, I was living on St. Benedikt Street #1 of the city Unterschleissheim on the seventh floor of a 10 or 12 floor building that was directly on the corner of Lilien street that they used to call it “the Glass house” and the community center of the church was on the corner of this street and on a street called Lilienstraße (Lilien street), at that time they were building a new church community center and it was not complete until around spring of 1977, and I am most positive about this timing, because the church pastor at that time named Herbert Lange offered me a job to work in the church as part-time and I get 300 Deutsch Mark per month + free housing, and the free housing was not yet ready, I either moved into the new housing end of 1976 or around spring 1977. I wanted to verify the dates and looked up at the church website , yet and Very unfortunately they have totally different dates on their website such as the new community center was ready in September 1978, which was 100% not correct, because I was already forced at this time to leave the city and relocate to Munich through a scheme to force me to leave the church, which was I get a job at the company Siemens AG on 1 May 1978 and 2-3 month later they set me up to leave the entire town and relocate to Munich in a very disgusting set up as mentioned also in this page using a woman named Renee Zielske. All this was pre-explanation to better understand the incident. Now to the incident that is related to the Freemasons. After I moved in to the new church housing, I started to have a lot of problems, from all over, which I will skip, yet back to the Pastor Haack recall he was talking with me over many subjects, today, possibly he was examining me, possibly he had telepathy, which is not farfetched, among others because he was specialized in understanding brainwashed youth through at that time very destructive sects such as Hare Krishna (that was also causing a lot of damage in USA until the FBI or INS deported the leader back to India), Scientology and others, in other words enable to see if a person is brainwashed or not, you have to go into his head and read his thoughts, and if you do not have telepathy, then you have to get him to talk about his belief and then discussing it with him, and possibly he was doing just that with me, but I am not positive, it could have been coincident, meaning he was going around many churches and giving lectures, yet I do not believe that, because he does not have the time to visit all churches, therefore he would most probably go only to really big church communities in big cities. Anyway, he handed me many booklets for distribution to the attendees, one of them was a small booklet over the Freemasons called “Freimaurer” and it was around 15-20 pages it was around 10 x 15 cm (it possibly this one that grew to be 43 pages: ISBN 3-583-50616-2 through the publisher: Evangelischer Presseverband für Bayern 1975, 9th Edition. 1993). During that period of time I read maybe 20 or more books over religions, and I had several religious books in English, German and Arabic, yet I learned German so fast during that period that my understanding of German became better than my understanding for Arabic. At that time Pastor Haack had several books and booklets and I had them all and I read them all among other the Freemason book. Very unfortunate the CIA + FBI + their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud stole everything from me gradually but definitely by the time these evil people brought me by force to the Netherlands, I had only the cloth I was wearing which were a t-shirt + pants + underwear and maybe 100 pages of papers that I was forced to write about my past between around April 2000 and February 2001. To the Freemason booklet, Pastor Haack wrote that he investigated the Freemasons and interviewed several of them and that it is a good organization with the goal to improve the character and moral values of their members and bring them closer to God. Today I know that this is the absolute opposite of what the Freemasons are. My side thoughts over this, maybe Pastor Haack knew that they were really bad and was trying to see if I can recognize anything about them and talk with him indirectly about them, especially that I strongly suspect that I was setup to become Christian through a cooperation of members of my fake family, the CIA, MI6, BND and others, yet each of these groups had different goal and was not talking about it with the other group, here is a list of possible reasons:

9.1.                 The Germans authorities that were persecuting noticed that my logic very lacking and wanted to give me a logic through reading the new testament and old testament

9.2.                 The CIA + MI6 + my fake family wanted to have a reason to kidnap me to USA to blackmail some members of my biological family and this reason is that my fake family that pretend to be Muslims will then persecute me in the name of Islam

9.3.                 Some noticed that I am being systematically isolated and wanted to get me out of this evil forced upon me isolation

9.4.                 Others noticed that the CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray that the CIA + MI6 enslaved me under is performing a lot of damage upon my life and wanted to help separate me of this bitch

9.5.                 Some German authorities that tried a couple of times to get me in a controlled environment of their own to study me if I am really terrorist, and related to Russians or Nazis or drug lords and fake money and other crimes as these criminals set me up to look like as if I am related to all that and more, and the church is the best place to examine me while a couple pretend to be my friends but in reality they are agents that came to my life disguised as good Christian and my new friends!

9.6.                 Others wanted to make sure I read the Old Testament (Torah, the book of the Jewish, which is a part of the bible), just in case I recognize what these criminals did to me, and kidnapped me and used me and prevented me to ever have a real wife or even have children, which is all and much more related to my life is written in form of stories in the Old Testament, meaning then I would blame the Jewish, which I fell in this trap only because some criminals used telepathy and then a handful of very nasty Jewish in the villages were the Dutch immigration forced me to live in Winschoten, Scheemda, Bellingwolde and Veendam. I did not live in of all these evil 4 villages, yet I was forced to interact with the other villages. Yet I know for fact that Jewish would never harm one of their own because they are among others very family oriented. Yet I was forced to relate many situations of my life to the Old Testament and therewith to force my mind to link my fake family to Jewish and blame Jewish for many destructions of my life.

9.7.                 And other reasons

9.7.1.   Last but not least and because I strongly believe that I was being followed and monitored by the German authorities at least since these criminals set me up on 11.10.1969 to exchange fake 100 US Dollar bills in the bank where then I get arrested, and possibly the day before I was setup with the lookalike of Mohi Sabri, that possibly was from the ex-Soviet Union, which very much will force the German authority to think of me as a communist spy, meaning they saw that my fake mother the evil witch took me to the Freemason office on around 16 or 17 January 1970, and they do not trust the Freemasons, because they know about them much more than I do and this even before my birth, meaning that possibly pastor Haack was either trying to get my attention to this evil organization or trying to see what I know about them or trying to distract of that they are evil organization and forcing me to read this booklet that says that they are improving the moral values of their members while bringing them closer to God, which is absolutely not true, because alone what these criminal did to me proves that they are dangerous for the wellbeing of humanity, and when I add to it that the church member Mr. Klaus Fischer that I get to know him in 1976 through his son that pretended to be my friend and named Detlev Fischer, and Mr. Klaus Fischer told me that he was a Freemason but did not like them and left them, why would he tell me that, people do not go around telling others I was a member of this secret organization but left them, especially to a person like myself and in my situation, and when I considers several other very negative situations between the Fischer family and me, then the situation is very mysterious to me today because I am questioning everything to understand and find my family, in 1976 and during all these situations I did not question 99% of the situations around my life which equals a 100% severe brainwash. One thing I must add, I really liked the Fischer family, considered them to be my friends, but and very unfortunately I may have been wrong. I guess I will never find out. Another situation with the Fischer family, is that I started to question situation, because this is what Christianity do to a person, and that cannot be negative, and one of the things I was questioning is my fake brother, that criminal pretended to be studying computer programming just like me and in the same school just in the evening, while I was in day time. And I never seen him in the school except a couple of times that the woman I was enslaved under her control and named Anita Disbray went a couple of times on Saturday with me to school to allegedly teach the wife of my fake brother named Alia/Aliya and sometimes called Anita as a mean of mind confusion and brainwash, which I will skip, yet Anita Disbray was teaching Aliay Köse on a couple of Saturdays using my school machines how to be a so-called Data-Typist, which is a dead profession, a computer programmer writes his program on certain forms and a Data-Typist type this forms on a machine and the machine convert them to a so-called punch cards, and each card represent 80 characters = one line of the form. I had to learn how to use them, and if my fake brother also went to school in the evening, then he too had to use them and could have taught his wife or girl-friend himself, or whatever this woman was to him, yet Anita Disbray did that, which point to me the possibility he was not in that school as he claimed, and go further he claimed to be unemployed and receiving unemployment money, where today I believe he was lying to me, and then when he noticed that I am questioning that, he claimed he finished the computer programming school but did not attend the final exam and therefore he did not get his certificate, which is another lie, then he claimed to be working for a one man company that allegedly offering mainframe programming services to the police head quarter for fines in a far city called Flensburg, which is 900 KM north of Germany and therewith I cannot verify it, and he was allegedly working for this man and not getting paid for it but rather just getting car gasoline money and this for nearly one year, and I started to question that, and then they noticed and I even told him to look for a paying job he said he cannot find one, he was lying and to cover up for it they forced me with telepathy to complain to Mr. Klaus Fischer about that one man company that is getting paid for it but using my (fake) brother for free (this is one of the very commonly used brainwashed to tell the victim stories to make him feel sorry for these criminals and not to question any more=brainwash), and then Mr. Klaus Fischer said tell your brother to come to me and I will see if I can get him a job, because Mr. Klaus Fischer was the employment manager of the company Avon Cosmetics, headquartered in Rye, New York, USA and in Germany headquartered at that time in the next village or city called Eching, to make it short, and my fake brother allegedly get a job at Avon Cosmetics as an alleged mainframe Programmer, yet and today I strongly believe it was a lie and he never worked for Avon Cosmetics, but rather they gave him an alibi as if he is working there and earning 3 Thousand Deutsch Mark. And why all this? To cover up for his high expenses for example he goes and buys Ski clothing and ski equipment’s for himself and his alleged wife that total over 10 Thousand Deutsch mark in 1976, yet he lives in a social apartment provided by the Germany government and he has no income=lies + lies + Lies and now is covering it up with the help of Avon Cosmetics, and another setup with Avon Cosmetics in USA and in 1986 I asked him to help me get a job at Avon cosmetics just as I helped him get the job at Avon cosmetics, then he told me he cannot because he is getting fired, which was another lie, which I will skip the details, which point to one thing he never worked for Avon cosmetics, he never worked as a mainframe programmer, he does not think logically but rather illogically = lies and brainwash, one small thing to add and in USA he asked me to help him learn how to do something on a PC, yet he owned his own PC, which was Apple Mcintosh in around 1987, where and as I showed him how to perform the task he was not able to follow me, which 100% meant he did not know anything about programming. As a result of this long point or actually 2 results of this big lengthy point Mr. Klaus Fischer helped cover up for him against me and that is not good, as a second result and today I strongly believe that this fake brother has at least one lookalike and this lookalike is one evil CIA/MI6 agent and one of the evil rulers of the Middle East hired as an actor and the CIA + MI6 cover up for him with the lookalike just as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi is doing the absolute the same, and that is why these criminals avoid me and see me only when they want otherwise I am not welcomed, and if this is true, then this makes the Freemasons + the UK government + USA government an absolute crime organization because these criminals fought me with everything they had and then locked me up in a controlled environment of their choice to force me to think whatever they want me to think. An example of one of these CIA + MI6 agents is Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani of Qatar, this is only an example and very well founded one, because if you look on google at all of his photos, you will discover that there is at least 2 persons and one of them is possibly wearing makeup and disguise tools, again I am not saying that Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani is one, I am just saying that with makeup and disguise tools a person can look like him even a skinny person and trust me these criminals they also use professionals from Hollywood for these tasks. On the other side this fake criminal brother could be one of the evil ARAMCOs top management or the official but fake Saudi royal family members and in this case it would explain why Siemens AG was asked to remove me of the project Saudi Port’s authority and get rid of me which they did by force of telepathy and a severe setup in 1981. Shame on you all including the German government that knew all that and more and not only prevented me of finding out the truth but although helped in destructing my life and locking me up countless times to cover up of the criminals such as this fake brother and the Bush family. You are disgrace to humanity and God’s gift called intelligence that you very much lack off!

10.             1978 I was hired by Siemens AG, today I strongly believe that at that time the CEO or the responsible person for the project I was hired for and named Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia was also a free mason, because my employer siemens AG, and even though I learned a lot of them, yet the followings are facts:

10.1.            Used me as a blackmail object by sending me to Saudi Arabia, and indirectly to Egypt and Jordan, where my fake family did not plan that I ever go back to the middle east because they were not my family, but rather my kidnappers, but also that there was twin of mine that took over my place after I was taken from Egypt to Germany in 1969, which is a very strong pattern of these criminals that they place a young child in one country, while raising his twin or his almost identical lookalike in other environment to gain his trust and then exchange both at a later age, in my case it was 17 years old, and all this caused me sever lifelong problems

10.2.            Set me up to leave the city and the church where I became Christian which was the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany, in that they get me this job at Siemens AG that was almost 40 KM far, I had at that time no car and it would take me 90 minutes to go to work and 90 minutes back, then they used a special woman that today I strongly suspect that they hired especially for this, her name was Renee Zielske also written as René or Reneé, that was at that time the official secretary of the department manager named Mr. Peter M. Lembke, and he was the boss of my supervisor that was named Mr. Murnik that was from Italy (see next point) and this Mess. Or Mrs. Zielske was simultaneously one of many other setups as continuation of many setups of the church to get my attention to the old German territories from prior to the First World Ware where it was the German Empire that was from the west of the current Poland which was called Prussia, where possibly my heritage is from and this in itself is a pattern that they force the mind of their victim with severe brainwash to think something and believe in it yet cannot verify it, possibly as distraction of the ER-English royalties and their heavy destructive involvement in my life, however and beside that, she somehow did the followings to me: invited me to her birthday party, and told me that other work colleagues are also coming, such as Mr. Rossek (Polish or Prussia or Russian origin) and Mr. Khalid Mian (Pakistani or Indian origin) and a couple of other persons. I went to this party at her apartment, which was my first time there, but there was no other person beside me and somehow, she gets me drunk and the following day I found myself waking up in her bed naked, therefore either she had telepathy or someone else with telepathy forced this situation upon us, and the reason I am sure about that, is because I asked the other colleagues if they are going and they said yes and I discussed with them what kind of birthday gift I should take with me, because they allegedly knew her longer than I do. She was at least 10 years older than me and was absolutely not what I imagine as a woman for myself, she had a daughter named Tanja/Tania that was at that time in end of 1978 around 10 years old and was living in the Munich city section named Neu Perlach, where my new employer Siemens AG is located in their all new building complex for around 5000 employees for mainly IT. To make it short, I suddenly found myself living in the apartment of Renee Zielske just a couple of bus stops of my new Employer instead of 90 minutes’ drive with the bus and then with the subway and that was 100% force by telepathy and brainwash. During this period, I have severe memory gaps and I was not able to recognize why. I believe I relocated to live with her in 1978, a few months after I was employed by Siemens AG, which 100% shows that this was a 100% forced separation of the church that at that time I really loved very much. My memory gaps for that period is so severe that I was not able to determine when I moved in with this woman and when I moved out, I just know for sure that moving in with her must have been end 1978 or begin 1979 and moving out I have no idea, except that I moved out and rented a room somewhere near my employer in a city called Hohenbrun and then get an apartment, through a work colleague at Siemens AG in around February or March 1981 on Winzerer street 146 a in Munich-Schwabing section. This 100% means that this woman had to 90% telepathy or 10% someone else used his telepathy to force me to leave the city of the church and move in with her, which equals slavery. Above all and today I know for fact that many members of the church did not want me to be around, because among others I was already forced to become Christian = main objective reached, second I believe many members of my fake family and possibly also of my biological family live in that small city or the surrounding villages, not to forget that my fake brother as mentioned above I was set up to get him a job through the church which was a deceive for his real fake identity and her never worked there, and if he worked there, then every day he has to go to Work from Munich to the city of Eching, then he has to drive along the city I lived in and called Lohhof/Unterschleissheim, and he would have visited me often, at least once a week, which was not the case, in matter of fact I hardly saw him, because he avoided me because he was exchanging places with his lookalike and did not want me to notice anything different on him, yet I did, very unfortunately several decades later= power of brainwash and telepathy!

10.3.            Each time I was sent by my employer to the Middle East, I encountered severe problems, which I never understood at that time, today I do, I was heavily attacked with telepathy and security agencies similar to CIA and MI6 to make my life so miserable enable to force my mind not to like to visit members of my family in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, these telepathy attacks and security agencies destructive setups were very much physical and mental torture that I was not able to understand as such during that period of time from 1979-1982 Including Saudi Arabia and even later and until 1986 excluding Saudi Arabia because I already was fired of Siemens AG and using telepathy to force me to think I quit voluntarily, which I most definitely did not, during which and at least for half of the time I was forced to be living with Renee Zielske, which very much means that she prevented me to think things over and therewith to understand them, yet today and around 30 years later I do understand most of them!

10.4.            As a result of all of the above, Siemens AG decided to get rid of me, however and based on the German laws they cannot fire me unless for either an economic reason or I do something wrong, and since I was working on an active project called Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia and was performing not only my part but also I strongly believe I was doing a very good job, therefore they used the same department manager, the boss of the woman named Renee Zielske to force me to leave the company as the one who hired me and set me up through brainwash and telepathy to leave the city where I became Christian and was forced to live with Miss/Mrs. Renee Zielske as highlighted above. And this manager named Peter M. Lembke that allegedly was German and living in or around Hoehenbrun, just outside Munich, while he allegedly went to USA to write his doctorate in business and marketing, and even wrote a book about it, and in around September 1981, he called me to his office, which is very unusual for the boss of my boss to call me, especially that he was very arrogant, and told me he is leaving the company Siemens AG and would like that I go with him to his new Employer named ADV/ORGA from the city Wilhelmshaven. But I refused and said I like my job, but somehow, he talked me into it that I go at least for an interview and see what they have to offer. To make it short, he get me an interview where two alleged top managers flew from 800 Km to interview me in their Hotel Sheraton in an area called Munich-Bogenhausen, where I was severely brainwash in a combination of telepathy and logical tricks, in that they asked me to come over and I said no I like working for Siemens AG, and they said they really would like me to come over and what would it take for me to come over, and I said 14 Thousand Deutsch Mark, which was 100% not my thoughts, I was earning officially at that time around 2,500 Deutsch Mark, yet net and after taxes and insurances around 1,800, yet I was always earning around 2500-3000 net because I was working countless over times, which was a scam to distract me of the church and the previous CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray that I was enslaved under and named Anita Disbray, that prevented me to find work in IT sector after I completed my IT study in 1974, until Siemens AG and out of the blues hired me in Mai or June 1978 as an IT professional, even though my IT was only based on theory that was 4 years old, not to mention my German language was a bit lacking because I lacked self-confidence due to the telepathy slavery, because when some criminal with telepathy control my mind, my mind get isolated and I become uncertain about things or unsure = lack of self-confidence that equals fear. And with this trick of me asking for 14,000 Deutsch Mark (telepathy force), they immediately said we accept and shacked my hand over it, and forced my mind to accept it, because it allegedly came from me that I asked for 14,000 Deutsch mark, in reality and at that time I would not have left my employer Siemens AG for all the money in the world, because and among others I was severely brainwashed and lacked friendship and family in my life and at Siemens AG I was brainwashed to be distracted of the church. Every human being is in need of a close social relation, and since I was being forced to be far of my (fake) family, then far of the church that I totally fell in love with, the next best thing, and since they separated me of the church by brainwash and telepathy my new colleagues became my close social replacement for my lost family and lost church=severe brainwash. Above all I liked working for Siemens AG at that time, at least because I was constantly learning something new that not only get my attention and I liked, but it was the basis for my brain and intelligence to grow, because it was suppressed since 10/11 January 1960!

10.5.            To distract of all that they set me up a couple of month after I was employed by the new company called ADV/ORGA that was 100% a subcontractor of Siemens AG and therewith they were doing Siemens AG a favor by forcing me to leave Siemens AG because members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia have threatened Siemens AG, if I go again to Saudi Arabia, then Siemens will lose the project, because these criminals members of my fake family could not afford that I discover that they are member of the evil Saudi Royal family, and are originated from UK, USA and some even hidden escaped German Nazi from 1945 such as at least the cousin of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, named Jameel Baroudi. All this makes the English royal family, the ex-German royal family and their brainwash and destruction organization called Freemason as a heartless, moral-less and loyal less people because I was officially member of their evil families!

10.6.            All of the above makes Siemens AG CEO at that time and my department manager as well as his boss, I believe his name was director Radtke were member of the Freemasons and also top criminals in top positions that use their power to destroy the lives of innocent persons that was totally devoted to the company and trusted them blindly, which is me!

11.             Small note: I really feel sick to my stomach writing all of the above, yet the evil Freemason manipulation is not over yet and I must continue.

12.             18 months after I was setup and fired 2 months later from ADV/ORGA as distraction of Siemens AG I was lured to another evil Freemason trap, this time using hidden ER-English Royalties company named BP-British Petroleum. Please note, all those evil English royalties that are members of the international scheme of controlling the world are 100% members of the Freemasons, and that alone makes the Freemasons a concentrated evil international crime organization. In this computer (=IT-Information Technology) company called SCS-Scientific Controlled Systems that was 100% owned and operated by BP-British Petroleum = English royalties, was performing an illegal project by directly supplying the Syrian government with American Satellite computer system to control their own population, that looked more like to keep the population enslaved, just as it is the case in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain and Oman and now it is soon again in Yemen and again in Syria. The products that were delivered were under international (western world) embargo, and there with the Freemasons, BP-British petroleum and the evil members of the English Royalties, CIA and MI6 committed a crime against the embargo laws. These embargo laws were placed in 1970s and 1980s because and officially Syria was hiding top wanted terrorist among others one called Hadad (in English: Smith). Which was all acting and lies to give fake hopes to Palestinian and other enslaved Arabs and show as if Syrian government is withstanding the pressure of the Western World=acting. I was dragged by force and brainwash to this project to re-brainwash me, enslave me under one of their whore disgusting agents named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped to USA as a multipurpose reason as follow:

12.1.            To use me as a blackmail object against my possible American biological family that are originated from Germany and the UK

12.2.            To prevent me of visiting members of my fake family ever again in Germany, Switzerland, the UK, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, because they are not my family but rather the coconspirator of kidnapping me on 10/11 of January 1960 and are top international criminals under the protection of the ER-English royalties, MI6, CIA and others

12.3.            To prevent me to discover that I have a twin or even a triplet, in the latter case then I have a brother and a sister in Egypt, while the brother took over my identity after I was taken to Germany on 10.10.1969, meaning he is a criminal, imposter and an identity thief, just as all members of my fake family that are not only covering up for this criminal, but also repeating the process many times over in the Middle East, Germany and USA, among other by using my 3 fake sisters, which are Fadia Najar/Nagar of Hove, the UK, Afrah/Mona/Moni Abokurah of Washington D.C., USA (now changed her name since a couple of years through a fake marriage because of my continues complaints) and my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier of Amman, Jordan that are nothing else but a nannies of these lookalike children, and last but not least my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Germany with his lookalike Nick Nagger of the same countries as well as from Los Angeles and other cities in USA.

12.4.            To prevent me to understand what they did to me in Germany from 1970 to 1986, among others enslaving me by using the American military base McGraw Kaserne under their whore Anita Disbray, setting me up to become Christian to have a reason to persecute me under the fake pretention of the religion Islam, setting me up using Siemens AG several times as mentioned above

12.5.            BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND brainwashing me and enslaving me under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud and then removing me from Germany in 1986 by kidnapping me to USA

12.6.            As cover up for all the relations and connections with the concentrated evil English royalty brainwash and destruction organization called Freemason

12.7.            To force me to raise one of the children of their hidden whore agents and pimp that acts as kings or Sheikh in one of these countries: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman or even in Germany

12.8.            To force my mind to link everything to USA and not see any connection to the concentrated evil those English royalties members that arranged all that for me since kidnapping me the first time that today I am guessing it was between January and February 1952, meaning I was kidnapped as an infant, meaning I am at least 10-12 months older than my certificate shows, and since I have been always used as blackmail object, then this will explain why many bad things happened to me around January/February such as Kidnapping me on 10/11 January to Damascus, Syria, falsifying my identity and on 15 January taking me to Egypt and they repeated the process, this time on 10.10.1969 alias my fake birthday and taking me to Germany and then taking me on a brainwash tour through 8 countries and back to Germany on 15 January, and again repeating the process in September 1986 and kidnapping me to USA, and again repeating the process and forcing me to be out on the street in February or March 1987, and again forcing me to relocate to Houston Texas on 15 December 19990 and again forcing me using the INS-American immigration authority to take me to the Netherlands on 10 February 2001, and they repeated the process again and again, and again until I sought refuge in the city of Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016. In other words some one is always is blackmailing others with these dates, which let me also conclude I was kidnapped as an infant in 1952 taken to USA and left there until I was 8 and then kidnapped again to Damascus Syria in around 10/11 January 1960 after they caused me a total amnesia to not recognize anything of my past, not even the language that I used to speak prior to 1960 and that is criminal by all laws of the world including religious laws, English laws, commonwealth laws, German laws and the laws of USA!

13.             In USA they very much repeated all the above-mentioned processes from 1986 to 2001

14.             From 2000 and until 2016 they locked me up in controlled environments between jails, prisons, refugee camps in Houston, Texas, USA, several cities and villages in the Netherlands and in Germany, as a result I am complaining about their viciousness and criminal acts as describes with in


This was my encounters with the concentrated evil English Royalty organization called Freemasons!


Today I am severely struggling between the people I am complaining about that are trying to prevent me of complaining since at least 1960 and their opponents that would stop at nothing to use me against them, which results of severe destruction to my life even now in January 2020, where I am being since at least 2 months severely attacked with telepathy and causing me severe healthy issues, just to prevent me to complain about them, whereby their opponents perform even more torture upon me to force me to complain, and both are squeezing me causing me severe sleep disturbance, which is causing me health issues that no medical doctor can solve, except others with telepathy that can protect me of both, which and until now I am not able to find and is causing me total destruction of my self-confidence and the will to go forwards, because I cannot, because these criminals are between me and my own peace in my own life!


Help and protection of these criminals is always appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


January 1960 kidnapping me, causing me total amnesia and enslaving me under a fake family

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

Since I wrote the detail of kidnapping me as child on 10/11 January 1960 as it is in the page “Kidnapping me as child” and the page “My fake family the kidnappers”, here I will only write the highlights of the involvement of the Freemason since kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 and later also in Germany which is called in German “Freimaurer” (in English: Freemason).


On 10/11 January 1960 I found myself as an 8 years old living in a hotel in Damascus, Syria. I cannot recall the hotel name, I just recall it was sort of 3 to 4 star hotel and was next to a movie theater that was owned by a man named Saieed Al-Umary as described in the 2 pages mentioned above, while he pretended to want to marry my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi as a second wife to show as if this evil woman is Syrian Muslim and he also came to Egypt around 4-5 months later and invited us for a 4 weeks summer vacation to Alexandria just to show as if this criminal knows us since years from Damascus, Syria, which was a lie and deceive. I have absolutely no memory whatsoever prior to that because they intentionally caused me a total amnesia that I even lost my speech capability. This Saieed Al-Umary and today I strongly suspect that he was also a member of the Freemason because he was helping other Freemasons to coverup my kidnapping and where I came from as well as my fake identity, and also covering up for my fake mother and 2 fake sisters and where they came from, which was 100% not Syria, yet he was reinforcing our fake identities!!


I was in this hotel with a woman named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that pretended to be my mother, and to young ladies as my sister Fadia alias Fifi Najar/Nagar (18 years old possibly older and the age was falsified) and Afrah alias Moni Najar/Najjar (19 or 20 years old possibly older and the age was falsified). I never Seen Afrah prior to this moment in time yet I was forced to believe what I was told that she is allegedly my older sister that was living with me since my birth. However, I had 1-2 memories of my other fake sister named Fadia and my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat, and as it turned out and after a lengthy analyzing of my past after the year 2000, I discovered that all the memories I had prior to this date were 100% fake as described in the above mentioned 2 pages.


I am guessing either in this hotel or prior to that by possibly 1-2 days they forced upon me the fake memories as described in the pages mentioned above. In these fake memories we were living in a rented apartment just on the edge of Damascus in an area called Mazeh, where I allegedly was born, then they allegedly had problems with the landlord and had to relocate and live at the very large house of my alleged grandfather named Kamel Baroudi that I somehow today I relate to Adnan Khashoggi  that was a CIA agent and weapon dealer for USA and the UK, possibly Kamel Baroudi was the father of Adnan Khashoggi, but I have no proves for that except my corrupt memory and his look and the fact that he was living among others in Saudi Arabia and I was heavily attacked as I went to Saudi Arabia in 1980-1982 for business as employee of Siemens AG, that resulted of Siemens AG had to let me go if they wanted to maintain their very large turn-key project named Saudi Port’s Authority where they were supplying IT systems including buildings, employees, maintenance even today in 2019, that grew to be over 2 Billion US Dollar IT project!!


During my stay in this hotel, I have a lot of memory gaps and that can be due to one of 2 reasons only: Reason-1, I was heavily controlled with telepathy and therefore I was not registering what I see. Reason-2, this situation was possibly also fake memory, which means I was never in Damascus, Syria at this point of time, and based on my experience, when they add a fake memory they always leave the small details out because they are lazy and think that they are smart and intelligent and everyone else is stupid, but on the contrary, they must be really stupid if they have to kidnap children cause them total amnesia enable they can control them.


Then I was introduced to Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael. He was allegedly originated from Sudan and is member of the Egyptian government, but as you will see he was 100% working for the ER and the Freemasons. He claimed to have been the best friend of my father, that was made up and I have many proves to support that, and allegedly both were members of the Freemasons while both allegedly were working as judges for the English government in Sudan and prior to 1949. This Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael is allegedly helping the family of his friend alias me, my fake mother and my fake 2 older sisters to escape the dictatorship of my alleged grandfather Kamel Baroudi, where we allegedly were living since summer 1959, and then sponsored us to escape my fake grandfather and go to Cairo, Egypt. This scheme of escaping the dictatorship and going to another country, is often used by these criminals, because the lookalike of my fake sister Moni (ends with i) Najar that disappeared sometimes in 1961 and was replaced by another lookalike named Mona (ends with a) Abokurah and later Mona Najjar and went to Washington D.C. in around 1987 and asked for political asylum and claimed that she is escaping the dictatorship of her husband named Abdelghani Abokurah that allegedly died in November 1999, yet he was anything but dictator, from my point of view and as I saw him, and even though I did not like him much, yet he was very modern person, that was educated between Germany, the UK and USA, and was allowing more freedom to his children than any other person I have seen in this family = the lookalike of my fake sister (an imposter and identity thief that pretended to be my sister) lied to the American immigration used the same scheme as it was used in 17 years earlier by my original fake sisters and fake mother in 1960. Beside the American immigration allegedly accepted her as a refugee, and refused me, whereby I was honest and forced me to live as a slave in USA covered up by forcing me to live as an illegal alien = no freedom would ever come from the evil US government!


In Cairo Egypt I met many others that claimed to know my family, but I did not know them and many also claimed to have been the neighbors of my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi, which I was never able to verify except that they were all liars and con persons including my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters, because if they are telling the truth, then at least half of the street where my alleged grandfather Kamel Baroudi lived, relocated to Cairo, Egypt, which is a lie, my guess they are all related and/or prior agents that meant in one way or another to take part on controlling Egypt and wanted to hide the relation to the UK/USA and networking, and neighbors from Damascus, Syria is a good way to hide their true identity, because my fake mother and each time she introduce to me new people in Cairo, Egypt that are allegedly originated from Syria, she claimed they were the neighbors of her father Kamel Baroudi, and these neighbors were more than 40 different person such as the Kwader/Queder/Koueider family that alone consisted of 3-4 families that all allegedly were neighbors of my fake grandfather in Damascus, Syria!!


And therewith this was my first encounter starting on 10/11 January 1960 with the Freemason through the Syrian Saieed Al-umary and the Sudanese/Egyptian politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael.


The second encounter. And to confirm this fake story of Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that he allegedly was the friend of my none existing and made up  father and Freemason body/partner, my fake mother and down the road, I cannot recall the exact date, she gave me 3-4 documents/certificates that states that my none existing father was a freemason member and a Master Mason, whatever that means, probably a higher up in the ladder of brainwash, as well as 2 old gold medals from the Freemasons with his name engraved on them as Abdulhamid Najar, but also they gave me so called family ID book allegedly issued in Damascus, Syria, yet this ID book, and very unfortunately the German immigration stole it from me in 2002, just as the Dutch immigration stole from me my German driver license and both claimed later they do not have them. Anyway, this fake Syrian family ID, had in it me, my fake mother, and my fake 2 sisters, and it was issued allegedly in the begin of 1950s, yet it did not have my fake father, and it did not have my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar and it did not have my oldest fake sister named Suhair Bdeir that claimed to have taken my fake brother in 1956 shortly after she allegedly get married in 1953 or 1954 and raised him in Amman, Jordan that turned out not only that she is not my sister, but also she is and without any doubt a hired nanny for hidden Jordanian royalties as mention in the pages “Kidnapping me as child” and the page “My family the Kidnappers”. Jordanian royalties = English Royalties installation = puppets!


There was maybe other encounters with the Freemason and in Egypt, but I am not positive about them, such as the alleged relative of my fake mother and Egyptian General named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was possibly also a Freemason, but also the Egyptian president at that time named Gamal Abd Al Naser was most definitely member of the Freemasons, because he was using the ER brainwash strategies by creating confusion and lies such as that he allegedly was bonding  with all Egyptians and Muslims, yet he was heavily persecuting the Islamic Brotherhood and claiming that they were terrorists, but they were not terrorist, they were just brotherhood in helping each other’s in bad times that was created by the colonialist ER until 1953 and then they used the other hidden strategy in that they used one Egyptian that is working for them and using their brainwash and slavery strategies while claiming to be against them and with Russians, yet there was nothing Russian in Egypt, but rather all English and Americans, and that I was forced to see because I was forced to live there for 10 years from 15 January 1960 and until 10.10.1969.


Around 1965/1966 they forced upon me a new brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Nick Naggar, that I strongly suspect to have been the hidden son of King Hussein of Jordan and simultaneously MI6 and/or CIA agent, and this was confirmed because my fake niece named Reem Bdeir is a very lookalike of Princess Haya of Jordan while they claimed that this forced upon me new brother was allegedly raised by my sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier that turned out to be a nanny for hidden Jordanian royalty children among other Reem Bdeir/Budier (female), Basma Bdeir/Budier (female) alias Basma Alami (previously Bdeir//Budier) and Samir (male) Bdeir/Budier, just as my other 2 fake sisters turned out also to be nanny for hidden children agent from Saudi Arabia and Jordan that the ER uses in the UK and in the USA to show as if these alleged but fake Arabs have nothing to do with the ER. King Hussein was known to be member of the Freemason, and there with another very evil scheme related to the Freemason, because this fake brother had most probably telepathy and most probably was the responsible one for organizing from the background me being rapped multitude times to have a reason to persecute me as an alleged homosexual, which was also a very nasty and most destructive brainwash method to make the brain feel guilty and shamed and not to want to think about my time living in Egypt to not discover what these criminals are doing, and therewith they blame their bad doings on a child, me!


That was the highlight of the freemason roll in my first kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960 and in Cairo, Egypt, and that was not good, but rather criminal acts from start to end, whereby it did not end there in Egypt, it continued also in Munich, Germany, but also it did not start on 10/11 January 1960, but rather it started as soon as these criminals marked my upper left leg with hot iron most probably when I was a baby in 1959 enable to recognize me when I grew up or possibly to differentiate me of a possible twin or triplet or both!


1970 brainwashing me and enslaving me under one of their whore agents in Munich

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

As a reminder of the brainwash that they performed upon me and is written in detail under the section slavery in Germany, here is a brief reminder because it is related directly to the German section of the Freemasons, called Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany:

1.                  On 10.10.1969, my fake mother took me to Germany with the intention to be allegedly close to her boyfriend named Mohi Sabri that she claimed she married him in the hidden in Islamic way in the mid of 1960s, which I was never able to confirm

2.                  Arriving in Frankfurt she introduced me to a lookalike of Mohi Sabri and claimed it is the same person because the original from Cairo was a very lookalike to almost identical look to the ex-vice German chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that was killed in 2003, except Mohi Sabri had brown eyes

3.                  On 11.20.1969 I was taken to Munich to deliver me to the American military by setting me up with fake US 100 Dollar bills, but it did not work, and I am more than positive that someone told my fake mother to take me back to the middle east to implicate me with many bad things and bring me back, and that can be only one of the followings: CIA, MI6 and/or the Freemasons

4.                  Around 10 December 1969 my fake mother took me on a brainwash tour to the middle east, during which she implicated me as follow:

4.1.                        On around 7 or 8 December 1969 she introduced me to a man named Bssiesso, he was allegedly a Palestinian and had a used car sales shop, My fake mother claimed that she ran out of money and need to go to Damascus, Syria to get some money and then come back, yet all she needed to do is to make a phone call and within 24-48 hours she will have money. And this Mr. Bssiesso was allegedly helping us going to Damascus Syria for free with some of his customers that bought of him several cars and construction trucks, loaded the cars on the construction trucks and drove all of them in a convoy of around 4-5 drivers from Munich to Damascus in 4-5 days. These drivers were Kurdish. And here was the first setup, Mr. Bssiesso was Palestinian, and they used to say all Palestinian are member of the PLO, at that time and based on European and the American governments, the PLO was the biggest terrorist group from 1960 and until at least 1990s, then they replaced it with Al-Qaida (Saudi Arabian), and the Al-Qaida was later also replaced with DAESH/ISIS (from allegedly Syria and Iraq) as distraction of Saudi Arabia, which is a circle of inventing a terrorist group to have a reason to invade a country, and this scheme has been used for decades, and based on the Egyptian history that I learned from 1960 to 1969, this strategy was used at least since 1915. On top of the PLO, the Kurdish were also blamed for many terrorist attacks, meaning I am being now in Munich helped by at least 2 terrorist groups, PLO + Kurdish (I do not believe that All Palestinians or Kurdish are terrorist, these are scams of the American and English government to label a whole nation as terrorist enable to have a reason to steal their country), whereby the Kurdish have been used by Americans and UK for a long time by promising to help them, but they never really did help them, at least in the last 100 years they did not, yet they used them to set me up during this trip!

4.2.                        Around 13 December 1969, Setting me up and implicating me as if I am originated from Russia in that this nasty woman exchanged places with another identical lookalike (my guess her twin sister) in the city of Sofia in Bulgaria (ex-Soviet Union) and since we were being monitored due to the fake 100 US dollar bills, and they noticed the exchange immediately, and I noticed it over 40 years later

4.3.                        Around 20 December 1969, Setting me up in Damascus Syria, and implicating me as if I am related to top terrorists from PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization, and this nasty woman created this fake terrorist setup in cooperation with her 3 alleged brothers Dr. Farzat Baroudi (married to a hidden daughter or niece of Jameel Baroudi, a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 that lives between Cairo and Saudi Arabia while one of his 5 daughters was married to a Saudi Arabian Prince to show as if they area Arabs and Muslims=same pattern as the rest of this evil fake family), Badeaa Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi (one of the last 2 is very possibly a German origin and hidden escaped Nazis while his brother Mamdoh Baroudi and his alleged cousin Jameel Baroudi, almost identical look to Mamdoh Baroudi, the only difference between these 2 is that Mamdoh is around 20-30 years older and has brown eyes, and both are possibly hidden escaped Nazis from 1945) and Badeaa Baroudi that I heavily relate to both English royal family and ex-German royal family because both these royal families were heavily related and he was married at least to one woman that was almost identical look to him=sister or cousin to generate more lookalike, which is often used by the ER and the ex-German royalties. And 2 weeks later completed this implication setup to relate me to terrorisms in cooperation of my other 2 fake sisters and their evil families in Jordan that are 100% also Freemasons and named Abokurah and Bdeir/Budier families later on 15 January also the evil Malas Family, that also Freemason and hidden Escaped Nazis from 1945 and related directly to the English royal family, because only those ex-German Nazis from 1945 that are directly related to the English royal family were used and integrated in the Middle East (and other countries in Africa and South America) to use the same Nazi strategies to enslave the population, which is very visible in Brazil economy that almost equals the Nazis economies from 1930s to 1940s, and this is also 100% valid for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon (until 1971) and ex-Iraq prior to 2002, but not valid for Jordan (slavery country for Palestinian refugees), Yemen, Egypt, Syria, and Sudan!!!!

4.4.                        Around 25 December 1969, setting me up in Amman, Jordan to be related to hidden organized crime family that consist among others of hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 such as Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budeir, Abdalghani Abokurah, the husbands of my 2 fake sisters as well as the Malas family and others

4.5.                        Around 8 January 1970, in Beirut and Jubail, Lebanon setting me up to look like I am related to these drug lords that officially grow tobacco for the families of my 2 fake sisters in Jordan and for the official Jordanian royal family, because both owned at least 2 brands of cigarettes named: Reem/Riem cigarettes (same name as my fake niece and hidden Jordanian royal family that I guess her to be the older sister of princess Haya of Jordan) and Philadelphia cigarettes, whereby the words Reem/Riem is German/Austrian/Swiss/Dutch origin and Philadelphia is American city and the word is Greek originated from a small Asian city and it means “brotherly love”. Yet the Bark family in Jubail and the Azrath family in Tripoli, both have permanent representative in Amman Jordan one named Ali Bark (Muslim Shiaa) and claimed to be the Lebanese console for over 20 years in Amman, Jordan and the other named Joseph Azrath (Lebanese Christian) and they were bringing illegal drugs to Amman, Jordan and from there to Europe, USA and other countries with their own airline and trucking companies that I discovered in 1970 and totally forgot about the trucking company, until today. This trucking company was possibly the reason why the FBI, possibly it was someone else, set me up in around 1993/1994 to have project with Koch Industries at their headquarter in Wichita, Kansas USA that was allegedly developing a satellite system to track all of their trucks nationwide in USA, which was possibly mean as a reminder of this trucking company (from 1970s) and the evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project called Calypso (from 1983 to at least 1985), where they dragged me to it by force of setup and brainwash, re-brainwashed me, enslaved me under one of their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA to use me as a blackmail object against my biological family and possibly as a reaction they used the Koch Industry project to blackmail the BP-British Petroleum company with the illegal drugs and my fake family (related to English royalties) with their trucking and Airline companies in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Also the Boeing manufacturing headquarter and to my knowledge at that time was also in Wichita, Kansas, it is very difficult to go to Wichita and not hear of Koch Industries or Boeing, not to forget to mention that the word Koch is German and means Cook and the hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 had lots of money to invest here or there or to start a new business. Some of the above mentioned is just a theory, yet it is a well-founded one!! The truck company I get to know through the Bdeir/Budier family, where they entertained truck drivers and their families in Amman, Jordan while I was there, possibly it was to reinforce my fake relation to illegal drugs!

4.6.                        Around 12/13 January taking me to Cairo, Egypt to relate me to Esmat Khodori/Chodori, that very possibly an agent from ex-Soviet Union, because I knew her through her uncle (name forgotten) that was the CEO of the Egyptian Airline (that had several to many passenger planes from Russian Antonov brand=the only possible Russian connection to my life that I did not see at that time, but it does not mean that the CEO was Russian, yet he bought from Russian as well as from Boeing), and I get to know him through my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar that was married to Mr. Afaf Shawki a pilot until 1966 at Egypt Airline, then allegedly had a plane accident that crashed and every one was killed including an agriculture minister from Yemen, and above all, his official 2 children, alias my fake nephew Essam Shawki and my fake niece Esmat Shawki (living between the UK, Egypt and Saudi Arabia) look nothing like their official father, and one of them is 100% the son of my above mentioned uncle Jawdat Baroudi (also related to the English royalty or only to the English royalties and I was setup with brainwash to think of him as an escaped German Nazi from 1945, possibly they are 2 almost identical look persons!!!) that I strongly suspect him to have been one of thousand hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 that were integrated by the English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA government, in the Middle East to control the population using the same Nazi strategies that they used in Germany until 1945, and he is also simultaneously and most probably was a German console in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia either all at once or at different times, because he tried his best to hide what he does from me, yet today I have many proves from my past that he is originated from Germany and/or from the UK. Also by relating me to Esmat Khodori from Cairo that I strongly suspect to have used me to show as if I was her boyfriend from 1968/69 enable they all can coverup for my twin that took over my place after October 1969 in Cairo, Jordan and Saudi Arabia and Germany and she pretended that my twin is me meaning is the same person, which is me, that came to Cairo on 15 January 1960 and went to school in Cairo, and therewith she is 100% either ER from Russia or ER from other country that came to Cairo, Egypt in 1967 pretending to be from Port Said, where she claimed to have allegedly lost both parents during the fake Egyptian war against Israel, the reason I say fake because I was living there and my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar was living just 100 meters of a major Egyptian Airforce Airport called Almazah in Cairo and 200 meters of a major military base, and none of them had any attacks what so ever or any unusual activities!

4.7.                        15 January 1970, arriving in Munich, Germany after around 35 days trip to several Arab countries to implicate me as related to terrorism, Nazis, drug lords and ex-Soviet Union and to confirm these and in Munich a young man (name possibly Mazen Malas or his brother) picked us up from the Airport that was the son of Abo Maieen Malas (his first name I forgot), that I suspect to have been one of the hidden escaped Nazis from 1945 living in Amman, Jordan and Saudi Arabia (that is why he sent all of his children to schools and universities in Germany such as Mazen Malas and others), and simultaneously is related to and friend with the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters named Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah (the son of a major Nazi from the ex-German royal family), while Malas is also the name of a family (I guess it is another family or possibly it is the same family) that was one of the major supporters of the PLO and later also Hamas and later also major members of Hezbollah, while I strongly suspect that the Chairman of the board and president of the PLO named Yasser Arafat was raised and trained in the hidden by hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, meaning by the hidden English royalties  that also created Israel (creating a never ending conflict, which is a very strong pattern of the English royalties as distraction of their own bad and destructive doings by stealing the land of the poor while killing the poor by claiming they are terrorists!!!) that were living in Egypt such as Jameel Baroudi and many others, and these hidden escaped Nazis were 100% protected by the CIA and MI6 as you can see below. A few days later on or on the same day of arrival, which I doubt, this young Mr. Malas that was around 22 years old and allegedly studying at the university of Munich, invited us, my fake mother and me, to go out with him and look at a famous street of the night life in an area called Schwabing, and I then never seen him ever thereafter, which very much meant, at least to me, he took us out possibly after I was forced to apply for political asylum, and since I strongly suspect that I have been being followed due to all the above mentioned implication setups, this means this young Mr. Malas wanted these agent that were monitoring me to know for sure as if we are close friends from the Middle East just to confirm my fake identity and my fake relation to terrorism, illegal drugs and Nazis, because his father was 100% hidden escaped Nazi, also his mother named Raghdah, unfortunately I forgot his father name, and also I do not know their German Nazi names. His mother Raghdah had dark red hair with a lot of summer freckles all over her face and body, just as my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka also had and was set on me possibly to force my mind to think about Raghdah and the Malas family, whereby this happened very often to me, that someone is forced upon my life something to remind me of someone of my past!!

5.                  I believe on the next day after we arrived for the second time in Munich on 15 January 1970 and after they took me for a brainwash and implication tour, and 2 days after returning around 16 or 17 January 1970, my fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi took me to the German branch of Freemason their name was and still is and were located at and still located at: Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany and showed them the 3-4 certificates of my none existing father and the 2 gold medals as mentioned above and asked them to help me, they said we cannot help him because he is on a tourist visa and soon will be illegal in Germany, therefore the best and quickest thing is to apply for him for political asylum and then we can help him. This mentioned meeting in itself was a brainwash to me, because they wanted me to know that the Freemasons did not know me prior to today and also to distract of the evil CIA & MI6 that will take over the control of my life for at least the next 7 years and make it look like as if they were helping me because I asked them for help, which I most definitely did not do, because the Freemasons planned all these evil setups. Then the Freemasons told my fake mother where and how to apply for me for political asylum. She took me the following day to the main police and municipality public services office, now called KVR and is on Ruppertstraße 19, yet in 1970 it was with the police station on Et street where she applied for me for political asylum, ironically they brought a translator originated from Palestine, and they say every Palestinian is member of PLO and PLO is the biggest terrorist group that was also for the longest time period from 1963/64 and until 1993/94, then they replaced it with Al-Qaida, and replaced Al-Qaida with ISIS, when I say they, meaning the ER and their relatives in the US government and other governments in the Middle East, because they 100% control all the very large and dominant terrorist organizations, because they create them. The translator asked me how did I leave Syria and I told him, that my uncle named Badeaa Baroudi has brought me a fake PLO ID that shows that I am volunteering to fight Israel with the Palestinians, and there with the Syrian government issued for me a temporary travel document from Syria to the PLO front in Jordan, and in Jordan the families of my 2 fake sisters, named Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah (both from English and German royalties) get me a new Syrian passport and with it I went to Lebanon as transit but in reality to force me to visit friends of my fake sister’s families in Jordan that are illegal drug lords which are the Barq/bark family in Jubail, Lebanon, and then to Cairo to visit my sister and Esmat Khodori then back to Munich on 15 January 1970, and therewith, the German government marked me as terrorist suspect without me noticing and monitored me and every time there was a terrorist attack linked directly or indirectly to PLO, then they will create a set up to get me in a controlled environment enable to get the terrorist info out of me, however the CIA and MI6 always broke this setup and did not allow them to interrogate me, because I suspected to be linked to ex-Soviet Union and communism, illegal drugs, and Nazi and that had over hand  and priority and that is why the CIA and MI6 took the control of my life over because the Freemason planned it this way, and because this is what the Freemason does, plan many evil things like that in the hidden and to the public they always show a different faces

6.                  After I was forced to apply for political asylum, the Freemason as mentioned above get me a job within 2 days at a company called Schalt Bau, my job was to build electrical plugs, then my mother left within 7-10 days after we arrived and gave me some money that was by far not enough and it was another set up for a severe brainwash. In Germany the salaries are mainly paid out once a month at the begin or end of the month, therefore, the money that she gave me was by far not enough to cover the hotel cost and my first salary was only for a couple of days that I worked in January, as far as I recall, it was less than 5 days’ work and I had to go through February, paying the hotel, transportation to the company, smoking (that was forced upon me by my fake family as a part of brainwash and slavery) and food and drinks, therefore I had to leave the hotel because I was not able to pay for it, and I was literally sleeping between the streets, train station and toilets that was open, because it was winter, and that was the begin of the severe and very destructive brainwash performed upon me by the German government in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 + the Freemasons!

7.                  Notes to plan to force me to be on the street as a mean for brainwash and isolation and to hate Syrians to force me to stay away of them:

7.1.                        I had to quit my new job at Schalt Bau because I was not able to concentrate and if I am not careful I can lose my hands, because my job was to dispense, using a cup like container, powder plastic into a machine and then with my foot press a pedal that then will activate the machine that will press a very hot iron in to the powder and form it into an electric plug and if I do not take my hand off on time I lose it, therefore I quit because I had no place to sleep at night, and they asked me why am I quitting, and I honestly told them that I am no longer in the hotel because I cannot afford it and I am sleeping on the street. My question here is: They knew where I came from and that I am a refugee living in a hotel, did not speak German maybe 50-100 words English and mentally I was totally under my age because they caused me total amnesia and kept me as slave not allowing me to grow my intelligence, so my question is why did they let me go, why didn’t help me find an inexpensive affordable room, in the hotel I was paying 20 German Deutsch Mark per night, which equals 600 Deutsch Mark monthly, my salary was around 700 or 800 Deutsch Mark, how can I survive that if my intelligence and experience was lacking dramatically, the answer is simple: They were counting on it that I do not survive it, they planned it this way and that is why the Freemason did not move a finger to help me and let me go through a very severe and most destructive brainwash that has one goal only: cut my connection to the past, force me within a new environment to be busy fighting to survive to force me to forget my past, force my mind to hate Syrians to prevent me to socialize with them and talk with them about my (fake) family in Syria, place me under military and CIA protection to not allow anyone to come near me while pretending that they are investigating me for fake terrorism based on a setup that the evil CIA + MI6 + the Freemason + my fake family pushed me into, and then enslave me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray, last but not least bring confusion to my mind to prevent me to set connections between these evil persons and institutions as mentioned above from point 1 and until the last point below, and therewith I will never discover that the CIA & MI6 & Freemasons were working closely with my fake and biological families as well as with the German immigration, because they all pretended not to know each other’s from before but also to cover up for them and for countless agents and other criminals around my life that pretended to be related to me in Cairo, Egypt, Amman, Jordan and Lebanon and later on after 1980 also Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain and Oman, yet they planned and performed all these atrocities against me. Last but not least, I strongly suspect that the owner or general manager or CEO of the hotel I was forced to stay in and called Hotel Maria on Schwanthaler street 112, in Munich was member of the Freemason, while the hotel itself was just a 400-500 meters away of the Freemason organization at Schwanthaler street 60, Munich!

7.2.                        When I was forced to apply for political asylum as mean of brainwash and preventing me to ever leave Germany, I was under 18 years old, and to be exact and based on my official documents and ID that were 100% falsified, I was 17 years and 3 months, yet the Germany immigration, and even though they 100% knew I was sleeping on the street in the winter, and February in Germany is 100% winter and very cold and had some snow, meaning temperature around zero (0) to minus 20 degrees, and the reason I know that they 100% knew I was sleeping on the street, is because I was arrested twice within 2 weeks period in February 1970 by the police authority in the same building where I was forced to apply for political asylum a couple of weeks earlier, but also because some Syrian man claimed I stole 2000 Deutsch mark from him and he called the police as mentioned below and I said to the police that I was homeless and they knew my age, but no one lift a finger to help me and 5-10 days later I was arrested again because I was homeless and was sleeping in a library of university of Maryland at the American military base named McGraw kaserne and they jailed me for 48 hours, and here too they broke the law and did not help me. The law says it clearly if an underage refugee is homeless, a housing must be provided by the German immigration and he must attend school, and therewith twice I was knocking at the doors, meaning the police that at that time was in the same building as where I was forced to apply for political asylum, but also they were monitoring me all the time because they pretended to be suspecting me of terrorism, to be Russian agent, related to drug lords and so on, yet they allowed me to sleep on the streets of Munich for around 2 weeks, and that too was planned by them and the evil CIA + MI6 as well as the Freemason. It is very simple, if they are not with me, then they are against me!!

8.                  During this period, a waiter in an Arabic restaurant, right next door of Hotel Maria, mentioned above, offered me for free to use his phone to call my uncle in Hamburg named Dr. Farzat Baroudi and ask him for help, but he refused to help me, today I know why, because this criminal fake uncle was one of the persons that set me up to look like as if I am terrorist along with his other 2 brothers Badeaa and Jawdat Baroudi and his evil sister alias my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi enable to give the CIA + MI6 a reason to take me over to the military base named McGraw kaserne for total isolation of my past!

9.                  Some man at the Arabic restaurant mentioned above, offered me to sleep at their hotel, they claimed to be Syrians here for business, they were staying 4 or 5 in one bed room pension. Pension is smaller than a hotel. 2 of them were sleeping on the floor, I accepted and slept on the floor I think maybe 1 or 2 nights, one of them claimed I stole 2000 Deutsch Mark of his pocket and while he is a sleep, and when I responded I did not, he went to the police and filed a complaint against me, the police arrested me, questioned me and released me after either a few hours or the following morning, and they asked me how I get to know this man, and I told them I am a refugee, homeless and met them in the Arabic restaurant and they offered me to sleep on the floor, when they check my ID, and the only valid ID I had is the piece of paper that says I have applied for political asylum, and therewith even the police broke the law against me twice within 10 days period for arresting me finding out that I am under age, refugee and homeless yet they never helped me with housing. It is very sad, but who can I trust in this life? Today I think of the possibility that they set me up with these Syrians, and possibly they were not even Syrians, just to force me to hate Syrians enable to voluntarily avoid contacts with all Syrians and Arabs in General

10.             I kept going back to the same Arabic restaurant that was right next door to the hotel Maria where I was staying, because I did not know where else to go, at least in this Arabic restaurant they speak the same language as I do. But this time, and when I went there, I get to know a Lebanese man named Miguel. Was maybe 25 or 30 years old, I believe he was possibly either a CIA agent or working for either German BND (CIA like) or German BKA/LKA (FBI like), both are German security agencies, and he was possibly spying on Arabs in this areas and in particular Palestinians, and the reason I am suspecting him to be an agent is mainly for 2 reasons:

10.1.                   He took me to the American military base through a setup, where then I was severely and very destructively brainwashed and enslaved, with many very negative side effects, that lasted even until today in 2019

10.2.                   He had a habit to do certain movement once every while, which was: he grabs the collar of his shirt as if he has a tie on, but he did not, then lifts his shoulder up and down, then nicks his head downwards and lift it back up while licking his upper and lower lips as if he is refreshing himself with this movement, and this movement was often repeated in situations while I was forced between 2001 and 2006 to be locked up between many jails, prisons and refugee camps also in the same police station on Et street, as a mean to juggle my memory where they had me in their own controlled environment and they tried hard between them and the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim to perform acts or recreate situations of the past plus adding new situations to shock me as a mean of re-brainwashing to force me to remember what they want me to remember enable they can then force me to talk about my past, which they did, which it was a 100% hidden interrogations, and since I know I was always a good man, nothing to-do with terrorism, illegal drugs, Nazis, Jewish (not that they are bad), ex-Soviet Union (not that they are bad) and communism (no offence meant against the mentioned), and since everything is long time ago, then it had only one goal: to re-brainwash me for their benefits and not for mine and the prove for that in that then I was locked up from July 2000 to June 2012 for 13 years between jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA, Germany and the Netherlands as distraction of kidnapping me to USA and keeping me locked up in USA by force as an illegal alien and then dumping me in the Netherlands for this severe brainwash and re-brainwash as coverup among others for the criminals Bush family that arranged kidnapping me and keeping me as slave in Connecticut and Houston for 15 years. Several of these made reminder setups was about this Miguel from Lebanon that had this habit in certain situations of grapping his collar, and then moving his shoulder up and down, nicking his head downwards and then upwards while licking his lips, which he did at least every 10-20 minutes. He had blue eyes, dark blond, wide shoulder and was around 170-175 cm

11.             At the Arabic Restaurant in end of February or begin of March 1970, this Miguel, asked me where I sleep and I told him on the street, toilets or the train station, he said he knows a better place, and took me to a library of the University of Maryland that was on the edge of Munich between the city section Giesing and Perlacher Forest and within the American military Base McGraw kaserne, but I did not know and understood at that time that this is a military base. We slept on the library floor for 2-4 days, it was much warmer than below zero degrees and then we get arrested around 3 in the morning and taken to the police station downtown in Et street, they released me after 2-3 days, during which I had better meals than the last 2 weeks, which was among others, half a chicken. I was broke, no money, and that too was planned to get me right here, where they wanted me to be!! During this period, I get to know Mrs. Doris Hayes an alleged German woman that was married to an American Sargent, that today I am guessing him to be MI-Military intelligence or CIA or both. Mrs. Doris Hayes was working as Popcorn maker and seller in a small booth in an American military movie theater on the first floor of the same building as the library of the University of Maryland, and Miguel took me also there, meaning, it was all planned, among others because there was a young man that was absolutely wrong in this picture but I was not able to pinpoint why, he was German, he was around 19-25 years, blond, blue eyes, dressed casual, yet hippy sort of unusual. His name was Erik, he was always there where I also was for around 7-10 days, then he disappeared and I never seen him after that, therefore I am guessing that he was a German agent working for BND, LKA or BKA and disappeared after his job is finished of seeing me being delivered to this Mrs. Hayes or better said her husband Mr. Hayes or Sergeant Hayes. They had a son of around 10 years old named Mark. I also never seen Miguel after I get arrested in the Library, which very much means he was working for them, because this is the solid pattern, they force me to be surrounded by certain group of people that perform some destruction to my life, then force me to be in another location (sometimes also another country), surrounded by a new group of people that try to distract me of the previous group, while I am not allowed to go back or see the previous group, and this they performed on me more than 10 times as follow:

11.1.                   10/11 January 1960 kidnapped me, and I have absolutely no contacts whatsoever to my previous life, nor I know where I was prior to that nor I know my biological family

11.2.                   On the same date as above took me to Syria into a hotel for 3-4 days, added some fake memory to my brain, falsified my identity and took me to Egypt and I was never meant to ever go back to Syria!

11.3.                   On 15 January 1960 took me to Egypt and here performed a severe brainwash on me and I keep losing contacts to each individual criminal that helped kidnapping me to Egypt and or covering up for it such as the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, and even through each one of these 2 criminals hosted us for 4 weeks at their home. Which was a show to make others believe that we are related, until we get our own apartment in around 15 March 1960, thereafter and until 1970, I saw each of these criminals only 1 or 2 times in 10 years

11.4.                   On 10.10.1969 took me to Germany and ever since I never was allowed to go anywhere near the Middle east and that is why they set me up and forced me to be refugee for 7 years in Germany without legal papers to prevent me to travel and visit my family that turned out to be my fake family and kidnappers

11.5.                   On 10.10.1969 I was forced to meet a new person that claimed to be Mohi Sabri that was allegedly the husband of my fake mother, but it was not him, I never seen this man before 10.10.1969 nor after 11.10.1969 and until I saw his identical lookalike of the original Mogi Sabri on TV and mentioned within alias the ex-German vice chancellor Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that was killed in 2003, and this lookalike was distraction of him

11.6.                   On 15 December 1969 took me from Germany to Syria where I was really confined to the apartment that they took me to, I was not allowed to go to visit my alleged aunt Eftikar Kheir because not only she is not my aunt but also possibly she does not live there, where I was brainwash to think that she did in a city section called Mezah, were allegedly I was born, because then if I see the neighborhood I would most definitely have conflicts with my own fake memories, the same also with the house of my alleged grandparents Kamel Baroudi and his evil wife Samiyah/Samiyath Khayat (Tailor/Taylor) but during this period of time in December 1969 they added 2 brainwash situation through forced dreams that was forced upon me as fake memory to think that I knew my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi since birth, and this uncle was staying in the same apartment that I was forced to stay in in Damascus for around 10 days, instead of staying in the very big house of his father where they brainwashed me to believe through brainwash and fake memory I lived at this house from Summer 1959 and until we left it on 10/11 January 1960, and it took me a long times to recognize all these fake memories. In short, I am not allowed to go to areas I was allegedly in before or see people I allegedly knew from before

11.7.                   On approximately 10/12 January 1970 I was taken to Egypt yet not allowed to go and live in the apartment where I was raised from 15 March 1960 to 10.10.1969 and was forced to stay at the house of my fake sister for 2 days and then taken back to Germany

11.8.                   Between 15 January 1970 and around 15 February 1970 in Munich, Germany I was surrounded by certain people and all disappeared of my life including the Freemasons

11.9.                   Between 15 February 1970 and 15 March 1970 in Munich, Germany I was surrounded by new group of people that performed severe damages upon my life through mental torture and countless brainwash setups that I just mentioned a couple of them in this page, and this new group and most definitely distracted me not only from the previous group but from my entire past life because they pushed me by force into a severe surviving mode where I was forced to concentrate on finding food to eat and a place to sleep!

11.10.               Approximately 15 March 1970 and until approximately end of July or begin of August 1970 in Munich, Germany I was surrounded by a new group of people that were all American military + 3 civilian working for the military and was 100% and totally isolated by force of not only the previous 1-2 groups but of my entire life and relation to my fake family

11.11.               Approximately August 1970 and until approximately summer 1972 I was surrounded by a new group of people that prevented me to get in touch with any of the older groups, among other by bringing into my life and within the American military base named McGraw kaserne 3 new lookalikes of me fake family and forced me to think that the original ones already left not only Egypt but the entire Middle East, which was lie and very destructive brainwash that I was able gradually to discover it was as such after the year 2000 and most definite after 1 March 2016; and these 3 lookalike were the lookalike of my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Nick Naggar, he was forced upon me in I believe September 1970, my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, she was forced upon me in approximately end of 1970 or spring of 1971, then disappeared of my life, and my fake sister in the UK that came to visit me for a couple of days and claimed to be the same as the one from Egypt, yet I had no way of denying that, not only because some of these criminals had telepathy and can force me to think what they want, but also the other 2, fake brother and mother force my mind with brainwash to think that she is the same person, and my brain would not reject all 3 of them=severe planned evil and very destructive brainwash within the American military Base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany!

11.12.               Approximately August or September 1972 I was forced to live in a German environment and was not allowed to go back to the American military base because they enslaved me under one of their whore agent named Anita Disbray that controlled my life with telepathy while making me look as if I am controlling her and suppressing her (which is the same pattern as the other whore agent from 1984 that BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6 and BND enslaved me under and named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA and she also did the absolute same!). after 1973. I went a couple of times to the American military Base because they used to make a so called “Little Octoberfest” imitating the real Octoberfest and mixing it with American and military traditions games and food, but I was not welcome!

11.13.               From approximately March 1973 and until January 1976, I was totally isolated from everything that was forced upon my life through the concentrated evil CIA and American military base McGraw kaserne, with the exception of the following persons: Anita Disbray she was 100% forced upon me as a wife using telepathy as described in more than in one area + the new lookalike of my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Nick Naggar, whereby he was avoiding me most of the time, today I know why he was avoiding me, because he was 100% not my original fake brother and he was also working for the evil CIA and pretending to be my original fake brother + a German and ex Wok colleague I maintained his friendship, yet each time I meet with him something very bad happened to me and my relationship as friend to him, last time I saw him I think maybe in around 1975 + Ray Thomas an Afro American that 100% was either a second rate CIA agent or MI-Military intelligence or a combination, he pretended to be my friend helping me here and there in a very bad and destructive situations that he asked others to create enable I can see him as a friend, whereby from 1973-1978 I may have saw him only 2-3 times, the last time was at the Oktoberfest in 1977 or 1978. During the entire period and each time, I make new friendship at work or later at computer school these criminals will destroy my new friendship.

11.14.               End of summer 1973 to end of summer 1974 I attended an IT school in Munich to learn computer programming. It was only one year, during which I met a few very nice persons and liked them and became friends with them, and even invited some of them  to my apartment, yet shortly after that something terrible happened and I lose their friendship and this started in around August/September 1970 = my fake brother + the whore agent that the CIA enslaved me under and named Anita Disbray + my fake friend an Afro-American that was 100% CIA agent and named Ray Thomas

11.15.               January 1976 I was setup and forced to become Christian, and this is one of a hand full of things that I liked in my life, yet today I know it was a setup and some members of the church were 100% not only against me but also covering up for members of my fake family such as the lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, the whore CIA agent Anita Disbray that the CIA enslaved me under in August 1970 and even forced me to marry her and the prove for all that is that in end of 1978 I was forced to leave the entire city where I became Christian and named Unterschleissheim 20 KM north of Munich and was forced to relocate to Munich in a very destructive brainwash situation that they used a woman that was 10 years older than me named Renee Zielske, thereafter I continued to maintain my contacts with the members of the church community because I really loved most of them, and therefore I often went back to for a visit, yet each time I go there something really bad happened=some evil group of people were causing these problems to prevent me to go back to this small city, thereafter I was kidnapped to USA, and from USA I tried hard to maintain my contact with these church members, but I was forced with the same destructive schemes to separate of them. After the year 2000 I was forced to go this city called Unterschleissheim illegally as a mean to refresh my old feelings to them and to my life in Germany, and went again there 18 months later where I was overwhelmed with the unjust persecution and lock between jails and refugee camps, I asked them for help and they called the police and claimed to the police that I am trying to get my old housing and old part-time job back at the church, which was a lie, I wonder why they lied and dropped me like a hot potato! In short, I was not allowed to go back to Germany nor to mix with my old church friends = pattern

11.16.               Today in 2019 I have better understanding about the behavior of some of these hidden criminals that are causing me so much trouble since 10/11 January 1960 where they kidnapped me from my family and home and ever since prevented me to be free, not in Germany, not in USA, not in the UK and most definitely not in the Netherlands because I did not plan all these relocations nor I planned to have all these loses, nor I planned to complain publicly about these criminals, yet I went through it all and I am complaining because I want them to stop harming me and also I do not want anyone else to go through what I went through and I also want justice and I also want to find my real biological family that throwed me to these criminals

12.             After they arrested me for being sleeping in the University of Maryland library floor and I was released from jail, I went back to the library to sleep not caring being arrested again or not, because it was at least warm and much warmer than zero degrees, and I also through all the brainwash I started to hate Arabs that not only not helped me but throw me twice in jail within 2 weeks period of February 1970, but also  because I did not know a better alternative for sleep warm but also because I was and most definitely manipulated with telepathy to go there as a part of my planned yet to come continuation of my brainwash at this evil American military base. Here I saw Mrs. Doris Hayes again and gave me as usual free popcorn (!!!!????). She asked me where I was the last 2-3 days , and I told her in jail because I was sleeping in the library, then she told me that she can help me and get me a job and a room through the job, so she took me with her and I slept in her white Chevrolet car for one night, the next day she took me to the employment office of the military base and I believe the person was a red haired (through dyeing) female I believe named Tina, she get me immediately a job  in the so called Mess Hall as kitchen helper, where the soldiers eat, and my new employer provided me with a room on the roofs of one of their soldiers housing, these rooms are designated for non-military staff, and were simple, 1 single bed, small table, 2 chairs and a small 2 door closet and the room may be 8-12 square meters but it felt like 5 square meters due to the ceiling going down to half of the wall, with shared bathroom, shared showers and possibly also shared kitchen and therewith I was suddenly living in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne, which made the German look like the nasty people that left me out in the cold while the Americans are the good helpers and rescuers, which was a 100% part of a severe and very destructive long-term brainwash that lasted partially until 1978 and partially until today in 2019!!

13.             I get to know several persons in this forced upon me new environment within the American military base, yet I will skip them and concentrate on a hand full as follow:

13.1.                   First and most important, is that the CIA and the American military intelligence were pretending to be using Technik to juggle my memory or even to allegedly get my attention to certain facts, yet and allegedly I was too stupid to understand it, here are some of them: Setup-1: Getting a Lebanese around my life enable to allegedly get my attention to the Drug lords of Lebanon such as the Barq/Bark family and the Azrath family that were working closely with the Bdeir/Budier/Abokurah. Malas, Baroudi and other families that were 100% working for the English royal family and partially their hidden relatives in USA. First get the Lebanese Miguel that took me to the American military Base, then get another Lebanese and his brother named Raja, forgot his brother name, he was living outside the base and was a very nasty with his brother, just as my fake brother was nasty with me in Cairo and in Germany and to force my mind to think that this is normal between brothers as coverup and distraction that these 2 lookalikes pretended to be my brothers yet they treated me very destructively and avoided me. Setup-2: getting a very short man, maybe less than 100 cm tall, that pretended to be the son of an American military sergeant  as indication of King Hussein and his son alias my original fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar that disappeared of my life in end of 1967 and went to live alone while he was a high school student and he and his father that was unusual short and that is why he disappeared of my life so I may not notice that I am growing in size, yet he is older than me allegedly by 3 years and is not growing by size. Back to the sergeant and his fake son that was a very short man, both coming to the bar that these criminals forced me to work in, and then the sergeant ordered to whisky one for himself and one for his son that looked like 10-12 years old, but I refused to give whisky to little boy that turned out to be an adult and not the son of this sergeant. Setup-3: some pretended to offer me illegal drugs such as Marijuana/Cannabis. Setup-4: get a look alike of my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that later is named Nick Naggar. Setup-5: set me up with the second most disgusting woman in my life that had some look similarities of Elham Baroudi the alleged cousin of my fake mother and second wife (first wife was her sister Amira Baroudi, that I strongly suspect to have been English or German royalty) of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. Setup-6: set me up to live close to the American military hospital, just 100 -150 meters, just as I was living in Cairo on 111 Al-Higaz street 100-150 meters of Heliopolis Hospital. Setup-7: setting me up with a young Spanish girl that had a daughter, whereby I strongly suspect that the 2 disgusting Abokurah women in Amman, Jordan and are the official sisters of my fake brother-in-law Abdelghani Abokurah, to be originated from Spain. Setup-8:  setting me up to be a friend of young man that claimed to be from Singapore while  one of his parents was Malaysian and the other was Chinese and he is raised in Singapore, studied in Australia and now is studying in London and allegedly comes here to work at the American military base where they pay the least salaries, but I did not know that at that time. Which was 100% indications and brainwash of many things of my members of my fake family in Jordan that are related to the English royal family and they move from one city to another to cover up where they came from, while at least 3 of them looks half Chinese, Singaporean  or East Asian, and this setup is confirmed as these criminals such as the CIA get me a project in Japan in around March/April 1985, during which they performed many very destructive brainwash situations upon me in Tokyo, and was taken there just to force me to think that my very evil and most destructive brother-in-law in Amman, Jordan named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier is originated from Japan, as distraction of English and German royalties, this while his daughter Reem Bdeir has also a look that can lead other to relate her to half East Asian such as China or Japan due to her round face big check bones and her father very short size of around 150-155 cm! Setup-9 to ….: and many other setups that was meant at least to go in to my mind as if they were helping me by getting my attention to certain things, but in reality they were not only acting, but also testing my memory and what I think enable they can see the progress and effect of their brainwash on me and if I relate to any of these things never forget some of them had telepathy and can listen to my mind and understand how I think and to what I relate when I see certain things, just as you go to psychologist and he shows you photos and ask you to tell what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this photo, in this case they are not showing me photos but rather real people!

13.2.                   I get to know an Afro-American named Ray Thomas, he was married with a German lady, I think named Mariana, that he pretended to not like her due to all she knows how to do is Schnitzel and now he allegedly hates schnitzel, the purpose of him often complaining about her, was to force my mind to think that German women and in general are no good and Americans are a lot better and the prove I was arrested twice once because allegedly a landsman of mine called the police on me, but also no Arabs helped me with a room and above all not the German immigration or police did anything to help even though it was the law that an under aged refugee to not sleep on the streets in the middle of the winter, yet an alleged unknown to me Americans helped with that and that is also a brainwash. This Ray Thomas, and very unfortunately,  performed many destructive setups against me, one of them asked someone to scare me and then steal my new small scooter, just to show me that Ray Thomas is allegedly my good friend and helped me locate that German person and scared him away to never bother me again and returned my scooter back, heavily damaged but back, which was meant to make me angry and to see what I would do, which was performed as a cooperation setup through CIA and German authorities to force me to be angry and to force me to complain, and that was one of many destructive setups, and this strategy was often used against me also in USA, Netherlands and Germany between 1976 and 2014. But Ray Thomas number one duty was to keep a close eye on me while pretending to be my friend. Just as some fake friends did to me at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim in 1977, One of them even came up to me when he saw me in financial jam due to a setup that the church performed upon me in the first of all, then he came up to me and handed me his alleged savings booklet and asked me to take what I need to fix my financial problem, which I declined his offer. Yet and when I really needed his help and asked him directly to help me in in 2003, he declined to help me, which I believe it was easily within his power to help. His name was Detlev Fischer. The first set up with Ray Thomas is not much different of the setup of Detlev Fischer, both in 1970s had one objective only, which was not to help me, but rather to force me to see them as my good friends!!!!

13.3.                   Get a lookalike of my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar that I strongly suspect him to be one of the hidden sons of king Hussein and also CIA and/or MI6 agent. The lookalike officially named also Mohamad Nashaat Najar, later changed it twice, first to Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and then to Nick Naggar!!

13.4.                   Get a lookalike of my original fake mother that suddenly came from nowhere also worked for a few weeks for an American sergeant as baby sitter or a nanny, I am guessing to see if I relate her to my fake original fake mother and to my 3 fake sisters that were not my sisters but rather nannies of the Jordanian royal family members and escaped hidden Nazis

13.5.                   They even get my fake sister Fadia Najar/Nagar to visit me for a couple of days at the American military base McGraw Kaserne, yet my memory of this visit is very fuzzy, which possibly could means that it was not true and was forced upon me during that period of time and re-brainwash, but here too she was not the original fake sister, because the original had cheek dimples and this one did not, the original had double tooth on the upper left side of her teeth, this one does not, the original one had bigger eyes, this one has extra smaller eyes, the original one was not my biological sister and this one is also not my biological sister, yet both of these evil women pretended to be,  but I was prevented to see or understand all that, just because Mrs. Doris Hayes took me to the Airport in September 1970 to allegedly pick up my fake brother, it does not mean that he came from Jordan or Egypt and it also it does not mean it  is the same person, and the same, they did to me again on 27.12.2002 where some man from the an organization called VVN (that allegedly help refugees) took me from Ter Apel refugee camp to Amsterdam Airport to pick up my son, that turned out not only to be not my biological son, but also not the same person as I raised between 26 March 1986 and September 1999. Additional similarities in this kind of brainwash is they brought the lookalike of my fake brother into my life within the American military base in September 1970, September was called Black September because they had near civil war and were killing each other’s in Jordan, and he came allegedly direct from Jordan and to force my mind to believe he is the same person as my original fake brother, he brought with him 2 belts filled with empty bullets all around them, and he claimed that he gathered them from the apartment of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, for all I know these criminals CIA brought these empty bullets from their own shooting training in Munich or Augsburg base, and there with my new fake brother or better said his new lookalike is forcing my mind to believe he is the brother of that came directly from the house of my sister from Amman, Jordan and he is the same old brother of mine, today I know he 100% was not, among others I did not see the other one since around summer 1967, where he moved out (he moved in with us in around 1965 or 1966 coming allegedly from Amman, Jordan, meaning he lived with us between 12 and 24 months and moved out) and lived in 3 rooms apartment by himself in a building opposite the building of our apartment, and since then I did not see him ever again while hiring a house keeper during which he was a high school student and my fake mother’s income cannot pay for that they said my sister from Jordan was paying for his private “Catholic school named San George”(???!!!) and his apartment, his housekeeper and food and pocket money, which was 100% a lie, above all I forgot how he looks because since he moved out I never saw him again this mean I did not see him for the last 3 years, where he stayed short as his father, and the same thing these criminals did with me again with my fake son that they took him when he reached 13 and I did not see him for nearly 3 years and now they bringing another one that is not 30 cm shorter than me, but rather 20 cm taller than me. Here when my fake son came I was in a controlled environment, which was arranged by the evil American government that I be in the Dutch refugee camp called Ter Apel on 27.12.2002 as this fake son came, which is also the same as the evil CIA did to me in September 1970 and I was also forced to live in controlled environment which was the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, different cities in different countries yet who ordered or caused it is the CIA + MI6, in both cases !!

13.6.                   Then set me up to be with several (6-7 within 6-8 weeks) odd behaving women and young ladies, 2 of which were absolutely repulsive women for one reason only to be able to enslave me under one specific woman that then I would see as an angel of beauty compared to the others

13.7.                   Enslaving me repeatedly under their whore agent Anita Disbray and I had absolutely no chance what so ever to get free of her, the first time I saw her was on 20 August 1970 and she never left my side except when I went to work or I was setup to be without her for a while, which was at least 2 times, after some terrorist attacks in Germany where the German police then get me into their own controlled environment for a period of 2-3 months. This woman then and finally left my life end of September 1977, yet she left a huge destruction in my life and in my mind, because she had telepathy and was ordering me around with telepathy and was hardly using her mouth to speak to me. I needed at least 2-3 years to get healed of her destruction and it took the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany and Siemens AG employment of 3.5 years to get rid of her destruction that she performed upon my logic and intelligence for 7 years, from 20 August 1970 to end of September 1977

13.8.                   Suddenly and after she left, all the persons that I knew of the evil American military base McGraw kaserne also disappeared of my life in the same period of time and within a period of 3-6 months by summer 1978 I had no connection directly or indirectly to the American military base McGraw kaserne any more, starting 1976 I was surrounded with totally new people of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany, and that were 100% distracting me of my past and that is also a prove of a severe brainwash, because when you live among a group of people of over one 1000 person, then you make some friends and keep these friendship, but I did not have any after summer of 1978, which is absolutely the same pattern as the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany (1977-1978/1986) and Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, USA (1986-1989), I have absolutely  no friend what so ever of these most odd churches, and this  to not remind me of the past!!

13.9.                   And here we come back to the Freemasons, the Freemasons are the cause of me being in the American military base named McGraw Kaserne, being enslaved under the whore agent Anita Disbray for 7 years and until 1977 and now and again and since 1976 one of these new persons around my life in since 1976 and through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany was allegedly a member of the Freemason, yet allegedly left them, his name was Klaus Fischer and was the father of at that time thought to be my best friend named Detlev Fischer as mentioned above, yet possibly he was only acting to get me to think so. How do I know that Mr. Klaus Fischer, that was originated from the German-Schlesien, today it is Czech Republic that was German prior to first world war, he told me that he was a member of Freemason but left the organization, because he allegedly did not like it? If he really was a member or not, I do not know, maybe he told me a lie to remind me of the Freemasons that set me up to be a refugee in Germany enable I be locked up in Germany as a refugee and cannot leave the country to visit my (fake) family that, among others, they also placed me within this fake family in 1960 by using the fake Egyptian Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that was member of the Freemasons and also member of the Egyptian government. Maybe he said to me he left it to force my mind to think that the Freemason are no longer around my life or to force me to think that they are not all that good as they claim about their selves to be, or maybe he was really a member, in any case it is not coincident, especially that many negative things happened around my life in connection with the Fischer family, and to be fair a couple of these very negative things were possibly forced upon both of us using telepathy, I know for fact and 100% they were forced upon me. Fact remains that the Freemason performed a severe damage to my life by either planning to enslave me since 10/11 January 1960 or someone else planned it and they helped and they repeated the process with the evil BP-British Petroleum by brainwashing me, enslaving me and kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 to prevent me to visit my family that turned out to be my fake family and my kidnapper in cooperation with the Freemasons!


The essence of all of the above within this section is to show how they enslaved me under their whore agent named Anita Disbray starting 20 August 1970 and until September 1977, during which I was separated of her twice, once for a short period of time not worth mentioning and the second time was through a setup created, I believe by the German authorities between August or September 1972 and around January 1973. All in all I was totally under her control living in the American military base, each in his own room, yet I never left her side or better said she never left my side during that period, and then we rented an apartment in an area called Fasanenpark, which was just on the edge of the American military base McGraw kaserne and surrounded by many Americans living all over around the military base, then in around March 1973 we moved to Unterschleissheim, Germany, which was around 20 km north of Munich and around 25 km from the military base McGraw kaserne where I was held. The city Unterschleissheim was around 6 km from an air force airport used by Americans near Oberschleissheim = Americans live nearby, and it would not surprise me if members of the Bush family were also living there, such as pastor Herbert Lange, or Brigit Wiedemann or Klaus Schneider this is only suspicion and not facts!


1976 setting me up to become Christian as a long-term brainwash

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

Here is the short version:

I do not know if this has anything to do with setting me up to become Christian or not, yet I find it very strange situation with very strange timing and that is why I will shortly mention it: My (fake) grandmother named Samia/Samiyath Baroudi alias Samia/Samiyath Khayat/Tailor/Taylor came allegedly from Syria to visit me in Unterschleissheim, Germany sometimes end of summer around September 1975. Since I know today that she was not my biological grandmother I strongly believe that she has something to do with setting me up to become Christian, especially that I had to take her to see the movie called Jesus Christ Superstar. What is odd about that, is that I did not take her with my fake mother alias her daughter that also came with her and I also did not take with me my forced upon me wife and CIA/MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray that was officially a Christian Methodist from the UK, yet I took this fake grandmother that officially did not speak anything but Arabic, yet she claimed to have loved the movie and all that is odd especially that I was setup to become a Christian just shortly after she went in such a manner that will not point to her, yet I believe she decided. What is even more odd is that either a day before or after the movie, my friend and ex-colleague named Fritz Gurr from the American Mess Hall where I worked while the CIA and American military were brainwashing me from around March 1970 to around spring 1972, him and me were kitchen helper, meaning cleaning plates, cleaning floors, cleaning vegetables or other cleaning at that time he was over 60 years old, yet looked like 90 years old, he was short, maybe 155-160 cm. and in 1975 he was already retired. Anyway, he came to visit me, or I was forced to invite him to come to visit me, and as he arrived he stretched his hand very politely towards my fake grandmother to shake   her hands, she quickly pulled her hand behind her back and said in Arabic God forgive, she does not shake the hand of a stranger and refused to shake his hand and I was so embarrassed and I asked her why, she said it is against Islam for a woman to shake the hand of an unknown man, and with my bad German I tried to explain that to him while my face went red, he said don’t worry I understand. I lived 10 years in Egypt, during which and until 1970 I went twice to Jordan, twice to Lebanon and once to Syria, yet I never saw any woman ever behave like that, not even after that and until this year 2019. Therefore, I am guessing it was an act, and the prove for that, first they were visiting me for a short period, meaning a few days to 10 days, during which why should I invite my friend now and not wait until they are gone, adding to this the movie Jesus Christ Superstars mentioned above, adding to this I am driving them both to Hamburg, my guess this evil woman is one of 2, either a hidden English royalty or a hidden ex-German royalty or a combination while also being a hidden evil Saudi Arabian/Jordanian royalty and when I think about it, her face has a lot of similarities with the current queen of the UK named queen Elizabeth the second, and the same about my fake mother while her other daughter named Eftikar Kheir that I saw only 1-2 times and only in Amman, Jordan after 1979, and this Eftikar Kheir has some facial similarity with the previous queen of the UK named Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon alias the wife of the last King George VI of the UK that died in 06.02,1952 and both are the parents of the current queen Elizabeth II. While the last name Lyon means the chief herald of Scotland and also some pronounce Lyon as lion which is in Arabic Assad, which is the name of the Assad family that are controlling Syria since at least 1970, which could means that the family name Assad was taken of the English word Lyon or Lion, and if this true, then it will explain why the criminals BP-British Petroleum sold satellite computers to the Syrian government to help them control the Syrian population as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 and would also explain why the Syrian military intelligence in Munich was working hand in hand with the CIA + MI6 + BND + BP-British Petroleum + members of my fake family to brainwash me, enslave me under their joint whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnaped me from Germany to USA in 1986.


Back to my fake grandmother, and after around one week I drove her and my fake mother to Hamburg to the alleged brother of my fake mother named Dr. Farzat Baroudi that was living on a street named Waldweg in Hamburg, today I know he was not her brother, and left them there and drove back to Unterschleissheim In around September 1975.


1-2 month after these 2 evil women left for Hamburg, around November 1975 I was forced by the CIA/MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray or someone else with telepathy to go to a new attorney and ask him for help with my political asylum status that is for the last almost 7 years still under review and this alone is not normal. And he advised me to become Christian, and since it was a very destructive setup for my own future, this mean the attorney office was most probably also member of the Freemasons. And becoming Christian, which supposed to be a good action yet added to my life even much more destruction, and that was the goal!


The attorney that I had so far since 1970 was a free attorney provided to me by a catholic organization in Germany called Caritas, and since they are being paid by the government and I live in the German state called Bavaria, and the main religion or even the official state religion was Catholicism, at that time it was over 60% of the population Catholics, and they were very protective of their religion, which will be very visible in this setup. To make it short I was forced to choose an attorney that I did not know and was always in the news named Rolf Bossi, he had an office with several attorneys in downtown Munich, I went there and asked them for help as follow: I am a refugee applicant since January 1970 and my application is not being approved or denied. The attorney said you have 2 options, Option-1: get married to a German woman and then they have to give you a citizenship after 3 years of being married. I said I cannot do that because I am married, and my wife is British-English. Option-2: change your religion from Muslim to Christian, and then they will have to immediately accept you as a refugee and award you political asylum because in Syria and most so called Arab countries if someone leaves Islam will be sentenced to death either by cutting his head off with a sward or by hanging until his neck is broke!


I said I don’t care, and I will take option-2, but how do I do it?


He said go to a church of your choice and ask them to baptize you, then they will issue for you a baptize certificate, bring it to me and I will take care of the rest!


Today I am asking myself, this attorney was one of the best attorneys in entire Germany, yet he neglected to give me option-3 as the only option, which is I am married to a EC-European Common Market member, which is the UK and the UK is member since nearly 3 years, and therefore they have to give me a residence permit, but they all hid that from me, or Option-4 which is represent me at the immigration and ask them to give me a status after 7 years!


It took November and December 1975 until I was able to decide to take option-2, in reality they decided for me and forced me with telepathy and brainwash to agree to everything and I had no chance to say yes or no, but rather to follow their forced upon me brainwash.


Today I think the followings about me as an alleged Muslim by force since 10/11 January 1960 and being setup to change my religion to another religion in November 1975 (?!?!?!):

1.                I will be sentenced to death if I change my religion from Islam to Christianity or change from Islam religion to any other religion, then I have to ask myself is Islam religion made by Mafia or Freemason, because these are the only 2 organizations that I am aware off, that they will kill anyone who attempt to leave them, whereby Freemasons claim not to do so, yet others claims that they do!!?? Whereby God himself can kill me if I change religion, and does not need criminals such as the fake Saudi Arabian, Syrians, Jordanians royal families to decide who dies and who lives based on what they think and this while God continue to give me warmth with his sun and direction in the darkness with his moon, and what to do in the daytime and in night time when there is no sun or moon = intelligence to create my own light = electricity and light = God is teaching me and everyone else even if we make mistakes and perform crimes, yet his sun, moon, earth (a ground to walk on) oxygen to breath and water to drink is still flowing to me enable I can stay alive and no matter what and that I learned from Jesus Christ or better said of the bible that some claim to have words of Jesus Christ the alleged son of God! This is maybe true and maybe not, because this is what my intelligence tells me, and my intelligence comes directly from God, just like the intelligence of every other human being!

2.                I studied Islam by force, in that I was kidnapped from USA or UK or Germany or the Netherlands to Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 and placed within a fake family that consist of CIA + MI6 agents, all in all they were 16 + couple of others that they added at a later time such as, the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, and his wives, first Amira Baroudi and then Elham Baroudi. Also, Jameel Baroudi, also the Bdeir/Budier family in Jordan along with several other families in Jordan such as Abokurah, Malas, Ghandor, Barghoti and other unknown to me families that I was forced to believe they are related to me. And this fake family placed me in a public school in Cairo, Egypt (=Islamic school) while paying for my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias the hidden son of the evil king Hussein of Jordan and the brother of the current king of Jordan named Abdullah, to be in a catholic school named San George also in Cairo, Egypt. So I have to ask myself: did the catholic organization called Caritas in Germany made sure that I do not receive asylum in Germany from January 1970 to summer 1977 to not visit my brother in Egypt that has a different fake identity than they told me = 7 and half years in Germany and I am not allowed to cross the border because I was a refugee in waiting state for approval or denial, and all this to cover up for my fake brother and my entire fake family, then set me up to become Christian through a none catholic church called Evangelical Lutheran just to have a reason to persecute me by my fake family that are CIA + MI6 agents and pretend to be Muslims, enable they can kidnap me again in 1986, but this time and instead from USA to Egypt as it happened in 10/11 January 1960, but now in 1986 from Germany to USA to blackmail my biological family in USA and then blame it on the Syrian government? Well this is not farfetched, especially that I was setup again by the catholic church in Houston, Texas, USA in around November 1999, by setting on me a woman called Vilma Bonilla that claimed to be Catholic and to have the same birthday as me on 17.10 and is allegedly from Honduras and had 2 children named Julio and Elizabeth and a sister studying in El Salvador, then I was locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps from July 2000 and until I moved to Amsterdam in June 2012!

2.1.               The Saudi Arabian Islam claims to have created freedom, yet the above description is anti-freedom

2.2.               The Saudi Arabian Islam preach that family should stick together, yet my fake family persecuting me to death, 15 years before I became Christian and over 40 years after they set me up to become Christian and I am psychologically/mentally dead since 24.12.1984 due to all the telepathy control and severe and most destructive brainwash that was performed upon me in Germany, USA, Netherlands and the UK, not to mention Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and the concentrated evil Saudi Arabian royal family that are British, American and German origin that employ Pakistanis to act as the Saudi Royal  Family as distraction of these evil people

2.3.               Last but not least, we all human being have one extraordinary Godly gift called intelligence, any religion that suppress our freedom, then  it is anti-intelligence and therewith anti-God, because real intelligence is only by God or even Gods and he or they gave us artificial intelligence, which is a part of their own intelligence, just as some of us are creating since 1980s the so called AI-Artificial Intelligence, in reality we have artificial intelligence and that explains why we have so many problems in our lives because our artificial intelligence mixed with Godly freedom allow some criminals to claim something or another such as beheading a person if he leave their religion or leaves the Mafia or leaves the freemason, but it is not God’s religion, because God’s religion is freedom by intelligence, anything else is a lie and a con business!!


After the advice of my attorney’s Office named Rolf Bossi in Munich, Germany, I went to a church that was much further away of my housing than a Catholic church that was at least on halfway between my housing and this church that was the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim. And this alone shows that I should have gone to the closest church, which was the Catholic church, but instead I was forced to go one kilometer further to the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church, maybe to cause them some problems, I do not know, but it is not normal and it is 100% not logical!


At the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church I asked to be baptized and the pastor named Herbert Lange said first you have to know what Christianity is enable to approve of it before becoming Christian, and he volunteered to teach me, which he did once a week for 3 months then I was baptized on Easter Sunday, April 18, 1976 in presence of my evil fake brother and his evil wife named Alia Köse (Turkish but looks like Pilipino) alias Anita Köse alias Anita Naggar, some members of the Fischer family, the Schneider family, the Wiedemann family, the Schoen Family and others, all these people were new to me except the pastor Herbert Lange that I know for nearly 4 months, and my fake brother alias the CIA agent Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Nagger alias Nick Naggar, his wife Alia Köse alias Anita Köse and the forced upon me CIA + MI6 whore Anita Disbray.


After I became Christian, someone or a group forced his/their thoughts upon me as follow: I love Christianity (which I do even today in 2019) and if I use it to solve my political asylum problem as my attorney advised me, then it is not prober, therefore I will not take the baptize certificate to my attorney so he can get me an approval for political asylum, and these thoughts were 100% forced upon me by my forced upon me evil whore agent CIA + MI6 wife named Anita Disbray, and in summer 1976 I went to the immigration authority to renew my political asylum residence permit that was always issued each time only for 2-3 months and then I have to renew it every 2-3 months and this since January 1970 (!!!???=slavery), and the immigration said, because you are married to an British-English woman, then you have the same rights as her, and this mean you are now also an ECM members. ECM-European Common Market (in German was called EWG-Europäische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft), which is the predecessor of the EU-European Union. The immigration officer said, get a valid Syrian passport, then I will issue for you a residence permit for an ECM family member. It was a setup in preparation to kidnap me to USA to use me as blackmail object again and against my biological family, in that they will issue for me a residence permit only if I have a Syrian passport, and if the Syrian do not issue a passport for me, then the Germans will not issue a residence permit for me. I trusted the German government integrity, honesty, loyalty blindly and did not see this setup coming. In 1983 the Syrian government started to give me trouble renewing my forced upon me fake Syrian passport and then they stopped renewing it and then I was kidnapped to USA with the blame on the Syrian government that allegedly wanted to kill me for fake reasons and as distraction of those evil persons and organizations that wanted to use me as blackmail object against my biological family in USA. I still do not know for sure who is my biological family, I just know the direction, of who they maybe are and as it is listed in the page “is this my biological family?”.


An important note about the German immigration awarding me a residence permit in summer 1976: they did not award me a residence permit, but rather they pushed me in a never ending cycle of slavery as an illegal alien by pretending to award me a residence permit as mentioned above and the prove for that is that today in 2019 I am complaining about them for being mistreated, locked up physically many times over until the Dutch awarded me the Dutch nationality based on my forced upon me fake Syrian identity!


My question to the German and Munich immigration called KVR over them awarding me a residence permit as a spouse of a member of ECM (in German: EWG) is as follow: the UK was member of the ECM/EWG since 1973, why didn’t they award me this residence permit in 1973 or 1974 or 1975, why in 1976, almost 4 years too late?


The only answer I was able to find, is that my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi (fake name with fake identity, real German/English name is unknown to me yet I know his evil families=English and ex-German royal families) he was and with no doubt an evil hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 or an English hidden prince or lord, and not only that, he was also a German consul in Jordan, Egypt and the evil Saudi Arabia from 1960 to at least the last time I saw this evil man in 1985 and saw his evil son named Hani Baroudi in December 1991 through a Texaco setup in Houston Texas, USA that was from summer 1991 and until 1997, but also the German immigration were covering up for him, by torturing another innocent person, me,  as well as destroying his life for now and for years yet to come, me, and the prove for that is that I am still complaining now, over 40 years later in 2019!


1984 brainwashing me and enslaving me again under one of their whore agents in Munich

(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

In December 1983 I was set up to work on the evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND illegal project called Calypso, where they were providing the Syrian government with American satellite computers to control the populations under the pretention it is a project for anti-terrorism to control the borders of Syria including seaports, airports, cars and other vehicles crossing the borders, yet the database and the software was 100% designed for control and slavery of the entire Syrian population, and the reason I am sure about that is because of the followings:

1.                I was an IT-Information Technology professional since 1974

2.                I worked around 10% of my time on the design of the database and the relation to the population of Syria and helping the designer named Mr. Schutte, an ex-Siemens AG employee that currently is employee of this company called SCS-Scientific Control Systems that was a 100% owned and operated by BP-British Petroleum. The rest of the time (90% of the time) I was busy designing and developing the multi-lingual aspects of the project

3.                The Syrian Employees that were involved in the project, were not only from the border police, but rather also from military, and from every major police in Syrian from “Al Hasakah” to “Aleppo” to “Homs” to “Damascus” and these are not all border cities, and the reason I know that for sure, is because the police generals of these cities and other Syrian city came to the project in Munich and I took them out for dinner, these nasty no good criminals


During this project I was severely brainwashed and controlled with telepathy, they separated me of my girlfriend by fore and created many destructive situation to separate me of my church friends, very unfortunately these destructive setups to separate me of my church friends started in 1976, and some of these setups, and also very unfortunately, point to that some church members were helping my fake family against me by creating very nasty destructive setups between 1976 and 1983 to separate me of the church by force and to prevent me to ever go back to the small city called Unterschleissheim, and these setup continued even in 2003 by calling the police to remove me from the church because I was desperate in need for help of all the very destructive lockups that was forced upon me starting in in July 2000 and practically since the evil BP-British Petroleum project Calypso in December 1983!


On 24.12.1984 these criminals BP-British Petroleum, and their client the Syrian military intelligent, the CIA + MI6 + BND, the Munich/German immigration and my faker family brainwashed me and enslaved me under their whore and retarded agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that claimed to have a brother named Mahmoud Mahmoud that was an ex- Syrian military, Jameel Mahmoud and her brother Munir Mahmoud that were at that time currently in the evil Syrian military and has a sister married to a Syrian military officer and is related to Mohamad Tlas a top military official in Syria and she is allegedly the cousin of a top ex-Syrian politician named Salah Jadeed that was arrested by his cousin the Syrian president Hafez Al-Assad in around 1970 and ever since in Syrian prison until he died in 1993. Salah Jadeed was the cousin of the ex-Syria president Hafez Assad alias the father of the evil current Syrian president Bashar Assad, whereby I strongly suspect that the Assad family is closely related to the American president family Bush, and the Bush family is heavily related to the Nazi and ex-German royal family as well as related to the English royal family!!!


In September 1986 these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA, during which they forced me to leave my apartment in Germany located at Winzerer street 146a as it is with all the furniture leaving it for a person, I do not know except that he was allegedly Palestinian. For all I know my apartment then was used by my twin that pretended to be me. The same they did to me in 1969 after forcing me to leave Egypt and live as refugee for more than 7 years in Germany not allowing me to leave the country and they repeated the process for the third time in summer 1999 in Houston, Texas, where I lost literally everything, I owned including all the photos of member of my fake family, just as the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud did to me also in Munich, she throw away all the photos of the previous CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray that I was enslaved under from 20 August 1970 and until September 1977, but also throw away other important things and this without asking me first = she was 100% helping to cover up for the evil CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum + my fake family in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UK, Switzerland and Germany!!


In June 1999 I was setup by the BP-British Petroleum through their business partners such as Flour Daniel in Sugar Land, Texas and CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium to be separated of the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud while trying very badly also between 1998 and 1999 to relate me to Jewish  ex-Soviet Union and Ukraine, which I will leave out for now, because I have mentioned similar setups from 1984-1986 and again from 1984-2000.


Then I was setup by my bad attorney named William F. Harmeyer in Houston, Texas, USA to be arrested in July 2000 and placed in a deportation jail until 10 February 2001 and then dumped in the Netherlands for another 13 years lockups between many jails, prisons, refugee camps between the Netherlands and Germany and until I officially was awarded the Dutch nationality in January 2003 in Amsterdam.



(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Freemasons)

Here are the highlights of my conclusion:

1.                The Freemasons helped in planning and performing kidnapping me from one of these countries USA (55%), UK (20%), Germany (20%) or of the Netherlands (5%) to Damascus. Syria on 10/11 January 1960, and the prove are the followings:

1.1.               They provided the fake Freemason certificates of one of their own members that died allegedly in January 1953 and named Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar and made him look like my biological father, whereby his official brothers, sisters and their children lived allegedly also in Damascus, Syria, yet I never seen any of them, with the exception of 2 memories that was forced upon me and it turned out to be 100% fake memory, and this after a lengthy and very tough analysis of my own memory from 1999 to current in 2019, which equals 20 years of continuous and repeated analysis, because whenever something happens to me after the year 2000 I reanalyze my past and my memory

1.2.               They used one of their own members alias a member of the Egyptian government named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that later, and as I was told, was also Egypt representative in the UNO-United Nations Organization, that took us from Damascus Syria on 15 January to Cairo, Egypt and hosted us for around 4 weeks from 15 January 1960 to 15 February 1960 at his house and with his family, while claiming that he was the friend of my father that really never existed in my life as described, and he was helped with another Freemasons named Saieed Al-Umary that owned a movie theater right next to the hotel where I was forced to stay for 2-4 days, possibly he also owned the hotel

1.3.               Again, and exactly 10 years later, the Freemason set me up to be locked up in Germany as a refugee and not able to leave or travel to prevent me to visit members of my fake family and to prevent me to discover that I have a twin that took over my place after they took me from Egypt to on 10.10.1969, and used the German branch named Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., Schwanthalerstraße 60, 80336 München, Germany for this very destructive setup, this setup and as it is described in this page and other pages was a cooperation setup between the Freemasons, CIA, MI6 and several members of my fake family including my fake mother and sisters

1.4.               The followings members of my fake family were also Freemasons but I did not know, most probably there were more: Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier and his evil brother Mohamad Ali Bdeir in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other countries, Abdulghani Abokurah in the same countries, the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that hosted us 4 weeks from 15 February to 15 March 1960, directly after Dardiri Ahmad Ismael hosted us from 15 January 1960 to 15 February 1960, all my evil uncles as follow: Jawdat Baroudi, Jalal Baroudi. Mamdoh Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, and their cousin Jameel Baroudi and all of them live between Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Europe and USA, most probably my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi was also a Freemason, the name Freemason is wrong for this evil organization, it should be “Masosnshostage” or even more direct English royalty’s hostage by kidnapping??!!

1.5.               The Freemasons set me up to become Christian enable to give their members alias my fake family an official reason to persecute me under the flag of Islam, while showing that they are Muslims, and I am the alleged black sheep in the family

1.6.               The Freemasons worked closely with their members of BP-British Petroleum to separate me of my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka by force and then enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA for many reason, among others to blackmail my biological family members that live in USA and most probably some of them are in the government and others are influential families among others in USA, Germany and the UK, but also to use me to raise one of the sons of their criminal puppets that acts the roll as a leader in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt or one of their other hidden owned Arab countries in the Middle East, but also to prevent me of ever to go to the Middle East and visit members of my fake family that turned out to be an organized crime families working for the and originated from the English royal family

1.7.               Since some members of my fake family are Originated from ex-German royal family and others from English royal family such as the Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Abokurah, Bdeir/Budier, Malas and other families, and since the Freemasons were established by the English royal family and the English royal family is related to the ex-German royal family, and most of the German royal family members were Nazis from prior to 1945 and some of them were also member of my fake family such as Jawdat Baroudi, Badeaa Baroudi, Jameel Baroudi and others this 100% equals that the English royal family is the head of the snake of every single bad thing that happened to me since kidnapping me as an 8 years old on 10/11 January 1960

1.8.               The above are only some of the highlights

2.                The Free Mason helped in performing the actual kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960 through Dardiri Ahmad Ismael as mentioned above

3.                The Freemasons falsified my identity on 10/11 January 1960 to Syrian through my fake family, and Dardiri Ahmad Ismael as mentioned above

4.                The Freemasons were 100% the employer of my fake mother alias my hidden nanny that pretended to be my mother, while exchanging places with another 2 different persons, one of them is from Saudi Arabia as distraction of all of the above

5.                All of the above is only some of the highlights of this organized crime institution named Freemason that its sole purpose is to help the English royal family to control the world while pretending to be good people, however what they did to me it was most definitely is destructive and not good!


The Freemason and based on my life are one evil organization that was created by the English royal family around 450 years ago, to use to brainwash others, because they realized they cannot control the entire world by their selves, therefore they used the Freemason organization as a wolf in sheep clothing to brainwash others and use them as hidden slaves to control many parts of the world such as the followings:

1.                  China starting by Hong Kong

2.                  India starting with Pakistan

3.                  Singapore

4.                  Australia

5.                  Canada

6.                  USA

7.                  Egypt

8.                  Kuwait

9.                  Saudi Arabia

10.             Bahrain

11.             Oman

12.             UAE-United Arab Emirate

13.             Israel

14.             Libya

15.             Syria

16.             Jordan

17.             Lebanon

18.             Sudan

19.             Ethiopia

20.             Somalia

21.             Kenia

22.             South Africa

23.             Nigeria

24.             Argentine

25.             Ex-Soviet Union Russia (as mentioned below)

26.             Germany, at least until 1980s by among others using all the above countries

27.             Several countries in Africa. From South Africa to Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) to Nigeria, to Kenia to Egypt….

28.             And other countries which is nearly 50% of the world


All I know is that they controlled Egypt for centuries and as a result, Egypt had over 60% illiteracy in 1960, yet they were much more advanced than Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAW and the other hidden English royalty slave countries in the Middle East. Today, Egypt is very much lacking and has not improved much, because it lives in slavery, and that is thanks to the English royalties, anything else is a lie!




The so-called Arab Countries!

(Go to Main index)

The so-called Arab countries are 100%, through and through controlled by foreign countries until today, some of them are more controlled than others, while some others are suffering much more than the rest of us all, even today.


Important note: Most of the Arab countries as we know them today, were desert and unpopulated because there was no water. These countries were created by Europeans and mainly by British as a mean of creating a new country of slavery without having the educated population complaining about the slavery. Therefore, they brought countless people from India and later also Pakistan (which was a part of India, and it was forced to split by the English royalties enable to better control them!!) and created a totally new language called Arabic that was take of Urdu. The Indian language Urdu is the mother language of many countries, such as Afghani, Farsi (Iranian), Pakistani, Arabic and other countries, just like the Indian language Hindi is also the mother language of several South Asian countries, and just like Latin language is the mother language of most European languages such as Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, English, German and others, while the Old German language was used for many countries such as English, Benelux countries, some Scandinavian and others, where they call them Germanic languages and the Germanic is Latin, and if you look closely on Germany it also had several languages such as Bayerisch, Frankisch, Schwaebisch and much more , that were systematically eliminated by using a unified German language, yet they still speak German with the accent of the old languages, such as in Bavarian. For More information see Latin = Romance languages: The same is valid for other European countries, including the Netherlands!

For more info on the Urdu language see and on Arabic language see, where you will find that Urdu and Arabic uses the same letters as Farsi, Afghani and other language!


Most of the European languages were created of other languages as a mean of isolating the population to prevent them of communicating with others and see something different than in their life, which will not only grow their intelligence, but also will alert them that there is a different and possibly better way of life than they have in their own society. And if I go deeper than that, then I see the first human om earth do not have a need for a language because they have telepathy and can communicate directly from brain to brain, until some evil persons discovered the ability to disable telepathy by new born and circumcise their brain and there with preventing them of communicating with each other’s or expressing their selves and that is 100% slavery, until some person with telepathy or possibly without telepathy invented language to help persons to communicate and get them out of their forced upon them slavery by isolation, just as these criminals did to me and countless others. And just because the majority of people do not have telepathy, it does not mean that no one has telepathy, those who think of their selves as superior and think of their selves are more intelligent than the others, are usually the ones who has telepathy and love to enslave others. Yet not everyone with telepathy is a slave maker and that is also fact, otherwise I would not have made it so far to write about it!


Many Arab countries were created based on this concept of division for isolation such as at least all the countries between Syria and Yemen: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, all these countries did not exist 150-200 years ago. And that was the simple explanation that if we look closer in the so-called Arab countries, we will find even more division attempts, also in language


My knowledge of the so-called Arab countries in Western part of North Africa is very limited, which are:

1.                Mauritania

2.                Morocco

3.                Algiers

4.                Tunis


Based on my knowledge of the above-mentioned countries is that they are heavily influenced by France, Spain, Italy, and Portugal, yet mainly France because they speak more French than Arabic.


My knowledge about the other so-called Arab countries is not 100%, yet it is by far enough to understand the situation as mentioned below, the northern part of the so-called Arab countries in Africa, meaning Egypt and Libya, is that they were heavily influenced by Italians, Greek and Turkish, yet and above all or even mainly by English royal family members and their American relatives.


Enable to understand the so-called Arab countries you must understand their history. Here is a very short version of the history of the Arab countries in a few lines.


The Arab countries history and until the 20th century was very disturbed however and mostly was unwritten because it had no significant amount of population, except Egypt, Algiers and Iraq, they had millions or near millions, all others had population of thousand to under a Million, which you can figure it out arithmetically by yourself in that you look at the current statistics and compare it with the statistics of every 10 years of the past, then you will come to the conclusion that Saudi Arabia had much less than 50,000 population (possibly even less than 5 Thousand population) in the year 1900 and you can take this calculation follow it back to the year 1700, then you realize that Saudi Arabia had much less than 10,000 population and in the year 900 had even much less population!!


I did that myself and I was stunt to the revelations in many areas of their history, yet I will not place the result of my calculation because I want you to do it yourself enable to believe your own work!


Always remember that over 90% of the so-called Arab countries are in a total unlivable area called Desert or Sahara and has no water except the Nile River in Sudan and Egypt, the river Nile is originated from the lake Victoria that is located to half in Tanzania and half in Kenya, and the Nile river is similar to a line drawn on an A4 white page going from the top to the bottom, and the rest of the page is desert!


What does Arab means?


The Arab language is originated from Urdu (India), and I studied Arabic 10 years in Cairo, Egypt as 8 years old and until I was 17 years old, meaning I know Arabic well enough to say what the meaning of the word Arab means but also able to recognize the origin. It is a name of group of people who lives in the desert. Sort of nomad compared to Gypsies in Europe, with the difference that there is no water in the desert such as in Saudi Arabia (less than little and most of the drinking water is imported while also using the Sea salty water after certain filtering process) or Jordan (little water not enough), therefore these Arab (nomad) lives always around a well of water, when it is dried up they move to another location where there is another well of water, these Arabs living together are usually one huge family consisting of up to a few hundred no more and no less. And this is what Arab is. Egypt and by far is not Arab, they are possibly the only country in Africa and elsewhere with history that goes back older than a few centuries with many found places to prove it, and this because of the huge river Nile that goes from the south border to the north border and ends in the Mediterranean Sea (approximately 1,500 KM or 900 Miles), and simulate a long line on a white A4 paper, where the Nile is to 99.9 % the only water on this white paper, while the white paper represent Egypt that is full of desert, exception in the north side the river Nile has a Delta with many splitting and allows much more people to live all over this delta.


The following lines and until the sentence End of theory, is only a theory because I cannot confirm it by going back to the past 100 or 200 or 300 or even 2000 years, and to make it clear that it is a theory, I placed it between two lines begin and end of theory as well as made it blue color!


Begin of the theory:


The League of Nation organization was formed shortly after the First World War. What is important about them is that they divided the Middle East in countries and divided these countries among their selves: English and French and others.


And therewith suddenly there was 10-12 Arab countries. These countries were divided again after the second world war to be 18 countries.


Today we have 22 Arab countries, and they are growing!!!!????


Europe is also growing to more countries, but this due to splitting some countries such as former Germany prior to first world war, or Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia in the last 20 years, or the downfall of ex-Soviet Union, this is only splitting countries in 2 or more and not by adding new territories, in the Arab countries is being done differently, they add new territories and call them Arab. It took me a while to understand why they mislead people with these lies!


Is because they mix Arab with Islam, and therefore they want us to think that they are increasing the territory of Islam by increasing the size of the Arab countries because of fake political reasons as mentioned under the section “Religions as I was forced into”, and this to create confusion and distraction of the hidden stealing of countries and colonialism by force!


Here is an example of non-existing countries prior to 1900: Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and Israel. These 6 countries used to be one country and was called Bilad Al-sham (countries of Sham=Syria). And the word Sham is Hindi/Urdu = originated from India=English royalties that went to India 500 years ago, yet their interest of the desert that it today called Arab countries started only around 150-200 years due to the petroleum and other natural resources that was not visible prior to 150-200 years ago. Sham comes of the word Shama and Shama is Urdu for light or candle, and the old name of Syria=Belad Alsham = countries of light, maybe because the sun light in this area is 5 hours later than in India!


Another example is Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar. These 7 countries used to be called Semi-island of the Arab, later of the Saudi Arabian. Today it is 7 countries, partially was more such as North and South Yemen, but they reunited again. But also, the country called Oman used to be called Hadramout, at least in 1960s and as I was in school in Cairo, Egypt and they renamed it to Oman and the word Oman you write in Arabic in the absolute same way as the city Amman in Jordan, except they added a short vowel to it to make it sound Oman. Here is Amman in Arabic “عَمّان” and here is Oman in Arabic “عُمان” and both are 100% controlled by the English royalties you can check it out under the following links: +                                                                  add to that the small signs over the word which is called short vowels because you write them over the letters and it is coming from the Europeans and was invented sometimes 150 years ago to differentiate the Arabic language of the Indian language called Urdu.


The northern African countries are 100% not Arab countries, they are African countries, yet they forced them to call their selves Arab countries as mean of confusion about the Islam as mentioned under “Religions as I was forced into”!


Here are the Arab countries as of today with my remarks on them that shows that they are not Arabs yet they add them as they want, and since 1969, they added at least 4 new countries, which are: Somalia, Djibouti, Comoros, Mauritania and one of the South West Asia Southern-part, possibly one of these: Bahrain, or Qatar or UAE, and I cannot find out which one, because they 100% falsified history,. They mean the English Royal family and their allies!!


Arabic language is from Urdu language and it is written in Urdu like that: “عرب” also it is written like that in Arabic. Also written as the same in Persian, Afghani and even little similar in Hindi. Urdu is originated from Hindi and the Hindi word for Arab is “अरब” and if you divide this Hindi word to 3 parts, then you will have ARB=Arab. It is a combination of Latin lookalike and Hindi language. A person with Arabic and English languages knowledge might recognize the Arabic letter Ayen” ع” (backwards) + the English letter “R” and the Latin letter B “b” (backwards=d), it is just a theory with the Hindi letters based on my experience that in the old days when a new kingdom is started, they create a new language (and a new religion to make the royal family the family of the God of this new kingdom) and force everyone to use this new language (and religion) as a hidden tool of slavery and to prevent people from different countries to communicate together and learn from each other or even build a network that can break the kingdom, and when they create a new language they can create only of what they know, meaning if I am using the German language, and if you look closely to Germany or the Netherlands or the UK and other countries you will realize that each of these countries had several languages in the past because they had several kingdoms, and each new kingdom want to create a new language for example if I know German and want to create a new language then it could be Dutch or English or Danish or Swedish, because all these languages are called Germanic languages because they are originated from the old German language, just like most European language are originated from Latin, meaning some languages are originated from the German language while the German language is originated from the dead language called Latin. Keep in mind that if I have telepathy, I do not need a language and if I want to create slavery, I disable telepathy by a newborn and he will not know the difference=hidden slavery!


To make the Arabic language looks different from Urdu, which is Indian origin and around 1880, they added the so-called diacritics. They added several of these diacritics to more suite the European languages that often use diacritics such as the “Umlaut” in German, French accent ague or the Portuguese “Portuguese orthography” and so on, all these are small signs over the actual letters such as the French “à” also called Diacritics ( and Acute accent                                   ( In short, some Europeans have developed the so called Arab Tashkeel=diacritics to differentiate it from Urdu, yet the basic letters are the same. Meaning they had knowledge of the Indian languages including Urdu and the European languages = among others the English royal family and their allies and hidden relatives!


List of Arabic countries as of today, please note and as I was in in school in Cairo Egypt from 1960 to 1969, I learned that there were 18 Arabic countries, then later I discovered there were only 12 Arab countries in around 1900/1920, and much less than that prior to that!!!!??????


Keep in mind that the word Arab means nomads that live in the desert, which is Saudi Arabia and that is why IU am adding the distance to Saudi Arabia (=Nomads of Saoud the first fake king of Saudi Arabia)




So-called African Arabic countries


Egypt almost on the border of Saudi Arabia


Libya 1000 KM from Saudi Arabia


Tunisia 2800 from Saudi Arabia


Algeria 2800 from Saudi Arabia


Morocco 4000 KM from Saudi Arabia


Mauritania 5600 KM from Saudi Arabia


Sudan 800 KM on the other side of the Red Sea and from Saudi Arabia


Somalia 800 KM on the other side of the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia


Djibouti, 800 KM from Saudi Arabia on the other side of the Red Sea. Since 1977, prior to that it was a part of Somalia, yet the English Royalties conned them to split it enable they can control the southern entry to the Red Sea along with Yemen!!


Comoros it is an Island around 4,000 KM (Four Thousand) from the original so-called Arab land, which is Saudi Arabia, and it is less than 400 (Four Hundred) KM from Mozambique and therewith it is closer to the country South Africa than to Saudi Arabia. Comoros is between Madagascar and Mozambique in the Indian Ocean and just a few hundred kilometers from the British Indian Ocean Territory and other southern hidden English controlled African countries on the South East coast of Africa




So-called Arab countries in South west Asia

Northern part with the ex-name Sham country and are all north of Saudi Arabia












Israel, created in 1948 after they stole it of the Palestinians and as distraction of all the hidden English colonies alias the so called Arab countries


So-called Arab countries in South west Asia

Southern part with the ex-name Semi-island of Arab (Arab=nomad) and are around Saudi Arabia




Saudi Arabia






United Arab Emirates


Oman (used to be called Hadramout)


Yemen, in 1960s it was 2 countries North Yemen and South Yemen, then were re-unified in 1990s, also through a hidden scheme of the English Royalties by using Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt as a proxy, during which they killed unspecified amount of people, just as they have been doing since a few years in the years 2010-2020 and it is not yet ending madness of killing people!


Now if I go further, then I have to ask myself is Israel Arab country, because it is in the middle of the Arab countries, yet it is not Arab, and here is the trick, the English royal family tricked the Jewish and used them as distraction of their selves in 1948 and gave them a part of Palestine, and therewith they also want to confirm the fake history that they created about the alleged 3 religion city of Jerusalem: Jewish allegedly 3,800 years ago, Christianity allegedly 2,019 years ago and the Saudi Arabian Sunni Islam 1,441 years ago, where at that time Saudi Arabia had at the most much less than 1,000 population living all over near the sea where there is drinking water = 0.0001 % chance of survival!!!! Because there was no drinking water, and almost the same is valid for Jordan and Israel???


And there with the English royalties have created a never-ending conflict as distraction of their selves where people on both sides Israel and Palestine are unjustly killed each other’s and are being kept busy to survive, while they are used as a 100% military base to defend countries like Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and so on, just as they often did in Asia such as splitting India to force hidden slavery!


Last but not least, I am more than positive that they, Freemason and the English Royal family falsify history. And here is why I think so:

1.                  I have in my fake family too many teachers that has telepathy, such as my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi and his wife Anna in Hamburg, Germany that use telepathy to control and manipulate students in Hamburg as they see fit, and I wonder if it is coincident that several of the World Trade Center bomber of 11 September 2001 were from Hamburg and their age shows that they were a few years earlier students, possibly of my fake uncle and his evil wife a daughter of a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 that will stop at nothing to gain new territories by killing innocents in New York city to give the American and British military a justifiable reason to colonialize Afghanistan and Iraq by attacking them for alleged terrorism as they did in Syria and in many other countries such as Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Vietnam, Philippine, Korea and the list is much longer

2.                  I have in my fake family too many teachers that has telepathy, such as my fake cousin Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and her first husband (his name forgotten) in Cairo Egypt, the daughter of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that helped in covering up for kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960, they too manipulate students to their liking and need of the English royalties and I have an injury on my forehead caused by her brother named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that also had telepathy as described in the pages “Kidnapping me as child” and the page “My fake family, the Kidnappers”!

3.                  I have in my family too many teachers that has telepathy such as the uncle of the CIA + MI6 whore that they enslaved me under between 20 August 1970 and September 1977 and named Anita Disbray, her uncle is or at least was a professor at the university of Oxford in the UK and I remember taken their in late summer 1976 to visit him at his home in Oxford in the UK

4.                  I have in my family too many teachers that has telepathy such as a professor at some university in Florida, USA either in Miami, Orlando or Tampa, Florida, USA, he is the alleged uncle or Rima Khodor that allegedly was born in USA and taken to Syria at a young age, which was a brainwash situation to force my mind to relate myself my situation to hers meaning I was allegedly born in USA and kidnapped to Damascus, Syria on 10/11 January 1960 for a few days and then on 15 January 1960 taken to Cairo Egypt with fake Syrian identity. This Rima khodor was the wife of Nawar Khodor alias the alleged son of the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore named Najlaa Mahmoud that these criminals enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 in Munich and used her to kidnap me to USA as distraction of my fake family and biological family as described in the page  “Is this my biological family?”, and therewith Rima Khodor is the daughter-in-law of this whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud. Rima Khodor and as I was told by my fake son in October/November 2018 has dies of some sickness at a young age!!??

5.                  My neighbor (name forgotten) was the son of the secretary of the minister of Education in around 1966/67-1969, in Cairo Egypt and the friend of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias a CIA + MI6 agent that the CIA + Mi6 did everything in their power since October 1969 and is illegal, inhuman,  and above all is against the law and is criminal against me to cover up not only for his identity but also that he was still in Egypt and they brought a lookalike that later was calling himself Nick Naggar to force my mind not to seek to contact my original fake brother or even visit him in Cairo, Egypt after 1969, or even my twin, among others these criminals enslaved me, tortured me, and locked me up unjustly while keeping me as a refugee for over 50 years!

6.                  The Backwards neighbor (name forgotten) of my fake sister Fadia Najar later replaced with a lookalike named Fadia Nagar, he was and as far as I recall the minister of Education in Cairo Egypt in around 1967-1969 and was heavily and negatively involved in my life through his mentally sick son and his friends which is described in other area what these criminals did to me

7.                  The families of my 2 fake sisters in Jordan named Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah as well as their hidden relatives, Malas and Tabaa not only controlled the economy of Amman and Jordan, but also own Islamic School(s) and one of them called The Islamic educational College of Amman, and therewith they have the control over unknown to me amount of teachers, possibly 30 or 40

8.                  In Amman Jordan, the families mentioned above also control the ministry of education

9.                  The points above is 100% valid also in Saudi Arabia

10.             In 1981, in Munich, Germany I was setup by my employer Siemens AG to go to consult the publishing company called Ernst Klett verlag in multi-lingual computer usage, because it became my specialty in IT-Information Technology, during which I discovered that the Saudi Arabian government is printing a Quran by this company, and this Quran was developed with a deceive in that they used marketing companies to design it to make it a product a person want to open, yet Gods work does not need Marketing, and therewith they most probably falsified it and printed it in Germany to blame it on the Germans in case it comes out, during which I had many members of my fake family and from several families working in controlling positions and under fake identities in Saudi Arabia and for the government, from Saudi Port’s Authority to construction to ministry of Interior to Engineering to others, and after I gave them a copy of this Quran that was printed by Ernst Klett Verlag in 1981. Ernst Klett Verlag is specialized in printing Educational and school books, when I look at the above point-1 to point-5 and consider that there were many other publishers in Germany that are specialized in religious books but did not print this Quran, then I have to ask myself: is this coincident that a specialized Educational publisher print this religious book, especially with all the severe damaging setups they performed against me after I was given a few copies of this Quran as a gift by Ernst Klett Verlag and gave them to several members of my fake family in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, which equaled that I was severely tortured, brainwashed, enslaved and kidnapped from Germany to USA where the evil CIA and MI6 kept me as an illegal alien for 15 years, then additional 13 years locked up as refugee in the Netherlands until 2013, they were 100% and among others covering up for this Quran that was with no doubt the number-1 cause of me losing my job by force at the company Siemens AG and then kidnapping me to USA and keeping me by force as an illegal alien to prevent me to go back, yet my love to my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka + my love to my friends from the church + my love to the German church + my love to Munich itself helped me to survive this ordeal and come back to Europe after being severely tortured. This is typical English royalties schemes they remove by force persons that can represent obstacles to them and lock them up in other countries, they have been doing that for centuries, they did that to a famous Egyptian politician in 1920s and took him by force and locked him up in an Island for decades and as far as I recall he was able to go back to Egypt and took with him Mango seeds, and when I was living in Egypt in 1960s it was and to my knowledge the only Arab country that had mango because of the seed that he brought with him!!!


I would say all of the above qualify as the road to falsifying history by the English royalties that were using my fake family to control many parts of the Middle East such as Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, and Egypt through among others their evil puppets that pretended to be my family such as the following families: Baroudi, Kheir, Khayat, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Tabaa, Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and his evil family, General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and his evil family and many others that I either forgot their names or never registered it in my memory or did not even discover them, yet I know they are there with larger number than hundreds of thousands!


Not to forget that my fake family is heavily involved with illegal drugs plantations in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and they can only do that in areas of wars to have a reason to protect illegal drug plantations with military by claiming it is restricted area due to the war, and then use their evil teachers to sell illegal drugs to the students all over the world, from the Middle East to Europe and North America while being protected by the CIA + MI6, the Ronald Reagan administration Bush family administration(s) and now Donald Trump and naturally the UK government. And they absolutely do not care that children (anyone under 21 years old is a child) get addicted to drug, and have destroyed health and entire life and many of them even die!


And since I was enslaved under a fake family that was set together out of CIA + MI6 agents that integrated hidden escaped Nazis in many of these so-called Arab countries enable to use the Nazi’s slavery and brainwash strategies with these countries as they did with the Germans and many other Europeans countries in 1930s to 1945 and even Russian Tsar (king/Emperor) named Nicholas II of Russia that was also English royalties and the cousin of king George V of the UK and when this Nicholas II lost his position and Russia was in danger of being lost to the general public they came up with the Communism scheme to control the people while forcing the general public to think that they are for the people, which was similar scheme to the Nazis and Adolf Hitler and both brought slavery to their own people. On the other side all the above is true and not only a theory!!


Last but not least, I have the strong believe that the CIA + MI6, which equals the British and American government, planned the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi for many reasons, among others because he knows Saudi Arabia hidden atrocities and was working for the number one enemy of the current US government and/or US Administration, which is “The Washington Post“ that is owned by the same owner as Amazon Mr. Jeffrey Preston Bezos, where often they do something to create bad name for him because he done more for US economy and business evolution than any US government ever have done for the USA, not to mention other countless countries (the same is valid also for other intelligent technology companies such as Google, Microsoft, Dell, IBM, HP, Apple and many others), and is the only very large employer that voluntarily gives the minimum wage of 15 US dollars to his employees in USA, whereby and after these criminals kidnapped me to USA and to distract me of my past as an IT profession, Multi-lingual computer design and the fancy Quran (religion marketing) that was being printed officially by the Saudi Arabian government (=English royalties) and forced me to work as a gas station cashier for nearly 2 years earning  only 5 US Dollars an hour, where I was earning 10-20 Thousand monthly prior to kidnapping me. All the theater they made about this journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian embassy in Turkey and cutting him to pieces was a show to get the people attention that the CIA + MI6 has nothing to do with it. They hire famous Hollywood and Bollywood authors and directors to plan for them for situations like that and pay them top Dollars for it=deceive the hidden slaves, but also, they have the Freemasons that planned all the destruction of my life, which has countless members worldwide and especially in Saudi Arabia!


CIA and MI6 would do anything to cover up for the criminal official rulers in the Middle east that are nothing else by hired actors working for them, them meaning the English royalties and their hidden relatives all over the world and especially in USA!!??


End of the Theory


Based on my life experience, most Arab countries are mainly living in poverty, while some foreigners are stealing them blindly while keeping the population suppressed to force them to be busy with survival and therewith prevent their intelligence to grow to not allow them to see what they are doing to them.


The only exception of this are the so called Arab Gulf petroleum countries, which are: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Qatar, whereby these country are through and through controlled by the ER in cooperation of their partners such as the USA and are using them to enrich their selves while not paying taxes in the UK, USA and the other partner countries. And to do that they are willing to falsify history and countries identities!


This is mass slavery performed by the ER, and in this process, they use the Islam as weapon against the people, and don’t take my word for it, they cut the hands of anyone that may steal some food because he is hungry and have no money, and this too in the name of Islam, while forcing people to live in fear of being sadistically punished. No country does that except Saudi Arabia and that after over 80 years of ER and American control, where is the freedom and where is the good-hearted Americans and English royalty, they must have forgotten their heart in the UK and/or in the USA, however and very unfortunately in my forced upon me living in 15 years USA + 1 year the UK I did not see any heart!!!???


Misusing religions and misleading the general public

(Go to Main index)





Religions used against me as a brainwash tool


1960-1970 Religions that were misused and forced upon me as brainwash tool


1970-1975 Slavery by Isolation


1976-1978 Setting me up to become Christian


1976-2000 The anti-Christian actions against me by the English Royal family


2000-2016 Unjust lockup as distraction of all the above


Isolation strategies (to be written by yourself)


The ex-US president Bush family and the English royalty’s connection (to be written by yourself)


Misusing Christianity as distraction of English Royalties and their allies (to be written by yourself)


Misusing Jewish as distraction of English Royalties and their allies


Misusing Kurds as distraction of English Royalties and their allies


Misusing Islam as distraction of English Royalties and their allies


Jewish, Kurds Muslims and Hindus are doomed by the English royalties!


Destructive incidents through Christian Catholic’s institutions in my life


Conclusion: Where is the humanity and the real multi-track-intelligence?  





(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…)

First thing first, which is see inside my mind and what I think about religions. To do that I will display a few photos of priests (Catholic priest), pastors (Christian none Catholic priest), Sheikhs/Imams (Muslim priest), Rabbis (Jewish Priest), Pujari (Hindu priest) and Monks (Buddhist Priest ), then I will ask you (the reader) one question, and then display my answer to this question, then you should know what I think of religions, thereafter I will continue the religion section based on my life experience and as objective as I learned of everyone I met in my life, whereby the majority were far from objective and that is how they taught me to be objective, by showing me both: OBJECTIVE and NONOBJECTIVE = SUBJECTIVE!


The following photos are alphabetically sorted based on the name of the religion, also they were absolutely randomly selected and downloaded of the Internet, and I do not know any one of them or even their names, I downloaded them solely as representatives of their religions based only on their clothing’s


Buddhist Monks

A person wearing a suit and tie

Description automatically generated


A person wearing a blue shirt

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A picture containing person, table, sitting, man

Description automatically generated



Christian Pastors and Priests

A person standing in a room

Description automatically generated


A person wearing a suit and tie

Description automatically generated


A person with collar shirt

Description automatically generated



Hindu Pujaris

A person sitting on a table

Description automatically generated


A person wearing a red dress standing in front of a door

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Jewish Rabbis

A person wearing a suit and tie

Description automatically generated


A person wearing a hat

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Two people standing in front of a window

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Muslim Sheikh/Imam

A person standing in front of a mirror posing for the camera

Description automatically generated




This photo shows how in real life it should be:

a union between Muslims, Christians, Jewish and others

A group of people posing for the camera

Description automatically generated


Now my question to you reader:

What do you see in all these above photographs of all these various religions monks, pastors, priests, pujaris, rabbis and sheiks/imams?


I do not know your answer, yet here is my answer:

I see a lot of similarities between them all as follow:

1.                  I see humans in each of the above photos.

2.                  I see humble and friendly humans.

3.                  I see proud humans because they believe they are serving God by teaching their people moral values based on their knowledge and the experience of their fathers and ancestors.

4.                  I see a desire for unity, peace and harmony between each of them based on common respect and understanding.

5.                  I see very similar clothing that shines on each one of these photos.

6.                  I see dedicated religious persons, each based on his knowledge that he gained because he trust his ancestors stories about God and where we all allegedly came from and where the majority of us are going, I do not know about after life, but I know each one of these persons in these photographs is going to be buried and will turn into dust (just like the majority of other human) in a few years or decades or centuries based on the environment he is buried in. I used the word I used the words “the majority of us are going” instead of “all of us are going”, because I strongly believe that some persons with telepathy do not die, meaning they are immortals, and this is mentioned in the 3 religious books  I read, which are Quran, Bible and Torah, but also and based on what I saw what some persons with telepathy do, they can alter their own look after pretending to be dead at 40, 60 or 90 years old and then live under a different identity that they already planned and created the environment for!

7.                  I see persons that I can trust and would never hesitate to reach out to each one of them and give him/her my hand and respect for his attitude and faithfulness that is very clear to see in the above photographs that is also represented by the individual clothing’s.

8.                  I see similarities in all their behaviors and the way they live and how they dedicated their lives for God in serving other human based on their knowledge that they learned from their parents since their birth.

9.                  Based on the above photos and based on what I saw in life and based on all the religious books I read and based on the very strong similarities with all these above-mentioned religions, they are all originated from India, including Islam, Christianity and Judaism which I will lay out some of the reasons I thinks so in this section of "Misusing religions and misleading the general public"

10.             Last but not least I see men and women that deserve our all respects, even though I do not believe in some of these religions.

11.             End of my answer.


==è Begin of what I think of Christianity

Here I would like to go deeper into my mind to show you what I think of Christianity:


Very unfortunately the many churches and many members of the churches have betrayed me, where I really loved them very much, betrayed me or were forced to betray me, because who can force me with telepathy can also force others with telepathy, even force several or many in the church and I see that almost on a daily basis for example when Catholic priest allegedly rape children, They probably did rape these children, but the question here is: were they forced with telepathy because a group of very evil networked people hate the bible and trying to discredit it (and the same to other religion), because the new testament and partially also the old testament is the best teacher about what persons with telepathy can do to a person without telepathy it has a very good examples that one man alone cannot come up with these examples, it is generations of experience!!


And who would want to teach the world about the usage of telepathy?


Some call him God, other call it “It is God’s work” and others call it “it is the work of the son of God”, other call it “it is the work of the mother of God Maria” and the list is endless.


I call it by what I see it: some brave persons that had telepathy and did not like what others with telepathy are doing to people, so they get together and created the new testament and called it the work of the son of God to prevent the king to stop it, because the King and his family were considering their selves the God’s family and enslaving everyone else, and there with the New Testament started to open the eyes of people. The prove for that is that the bible is continuously being updated under the reasoning that the translation of Latin or other old languages were wrong, in reality they are adjusting the wordings based on the effects they see in real life, and that they do every 20-50 years, other religions do similar things. And that is my opinion based on my own life Experience.


The last time they did that and to my knowledge was in 1960 in a joint venture work between all the Catholics and evangelist in the so called German speaking countries and hundreds of priests and pastors, if not more get together and worked on it for around 2-3 years later it was published end of 1960s as the so called “Einheitsübersetzung Bibel” (in English = ”Unified Bible translation” for more info see ) where the head of the Catholics and Evangelical Lutheran churches signed a declaration at the begin of the bible. very unfortunately they split up after almost 45 years. When I discuss this issue with others, some of them tell me this is the wrong bible, and the only true bible is King James bible, which is the British translation, a country that have always been built upon slavery and not only of their own, but also in North America, Australia, Jordan, Honk Kong, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, South Africa, Argentine and the list is almost endless.  King James Bible, a king that write against himself!!

==è End of what I think of Christianity


This section "Misusing religions and misleading the general public" is about how religion was destructively misused against me, which pointed to me that they also use the same methods by the general public, and to see the pattern, I have to add several religions that were misused against me by the English royalties and their allies; which are countless, yet here is a hand full as an example: English Royalties + hidden Jordanian royalties + Syrian military intelligence + hidden Saudi Arabian royalties and hidden ex-German royalties that are heavily related to the English royalties + Freemasons + CIA + MI6 + BND + a handful of fortune 100 companies.


To make it simple and show the pattern I have to show some of the very hidden and destructive history, whereby some of it is a theory (less than 5%) and that theory is based on what I studied 10 years schooling in Cairo, Egypt + 17 years living in Germany + 15 years living in USA by force of kidnapping + 18 years living in Netherlands + 1 year living in the UK + traveling mainly on IT business to over 16 countries From USA to Egypt to Europe to the Middle East to Japan to USA (traveled mainly on business to nearly 20 states in USA) and back to Europe + during which had countless acquaintance from all over the world plus readings = build my own mind!


For more information about how many religions we have in the world see the 3 links below, however and if you need more detailed information, then you have to use Google or Bing or Yahoo to search each individual religion, such as how many different Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and other religions are there, meaning We do not have one Christian religion, the original is Catholics and everyone else is a copycat, and within each of these copycats there are several to many splitting or copycats and the same is valid for Islam, Judaism, Hinduism , Buddhism and other religions!!!!!?????


!!!!!????? = meaning I wonder why, how, when and who did that where each claim there is only one God that he made this or that religion, and I have to respect all of their opinions which leads me to think, maybe there are over 4000 Gods in our world, because we have over 4000 (Four Thousands) religions in our world and growing on almost a daily, weekly or monthly basis, this mean that the 4000 Gods possibly have children that also wants to be Gods, just like the son of king will also be a king, and create new splitting, new copycat or totally new religions such as Scientology that was established in 1950s  as educator and protector of the world by selling the book of L. Ron Hubbard named Dianetics. In 19870s and 1980s and while I was living in Germany nice looking young ladies under the age of 25 (!!??),  were standing on famous street corners of Munich, Germany, such as in Schwabing and inviting passing by people for a free lecture/meeting with a Dianetics lecturer that turned to a new religion of hidden slavery and making money of their members by offering them personal improvement courses while promising them if they take enough courses, then they will go up the ladder and be qualified to earn money through offering lecturing and personal training (!!??), and is today recognized as an official religion with own temples, that some call also church. It seems to me it is the same scheme as the Freemason, who knows maybe the founder and the father of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard is one of the countless hidden English royalties in USA, that is efficient in creating scams to suck the life out of people as they did to me!


3 links about religions in our world:






Note: Kurd is not a religion, it is a group of people without a country, for more information see Yet they were used against me very destructively, which points 100% to the English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA as well as members of my fake family.


In short and in this section, I will try as much as I can to make it short and list only the major incidents that builds a pattern of misusing one group of religion against another as mean of brainwash, slavery and mass confusion and the followings were used against me:

1.                Islam

2.                Christianity

3.                Kurd

4.                Jewish


Religions used against me as a brainwash tool

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…)

I was kidnapped sometimes between my birth, which is officially on October 1952 and 10/11 January 1960, yet it was 100% falsified at the latest on 10/11 January 1960. The details are listed in the page “kidnapping me as a child” and additional info are to be found in several pages all over these complaint pages. I strongly believe that I was kidnapped from one of the following countries, because this where they kept me 100% under their control, during which tortured my life inside out:

1.                USA

2.                UK

3.                Germany or

4.                The Netherlands


After they caused me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960, where I lost literally everything including language and speaking capability and on 10/11 January 1960 I was in a hotel in Damascus Syria (possibly it was somewhere else and they forced me to believe it is Syria, which I doubt) they gave me a fake memory that included roughly 30 memorable aggressive situation that I believed it all my life to be my true history, until and started in the year 2000 to analyze my history based on my memory and discovered that my memory is only 0.0001% or even less of the memory I should have had. I have absolutely no memory whatsoever from prior to 10/11 January 1960.


One of the hidden slaveries these criminals were using me for, was as a distraction decoy of our real origin country, in that they brainwashed me and forced fake memories upon me as if in 1952 I was born in Damascus, Syria city section Mezeh in an area Zugag Alsakher near an area called Kiwani near a hospital and summer 1959 relocated to live for 6 months in the big house of my fake grandparents in Downtown Damascus, Syria during which 16 adults and 5 children were living there, all children were under 10 years old, this means at least the 16 adults had telepathy, because these were not related and it was a fake family set together and therewith they were using me all my life among others to vouch for them that these criminals are originated from Damascus, Syria, because I have no telepathy and who ever later and in Egypt or later in Europe and USA would read my mind with telepathy then they can confirm our origin based on my fake memory. Later in Egypt, most of the 16 adults and some of their children came to live in Cairo, Egypt for a period of one year or longer. The other child that came to live in Egypt for 2 years was Rima Baroudi, she was younger than me, but I cannot recall by how many years, maybe by 1-6 years younger than my age at that time I was 8 years, she was allegedly the daughter of my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, and both lived allegedly since 1977 in Geneva, Switzerland, and both performed severe damages upon my life also by using telepathy. In Egypt I hardly had any contacts with these criminals. Meaning I did not visit them except 1-2 times, and they most definitely did not visit us=my fake mother was my nanny and I am not related to them and they are my kidnappers. 2 of my alleged cousins, whereby one of them was allegedly living also in the same house in Damascus from Summer 1959 to January 1960, was Bassam Baroudi, in 1960 was around 20 years old, that came to Egypt to allegedly study medicine with his shorter cousin, name forgotten, that was studying dentistry and they came end of 1960 and went to the university in Cairo, the entire time where I was forced to live in Egypt until 10.10.1969, yet I visited them 1-2 times and they never visited us, and this was the pattern of all other fake family members = not my family. Today I know that this evil cousin had/have telepathy especially that I had another 2 destructive encounters with him in Germany, which I will skip.


An important note: Each one of the males that were allegedly with me in the grandparent’s house for allegedly 6 months had a fake name and to make sure that people believe that they are Muslims from Syria, they all had 2 first names One is Mohamad and the other their real first fake name such as: Mohamad Jawdat Baroudi, Mohamad Jalal Baroudi, Mohamad Mamdoh Baroudi, Mohamad Kamel Baroudi, Mohamad Bassam Baroudi, Mohamad Nashaat Najar, Mohamad Nuzhat Najar and so on = fake Muslims, not to forget their last names are most odd and not the usual normal Arabic Last names, such as Baroudi (Gun powder) or Bdeir/Budier (possible from German Bader), Malas and so on!


And in this section, I will show how these criminals misused religions against an 8 years young boy with total amnesia that was brainwashed not to question anything. In this period, they falsified my identity to Syrian and later gave me documents/fake IDs and it was full of holes, yet I did not notice the holes until after the year 2000 = fake. 3-4 days later and on roughly 15 January 1960 these criminals took me from this hotel in Damascus, Syria and with an airplane to Cairo, Egypt, and here where the religion brainwash started as listed below.


Important note: to make it easier to check the facts, sometimes I have to place some details where an influential person can easily verify, or even a person that lives nearby that mentioned area can also easily verify!


1960-1970 Religions that were misused and forced upon me as brainwash tool

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…) or (Go to index of Religions used against me…)

Until roughly 15 March 1960 we were guests for 8 weeks at the house of 2 different families that claimed to be Muslim, which are the Egyptian politician Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that was a member of the Freemasons and later was Egypt representative at UNO, and the second 4 weeks at the house of the alleged cousin of my fake mother, this cousin named Amira Baroudi was the wife of an Egyptian general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and had 3 children, 2 adults named Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and one was my age named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. Alaa 100% had telepathy.


On 15 March 1960 we moved to our own apartment on 111 Al-Hegaz street in Cairo, 100 meters of the Heliopolis hospital. I am not sure of the date, but possibly on 15 March 1960 and in April or September 1960 my fake mother placed me in a nearby school, at that time named Aal-Saood school, meaning family of Saud school (family of king of Saudi Arabia school) it was a public school. Through google I was not able to find it but rather I found 2 different schools that one I was in it is now called “Salah El Din Primary School” and right next to it (practically in one land lot) there is another school named “King abdelaziz alsaud language school”, possibly either they changed the names or my memory is lacking due to all the brainwash performed upon me.


As my fake mother registered me in this school she registered me either for 2nd or 3rd grade and claimed I was in Damascus in 3rd grade (it was 100% a lie I was never in school in Syria), and the school gave me a test, and said my knowledge is zero and my language is very lacking therefore they have to place me in first grade, and they did. I was in this school 4 years, grade 1 to grade 4 then they placed me in a private school and in the same class as the son of ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al Naser, his son was my age and had similar eyes colors as me, I believe his name was Abd-Alhakeem, the school’s name was Alqaumiyah near the Triumph Square, around 2 km from where we used to live. Until this moment of time and at the old school my grades were always between 40-55% , which equals grade “F” = very, very bad, and this due to my total amnesia. In the new school, which was a private Muslim school, my grades and in the first years jumped to over 80% which equals “C+” and the second year my average jumped to 91 or 92%, which equals “B+” or even “A-“, then they placed me back in a public school and very bad one and my grades went down to 65% and then 55%, = “F”.


In Around 1965 or 1966, these criminals told me that I have a brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar and was allegedly living since 1954 in Amman, Jordan by his sister named Suheir Bdeir/Budier, that turned out to be  my fake sister and a nanny for hidden Jordanian royalties children, therefore I strongly suspect this fake brother to be one of 2: either the son of King Hussein or an evil English royalty coming from England over Jordan as they did with me 5-6 years earlier on 10/11 January 1960 and brought me to Egypt over Syria and claimed I am Syrian, with the exception they caused me a total amnesia,  and here is why I believe so:

1.                I have 2 sisters that lived in Amman, Jordan that turned out to be not my sisters: Mrs. Suhair Bdeir and Mrs. Mona/Afrah Abokurah (now lives in Washington D.C. along with her evil children as fake Jordanian to help enslave people in Washington D.C.), and both of their husband’s families are related and business partners in several business from constructions to engineering to Jordanian Airlines to many others, and one of their joint business that not only I saw myself in 1966, but also visited several times  in 1980s because I was going to help them integrate IT in school, but they set me up to be removed from Europe and kidnapped to USA to never visit these criminals again. They own a private Muslim school called Islamic Educational college it is between the so-called roundabout-1 (in Arabic-Jordanian: Aldawar Alawal) and roundabout-2 (in Arabic-Jordanian: Aldawar Altani/Althani ) in Mount Amman (this is a city section name) in Amman, Jordan. The names of both families Abokurah and Bdeir/Budier and specifically the names Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and Abdelghani Abokurah are engraved at the main entrance of this school. If my fake brother lived and raised by my fake sister in Amman, Jordan then they would most definitely place him in their own school, which was right across the street of where my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier lived at that time and as I visited her in 1966 and in 1970, later I visited her after 1979, several times but she relocated to another housing, just 200-400 meters further at the roundabout-2 in a building called Malas building. Please note that these 2 families mentioned are hidden Jordanian royal families and therewith also English royalties, because Jordan is owned by English royalties and their allies

2.                When this fake brother came to Cairo, Egypt in 1966/66 he was placed in a private catholic school named San/Saint George's College Heliopolis near the Al-Ismailia Square in Heliopolis-Cairo, and simultaneously moved me from the Islamic Private school called Al-Kawmiyah and placed me in a public very bad school called Tabari near an area called Roxy in Cairo, and this school was closer to the official housing of my ex-school class mate the son of the Egyptian president as mentioned above(!!) then my grades went dramatically down and I had severe other problems from day one that this evil person came in to my life, which point out 100% that he had telepathy, as far as I recall, in his school they were teaching everything in English with the exception of 3 subjects in Arabic: The language Arabic + Arabic History + Allegedly Islam. I believed these lies all my life. He went to this school alright, and I saw that, yet they do not teach Islam at and as a catholic school!!


Therefore this criminal was anything else but was living and raised by my fake sister, and if I am wrong and he was raised by my fake sister, then that alone show that this criminal woman that pretended to be my sister is not my sister, because after around 6-10 months of my fake brother living with us, he moved out and lived in a 3 rooms apartment by himself while he was a high school student and had a house keeper, he lived in an building directly opposite where I lived, yet I never saw him after he moved out, which was either end 1967 or begin 1968. My fake mother said he did not get along with her boyfriend named Mohi Sabri, whereby this boyfriend used to come and go and never really lived with us for longer than 1-8 weeks at one given time then disappears for several months. So why is his sister or better said the evil Bdeir/Budier family in Amman, Jordan is vouching and paying for my fake brother school + apartment + new furniture and household things + housekeeper + pocket money + medical coverage, the question here is why would this trash of a sister do something like this to one brother but not for the another or not for her mother or not for her other 2 sisters?


The answer is very simple, he is not my brother, and he was not raised by my fake sister, rather he is an evil English royalty coming to Egypt pretending to be Muslim and going to Catholic school enable he can reach some English royalty goal at a later time=Freemason planning!


Now you get the idea that these people are more than criminals, they are savages, barbarian and organized crime family working for and related to the English royal family as well as to the ex-German royal families as well as to their hidden English royalty other relatives in USA!


Now back to situations where they misuse Islam against me, best if I list them in highlights:

1.                Around one 1-4 weeks after I was placed in my first school in Cairo, Egypt and after the school ends around 15:00/16:00 hours I was going home, which was just around 400 meters away, at the school yard, some man opens his car door and calls me, I went to him and he asked me to step in the car, and I did. He asked me a few questions, such as my name and where I came from and how I came and who I am with, he was not pedophile because he did not even touch me, I strongly believe he was sort of an agent for someone and had telepathy and was asking me questions while reading my mind to see if I am saying the truth. He was only able to see what these criminals placed in my mind, which was a fake memory that it took me over 50 years to realize it was fake memory as mentioned in the page “kidnapping me as a child”. And with this incident I was able to recognize that these criminals were using me as a multipurpose decoy, among others and based on the brainwash they performed upon me in January 1960, that we are all from Syria

2.                After I was placed in school in 1960, I made friends with another student named Sameh, He was Christian, which I absolutely did not know what that means, until the following incident. He was living very close to school, maybe 100-200 meters or so. He noticed that I am lacking in school and he asked me to go with him home to help me understand the subjects. I agreed, and he really did just that. He was alone at home. Later his father came, I understood that he lived only with his father. His father was very kind and treated me as he treated his son, which is and as soon as he came home, he made us a drink and some small sandwiches and brought them to the room of his son, and that was new to me After one week or so, my fake mother went to school and complaint to the headmaster that we are allegedly strict Muslims and do not mix with Christians and asked him to move me to another class and forbid me to intermix with my new friend Sameh, because his father allegedly want to make me Christian. Then I was relocated to another class. The school I was in, was over crowded, therefore and for each grade they had 2-4 class rooms, for example grade-1 that I was in, they had Grade-1-A, Grade-1-B and so on, and each classroom had between 35 and 45 students, where the private school that I was placed in only for 2 years, had at the most 20 students per classroom, possibly much less. Since my fake mother had 2 lookalike and at least one of them had 100% telepathy, she knew what was going on and can read my mind even at the school, and above all see how I react in certain situation, and I was more than impressed with my new friend Sameh and how his father was treating him and me, and that this whore of a fake mother did not want me to see. Later on, I went to the house of Sameh to visit him after school, but his father said to me that my mother does not want me to be here and I should go home, possibly he was himself scared and that was my experience of my first friendship ever in my life. I never seen Sameh after that!

3.                Then I had a new friend he was Muslim and named Fareed and here too and after a while I was forbidden to mix with him because his father was married to 2 women. Then I had no more friends

4.                In the private school that these criminals placed me in, in around 1964/65, I made new friendship, but not with Abdulhakeem Naser, he was the son of the Egyptian president and had always 2 body guards also in the classroom sitting behind all students and watching over him and where ever he goes. All students were Muslims because it was a Muslim private school, yet here too and after a while I was forbidden to have friends!

5.                In 1966 they placed me back in a very bad public school. it was around 3 KM far and I had to take the tram that they called Metro. and here where I get set up, I believe someone, was persecuting me to try to get to my fake family through me, it was either the police or some other private organization or a group of people, among others because I was being forcibly and very noticeably isolated, except I was too young to see it and understand it. Among others that is why these criminals caused me total amnesia, to prevent me to think based on my old experience. And in the new school I was set up with a new friend as follow: going from school back home in the afternoon, and for some reason or another a group of around 4-5 students around my age attacked me while I am in the tram/Metro, and at that time I had no idea why, and they started to a tempt to want to hit me, and suddenly a young man, at least 3-4 years older than me, stepped in and scared the 4-5 other students that they immediately left the tram. And ever since we became friends until again my fake mother stopped this friendship. What is odd about this young man named Mahmoud, is that he was the son of a famous Egyptian Sheikh (Muslim pastor/Priest) and was living in a middle-sized house on the street right behind where I was living. Meaning now my fake mother has no excuse to forbid me to have a friend, he is the son of a religious man and was really nice to me. He was in the same school as me, I was in junior high school, 7th grade and he was in the same school but in high school, I think he was either in 10th, 11th or 12th grade, no one dared to bother me in school after that day, the friendship was ended again I was not allowed to interact with him

6.                In the same school I get to know another student he was 2-3 years older than me and was living not very far from where I was living, maybe 300 meters behind the hospital. He invited me to go to his home to introduce me to his brother that was my age but in a different school, I went there, and he was living with his mother 1 or 2 sisters and 1 or 2 brothers, and that was the first time ever I see how a family treat each other’s and also and for the first time I felt something new for his sister I admired her but did not know why. Somehow, they all treated me as if I am not only a friend of the family but rather part of the family, which was totally new to me and 100% different than how I was being treated by my fake mother, fake brother and fake sister. I really loved that family, and therefore I never told my fake mother about them, but she had telepathy and after a while she asked me to not mix with this family. I tried a couple of times to go there secretly, but I was prevented with telepathy or fear or both, in that I started to walk towards their apartment and just before I get there, I was forced to return or go somewhere else passing their building, at that time I had no idea about telepathy. The first time that I really consciously started to notice some of telepathy was in the year 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA that then scared the life out of me. I think my friendship with this family was something around 2-4 months and I never saw them again

7.                As a replacement to the above last friends. After 1967, and this I cannot prove, I am just suspecting based on countless situations, my fake sister Fadia Najar was married to a civilian pilot named Afaf Shawki, that died through an airplane crash in 1966. Until then I had little contact with my sister. She married sometimes in 1961 or 1962 I am not sure of the year and moved out. Her husband was our neighbor and was living with an apartment mate that was totally different than him, he was at least 20 cm taller, skinny, dark blond, blue eyes and was Canadian yet was also a pilot. After the alleged accidental death of her husband (that today I strongly suspect it to have been murder based on several situations, among others his official children looks nothing like him and are 100% not his children, yet carrying his name = hidden agents or royalties children or both) I started to have more interaction with her, and she seems different than before. I strongly believe it was another person, because she was interacting and eating and speaking differently than before, but this is not the subject. The subject is that I get to spend more time with her, now she is allegedly widow and she lived around 2.5 km from us directly opposite the Egyptian Air Force airport named Almaza and next to an Egyptian military base and next to a military sports club also for swimming, meaning she was 100% surrounded by Egyptian military (in the hidden it was under British control) living all around her and even one of them was living directly in an Apartment above her his wife name was Nadia and had a sister around my age +/- 3 years, I forgot her name and she used to live with her parents near the city center on Ramses street and when going from Heliopolis to downtown Cairo just 1.5-2 KM before Ramses Square and the main train Station directly on the main road in around 5-8 floor building. I was there once, and next to them was a very famous take away falafel restaurant (I forgot the name). So often I stayed overnight at my fake sisters apartment, she had 2 children under the age of 3, today I know I was 100% forced to stay at her place to prevent me of having these friends from the point above and force upon me other friends, where I was also rapped by her landlord son named Hani Lapeep. These new forced upon me friends which I get to know in her neighborhood, and we became friends because it was forced upon me. But I really did not like them, they were by far not as nice as the other friends. They were much more aggressive, sort of American or British style aggressive, going around provoking others or trying to go over their own limits. But I did not see it like that at that time, because I only knew what is listed here, now I know the average English, Americans, German, Dutch and many others (total amnesia=no experience and no basic logic= not understanding situations), and they were 100% comparable to American/English as I get to know them in Europe and USA=Aggressive. Yet I interacted with them for several months. And here a couple of their very bad behavior:

7.1.               7.1.    One of them had a small dog, and used to like to tease the dog by playing with his genitals to see what the dog would do

7.2.               7.2.    Like to walk in at night in the street and provoke other pedestrians to beat them up just for fun!

7.3.               7.3.    Like to go out and get drunk

7.4.               7.4.    One very bad incident. All the parents of these youth that were various ages +/- 3 years to my age. They all come of a middle class or above families=children of military officers and higher government officials, which I did not see them like that at  that time, one of the parents I believe was minister of education or had something to do with the ministry of education and was living in a 2 floor standalone house on the following road Al Shahid Mohammed Qenaya Road right behind the road where my fake sister lived on Alshaid Kamal Al Fasakhani road (Alshaid is Arabic/Persian word originated from Urdu “شهيد‎”  and means Martyrs or also means hero and usually it is said about persons that died in wars, and in this area where my fake sister lived many street begin with this word Alshaid = Military area, which I never noticed it at that time due to the total amnesia + brainwash = life obliviousness), where most of the houses where standalone houses with a couple of exceptions and one of these exceptions was where my fake sister lived in 3 possibly 4 floor building and each floor 2 apartments, she lived on the second floor and 2 buildings down the same roads is the house of her alleged new friend of the family AL-Jumaiee. See next point for details. One or I think 2 brothers of this group or gang like group of youth had an apartment for their selves, claimed it their own where they can use with their friends, possibly it was an apartment for sale or rent and it was half empty during which they were using it, they were always around 5-10 persons together forming sort of a gang, which I did not know the meaning of gangs at that time. One day we went to this apartment, where allegedly they want to have a party which was just behind the building of my fake sister on a street corner, and we were around 6 or 8 persons, and several of them held me down by my arms, and legs by force and forced me on the floor and they started to take off my pants and under pants I started to scream and tried hard to free myself of them and started to cry, then they let go of me and I immediately left the apartment. And never interacted with them again. Today I see this incident as one of 3 possibilities: possibility-1 they wanted to rape me. Possibility-2 one or more of them or even my fake sister had telepathy and decided to create this incident because he saw how the son of the landlord named Hani Lapeep was raping me and I was not defending myself, meaning either Hani Lapeep had telepathy and was forcing me with telepathy or someone else had telepathy and was forcing him to do that to me (I think this is the most plausible reason, because rapping me was a very important part of my brainwash, and in this case it will be any member of this evil fake family). Possibility-3 I wanted it and I was homosexual, which I was most definitely not, I was brainwashed, suppressed and totally isolated by force!

7.5.               8.       After the incident from the above, I get a new friend also through this fake sister, which was the brother of her alleged new female friend,  I forgot her name, yet her brother’s name was Hisham Aljumaiee (جومعي) or (الجمعي) I wrote it in Arabic, but I forgot how to write it exactly. His older brother named Ali, had a leg injury and was limping, had red hair and red freckles all over his face and body, both were white, they had a very vicious German Sheppard dog that used to scare the life out of me, and a couple of times even jumped over the fence of their garden house chasing people. Hisham and his brother Ali were shorter than an average man. Sometimes when I was locked up between the refugee camp Dokkum in the Netherlands starting August 2006 and later forced me to live in a total controlled environment in the evil village named Bellingwolde in northern-eastern  part of the Netherland and was forced to go for 3 years to integration school in the evil village Winschoten, where these criminals tortured me with my teeth and them pulled out all my teeth, and were countless time prevented to sleep as a mean of torture during which I was forced with telepathy to look on the Internet at pictures of people I do not know that have look similarities with people of my fake family or their friends and partners and one of this photos was of a man that looked a lot like Hisham Aljumaiee looked, and this photo was of James E. Robinson the official grandfather of the ex-USA-first lady Barbara Pierce Bush, for more details on this connection see below under the section “The ex-US president Bush family and the English royalty’s connection”. Back to Hisham Aljumaiee, I was 100% setup to get to know him as distraction of all the friends that I was isolated of by force as mentioned above and to do that they used the group that built the gang as mentioned in the previous point followed by this Hisham. They have with no doubt telepathy that severely affected my memory very negatively and here is why, and among others: I have little memory of Hisham, I just recall that he invited me out a couple of times, then took me on a trip to Alexandria, where his family had a secondary summer apartment, I cannot recall for how long, yet it must have been for 3-7 days, during which we went to some famous garden bar belong to a 4-5 star hotel in west section of Alexandria (cannot remember the name). If I have a hidden lookalike sister, then it would be named Leila as mentioned in other pages and I was setup just 1-2 years earlier to meet her allegedly coincidently on a one week boat trip in the Red Sea along with my fake mother, and she used to live in Alexandria, where I visited her once or was forced to visit her, she was going to some Catholic school. If this is true and she was my biological sister then 1-2 years earlier my fake mother was trying to blackmail her, and this is also then valid for this trip with Hisham that was nothing else than blackmail trip or even possibly to tell her what is going around my life and that she should do something about it (this is pure theory and speculation, but not farfetched). I also have a memory that he took me with him to see their farm, however it is a very fuzzy memory, and possibly it was fake memory forced upon me through a dream, or he really took me there, but had telepathy during which he was controlling me and I was just registering bits and pieces, such being by a well, riding a donkey and looking at the form land. He also invited me to a New Year’s party by his friends in an apartment next to where I lived near the Heliopolis hospital, and there were maybe 30 attendees all under 20 years old, young ladies and young men. it was 100% European, British or American style party, with alcohol and loud foreign music, that today I know it was English singing, and here is another problem, I cannot remember if this was 1968 or 1969, as far as I recall between around 25 December 1969 and around 5 or 10 January 1970 I was in Amman, Jordan after these criminals set me up to look like related to terrorists, and on new year’s eve I was sitting in my bed crying, because I did not like what was going around my life and did not understand it, because I was in Germany, and I fell in love with Germany from first site and was forced to leave it and was taken on a very destructive brainwash tour with the car through half of Europe to Syria, where they terrorized my life and then to Amman, Jordan, where they were 100% playing brainwash games with me at the evil Bdeir/Budier family that used their nanny to pretend to be my sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier, then taken me for 2 days to Lebanon to relate me to illegal drugs through the family Barq, then to Egypt and then back to Germany, and all this between around 10 December 1969 and 15 January 1970, where then they severely brainwashed me and took me for isolation to the evil American military base McGraw kaserne where these criminals enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray and shortly thereafter forced upon me a lookalike of my fake brother that I did not see since either end of 1967 or begin 1968, because he moved out as a high school student to live in an apartment by himself while he was going to a private Catholic school and I was forced to go to a very bad public school. Also, this Hisham Aljumaiee took me to a prostitute’s house in Cairo and asked me to go with one woman meaning he paid for me to have sex with this whore woman. She was totally white not Egyptian skin color, was maybe 20-30 KG over weight maybe 40 or 50 years old. I had no idea how to have sex, all I remember is that it was over after one minute or even much less and it was not a good experience!! Last but not least, which is very silly but important enable to understand, I admired Hisham Aljumaiee, because he was around my age +/- 2 years yet he knew much more than me and was allowed to go around by himself, among others to Alexandria that was around 200 KM far from Cairo, which really says that my brain and intelligence were very lacking due to the total amnesia + all the brainwash = that caused me life obliviousness=unaware of anything just like a 8-9 years old or even younger. Today I see an attempt of the Aljumaiee family to isolate me while pretending to be helping me, and since these people have telepathy, it is all an act and they were all causing me all these rapes!!

8.                Using Esmat Khodari. I cannot remember the exact date, but it must have been end of 1968 or begin 1969, my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar introduced me to a young lady named Esmat Khodari (19 years old while I was 16 years ), She allegedly just relocated from Port Saied to Cairo and live at the apartment of her uncle because her alleged parents were allegedly killed in the 1967 war with Israel through an air force airplane bomb. She had a younger sister named Yasmen/Jasmin and a younger brother (name forgotten) both were between 14 and 16 years old. Her uncle was the CEO of the Egyptian airline, he allegedly owned at that time the famous movie theater called “Metro” downtown Cairo and owned the building on the opposite street corner (30 meters of the movie theater). The building was around 10-20 floors. He lived in the upper 2 floors, sort of a 2-floor penthouse with private elevator. Today I believe that Esmat Khodari was distraction of Hisham Aljumaiee, because I gradually did not see him any more as well as of my new forced upon me the criminal fake brother, see next point. It is very possible and based on some situations in my life, that I have a twin brother, and they were using me as a place holder for him in Cairo, Egypt, and this twin I strongly believe he was in Amman, Jordan sometimes around 1956/57 in a birthday party of my fake niece named Basma Bdeir/Budier alias Basma Alami, because they gave me this photo and told me this is you. Also I strongly believe that this twin possibly businesswise is also engaged in Saudi Arabia, USA and Germany, in matter of fact I strongly believe that he used my apartment on Winzerer street 146a in Munich, Germany after these criminals kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA, or even mixed with my friends in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in Unterschleissheim, Germany and they covered for him and pretended it is me, but this is suspicion and I have no facts what so ever to back it up, except I was forced to leave my apartment in Munich, Germany with everything in it as if I was living there. Back to Esmat Khodari, it is also very possible that she was forced upon my life enable she can pretend that my twin that took over my place in Cairo, Egypt after 10.10.1969 or after 15.1.1070, and here over I have many or even countless situations that point to that, and if this is true, this makes Esmat Khodari + her uncle the CEO of Egypt airline foreign agents in Egypt working for the English royalties, just as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar

9.                Distraction of my fake brother. All of the above hidden slavery and brainwash was most destructive and started through my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my fake 2 sisters Fadia Najar and Afrah Najar on 10/11 January 1960 by isolating me by force. Then in 1965/66 they started using others to rape me and since my fake  brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Nagger was very destructive person, arrogant, ignorant and was used as distraction of my original fake mother and my fake 2 sisters that gradually disappeared of my life starting 1961 and all were 100% replaced with other lookalikes at the latest 1966, then this evil fake brother was in my life as distraction of them, just as the evil CIA + MI6 brought a new look alike in 1970 as distraction of this one evil fake brother. It is a pattern that I discovered that these people I am complaining about are using mass number of lookalikes, and because they have been doing that for a very long time, maybe more than 2 centuries, this mean they plan and work on how to produce lookalikes among other by incest. As far as I know today and since maybe 1980s, you can manipulate pregnancies to have twins, yet they do not use it, because they are a huge family and have a lookalike cousins all over, then they make 2 cousins get married based on certain logic enable to produce lookalike and no one will notice, not even the parents, and this is the power of the Freemasons and the English royal family (or better said evil disgusting power), and it is all documented on the Internet such as the last king of Russia was the cousin and identical lookalike of King George V of England, see the photo at the end of this section!

10.           In contrast to the top and to show how evil members of my fake family are, they prevented me to have friends that I liked, yet these evil people and in around 1965/66 started to organize rapping me by men, and since today I know that many of these criminals had telepathy and they did not prevent this situations, then they 100% organized it = it was a multipurpose destructive brainwash rape. These criminals also force others to rape innocents also as a multipurpose brainwash, among others because they hate the Catholic church as highlighted below, and I am most positive about that, and I am listing it in this page. The first rape was after my evil fake brother arrived in Cairo Egypt, which was like this: I went to my mother bedroom and she was with her boyfriend having sex, and I absolutely did not know anything about sex or that sex exist, and I said what are you doing, because both were naked on top of each other’s, then her boyfriend came up to me and took me to my bed room and rapped me, while she did nothing. This was a onetime rape by him. After that I strongly believe he felt bad about it and tried very hard to make it up to me in that he started helping me in school, therefore I strongly believe some criminal with telepathy forced him to do that. There after I was raped countless times, and I had no idea if it was good or bad, I was 100% brainwashed by these criminals to never say no and to never question anything. They were always able to destroy my new and good innocent friendships, yet not capable to protect me of being raped countless times=they rapped me by using telepathy and forcing others to do it as a multipurpose brainwash: Purpose-1: to force my mind later not to want to think about these situations and therewith voluntarily not remember my past to not discover that I was kidnapped. Purpose-2: To make me look bad by others. Purpose-3: To show as if they have no telepathy. Purose-4: To have a reason to perform certain very destructive actions against me. Purpose-5: to force my mind to think that everything that these criminals were doing to me there after is to help me as if I am a homosexual. I am what these criminals did to me, a complainer until I get justice



English Royalties from England and Russia

Here is the photo I found 10 days ago on Wikipedia with the subtitle: George V (right) and his physically similar cousin Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in German uniforms before the war. Tsar or Czar means emperor. For more details and to see this photo enlarged see



Note about the word war: they mean first world war that started 28 July 1914 and ended on 11 November 1918 = (4 years, 3 months and 2 weeks of killing countless innocent people)





1970-1975 Slavery by isolation

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…) or (Go to index of Religions used against me…)

Important note: from this section on is distraction from Egypt and from Kidnapping me on or before 10/11 January 1960. I have indication that I was kidnapped sometimes in 1952, if this is true, then I am 8-9 months older than my falsified birthdate, and if this is also true, then the reason for the total sadistic and barbaric destruction of my entire life and until current starts to be clearer, not acceptable but clearer why and who, which is going to be also in this page.


In the above section and in my forced upon me slavery life in Cairo, Egypt, I was prevented by force to have any friends, onetime because they are Christians and we are allegedly strict Muslims, one time because my schoolfriend’s father has 2 simultaneous wives that allegedly can give me wrong Islamic moral values, whereby it is legal in Islam to have up 4 simultaneous wives, at least in Sunni Islam, while my fake mother had at least 2 boyfriends and one of them named Saieed Al-Umary that wanted allegedly to marry her as a second wife while she had 6 children a couple of grandchildren, which was only to show as if this bitch and whore of a fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi is allegedly Muslim and from Syria and the list goes on and on as mentioned in the previous section.


In contradiction to the above, this human trash of a fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that came of a fake family consisted of 16 adult and 5 children as highlighted in the page ”Kidnapping me as a child” and the page “My fake family, the kidnappers”, and are  agents from the CIA + MI6 + evil Saudi Arabian and Jordanian royal family members that are all 100% originated of the English royal family/families, but in this section this disgusting evil woman deliver me to the Freemasons + CIA + MI6 + American military Intelligence + the German authorities that are all officially Christian but lost their Christian values for the sake of their evil destructive professions and for a hand full of money as a salary, which is going to be very clear in this and the following sections and it will show that my fake family are not Muslims, not Christians, not Jewish but rather stupid, ignorant, slaves of the English royal family and their hidden relatives in USA and together they build an organized crime families + institutions that will sell their children and mothers and brothers and sisters and any other friends or relatives and country for a hand full of currency!!!


This section I will make it really short. It is about how these criminals that destroyed any sense of my logic that was already very lacking, and it started on 10.10.1969 by taking me to Germany. Since I wrote a lot about what they did to me in this period of time, I am just going to list a summary to have this big picture complete, for details see other sections and other pages. Exception is the first point because I discovered new things of my past!


Taking me for a severe brainwash and mind control trip:

1.                  My fake mother taking me to Germany under fake pretentions:

1.1.                 The boyfriend of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi was a police officer in Cairo, Egypt. His name was Mohi Sabri. He disappeared of our lives sometimes end of 1968 without the knowledge of his alleged wife (they were not married but claimed to be) alias my fake mother and that is what I was told, which it turned out to be wrong as you going to see in this section. He was possibly, and here I am just guessing, Russian or English/British origin, the reason I am saying that is because he was pale white, too white to be Egyptian origin, All Egyptians are a mixture with deep black colored Africans and light brown and many have curly hair, if they do not have that, then they are 100% not Egyptian origin, they could be since 1-5 or more generation from other countries, such as India, Greece, Spain, Italy, UK, Germany or other countries. Since he looked a lot like or even almost identical look to the ex-vice German chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann that was murdered in 2003 and they claim it was an accident, which was a cover up. My fake mother claimed to have been desperate to find her husband that disappeared in 1968, and her alleged brother (one evil and most sadistic man with telepathy named Dr. Farzat Baroudi, I never seen this man ever in my life prior to this year) came to Cairo, Egypt allegedly from Cologne/Koeln/Köln, Germany to write his doctorate on Egypt, and he allegedly helped my fake mother to locate her missing husband and he allegedly found him, and I do not know the detail, except Mohi Sabri allegedly went to Turkey for a vacation and from there went allegedly to Germany where he allegedly applied for pollical Asylum. I discovered a big pattern of this fake family trying hard to link their selves to Turkey and force me to think they are from Turkey but the evidence of their work and positions told me that they are 100% English royalties from various countries. Then my fake mother went allegedly to Germany to meet with him, sometimes in spring of 1969. Today I know she went for a meeting with someone, I guess it to be in the UK, USA or Germany to plan what to-do with me, because she was only an evil nanny that pretended to be my mother. After she came back, she said we are going to relocate to Germany to be with my husband, then placed me in a private English course at my school English teacher for around 1-2 months for an hour a week, and this instead of German, where we are going to Germany and not to an English speaking country, but this evil woman planned to deliver me to the American military base = English speaking, which she did, and on 10.10.1969 my fake mother took me to Germany. As you will see this human trash of a human being was not my mother and lied her teeth out to me. Arriving in Frankfurt we went to a specific café downtown Frankfurt and waited several hours until 17:00 or 18:00 hours and then a man came that claimed to be Mohi Sabri and picked us up and took us to his apartment. I was speechless because he totally looked different, he was shorter, darker skin and much, much skinnier, this man was maybe 160-165 cm and shorter than me, the other one was taller than me, and I most definitely did not grow 15-20 cm in less than one year. The other one was maybe 85-95 kg, this one 35-45 kg, and all these years I was forced to think it is the same person = the power of brainwash and telepathy control. Anyway, his apartment was one room apartment with an open kitchen in the corner of the room. His bed was a couch that you can open as a bed and it will be good enough for 2 persons. Yet all 3 of us slept on the floor and my fake mother in between, and while we are sleeping they had sex, today I have no doubt in my mind what so ever that this man was 100% not Mohi Sabri, and that is why these criminals had sex and made sure I hear it to force my mind to think that this man is Mohi Sabri. Why they did that, I am not sure about it, except that the original Mohi Sabri from Cairo, Egypt looked almost identical to ex-vice German chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann, except he had brown eyes, and this man looks (last photo of him in my memory) will sticks to me and will not recognize ex-vice German chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann as his lookalike, not to forget that this ex-vice German chancellor, was a very disturbed man, and was acting as if he is with the Arabs and against the Jewish, which was an act to show as if he is a Nazi, but today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever in my mind, that this ex-vice German chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was 100% English royalties and a spy and agent for them within the German government, and possibly that was the reason why he was killed, and if anyone would discover that he was murdered, then people will think he was murdered by Israelis, because he was such an anti-Jewish and anti-Israel on top of that and as far as I recall he was the chairman or/and founder of some organization that was called I think Arab German society or something like that to allegedly promote business and culture between both Arabs and Germany. He was only acting to win votes and financial supports of allegedly rich Saudi Arabians, Jordanians and so on, just like many others, also in Netherlands and in the USA I saw politicians like that, because the Americans and British were at that time very big in making a huge propaganda against Germany to keep the history of the Nazis and Adolf Hitler alive as a mean of mass brainwash, on the one side to force the German to think that they are their liberators, and on the other side to force everyone else in the world and subconsciously to dislike or even hate Germans due to all the viciousness they show in these propagandas among others through Hollywood movies that they still mass produce until today, but also to distance their selves of the Nazis because the ex-German royalties alias English royalties are mixed with Germans such as the German king Wilhelm II (he was English origin and the grandson of Queen Victoria) and his Nazi children created the idea of the Nazi that they stole of the Germans that wanted to be free of the emperor’s family, which is absolutely the same pattern as they did a 1-2 decades prior to that, also English royalties and created the Soviet Union because the Russian public did not like their emperor, then communism was born and they used this communism to create Soviet Union to keep the population under very sadistic and vicious control and forbid individual freedoms just as they did in Germany with Adolf Hitler but also as they did and still doing in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen  and many others. And this is how sick these people are.

1.2.                 On 11.10.1969 early in the morning My fake mother took me with the train from Frankfurt to Munich, and here I have to ask myself 4 questions, Question-1: where did my fake mother get the money from to buy the train ticket? Question-2: why didn’t she exchange the (fake) 100 US Dollars bills in the Airport of Frankfurt or in the train station also in Frankfurt? Question-3: how did she pay at the café the day before, where we eat and drunk? Question-4:  How did she pay for the train tickets  from Frankfurt to Munich? which were expensive, I do not know how much she paid, but later on I used the train in Germany and paid for it myself, and a ticket from Munich to Frankfurt and one way only for one person would cost around 200 Deutsch Marks and for 2 persons 400 Deutsch Marks, this mean she had German money, and she brought me to Frankfurt only for half a day to see this man that was 100% not the original Mohi Sabri, then took me to Munich and exchanged the money (fake US 100 Dollar bills) in the train station in Munich where we were immediately arrested because it was fake money, but I did not know that, and possibly the man in Frankfurt was Russian origin or even related to something illegal + the fake money she get the attention of the police on me, beside she said we going to live with my husband, not going to see him for 12 hours and then I will dump you in Munich and the CIA + MI6 + Freemasons + German authorities will take care of you! I am sorry it took more than I expected to write what I intended because when I write my past, I discover new things and half what is in this point is new to me. As a confirmation to all of the above, between 18 December 2001 and on 7 January 2002 I was setup and forced by the Dutch Immigration to go illegally from the Dutch refugee camp in Zweeloo to Germany twice, first time I came back after 2 days on 21 December 2001. The second time I went on 7 January 2002 to the Church, which is the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, where I was baptized in 1976 through a setup by many, among other the German immigration, the CIA + MI6 and members of my fake family. In the church, an old acquaintance of the church named Birgit Wiedemann, that I used to think of her and her husband as my friends, but I was mistaken and now in 2002, she is either was or pretended to be the first secretary of the church (the second secretary is allegedly her assistance) and offered me to stay at her family apartment overnight, she is married with Guenther Wiedemann and had in 1976/77 2 baby daughters, now they 2 daughters and are university students in Munich. I used to see her and her husband as my good church friends and  accepted her invitation because I had no choice I was 100% being manipulated by the German and Dutch immigration, whereby the latter forced me now in 2002 to go Germany to wake up my feelings to the time prior to my kidnaping to USA in 1986 but I did not see that at that time. At her home and in the evening, somehow I was animated either with telepathy or brainwash to use her telephone landline and look for Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt, and I found one and I called, some young person answer and I asked for Mohi Sabri and he said just a minute and heard him calling his father, and then I asked him are you Mohi Sabri, he said yes and I asked him again are you Mohi Sabri from Egypt that was a police officer, he immediately hanged up the phone and I thought he does not want to have anything to do with his past and left it at that. I started to question why I called him, but I did not know why, because I never thought of him since at least the last time I saw him in Frankfurt on 10.10.1969, so why would I voluntarily call him over 30 years later while I am busy with other severe problems?  Today I know someone from the church forced me to, as well as they forced me to many other things that were 100% not form me, yet it made me look bad, and above all it made me feel bad, such as made me make a confession with the Pastor named Karin Kittlaus, and usually there is nothing wrong to do a Christian confession, yet this was a set up to make me look bad and even worse to make me feel bad and blame myself for many bad things that are happening right now in this church above all that they are not helping me get free of this hidden slavery and want me to think that I should blame myself for that due to bad things they or my fake family forced upon me after I became Christian in 1976, which very much they were building some kind of a fence around my brain and life and I did not see it at that time, today I know they did not want me to be anywhere near the city or even entire Germany = they were hiding something, which is they were the ones doing something bad and not me, which is I was set up and forced to become Christian and this setup is explained elsewhere, and it was a cooperation of partners that set me up, among others the German authorities + the CIA + the MI6 + members of my fake family and I am guessing they did not want me to discover that, I relate 2-3 persons of this church to the ex-US president George H. W. Bush, one of them is my fake friend Birgit Wiedemann the other is the pastor Herbert Lange of this church that beptized me in 1976 as well as the baptize witness Mr. Nikolaus Schneider, he has not only facia similarities to the Bush family, but also to the English royalties also his height and also Hisham Aljumaiee + Dr. Lapeep as mentioned above and other situations as listed below  under the section The ex-US president Bush family and the English royalty’s connection, in other words the members of this church knew something I did not know what it was, today I know: through their relatives Al-Jumaiee and Lapeep + my fake family members as mentioned above and below they knew everything about me before even I went to this church, and in this trip in January 2001, they forced me to look for Mohi Sabri and call him for one purpose only to force my mind to remember the past and blame myself for everything as if I am a homosexual and I had sex with Mohi Sabri, but I did not, I was raped as a major part of brainwashing me, on the other side several persons of this church including the Fischer family were supporters of the political party called FDP and the ex-vice German Chancellor named Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann was also President of the FDP in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and president of the Deutsch-Arabische Gesellschaft (German-Arabic Society (see his profile under: and today I know for sure who in the church was working against me, you make your own conclusion after you read this page = The power of Telepathy created by God and misused by people, it is just as some movies shows you that some member of the Mafia do something really bad and unspeakable on Saturday and then go the Next day on Sunday to the church and contribute some money and everyone praise them!!!! Not to forget that he was preceded by Hans-Dietrich Genscher that was foreign minister and vice chancellor of Germany for 18 years  and was also a higher member of the same political party called FDP where he later became the chairman of FDP, and that would explain how these criminals issued the visa for the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore named Najlaa Mahmoud specifically on 24.12.1984 in the morning to force my mind to think that it was all because I allegedly became Christian, and that makes the 2 ex-vice German chancellors Hans Dietrich Genscher +  Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann + the ex-German chancellor himself named Helmut Kohl + the ex-Bavarian Minister president named Franz Josef Strauss as well as some members of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim member of a crime organization related to the English royal family, the ex-German royal family and ex-USA president George H. W. Bush and later his evil son ex-USA president George W. Bush have performed a severe crime by conspiring together and using the above mentioned church to brainwash me, then enslaved me under one of their whore  agent that had 2 lookalikes and at least one of them is from Saudi Arabia, which equals that they are all traitors to me and to Germany, USA and humanity, not to forget that I was forced to live in Houston, Texas under the control of these evil Bush family while they were using their positions to keep me as enslaved individual. And not to forget that the traitor George H. W. Bush was member of the Episcopal Church that is of the Anglican church (English royalty version of Christianity) and then joined his wife church, which was Methodist church also of the Anglican church (another English royalty version of Christianity), it would not surprise me if the name George is inherited from King George V or King George VI of England, he could be the son of the later, which makes him the hidden brother of the current queen Elizabeth II and possibly also related to me. He and his son George W. bush are with no doubt traitors to US and to humanity, not only because these criminals arranged for my kidnapping from Germany in 1986 but rather because every evil war these criminals performed was 100% and number one in the interest of the English royalties such as the lost control of the following countries that were 100% under their control: Iran + Iraq +Afghanistan, and that will explain why in Washington D.C. and surrounding areas such as Maryland, Delaware, North Virginia and West Virginia there are more Freemason lodges and other supported Freemason institutions and businesses than anywhere else=English royalties. Another small point, there are too many fake Arabs around that area, that are originated of the English royalties such as my fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Mona alias Afrah Abokurah and here 4 children, 2 brothers of the Mrs. Sahar Assassa has 2 brothers there that I have bad history with and they live in Alexandria North Virginia, the sister (name forgotten) Mr. Mohamad alias Mark Chodor where I was enslaved under the her brother evil mother in-law the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and many of her family live between New York, New Jersey Pennsylvania and around Washington D.C.   They think that the American population are stupid and that is why they behave like this. Last but not least the evil Dutch Immigration locked me up for 13 years from 2001 to 2013, during which they prevented me to complain about these criminals Bush family while they were presidents and the long hand of the English royalties in USA, and this uninterrupted since and including the ex-USA president Ronald Reagan where I was kidnapped in 1986, and now they are repeating the process with the current USA president Donald Trump, using the absolute same strategies as the they used with the Bush family, meaning once Trump is gone as president, his children and son-in-law will be integrated in the US-government looking after the English royalties interests instead of American interests and that is why most Americans are poor and live below the poverty line, and this not only a few thousands but rather 150-200 Million, and if you ask them why they are poor, they will say, we are not poor, and that because they get used to it and do not know any other way to live=royalties mass brainwash that forces countless to file bankruptcy just because they cannot pay their medical bills and that is why I call USA the fifth hidden kingdom of the UK and a hidden slavery country!

2.                  In Munich on 11.01.1969 we were arrested by the train station police due to the fake 100 US Dollars bills and questioned and released after a few hours. Here too I have to ask myself: they confiscated all the money we had because they were fake 100 US Dollars bills that my fake mother asked me to hide them in my socks and brought them out of my shoes at the bank and the bank teller saw that, yet she had money to pay for the hotel for exactly 2 months, yet she claimed that all our money she gave me on 10.10.1969 to hide in my shoes before we went to the Airport in Cairo, allegedly to not allow the Egyptian border police to confiscate them, because it was allegedly forbidden to export currency, all currency must be declared at the border police and prior to boarding the airplane but also all foreign currency must be purchased only at an official Egyptian bank, and this alone that she now has money shows that this criminal woman was working not only against me but also planning with others everything and she intentionally brought with her the few fake 100 US Dollar Bills to get the Munich police attention over me = a setup for me. No mother would do that to her son, in matter of a fact no good person would do that to any other person, period.

3.                  I believe that the CIA + MI6 was supposed to take me over from the German police because of the fake money + being with a suspected Russian the fake Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt, but it did not work, and I am guessing that they asked my fake mother to implicate me more

4.                  2 months later on 10 December 1969 she took me on a brainwash tour by using a Palestinian and several Kurdish persons from Germany to Syria in a car convoy, as described elsewhere.

5.                  On around 12 or 13 December she exchanges places with a lookalike in a hotel in Sophia, Bulgaria to implicate me as a Russian or ex-Soviet Union agent. Is described elsewhere.

6.                  On 15 December we arrived at the border between Turkey and Syria passing Istanbul and Antakya and they confiscated my passport at the Syrian border and did not allow us in and said we have to wait. I believe we arrived in the late afternoon and they forced us to wait in the car until the following day noon, then said I am being drafted to the military and I must register in the military headquarter in Damascus, it was a setup to have a reason to relate me to the terrorist group PLO as mentioned below

7.                  On 16 December evening we arrived in Damascus, we were dropped off at the apartment of my alleged uncle named Jalal Baroudi that these criminals claimed he was a Syrian diplomat and consul and is now in Moscow with his family

8.                  Between 16 and around 25 December and in Damascus, Syria, these criminals performed many destructive brainwash acts against me and forced more fake memory upon me and set me up to look like as if I am linked to top terrorist in PLO, and the following persons set me up, while pretending to be Syrian living in Syria: my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, her fake brother Dr. Farzat Baroudi that lives in Hamburg on Waldweg, my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi that today I strongly believe he is English royalty and Saudi Arabian royalty, my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, that today I strongly believe he is English royalty and Saudi Arabian royalty

9.                  On 25 December my fake mother took me with a taxi from Damascus, Syria to Amman, Jordan, these are group taxis, meaning other unknown to us passengers were also in the taxi, and crossed the border with fake PLO ID, which very much the same as these criminals did to me on 10/11 January 1960 and kidnaped me to Syria falsified my identity to Syrian and on 15 January 1960 took me to Cairo, Egypt as Syrian, and here they get me a fake PLO ID that I am allegedly volunteering to fight with the Palestinian against the Israeli enable the Syrian military allow me to leave the country and go to the Palestinian front that was allegedly in west Jordan. These situation was possibly also a blackmail situation because they are repeating the situation from 10 years ago om 10/11 January 1960, which is kidnapping me from unknown to Damascus, Syria for a couple of days and then creating a fake Syrian id for me, in 1960 one in Syria and in 1969 PLO one in Syria and then taking me from Damascus, Syrian to Cairo Egypt on 15 January 1960, and now in 1969 taking me to Cairo, Egypt over Amman, Jordan + Beirut, Lebanon and in both cases I was taken on 15 January 1960 to Cairo and on 15 January 1970 from Cairo back to Germany=repeating the process possibly for blackmailing my biological family that today I strongly guessing to be the English royal family and that I am possibly the brother of the current queen Elizabeth II!!!???

10.             Around 8 or 10 January 1970 took me with airplane from Jordan to Beirut, Lebanon, for 2 days, during which I was forced to visit an illegal drug farm that was disguised as tobacco farm of the family Barq the partner family with the hidden English royalties alias the Jordanian royalties alias the Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Baroudi and other families just less than 1 km north of the small city called Jubail, around 35 km north of the Lebanese capital city called Beirut

11.             On around 12/13 January 1970 taking me with the airplane to Cairo Egypt, setting me up to see Esmat Khodori, that possibly she is Russian origin to implicate me as an Ex-Soviet Union agent while I was 17 years old

12.             On 15 January 1970 taking me with airplane back to Munich Germany

13.             On 16 January 1970 taking me to the Freemasons office in Munich and asking them to help me, they said first I have to apply for political asylum and allegedly told my fake mother where and how. Is described elsewhere.

14.             On 17 January 1970 my fake mother took me to apply for political asylum on Ett street in Munich, Germany and they brought a Palestinian translator, during which I told them everything as it happened since I left Germany one month ago on 10 December 1969

15.             I believe they were following us on the entire trip due to the fake US Dollar bills and the Soviet Union fake involvement, and therewith I did not have to tell them everything because I did not notice anything at that time except the fake PLO ID but I did not understand that setup at that time, and I was forced to tell them the truth, which it looked like I am related to PLO that someone can overnight get me a fake PLO ID that the Syrian government accept and recognize

16.             Around 24 January, +/- a couple of days, my fake mother left, and this alone shows that this bitch is a criminal and not my mother, just like all the rest of this criminal fake family

17.             The Freemasons pretended to be helping me by getting me job in a company of one of their members named Schalt Bau. Yet around 10 days later, +/- a few days, I had to quit my job because I had no place to sleep and when they asked me why am I quitting, I told them because I have no place to sleep and I cannot pay the hotel, yet they did not move a finger to help me, which means these criminals planned all that enable I live isolated in the American military base McGraw kaserne and be brainwashed and enslaved as distraction of my past

18.             From January and until around mid-March 1970 I was severely brainwashed and tortured mentally and physically by forcing me to sleep on the streets and in toilets until they set me up to go to the American military base McGraw Kaserne sometimes between 1 and 15 March 1970 where I was totally isolated of the rest of my past and the world and was forced to avoid Arabs because they brainwashed me to hate them as described elsewhere.

19.             My entire life at this evil military base was forced upon me with brainwash and telepathy and below are only quick small portion of the highlights

20.             Was forced to work in the Mess Hall, the soldier restaurant, during which I was setup and brainwashed severely to among others forget my past and forget my family and this is now my family, and to do that they often used family titles in this severe brainwash, such as the cook is called Fat Daddy, the Afro-American soldiers call me brother, and a German old work colleague I was forced to call her mama Louisa and so on.

21.             Set me up with around 7 disgusting crazy women/young ladies within 4-6 weeks for one purpose only to force my mind to think that the woman that they later going to enslave me under is the angel of heaven compared to these disgusting women/young ladies. And this fake angel was their military + CIA + MI6 Whore agent named Anita Disbray that I believe to 90% she had telepathy or to 10% someone else had telepathy and used her as front, which I really doubt, but the fact remains that I do not see, hear or sense in any way, where the telepathy is coming from, it is just like Wi-Fi in a train station or the airport, you can use it but you do not know where it is coming from or where it is located or where it is going through.

22.             I was enslaved under the control of this whore agent named Anita Disbray on 20 August 1970 and within the American military base and she was allegedly working for the military administration called EES-European Exchange Systems that was at that time located within the American military base called McGraw Kaserne on Tegernseer Landstraße in Munich Perlacher Forest city section

23.             This forced upon me agent and her behavior and what happened between me and her point to me today that she was one evil woman with telepathy, above all she is very deceiving. I was enslaved under her control from 20 August 1970 and until she left in September 1977. During which she totally isolated me and each time I made some friendship this whore will destroy it and blame it on me and this for 7 years, and since she had telepathy she can force me to think whatever she wants and I cannot do anything about it. In other words from 20 August 1970 to roughly end of September 1977, I made at least 10 friendships, and each single one of them I lost in a very bad situation that I was forced to think it was my fault, in the year 2000, I started to understand Telepathy and recognized the pattern that she destroyed all my friendships to keep me isolated by force just as my fake mother, 2 fake sisters and my fake brother did to me from 1960 to 1970, even the church did the same, meaning she was continuing the work of my fake family, and after she left in 1977, others took her place and did the same strategy yet with different methods and I did not see this pattern until today in December 2019, or even possibly she and members of my fake family did that to me between 1977 and 1983 by using telepathy

24.             In the same military base McGraw kaserne, they forced upon me many bad things, which equals slavery, and here is a summary of some of them:

24.1.            From March 1970 and until summer 1972 I was forced to work in many jobs enable I can survive, during which my mind was totally concentrated on surviving and 100% forced with brainwash and telepathy to be distracted of my entire past and my entire fake family until summer 1976. And this is how powerful is brainwash and telepathy, here are some of the jobs:

24.1.1.                  First job at the so called Mess Hall, where the soldiers have their free breakfast, lunch and dinner, officially from 6 in the morning to 19:00 hours, yet because I was under 18 I was not allowed to work more than 50 hours, therefore I was starting at around 7 or 8 in the morning and stopping at 17:00 hours and this 6 days a week, the math of the weekly hours I forgot due to all the brainwash, yet it was just around the times mentioned above. My monthly salary was 400 and 500 German Marks, even though I worked at least 40-50 hours per week, and this because I was under 18 years old and the income for under 18 was allegedly limited by law

24.1.2.                  Second job and in my free times worked cleaning apartments of soldiers and officers that are relocating from Munich to another city or country and supposed to leave their apartment clean including all equipment’s such as stove, ovens and ventilators, I think I received 100 US Dollars for each apartment, which required a 2 full  day’s work 9-11 hours and we were 2 persons performed the job in 1-2 days and had to split the 100 US Dollars. I was getting paid in everything with US Dollars, except my salary of official job, that was in Deutsch Mark. In the military base everything was with US Dollars, movie, cafeteria, bars, restaurant and so on, exception are the none military employees receive salaries in German Deutsch mark

24.1.3.                  I worked part-time in the Movie theater in Perlacher Forest, there was 2 of them, one in the building where the University of Maryland was located within the actual military base working area and the other was much larger within the Soldiers housing area called Perlacher Forest (which was different of the Officer’s housing area that was all housing and not barracks like buildings, and just adjacent to the soldiers housing area) and close to the American military hospital, where I also was provided with a room to live in at the roof of the housing buildings, which was the 4th floor

24.1.4.                  I worked part-time in the so called Officer’s club and after they close and every one leaves, which was between 00:00 midnight and 2:00, then I worked cleaning in the morning for 2 hours until between 2 and 4 in the morning and then walked 30 minutes to Perlacher forest to my housing and went to sleep and waked up at 6:30 or 7:30 to go to work at the Mess Hall  enable I can start at 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning and I was most of the time late due to I never had enough sleep and was forced to think this is life = torture through brainwash

24.1.5.                  I worked in the kitchen of the so called Officer’s club as kitchen helper, whereby the club manager, which was an Afro-American sergeant (name forgotten, but he was skinny, where most Afro-Americans around me at that time were mostly over weight from 10-50 KG such as the cook was maybe 150 kg = around 300 pounds with a stomach that was more than 1 meter and named Fat-Daddy in the restaurant below), set me up at least 3 times very destructively as a very important part of brainwashing me, one time at the other employment in the basement of the same building at the so-called American Legion club (sort of soldiers and veterans club, where they drink and gamble with all sort of things from a so called Slot Machines to various card games) and another time where he was also a manager in a so-called food storage (the exact name forgotten), which was further away of the military base on  Heidemann street in an area called Haselbergel also called Milbertshofen-Am Hart north of Munich directly opposite a German military base that was originally Nazi military base, then Americans took it over, and then the Germans took it over and now based on Goolge it is civilian, and just before the city Unterschleissheim, and military Airforce just before Unterschleissheim where I was setup to become Christian in 1976. And here the American military had a huge storage building for all their needs, mainly food stuff that are delivered to the base, would be stored here and then sent to the base as needed.

24.1.6.                  I worked as part-time in the so called American Legion club, and this is the location: it was a 2 or 3 floors barracks, ground floor was the so called Mess Hall where the soldiers eat 3 meals per day where I also worked, in the first floor they had the American military Officer’s Club where I also worked and in the basement they had the American Legion club and I was forced to work in all 3 of them. In the American Legion I worked 6 or 7 days per week from 18:00 hours and until closing, where they close around 4-5 days per week at around 23:00 hours, and on the rest of the week and holidays close between 2:00 and 5:00 in the morning where they mainly gamble and I was the bartender. The Manager name was Al, and was maybe 60-70 years old, 155-165 cm tall, and with a very big stomach, overweight, maybe he was 90-100 KG and that is too much for his height, after the year 2000 I started to recognize that he was used as distraction of my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Beir/Budier of Amman Jordan, and this shows that the American military was severely brainwashing me by using this person as distraction of my fake brother-in-law while pretending to be getting my attention to him, in reality they were trying to force my mind to think that now this is my family, and this fake brother-in-law was one of the evil persons that set me up to look like the followings: related to PLO terrorism, related to Nazis and related to illegal drugs

24.1.7.                  Possibly I also worked elsewhere, but I forgot, however the above shows the pattern of brainwashing me by using too many work jobs as distraction of my entire life and their evil Americans and British agents that pretended to be members of my fake family since 10/11 January 1960

24.2.            Forcing me to relocate my housing countless time, and this not counting the countless relocation from 10.10.1969 to 1 or 15 March 1970, this is only starting when I was forced to live in the American military base McGraw Kaserne from 1/15 March 1970 and until roughly end of summer 1972, whereby officially I was forced to live outside of the military base, but starting the year 2000 I started to recognize that it was all American military base:

24.2.1.                  On 1 or 15 March 1970 I was given a room in the soldier housing area, which was separated of the Germans housing area as well as of the American military officers housing area and both were adjacent to the soldiers housing area, yet the official German housing area was populated by ex-American military that did not want to leave Germany and go back to USA or were American civilians that were working for the military and housing right by their side and this area where these Americans were living was quite large that extended to the Munich city section Giesing, Mangfal Platz and Fasangarten or even Unterhaching that had several American manufacturers

24.2.2.                  I was forced to relocate at least 3-4 times to other rooms in other buildings, possible more or less

24.2.3.                  I was forced to rent a room directly on the edge of the military base, that allegedly was German housing and I rented one room in a house of one family, today I strongly believe they were Americans living in Germany since 10 or even since the second World War, meaning 25 years

24.2.4.                  All of the above was mainly between 1/15 March 1970 and end of summer 1970, where then I was enslaved under their whore agent Anita Disbray, where I was forced to relocate 2-3 times until summer 1972

24.2.5.                  I was forced to live with the CIA + MI6 whore that they enslaved me under named Anita Disbray, starting sometimes in begin of 1972 in an apartment allegedly in the German section in a city area called Fasangarten that was directly adjacent to the American military Officer’s housing area, actually and partially it was surrounded by the military officer’s housing

24.2.6.                  During all of the above and for a very short period of time sometime between winter 1970 and spring autumn 1971 I was forced to rent a room in an area called Schwabing with a family, and my memory is very cloudy over this situations, which point out that the German authorities had an agreement with the Americans to allow me to live in their controlled environment for a while to research me and my alleged forced upon me fake connections to the terrorist group PLO, during which I believe I must have worked for a German company, at the moment forgot their names, that was building gas heaters and gas water boiler and was painting the body of this units, now I remember, the company name was Stiebel-Eltron then I guess was forced to go back to the American military base, because my memory is very cloudy over this situation due to all the telepathy control and brainwash, whereby I may have mixed the date with a later date, and this due to all the brainwash and telepathy control

24.2.7.                  Roughly mid-September 1972, I was setup to be separated of the evil CIA + Mi6 whore agent named Anita Disbray, that was totally isolating me of my past with the help of the new lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar and my new lookalike of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and both were 100% forced upon my life within this evil American military base, the brother lookalike in September 1970 and the mother lookalike sometimes in spring of 1971, where both worked for the Americans military, and therewith I totally lost my past and was forced to think this is my family and this is my home = severe brainwash in the so called Freedom countries of USA + Germany + UK, because all 3 were holding me here right now and by force of brainwash and telepathy.

24.2.8.                  After the above setup of separating me of the whore CIA + MI6 agent Anita Disbray, I lost my apartment in Fasangarten and everything in it because I was not able to pay for the apartment by myself (= hidden brainwash through dependency on their whore agent, which this bitch repeated in September 1977 in the city of Unterschleissheim) was forced to take a joint room that had 3  beds, each 2 floors, I was mainly alone, and I did not understand it at that time, during which I had my first job at a German employer, which was BMW Factory right next to the Olympic park, where PLO/Palestinian several terrorist attacked the housing of the Israeli sports group and held them hostage during which several died, for more info see ( This was just 2.5 years after I was forced to apply for political asylum and tell them that I escaped Syria with PLO soldier fake ID that was organized for me by my uncles, fake uncles that is, to give the CIA a reason to isolate me in the American military base of all Arabs to not mix with them and talk about my fake family members that were agents of the CIA + MI6 + mixed with Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royalties that are 100% all originated from USA, UK. Yet the German government pretended not to know all that and then force me with this set up to be in a controlled environment in this housing in an area called Schwabing, during which I was working for the manufacturer BMW, which was actually and for me a controlled environments, because someone was performing many telepathy attacks on me during my employment, which I did not recognize as telepathy attacks at that time, yet after the year 2000 I started to recognize that, and even though I liked working for this company because and even though the job was tough yet it was very demanding for me, more than any other job I had prior to that, I was standing with a heavy machine  to clean the soldering of the metal body of the car with this heavy machine that I have to carry while a band is moving with these car’s bodies, and very suddenly and just a couple of days before Christmas I went to my supervisor and I said I quit, and he tried to talk me out of it, among others by telling me if I quit now I lose my Christmas money, which was roughly 25-50% of my December salary, and I was forced to tell him I do not care I quit right now and I do not ever want to come back here. All that was around 20:00 hours, which forced him to call his boss and ask for advice, and his boss asked him to call the personnel manager, then he  had to call other employ to come in to write an agreement that I am aware and willing to lose my Christmas money if I quit right now. In short, some evil person with telepathy forced me to quit, because some other person with telepathy and at this company or at least while I was working was forcing many thoughts upon me to see my relation to the terrorist attack of the Munich Olympic in September 1972. I lost my job in December 1972 and a couple of weeks later I was forced to be re-enslaved under the CIA + MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray and married her by around March 1973 and took an apartment in the city of Unterschleissheim, where there was many Americans living since the end of the second World war in 1945, and have also German citizenship and speak German as good as any German or at least much better than me that I was not able to tell that they are not German origin, but rather American or even British origin, and that is how nasty is the American military + CIA + MI6 and in the name of National Security. Later on I recognized that the boss of the PLO, the biggest terror organization in the world from the begin 1960 and until the begin of 1990, his name was Yasser Arafat was actually a British or Israeli agent and pretended to be Palestinian fighting for Palestinian because by going around killing people to give Israel and the UK a reason to isolate the Palestinian by force and steal more of their land and claim that all Palestinian are terrorist and get the general public to support them, among others through the vicious attack on Munich Olympics in 1972 on the sport’s team of Israel that really shock the world that was watching the Olympics on their new TVs, and suddenly most of the world is against the poor Palestinians that were 100% set up by the UK and the Israelis and the Americans and all 3 are never to trust. Palestinian, are just like Afghani, Iraqi, Yemeni, Hong Kongese, Indian, Pakistani, Germans or other human being, they are not animals, they were 100% setup, over and over again, until I started to complain about the evil Yasser Arafat where they forced me to live in the control environments between jails, prisons and refugee camps from July 2000 in USA and then between the Netherland and Germany, then they removed him by claiming he is sick and went to France for surgery and died in this process on 11.11.2004 allegedly in France, I have no doubt in my mind that they either killed him or faked his death and made him disappear. If Yasser Arafat was good and for the  sake of the Palestinians, then he would have made a deal with the Israeli, Americans and British to safe any Palestinian life, but instead he is and with no doubt responsible for the death of countless Palestinians to help Israeli gain more land in this very limited land area=English royalty strategy

24.2.9.                  Re-enslaving me under the CIA +MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray and officially get married to her in around spring 1973 then rented an apartment in the city of Unterschleissheim

24.3.            Brainwashing me to be enslaved under the whore agent named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally isolated me and destroyed any friendship that I made, over 10 or even 20 of them from August 1970 to December 1975, and until I was set up to become Christian, and here how they brainwashed me to be enslaved under her control:

24.3.1.                  From March to July 1970 I was suddenly surrounded by new friend, actually they were forced upon me, which were: Friends-1: the family of sergeant Steven Hayes that today I suspect he was Military intelligence. I get to know him through his wife named Doris Hayes at the popcorn stand through a CIA setup as mentioned above that was allegedly German and both had a son, 8-10 years old, named Mark while her mother was living on the other street side of the actual McGraw kaserne. Friends-2: Professor Charles of mathematics of the university of Mary Land, that was the friend of Mrs. Doris Hayes, he was so skinny that he could have been mixed up with an electric pole, he had a mental sickness of cleanliness, he had to wash his hands whenever he touches anything  . Friends-3: Raja (last name forgotten) Allegedly from Lebanon, I am guessing they brought him to see my reaction due to the illegal drug setup in Lebanon from 2 month earlier as mentioned above. Raja had brother that was nasty to him to force me to think that all brothers are like that. Friends-4: Vincent Sirvince (I am not sure about the spelling), an alleged Singaporean that was studying psychology in Australia and now doing the same in London and allegedly comes to work in the American military base for a couple of months between semesters. Friends-5: The family O’Connor, which was the family of a sergeant that was allegedly serving in Vietnam and they choose to be in Germany waiting for him. It was a mother Mrs. O’Connor (name forgotten), she was German origin, her oldest son named Lenard (16 years old), her middle daughter named Yvonne (13 years old), and another either daughter or son under the age of 6. Then starting July/August 1970 they started to disappear of my life all allegedly moved to USA and elsewhere, Raja and Vince disappeared a bit later because the whore agent Anita Disbray destroyed my friendship with them. Friends-6: an Afro-American soldier named Norris. Friends-7: An Afro-American named Ray Thomas allegedly civilian, which I believed at that time, today I know he was 100% CIA or Military intelligence or both. He was married to a German woman with red hair named Mariana and had a son around 6 years old with half blond and afro hair and half blue eyes. This ray Thomas pretended to be my friend and set me up countless times, while pretending to be helping me, such as get me arrested because I was visiting the whore agent that they enslaved me under as a part of the brainwash to force me to like her or love her. Arranged that my scooter be stolen and then he returned it for me, forced many alcohol gabbling tricks on me through pool for a drink to drink competitions, to working in the bar of the American legion and others brainwash setups

24.3.2.                  July to 20 August 1970: I was setup with around 7 different girls and women, a few were disgusting, above all the first one I was 100% forced to have sex with her, which was more than disgusting. 2 of which were from Spain (one over 40 or possibly over 50 and was my work colleague only for 2 days and one day after this disgusting setup with her, she never came back to work, which let me think that they hired her, why they did that is because she had a lot of look similarities to the alleged cousin of my fake mother named Elham Baroudi the second wife of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, which means they were pretending to remind me of her, in reality they were filling my head with things I was not able to understand or process that today I believe was a brainwash to force my mind to forget these people from Egypt and Jordan. The other Spanish was around 25 and had a daughter and was living next to my job in the military food warehouse in Milbertshofen-Am Hart in north of Munich as mentioned above, I think she4 was working with me for 1-2 days then left, another one was Danish and allegedly baby sister at some military sergeant, and was very sadistic 18 years old and loved to hurt me physically and bite my lips until they bleed and then become swollen and bite all over my neck that left marks partially for weeks, one was Turkish and forced me to have sex with her, and then tried to force me to think that now I must marry her because we had sex, 2 Americans, one was working in the Cafeteria in the McGraw Kaserne, and wanted to Mary me and take me with her to USA, but somehow I said no, which was all brainwash setups until 20 August where they enslaved me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that claimed to be from Wembley, London. These are too many women/girls in a short time and that alone shows that they wanted that I be disgusted of these women enable not to think about member of my fake family that have look similarities to them but also that my mind accepts their whore Anita Disbray and think she is perfect compared to the others. I had no chance to be free and they totally occupied my mind with all kind of tricks as distraction of my past=severe brainwash

24.4.            Setting me up and brainwashing me to drink excessive alcohol, which I mentioned elsewhere, and here I will skip the details

24.5.            Totally isolating me of the Germans and Arabs to prevent me to talk with them about my family

24.6.            And with all the above they held me severely back to advance in life for at least 7 years, which was the time that their whore agent that they enslaved me under left my life in September 1977. All this to cover up for the organized crime families around my life alias my fake family as listed in the page “My fake family the kidnapers”


This is how nasty is the CIA, MI6 and BND and the German government that allowed all that to happen to me while I was under their protection as a refugee, very unfortunately they repeated the process in 1983-1986 and then kidnapped me from Germany to USA for details on their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2!


And therewith and between these 2 CIA + MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray (=7 years isolation, whereby one and half year was mixed with the church, which was not isolation) and later again the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud (=15 years total isolation in USA) they isolated me for 22 years using 2 disgusting evil women and then forced me to be homeless in 1999 which is a hidden mean of isolated lock up and then physically locked me for nearly 14 years until 2013, then forced me to relocate several times between summer 2012 and March 2016, which is another hidden form  of isolation by forcing me to be busy until I sought refuge in the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 and ever since I am complaining. And therewith I was all in all and through isolation from August 1970 to September 1977 = 7 years + from January 1984, where I was totally overwhelmed and surrounded by the evil project Calypso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 and until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague = 33 years total 40 years of slavery by force of isolation add to it 10 years what my evil fake mother did to me and isolated me by force in Egypt = 50 years of slavery by isolation. The only free time I consider I was free is from January 1976 and until December 1983, which is mainly the time I was mixing with the church in Unterschleissheim and mainly during my employment at Siemens AG from Mai 1978 and until 31.12.1981 + 2 years later until these criminals set me up to work for the illegal project Calypso to isolate me, brainwash me and enslave me for a longer period of isolation



1976-1978 Setting me up to become Christian

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The whore CIA + MI6 agent named Anita Disbray that the American military enslaved me under by force on 20 August 1970 and described above, she left my life in September 1977 in a very deceiving scene that was 100% created by the CIA + MI6 + BND + church members in cooperation with my fake mother, to force my mind to think that she was helping me by forcing me against my fake family to become Christian, which really means that she was working with my fake family, which means she knew them before I get to know her on 20 August 1970 in the evil American military base McGraw kaserne. And the scene that she made when she left in September 1970 says to me today that I was setup to become Christian and this setup started around October or November 1975 and ended once I was peptized on Easter Sunday 1976 by pastor Herbert Lange through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, yet the baptism was in another small village where around 30-50 members of the church organized an Easter trip in some church holiday-hotel like building. And the reason I believe that the church members were heavily and most destructively involved in this setup because of many reasons, among others as follow:

1.                  Pastor Herbert Lange has unbelievable look similarities with Mrs. Barbara Pierse Bush the wife of ex-US President George H. W. Bush, and this through one photo that I was forced to find while I was forced to live in a controlled environment in the village Bellingwolde the Netherlands between 28 February 20008 and June 2012

2.                  Birgit Wiedemann has a lot of look similarities with Dorothy Walker Bush the mother of ex-US president George H, W, Bush, and this through one photo that I was forced to find while I was forced to live in a controlled environment in Bellingwolde the Netherlands between 28 February 2008 and June 2012

3.                  Hisham Aljumaiee, from Cairo and as mentioned above, has a lot of look similarity with James E. Robinson the official grandfather of the ex-USA-first lady Barbara Pierce Bush, and this through one photo that I was forced to find while I was forced to live in a controlled environment in Bellingwolde the Netherlands between 28 February 20008 and June 2012

4.                  Dr. Lapeep, an alleged dentist and the landlord of my fake sister in Cairo, Egypt where his son named Hani Lapeep rapped me, I strongly suspect that this doctor and based on my own corrupt memory from 1962/63 and until 1969, that he has a lot of look similarity with the ex-US president George H. W. bush that makes him look like his brother or at least cousin, see also the section below over the Bush family involvement in my life and with the English royal family

5.                  How members of my fake family behaved as they visited me in this city called Unterschleissheim, Germany where I was setup to become Christian, is as if they know it well, such as Mona Abokurah alias Mona/Afrah Najjar and as she came to visit me with her nasty children in 1977, she forced a restaurant that was just closed 30 minutes ago and after midnight to reopen and only for her and her 5 children and me and they served only us and feed us until around 4 O’clock in the morning, even though they usually close at around 23:00 hours, and this she can do only if either she or one of her evil children had telepathy (I strongly suspect at least 2 of her children and also she to have telepathy) or she owns the restaurant or the Restaurant manager knows that she is Jordanian royalty originated from the English royalties or a combination. She and her alleged children are since 1987 in Washington D.C. manipulating the lives of many using telepathy while being under the protection of the CIA + MI6 + Many American politicians that use their services as brainwasher and mind destructors as these criminals did to me and described in several sections!!!

6.                  They created several setups between 1976 and 1978 to force my mind to think that they were helping me, but in reality, they were building a mind trap, which is: if they love me or like me, which I was forced to believe until the year 2001 and therewith they would never do anything to harm me, I would never complain about them if they were not a part of the very destructive elements of my life and caused me not only to be kidnapped from Germany to USA but also to be locked up in the Netherlands from 2001 to officially June 2012 and in the hidden until I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, all prior times I was forced in one way or another to be living either in a controlled environments or under the control of a very destructive group of people

7.                  They helped my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar to hide his real identity and his real business and this from 1976/1977 and until at least 1986, in that they allegedly get him through me a job at Avon Cosmetics in the city of Eching as an alleged mainframe programmer to distract me of the fact that he was living far above his means while pretending to be jobless and was avoiding me because he was not my brother and was set on me by the evil CIA + MI6 in September 1970 within the American military base McGraw kaserne as distraction of the original fake brother that was forced upon me around 1965/1966 and claimed to have left Egypt and came to Germany in September 1970, in reality he never left and the CIA forced upon me an additional look alike just as they did with my fake sister, fake mother and others!

8.                  There were many very small but destructive setups performed against me to force me never to go to this church and entire city named Unterschleissheim and this between 1978 and 1986 and again after 2001

9.                  The way they treated me when I sked them for help and protection in summer of 2003, where I was totally overwhelmed with all the unjust lockups and telepathy attacks, yet instead of helping me, they called the police on me to remove me from the church and claimed to the police that I allegedly want my job back from 1978 and to do that allegedly I am trying to force the family out that are now on this job and trying to get rid of them and take their place, which was an absolute lie told by the pastor named Werner something in cooperation with the church chairman of the board named Klaus Schneider alias my baptize witness from Easter Sunday in 1976 as a result I was separated of my fake son (at that time I was still believing it is my biological son and the same son as I was forced to raise until 1999 and until these criminal separated me of by force), they placed him allegedly in refugee camp and locked me in a hospital for mentally insane called Haar just outside Munich for a few weeks.

10.             The Evangelical Lutheran St. Philip church that was located at 9745 Bissonnet St, Houston, TX 77036, was totally disappeared sometimes after I was forced to start to complain also about them and published it on the Internet between 2007 and 2012, and to make it short the only reason I see that this church disappeared is to cut all connections possibly with pastor Herbert Lange alias and very possibly a hidden brother-in-law of George H. W. Bush, whereby pastor Herbert Lange was my baptize pastor on Easter Sunday of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city Unterschleissheim, Germany in 1976 and suddenly disappeared in 1979, allegedly he lost he voice and was not able to speak and was relocated by the church to some other job in North Germany, where he did not had to speak much, and this possibly was a lie and he possibly went back to USA and was pastor at this church called St. Philip

11.             And many more, however today I know that there are Christians and others that claim to be Christians to win the trust of others until they do not need them anymore, the same is valid in other religions, yet God remain always the same because when I look at life  as a big picture from 10/11 of January 1960 and until today in December 2019 but take out all human of the picture, then I see that the life is always the same peaceful and generous life that promote my life, my intelligence and provide me with knowledge and with freedom to live and do what I want, think what I want and to try to improve whatever I see, during which God (or if you prefer nature) never stopped providing me with the warmth of the healing sun no matter what mistake I make or cut my air ration to breath by half or water to drink or food to eat, now I put the human back in the picture and I lose many of these valuable gifts that we sometimes have to pay dearly for them such as freedom, that I was not able to see in my life until 1 March 2016, and even now I am questioning if I really have a choice in writing my complaint alias these pages or I have to, I must, I have no choice, because now I am old, luckily it is only a handful of bad people in our all lives, on the other side there are also a hand full of very good people that are trying hard to maintain the rights for everyone to have the same right to continue to have the right for these free Godly gifts. Otherwise, I would not have made it so far and to complain about it!!


I am very, very disappointed of these churches in my life that forced me to be isolated while forcing me to blame it on myself or others or other religion such as Islam, especially because I looked up to them!!!???


On the other side how they behaved towards me, possibly had the intention to force my mind to hate Christianity, but how can I hate something that makes me breath better or better yet, how can I hate something that showed me the first step of friendship but then these churches withdraw all that. Yet I still believe in Christianity, friendship and family values, yet I was raised by a fake and very destructive family that manipulated several churches in my life very destructively?


The truth, is that some unknown taught me what telepathy can do, and with it I was able to understand my life and that I was kidnapped and that I had a total amnesia in January 1960, and I do not like it among others because I do not know who is teaching me and what are their motives, because ever since they started in around April 2000 in Houston, Texas, I lost all my belonging and I am in one way or another locked up until 1 March 2016. And from 1 March 2016 and until current with no end in sight, I am still busy with my evil and very destructive past and complaining about it, therefore I do not know if this is to help me or there are other motives that kept me for so long locked up, maybe to use me as blackmail object in that I am complaining about these people, on the other side I really want to find my biological family, I want justice and protection of these very vicious attacks whereby some of them are also telepathy destructive attacks!!!???


I have often written in my complaint that the FBI and later the Dutch immigration + CIA + MI6 were the ones who were using telepathy on me starting April 2000 and until at least August 2003 to force me into a corner enable to find my alleged terrorist connection based on a setup by the evil CIA + MI6 + several evil members of my fake family from 1970 to 1986, and this based on the logical sequences of situations in my life during that period. However, the fact remain that I cannot see where the telepathy is coming from or who is using it and this alone is very scary and disappointing that something like this is possibly in our lives and that thanks to circumcising my brain and the brains of billions of others, don’t take my word for it, there are nearly 3 Billion persons that are genitally (reproductive organs) circumcised for one purpose only which is to control our women by preventing us of controlling our sex and our sexual climax and therewith another person without circumcision can offer my women more pleasure which will lead this woman to do anything to repeat the process, where she cannot repeat it with a man that was circumcised=slavery and that is fact, which point to some evil men with telepathy that rape other women or make them pregnant and make the husband of the woman raise them and pay all the cost life long as these criminals did to me!!!???


1976-2000 The anti-Christian actions against me by the English Royal family

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1975 they brainwashed me and set me up to become Christian, not to misunderstand me comparing to everything else in my life and if today I have the choice, then I will go through it again knowing that the church is mainly a good institution to help others that are unfortunate in their lives, but also not all churches are the same, above all today I will trust the catholic church more than any other church, because of one reason only: they are the source of Christianity and today I know it is better to work with the church to improve it than creating a new branch where we and today have several hundred Christian branches such as the British and Americans have Methodist church + First Methodist church + Second Methodist church and all 3 are competing with each other’s instead of working together and who knows maybe there is also Third Methodist church but I did not see it or may be in the future we will have up to Tenth Methodist church, and this is typical English royalties, like to create variation of splitting and confusions and isolation of individuals as they repeatedly did in India, China, Iran Saudi Arabia and many more!!


In November 1986 and after kidnapping me from Germany I was setup to ask the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA for help, and instead I was forced to live with the pastor and his family, which was more than generous but was not what I wanted and above all it was not what I needed, and this invitation to live with the pastor was designed by the evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + Mi6 + members of my fake family and most probably also by the FBI to keep me in a trusted environment, where I feel temporally safe until my temporary German foreigner passport runs out of date then I be locked up in USA and cannot leave it, and exactly that is what these criminal did to me to prevent me to leave their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and to leave USA, that they forced my mind to think of USA as the most evil and Destructive country after the English royal family, and partially, and this is very unfortunately,  it is also true. Don’t take my word for it see what the evil destructive US President Donald Trump is doing:

1.                Forbidding certain Muslim originated from certain countries that are enemies of their salve country Saudi Arabia only to enter USA, yet the number one terrorist country in the world that terrorize the lives of their own people and are responsible for the biggest terrorist acts in the history of the world such as the World Trade center bombing, they are allowed to go to USA, which is the concentrated evil Saudi Arabia, as a result military trainee of Saudi Arabia in USA are committing mass shooting in USA against US military

2.                Preventing South American refugee of entering USA and locking them up in very destructive refugee camps in Mexico

3.                Separating children of their parents and then sending each to a different country or sending the parent back and keep the children for slavery purposes as the UK also do

4.                Cutting medical aid for the needy

5.                Cutting countless social support for the needy

6.                Provoking other countries including allies and canceling many contracts with countless countries including but not limited to Canada, Mexico, EU, China

7.                Cutting and/or stopping financial aid to many needy countries

8.                And the list is endless


And therewith he is positioning USA as the most hated country in the world and represent USA population as heartless vicious people, which they are not, it is only this Administration and prior to that the Bush administration and prior to that the Reagan administration and prior to that……

I was setup at least 3 times thereafter with 3 different churches to force my mind to dislike churches and to stay away of them, which I had to because I was enslaved under a very vicious and disgusting woman with telepathy the BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, yet once a person reads the bible, then maybe can leave all the churches of the world, but not what went in to his mind through the bible, where I became Christian, even though through a very evil destructive setup yet voluntarily, not out of fear of heaven and hell or punishing me by cruel and sadistic criminal laws as Saudi Arabia does to scare the people by cutting their hands or even their heads, because the combination of the “Old Testament” (=Torah, which is very similar to the Quran, that I also read) and “New Testament” shows a human being not only an alternative from one to the other, but also promote the mind to seek other freedom alternatives and that is why Christianity is the NUMBER-1 hated religion by the English royal family and some other group of people!


Beside I read in 2 years more theology books from 1 January 1976 to End 1977 that a pastor while he is studying, among other several versions of bibles, Catholic, Lutheran, Mormon, Jehovah Witnesses, Kopti (Egyptian Christian), Jewish book and other literatures and this in German, English and Arabic.


The Prove for that is China, that they do something I do not approve off, which is force many Muslims to live in camps guarded by the police where they force upon them what they want and claim they are re-educating them, yet they cannot do the same to Christians, because you cannot tell reasonably or unreasonably a Christian or force a Christian that it is ok to be nasty to his follow men or even to kill them for a piece of land and natural resources or whatever that was given to all of us by God and nature for free. In matter of fact, there is no country in the world that distribute lands for free based on the need of individuals or businesses, which it should be, instead these criminal invented a system of slavery through currency and telling us since birth you have to buy these free gift, and to buy it you have to have money, and to have money, you have to work as slave as they did to me and then cut half of my pension as punishment that I am complaining and to force me to be poor and not able to leave the Netherland and go back where I once thought it to be my home, Munich. Who cut my pension, the German government and the Dutch government and therefore I receive only 315 Euro of Germany and 288 of Netherlands, and both of these figures are at least half of what I am supposed to receive, and is not enough to live on in Germany or Netherlands, therefore the Dutch have a system to cover up for that and pay me an additional 522 Euro as social help and without this amount I cannot pay my rent, or anything else and would be on the street, therefore I am stuck in the Netherlands because I depend on their forced upon me charity. If other countries treat me as I was treated in the Netherlands in the last 19 years, then I cannot survive it = HIDDEN SLAVERY !!!???


2000-2016 Unjust lockup as distraction of all the above

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…) or (Go to index of Religions used against me…)

Lock up is used as a brainwash tool and here is why: because they force fear in the mind and heart of a person and therewith tame the person or even form the person as they see fit and below is the prove.


Arresting me and locking me up based on a plane for brainwash, and here I will list all the lock ups that they performed unjustly upon me based on a brainwash plan, and these only what I can remember that affected me very negatively:

1.                  As described in this page and other pages and as important part of brainwash to influence how the person thinks and to prevent him to remember his past, they plan to rape the person since childhood, which they did to me by using telepathy and forcing the Boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri to rape me, which later I noticed he very much regret the situation and did not understand it, among others because he was a good man and a police officer (based on what I saw of him, he was by far better to me than my fake mother, my fake brother and my fake sisters and anyone else of this evil English Royalty hidden branch that was my fake family ). He did it only once and it is described elsewhere.  Then they used others to do the same to me and I had no chance, then, and here I am guessing, my fake mother used Mohi Sabri again, by making him take me to a nearby police station (it was newly established at this location) that was opposite the hospital called Heliopolis in Cairo, Egypt around 1967, and took me to the basement and locked me up for a short period in a very big jail cell, this cell had water all over the floor, maybe 20-40 cm deep, and stone continuous seat banks around the cell except at the door, no window and dark, after a few minutes he get me out and told me this is what is going to happened if you do not stop going with men, you will get arrested and locked up here for a very long time. Today I know he was manipulated to do that, while he thought he was helping me, in reality someone 100% manipulated him with telepathy to do that, most probably one of the evil members of my fake family, possibly my fake mother or one of the evil members of the Freemasons, because with this incident they forced my mind to think as if I am voluntarily homosexual and going with other men, while in reality these criminals were 100% raping me to effect my memory by forcing me to think I am doing it voluntarily and I should be ashamed of myself and fear the consequences which will force the brain to not want to remember my life in Cairo, Egypt and therewith I will never analyze it and will never understand that I was kidnapped and placed within a fake family that many of them are evil CIA + MI6 agents, and the prove for that is that they set me up and took me to the American military base McGraw kaserne to be isolated 2.5 years with an additional 4.6 years outside because they enslaved me under their whore agent Anita Disbray all in all for 7 years and she 100% had telepathy and controlled my mind and what I think and what I remember and what I do and who I am friends with and so on. And today I know for 199% that this evil woman had telepathy, because of several reasons, such as destroyed all my friendship as mean of isolation, and above all she was 100% manipulating my sleep, in other words and during all the times I am with her, I would sleep with no interruption what so ever, not even once I woke up in the night to go to the bathroom or that I had problem to sleep, she was most definitely knocking me out to fall to sleep and then waking me up in the morning, and since I did not know anything about telepathy at that time, I thought that this was normal, yet today I know it was too normal or too good to be true!

2.                  February 1970 Locked me up in jail for 1 day in police station on Ett street in Munich, Germany as a part of brainwash to take me to the American Military Base McGraw Kaserne to isolate me of Arabs and in particular Syrians and Egyptians. The lock up was because some Syrian claimed that I stole 2000 Deutsch mark from him, and he was setting up my mind to hate Syrians and Arab voluntarily to not mix with them and speak with them about my fake family in Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon and other countries that were not yet known to me at that time, and indeed I hated Arabs but I did not avoid them because I was stranger in Munich and was only able to speak Arabic due to the total amnesia that these criminals forced upon me on 10/11 January 1960 and was forced to hang around a couple of Arabic restaurants, because that was the only thing I knew where my fake mother placed me in that area!

3.                  February 1970 Locked me up in jail for 2-3 days in police station on Ett street in Munich, through a brainwash setup performed by the CIA + MI6 + the German authorities for the same reasons as above. They arrested me because they forced me to be homeless and also set me up to sleep on the floor of the library of the university of Maryland within the American military base McGraw Kaserne, whereby I did not know at that time it was a military base. And while I was sleeping on the floor the police came and arrested me around 2 or 3 in the morning

4.                  Late summer or autumn 1991. My evil fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Mona, came from Washington D.C. to visit me in Houston, Texas USA with her son named Zaid. Not to forget I used to love members of my fake family because I used to think that they are my biological family, yet this woman and her family has performed several destructive acts against me, also in USA and each time I followed the bible advice and forgave these evil criminals that kidnapped me as a child. While she was shopping and left her son with me, a police car came from out of the blue and stopped me. Later on, I realized the police man was 100% waiting for me on the corner of a side street just to arrest me, and he said that my car registration is expired, which was absolutely impossible to see from 50-100 meter distance where he was waiting on a corner of a street on Wilcrest Drive in Houston, Texas, and he arrested me, in reality he should have given me a warning and/or a fine and let me go, but this also was a brainwash set up. And placed me in jail in northwest Houston, yet at least he allowed me to drive home, which was only 50-100 meters and leave my fake nephew that at that time was around 11 or 13 years old to my housing. During that time, I had a project with a small company in northwest Houston that was 3-man company, the owner was a retired Navy officer, and another was the salesman and was Jewish. And again, here the police  wanted some money to let me out of jail and I did not have the cash on me and would not take a check and I had to call my new forced upon me friend the Jewish salesman and he came from 30 miles and paid it in cash and I gave it to him the next day. And here It was the second or third time that the police stops me after I receive a visitor from my fake family from the Middle East, the last 2 times were within the same roughly the same period but at different times and was in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA once my other fake nephew named Abdullah Abokurah the son of the same fake sister as mentioned above and was relating me to drugs in Bridgeport while my neighbors were FBI agent spying on me because I allegedly applied for political asylum and I am from Syria and allegedly related to terrorism, drugs, and ex-Soviet Union, which I was not, it was partially all setup of the evil CIA + MI6 + my fake family that were hidden Jordanian royal family members and originated form the UK, this time I was forced to have problems with the police, but did not jail me, another time my other fake nephew and the cousin of this one named Samir Bdeir came from Jordan on a honeymoon allegedly on his way to Hawaii to visit me in Bridgeport, and then I drove him back to his Hotel in New York city and On the way back and in Bridgeport the police stopped me on the high way and claimed I was speeding, but I was 100% not speeding, because in the meanwhile I was forced to be illegal alien and was scared of many things among others to have conflicts with the police, and fear is an important part of single and mass brainwash, which you can see through the evil US president Donald Trump and how much fear he force upon Americans and others, but also prior to him the 2 evil Bush presidents did the absolute same and forced fear upon the Americans, one of them is to go to Afghanistan, yet this police man told me I should be ashamed of myself that I am speeding while I have my nice wife and my baby with me, and he will make an exception and just give me a warning. And this  was also a 100% brainwash because I used to love my nephew, yet they wanted to force my mind to think  I have a nice wife and my own son, which he was not my son, yet I used to dislike the evil woman that the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 l was constantly thinking about my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka from Germany while trying to understand what the hell am I doing in USA, and this woman that is calling herself my wife I was 100% enslaved under her by force of telepathy and brainwash and she had telepathy, then this bitch saw the police car and animated the police man to stop me and to give me this fake lecture about my nice wife and the baby. Another time around the same time, a church friend from Germany comes to visit me in Bridgeport, Connecticut,  his name was Juergen Kwader and later changed it to Juergen Sing. Sing was his wife’s last name he was Polish origin and allegedly immigrated or escaped the ex-Soviet Union to Germany some times in mid-1970 and he was a school student and asked me and my at that time official wife alias the whore agent named Anita Disbray that the CIA + MI6 enslaved me under on 20 August 1970 while forcing me to live in a controlled environment which was the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany, back to Juergen Sing and in 1976/1977 he asked me to help him with his English school homework and that is how I get to know him in around 1976 or 1977. Now in around 1987 or 1988 he came to visit me in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and in one instance I was talking to him, his wife Angelika and his 8-9 years daughter named Felícitas (I am not sure about the spellings), and suddenly I started to remember Germany my church friends and my ex-German girlfriend name Adelheid Kuczka and started to talk with him about that and started to talk loud, and shout and complain to him and shout I want to go back home to Germany and I do not want to be here and started crying and shouting that people in the next house can hear me, and above all my below neighbors that today I strongly suspect to have been FBI agents also heard, but also the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 and is in the next room pretending to be sleep heard everything. On the next day I helped him rent a car for 2 weeks of my ex-employer named Bridgeport Chrysler where I was selling cars, yet they did not pay me for selling the cars and I went and filled a complain about them and then they paid me only half and forced me to think that they are Jewish and the Jewish did that to me which was pattern at that time where they created countless situation to force me to think my fake family is Jewish and that this whore Najlaa Mahmoud is allegedly Jewish pretending to be Muslim as distraction of the English and Ex-German royal families that were surrounding me with fake identities in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Any way I get his car rental with little discount, and he took it and went on a tour through USA and brought it back and asked me to give it back and I took him, or he went by himself to the Airport. I was living on 277 Queen street in Bridgeport, Connecticut, the landlord name was Enzo and wanted to take the car back to the car dealer that used to also rent cars, and on the corner of Stoehrs Place (extension of Queen street) and around 10 meters of Main street next to the Gas station at that time was named Mobil and I was forced to work there as cashier, there was some traffic jam because it was around 17:00 hours and some car from behind me pushed my car by force to the front which caused an accident and it was a woman and she claimed to have had break problem. In short, the car rental was slightly damaged and as a result they did not free the deposit money for the car, which caused my friend Juergen some financial problems and I looked like as if I am the cause, after 3 months and repeated complaint they freed the deposit, because we had extra insurance on the car for situation like that and through them. During which I had to file a police report, during which I had another incident with the police and the gas station where the police set me up and sent a man with a shot gun and shot around me while I was working in the gas station and I had to press the panic button in the gas station during which the man escaped and then the police came and I gave them description and then they came back 30 minutes later with the man and asked me is this the man, I said yes, they said don’t worry we will protect you and he is going to jail for a very long time, and they created immediately thereafter maybe 30-60 days later they created another similar incident but with a serious life threat to me and they also claimed to have arrested the man and also that they are going to protect me and he is going to prison for a very long time, which was a systematic setups to get me to trust the police and FBI allegedly to talk about terrorism, illegal drugs and ex-Soviet Union agents, which I did understand it as such at that time, possibly because the where agent was using telepathy on me and preventing me to understand, or I was stupid, which I doubt, but after the year 2000 I started to analyze my life because I was locked up, but this time for much longer than a few days, and to be precise for nearly 14 years, and all this just because the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family set me up with all these fake things to kidnap me to USA and use me to blackmail my biological family that are 100% English royalties + ex-German royalties and their hidden relatives in USA alias my real biological family that I am still searching for. And therewith and with this point alone you can see the pattern of using police and setups to intimidate their victims and use them as a brainwash tools and scare tactics and as distraction of the evil BP-=British petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + members of my fake family that are the cause that I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in1986 and they tried hard to force me to blame it on Islam, which I partially did until I started to see the big picture partially before 1 March 2016 and partially after

5.                  Summer 1994 in Kansas City, Kansas, USA, I was 100% setup by the local police to be arrested enable they can force me to think that I am here illegal and want to go back home to Germany, and since I was working on a project for the company called UntiliCorp United, that it was owned and/or managed by one of the followings, the ex-USA president family Bush (I have no prove, it is only a logical conclusion) or member of my biological family, because I was setup to go there as a mean of blackmail to my biological family and I was severely attacked also by telepathy and they wanted me not only to leave Kansas City, but entire USA, and that can be only member of my biological family, the detail of this trip is very disturbing and I may added at a later time in the page “Slavery in USA”, but also to force my mind to think that my fake brother is a good man and is helping me. I was 2-3 days in this jail, where they totally manipulated my thoughts that was 100% psychological torture, I had to pay some money to get out, yet at that time I did not have the cash on me, and they did not accept check and I was forced to call my fake brother in Houston. Texas, even I really did not like him anymore due to many destructive situations that he forced upon me and lied to me on purpose about it, yet my thinking was at that time through and through Christian and I followed the bible advice, which is forgive your brother 7 x 77, whereby brother is also the follow men, and ask him to wire them the money. I gave him the money immediately after I was released

6.                  The above points went much larger than I planned, therefore I will make it really short

7.                  I was arrested at least 2-3 times in addition to the above and in USA which I will skip

8.                  In June 2000 my attorney named William F. Harmeyer set me up, where I asked him to help me get legal in USA, but he was not the first to do that with me in USA, I went to at least 4-5 attorneys in Bridgeport, Connecticut, in Greenwich, Portchester, New Rochelle or even Rye (I cannot recall with all the brainwash and telepathy control) in New York and in Houston, Texas and all of them betrayed me = the power of Telepathy + CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum and their evil Freemason network the absolute largest and most powerful and most destructive and dangerous network in the world and this since 500 years. Yet here and now in June 2000, my attorney delivers me to INS-Immigration and naturalization Service to be deported, instead of helping me become legal. But the INS either played games with me or really wanted to keep me all my life as an illegal alien in USA without any rights what so ever, and then they let me go and I was forced to be homeless on top of all other attacks as mentioned above in points, then I walked to the INS office in North of Houston, Texas, because I had no money to take a bus so I walked the 20 miles and asked them to deport me back to Germany and they asked me to leave the building and forbid me to enter it again by instructing their entrance guard not to let me in again, then I slept outside on the pavement  opposite the entrance and hanged a few signs on the tree and sat under the tree, and the signs said “I want to be free”  “let me go home” and “asking the INS to free me of this lock up and take me back home to Germany”, even some Hispanic TV station came and videoed me and interviewed me. I was there on 30 June and left 2 July 2000 because there was no reaction of the INS, even though I had large hand-written signs stating I am an illegal alien since 1986. After 2 days I walked to the Airport. All in all, I walked 30 miles (45 KM) from Westchase on Westheimer road in Houston to INS om 126 Northpoint Dr, Houston, TX 77060, USA and from there to George Bush Intercontinental Airport, and lived there in the Airport until around 20 July, sleeping all over the airport waiting to find a way to smuggle myself on an airplane to Germany, the first 2-4 days, I slept in the terminal that was designated to Germany right at the boarding gate, then they asked me to leave and not come back, and I cannot remember how I was able to go through security and until the boarding gate, then I was sleeping all over the airport or on the street while taking the luggage cart back and getting the 25 cent refund, which was just about enough for a sandwich and a drink, during which my weight dropped from 105 kg to under 70 kg, which was my roughly weight prior to enslaving under the BP-British Petroleum  + CIA + MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud in Munich, Germany on 24.12.1984. Then I was arrested because I was illegally in the airport and locked up for 3 days and released, then went back to the Airport and after 2 or 3 days on either 24 or 27 July 2000 I was arrested again by the police and the police filled an official complaint against me for misdemeanor crime to force the INS to arrest me and deport me. Then I was imprisoned in a deportation prison near the Airport in a cell with around 40 or 80  other deportation prisoners, during which they set me up with all kind of things, such as get another man that claimed to be a prisoner from Cuba and telling me he is criminal and kill for money and he is going to be released in 2 days back to Houston, and he likes me and if I want to kill anyone in Houston, and was big time hinting of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, then he will do it for me and because I was nice to him he will do it for free, and many countless other situations, such bringing a lookalike of members of my family such as of Essam Shawki that pretended to be a son of Egyptians, but now I know he is the son of my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi alias either a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945 or a hidden English royalties and pretend to be German origin, and in any case he is 100% related to the English and ex-German royalties, or a look alike of Khalid and Zaid Abokurah and both are brothers and a lookalike, but one is locked up in mental hospital in Egypt because his brothers and sister and father and mother/nanny were using him as target practice for telepathy, the now Zaid Abokurah live in Washington D.C. along with the rest of his brothers and sister and mother/nanny, yet all these lookalike that they forced upon me were from South America as distraction of the English royalties and their hidden American relatives. Also, while I was in this jail and for the second time within 2 months, they forced me to contact the Syrian Embassy and threaten them that I will fight them once I get free for what they did to me. 1-2 months earlier in Mai/June 2000 the FBI and or CIA and/or INS set me up to have a “LEGAL” job at the headquarter of the computer manufacturer named Compaq Corporation that was located north west of Houston, Texas (it was dissolved because the computer company HP bought Compaq after the year 2000), even though I was illegal and had no ID what so ever, because in September 1999 they stole all my IDS, and in USA it is a law to represent an ID at your new job, and enable to get a job legally you must have 2 IDS, such as Driver license + Social Security card or ID + Social Security card. They stole all my IDS except the Driver License because I had it always in my pocket, yet it was expired and absolutely no other ID and especially no Social Security card because it does not expire and proves that I have a legal number, which was given to me when I was forced to apply for political asylum in April 1987 and I was forced to live as illegal alien ever since September 1987, but in the meantime from April to September 1987 I was able to get an official driver license and official state ID as well as Social Security card, which was all planned by the evil CIA + MI6 + FBI t give me a chance to work as a consultant and take care of their whore agent and here evil son. And therefore, Compaq corporation broke the law, and since I applied once before to work for them in around mid-1990s, and they asked me for all kind of identifications, which was the law, this mean this time it was the evil FBI and/or CIA and/or INS, and during my employment at their placed for around 6 weeks, I was 100% forced with telepathy to send a fax from their very large manufacturing, administration and testing complex to write a complaint about what they did to me and blame it all on the Syrian government and then sent to copies one to the Syrian Embassy in Washington D.C. and the other to a Syrian consulate in another city, and this show how they brainwashed me by forcing their own evil thoughts upon me and then force me to write it down and fax it as distraction of the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND that brainwashed me and enslaved me under their joint whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 and blamed it on the Syrian military intelligence that were member of the illegal project calypso that was performed by the BP-British Petroleum. In the same INS Deportation prison and from July and until  10 February 2001 they performed many brainwash setups on me among others an attorney that I never heard of nor I called, yet he asked to meet with me while I am in deportation prison, and said he would like to help me and get me a legal status, and I said I cannot pay you I have no money, he said no problem you can pay me later after I get you a legal status and you start to work and then pay me monthly, I said no (but I thought you can go and stick it up your ass, but I did not say it) I want to leave this evil country. Other times and in this deportation prison and on another day, I pulled down my pants and under wear to the direction of the INS prison management personnel and told them very loud that all other prisoner heard it and laughed “Kiss my ass” while pointing my ass  towards their faces, and all that was not me, but rather their brainwash, suppression hidden slavery, scare tactic and above all telepathy. They locked me up for 1-2 weeks in solitary medical section. On 10. February 2000, which was 20 days after George W. Bush took the presidency office of USA, some INS officer came to me around 10 in the morning and said gather your stuff you are being deported today to Syria, and then took me to the Netherlands for more brainwash, and destruction of my life and additional 12 years more lock ups in controlled environments between jails, prisons and refugee camps in countless cities and villages between Netherlands and Germany until they awarded me the Dutch citizenship just to force me to relocate to the UK for one reason or another and finally I was able to seek protection of these severe persecution and mental as well as physical torture in the city of Den Haag/The Hague where the King lives, the Dutch government headquarter is located as well as countless embassies and consulates from all over the world. Today and they only problem I have is that some evil group with telepathy are attacking me and causing me severe problems that is leading to health issues and this several times per week and until today in December of 2019, in my own apartment, where I am supposed to feel safe, where it supposed to be my holy safe haven, but there is no such a thing for people with telepathy they are just as the New Testament described them, they come in night like thieves through the window to steal your night (other described some of them as Dracula that sleep in the day and suck your blood in night, whereby blood is life or your night rest, where they attack you through forcing their thoughts upon you in form what we call a dream, whereby they sometimes force a violent dream to disturb the night rest and stress the victim while influencing his thinking and the following day to be tired and cannot concentrate = thief of night and sucking the blood, meaning sucking the life  out of you as they did to me since 10/11 January 1960), the entire New Testament is mainly about telepathy and what people can do with it and it has been written and revised by thousands of people and they continue to adjust it every a few decades, because they always learn new capabilities and new methods of brainwash and then write about it and write from their point of view an antidote, and believe me no matter how much I write or think about what these criminals did to me, I cannot write better than these thousands already wrote, because they have been gathering experience throughout the history and I am just writing the experience of one person, me, and without the Catholic church existence I would not have become Christian through a setup that was intended to do me harm and kidnap me to USA where I was severely tortured and mistreated while I was enslaved against my will, and this even though Christianity is not designed to harm anyone and it literally forbid it to harm others in any way what so ever!

9.                  11.2.2001 I was registered in the Netherlands that I am asking for political asylum where I had no choice, because they cannot afford to take me to Syria, because I am not Syrian and members of my fake family then have to do something against that to not be embarrassed by others that they let one of their own go so far even though they are much more than very well situated and are very influential, beside I do not think it was in their interest that the Syrian government find all these things about them. The rest of my lockup in the Netherlands and Germany and until 1 March 2016 is described in detail in several other pages of these complaint pages, which 100% point that some CIA + MI6 + FBI agent were surrounding my life at least from 11.2.2001 and until 1 August 2003, and beyond this date!


In April 2000 and in Houston, Texas, USA and after these criminals started to attack me with telepathy and made sure I realized that it is telepathy and not my imaginations, I started to recognize some of the telepathy attacks against me from prior to that (or they forced me to recognize it as a mean of brainwash), such as causing me severe sicknesses in 1999, and hurting me physically between July and September 1999, which made me more scared than before, and forced fear into my mind that I just wanted to run, and was forced to think that this country called USA is an evil country with everything in it and that the Muslims are evil people that are out to get me, and each time I see some one that remotely resemble a Muslim I spit on the floors so that he/she can see I mean them, which not only made me look like crazy, but I was also forced to feel like crazy, and when the attorney as mentioned above in point 8 came and offered me to get me out of deportation prison and get me a legal status in USA, I was thinking go to hill, stick the green card or whatever you want to get me of this evil USA country, up your ass, but I did not say it instead I said no thank you and left the attorney sitting there wondering what the hill is wrong with this guy, I am offering him something that most people in the world dream of, and he said no and preferred to stay in prison and be deported, I was able to see his thinking through the way he looked at me, but I did not really know what he was thinking, maybe someone forced all these thoughts upon me with telepathy. It is very tough to accept the fact that someone can manipulate my thoughts for a longtime and then I came in to a state to try to find my own thinking or even my own me, and that is a very mean and destructive brainwash using situations in combination with telepathy.


I do not think that the USA is an evil country, not even the UK is an evil country, because I saw many good people in these countries, yet very unfortunately these 2 countries are the most destructive countries in the world, because they are controlled by a group of very bad and criminal minded group of people that has telepathy and want to steal everything in the world and be the master of every one, and make sure that everyone in the world follow their evil wishes. I am not going to do that, and most definitely not voluntarily, and if I ever, hurt anyone in any way whatsoever (with the exception of this complaint website), then I am being forced with telepathy, period!


Isolation strategies

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The ex-US president Bush family and the English royalty’s connection

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Misusing Christianity as distraction of English Royalties and their allies

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Misusing Jewish as distraction of English Royalties and their allies

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Using Jewish as distraction


The English royalty pattern with Jewish


Using Jewish as distraction

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I was set up countless times to think that my origin is Jewish and Israel, and here is a small list of these setups that started in 1984, however today I suspect that setting me up to become Christian was possibly the first mind setup to force me to think that my origin is Jewish, which is listed under the first point:

1.                1976-1978. Setting me up to become Christian among others enable I read the Old Testament, which has some descriptions of my life past and yet to come that it looks like my family sold me out such as in the Old Testament the brothers sold their young brother named Joseph, but I am not certain about that, except that from January 1976 and until summer 1978, I was forced to extensively read religious books in English, Arabic and German, and built a small library with these maybe 20 books, which were mainly Bible Catholic, Bible Lutheran, Bible Jehovah Witnesses, Bible Mormon, Bible in German, English and Arabic, Quran in English, German and Arabic and some other religious literatures, among others from Pastor Friedrich Wilhelm Haack (, as mentioned above

2.                1984. During the Project Calypso my evil niece named Reem Bdeir/Budier that they claim was allegedly killed by her Palestinian husband in Pennsylvania, where he allegedly hid her body in the woods or forest. She is the lookalike of Princess Haya of Jordan, and it would not surprise me if she is her older sister or at least her cousin. Any way she came to visit me in Munich and she claimed that she studying in the American university of Beirut, Lebanon, during which she went on a ship cruise from Beirut to Cyprus and an Israeli military boot stop the ship to allegedly check the IDs of the passengers, and as they came to her they allegedly saluted her and asked her to go on and did not want to check her ID, which very much was meant to force me to think that they knew her = she is Jewish, but she is not, I believe it is an insult for Jewish and for Muslims and for Christians and even for Scientologist to claim that these fake members of my family are from them. But allow me to continue my analysis. Her family owns and operate the so called Islamic private school named Islamic Educational college of Jordan ( Below is 2 photos of the website of this allegedly good Islamic private school, where they pay for my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar/Naggar to go to a catholic school in Cairo, Egypt and pay for their own daughter Basma Bdeir/Budier alias Basma Alami to go to a Christian school in Jordan and go to the Lafayette university in Indiana, USA while the other daughter Reem Bdeir they paid for her to go to American university in Beirut, and her brother go to a school/university in Leeds, UK + Dallas, Texas, USA, where the Bush family is also located, and the other board member of the same Islamic college mentioned above Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah send one son to study at a school and then the catholic University in Washington, D.C. and the other at a university in Nashville, Tennessee, USA while sending their the children of the other board member from the Malas family sends all the children to study at the university of Munich in Germany which leads me to conclude that their own private Islamic college/school as shown below is not good enough for their children, meaning they use the these Islamic school only to brainwash locals as these criminal brainwashed me for over 50 years. Also, below in the photo you can see king Abdullah of Jordan and his wife, and he is 100% a hired actor including his wife. His wife has a lot of look similarities with my fake cousin Faihaa kheir in Saudi Arabia and both are UK/USA/German origin, the similarities are including hair color, eye color and height, while my fake brother look has some similarities to the father of this king, which is the ex-king Hussein, and this is also valid for my original fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias replaced by Fadia Nagar in the UK, and this original one also looks so much similar to his sister anything else is a lie



3.                1984. During the same period of time as the above point and in 1984 and while I was working on the evil illegal BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND project Calypso, and a 100 meter of the office there was a Jewish Israeli bar on Leopoldstraße 130 and the corner of Potsdamer street, it was in the basement, and almost every night they had some singer coming to sing, often from other cities or countries, and suddenly I started to go there sit in the corner and cry and I had no idea why. Today I know some criminal from and evil person of BP-British Petroleum was using telepathy to force me to go there, and most probably I was being followed because it was a secret project with the Syrian military and police, and when someone see me going there and crying and not only once, maybe 10 to 15 times, they will think that I am Jewish pretending to be Muslim that pretending to be Christian, and that is how criminal these people are

4.                1984. Simultaneously to the above and very suddenly and during the same period of time, I started to go to a Russian restaurant also near the Jewish club and order all kind of food as if I am missing it, I went there not as much as the Jewish club, but maybe 5 times

5.                1989. This is very similar strategy to the above forced upon me by the FBI at the company Dun & Bradstreet, where the FBI get me a job as a freelance by Dun & Bradstreet headquarter at that time Dun and Bradstreet was at 187 (or 306?) Danbury Rd Wilton, CT 06897. And suddenly they bring a new work colleague and claimed she was Jewish and just immigrated from Russia to Connecticut with her family and she became friends with me and the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under by force on 24.12.1984. See also the following related points

6.                During the illegal project Calypso, the evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND brainwashed me, separated me of my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka by force on 17.10.1984 and then on 24.12.1984 enslaved me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they brought from Saudi Arabia or elsewhere and claimed she is Syrian, just to show as if my origin is Syrian and as distraction of the many agents and English royalties and ex-German royalties that were around my life pretending to be my family and pretended to be Syrian, but they were not Syrian. By using the date 24.12.1984 they wanted to force my mind to think that my Muslim family did that because I became Christian, but in reality some evil person in the German foreign ministry arranged that she receive the visa on 24.12.1984 in the morning and then come to Munich Germany later after noon enable I see the date that allegedly she had to come on this date and the only person that I suspect to have been involved is the 2 ex-German foreign ministers and ex-German vice Chancellor Mr. Jürgen Wilhelm Möllemann and Mr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher as mentioned above in this page. For details of this severe criminal act through the German + Bavarian government in cooperation BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND see the page “Thank you” under the section “Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, last but by far not least”

7.                This whore smelly disgusting agent named Najlaa Mahmoud had telepathy and I had no chance to get free because the criminals mentioned above were helping her as cover up for the other criminals member of my fake family as mentioned in the page “My fake family the kidnappers” This whore kept me totally isolated by force from 24.12.1984 and until roughly June 1999, during which she created many brainwash setups to force my mind to think she is Jewish origin as distraction of the evil Saudi Arabians that were also helping her and were members of my fake family and members of the English royal family and their evil hidden relatives in USA and in US Government, among others she pretended the following:

7.1.               She had 2 lookalike that she exchanges places with and that is fact, and at least one of them was 100% Saudi Arabian originated from Europe or USA, I am guessing USA, when she was forced upon my life she was wearing clothing like whore and like to drink Vodka or Gin with orange juice, and never prayed once in 1988 Suddenly she started to pray and told me that my fake sister another criminal named Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Mona Najjar, that lived in Washington D.C. along with her criminal children that have telepathy and are in Washington D.C. to manipulate peoples life or even force them to do something bad as they often did to me and to their brother named Khalid Abokurah that they literally drove mad because used him as target practice for telepathy and then locked him up in a mental institute sometimes in end of 1980s and until current, and this institute is in Cairo, Egypt so they do not have to visit him and that is how big of heart or the lack of it they have. And herewith this whore agent was covering up for my fake sister and showing that she is Muslim, but she is not, because she works for the evil American government and help them manipulate politicians in Washington D.C. and that is illegal, criminal and against the law

7.2.               In 1987. This whore agent and very suddenly said she eats only Halal meat, which is Muslim meat just like the Jewish eat Kosher meat and other food, yet in Islam there is no Halal food, only Halal meat, which very much means that they say some religious words during slaughtering the animals, and is not enough that she eats only halal meat but she goes and buys it of Jewish butchers that sells only Kosher meat, to show as if she is Jewish pretending to be Muslim. And this started in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA after 1988 which equals = a different person

7.3.               In 1987. This whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and very suddenly she brings a Jewish man and tells me that he offered her a job to make dresses for him and his mother. His name was Scott Shield and worked in Bridgeport while his mother’s named was Susanne Shield and had a clothing store with and also offering custom tailoring in Westport, Connecticut. And this only to force my mind to think we are all Jewish origin. And this situation was nothing else than a blackmail against my fake granduncle. I do not know his real name, but I know his fake name Fuad Khayat and he was allegedly the brother of my grandmother Samiya/Samiyath Khayat alias Samiyah Baroudi and to me the official wife of my fake grandfather named Kamel Baroudi and these criminals kidnapped me on or before 10/11 January 1960. I found a pattern that these criminal use, which is that they sometimes translate their name into Arabic, meaning this Fuad Khayat last name is very probably Tailor or Taylor, and the reason I am guessing that among others because during this same situation with Scott Shields I get to know another tailor named Gene, that had a tailoring shop in Bridgeport along with his wife, and he was a so called “Sieben Burger” which is a Romanian German decent. Anyways today I am guessing that he came into my life as distraction of this blackmail against my granduncle that I am guessing he is from influential controlling family in USA that either related to the English royal family or originated from them. And this Gene is distraction because I had a friend in the church f Unterschleissheim that was also “Sieben Burger” German decent from Romania, and therewith I never noticed this blackmail because each time I saw this man named Gene I relate him to the church where I was baptized in 1976, this black mail continued even after I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas in 1990 and continued until roughly 1998/1999 though several blackmail setups that I never notices at that time and many of them were for my fake granduncle Fuad Khayat, that very possibly is in top management such as a board member or chairman of the board at one of these companies and at that time: ARAMCO, BP-British Petroleum and Exxon, and believe it or not they are originated from the English royal family

7.4.               Between 2008 and 2012 I was forced by the evil Dutch immigration to live isolated in a brainwash situation where I was forced to go almost for 3 years to a so called integration school and that is not only illegal and against the Dutch law, it was most criminal, because I was severely tortured by over 25 dentist and dental technicians in and around where I was forced to live in the village Bellingwolde and go to the forced upon me integration school in the next village called Winschoten, where severely tortured me and at the end these criminals pulled out all of my teeth, even though the majority of them were healthy, it is just like you go a doctor and tell him I lost my finger and then he cut the other 9 finger or even your both hands and say this is the best treatment. In this area there was a lot of Jewish people and they knew I will figure it out, because they had a monument over killing all the Jewish in that area after the Nazis invaded the Netherlands , which equals someone in the evil Dutch immigration is helping the English royalty and reinstating the Jewish brainwash, because during that period I was forced by the police to write everything I know about my fake family and publish it on the Internet, and as a reaction a hand of very evil Jewish were torturing me severely for over 4 years, and who knows maybe they were not even Jewish, they just force my mind to relate them to Jewish because of the monument, and since the Dutch immigration did that to me to coverup for the English royalties, then they possibly are related to them and covering up for their relatives, but so am I their relative and I have been severely suppresses by the evil Dutch immigration since the evil American government forced me to be here on 11 February 2001

7.5.               And other brainwash setups, however the above are by far enough to give you an idea over their crooked brain

8.                Jump to the year 2008. From July 2000 and until 2008 I was forced to be locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA, Netherlands and Germany, then the evil Dutch immigration and their coconspirator named COA forced me to live in a control environment in the village called Bellingwolde and go for 3 years to so called integration school in the next village called Winschoten, this area is heavily populated by Jewish and they even have a monument right in the center of the village Winschoten for all the Jewish that were murdered in that village through the Nazis after the Nazis invaded Netherlands in the Second World War. And there is nothing wrong with that and to have a monument, what is wrong is that these criminals forced me to live in a controlled environment surrounded by some very sadistic people, and I mean criminally sadistic, during which I was forced to recognized what the criminal BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family + the German government did to me and write about it and publish it on the internet so all these criminals can read my past and blame it on me while simultaneously forcing me to recognize only what they want me to recognize and then punish me for writing them and if I do not write the punishment will even be more severe, which is torture, they tortured the life out of me, among others these criminal pulled out all my teeth on 12 July 2011. And there with the criminal IND + COA (=Dutch Immigration + their helpers) were 100% brainwashing me to think that I am Jewish origin and the more I talk about my fake family the more I get punished and tortured by these criminals and savages in the villages Bellingwolde + Winschoten + Scheemda and the city Veendam that was at that time the organizer of all that in cooperation with the municipality Bellingwedde alias now Westerwolde + Old Ambt as distraction of the evil and criminals that placed me there which is the Dutch immigration. They wanted to know my past to the smallest details while not allowing me to think and therefore they created a confusion in my life, around my life to force my mind to go incircle while I am just listing my past and that is a severe brainwash in the Netherlands that started on 11 February the day that the evil American government brought me by force to the Netherlands to be locked up because I complained to many congress men and senators via internet that I was kidnapped and mistreated through the CIA and FBI, and that caused me to be locked additional 13 years during which I was severely tortured between USA, Netherlands and Germany mentally/psychologically as well as physically as well as socially as well as professionally as well as by force isolated of my own life. And why, because they wanted me to think that Jewish were persecuting and I am from Jewish family pretending to be Muslim as distraction of the English royal family and the evil Bush family that are 100% related to the English royal family and everything these criminals did was not for USA but rather for the English royal family and for the Freemason the4 destruction organization of humanity and against the EU and against the humanity and against me, above all the Dutch IND did not want me to talk about the project Calypso publicly before the end of the presidency of the criminal George W. Bush and before him his evil father George H. W. Bush, because they were working with Syria against the embargo laws and the project calypso is the prove, Syria is not with Russian, Syria is 100% under the control of the UK + USA + hidden escaped Nazis from 1945, so also Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and partially also Egypt, and now also Afghanistan and Iran and that is only for the interest of the English royal family


The English royalty pattern with Jewish

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This section contains some theories based on my life experience and facts that many or almost everyone can verify through the Internet, which was not possible prior to 1995!


These theories are not meant to offend anyone, but rather for the purpose of understanding my own life, which was 100% forbidden for me to do that and I was always prevented to understand and that alone is a criminal act against me and against million others, such as in Saudi Arabia or Iran where if you question the law, they punish you severely often with death!


I asked myself a few questions regarding the Jewish, and when I ask a question, I need an answer and I will look for answer and I believe to have the answer for these questions which show the pattern of English royalties misusing the Jewish people for a very long time, just as they misused Palestinians, Kurds, Indians and many others.


First here are my questions:

1.                Why Jewish people have been mistreated, misused, misrepresented, at least since the begin of my own lifetime?

2.                Why did the Nazis really perform mass murdering against the Jewish people, and enslaved their women and children, gassed countless of them to death, burned many of them in oven and stole everything they had?

3.                Why did the catholic church, officially in around the year 200, this is allegedly 1800 years ago (One Thousand Eight Hundred Years ago) decided to add the Bible “New Testament” the real Christian bible to the book of the Jewish people called “Torah” alias “Old Testament” and called both the bible, even though the “New Testament” 100% contradict the “Old Testament”!


I was able to find more answer to my 3 questions that I thought it was possible. And here are the answers I was able to find:

1.                The Jewish were the Army of the English royalties for a very long time. And I cannot say if it was 20 centuries or just 5, because I believe to have discovered that the English royalties falsify the history and then bring 20 scientists through among others biggest and oldest networking in the world which is the Freemasons, they founded the Freemasons around 450 years ago and I believe they are the biggest hidden organized crime institution in the world. Above all the Jewish were soldiers from birth and until death

2.                The Jewish did not want to be soldiers and army all their lives, they wanted to be free and build something for themselves such as build a family by having a wife and children and grandchildren and more. Build their own houses and businesses and not just fight for others. This is in a nutshell the answer, the details are below

3.                This is a theory only and I may be off 1-5 centuries: I believe that prior to our Gregorian calendar, which is the calendar that the western world and Christian use, people used the moon as yearly calendar, meaning one year was from one full moon to the following full moon = one month, and therewith one year was around 27-29 days, then they created a new calendar, the Gregorian calendar through the catholic Priest named Gregory that later became pope. This Gregorian calendar was created and based on what I studied sometimes around 500 years ago, which is roughly the same time as the English royalties founded the Freemasons organization. Prior to that one year was 27-29 days. This is my knowledge from 1970s, yet recently I looked it up again on the Internet and it says that the Gregorian calendar is based on Julian calendar that was created over 2065 years ago, and I do not believe that. Above all and prior to around the years 500 we had no printing machine and everyone who is rich claim to have more knowledge than the others based on papers that was hand written and it was very rare, in matter of fact, and during the church and synagogue services, only the priest used to have a role of paper and used to read it aloud and what it contain, where most attendees were not able to verify it because they cannot read, I do not have statistics, yet I believe at least over 95% of the people were illiterate, because they cannot afford it, because if I write a book I can only sell one copy, unless I hire several workers where each copy my book and then I sell the copies that are all hand written, meaning only rich can afford it, because if I sit down and write a book in one week, then I want a salary for one week and if it is one month, then I want a salary for one month, on top of that the owner of the book must also make profit, unless the writers were slaves, the book would have costed and comparing to our today’s currency. At least 300-1200 Euro or Dollars. Once they invented the print machine in around 1450, it changed little bit and it took maybe 100-150 years for people to be encourage to learn how to read and write enable they can buy books and the first book that was mass printed was the Bible. In reality it took nearly 400 or more years for people to go to school to learn how to read and write, which was in the mid of the century 1800, then it became a law that everyone has to go to school, yet only in Western Europe and USA, there still half of the world population cannot read and write. I believe it was impossible 2065 years ago to create the Julian calendar = a lie and fake history manufactured possibly between the year 1600 and 1800. And if this is true, then all the years prior to the year 1500 were months and not years, meaning from the years zero=Christ begin to the year 1500, it was only 1500 months = 125 years, which it sounds really farfetched, yet I strongly believe so, except my math may be off by a couple of centuries. Why is this important, because of the Old Testament that many scientists cannot confirm some of the content of the bible to have been 3500 years or 2500 years and this is one of many other things in the bible that are also not verifiable, at least not by some scientists and this is the possible explanation for some of the discrepancies between the English royalties and the Jewish as mentioned below!

4.                This section is mixed based on facts and theory: the English royalties used to use violence to steal children, cut their genitals and raise them as slaves some as personal slaves and others as soldiers and the reason they cut their genitals, possibly because they learned it of the Pharaohs (in Old Egypt Pharaoh = King, and Pharaohs = his people, because he owned the entire population and used to cut the genitals of his guards and these persons without genitals used to be called “Eunuch” for more info see Egyptian Pharaoh’s Eunuch The Pharaohs were the old Egyptians. They used to cut the genitals of their guards to prevent them of getting distracted or seduced by women, above all they used to do it to those guards of their treasures, and it is in the history as I learned in school in Cairo, Egypt between 10/11 January 1960 and 10.10.1969. In short, the English royalties, and to be fair, others most probably used to do the same thing. Steal children cut their genitals and raise them to be slave soldiers without distractions from the morning and until they go to sleep and until they die. I am guessing that. Later they learned a better way, which is circumcise the soldier instead of cutting their genitals, because they noticed that it is getting more and more difficult to steal children and a soldier can teach his son so be a soldier and that is better than stealing children and it will save them time and training. The king’s family alias the English royal family were the God’s family represented by the king alias God, and everyone learn that since birth, while they used telepathy to control people, and once you train the mind and keep it under watch to eventually force the slave again to think what the king and his family want him to think. They use these soldiers to wage wars and expand their empire and to encourage the soldiers they used to write a story and read it to them loudly that God (= the King and his family) want them to go here and there to control this land or that land, and they followed God’s word (=the King and his family words), therefore they use to create a roll of paper for each new war and read it aloud to the soldiers, and that was their law. This is only a theory and it is not farfetched, because these soldiers were fearless and very aggressive and brutal because this is what they were taught since childhood and they do not know anything else but to kill, and I am guessing everyone was very scared of them. And to isolate the soldiers of the general population, they created a language for them, the Gods language, and therewith they cannot communicate with others and have their own religion based on these rolls of the God (=King and his family), and this soldiers language was also to isolate them of the population of the new lands that they conquered through wars. Yet every once a while these soldiers want to stop fighting, especially when they see other people and how they live, and they want the same, and want to build their own lives, and I believe that the king then sometimes allowed for some of them to do so, and other times they fought their way out or escaped. As a result, there was a lot of mass escapees or by force retired soldiers that now do not know what to do beside attacking others and taking what they have. And some even build their own villages, and that is why you find them, concentrated in certain areas in India (almost never-ending war English royalties and India), China, South and north America and other places. And since the others were afraid of them, one of them came with the idea of taming them by creating a roll and reading to them that there is another God mightier than their previous God that is invisible and wants you to be peaceful. And when I read the old Testament, which contains all the ingredients for an army and soldiers from go and kill for God to first go and spy on the city that we are going to conquer for ourselves to look for the promised land, to the word itself that God gave them a king, as well as the famous statement “Eye for an eye and tooth for tooth” to that God gave them the entire earth and on the other side the new testament that is nothing else than taming the soldiers and telling them if someone slap you on the right cheek then give him also the left and when someone ask you to go a mile with him, then go two and the list is endless, then and finally placing the New Testament together with the Old Testament and calling it Bible for Jewish and Christians and claim many Christians now are a mix between previous Jewish that are now Christians mixed with other Christians, and therewith who ever made the new testament was fearful of the soldiers for his own people and wanted to tame them and showing them another way of surviving by working together and learning of each other’s without killing and that is why officially Jesus Christ prohibited killing the enemy but rather love them and as his disciple, I believe it was John wanted to protect Jesus Christ and kill the soldier that is coming to arrest him, he told him no, this soldier has nothing to do with the arrest, he is only following order, showing understanding, compassion and tolerance. This is only theory and not to offend anyone, yet after I recognized telepathy and what it can do, I realized many things are different than what I was told or different than what I learned. If Jesus Christ really lived or not I do not know, yet I believe that the founder of the Catholic Church came up with the New testament or really gathered the various parts as it is in the history and I learned it in Germany and then added it to the Old Testament out of fear and to show that their people do not mean any harm to these fearless and powerful soldiers. Below is some confirmation to this theory

5.                The German Navy rebelled against the Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany directly after the First World War and forced their king to take asylum in the Netherlands, not knowing that the King is nothing without his family, yet the family can survive without a king because they can appoint another king. Meaning as they ousted Emperor Wilhelm II, the rebels did not know that the royal family members are all over, from Generals to chief of police to ministers and so on, and once the king was gone his family tried to find a way to regain power and imitated the liberal new revolutionaries as well as what happened shortly before in Russia (the birth of Communism) and pretended to be with the people and brought Adolf Hitler that was nothing else than a microphone for hidden ex-German royalties and once he came on power, the hidden ex-royal family members that were 100% controlling Adolf Hitler and backing him, start to revenge on the soldiers and on the betrayal that they rebelled on them and ousted the emperor Wilhelm II and started to kill indiscriminately the Jewish, also women, children and elder. And the prove is the new president alias ex-general alias German royalty “Paul von Hindenburg” that then appointed Adolf Hitler to be the new German chancellor enable they can regain the power back by killing Jewish alias their ex-soldiers and mobilized the entire nation through a mass brainwash against Jewish, and it was not enough they also invaded other countries and tried to kill them all, and the effect of this savage Nazis revenge I felt it between 2008 and 2012 in the villages Winschoten, Bellingwolde, Veendam and Scheemda, where they tortured the life out of me. Very unfortunately for some Jewish, it become a life inheritance to follow these old habits and some of them still are working heavily for the English royalties, USA and other countries, among others as a part time brainwashers and torturers as they did to me to distract me of my biological family alias the English royal family + the ex-German royal family. And additional prove for this theory, is Israel, which the English royalties tricked the Jewish and gathered them from all over to use them as a military base in the Middle East to protect5 everything they steal from natural resources to land to enslaving people for pennies, such as they have been doing in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Iran and many other countries. Another prove for this theory is that there is a Jewish village, or villages or a small city everywhere where the English royal family has been waging slavery wars from China, to Singapore to India to Australia to South America to north America, then they started to gradually to replace some of them through a copycat Islam such as in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, don’t take my word for it, if Saudi Arabia existed 1500 years ago, then it will have dominated all the current surrounding countries such as Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Yemen just as India and China did since over one thousand years ago, but instead these mentioned countries have a different version of Islam, because each of these countries is owned by a hidden royal family from UK, and their relative from all over the world. And if this true, then no one can blame the Jewish for what the history through the English + ex-German royalties did to them. I understand it!

6.                The King James Bible: as everything manmade, it is often or mainly for self-benefit.  After they created the new testament, somehow, they deviated of the original goal of the New Testament as described above and made it for profit, in that they started to sell God’s forgiveness to rich people and a seat in haven. Until in around 1520 one catholic priest named Martin Luther started to protest these practices , which it took a while to go through and forced a so-called new translation of the bible that was allegedly written in several languages, and also was the cause of splitting the Catholic church to many copycats, and one of them was the English royalties that adapted to the Bible and made it their own by writing a new bible/re-translating it and through the era of King James in around the year 1600, and therewith they distracting of their original paper rolls of the old testaments. Not enough, they also used it as a weapon and bless their soldiers with the bible, even though the new testament is strictly against killing others, therefore blessing a soldier to kill others is against Christianity teaching/beliefs, then the Nazis even partially used the Bible as a weapon against Jewish and then burned the bible publicly=confusion. Today we have several hundred Christian religions possibly more, you can see yourself here, List of Christian denominations: and we have over 4000 (four thousand religions worldwide and are growing by the day), because each group of people with telepathy want to have their own sheep (church attendees) that he and his network can manipulate as they see fit as they did with me and all of them are protected by law to enslave others and they call that democracy and freedom, just as they did to me, first kidnap me of a Christian family on or before 10/11 January 1960 and forced me to think I am Muslim. Then in 1976 forced me to become Christian enable to have a reason to kidnap me to USA. Then in 1984 enslaving me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be non-religious and suddenly she is strict Muslim, then in 1986 kidnapped me to USA to blackmail some members of my biological family while forcing me to raise one of their hidden children and brainwashing me to believe it is my biological son and while preventing me to visit members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Switzerland, the UK, Germany and USA because now I am locked up in USA as an illegal alien and these fake family members in the countries mentioned are their agents in the Middle East, Europe and USA, then re-brainwashed me in 1999 to tell me your family the strict Muslim (which is a lie) brainwashed you, enslaved you under a Muslim woman because you became Christian in 1976 (which is a lie), and then kidnapped you to USA to prevent you to be with your church (which is a lie, because they could have brainwashed me or even forced me to live in the Middle East, where I went there countless times between 1979/1980 and 1986) and now I am complaining about all this as well as I am also complaining about these criminals for misusing religion to confine me as they see fit, just because they are either diplomat, royal family members and/or CIA or MI6 or BND or AIVD agents that give them the immunity by law to do what they want with whomever they want and that is countless crimes performed by organized crime families and institutions under the protection of the law=corrupt system in Germany, USA, Netherlands and the UK, not to mention Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Syria, and now also Iraq, Yemen and countless other countries!

7.                The Muslim Sunni. To make this short I will list them, this is my believe based on statistics of population of Saudi Arabia and in comparison with other countries under the consideration that a countries like Saudi Arabia has no water and never had water and no 100 thousand persons can survive the heat of their desert 200 years ago and no one can at that time transport all the needed daily water for one thousands person not to mention 100 thousand or one Million person, but since 100 years we can. Meaning the history of Saudi Arabia is fake and here is why:

7.1.               The English royalties were in China and India in the last 500 years, and this based on the written history

7.2.               The English royalties tried very hard to enslave the Indians in India, Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and other surrounding countries with all vicious sadistic methods, but failed, instead they kidnapped many of them and used them as soldiers while simultaneously they created a very destructive division between them. And this destructive division point to the above mentioned bible, by creating a copycat religion of Islam called Sunni Islam and within it created everything against the Bible and against the Jewish, by saying that God hate Jewish and the Christians are lost (in Arabic is pronounced like this: Ghair al-Makhdob alaiyhem wala all-daleen, in Arabic, Farsi and Urdu is and other similar languages written like this: (“غير المغضوب عليهم  ولا الضالين”), which very much means “not the ones god is angry  with or even God damned them (which means Jewish) and not those who lost their way (which are the Christians). In short and alone with this half sentence they are 100% attacking Jewish and Christians because they cannot control them as they can control Muslims. And I strongly believe that the English royalties used Islam in India against Hindu people and other religions, then created their own copycat Islam, which is Islam Sunni in cooperation with some Pakistanis and created Saudi Arabia with fake history as well as Palestine to create a distraction conflict as they did also in India between India and Pakistan through Bangladesh that used to be called East Pakistan, and the current Pakistan used to be called West Pakistan, and now one is called Pakistan and the other called Bangladesh which is a running conflict since the second world war just, whereby they all used to be one country named India, and the same  they did in many other countries such as Palestine and Israel, Vietnam, Korea, China, Germany, USA and many others

7.3.               There is no way that Saudi Arabia as we know it today existed 200 years ago or even 400 years ago, which you can count the statistics yourself and you will come to almost zero population in Saudi Arabia prior to 150-200 years not to mention 1600 years ago = falsifying history

7.4.               If the above is true, which is a theory, then there is no way that Jewish, Christian and Muslim were living in Jerusalem 1600 years ago, and that Moses was in Jerusalem 3500 years ago and that Jesus Christ was in Jerusalem 2019 years ago = fake history because they have the power to do it to create conflicts enable to force Jewish to continue to be their soldier in the Middle East while creating many agonies for them, for Palestinians and for many other worldwide, and that is typical English royal family that helped splitting Germany, yet working together instead of against each other’s is very difficult for them, and that the EU-European Union was created, and that does not suit the English Royalty because it brings unity, peace, harmony and more freedom, and they do not like EU at all because it is bigger than they can enslave as individual countries, and therefor they were trying along with all their allies and hidden relatives also in USA to destroy the friendship that made the EU enable to destruct the EU, and there with the English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA such as Donald Trump and the Bush family tried very hard to split the EU = splitting the power of working together = EU = anti-Brexit = English royalties created Brexit to encourage others = destruction with all means = very dangerous thinking for the world peace also for Jewish, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and in general for all human being, because we are all human beings!

7.5.               On top of all of the above Islam is concentrated and centered in and around India and not around Saudi Arabia. The biggest Muslim country is Indonesia, and it is a mixture of Indians and East Asians and not East Asians with Arabs/Nomads/Gypsies. But also, south of Russia is mainly Muslim countries through India and not through Saudi Arabia. And if you look as Saudi Arabia in 1960 or 1930s, then you will see so little population that was the result of Petroleum exploration and successful findings since 1930s and at the earliest since 1900s, where Saudi Arabia was less than a Million or even less than 100 Thousand.

7.6.               As confirmation to the above, in 1980/81 the Saudi Arabian government alias hidden English royalties with their hidden relatives from all over the world, made a population census and discovered that the foreigners were far more than the ones that were born in Saudi Arabia, therefore they hid the results and did not publish it. At that time, I was a Siemens AG employee and Siemens had several governmental projects with Saudi Arabia, and that is how I know about the census. The population at that time was around 9 Million, today it is over 34 Million, this is almost 4 times more than 1981, due to all the import of cheap labor from India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Philippine and other poor country, which I think is great that poor people in these countries are able to find a job, yet and very unfortunately they are being misused and totally mistreated in Saudi Arabia, such as thousands of Indians were working for the Saudi Arabian government but were not paid for several months to 12 months, which was public news because the English royalties hates the Hindu that prevented them of conquering India since 500 years, while others have to live like 10 in one room and being served bad food and bad service, just as some organized crime families do in farming in USA and promises Mexican good pay, and when they arrive, they be locked up as slaves and if they are lucky the FBI hears about it publicly and then they are forced to free them and deport them back to Mexico where they can make more money than just one US Dollar a day in US Slavery farming, and that too I saw myself in USA through the TV news!

7.7.               The English royalties took or kidnapped the first African from Africa to USA and to South America as slaves and that was over 250 years ago, as a result we have today Donald Trump undermining all the good steps that Barak Obama has performed in 8 years and destroyed them one by one to make Barak Obama look like unsuccessful black president, but I know he was more successful than the last 20 US presidents, above all he has a blessing with his wife, that is not only intelligent and smart, but most creative, humble and peaceful, what a lucky man is Barack Obama by having his wife that not only knows how to talk, but also very inspiring, at least I was very inspired by here, while I am struggling to survive in the Netherlands, but now someone like Melany Trump wears a jacket with the wordings “Who cares”! If I have the power, then I will never allow a man to become US president if he has a foreign none US-born citizen wife or children, especially that I know that some women are being hired and controlled  by institutions like CIA or MI6 (also in China, Russia, Iran and Saudi Arabia) and they use these women to enslave other men with telepathy as the CIA + MI6 did to me with their whore agents Anita Disbray and Najlaa Mahmoud, and who knows, maybe it is the same with Donald Trump, his behavior is 100% like a man that is enslaved as I was enslaved: aggressive, erratic, vulgar, care about no one, blind and ignorant to sensitivity and diplomacy, constantly hurts the feelings of others + hurting others physically such as he did to the thousands of Mexican and Kurds = he is not the one benefitting of his own doings = someone else is more benefiting = Telepathy slave = Donald Trump = cheat the public when they elect someone but they get another hidden person that is controlling the Mr. president = same as my life!!


Misusing Kurds as distraction of English Royalties and their allies

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As confirmation of the above about the misusing of Jewish and Muslims, her it is the same with the Kurds, just different name.


No one can really verify the history of the Kurd, yet we can verify the followings:

1.     The CIA + MI6 + my fake family used some Kurds against me, at least 3 times as follow:

1.1. 10.12.1969 taking me on a brainwash tour for one month to implicate me through various set up as if I am related to illegal drugs, terrorism with PLO, relation to ex-Soviet Union agent and Nazis, and in this implication tour,  started through a Palestinian businessman in Munich named Bssiesso they used a Kurdish group to drive me from Munich, Germany to Syria with a car & truck convoy of Kurds

1.2. Between 1982 and 1986, I cannot remember the exact date due to all the brainwash and telepathy control. I went to visit my (fake) sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman Jordan, that in reality was a very evil person and nanny for hidden Jordanian and British royalty children. Then she invited me to visit some friend of theirs name Aldi Barq that pretended to be the Lebanese consul in Amman, Jordan since over 20 years which I cannot 100% verify, yet I can verify that he owned a tobacco farm in Lebanon as cover for illegal drugs and was partner with the Bdeir/Budier family that owned cigarettes manufacturing and were also member of the Jordanian royal family. At his apartment, suddenly I see a man that I knew from TV, and movie he was an actor named Yassin Bakoush and known by the name “Yassino”, and I started to laugh because he always in his movies and TV series act as a stupid in a very funny way, and I said oh this is Yassino, then my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier quickly said no this is not Yassino do not insult him, he is a very successful business man, this was a mind trap situation to force my mind as they oft say in some Arab countries “God created 40 lookalike of each human”, and this to not recognize that they were using countless doubles but also simultaneously to force me to think that they are related to Kurds as distraction of the English and Jordanian royal families within my fake family

1.3. From around September 2003 to around March 2004 the Dutch immigration and after severely brainwashing me between 2001 and August 2003, forced me illegally to live in the refugee camp in the city of Zwolle, during which I was forced to share a room with another 5 persons that were Kurdish, and a couple of them had look similarities with some members of my fake family. These similarities were by far not enough to relate them, yet they forced me to be living with them as distraction of the evil Jordanian and English royal families around my life in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Some of these Kurdish persons they even threatened me and tried to attack me physically, and I had to request to live in another room by myself, which they gave me a very small room similar to the American military room that I was forced to live in after these criminals took me by force of brainwash and telepathy to the American military base named McGraw Kaserne where they totally isolated me and enslaved me under their whore agent named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally controlled my life and isolated me until I was set up to become Christian in 1976, which was a very strong pattern in the Netherlands to force me to remember my past

2.     The Kurds were always allying with the UK and USA, yet they always were only used as soldiers

3.     Yet Donald Trump did not want them to have a piece of Syria, so he made a deal with the Turks. Or look at it this way, The Turks are 100% allies of USA, the Kurds are 100% allies of USA, yet the Turk kill and isolate the Kurds after they are not needed any more, and if you look closely at the Kurds, they know how to be soldiers, yet they are not allowed to have their own cities or country, just as they did with the Jewish, but also as they did with many others such as the Dutch did with the Indonesians and Indians slave soldiers, where they forced their hired soldiers from 1960 to be removed by force from Asia and to come to the Netherlands to live for years isolated in camps to prevent them of being soldiers against them in Asia, and the same they did with Indians that they took to South America and then left them there stranded such as in Surinam and other islands that are of South America see the following facts: and                                                                                                       , whereby the later shows the pattern of using soldiers and then lock them up, as they did to the Jewish, Kurds, Indians, Indonesians  and many other.


Misusing Islam as distraction of English Royalties and their allies

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1983-1986: The BP-British Petroleum using their company SCS-Scientific Control Systems (they sold it as part of the cover up to Deutsche Telecom) and the illegal project Calypso as described in the page BP-British petroleum-part-1, destroyed my friendships to several including the woman I loved and then enslaved me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, which is described several areas. The essence here is that they misused the Islam to force my mind to think that Muslims did that, in reality they did that as a multi-purpose action as follow:

1.                To kidnap me to USA and blackmail my biological family and several other families

2.                To remove me from Germany, enable to prevent me to visit members of my fake family in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Switzerland, UK and Germany

3.                To remove me from Germany, enable to prevent me of ever going to Egypt and discover that I have a twin or even a triple, whereby the twin took over my place and identity after these criminals took me from Egypt to Germany. But also, to not see the members of my fake family living in Cairo, Egypt because they all claimed to have left Egypt

4.                To force me to raise a son of their criminal agents in the Middle east while forcing me to think it is my biological son

5.                To prevent me to leave their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud before they planned it to happen, which is 1999

6.                To prevent anyone, I knew in Germany such as my friend from the church that I maintain relation to them until I was kidnapped in September 1986, to help me and get me free of this evil slavery

7.                To allow the biological parents, that I strongly suspect them to be related to Aramco or one of the fake royal families of the UAE, Oman, Kuwait or Bahrain, to see and spend time with their son alias my fake son, on a regular base and without me noticing, which they most definitely did with the help of the evil CIA and FBI


All of the above in the name of Islam, because they planed it ahead of time in 1975 and set me up to become Christian enable to have a reason to persecute me and remove me from Germany to USA in the name of Islam, and all this in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 + BND + many members of my fake family.


In USA and after they separated me of their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, that had 2 lookalike and exchanged places with them and one of them was the actual biological mother of my fake son, then they re-brainwashed me, because and until that time I did not see through their scheme because I was prevented to think, and here they forced me with brainwash to recognize what these criminal and barbarian did to me yet forced my mind to blame everything on my fake family that pretend to be Muslims and all occupying higher positions in all kind of sectors also in governments and also to blame it on the employees of the project calypso that were Syrian military intelligence. Above all they forced me to remember my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka enable they can kidnap me again, but this time to lock me up for 13 years in the Netherlands, during which they heavily attacked me with telepathy and performed many harm upon me physically as well as mentally and made sure I understood it is telepathy, which scared the life out of me and I just wanted to escape it, while these criminals pretending to be using telepathy to help me understand, in reality they were scaring me and creating on purpose countless situations with telepathy to force me to think I am here powerless and must ran and escape this evil country called USA (Today I do not think USA is an evil country, yet I most definitely know that all republican presidents and their administrations including and since Ronald Reagan are criminals working for the English royalties and helping them to protect their stolen properties such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and others) and as a result this is what they forced me to think between summer 1999 and summer 2000:

1.                  That Muslim brainwashed me and kidnapped me from Germany because I allegedly became Christian

2.                  I loved my friends in the church in Unterschleissheim, Germany and I wanted to go back there

3.                  I loved my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka and wanted to go back to be with her

4.                  I loved the companies I worked for in Germany because I was in USA in a total controlled environment and they decided where I live, with whom I interact and where I work and what happened at work, which was mainly very destructive in one way or another, and compared to my ex-German employers to these companies which made these American companies look savages, such as Chevron, Texaco, Koch Industries, American Express Travel related Service, People’s Bank, Dun and Bradstreet and many others, where mainly lost more than I can ever restore, in matter of fact, my loses is compared to the loses of several hundred persons if not thousands. And a person works mainly for the income and not for the loses, therefor these criminals created countless situations around my life to remind me of many of my previous German employers in Munich, Germany to force me to leave USA

5.                  I miss Munich and entire Germany, because I considered it to be my home, at least because I lived there for 17 years, get to know more Good people than any in other country I was forced to live in, and at least for 10 years I had many friends (which I systematically lost) and many other reasons

6.                  They heavily attacked me with telepathy causing me all kind of physical damages that forced me immediately to understand the previous physical torture that was performed upon me in Houston, Texas from 1990 and until 1999 and scared the life out of me because I was not able to stop it or defend myself against a punch of cowards that attack me with telepathy but I cannot see them nor know who they are or why they are causing me all these damages except to create a confusion in my life and in mind to force me to run away of this evil city called Houston, Texas, evil because no one helped or protected me of these cowards and barbarians such as the management of ARAMCO and their evil relatives BP-British Petroleum and Chevron as well as the CIA and FBI

7.                  On top of all of the above and very suddenly I was prevented to work

8.                  On top of all of the above I was prevented by all means to have my own apartment

9.                  On top of that I was and very suddenly and starting October 1999 forced to go excessively to bars and night clubs as a mean to remind me of what these criminals did to me in 1984 to enslave me under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, among other by forcing me to go to whore house enable to force my mind to think that their whore is an angel compared to the others, which is 100% the same pattern as they did to me in Germany as the CIA + MI6 + American military did to me between March 1970 and 20 August 1970 enable to enslave me under the whore agent named Anita Disbray during which force my mind to think of her as the angel of heaven compared to all the other whores that these criminals forced upon me in the American military base between July and August 1970 including taking me to a whore house!

10.             As a result of all the above I was forced t remember everything that evil fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar did to me in Egypt and in USA to force more to hate my fake family and blame everything on them only

11.             Then they reminded me with telepathy what my other 2 sisters in Jordan did to me

12.             Then they reminded me with telepathy what my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi did to me in Germany

13.             As a result I was overwhelmed with all the telepathy and was not able to think clearly and just wanted to run away and each time I see a person, man or a woman that I think he/she might be a Muslim, then I would spit on the floor so that they can see and that is a severe brainwash by the evil American and British governments


As a result of this severe and most destructive brainwash from summer 1999 to summer 2000 I was desperate and want to run and did not know how to escape these criminals, during which I was forced to blame everything on my criminal fake family that pretended to be Muslim and are working for these evil petroleum companies, therefore and each I saw a person, man, woman or even children that remotely looked like Muslims I used to spit on the floor in front of them, which made me look more like a crazy person than anything else, and that is how powerful this brainwash is, while I just wanted to escape them, and since these criminals including the CIA and FBI forced me to live as an illegal alien for nearly 15 years, I had no legal papers what so ever and went to the INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services near the International Airport and begged them to take me home back to Germany , and they laughed me out, then I went to the International Airport of Houston and lived there for 30 days on the street in and around the Airport hopping to find a way to escape and get on the an airplane illegally and go back to my beloved friends and the country I was brainwashed in the first of all to think of as perfect country with honesty and integrity, which is German, which very much meant I get out of one brainwash and fall into an older one and get out of the older one and fall into a newer one and this from 1983 and until 1 March 2016. Then in July 2000 I was arrested and placed in deportation jail, then deported to the Netherlands  on 10.02.2001 and arrived the following day where I was locked up all in all for 13 years. So much for Freedom and democracy while blaming everything on Muslim, Jewish and many others!!!???


Here is a note about a person that made a wave of news in 1980s in attacking all religions and giving the blame of brainwash the general public because they allegedly come from Satan, the book was called “The Satanic Verses” ( the author name is Salman Rushdie ( In his book he insulted Muslims, even though he was Muslim himself, but also he insulted Christians, Hindu, Jewish and others, then his life was threatened, and as far as I recall by the new Iranian revolutionaries that set bounty on his head, then the English government had to allegedly hide him as protection for several years. In reality he confirmed fake history and covered up for the over 1000, or maybe 2000 copycat religions of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and other religions, it would not surprise me if he was bribed to write that book as a mean of insulting some religions. Today the author call himself hardcore atheist, and that is his business. No matter if the religion fake or not and as long as many believe in it, we should not attack the religions, because if you attack the religion, then you are attacking the foundation of the brain of the people who believe in it, because that is what religion is, a set of rules and moral values that then build the logic of a human being and this human being then live by them, maybe not perfectly but never the less, call himself as a follower out of believe, and then when you go to a Christian and tell him your Jesus Christ is Satan or you tell Muslims your profit Mohamad is Satan, then you are telling them that they are Satan, and I met thousands and thousands of Muslims, Christians, Jewish, Hindus and other religions in my 68 years of life, or at least since after they caused me a total Amnesia on 10/11 January 1960, and I do not see any Satan in the behavior of any of these religions, if a religion teaches a moral values, then it cannot be bad, even if it is fake. Where would we go without religions today, then everyone will have sex with any female he meets, including own children or rape them or kill to steal, but the religion and somehow the brought civilization to our all lives. And that is why these crimes are limited to top criminals such as the ones I am complaining about, that train and pay and if everything else fail then force with telepathy for a person or a group to commit a terrorist acts enable to give the controlling families in USA and in the UK a reason to go to that country to mass murder anyone stay in their way to steal the natural resources and the entire country and then set puppets as government and call them democrat and call that freedom, and I saw that in Egypt, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Jordan, in Saudi Arabia, in Morocco and also in USA and Japan, which equals a limited intelligence called 1-2 track intelligence = money and power only no matter how many destructions and death it may cause as they did in Iraq, where they bombed the entire infrastructure, including electricity, water, telephone and others enable to give their companies such as GE, AT&T, Exxon + Chevron and others new contracts to rebuilt all these infrastructure that the American military have totally destroyed by the order of the mass murderers ex-US President George H. W. Bush White House Administration and his evil son ex-USA president George W. Bush and his White House Administration that pushed Millions of innocent Muslims + Christians + Jewish + Hindu + Kurds and other religions and people that were living in Iraq into a hell country without clean water, electricity, telephone, factories to work in and destroying countless shops and that is Atheism by people that pretend to believe in Jesus Christ that was teaching: Don’t kill the soldier, he does not know what he is doing, he is just following order, instead love him!


I do not like Islam, and I do not like any religion, for one reason only: Because the religions are dividing us to make it possible for criminals to control us. Yet if Islam, Christianity and other religions are not there, who is going to teach the teachers to teach our children Moral values such as love your brother and your brother is anyone who follow God, which is partially correct, because the over 4000 religions that we have today, is dividing us in over 4000 groups and each group is seeing the others groups as anti-God, but who is God, I never seen him before, I just saw his work, and one of his works are the Black skinned people, the white skinned people, the brown skinned people, the red skinned people, the yellow skinned people, these are all the real brothers and sisters to each other’s, and this will be very visible as soon as you imagine there is no religions between us, there is only 2 things: Air + brain = intelligence, anything else is made up to separate us and to use the one group as soldiers to kill the other groups and steal their natural resources and lands as they did countless times in the 20th century  and are still doing it in 21st century, and one of the absolute current victims and this since over 70-100 years  is Yemen + Palestinians + Iraq, countless Africans and others.


Here is something that the concentrated evil English royalties in Saudi Arabia will not like (for more info see in end of 1970s or begin of 1980s, there was a terrorist attack on Mecca. Mecca  is the official holiest city for Muslim Sunni, where Millions go there every year (except this year due t the COVID-19) for pilgrimage, and among others they walk around the holly building called Kaaba. The attack in itself was absolutely wrong, and they should have not done that. Yet these is something very fishy in this attack that the English Royal families and their Relatives in USA are trying to hide. That is why I am not sure of the date and I am not sure if it is even listed in link above, it is possibly the same terrorist attack as the one list in the above link under the year 1979, but I am not positive, the only thing I am positive about is what I read in newspapers and heard on TV and Radio during that period of time of the terrorist attack while I was in Germany, which is as follow:

-         In the city pf Macca and directly under the area called the Great Mosque of Mecca (, where Millions of people go there every year for a pilgrimage and walk in circle around this building called Kaaba, which is located within the Great Mosque of Mecca in the previous link ( In short and during the pilgrimage time, a group of terrorists attacked the area from the underground, where under the entire section of the Great Mosque of Mecca and its Kaaba there was a huge net of tunnels and the terrorist attacked there and from there into other areas. As far as I can recall the entire process took several days and the Saudi police was not able to resolve the situations, where the terrorist talk control of the net of tunnels and asked for demands, and as far as I can recall the entire area was then evacuated and later some foreign anti-terrorist team came from Europe and killed some and arrested the rest. End of the incident.


-         After the year 2000 and until the year 2012 where I was locked up and started to recognize the telepathy capability, and as I remembered this terrorist incident on Mecca, I interpreted the incident as follow:

-         I immediately related it to a brainwash by using countless parsons with telepathy that are hidden in these tunnels and use telepathy to give the visitors from all over the world a Godly feeling, because they have no idea what telepathy is. And these terrorists knew that and wanted to expose the scam by attacking from the huge net of the tunnels. If this is true or not, I do not know, it is a conclusion based on my very negative experience in Jeddah Saudi Arabia and with my fake family. Here is one of the incidents: in around 1980 or 1981, my employer Siemens AG send me to Jeddah to test my design of multilingual for the computers for the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia that was at that time 14 ports each with its own computer center from my employer and centralized in the capital city of Riyadh. On one of these trips I get arrested at the airport and they took me to another nearby airport that was meant only for the pilgrims and forced me to stay  inline. One of many, each with more than 100-150 persons waiting in one row, allegedly to force me to go to Mecca for pilgrimage, which was one of many scare strategies to prevent me of ever come back to Saudi Arabia to visit my fake family these criminals MF, after a while I was able to get out of this scare tactics. Another time and at the entrance of the airplane and between the entrance to the immigration, there was a desk with people on it, charging money for pilgrimage, I said I am not a pilgrim, I am here on business for the Saudi Arabian government, and they gave me the following alternative: you either pay us 2000 Saudi Riyal for pilgrimage or you stay here until the next plane back to Germany. So, I had to pay them the 2000 Saudi Riyal and my employer Siemens AG never reimbursed me for it, which was at that time  585.65 US Dollars. I had too many fake relatives between Jeddah, Riyadh and Dammam and the nearby ARAMCO at that time. What I did not know at that time that these MF were English royalties living and controlling Saudi Arabia, while pretending to be Muslims. Not to forget that I did not go to Saudi Arabia voluntarily, but rather, and this is very unfortunate to me, because I loved that company, my employer, Siemens AG, was 100% using me as a blackmail object enable to get the project, where they set me on it in around July 1978 where it was in the planning and negotiation first phase, then they get the project thanks for them misusing me and turning my life ever since into hell.


This is the type of jobs that some persons with telepathy receive in Saudi Arabia and get paid for it to become Millionaires. But also, in Washington D.C. to help cover up for and protect some politicians while others also in Washington D.C. are being paid to attack the politicians with telepathy and force them to do or say wrong things, which I saw countless times with the current US president Donald Trump, but also saw it but did not understand it at that time by ex-USA presidents George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. Others were paid to enslave others as these criminals enslaved me several times in my life using women such as Anita Disbray (on 20.08.1970 by CIA + MI6 + US Military in Germany), Renee Zielske (1978/79 by Siemens AG to force me to leave the church and entire city where I became Christian and I totally fill in love with the church, because they were nice people, very unfortunately they had a couple English royalties or their hidden American relatives in between them pretending to be Germans), 29.03.1981 Adelheid Kuczka (I am not positive, but my best guess is BND + CIA + MI6 with the intention to destroy my life in Germany, which they did), 24.12.1984 the bitch and disgusting whore Najlaa Mahmoud (by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family + the hidden slaves that approved the project calypso Ronald Reagan + his vice president George H. W. Bush where they then kidnapped me in September 1986  from Germany to USA to prevent me of ever leaving this piece of human trash and her disgusting equally trash family called Najlaa Mahmoud by forcing me to concentrate on surviving and forget the disgusting excess baggage that these criminals psychopaths forced upon me in Germany, because if I stayed in Germany most definitely I would have been able to escape this bitch, but I was being forced by the evil CIA + the Bush family to stay where they want me to be and do what these psychopaths forced me to live as an illegal alien in Houston, Texas where the organized crime family called Bush and their relatives the English royalties and Aramco had me totally under their control with the help of their hidden relative the Rockefeller family with their brainwash and mass murderers companies such as Chevron and Exxon) June 1999 and until 1 March 2016 I was mainly locked up between jails, prisons, refugee camps and in the brainwash and very destructive villages that tortured the life out of me, which are Dokkum, Bellingwolde, Bellingwedde (=Westerwolde), Winschoten (OLDAMBT), Scheemda and Veendam. Every one of these criminals was bribed in one way or another including these mass murders mentioned US presidents and English royal family (or families) members!


This is a message to real Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Buddhist and other religions or even atheists: Do not listen to these criminals especially in the news that are mainly controlled by the English royal families such as CNN, ABC, BBC, Fox news and other: Christian are not bad people, Muslims are not bad people and most definitely are not terrorists, Jewish are not bad people and their ten commandments is the prove, Hindu are not bad people, Buddhist are not bad people, even atheists are not bad people, we have been played against each other’s to enrich these criminal moral-less persons I am complaining about.


Jewish, Kurds, Muslims and Hindus are doomed by the English royalties!

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…)

I wrote enough about Muslims, Jewish and Kurds that were 100% misused against me as distraction of the very destructive English royalties, their hidden American relatives, their brainwash and destruction tool organization called the Freemasons as well other allies.


Yet I have to say that all four groups Jewish, Kurds, Muslims and Hindus are doomed through the English royalties because some of them are rebelling against them, which started by Jewish, continued by Hindu, Muslims, Kurds and many others that are being severely attacked by the English royalties, such as through their evil relatives in USA such as what Donald Trump did to them in cooperation with the Turkish government in December 2019. But also the English royalties attack many other countries to enslave them in the EU and even the EU itself through Brexit but also China through Hong Kong and Yemen through Saudi Arabia, now Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and soon to be Iran, and when I look at my own life which it started after these criminal caused me a total Amnesia on 10/11 January 1960 and took me by force of kidnapping to Cairo, Egypt after they falsified my identity to Syrian, and here where my life started as an 8 years old that was just born as an 8 years old with the brain of 1 day baby, therefore I was able to look at life through different eyes than a real 8 years old and continued to look at life through different eyes than most people and I did not know why, but now I know, and what I saw starting 1960 in Egypt is brutal because Egypt was through and through controlled by English royal family members and their allies and the Egyptians, that were at that time 20 Million persons, had no chance against these destructors and thieves of life, how can I have a chance as an 8 years old, or later ad 17 years old controlled by punch of cowards such as the CIA, MI6, BND and the American military starting 1970, and later again and again and until today, where I am being regularly attacked and tortured with telepathy and almost on a daily basis even today in December 2019/January 2020, and so also the Jewish, Kurds, Muslims and Hindus are severely suffering under these cowardly attacks, yet they think it is normal and it is through sickness of their selves, but it is not, it is cowardly telepathy attacks organized by the English royalties and their destruction machine called the freemasons as they did to me, and even I am severely suffering even today, yet and comparing to the Jewish, Kurds, Muslims, Hindus and many others, I am lucky because I know who is doing that to me, which is most definitely not me, I am not persecuting myself, kidnapping myself as an 8 years old and re-brainwashing myself, raping myself, torturing myself and repeating the process over and over again and then locking up myself for nearly 14 years between USA, Netherlands and Germany in countless refugee camps, jails and prisons also in countless cities and villages. If the evil English royalties plus the government of USA + Netherlands + Germany have an application so I may go through my life again as these criminals forced upon me, then I will tear the application and give back to them enable they can suck on it, chew it and to stick it up where the sun does not shine!


Destructive incidents through Christian Catholic’s institutions in my life

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…)


Here I will list all my interactions with Christians prior to forcing me to apply for political asylum in Germany roughly on 16/17 January 1970, which was a long-term setup to isolate me and prevent me to leave Germany and go and visit members of my fake family in the Middle East and else were in Europe, such as in the UK and Switzerland, and this set up was organized by an organization called Caritas owned by the Catholic Church and was founded by a German Catholic Priest in Germany in around 1897 of Germany.

In short, I will list all my knowledge about Christianity until 1970, which is very little and then my experience only with the Catholic church!

Prior to 10/11 January 1960 They caused me a total Amnesia and forced upon me a few fake memories, around 30-40. Therefore, I had no memory what so ever of any Christianity, and a hand full of memories about me, and of them one memory about Muslims and one memory about Jewish, which very much indicates someone tried hard to hide Christianity of me or of anyone who has telepathy and can read my mind in the future!

15 January 1960 until 10.10.1969/15 January 1970 in Cairo, Egypt. On 15 January 1960 I was taken to Cairo Egypt with fake Syrian identity. Here I will place only my experience with Christians in that period as follow:

1.                Spring or end of summer 1960 I was placed in a school, where I made friends with another student of my class grade 1 and named Sameh, and my fake mother that pretended to be Muslim went to school and requested that they remove me of the class of Sameh and that she does not want me to interact with Christians because we are allegedly strict Muslims, which was a lie to show as if we are Muslims. Thereafter I had a couple of interactions with Christians as mentioned follow. This incident is described in more details else where.

2.                1960, the Egyptian Kopti/Gupti/Gupta-Christian Sameh as mentioned above

3.                1966, in Amman, Jordan and during my summer vacation by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier had her alleged best friend was a Lebanese Christian woman named Ablaa Khori/Chori (Khori means priest)

4.                1966, in Amman, Jordan and during the same summer vacation as mentioned above by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and her husband named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier, his best friend was a Christian family from Tripoli, Lebanon named Joseph Azra/Azrah//Azrat/Azrath and his wife named Hind Azrah that had I believe 1-2 children under 5 years old, and his wife (birth name unknown to me) had a sister named Margo (around 16 years old), a brother named Elias that was a petroleum Engineer just south of Tripoli. Lebanon and another brother that was roughly my age and I forgot his name. As I visited them in 1966 in Tripoli, Lebanon (during the same 3 months summer vacation), they performed many damaging brainwash situations upon me such as kept on singing a made up song saying Arabs are stupid, Arabs are Sickness and disease and so on, the other brainwash situation they took me for fishing trip at 5 in the morning just south of Tripoli, where they owned a beach cabin, and all of us went in to the sea, I did not swim well (never learned how to), I had some kind of swim helper and we swam around 100-200  meters of the sure and they went diving and said they will be right back, and came back roughly at 8 in the morning, meaning I was alone with the floating device for at least 2 hours, and could not swim back and just stayed there floating where they left me and I was scared to move and I was very cold that my skin start to turn blue and I was shivering , and when they came back they had a couple of small fish and a couple of small octopuses, that today I guess it is easy to  fish with a spear gun/harpoon. Which they had, within at the most 10-30 minutes. What was strange is that they dived without oxygen bottles, therefore I never really understood the situation. No one can dive more than a couple of minutes without breathing, and most definitely not for 1-2 hours, therefore I guess they were possibly doing something illegal such as illegal drugs. And this is especially true because on the same trip they took me to their alleged farm, that was north of Tripoli and high in the mountain, where almost everyone was carrying a rifle, allegedly for hunting, and then took me on this trip. And since the Egyptian authorities were questioning our legitimacy, my guess this trip was to fill my mind with illegal drugs activities to throw off the Egyptian of the CIA + MI6 + English + German royalties that are coming through Jordan and Saudi Arabia with fake Syrian identity. All in all, I liked the trip because I saw many unknown things to me, but I did not question anything until after the years 2000

5.                1967, The neighbor that lived above my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, her neighbors name was Nadia and was Christian and was married to an Egyptian Army officer, I think at that time he was rank Major. Through the neighbor we were invited to a Christian wedding in a nearby church opposite the Heliopolis hospital

6.                I strongly believe there were many other Christians that pretended to be Muslims, yet they are not real Christians because they are lairs, deceivers and brainwashers, and USA and Europe and else were are full of these kind of criminals, just like the Mafia, they perform crimes all week long, and then go on Sunday to the church to show as if they are good Christians and ask the priest to bless them after they donate a few hundred or a few thousand Dollars that they stole of others during the week, and this is my fake and most probably also my biological family behavior!

7.                Until this point of time on 15 January 1970 I learned that there is Islam, Judaism and Christianity, yet I did not know what they mean and did not know that there are many different Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions or splitting’s!


15 January 1970 until September 1970 in Germany. On roughly 16/17 January 1970 I was forced to apply for political asylum as mean of hidden slavery and to prevent me to travel or even move freely, and this after they set me up severely and made me look like as if I am related to terrorism, illegal drugs, currency falsifier, related to hidden escaped Nazis and organized crime families such as the Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Malas, Khayat, Baroudi and other evil families, while some of them pretended repeatedly to be originated from Russia or elsewhere from the ex-Soviet Union. The initial political asylum interview during submitting my application was around one hour and the police brought a Palestinian translator, because I spoke only Arabic and not even good enough as I should have if I learned Arabic since birth, but I was kidnapped on or prior to 10/11 January 1960 and placed within a fake family that pretended to be my family since birth, which is absolutely impossible, and this only based on their evil behavior towards me.


The German government assigned me an attorney through an organization called Caritas (owned by the Catholic church), which means today and based on google and Oxford dictionary: Caritas means “Christian love of humankind and/or charity”, yet at that time I had no idea what it meant and who is running it.


This attorney helped me to be locked up for 7 years as a refugee without a status under the pretention that my political asylum is still under review for 7 years, where the authorities issues a piece of paper for me that states that I have applied for political asylum in January 1970 and my case is still under review, and this piece of paper is valid only for 2-3 months and then I have to renew it every 2-3 months until summer 1976, where the Bavarian and German governments set me up again, which I will skip for now. Also, on this piece of paper it says that I may work if I have work permit, that I had to apply for separately, and without this piece of paper I could never get a work permit. Work permit in my evil life means survive, nothing more or less, if I do not have work permit, I cannot work, and if I cannot work I cannot pay for housing, clothing, food and other necessities and that is a very mean brainwash tool/strategy that lasted 7 years, therefore my work permit was also always stating it is only valid if I have an authorization of the German government to work=catch 22!


In end of 1975 I was setup to become Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim around 20 km north of Munich, Germany, and this setup it took around 6 months until I was baptized on Easter Sunday 1976. From January 1976 and until April 1976, the pastor named Herbert Lange was coming to my apartment 1-2 times a week for 1-2 hours and teaching me Christianity, and therewith and for the first time I understood what Christianity meant and also started to understand what Judaism and Islam meant and what religion in general means in our lives, but I was severely attacked with telepathy and many other severe setups among others that the dentist gave me a wrong diagnoses as mean of torture and literally tortured my life for 3-4 month and this on a biweekly basis, the detail of this torture is mentioned elsewhere!


From January 1976 and until approximately summer 1978, I read countless religious books, among others the followings:

1.                  The bible in a Martin Luther translation, in German

2.                  The bible of the Catholic church, in German

3.                  The Bible of the Mormons, in English

4.                  The Bible of the Jehovah Witnesses, in English

5.                  Parts of an English Bible

6.                  Parts of an Arabic Bible

7.                  The Quran for comparison in Arabic

8.                  The Quran for comparison in English

9.                  Other religious literatures, maybe 20, some read only partially

10.             Read many German non-religious books

11.             Read a lot in newly purchased for nearly 3 Thousand German mark encyclopedia from Bertelsmann publishing (one of the largest 6 publishers in the world) and looked up everything that I read in the religious books and the other books that I did not understand or did not know


All these books I lost because the evil CIA + FBI + ARAMCO + BP-British Petroleum + My fake family + my unknown to me (yet) biological family persecuted me to death with telepathy and other very destructive means between Summer 1999 and summer 2000 that I just wanted to escape the entire evil country called USA. Calling USA “Evil country USA” is the brainwash that these criminals performed upon me to force me to run and voluntarily leave USA as a mean to separate me of my fake son and their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under on 24.12.1984, and during this run I was forced to lose every single thing that I owned and was able to take with me from Germany as these criminal kidnapped me in September 1986, and therewith I lost things that I had partially for over 32 years, including all my photos and educational certificates that I cannot retrieve or replace anymore!


Back to Germany and becoming Christian. I was heavily engaged in the church, where I also worked part-time, above all I really loved it being member of that church or a church, not understanding the big picture. The reason I loved it because the people were average people. No snobs, I believed in the Bible and above all in the New Testament and I thought everyone around me believe the same, and if they believe in it, then they would do the same, and not lie, deceive and other negative characteristics, very unfortunately and partially I was wrong!


Also, I went to many church courses that were priceless or invaluable that taught me many things such as to be very observant and to question everything, even the bible itself!!!


Other activities that I performed with others was the so-called bible study, where a group of people meet and discuss the bible, and we extended that and met with other groups of the Catholic church and again extended that and added Muslims group. And that was the second time that I get directly involved with Catholics.


I also get to know a man and a woman that were married, she was Evangelical pastor, and her husband was catholic Priest but had to leave the Priesthood and as far as I recall then he became a teacher of theology. Today I know that a catholic priest needs a special permission from the Pope to get married, at that time I did not know that.


From end of summer 1973 and for one year and until summer 1974 I went to school to study computer analysis and programming. Very unfortunately I was not able to get a job in the IT sector, or I was prevented to, my guess I was prevented to, but I will skip the reasons why I think so. So I worked in cleaning cars at a new car transportation company called Kuhnwaldt and in a department store called Neckermann, during which I was setup by my evil fake and biological families to become Christian to have an official reason to persecute me because they pretended to be Muslims.


In 1978 I placed ads in the newspaper that I am looking for an IT job, during which I also looked in several newspapers for an IT job, whereby I studied mainframe programming and completed it in 1974, yet I did not find a job and gave up. Today I know the whore agent that the CIA + MI6 enslaved me under had telepathy and prevented me to advance while totally isolating me of others among others by systematically destroying my relationships with others. I found a job listing at Siemens AG and wrote them, and they wrote me back that I am not suitable for the job because I do not have experience and I was disappointed and told Pastor Herbert Lange, that in the meantime become my friend, neighbor and boss in my part-time job at the church, then he told me that he has a friend working as a manager of a computer center at Siemens AG and he can arrange for me for an interview and I accepted.


In roughly January 1978 I went for an IT Job Interview as a programmer at Siemens AG in Hofmann Street, the interviewer was allegedly an ex-Catholic priest that laid down his priest hood and went to work in the free market. I did not get the gob, because he needed more experience. And should have been my first hint that Siemens AG and possibly also pastor Herbert Lange that I strongly relate to ex-USA president George H. W. Bush was trying hard to remove me of the church, but I did not see it like that at that time, I thought it was all coincident. As if someone wanted to tell me “why do you want to become a pastor, the pastors do not want to stay pastors. And this is especially true because I went a couple of months earlier for an interview to become a pastor, but I was refused with the reasoning that I do not have enough professional  experience which is allegedly the basic requirement before I can study become pastor. And now I meet 2 Catholic Priests, that I met within short period, and both stopped being Priests (=pastor) ??!!.


The last 2 major situations with the catholic church around my life are as follow:

1.                Catholic is the official state religion in the state of Bavaria, where I lived in its capital Munich from 1970 and until these criminals kidnapped me in September 1986 to USA

2.                I was setup to become Christian, and who ever set me up to become Christian, could have been Catholic, because he/she prevented me of becoming catholic, and this is why: in November 1975 I went to an expensive attorney’s office called Rolf Bossi, and I complaint to him that I am refugee since January 1970 and still under review and my current attorney is from the organization Caritas (Catholic) and I asked him for help. To make it short he said the only thing I can do is change my religion, go to church get baptized and get the baptize certificate and he will get me approved as a refugee, and the nearest church to my housing at St. Benedikt street number 1 in the city of Unterschleissheim at that time was around 800 meters and it was catholic church, yet from my point of view at that time there was no difference because I did not see any difference between the various Christian churches and I did not know any difference between the various Christians splitting, and did not even understand these splitting or did not even know of them, yet I walked past this Catholic church that is half way between my housing and the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany and went to this 2 km far church and asked to become Christian=someone did not want me to become Catholic and when I add to that I had no memory whatsoever of Christianity in my life prior to summer 1960 and did not even know what religion is, and when I consider that members of my fake family are all organized crime families and originated from UK, Germany and USA and are also Christian and that I am living in the Bavarian state in Germany and the main state religion there is Catholic, in 1970s was over 66% and in 1930s was over 70%, now and based on Wikipedia ( it is nearly 60% Catholics in Bavaria


Maybe I am mistaken and those who did not want me to become Catholic Christian is because they hate Catholic church and want to use it as distraction of Evangelical, Anglican or Baptist or Methodist church. Or maybe they want me to be where they have more control such as in the Evangelical Lutheran church. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure the company Siemens AG is Bavarian company, was the biggest employer in Bavaria after the government, and in 1980s it was the biggest business employer in Germany and it is supporter of the catholic church and they set me up countless times very destructively in that they used me to blackmail members of my fake family that pretended to be Syrians, yet they were British, Americans and Germans living in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Kuwait, Oman while simultaneously being members of the royal families of these countries.


The state of Bavaria is Catholic, and they performed many very destructive actions against me, if I list only one line per situation, then I would need several pages to list them all. Which starts by forcing me to be political asylum applicant for 7 years, setting me up to be brainwashed and enslaved in the American military base McGraw kaserne, setting me up to lose my German status as an Political asylum applicant, setting me up to have no permanent residence permit, setting on me their agent named Adelheid Kuczka as distraction of the Evangelical Lutheran church where I was baptized, setting me up to be brainwashed and enslaved through the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 + Siemens + Syrian military intelligence + some members of my fake family, allowing me being kidnapped from Germany to USA where I was forced to be illegal alien = locked up for 15 years, helping the Dutch government in re-brainwashing me and locking me up from 2001 and until 2013, separating me of my fake son whereby I did not know he was not my son at that time, covering up for my fake son, covering up for the British evil royal family around my life in the Middle East, covering up for many hidden escaped Nazis that were around my life in the Middle East and many more.


Not to mention that I was set up to meet Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka that directly tried hard to distract me and keep me away of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, while also severely contributed in kidnapping me from German to USA, she did not plan it, yet, I believe, and very unfortunately, she was an agent and was ordered to do that, for more information about these setups see the page “Thank you” under the section Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka. However, and what is very important here, is that Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka claimed to have been neglected by her mother and placed in a catholic orphanage in Bavaria somewhere. Today and since I believe that she was an agent, yet I have no prove for that except her behavior and how I met her through another agent that pretended to be my friend named Mohamad Attar that was seton me by the American military and the CIA sometimes between 1970 and 1971 at the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich where I was forced to live there for a brainwash and where these criminals enslaved me under one of their agents named Anita Disbray; what I am trying to say is and since Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka was an agent set on me, agents always lie and therefore I do not know what was true and what was a lie of all the things that she told me, such as she was raised in a Catholic orphanage, yet now she is allegedly a protestant or Evangelical Lutheran = contradicting herself and her stories, one thing I learned of all these women agents that were set on me between 1968 and 2000, which were nearly 20, most of them were within the American military base and only as a preparation to enslave me under the agent Anita Disbray, yet out after the military base or better said after the wore agent Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977, they set on me the following women: Anita Disbray, Renee Zielske, Adelheid Kuczka, Najlaa Mahmoud and Vilma Bonnilla, and all of them had at least one thing in common, they tell me a story about their selves to make me feel sorry for them, such as her father steal her money, her boyfriend does not want to help with the new born and escape the entire country, her mother placed her in orphanage, her family forced her to marry when she was 13 and had to escape her vicious husband and his whore mother when she was 20, her husband left her with the 2 kids and never heard of him thereafter and had to do anything just to survive, and so on, all these mentioned women were set on me, and I was enslaved by force of brainwash and telepathy under the control of 2 of them, which are Anita Disbray and Najlaa Mahmoud, yet I have a strong suspicion that the others had telepathy, and don’t you think for a second that all persons with telepathy live always in luxury, many of them have double identities and one of them poor, and taking the story of Jesus Christ as an example so no one can suspect them, they may be only a few, who do that, yet several do it.


Last but not least, and this is the last man-made setup situation with catholic in my life that I noticed and can recall which was between end of 1999 and begin 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA. This is a brainwash situation that was meant to help the whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 and blamed it on the Syrians but also to help separating me of my fake son that these criminals forced upon me and forced me to think it is my biological son. The incident: I was forced out of my housing at 10350 stancliff park apartments in Houston, Texas, USA and the FBI or CIA or BP-British Petroleum or ARAMCO or all together were all over my life using their very destructive persecution strategy called Operation Chock, where they chock the life of their victim by creating countless problems for the victim, during which they also close all the doors in a person’s/company’s life and force it to go through only one door that these criminal leave open, in my case to force me to leave USA, and one of the chock they used was another poor woman named Vilma Bonilla, she was allegedly divorced, had 2 children named Elizabeth and Julio at that time both under 10 years old and was allegedly living with the mother of her divorced husband (!!??). I was setup to lose my apartment and live in a specific motel that they had control over, which was named Sun Suite hotel on Sam Houston parkway near Westheimer Road. I was forced to move to it on 10.10.1999, which is my official birthday (!!). Mrs. Vilma Bonilla was working there for only a couple of days in November 1999, which very much means they hired her for this purpose only. She was cleaning the rooms, to make it short, I had sex with her, which seemed to me as if I had sex with something beautiful out of this world, which was due to a severe brainwash and this is why: I was enslaved under a woman named Najlaa Mahmoud, she had 2 lookalike one of them is a whore CIA/MI6 agent (actually all 3 of them were CIA + MI6 whore) and is working as a hired actress to play the role of a higher up member of the government or the wife of a king or a ruler of one of these evil countries: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Oman or Jordan which are the countries where members of my fake family are located under different identity as I know them as fake Syrian. The other woman is a very disgusting woman from one of the countries mentioned, they all look almost identical, 1-3 of them had telepathy and prevented me to understand the situation. The last one that was in my life was the absolute disgusting and filthy one, that makes me want to puke when I think of her, she was filthy, unhygienic, ignorant and absolutely arrogant and all of them pretended as if I am in control and suppressing them, which is the pattern with these CIA+ MI6 whores. The last one, sex with her was more like torture than sex, because her body does not do it, I will leave it at that and I will skip the details, yet when I had sex with Vilma Bonilla there was no pain in the sex but rather joy and that made my mind go crazy or better said gave those evil persons with telepathy a goal to use against me and to force my mind to repeatedly compare the sex with the 2 women, because at the begin I did not question why the sex with the one is joy and with the other pain and disgusting. Sorry for the details, but brainwash is something filthy and every small detail is important. That was the sex section. But it did not stop there, they forced upon me many situations with Mrs. Vilma Bonilla that was forced to remind me with Germany, with my ex-German Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, and even within the American military base and remind me with the woman that the evil CIA + MI6 enslaved me under on 20 August 1970 until September 1977 and is named Anita Disbray. The majority of these situations were from within the American military base McGraw kaserne between March 1970 and roughly summer 1972, which 100% point to the evil CIA + MI6 + my fake Brother, because no one can know all these details except whoever was controlling my life, which was the CIA + MI6 + the lookalike of my fake brother that was also forced upon my life by the CIA + MI6 during that period of time starting March 1970, but also created situation to remind me with my employment at BMW, Siemens AG, the Church, and last but not least the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project Calypso.


Summary of other situations with Mrs. Vilma Bonilla as followings:

1.                She was allegedly from Honduras and was 32 years old in 1999, while had a younger sister studying in El-Salvador

2.                She was living with a woman that she claimed her to be her ex-mother-in-law, meaning the mother of her ex-husband, whatever that meant, it must have meant something, but I did not understand it, or she really did, which is most strange to me to live with the mother of ex-husband!!

3.                She had a green card

4.                Her birthday allegedly is on 17.10.1968 just like my birthday just a different year that these criminals claimed had to change it to 10.10, and that cannot be coincident in this situation

5.                She kept on telling me what are you doing here in USA, you look to me like as if you are in exile, last I saw her briefly in summer 2000 she was pregnant, and here too, some evil person with telepathy kept on pushing me to go and see her, just to make me see that she is pregnant, and to force me to think she is pregnant of me, for all I know she had a pillow under her blouse, this was to force me to think I am being rejected even I have a child of her = destruction of my self-confidence, these people are criminal by professional and are expert in brainwash strategies and their steps !!

6.                She was catholic and used to go to the Catholic church on Westheimer and near Sam Houston Parkway, which was around 100 meters behind of the motel I was forced to live in !!!

7.                The church she used to allegedly go to was named “Saint Cyril of Alexandria Church”, which was meant to remind me of Alexandria and possibly my twin/triplet or lookalike sister that I met through a setup of blackmail in 1967 on a cruise ship trip of one week in the Red Sea

8.                She had eyes similar to mine, I have a very light brown mixed with either green or with green + blue, her eyes were just very light-colored brown possibly with a hint of green or blue

9.                And others


In short she was 100% set on me by the evil CIA that would hire actors and actresses to play the role of a ruler and his wife, such as is the case in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Jordan, and they hide their children and often use other children as their fake children, and one of these children was forced upon my life in 1986 in Germany and I was brainwashed and forced to believe it is my biological son, but 100% it was not and I have the best witness ever that would testify any times for it, which is my DNA and it was created by God or if you prefer was created by nature but not by human beings, it was however discovered by human beings and it can the result of a DNA test can be falsified by criminals!!


Then I was set up to be imprisoned in Houston, Texas starting July 2000 and deported to allegedly Syria, where then these criminals brought me to the Netherlands as a mean of most destructive re-brainwash and all in all nearly 14 years lockup, and here is why:

1.                I found myself again and for the fourth time as a refugee, first was Egypt in 1961, then it was Germany in January 1970, then it was USA in September 1986 and now again in February 2001 in the Netherlands

2.                I found myself in a country I do not speak its language, again = brainwash

3.                I found myself in a country I do not know anyone as distraction of my evil fake family that kidnapped me the first time on or before 10/11 January 1960, again = brainwash

4.                I am being severely brainwashed and uninterrupted relocated, nearly more than 40 times if not more, and this between 10.10.1999 and 1 March 2016, again = brainwash

5.                I am being locked up officially from July 2000 and until June 2012, in reality it started when the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 (or actually since I started to work on their evil and illegal project called Calypso, where they severely and very destructively brainwashed me from January 1984 and until 24.12.1984) and until 1 march 2016 as I relocated voluntarily to the city of Den Haag/the Hague, where and until this point I was not able to do anything of what I want and I was being severely persecuted and tortured mentally as well as physically

6.                I am not allowed to work since these criminals forced me out of my housing in Houston Texas, which was on 10.10.1999, with 2 short exceptions, that were 100% planned by the FBI or CIA, and both these exceptions were between November 1999 and June 2000, one for roughly 6-8 weeks and the other was 6 weeks at Compaq Corporation head quarter in Houston, Texas which is now closed after HP purchased Compaq

7.                As a planned side effect, I lost all my belonging, including all the fake photos they gave me but also real photos with members of my fake family

8.                Performed many very destructive brainwash setups to force me to hate the church and Arabs, and Muslims and Jewish because they forced me to blame everything on them

9.                And others


Summary of major negative or even destructive setups through the Catholics church and their interaction in my life:

1.                  1965/66, Cairo, Egypt My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Nagger was added to my life and was placed in a private catholic school named San George while I was forced to be in a very bad public school called Al-Tabari

2.                  1967, Cairo, Egypt. My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi took me on a 7 days sea cruise in the Red Sea, which I strongly suspect to have been a blackmail tour or it was a distraction tour of the English royalties, because I strongly suspect that young lady named Leila that I was forced to meet on this tour to have been possibly my twin/triplet sister. She was in a private Catholic school in Alexandria, very unfortunately I forgot her last name and the name of the school

3.                  1970-1987 Was forced to live in Munich, Bavaria, Germany, where Catholics is the official state religion in the state of Bavaria, while I was forced to be locked up in Bavaria as a political asylum refugee under review for 7 years to prevent me of visiting my fake family in the Middle East

4.                  1970-1977 I was setup and forced to be indefinite asylum applicant in Munich Germany, which means I had to wait for my asylum application to be approved, and was never approved and this due my attorney did not want me to succeed and he was provided to me through the Catholic organization called Caritas

5.                  November 1975-January 1976 I was setup to become Christian among others by forcing me to go to an attorney office named Rolf Bossi, where I complained to him that I am still since January 1970 as unapproved asylum applicant and waiting to be approved. He gave me one alternative to become approved, he said change you religion to Christian, yet there was other alternatives and he on purpose hid them of me, which were file an official complaint or apply to get a residence permit as member of the EWG (ECC-European Economic Community) because I was officially married to an English woman and England was member of the ECC. Rolf Bossi did not directly help me, but rather one of his several other attorneys working for him (unfortunately I forgot his name), yet today I know that I was setup through Rolf Bossi himself. He was Catholic, most probably he was a Freemason, whereby the Freemasons were ones of the conspirators of kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960

6.                  1977, get to know a Catholic priest married to a woman that was an evangelical pastor, and he lost his job due to being married to this woman, whereby this point and the next point possibly were to force my mind to think: why do you want to be an Evangelical pastor when the priests want to leave the church!

7.                  January 1978. Interview by Siemens AG in Hoffmann Street, Munich with an ex-Catholic priest that now is the manager of  the computer center at this location as mentioned above

8.                  End of March 1981. Set on me a woman that I fell in love with and was named Adelheid Kuczka, that I strongly suspect to have been an agent of some kind. Her goal or duty was to distract me of the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth Church of Unterschleissheim, Germany, and she did that very well. She was allegedly raised in a catholic orphanage!!!??

9.                  In 1980s I was severely persecuted by the evil hidden Jordanian royal family such as the Bdeir/Budier family, Abokurah family and Malas families and they cooperated with the CIA + MI6 to brainwash me, enslave me under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me to USA while pretending to be doing all that because I allegedly became Christian, and in particular May Abokurah alias May ??? (her marriage name) she is married to an ex-Iraqi royalty named Khalid last name forgotten and her evil mother that pretended to be my sister named Afrah Najar alias Moni Najar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Moni Najjar, and her 5 children, where they live officially in Washington D.C. and the surrounding areas building a network of destruction as these criminals did to me to control politicians and help both president Bush and now Donald Trump, and the some of the democrats that are also working for the English royalties and their control organization called Freemason, while these families were helping the MI6 brainwashing people using telepathy and in particular government members and therewith they are helping the hidden English royalties (as a hand full out of literally thousands) in controlling the US government from the back ground. One of these 5 is named Ghasan Abokurah and was studying engineering at the Catholic university of Washington D.C., while the Abokurah owns not only an Islamic School called Educational college of Amman, but also have control over the Jordanian universities. And since his father I believe is a German origin that also studied engineering in Germany and in the city Koln/Koeln/Cologne where also my fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi went to university, then I ask myself why didn’t his father send him to Germany to Study just like his other hidden cousins from the Malas family were studying in Munich in 1970 and also their younger brothers in 1982, I have only one answer, it was planned that they help controlling some government members and from the background using telepathy, anything else is a lie, PERIOD.

10.             November 1999 to January 2000 Was setup with a woman named Vilma Bonilla as a mean of brainwash and she was catholic and member of the “Saint Cyril of Alexandria Church” on Westheimer Road, Houston, Texas

11.             2002-2006 I was repeatedly setup and forced to leave the refugee camps in Netherlands and go to Germany illegally, where I was always arrested and locked up, and this through a catholic government of Bavaria, and this went on for several years and until August 2006

12.             December 2004 to April 2005, where I went to visit my Fake son in the alleged refugee camp in “Neu Burg an Der Donau” in Germany. Until then I did not know that he was not my son but rather is a lookalike of my fake son that was set on me on 27 December 2002 in the refugee camp Ter Apel in the Netherlands as a mean to use him to get me to talk about my past and warn him of my fake family as distraction of the CIA + MI6 + English Royal family + ex-German Royal family around my life between 1960-1986. He was in one way or another working with the authority against me the situation below is one of the proves. I was sleeping in his alleged refugee room as the police came at 6 in the morning and only to his room to arrest only me, which point to that he called the police, or they conspired together. Then they locked me up on the prison in the same city, just a few hundred meters of the refugee camp. During this lockup I was severely brainwashed, among others a Catholic priest, I think his name was Wolf something, he was allegedly an ex-Air Force officer and Pilot and then became priest and allegedly received a special approval of the pope to become a priest because he was already married. He was coming to visit the prisoners at least once a week, during which he was allowed to take some of the prisoner to a special gathering room and to discuss with us all kind of subjects. He was a very nice man and very generous with all of us. Yet what was 100% strange about him, is that he looked almost identical to 2 persons of my fake family, one was my fake uncle named Mamdoh Baroudi he was living between Saudi Arabia and other countries (had brown eyes, yet strong look similarities with the priest Wolf). The other one is called Jameel Baroudi (blue eyes) a cousin of Mamdoh Baroudi and my fake mother, that was either of the ex-German royalties or of the English royalties and was living between Saudi Arabia and Egypt, he had 5 daughters and one of them was the very famous Egyptian actress named Shams Baroudi. I was stunt to the look similarities between this priest and the 2 persons mentioned of my fake family, however, and after the year 2008 I started to think about it and realized that he was on purpose there to get my attention that some members of my fake family are hidden escaped Nazi, or possibly they are English royalties and the Hidden Escaped Nazis was forced upon me as distraction of the evil English royalties that today I have no doubt in my mind that they are also my biological family and kidnapped me and placed me with this fake family that in the hidden is related to them. Therewith another Catholic interaction of my life and it shows that this was no coincident and it was planned that I go to visit the lookalike of my fake son that was forced upon me on 27 December 2002 in the refugee camp in Netherlands and did not recognize him as a fake person, and therewith they forced me to visit him enable they can arrest me and place me in a controlled environment to show me whatever they want and force upon me whatever brainwash they want. And above all and on the same trip in this city and while I was visiting my fake son and before they arrested me, my fake son took me to the library in that city and brought some books with photos of the royal families of the Benelux countries (Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg) and kept on telling me look, they look so much like you, just to force me to attack these families, which and very unfortunately I did. And there with the last major incident of the catholic church was very destructive. The question, why would the catholic church and the Bavarian government do all that to me, where I really loved Germany and in particular Bavaria and Munich and above all I really loved the church in general, because I loved what I learned of the New Testament, because I had no logic prior to that, and suddenly and through the New Testament I had a logic, which is what to do in certain situations, in other words dictating me what to do, yet and in my case I rather be Christian than live by eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth and the any other dictation like it is in the Old Testament and in the Quran, which it will always work for the benefit only of the royal families that invented it!


Each of the above points in the summaries of Catholic church involvement in my life is not a small thing, they are all very, very big issues and very damaging to me and my life, as a result today I am 68 years old and living isolated and trying to understand the hidden slavery of my own life and why I was pushed into it, and I found many reasons, yet each time I find a solid reason based on facts of my past, I discover that it was only a mind trap and decoy situation as distraction of something else, until I believe to have figured it out that I was most probably kidnapped sometimes between February and Summer of or even 10 or 17 October 1952, and that is why they marked me on my upper leg, possibly not to differentiate me of a twin or a triplet, but rather to recognize me as I grow up, and possibly I have no twin or triplet, and that was only a mind trap and brainwash that was forced upon me through many brainwash situations as well as in my fake memory from prior to 10/11 January 1960 that I did not understand until  after the year 2000, and today I recognize that it was a mind trap and distraction of something else and this is what these fake memories were: I had in my memory a house of neighbors allegedly in Damascus Syria and these neighbors were allegedly living 100 meters of our house and next to the house of my fake aunt named Eftikar Kheir (her official children are evil children, officially she has 6, I get to meet 3 of them in real life between Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Munich, and their names are “Fatina Kheir”, “Faihaa Kheir” and Farhat Kheir and based on my knowledge they are also living in Saudi Arabia, Oman and UAE), and these neighbors had 2 sons one is called Nashaat as my fake brother and the other is named Nuzhat as me. And after 2000 I was forced to remember these fake memories as an alleged hint that I have a twin. On the other side maybe, some evil person forced this fake memory on me after the year 2000 and forced me to think it is an old memory, which persons with telepathy can very unfortunately also do that, especially to persosn that are very stressed or even have PTS, as I was forced to have between July 1999 and 2014 or even 2016 to possibly blame a non-existing person (twin or triplet) for all the hidden slavery of my life. One thing is for sure, my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that I last saw in around summer 1968 or a few month earlier, was 100% replaced in September 1970 and within the concentrated evil American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich where they held me for a long and very destructive brainwash while enslaving me under the CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray from 20 August 1970 to September 1977, where she totally isolated me and prevented me to advance in life during which they also severely brainwashed me and added new look alike of my brother, sister and mother, and used telepathy to force me to think that these are the same persons as from Cairo, Egypt and after a few days or even a few hours, the mind get used to these forced telepathy thoughts that this is my family from before and will get comfortable with these forced upon me lies  and will never try to contact them under their last known to me address in Cairo, Egypt or even talk about them with others. Yet and since 1 March 2016 I am in Den Haag/The Hague and reanalyzing almost everything of my life, because I discovered a lot of paradoxes in my own memory and the facts of my life, and through these new analysis at least my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias later Mohamad Nashaat Nagger and alias later Nick Naggar + my fake sister named Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar are 100% not the same persons as those that were around my life in Cairo, Egypt, among others their facial features as well as their behavior as well as their capabilities are 100% not identical.


And that was my catholic church experience since January 1970.


Very destructive!


Even though and when I look at the Bible and what it contains and why it was really written (based on my own theory as mentioned above) and how many catholic priests are being attacked with telepathy and also forced to rape children to discredit the Catholic church, and this has been going on for the last 500 years if not earlier, which makes the Catholic church one of the most hated religions in our world, and the proof for that is that everyone who hates the catholic church creates his own Christian church denouncing the Catholic church, even though they are using their Bible, as a result we have several hundred Christian splitting of the original, which is the Catholic church.


What did the catholic church do that so many hate them and attack them and set them up, even recently in December 2019, where I saw on TV a woman grapping the hand of the pope and would not let go of it and he had to slap her hands to let him go, which made the pope look not so good as he want to look like, and I watched that video several times until I realized this Asian woman did that on purpose, meaning she was waiting for him and planned to do that to embarrass him.


And this is what the Catholic church did that made every one hate them: they created the New Testament and placed it with the Old Testament and made both to the bible, and that to show the difference and allow the mind of the readers to compare the two testaments, the Old and the New and then choose, while in the New testament they have placed an extensive description of what persons with telepathy can do, which amount to over 80% of the New Testament teaching what persons with telepathy can do with telepathy and how far it can reach and how they can use it destructively or constructively, which is also is addressing those persons with telepathy and show them an alternative way of slavery through telepathy such as several persons did within the New testament, in matter of fact they have situations in the New Testament showing even good priest with telepathy can get carried away and perform injustice!


Despite what the catholic church did to me, yet and under the current circumstances of our all lives, I still believe that without the catholic church, there would have been no New Testament, which is a blessing, because it teaches us how some evil persons with telepathy uses telepathy to enslave people, and that is fact. I wrote several hundred complaint pages, and within these pages describing many telepathy situations, yet they are no match to the New Testament, because I am listing my experience, one person’s experience,  with some very evil persons with telepathy, yet the New testament has been accumulating experience at least since the printing machine was invented in end of the year 1400 and during this period, thousands of priest were working on updating the New testament and using the right words, and a group of priest working in a teamwork can come up with much better descriptions and correct wordings than just me because he can be more objective than me, because I am severely hurt and do not know how to get rid of this pain except in writing it and show the world what some people are really capable of while many of us praise them because we do not really know what they are doing behind the stage but now you too know!


From me to the Catholic church: For the Book I am very thankful, for all the other destructive setups, as mentioned above, through the Catholic church, I really dislike of the Catholic destructive involvement in my life as mentioned above!


But on the other side, the USA, Canada, Australia, China, India, Pakistan, Singapore and many others were not able to withstand the Evilness of the English royalties, how can the Catholic church or even the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim with it is at that time 2000 members withstand them, but also, all the Catholic setups were only meant as distraction of the English royalties and one example of that is the school of my fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashat Nagar alias Nick Nagar, where they placed him in the Highschool called San George in Cairo Egypt, in 1966/67 and allegedly until 1969, meaning Saint George, which very possibly related to all the Saint George institutions in the UK such as the several Saint George hospitals/medical centers and the Saint George Community in the UK, but also the Saint George church of England (closed now) and the several Saint George schools in the UK. Just look it up using Google or Bing!


One last thing I just remembered about the catholic church that shows the possibility that they were framed, in other words the English royalties with their hidden evil soldiers of the CIA + MI6 created situations using Catholics as distractions of their selves while simultaneously making a bad name for the Catholic church and here is the incident:

In July 1998 I was hired to work as a freelance consultant on the project called CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium, which it had several partners among others the US government, UK government, Russian Government, Chevron, later also BP-British petroleum, Oman and others. Siemens AG was also working on this project but and to my knowledge not as a partner but rather as a subcontractor. The company that officially hired me for the job, was called Technomation a 5 man company, a man and his wife and 3-4 employees including myself, his biggest client was Chevron, whereby Chevron was one of the very destructive companies in my life in 1994 also in Houston, Texas. The owner of Technomation was called Mike Brulé and he always insisted to write his last name with accent aigu, which is the little small sign over the e as “é”, and since he over done it each time but never understood it at that time, I thought he was nut, to keep on reminding me how to write his name, later I recognize it that it was one out of thousands other things these criminal did to me during that period as a brainwash strategy and to remind me of Germany, because anyone with telepathy and is monitoring me can see what I think always about and what I dream of and how I behave and what I drink, which was, in the same order as listed, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, Munich, Germany, Europe, tend always to perfection and this is how I learned it in Germany, where many companies criticized me and kept on telling me do it quick and dirty and if it is not broke don’t fix it or it does not have to be perfect, but I was always trying to do the best, last but not least I used to go to the supermarket called Whole Foods (now owned by Amazon) and asked to speak with the manager and then tell him if he give me 20% discount I would buy 1-2 cases of the German beer, where each bottle was between 1.90-2.50 US Dollar and a case had 24 bottles, therewith I always had German bier at home and rarely American beer. Back to the name Mike Brulé and his last name ending with “é” which is similar to Reneé the girlfriend that was forced upon me by Siemens AG in around 1978 to force me to leave the city Unterschleissheim where I was living and where I became Christian and loved the church the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, yet they wanted to remove me of the entire city to keep me away of my new Christian friends, and this Renee Zielske did just that as mentioned elsewhere.


The company Technomation was leasing me to the Engineering company Fluor Daniel in Sugar Land that were contracted to build the petroleum pipelines from Kazakhstan to the Black Sea.


Now to the main point, during this period of time they created and manufactured an incident an incident with my fake son at his public school called Boone Elementary School, on Leawood Blvd. near Bissonnet street in Alief, Houston, Texas, this incident the police went to the school and the school called me and I immediately went to the school and to the headmaster’s office where they held my fake son and the police wanted to question him alone, which is absolutely illegal in USA and elsewhere, especially that my fake son was under age at that time he was officially just under 12 years old, and the police cannot question him alone without his parents and the police forced me to question him alone, and I was furious and called my attorney that was and very unfortunately working with them and set on me in January 1996 especially for this and other occasions and the attorney named William F. Harmeyer said to me on the phone, that the police has the right to question him without his parents which is illegal. Why all this, they claimed that my fake son had a fight with another school student, not that he had a gun or a knife, he claimed he just defended himself, which was allies and had one purpose only to force me to place him in a catholic school.


Back at work on the CPC project and discussed the matter with some colleagues and said I want to remove him of this school and place him in another school, and he suggested the Saint Laurence Catholic School in Sugar Land, Texas, which is another city than Houston, yet only around 8 miles from where I was forced to live on 10350 Lands End Drive in Houston, Texas. Later it turned out that my attorney William F. Harmeyer was also catholic and member of the board in this school and his daughter or son goes also to the same school but in a different branch in Houston.


Conclusion: Where is the humanity and the real multi-track-intelligence?

(Go to Main index) or (Go to index of Misusing religions…)

Jewish were 100% misused, but not only by Nazis, but rather it was started by English royalties in that they enslaved Jewish to use them as slave soldiers and other various types of slaves, and this maybe started much earlier that the year 1500, which led many to take other peaceful majors such as creating the bible to tame these soldiers that were trained since birth or at least childhood to be killers.


The bible that officially was gathered around the year 200 (1800 years ago) consisted of scrolls of announcements, which later was gathered and set together as the bible of the Old Testament that was meant to encourage the enslaved soldiers to go and kill the enemies for God, which was the king’s family. As antidote to the scrolls of war that later became the Old Testament, they created the new testament to tame the soldiers, because many of them  did not want to be soldiers anymore and either escaped or revolted and were free going around unorganized doing what they were forced to learn since birth or childhood, which is kill anyone one that opposes God (the king’s family).


Officially the catholic church gathered many scrolls and selected only a small portion of them and made it to Old Testament and allegedly also to new testament.


In short, the New Testament was reversing the thinking of killing others for God by showing that there is another more powerful God for all human that loves anyone, and we are all brothers, whereby partially it worked. It seems that many parts of the New Testament are originated of some of the many Hindu’s splitting and that would explain why the catholic priests are not allowed to be marry but rather to be monks.


Since the English royalties and other like them made big losses through the New Testament, they created another copycat of India which is Islam Sunni, where they are 100% focused on attacking only those Jewish that believed in the New testament but also attacking the Christians that made the new Testament to tame the soldiers of various Gods (king’s families of several tribes that they named countries.


All the above is theory and are not facts, yet my life and what I seen in life point to that.

Today, Jewish are still being unjustly persecuted because they believe what is in the Old Testament.

Today many Christians are still being unjustly persecuted because they believe in the New Testament.

Today many Muslims are still being unjustly persecuted because they believe in the Quran.

To create confusion between Jewish, Christians and Muslims, many kings’ family imitated the Old Testament, New testament and Quran as a result we have nearly one thousand splitting of these religions. And if I look at the history Jewish were fighting Jewish; Christians were fighting Christians and they are still today.


Based on my knowledge there are various classes between Jewish such as Arab Jewish, English Jewish, African Jewish, Asian Jewish, and South American Jewish and all these Jewish are and from behind the curtains are fighting each other’s, and some of them think of their selves as better, smarter, more knowledgeable, more civilized and more educated then the other Jewish, and this separation in Israel and elsewhere is man made to prevent Jewish to unite their self. It is an evil English royalties and other strategies enable they can use them against each other’s and keep them enslaved even today in 2020 as soldiers in the Middle East and elsewhere to protect their hidden properties such as Saudi Arabia and all neighboring countries, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and so on.


The absolute the same the English royalties and their allies are doing in the Muslim world and creating a barrier between them to not allow them to unite and live-in peace.


And the absolute the same thing they are doing in USA while using the USA as the biggest slavery country, alone the illegal aliens in USA and officially there are a2 Millions, which is not accurate I believe it to be more than 30 Million illegal aliens and all of them live as slaves without rights what so ever just as these criminals did to me in Germany, USA and the Netherlands where they forced me to be a refugee for over 50 years without rights what so ever. On the other side and if you take the 30 million illegal alien out of the USA population, then there is roughly 320 Million Americans and legal aliens, and at least 50% of these people are living in slavery and they do not know it because they get used to it; how do I know that? Because I was forced to live there as an illegal alien and saw how legal and illegal aliens and Americans lives, the majority of Americans work 12-16 hours per 6-7 days per week just to be able to make between 1000 and 2000 US Dollars per month enable to feed their families, and they do that by working 3-6 jobs, some in the same day and other every second day and others only on the weekend.


And there with these poor people have no chance to think, understand their own life or have a good life without worries. In matter of fact the laws of USA are 100% slavery laws, and here is one of them: every employer must pay benefits in addition to the salary to all employees that work more than 27 or 28 hours per week, which it sound good, but it is not, because all medium size to large employers higher only consultants and part time employees under 28 hours to not pay them benefits; and what is benefits? It is pension plan, healthcare plan, accident insurance, early retirement insurance through body corruptions due to accidents on the job and the list goes on and on. On top of all that many organized crime families in USA literally kidnap foreigner from Mexico and other countries and lock them up und heavy guards enable to use them as slaves in farmlands for 1 (One) Dollar a day, and sometimes the someone make it to the new or FBI and expose them and the FBI goes to free these poor people. And to cover up for that and every a few years one evil president or another will make news as if foreigners are invading the US labor market and is arresting them and deporting them as the concentrated evil current Donald Trump The White House administration are doing right now. In reality the American economy is heavily relied on slavery and low income and on illegal alien to have the possibility to fire anyone who complain in that they have a huge amount of workers that would do anything to work and if they cannot find a job they survive by other means through stealing and robbing and often also killing to do that more than any other country in the western world or even the entire world. And the same thing you see today in every country where USA and the UK have their hand in such as South East Asia, South America and Africa, they even tried hard to create the same system in Europe and in particular in Germany but thanks God the ECM-European Common market was started in mid 1950s to avoid that, which it grew to today the biggest single market in the world and is called the EU-European Union, where you cannot find these kind of hidden slavery like it is in USA and in the UK.


On top of all of the above they force Jewish to be against Christians, and against Muslims, while forcing Muslims to be against Jewish and again Christians and against anyone who is not Muslim like them and the same as Hindu against Muslim and Muslim is against Hindu, which was 100% started by the English royalties enable to can control India by splitting it to East and West Pakistan and India and now it is Pakistan and Bangladesh (former East Pakistan as I learned it in 1960s in school in Egypt) and the same with Sri Lanka alias former Ceylon and the list goes on and on.


What does all the above have to do with my personal complaint?


They have created a system of slavery packs, each pack is for something else, and they threw me in several of these packs and with the above I am just describing some of the packages that these criminals threw me in!


Therefore, I am not the only hidden slave, yet I am of the few that is reporting on it, because they are unspeakable criminal acts against me and against several Billions of others, PERIOD.


Shame on you English royal family, ex-German royal family, Republican party that not only covers up for countless slavery packs, but rather creates them and not only in other countries but also in USA and therewith the Republican USA political party is nothing else than the longhand of the concentrated evil English royal family and the proof for that is that they are not elected but rather appointed by the rich and the richest of them all and this since over 500 years is the English royal family that even though they control 30% of USA, yet they control more than 50% of the USA government such as the The White House administration, in matter of fact I strongly believe that 7 of the last 11 US presidents starting from 1961 and until current in January 2020 7 out of the 11 USA presidents are hidden English royalties including Richard M. Nixon, the Bush family, Donald Trump and other, you figure it out. And the reason I am positive about that because they have the same criminal pattern by killing, cheating, stealing and there is no limit to their crimes.


Killing the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani is not the first time, in matter of fact and based on my knowledge the CIA was specialized in killing presidents (such as Kennedy) or ministers of other countries on a monthly basis or at least on a yearly basis until President Carter stopped it. And now the criminal Donald Trump repeat the process of mafia like government and makes USA to be not only hated by Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, Africans and the majority of Arabs and Muslims, but also the majority of Iranian and Europeans. This is absolutely forbidden in the Christian religion, and yet countless alleged Christians support the evil Donald trump administration.


Who can feel safe in our world, who is going to be next, the heads of the EU?


Let’s look at the Killing the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani: BP-British Petroleum + US government + the UK + Germany were supplying Syria with illegal Satellite computers as described with the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1. They are heavily partners with my fake family, my fake family is heavily busy in illegal drugs business with them in Lebanon, and Syria to supply the over 200 billion of illegal drugs alone in USA. The computer system was meant to control the population as slaves and cover up for the illegal drugs as confirmation to all that, the ex-US president George H. W. Bush conspired with the Syrian to enter Lebanon and control a large portion of it in 1980s and until they were kicked out of Lebanon in after 2000. Why take over parts of Lebanon?


Because covering up for the illegal drug business and transporting it through pipeline to petroleum ships until Europe and US. And there with the top bosses of the republican party in USA and in the UK are drug lords.


What do they do with the money?


Prior to 1980s, petroleum drilling requires a very heavy investments because the petroleum engineers and other scientists were guessing the drilling location, and often were wrong and they lose all the drilling moneys and they try again and again, and here to they needed unlimited cash for these drillings, and they used drug money in Saudi Arabia and the neighboring countries, which is practically owned in the hidden by some large petroleum companies, that some of them became organized crime companies using the CIA and MI6 to protect their illegal drug business that amount possibly to 2 (two) trillion US dollars worldwide, and 50% of it is profit.


Illegal drug business and plantations 200 years ago were isolated where no one lives, but today and since maybe 50-100 years they use new strategies, which is they create a fake war and therewith the limit the access of the general population to certain areas where then these areas are heavily guarded by military, which paid handsomely for it and now one will ever see it except satellites and secret services and some police authorities such as FBI in USA or Scotland Yard in the UK or BKA and LKA in Germany (all similar to FBI) and others, but they cannot do anything about it, because the CIA, MI6 and other alike have the over hand.


Let us look further on this. Syria is officially the best allies to Iran and Pakistan, while Pakistan is a big ally of Afghanistan, and these are facts, among others and in 1970s the Syrian embassy in Germany was only 2 offices within the Pakistani embassy in Bonn, Germany and both are heavily engaged in illegal drugs and based on the statements of the concentrated evil ex-USA president George W. Bush starting around October 2001 and after the bombing of the World Trade center, he claimed he has to send army to Afghanistan among others to allegedly help the poor people of the Taliban and also to end the larges opium plantations in the world that are also located in Afghanistan, which in reality they bombed the World Trade center to have a reason to invade Afghanistan for several reasons as highlighted below. And therewith and through the above-mentioned relations between the illegal drug plantation is Lebanon, Syria, Pakistan and Afghanistan and their best ally Iran makes Iran is one of the pack of illegal drug business as describe above and now we have a line of countries neighborhood that are built on slavery to coverup for the illegal drug business performed by the above mentioned Americans British and their allies, and in case one or several illegal drug plantations are discovered, then they can easily move the drug planation from one area to another or even to another country and to do that they have to have official wars or enemies to have strict laws to prohibit people to go to certain areas as it was the case in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Golden Tringle (the area where the borders of Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar meet), Cuba, Columbia, Mexico and many other areas that often have fake wars to cover up for the illegal drugs as mentioned above. I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Iran is one of the major hidden illegal drug plantations for some of British and their relatives in USA, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait and other countries.


But why then Killing the Iranian general Qasem Soleimani?


It is just like they repeatedly did before their number one local military protector is getting greedy and accumulated too much power and is representing danger for the local controlling families in Iran but the Iranian cannot kill their own so they ask their hidden illegal drugs allies alias USA, while also Iran government has lost its credibility by their own population and they have been complaining for years and protesting on and off also for years and now since a few months are protesting very strongly and violently, and need a distraction and therewith shoot 4 birds with one bullet: kill the greedy and distract the people, and get back at the Ukrainian president for the Donald Trump impeachment and claim accidents happens such as shooting their own planes because their soldiers are not that well trained (!!) and lastly Donald Trump himself needs additional boost and distraction of the impeachment, and all these acts are criminal acts in the name of national security but also these reasons can be verified by many influential persons.


If you look up the history and where the biggest illegal drug areas were, you will also find heavy American and English involvements through military, CIA and MI6 while the locals are forbidden to go to certain areas because allegedly it is military areas that is often 30 to 100 square kilometers (20-60 square Miles) and much more.


What does this have to do with my complaint?


They throw me an illegal drug implications starting summer 1967 and repeated the process in December 1969 to January 1970, and then repeatedly refreshed the process by getting evil persons into my life that were based on the situation of that time and most probably heavily involved and known by the authorities to be illegal drug business such as my fake uncles Jawdat Baroudi, Dr. Farzat Baroudi, Jalal Baroudi but, the family Dubish from Syria, Dr. Sami Assara and his friend from Lebanon and Syria Mohamad Shaikho. Don’t take my word for it, in my life I was often used as a blackmail object and the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + Syrian military intelligent whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud claimed to have been living in Tripoli< Lebanon until she allegedly get divorced and went allegedly back to Syria, yet her 4 evil children were in Tripoli, Lebanon and then 3 of them were in USA and one of them went to Australia. What does that mean, I strongly believe she was blackmailing my fake family that were heavily involved in illegal drug business in Syria and Lebanon among other with their Lebanese partners the Barq family from Jubail, Lebanon and Azrah/Azrath family (families) in Tripoli, Lebanon and both set me up to look like I am related to illegal drugs. This whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud was carefully selected by the English royal family to blackmail my fake family in many things, and the illegal drug business was one of them.


Here is another implication forced upon me by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum in 1984 during the illegal project Calypso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1: they asked the Iranian embassy during that period to send me regular mail (no email, there was at that time none for the public) through the post office to my home address in Munich, and these mail were very extreme about Islam and other fake revolutionary acts of Iran. I used to receive one every 2-4 weeks and did not know how to stop them, and I read the first one and then I just opened the letters and noticed it is the same trach and thrown away without reading. I had nothing to do with Iran at that time and I had no Iranian friends that may have maybe given my address to these criminals = BP-British Petroleum to add to the confusion of my mind while brainwashing me severely. This shows the power of illegal drug networking. I would have never left my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and I would have never left Munich or even Germany for anything in the world, but I was powerless against the evil brainwash of the English royalties through BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND.


Last but not least, the Anglican church of England is the official church that was created by the English royalties, my guess through King James that forced creating the bible King James version (or he renamed it to his own name as king James Bible) and established the Anglican church of England splitting from the Catholic while his relatives in Rome and Germany (and this is my theory but not farfetched) conspired since 100-to 400 years earlier to have one of their own to be a pope let this pope perform bad things to discredit the New Testament that was stealing his soldiers and taming them, then revolted against the Catholic church that they allegedly selling to the rich only chair in heaven and God’s forgiveness to their alleged sins against God = the German Priest Martin Luther that then resulted and within a very short period of maybe 100-150 years that many split of the Catholic church and caused wares against them killing them, in reality they were creating their own versions of Christianity and also blessing the soldier to kill other in the name of Jesus Christ, Christianity and God until today in 2020. And this is the truth as I saw it in my life.


Ever since we have continuous splitting of Christianity and all other religions as a mean of control and mass brainwash, and therewith we have over 4000 (Four Thousand) religions worldwide, and here some of the religions created by English royalties in various area of the UK enable they can control the people and forbid them to intermix with others to prevent them to learn of others and see something better and also grow their intelligence as these criminals did to me repeatedly since 1960, here are the major splitting in the UK-United Kingdom:

1.                Church of England

2.                Methodist splitting of Anglican and the church of England, because every major new rich man wants his own religion and invent new complaints to gain followers=Slaves. One of their members is the CIA+MI6 whore agent that they enslaved me under between August 1970 and September 1977 and named Anita Disbray. Also, US president Richard Nixon (re[publican) then converted to Quacker + ex-US President George W. Bush

3.                Presbyterian, same as above, current US president Donald Trump

4.                Episcopalian, same as above, ex-USA president Gerald Ford (re[publican) + Ex-US President George H. W. Bush + ex-US president George W. Bush that later changed it to Methodist

5.                Quakers, same as above, US president Richard Nixon (re[publican)

6.                Baptist

7.                Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Not directly related to the Anglican church, yet totally anti Catholic = anti New Testament. Ex-USA president Ronald Reagan's


In England there is many other religions also Roman Catholic.


And there with the English royalties are responsible directly and indirectly to many religions splitting and copycat religion including Jewish of Israel, and Islam Sunni to keep the people busy while the hidden English royalties pretending to be Muslim Sunni as listed in the pages “Kidnaping me as a child” + “My fake family, the kidnappers” + plus mentioned in other pages.


This is the conclusion of religion through English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA American.


Now to my religion, especially after all the brainwash, setups and all the knowledge I gained in my life.


In short, I am Christian, and I strongly believe Christianity was made up as a mean of protection of very destructive armies among other the misused Jewish by the English royal family that are still misusing Jewish until today. Don’t think for a second that the English royalties with all their experience since nearly 1000 (One Thousand) years will really allow Jewish to be independent and then be against them, so they have their own elite in Israel that is controlling Israel to their liking and that you can see among other how Israel help USA and the UK in their wars in Libya, Syria, Iraq and possibly also Afghanistan and Yemen, but also to protect their hidden properties Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Yemen, Jordan and in Africa. And here is the proof, they helped the Syrian government to kill their opponents within Syria and as a result the Syrian government gave them the Golan Heights as gift, and that is why they announced officially annexing the Golan height that they officially stole in 1967 fake war, because Egypt was 100% controlled by the UK and the USA and Germany while I was living there between 1960 and 1969 and it was a fake war, but also Jordan and Syria were in the hidden as well as Lebanon controlled 100% by the UK + USA + Germany while claiming it is the Russian, which is 100% impossible!


On top of that and for all I know, maybe the Earth was created by super intelligent human being, or that the earth was used as prison for other human that live on another planet and they bring their criminals here to earth and lock them up without technologies to prevent them to go back, and that would explain why each continent has literally different race of people, and some claim that all these races come from Adam, which is biologically, medically and scientifically impossible, such as in Africa black , just as the English royalties did many times over and took group of people at various times and locked them up in isolated islands as they did in 1882 and thereafter with a famous Egyptian politician or revolutionary, forgot his name, now I remember his name, he was Ahmed ʻUrabi  ( and they exiled him in 1882 to the island Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and then he went back to Egypt in 1901 with Mago seeds from Sri Lanka and ever since Egypt has huge amount of high-quality mango that they also export. They also exiled the Egyptian Saad Zaghloul twice after the year 1919, once to Malta and the other time to the Seychelles island alias today Republic of Seychelles. (


 My Mango seeds are my complaints.


I strongly believe that God would never force upon us a religion, because of one fact that tops millions of other facts, our intelligent meant to force us to learn, understand, imitate and improve and continuously go forwards in life hand in hand with others that are unable and the prov for that is that he is teaching us constantly and we are learning and building from a house to a car, an airplane and rockets and a very primitive planet called Space Station that is built only in cooperation of many in USA + many in Europe + Russia + Japan and possibly many others. And if he give us any religion, then he will be dictating us and then we do not need intelligence, and makes our intelligence useless, because we do not have to think, just follow orders as the Nazis did in Germany and the English royalties did since hundreds of years and still doing today with Jewish, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Muslims, Hindu, Black, white, Chinese, Japan and countless others to keep their intelligence at minimum enable to use them as slaves and that is definitely not from God that gave us intelligence.


This may sound anti-Christian, but it is on the contrary, I learned it mainly of 3 sources: from the New Testament + the Old Testament + my life experience, and without the first two, my life experience would not be understood!


I love the church because they gave me something that made me free and live, but it was stolen from me ever the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + Freemasons + members of my fake family = English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA such as Donald Trump administration members + the 2 evil Bush presidents and their evil administration members + the republican party that turned out to be the only devil in this universe originated of the English royal family and both are creating hell for everyone else on earth including in USA + UK + Canada + Australia + Hong Kong + Singapore + …….


Above all I saw firsthand what many churches do for the world and this alone between 1976 and 1987, then I was forced to lose contacts!


And who forced me to lose contact a couple of other churches were used to do that!


And who used them?


The concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + FBI + My fake brother and his evil lookalike + my fake mother + many other unknown to me members of my fake and biological families, which I did not see, but rather I smelled, because they stink = the English royalties.


What did I see for good things that the churches do for others?


Here is a small but vital list of what I saw in alone between 1976 and 1987:

1.                  They help unknown communities in Africa

2.                  Collect money every single year for the hungries in the world under a program called “Bread for the World” in German “Brot fuer die Welt”

3.                  I saw them how they help youth by creating many youth groups with various activities to keep them of the bad doings through gangs and the alike, while promoting them and teaching them how to go through life

4.                  Help elderly especially that are alone

5.                  Help the Sick, especially that have no relatives

6.                  Help prisoners (excluding me)

7.                  Help in solving problems within a local family

8.                  Collecting a long list of help sources that amount to several pages, from food, to place to sleep to consultants for special domestic problems to coming out of prison help (excluding me)

9.                  Create countless courses to teach countless subjects for the members of the church, from how to get along with family members to how communicate to encouragement life courses to naturally also Christian specific teaching and the list is endless

10.             And many more


In comparison, I will give only one example out of countless what the English royalties do:

They kidnap children and go to one of their slavery countries such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and train on Arabic and Islam and then go to other countries as allegedly Muslims from Saudi Arabian, Jordanian, Syria and other countries and build in the new country a brainwash and destruction branch as they repeatedly did in Egypt, Sudan, Iraq, Somalia, Ethiopia but also USA and especially persons with telepathy as my fake family members in Washington D.C. and elsewhere, to help from the background their hidden slaves such as the 2 Bush presidents, Donald Trump and all the others and in all these countries they make sure that there is division and destruction in one way or another, and don’t take my word for it, see what they did to me while they were using the absolute same scheme as they used with me on 15 January 1960 as they kidnapped me to Egypt and claimed to have escaped my dictator (fake) grandfather (to make everyone feel sorry for them, and claim that the father burned my clothing, kick out my friends as they visited me and kept me as slave and the list of lies is endless), and we went there as 4 persons pulling a rope behind us for several years dragging another over 30 persons claiming they are my uncles, their wives their children, neighbors of my the house where we lived at last at the fake grandfather’s house and many others, which were all lies and scams. The same they repeated in other countries and then build a network of destruction as was happening in Egypt, Yemen, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and up to South Africa and China and naturally up to the fifth hidden kingdom of the English royalties = USA where these criminals kidnapped me and forced me to live in exile for 15 years without any rights what so ever and then forced me to be locked up for near 14 years in the Netherlands until I sought refuge on 1 March 2016 of these criminals by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the countless Embassies and Consulates, while it took me at least one year to start to understand what the hell am I seeking refuge of!


Last but not least and I absolutely have no prove whatsoever for that except my old forced upon me destructive logic that forces me to acts I do not want to do + my current repaired logic, I strongly believe the following 2 points to be true and are religiously related yet they are personal matters and have nothing to do with religion, as follow:

1.                Mass shooting. The USA mass shootings in USA is a catastrophe and plague for the population of USA. The mass shootings that were performed worldwide excluding USA ( ) + ( and by far are much less than mass shooting that happens only in USA ( I strongly believe today that most mass shootings in USA if not all are performed through telepathy. Just imagine a person with telepathy living in his own country, and suddenly countless bombs or bullets attack him and many members of his family and he does not understand why, during which, possibly his beloved wife and all children, possibly his parents and his brothers and sisters, or even his entire village are killed and therewith every one he knew is gone in a blink of an eye, yet he survived as the only one and found there is no life in his life and he does not know what to live for any more, on top of that all his belonging and house are gone, possibly his car and other professional tools that he accumulated in the last 20-50 years he also lost, then he finds out who did it, and somehow he makes it to the country where the alleged perpetrators are located, which is USA, he plans revenge either on a specific person or persons or on any one blindly as he feel that this is how he lost his family and lost his sense to life itself, then he start looking for a person that is usable for this goal, and he finds him within a couple of days, then he start to train his mind using telepathy and no one can see him doing all that, even though he might be living in a military base, or in a very large residence complex, maybe in several months, or even one month or eve none week or as little as a couple of days 2 days he is able to train the mind of his victim that becomes his tool for  revenge and then force him in the weak hour to perform the act of mass shooting in a school, just like he lost his children, or a synagogue because he was told all Jewish in the world were to blame, which is often told by the enemies of Jewish as distraction of their own bad doings such as the English royalties did to me and forced me to think the Jewish are to blame, or he is told that this is the act of Christianity and he perform it in a church or even in a Super market or in department store or in in sport or celebration event, it does not matter where, he or maybe even she or a group, just want to revenge and in this process he punish the wrong ones and the innocents. Let us assume that this person is from Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Sudan, Ethiopia. Kenya, Somalia, South Africa, Korea, Japan, Germany, Cuba, Columbia, Mexico (where many Mexican lost their children because they trusted in the heart of the Americans and came seeking refuge, instead they were separated of the children and each was sent in to a different slavery, then the US government claims the parents were criminals and we protected the children, and I am more than positive one of these poor refugees lost his child or children for a very long time if not forever!!!!) and the list goes on and on, where USA and the UK has performed either publicly or in the hidden countless killings using a proxy group or even another evil country such as Saudi Arabia. Yet, one thing is for sure, he, she or they will never get caught, PERIOD. Trust me the mass shooting in USA and very unfortunately is performed this way and no one can do anything about it except pray for those who are single- or dual-track minded and are only after money or money and power, that they start to be multitrack minded (= multitrack thinkers/intelligence) and therewith we are hoping that they stop invading other countries and commit mass murder, but instead teach the people to be also multitrack thinkers and then I am more than positive no one will have interest any more to perform such a gruesome act. Period. I am more than positive that the CIA + MI6 + the English royalties + many others know that the number one cause of the mass shooting is as described above. PERIOD. It is all very sad but it is the hidden reality and we cannot protect ourselves of it unless the US + UK governments change to a real democracy and freedom and both do not start at the top and end also at the top, the freedom and democracy must start at the top and continue to go to the poorest person in USA + the UK and this is regardless if it is legal or illegal aliens or native American or Just  a person with American citizenship, and why stop there, you can continue to teach these real values to others in other countries and without have to invade them or kill many of them, such as in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and above all Palestinians that, and from my point of view, are suffering more than anyone else in the world, and no evil Arab Petroleum country is stepping in to help them and that because all Arab petroleum countries are owned and operated as a business by the English Royal family such as the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum that stole of me literally everything that I had and built for myself including all my professional tools and left me out in the sun to dry up to death as some do to dry the fish and  the meat , which really equal killing me from inside and killing everything I lived for and that they performed with their hidden relatives all over the world, including in Germany, USA, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Japan, Italy, Switzerland the UK and lastly in the Netherlands, anything else is a lie!

2.                Mass brainwash to force others to be one religion or another, just as these criminals forced me to be Muslim, then forced then set me up t to be Christian and then created countless brainwash setups to force my mind to think that my fake family are Jewish pretending to be Muslims, which was a brainwash specifically for me performed by many members of my fake family that started in around roughly 1961/62 among others by bringing a new neighbor to us in Cairo that was calling himself “Monsieur Faris” (in English Mr. Faris, Monsieur is French) and was tailor and became one of the most famous expensive tailors also for Show Business and claimed to be Jewish and converted to Islam, which has many meanings, yet number one to create confusion is he French, or Syria, my fake mother claimed that she knew him from Damascus and that he was allegedly one of my (fake) grandfather’s neighbors as she often claimed for 30-40 others, but also to show that even Jewish want to become Muslim, but also to gain trust that he is Muslim. Above all he had a lot of look similarity of my fake granduncle named Fuad Khayat and I am always translating Khayat to Tailor or Taylor because that is what it means, and this grand uncle came to Cairo around the same time stayed 3 months and disappeared allegedly to USA. Since they repeatedly tried to force my brain to think that we are Jewish, I know that we are not and today I know I am 100% from the English Royal family. I know there can be some working for Israel and I would never deny that because it is the fact of our life that every country spy on other countries for purpose of destructions, just as the USA and the UK have countless closets filled with several plans how to invade a specific  country under specific circumstances and this for each country in the world, including their strong allies countries. Here are the brainwash methods they use to force others to other religions, and here I will use only Islam, to show you that Muslims are not bad people, rather they have been repeatedly set up, by the English royalties just as they also set up the catholic church and the Jewish:

2.1.               Monsieur Faris as mentioned above

2.2.               Around 1960 the famous Boxer Mohamad Ali and before him using Mohamad Ali that was born as Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr was Christian and suddenly become member of the Nation of Islam and shortly thereafter converted to Sunni Islam = Saudi Arabia = English Royalties

2.3.               Around mid-1960s the famous Egyptian actress named Shams Baroudi alias my cousin and the daughter of a very destructive man and allegedly cousin of my fake mother named Jameel Baroudi as mentioned in several pages of my complaint that lived very close to the housing of the at that time Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al Naser and was manipulating him with telepathy, if any one I am sure that has telepathy will be this man named Jameel Baroudi that I strongly suspect him to be English royal family member and I was forced to think of him as hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, and he could be, I just do not trust when someone try hard with all kind of destructive brainwash situation to force me to think this or that and it is 100% the case with this evil man named Jameel Baroudi. His English name is unknown to me, I just know for sure that he is also Saudi Arabian. His daughter Shams Baroudi married in mid-1960 to a Saudi prince named Khalid bin Saud, and I recall that they divorced after 1-3 months, yet Wikipedia has other information that they married 1969, and get divorced after 13 months, which makes it at least after February 1970, which is impossible because I was by this time already in Germany under severe brainwash program as described in may pages also in this page and I never ever heard of these people after that until I started to analyze my life after the year 2000 because these criminals locked me up starting July 2000 and for nearly 14 years between countless prisons, jails, refugee camps between USA, Netherlands and USA and my knowledge is 100% is from mid-1960s and that they get divorced after 1-3 months, in matter of fact I am most positive that they divorced after one month also in mid-1960s. back to the brainwash thereafter she married another actor and both of them went on a brainwash tour/journey for Egypt and the rest of the so-called Arab world by advertising for the Sunni Islam of Saudi Arabia. For more info see. Conclusion it was 100% animating many Arabs to become Muslim Sunni (

2.4.               1979, Cat Stevens (, also see the photos below). a very famous British Pop singer that some even call him a legend. He was a singer from 1966 to 1978. In 1977 he allegedly converted to Sunni Islam, changed his name to Yosef Islam (in this case Islam is his last name) and stopped singing because in the Quran and as far as I recall it forbid poet and singing and it claims it is the tools of Satan. But in Mid-1990s Cat Stevens returned to singing even though Quran forbid it. From 1990s and until currently he allegedly praises peace on earth. Let us look closely on Cat Stevens situations: He is British and under the control of the English Royalty huge network. He is originated from Greece, which is practically owned by the English royalties (THAT IS WHY GREECE IS SEVERLY SUFFERING AND THE U MUST BAIL THEM OUT FOR MANY YEARS) among other you can verify that today that the current Queen of England Elizabeth II is married to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh (born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark,,_Duke_of_Edinburgh), and therewith, Cat Stevens alias Yosef Islam was used as a public advertisement that Christians convert to Islam while his brother an allegedly Jewish gave him the Quran and he allegedly read it and converted to Islam. The difference between him and me, is that I lived in the Arabic countries, I saw the deceive of the English royalties through among others their relatives alias members of my fake family + I studied Quran in school which it was a must + I saw Germany + I was setup to become Christian + I extensively saw what the churches do for several years and until I was kidnapped to USA in 1986 + and above all I read over 20 religious books within 2 years including Quran, Torah through Old Testament, Mormon book, Jehovah Witnesses, Scientology book (partially) and other short books over other religions + I get to know telepathy capability and extensively, at least for me it is extensively, because it was used on me and I was able to compare it with my past as well see it being repeated on others + I believe to know why the Bible was written and who wrote it, which was not God + I believe to know why the Torah was written and who wrote it + I believe to know who wrote, ONLY, the Sunni Islam and why they wrote it = I am voluntarily Christian, because I loved it even though I know it is not from God but rather from human being. Conclusion Cat Stevens and I I  were 100% brainwashed and forced with telepathy by the English royalties me to be Muslim and then Christian while trying to force me to think I am Jewish as distraction of them and him, Cat Stevens alias Yosef Islam forced to be Muslim to show the world as if Sunni Islam is the only religion from God to force other Muslims to stay Muslims + solicited new Muslims from other religions only to show that Sunni Islam is not from them to protect their hidden property called Saudi Arabia that they mainly use for Petroleum and as a proxy to enslave countless other countries in Africa just as they do in Yemen. I really feel sorry for Cat Stevens alias Yosef Islam, not because he is Muslim, but rather because they used the same methods on him as they sued on me, which is telepathy to brainwash him and that is a very painful process, I know that because I had to go through it multitude of times even today, yet today I am sometimes able to defend myself with the help of the people of Den Haag/The Hague, and I am very thankful for that!

2.5.               There are many other persons that have been used and mainly without their own knowledge and through hidden slavery by being forced to take this person or that person that they admire and follow blindly to a religion just as also the Beatles also did, Jonny Cash and many others, and in this case Islam. Yet I am going to skip them, because you can find this brainwash strategy in almost all other religions, yet the English royalties had and still have today the biggest network and advertisement capability in the world, not even USA can major up to them, because they are a nation for their self and hidden within every single other nation since 1000 years and even much stronger since 500 years through their hidden brainwash club called the Freemasons!

2.6.               The last method they use and that I am more than positive about it and you will see the prove for it all over my complaint pages and here I am just adding it as a very important point. They hire people with telepathy to manipulate peoples thinking with telepathy either directly while they are alive, or while they are a sleep or while they are performing certain religious acts such as praying in masses and the list goes on and on, and here are some of these evil persons around my life:

2.6.1.                                The BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + My fake family whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under for 15 years from 24.12.1984 to June 1999

2.6.2.                                My fake mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi

2.6.3.                                The woman that the CIA + MI6 enslaved under for 7 years from August 1970 to September 1977 and started in the first 2 and half years within in the American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich Germany on 20 August 1970

2.6.4.                                My fake cousin named Faihaa Kheir in Saudi Arabia

2.6.5.                                My fake cousin and the brother to the above named Farhat Kheir living in, and this is as I was told I did not see this evil man except in Amman, Jordan in around 1984, living allegedly Oman or Bahrain or both

2.6.6.                                My fake uncle called Jawdat Baroudi in Saudi Arabia

2.6.7.                                My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi, officially on Waldweg in Hamburg, Germany, yet I am guessing this is his hide away house

2.6.8.                                My cousin Dr. Basam Baroudi living between Egypt, Germany and Saudi Arabia

2.6.9.                                The family of Bdeir in Amman, Jordan and several other countries including Saudi Arabia and several European countries and USA and as described above

2.6.10.                           The family of Abokurah in Amman, Jordan and several other countries including Saudi Arabia and several European countries and USA and as described above

2.6.11.                           The family of Malas in Amman, Jordan and several other countries including Saudi Arabia and several European countries and USA and as described above

2.6.12.                           And all of the above are only the ones I am more than positive about, I know there are many more, some are related to them or known to them and other unknown to them and to me

2.6.13.                           All of the above mentioned above are 100% working for the English royal family to enslave people using telepathy and by force in various countries including but not limited to the persons I mentioned above: Monsieur Faris + The famous Boxer Mohamad + The famous Egyptian actress named Shams Baroudi + The ex-very famous British Pop singer Cat Stevens alias Yosef Islam

2.6.14.                           Last but not least countless members of the Freemasons

2.6.15.                           And others


I think shame on you all, for NOT being able to think multitrack and come out clean of the evil hidden past of slavery that you converted today to hidden slavery as you did to me and to Billion’s others, yes Billions that are struggling  to survive even though God, or if you prefer Nature gave us plenty of goods that are enough for countless of Billions !!!


Patriotism, the new hidden destructive religion

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Patriotism is a hidden religion replacement to force separation of people while promoting those who are patriots.










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We have over 4,000 (Four Thousand) religions in the world, most of them are against each other’s, even though many of them are splitter of the originals, such as we have several hundred, and possibly over one thousand, Christian splitting’s , and they all originated from the Catholic church, the same as in Judaism, they have the following main splitting: Orthodox, Hasidic, Reform, Conservative, Karaite, Reconstructionist, Renewal, Humanistic and Haymanot, whereby Orthodox Russian Jewish is different than Orthodox Jewish in other countries, yet they are all called Orthodox even they are not the same. The same in Islam, they have the following splitting: Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, Kharijite Islam, Ibadi, different Sunni, Murji'ah, Mu'tazila, Shia Twelvers, Ismailism,  Sufi orders and many more. Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world, yet they have many different Islam and all of them are different than Islam in Pakistan, or Iran, or Saudi Arabia. The same also in Hindu (Cārvāka, Jainism, Ājīvika, Buddhism and others), Buddhism and many other religions.


For more information on these division forced upon us as a mean of isolation, please see the following web pages of some of the mentioned religions:


Religion name

Link to more information



A.      List of Christian denominations:

B.      List of Christian denominations by number of members:

C.      Christianity by country:




A.      Jewish ethnic divisions:

B.      Lists of Jews:

C.      Jewish population by country:




A.      Islamic schools and branches:

B.      Islam by country:

C.      Lists of Muslims:




A.      Hinduism:

B.      Lists of Hindus:

C.      Hinduism by country:




D.      List of Buddhists:

E.        Buddhism by country:

A.      Schools of Buddhism:





(Go to Main index) or (Go to Index of Patriotism)

Because of the mass media and communications, people are starting to see through the scheme of slavery through some of the religions, therefore some countries are inventing new strategies of distraction and slavery, and the most used one in our recent history is patriotism.


Patriotism starts by the very bad politicians and end in the military, were each is awarded a medal for being patriot, meaning in killing other human being, which is forbidden in most religions, but also in our daily politicians talks they claim to do everything for the country, while in reality they are doing everything to enrich their selves while enslaving the majority of populations, among others because the majority of population have no individual choices, but rather only the presented or forced upon them choices, which is very visible in USA, you have to vote only for either Democrats or republicans, and this is only one out of thousands other slavery tricks in USA.


Best example for destructive patriotism is the impeached president Donald Trump, he lies his teeth out by pretending to be patriotic and here is a list of his fake patriotism that many elected him just for these fake and acted reasons:

1.                Created a Muslim Entry ban for only the countries that do not agree with Saudi Arabia, which also created hate against Muslims just as they brainwashed me between 1998 and 2002 to hate Muslims as distraction of the CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum and my fake family that all together conspired to kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986 to use me to blackmail my biological family and then blamed it on the Muslims and Syrians

2.                Created a hidden and most destructive ban in US history for all South Americans refugees that he claimed to be bad people and are coming to USA to hurt Americans, which was and is not true

3.                Created fake and very destructive tariffs against many of the allies of USA to cover up for his financial failure that yet to be seen, it is still hidden of most people, which is highlighted below

4.                Stopped the health care for Millions that cannot afford health care insurance. As I was forced to live in USA for 15 years I tried hard to get a health care insurance and pay for it out of my pocket, and  found many, yet most of them were cheat or unaffordable, anything under 600 US Dollar monthly was a cheat, because I had to pay 50% of all expensive up to 20-30 and partially to 50 Thousand, then I am insured only for up to 100 Thousand per year, the better ones were 800-1200 US Dollar per month and I was not able to pay that, prior to that and in Germany I was paying 300 Deutsch Mark, equivalent at that time to 200 US Dollars per month for the entire family and I had to pay nothing out of my pocket. Now in 2019 and in the Netherlands I am paying  between 110 Euro in 2008 and 160 Euro in 2019 and I have to pay maximum the first 380 Euro per year out of my pocket, yet even that I do not have to pay because my income is low and the municipality pays this amount for me

5.                Decreased the taxes for the upper business and rich people by nearly 50%, to be exact by 42.86%, while people still suffering and over 60% of the US work force have to work 2-6 jobs weekly enable they can pay their bills, yet they never are able to pay medical bills, I know that, because I was forced to live in USA for 15 years and was never able to pay all my medical bills

6.                By cutting the taxes from 35% by 42,86% to 20%, this mean that the income of the US government is much lower than before and to cover up for these loses he did the followings, which also works as distraction of his criminal acts of stealing the public money and dividing it among the rich:

6.1.                   Created tariffs against EU

6.2.                   Created tariffs against China

6.3.                   Destructed the North America commerce agreement called NAFTA and created a new one

6.4.                   Created tariffs against many other countries

6.5.                   Created sanctions against anyone who works on the European-Russian gas pipeline to force Europeans to buy the much more expensive gas from USA

6.6.                   Cut money for the help of veterans

6.7.                   Cut the medical subsides for the needy

6.8.                   Cut countless social programs

6.9.                   Cut aid to many countries

6.10.              Cut the expenses for refugees by forcing them to stay in Mexico under inhuman conditions

6.11.              Allows North Korea to build more weapons and long-range rockets as a mean of blackmail to countries in the area and to force them to pay more protection money to USA than they are already paying=illegal criminal Mafia methods. These countries among others are South Korea, Japan and the neighboring countries, while increasing the threats against China, which is accumulating trouble they are causing on purpose to China that can cause a very destructive nuclear war

6.12.              His masters the English royalties are also helping him with these tariffs and pressuring China through Hong Kong most destructive protests that has been going on since over 6 months, which is absolutely unacceptable way, because it is neither peaceful nor it is productive, on the contrary, it is most destructive to among other the people of Honk Kong.

6.13.              Allows the Saudi Arabian (alias hidden English royalties and their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefellers=Exxon/Esso + Chevron + BP-British Petroleum and others) to mass kill Yeminis enable to control the country while using the evil country Saudi Arabia (evil meaning the corrupt and most destructive government in the world, excluding the people) as a proxy, meaning the British and Americans are the ones who in reality are performing this war to control the entry to the Red Sea and to steal the natural resources of this country

6.14.              Using the Kurds, and as they do not need them any more they made an agreement with the Syrian government and the Turkish government to not allow them to settle to not allow them to have a land of their own, and the criminal Donald Trump pretended to pull out the troops of Syria to allow the Turkish government to force them to be refugees, just as they repeatedly did with the Kurds in earlier years but also with the Jewish, and the Indonesian hired army and the list is endless

6.15.              Through all of the above he is creating a bubble of good economy that will blow and the economy will go down dramatically within short time of 1-2 years, because the American people are in reality having less income through this bubble than it is publicized as good economy, and therewith they will not be able to make large long-term purchases which is essential for a healthy long-term good economy, such as housing, furniture, transportation vehicle, further education and the list is long

6.16.              And much more = the current US administration is through and through slave of the English royalties and a crime clan that steal of poor and kill who ever complains such as they are doing in Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and would like to do with Iran and as they did before in Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, Vietnam and so on


Small note: All of the above and much more points are created by the US president Donald Trump administration, which is absolutely the same strategies that the official members of the Saudi Arabian government uses, but instead of using patriotism, in Saudi Arabia they use Islam to enslave people and force them to live in fear, either through heaven and hell or through the religion by punishing them  in the name of God very barbarically  by cutting their hands or their heads off and other barbaric punishments. Which leads me to ask: Are the European countries laws better than God because they are more merciful and understanding and build upon rehabilitation, where Saudi Arabia does not have any idea about merciful, understanding and rehabilitation!!!!


Europeans are most definitely not better than God, yet they are the only ones that I saw in my life that they are directly learning of God, because they see that God’s patience and understanding is limitless and that is why each human being, no matter who he/she is and what he/she does still enjoy the nature, or do you think that God is not capable of opening the earth and swallow all the bad people and turn them in to sand, but he does not, he does not even send anything to harm those who performed something bad, including the English royal family that is responsible for the killing of countless Millions of innocent human being, just because they did not want to submit to them, and that is the fact of our life!


Finally, the US administration of Donald Trump commit a hidden act of war against the USA by allowing the so called Second Amendment of the United States Constitution that reads like this: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."  This bad constitution Amendment is in reality allowing people to prepare to fight and kill Americans because one of many reasons, yet the most important reason is the English Royalties, if today the US Government decided to cut the destructive influence of the English royalty in US internal and external politics, then the English royalties will use their militias to create chaos in USA, and the same is valid for other countries, and that alone is much more dangerous to USA and the rest of the world, and this is more important to stop by changing the war like laws of USA. Today many countries have militia not only through the English Royalties, that has the biggest and most organized, but it is possible that also some militias in USA are being paid by other countries, and that is dangerous because it can and at one point or another it will create a civil wars in USA, just as the ex-Libyan president Muammar Al Gaddafi was paying millions to the Louis Farrakhan and the so-called Nation of Islam, that was also supported by Saudi Arabia, which created a paradox, because Saudi Arabia was created by the English royalties and their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefeller family and they 100% control Saudi Arabia inside-out and when Saudi Arabia and Libya support the Nation of Islam in USA that was 100% against other religions such as Jewish and Christians and Hindu and Buddhist, then this mean that those who control Saudi Arabia and Libya at that time were trying to create chaos in USA to discredit the real democracy that I never seen in USA while I was forced to live there for 15 years, the US-Democracy is only on paper and it is only for the privileged such as the controlling rich families. Anything else is a lie and a mass brainwash. In short, the American democracy starts at the top and ends at the top!


The real democracy starts at the top and never ends and never stops and has no boundaries and it is not patriot (!), and it will help people take part on life and in life and with life and not being busy all lifelong working 2-6 jobs per week to pay the bills and this for 50 years or even 80 years, because those who have to work 2-6 jobs all there life have no good retirement money and still have to work even after retirement and that is 100% slavery in USA, and there with the US government is the biggest slave makers in the world, don’t take my word for it, go and ask the Iraqis, when was it better for them, before the American invaded Iraq or after, the answer of over 95% of the people will be under Saddam Hussein  there was much more prosperity, and now they have poverty. And why, because the criminals Bush administration was helping the Exxon/Esso, Chevron, BP-British Petroleum to steal the natural resources of the Iraqis and leave the population drying out to death, yes many have problems eating and having a roof over their head, thanks to the US-Government!


You might think what does all that have to do with me and with my complaint over what these criminals did to me?


My fake family are heavily related to the ex-Iraqis royal family and they are in Jordan and Saudi Arabia, but also in Washington D.C. such as the Abokurah, Bdeir/Budier, Malas and other organized crime families that are hidden members of the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families and simultaneously are related to the English royal family and to many of their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefeller =Exxon/Esso + Chevron + many others and they will do anything to control a country like Iraq to steal all their natural resources while enslaving the population as it is now the case!



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Short and simple: Patriotism is a hidden replacement for religions, and it is one of the deadliest religions of them all!!!


They should use real democracy instead of Patriotism. And real democracy starts at the top and continue to lowest bottom that exist. Meaning: the current democracy in USA is a hidden slavery of over 300 Million people, and the majority of the others do not care because they can afford life. Real democracy will not allow a person to be homeless and most definitely not a so-called veteran that lost a leg or an arm and therewith he is most definitely more patriot than the entire evil USA government that allows a veteran to sit by the traffic light and ask for a dollar to survive. What a shame that something like this happens in USA. I saw it myself, not once, but hundreds of times or even much more than that and this in over 10 states or even the 16 states that I was forced to visit while they were using me to blackmail one or the other of my fake and biological families!!


The hidden president of USA and some other countries

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In short: Most of the US presidents are nothing else than a hidden slave just as I was at least from 10/11 January 1960 and until 1 March 2016.


From my point of view a US president as a hidden slave is illegal and a cheat to the public, because the public elects one person, but instead they get a brainless White House speaker that pretend to be a president, in reality others are controlling him and deciding what he does and even what he says or how he behaves, and best of all the president think he is the smart one and making all the decisions, which is far from the truth, which will be explained below in more details why it is far from the truth!


I must give examples for those who do not know telepathy, which makes the begin a bit longer than I want!


Telepathy as described in short in the page “Telepathy” (more detail will follow) is a very powerful natural communication method or even sense that a regular human has no chance to defend himself/herself against, which is going to be clear in the following paragraph, but look at my entire life ad described in my complaint pages and in particular in these 3 pages:

A.               Kidnapping me as a child

B.               My fake family the kidnappers

C.               BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, the brainwashers, rapist, kidnappers, and slave-makers using the illegal project Calypso


Between 10/11 January 1960 and 10.10.1968, I was severely enslaved in Cairo Egypt by members of my fake family that had telepathy and used me as a multipurpose decoy, among others that Egyptians with telepathy that were curious about us and cannot read the mind of the members of my fake family, but can read my mind with telepathy and can see only the fake memory as described in the page “Kidnapping me as child”, and therewith they will believe that we are all allegedly Syrians, which was far from the truth. I was surrounded by persons with telepathy, 16 adults including my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters as well all the fake families that went to Cairo 10-30 years prior to us and vouched for us, and therewith I was not able to think freely and no Egyptian with telepathy can research my history by forcing thoughts upon me that will lead him to know more about my history, and this because at least 20-30 persons with telepathy will attack him/her and among others that is why these criminal fake family isolated me by force and prevented me to have any friends to not allow anyone to research my history or even help me out of their evil hands, but again I was a minor (!!!!????). Then on 10.10.1969 I was taken to Germany and right into the evil hands of the CIA + MI6 in the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich.


Between August 1970 and September 1977, I was severely enslaved under the CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray. She had telepathy and was totally controlling my mind, in matter of fact, she hardly spoke, because she was so arrogant and ignorant that she to over 95% of the time used telepathy to command me instead of talking to me. On top of that the evil American military in Munich created a network of telepathy control around my life to not only back her up but also for the future and when she is withdrawn, and I did not even noticed it, some of them were even in the church after 1976 and all started at the American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich around March 1970 and never ended until I relocated on 1 March 2016 to the city of Den Haag/The Hague. At another page I will describe this evil telepathy net/web over my life that continued to grow, and I had absolutely no chance against it. I cannot defend myself against one person with telepathy, and the more persons around me with telepathy the less and less I have control over my own life. Add to it members of my fake family that were agents for the CIA and MI6 while some of them were members of the Jordanian, Saudi Arabians, Kuwaiti, UAE and Oman royal families and therewith each one of these criminals would bring with them a new network of destruction such as the secret service of each of these countries that are in the hidden protecting them, just as the American Secret Service protects the US president and his family as well as others. But also, some of them were originated from the UK, USA and Germany and had relatives in Germany and without my knowledge, and these evil family members would help keeping me under their control and I have no idea who is using telepathy on me, but today I know and as it is described within.


Between 1.1.1984 and until 24.12.1984 I was severely brainwashed and enslaved by the CIA + MI6 + BND + the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and their client the Syrian military intelligence that were members of the illegal Calypso project, during which they forced upon me many very destructive situations such as ended my relation with my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka very violently and by force, which is described in the page “Thank you” under the section of “Adelheid Kuczka”.


On 24.12.1984 and until June 1999 these criminals forced me to be with one of the most disgusting persons I have ever met or seen in my life and enslaved me under her control, while she had telepathy and I had no chance to get free, this evil CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum whore name is Najlaa Mahmoud, she claimed that she had no family around, yet later I discovered she had not only more family members around my life than I can count, but also had 2 lookalikes that she exchanged places with and one of them was the mother of my fake son named Abdulhamid Najar, then they kidnapped me to USA to prevent any one to help me to leave this whore and disgusting animal named Najlaa Mahmoud, and in USA I was again under the control of a net/web of evil persons with telepathy and had no chance to get away of these criminals because they were protected by the evil CIA + FBI = American government and among others the evil Bush family in Houston, Texas and elsewhere and all this in the name of National security, add to it hidden members of my fake and biological families that are among others within the companies around my life such as ARAMCO, at that time was headquartered in Houston, Texas, as well as Chevron and other not very nice criminal companies, but also BP-British Petroleum that is very big in USA.


1999-2016, I was then forced to run and escape USA and was locked up for nearly 14 years from summer 2000 to spring 2013, when I was awarded the Dutch citizenship and I was desperate to escape the telepathy attacks and was not successful until I decided to relocate on 1 March 2016 to the city Den Haag/The Hague, where the attacks went down by 80%, yet it is still manipulating my life and delaying me of writing my complaint pages.


All the above is to show how they enslave a person to make it easier to understand how a USA president become a hidden slave.


I cannot help it, but the Republican party is totally anti-freedom and anti-democracy, in my lifetime these criminals are responsible for kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 to USA, during which Ronald Reagan was president and George H. W. Bush was vice president, and I was forced to be locked up in USA while the following persons were presidents:

1.                Ronald Reagan

2.                George H. W. Bush

3.                Bill Clinton

4.                George W. Bush


During which I was deported from USA to the Netherlands on 10 February 2001 just 20 days after George W. Bush took office and I was determined to go back to Europe, because this was my brainwash, I was not needed any more so they scared the life out of me with telepathy while performed the illegal FBI and CIA strategy called “Operation Choke”, where they close all the doors for one person and leave only one open, in my case they closed all the doors, including but not limited to: housing and was not allowed to get an apartment, job was not allowed to get a job, residence permit, fake friends, bad attorney, sleeping on the street and the list is endless, on top of that attacking me severely with telepathy that scared the life out of me and I just wanted to run away of it no matter what I lose = severe and most destructive and sadistic brainwash performed by the most destructive government in the world, which is USA and their hidden boss the English royalties!


The current US president Donald Trump is 100% a hidden slave. He fits the pattern of the English royalties of a hidden slave president, which is basically training a person since a very young age to become a president among others to make him look like as if he is a very successful businessman such as George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and now Donald trump and all 3 of them are crocks and hidden slaves trained since a very young age and are surrounded by very huge net/web of telepathy, that are organized through the Freemasons and protected by the Secret Service and other American crocked agencies as well as other networking groups as mentioned below!


Best if I list the reasons as follow:

1.                A hidden slave is erratic because many with telepathy control him, meaning each one force a different behavior upon him, while the opponents sometimes can see a loophole and then force him to something bad to make him look bad or to force him to say something that then he must back off it. A hidden slave is always accompanied by some family members that have telepathy as distraction of the Freemason’s web/net, very possibly his wife, which is the pattern also by the two ex-Bush presidents, their wives had telepathy and they were the man in house, and this pattern is absolutely identical to my life pattern of the whore these criminals enslaved me under by the force of telepathy + brainwash!!

2.                When the hidden slave president finishes his duty, the net/web will gradually let go of him. Web/net can be 20 to several thousand persons with telepathy. As a result, the hidden slave would gradually have degraded mental status unless he/she can mentally process his situation by recognizing it and try to understand it. Side effects of this degrading mental status is memory problems, cannot remember “who” is “who”, which I strongly suspect it is caused on him/her on purpose as a mean to prevent him to recognize what he was used for, just as they did to me, yet and luckily I was able to process my past and write it down in my complaint pages. Example of this processing is my complaint pages, the more I write it the more I understand it and the more I become more in control of my own mental status as well as life. Another side effect of this hidden slavery, is when a person is not needed any more and is at an older age, then this person will start to do something that he may have dreamed or wanted for himself but was always prevented because someone had other plans for him/her, yet his dream project or profession is not suitable anymore for his/her current age, a good example is the ex-Minister President of Baden-Württemberg in Germany named Erwin Teufel, after he finished or quit his term as Minister-president and at age of 68, and based on what I read around 2010, he decided to go to a Catholic university to learn Law, but never completed it, I think he stopped after 2 years, which is also keeps him busy and preventing him of thinking about the past, in other words, a forced to retire hidden slave and in most cases is never able to start and complete whatever he starts after these criminals let go of him/her!!!

3.                On the website that was forced upon me from 2007 and until 2012 and called “Wanted” I was forced to attack many families, one of them is the Rockefeller family the owner of Exxon/Esso, Chevron and others. I was not in control when I was writing these pages of the website called “Wanted”, yet today I see something that many did not even notice, which is that the Rockefeller family were desperate to distance their selves of being an organized crime family, and working with many that are also opponents of USA such as Russia, in that they made their hidden slave Donald Trump nominate Rex Wayne Tillerson of Exxon Mobile as Secretary of State to place the Rockefeller family far away of the US government, by both of them, Tillerson and Trump,  played an act to place the Rockefeller family far away of the Trump administration during which there is no more official Rockefeller family members in the US government, at least not under the name Rockefeller, yet the Rockefeller family is huge and use many other names and not only Rockefeller, such as Buch family is related to them and was closely working with and for them and for their favor as they were governor(S) and president(S), not to forget that the Rockefeller family is a hidden branch of the English royalties, yet they really did not disappear of the current Donald trump administration they just using different names than Rockefeller. Donald Trump is 100% a hidden slave of the English royalties and therewith also of the Rockefeller family because the Rockefeller family is a hidden English royalties, among others because no one in the 1800 had so much money to invest in search for petroleum except the English royalties, they were and remain the richest family in the world, by killing and stealing I may add, don’t take my word for it look it up on the internet among other through the links below, you cannot enslave 53 country (commonwealth countries) with handshakes, good will and honesty, but you can enslave them with force, fear and killing, and that is another reason they want the Brexit to keep their commonwealth countries enslaved under their own total control:




3.3.                    You will not find all the hidden countries within these lists, that is why I am listing some of them here, and the reason I know that for fact, is because many members of my fake family are in controlling positions in these countries and were protected by the MI6 + CIA + BND and that is why these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and kept me by force as a brainless slave for 15 years:

3.4.                    Egypt

3.5.                    Jordan

3.6.                    Iran!!!???

3.7.                    Syria, see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1

3.8.                    Pakistan

3.9.                    A part of India using at least some Muslims

3.10.               Afghanistan

3.11.               Saudi Arabia

3.12.               Kuwait

3.13.               UAE

3.14.               Oman

3.15.               Qatar

3.16.               Bahrain

3.17.               At least 50% or more of Yemen

3.18.               Sudan

3.19.               Ethiopia

3.20.               Somalia

3.21.               And others, above all in Africa and Asia

4.                By getting Rex Wayne Tillerson into the administration of Donald Trump, they force everyone to compare member of the Rockefeller/Exxon/Esso with Donald Trump, one as corrupt publicly and many of his close advisors were indicted and imprisoned an while his own family members are given positions in The White House as advisors  even though they do not have the qualification nor the necessary security check. And based on this public Hollywood style play, Donald Trump is bad and his ex-Secretary of State Rex Wayne Tillerson is the good and honest man, but there is no such a thing that is a good and honest Petroleum management, the majority of them are killers and kill people for living to steal their land and the natural resources as they did in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, UAE, Oman and others, whereby no one talks about the wars and mass killings that were performed in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and Yemen, especially Yemen has been struggling since many decades to get free, but unsuccessfully because the English Royalties represented by the British and American governments that are using Saudi Arabia and their fake allies as proxy for Yemen, just as they did in 1960s, which I saw myself after these criminals kidnapped me to Cairo Egypt and forced me to be there for 10 years and then took me to Germany direct to the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich for re-brainwash and enslaving me under their whore agent Anita Disbray that totally isolated me with her telepathy.

5.                Until 1980s Petroleum exploration was a very expensive investment, because it relied on scientific search mixed with at least 50% luck, which means that they may dig 2-5 times and come out empty. In early 1980s they were able to make special photography from Satellite, which will create an image of what is under the earth crust and scientist can tell what kind of natural resources this is. And therefore, they do not have to drill 2-5 times until they find a winner anymore, therefore, and today, they can tell through satellite imagery what country has what natural resources and then create a setup to steal this country as they did with Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and others and many yet to come. Petroleum is an evil product that animate people to kill and steal = cheat, stealing, no freedom no democracy, con-business and con-governments

6.                Because Oil exploration was so expensive and companies sometimes have to drill 2-5 times until they find petroleum, some of them started to perform organized crime in order to generate money to cover up of the 2-5 times useless drillings, and one of these organized crimes is illegal drugs that is performed in various countries often under a hidden military protection, one of these groups is my fake family that was working closely with Saudi Arabia and American and British petroleum companies such as BP-British petroleum, ARAMCO, Exon, Chevron, Texaco and others or to be precise, they were working for these companies by planting illegal drugs in Lebanon, Syrian, Jordan, Egypt and selling them in Europe, North America and elsewhere and today I strongly believe they also plant it in Iran while creating a fake war with Iran as cover up for the illegal drugs. When officially 2 neighboring countries are at war, then they have a reason to block certain country sections of the general public and journalism under the pretention this is military area against Americans in Iraq or against Palestinians in Israel or against Yemenis and the list is endless. This concept/pattern I found also in South America such as in Columbia (many Lebanese are there), Mexico, but also in Asia such as the Golden tringle in Southeast Asia between the 3 countries Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar and it was famous for illegal drugs, where the American military was heavily in that area of Thailand. Today the illegal drug business and alone in USA is between 100-300 Billion US Dollars yearly business, and no controlling family will allow that this business goes in the hand of a mad man such as El Chapo, unless he is working for them. 100-300 Billion in USA only means 50-150 billion profit, and if you calculate it for Europe, Canada, Mexico and other countries, it will become a couple of trillion US Dollar world Business, whereby 50% of it is pure profit, to launder that, you need countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, where the people are one track thinker=will do anything for money. Illegal drugs by controlling families It may have started for oil exploration, but today it is 100% to prevent others to be as rich as them and compete with their power. I am not a criminal minded, but I know how they think because they raised me, and if I am in their place nothing is illegal enough or is the limit to make money, because they are two track thinkers = Money and Power = do whatever it takes, sell family member as they sold me out, kill other and steal their land, lie to the public, create a hidden slave to control the government, using telepathy rape children  by Catholic priests to make bad name for the largest religious church community in the world and the list is endless. Not to forget they used many of these evil brainwash and sadistic immoral tactics/strategies with me, such as kidnapping me, causing me a total amnesia. Falsifying my identity from British to American and then to Syria. Rapping me multitude times by men and women as mean of brainwash!!

7.                Saudi Arabia is through and through English royalties and Rockefeller family. Yet the trump administration places a veto that stops delivering weapons to Saudi Arabia that allows them to Kill Yeminis and control the country to steal their natural resources and control the entry to the Red Sea, not to forget that Rex Wayne Tillerson of Exxon Mobile was the President of Exxon Yemen Inc., therewith the US president Donald Trump was helping the Rockefeller (Exxon/Esso, Chevron, ARAMCO, BP-British Petroleum and many others) as well as the English royal family by killing innocent people that cannot defend their selves, which is comparable the Saudi’s and their evil allies (which are all proxy) come heavy weaponized with planes and tanks to attack people that have knifes!

8.                The English Royalties are one of the biggest enemies at least of India and China, because they were unable to control them, therefore they attack them wherever they can, here I just want to mention China, as follow:

8.1.                    they used their hidden slave Donald Trump to forced new tariffs against China

8.2.                    Used their influence in Honk Kong to create a very destructive and violent protest and this since at least early summer of 2019

8.3.                    Allowed the North Korean to continue to build their weaponry, among others to open a new front against China while using the situation to force other neighboring countries, such as South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Philippine and others  to pay more protection fees (Mafia like) to cover up for dramatically reducing the taxes for rich companies such as Exxon/Esso, Chevron, BP-British Petroleum and others

8.4.                    Using some Muslims to attack China as they did in India since over 300 years, which forced Chinese to take drastic measures against Muslims in General. The English royalties often uses Muslims against their opponents such as the did against India and countless other African countries. Then they use their news companies and other Media to make the Chinese look like the bad devils that are torturing Muslims. Personally, I do not agree with the Chinese methods against Muslims or against anyone else, which it can get out of hands and become what the Nazis did with the Jewish and mass killed them. Yet, many know that the English royalties uses Muslims against their opponents such as they are doing in Israel using Israel against Palestinians and Palestinians against Israel and this since 1948 to keep both sides busy while they control them

8.5.                    Making Pakistan an atomic powerhouse and to the southwest of China and to the west of India. The English royalties are more friends with Pakistan than with India and China, and that is why they use countless Pakistanis in the Middle East such as in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Syria and even Jordan, mainly as soldiers, in matter of fact, if the Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia want, then they can easily take over the control of the Saudi Arabian Armed forces because they are more in count than others. The reason that the English royalties are closer to Pakistani than Indians, is because they used the Muslims since at least 300 or more years to fight Hindu Indians that were the majority in India and still are the majority today, and the Muslims were and still are one of the many minorities, and therewith they created a never ending conflict of India as distraction of their selves, while creating a copycat Islam alias the Sunni-Islam in Saudi Arabia, because Islam is 100% originated from India, and the prove for that is that there are more Muslim populated countries around India than around Saudi Arabia, and to see that clearly, just take out Africa that was to larger part discovered starting after the year 1800, where all they had were native religions that were destroyed by force through the English royalties and forced upon them Islam and the prove of that is that the Nile origin, which is lake Victoria, was first discovered in the year 1858 by John Speke an English explorer and officer in the British Indian Army, which makes him explorer for the English royalties. and here is another prove the countries surrounding the Lake Victoria are Tanzania (35% Muslims by force of the English Royalties), Uganda (14% Muslims and the majority are Catholic Christians 39% and Anglican Christians from the UK 32% that used to be 39%. The English royalties forced both religions Islam and Anglicans), Kenya (Muslims 11%, majority Christians over 83%), Tanzania (Islam 35%, majority Christians 61%), Burundi (Islam 3%, over 90% Christians and hereof 65% Catholics), Rwanda (Islam 2%, Christian majority of population by force). All these mentioned countries are the countries around the Lake Victoria, whereby 2 of them, which are Burundi and Rwanda do not have direct access to the lake. On the contrast of all that, see the countries around India, they all have the majority Muslims from Indonesia to all the countries in Southern the Russian Federation as well south of them to Afghanistan and Iran and the whole way east to Indonesia (the largest Muslim country in the world) and other neighboring countries that has absolutely nothing to-do with Saudi Arabia, in matter of fact in all these Eastern countries you will find a very large Indian originated population mixed with locals that whole way to China, all other so Called Muslim countries West of Saudi Arabia, meaning in Africa came later with and through the English Royalty copycat Islam = Sunni-Islam. For more information and prove see the following 3 links:






9.                Donald Trump is more with Saudi Arabia than with Europe, even though Europeans have performed more good actions for USA than the Saudi ever can do, not to forget that the World Trade Center bombing was performed mainly by Saudi Arabians during which the Saudis made more money in the stock market than anyone else during that period of the World Trade Center bombing on 11.0.2001, and this based on American media

10.           The Net/Web, I do not know what else to call it but Net/Web, help the hidden slave to reach the position they designated him/her for, in our case the US president Donald Trump, then make him pick members of the web as his administration. Everything is well planned and maybe 20-40 years ahead, during which they will do everything to make the hidden slave president look like he is in control, by exchanging staff as planned and make it look like the president firing this or that. In reality the ones hi picked to be his secretaries’ alias the White House administrations are the ones who have telepathy and control the president, among others such as but not limited to: Mike Pompeo, Mike Pence, Steven Mnuchin. Mark Esper, William Barr, and one of the White House advisors is Larry Kudlow, whereby, and this is only my opinion based on his look and behavior, one of these mentioned is most probably the grandson or the son of Adolf Hitler(you figure out which one of the above mentioned), and at least 2 of them are of the Rockefeller family (you figure out which two of the above mentioned), please note that the Rockefeller family were supplying petroleum to the so called military of the Third Reich in Germany during Adolf Hitler time, which is a public knowledge!

11.           A person with telepathy does not want to be in a position where people look at him in control, such as president, therefore they use an scapegoat such as Donald Trump and do all the bad things such as stealing the Tax payers money and blame everything on the president, and they come out clean, in this case his administration, and his secretaries such as Mike Pompeo, it would not surprise me if they exchange him as distraction of this scheme. In 10, 20 or 50 years from now when media and people and institutions remember this time of the presidency of Donald Trump and that he cut the taxes for the Petroleum companies and other companies by almost 50%, which is 100% wrong, they will blame it on Donald Trump and no one will even mention or remember the members of his administration and his advisors that are hidden English royalties and Rockefellers family members such as Stephen Bannon or William Barr or Larry Kudlow that is through and through Rockefeller and a hidden English royalty. Not to mention his other advisors including his attorney that were indicted and/or imprisoned. Last but not least no one with telepathy want to be shot at with a gun or rifle and be killed or injured such as Four sitting presidents that have been already killed: Abraham Lincoln (1865), James A. Garfield (1881), William McKinley (1901), and John F. Kennedy (1963). Additionally, two presidents have been injured in attempted assassinations: Theodore Roosevelt (1912; former president at the time) and Ronald Reagan (1981).

12.           As distraction of all of the above, US president Donald Trump is forced to add several family members to his administration and to make him look like he is in control, his wife is the first lady that I strongly suspect to have telepathy, his daughter is his official advisor, the husband of his daughter is also his official advisor, his 2 adult children are indirectly also his advisors, who knows, maybe they are not his children and were planted in his life as a backup plan to keep him legitimately under control, just as they did to me and did to many others prior to that, such as George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, and a couple of others that I also suspect

13.           I really feel sorry for Donald Trump because he has no idea what he is doing and what others are doing with him, yet and nevertheless he is as dangerous as the con people that are controlling him

14.           It is impossible for the current US president Donald Trump to be a US president because of the following reasons:

14.1.               He spends much of his time golfing

14.2.               He spends most of his time campaigning for the 2020 election, and this since 2017

14.3.               He spends much of his time as a representative of The White House by going around starting or attending certain public events, which often it takes half to one and half day of his time and he does that at least once a week

14.4.               He travels internationally to visit other countries

14.5.               He often takes a vacation and a long one

14.6.               He does not understand any of the subjects of his 24 secretaries such as international diplomacy or diplomacy at all, defense, justice, interior matters, agriculture, commerce, labor, health and human services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Education, and Affairs, Homeland Security, staffing, Office of Management and Budget, Trade, National Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency (=spying and destruction), Environmental Protection, Small Business Administration, not to mention dealing with others, such as Media, his critic, his opponents, where he makes them look like the  opponent of USA such as the Media and China and that is not only wrong, but very dangerous for world peace!

14.7.               I can imagine, if I am a president of a country, then I have to work at least 16-18 hours daily to just sign papers, no one person can be a president and perform all the tasks such as making a decision over 24 of his secretaries over subjects he has no idea about and the best prove for that, is that he never talked about all the decisions he made over all the secretaries mentioned in the above point

14.8.               In reality, each secretary of his administration is specialized in steal tax payers money and will 100% redirect the purchasing of products and services from the old companies to the companies of his hidden partners and controllers through the Net/Web, and that is fact, and that is why the American population are suffering on many fronts, from lack of governmental support when they are unemployed to not being covered medically to not being able to pay for medical bills, to not being able to work one job and spend quality time with their family and friends or even do some service to the community, because they are totally consumed by their 2-6 weekly jobs and part time jobs and weekend jobs and Friday morning jobs and the list goes on and on=hidden mass slavery

14.9.               In short President Donald Trump is nothing else that a speaker of the White House administration, and he does from his point of view a very good job, from my point of view a very destructive job, by lying, blaming others, invent fake stories and that is why his masters planned for him to be in a TV show enable to train his mind on talking to others and creating a show kike environment = Show business, and that is why many persons in our history and until today call the political arena is “A world on a stage” which started by William Shakespeare (1564–1616) and until current!

15.           Here are some other facts that shows that the current USA president Donald Trump is nothing else that a puppet of his own secretaries that control him and then give him a lollypop to keep him happy, and a lollypop has many forms as shown below. Many of the below are the lollypop for Donald Trump, or better said the dog cookie that they allow him to have:

15.1.               Look at Donald Trump 2 facial photos below and in particular look at his eyes, they point to that he on a regular base wear protective eyeglasses while laying down in a Tanning Bed with ultraviolet light  to get a sun tan, as a result his al around his eyes are very while his skin is almost red. He must do than every day to get his eyes to look like that

15.2.               Look at Donald Trump 2 facial photos below and in particular look at his hair, in one of them he has gray hair while in the other he has red hair, meaning he dye/color his hair. Also in the photo where he has red hair, you can see the skim of his head between the hair, yet and in the other photo with the white hair you cannot see the skin between the hair, either he grew more hair or they are 2 different persons, which is a very strong pattern I discovered to be by these criminals that are at high places

15.3.               Look at Donald Trump 2 facial photos below and in particular look at his lips, he wears lip sticks

15.4.               Look at Donald Trump 2 facial photos below and in particular look at his chin, even though the 2 photos one from the front and the other the profile from the side, yet it seems to as if they are totally 2 different chins one id more square and slightly longer than the other, I may be wrong in this point due to optical deceive of the camera!

15.5.               Look at the 4 photos of Donald Trump shaking hands with the French president Emmanuel Macron, this is a typical joke of a person with telepathy (Emmanuel Macron) and another without telepathy (a hidden slave), where they use their power to control the person, they are with to show him who is the boss here. This happened to me many times over since 1960, but I never understood it, until after the year 2000 and in particular or among others as I saw these photos and my mind immediately related to situations of my past and current!

15.6.               Look at the 2 photos of Donald Trump with food, this is a 100% paid advertisement, just as CNN kept for nearly one year or maybe over advertising for him by bringing several times a day handy tips for golfing, where Donald Trump allegedly owns several, also in Scotland=UK=English Royalties. I strongly believe that the company was on the verge of going bankrupt in 2016/2017 until Donald Trump started to use Twitter, where then many followed him, but also other states men/women also started to use Twitter to respond to his nasty tweets, and other use his strategy that was created by one of his masters to prevent him of going public due to he has no telepathy and many can force him to say or do the wrong things, which they did, which you can see it in all his news conferences and interviews. In short the current USA president Donald Trump receive money for anything he does as advertisement from McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Twitter and countless others and that is 100% illegal for a US president or any other president of the world to do that, which shows that this criminal is not working for the wellbeing of the American people or his allies but rather only for himself as a lollypop to keep him happy while his masters steal the US budget blindly, and all this will be 100% visible in his income as private person and as business man as well as his children that officially manage his company and his incoming money. While large company stole roughly 200 or 500 Billion every single year because he gave them an almost 50% tax cut, from 35% to 20% add to it that these criminals have redirected many purchases of the US government, military and other governmental purchases and services to their own, and that is also very easy to check out who was selling products and services to the US government prior to 2017 and who is selling the same products and services to the US government now, because even though the US congress set the budget yet the US president and his administration are the ones who manage to give it out and to who and the best public prove about that, is that they stopped a very good project of military Cloud Services by Amazon because they do not like Jeff Bezos, and the reason they do not like him, because he owns the Washington Post newspaper that criticize them, while also Jeff Bezos is the first, and possibly only company that set the minimum wages to 15 US Dollars, but the government refuse to do that. Because there are millions of Americans that have an hourly income of 1-5 US Dollar, including myself after these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA and prevented me to work in the IT sector for several years as a mean of brainwash and distraction of my past!

15.7.               Donald Trump has not telepathy and that I can say for sure because of the following reasons:

15.7.1.                  In case someone wants to kill him as it was happened before to other US presidents as recent as Ronald Reagan in 1981, but he survived the attack or he died and his twin took over, no one with telepathy would want to be a president to not be shot and killed

15.7.2.                  They need someone to blame all the bad things that the republican party perform since ages as distraction of the controlling families and their hidden family members that acts as secretaries of the White House administration

15.7.3.                  If the hidden slave has telepathy, then he will not be a hidden slave anymore, and he can change his mind and perform actions as a president against them or at least to their financial disadvantage and no one can stop, and to avoid that they use a puppet as Donald Trump without telepathy. Always remember, a person with telepathy and in the government, would always want to look good, understanding, humble, honest, have empathy and so on, and Donald Trump and by far has none of the above-mentioned characteristics. In short, they want a person that they can control which equals a puppet!

15.8.               Last but not least, I strongly believe that the American military has released the Corona virus called COVID-19 into Wuhan, China as well as into Italy, Spain (=Damaging the EU) and Iran. For the details of why I strongly believe so see the section “The deadliest Tax cut in the history of mankind, that brought a plague upon the entire world” in this page. One of the problems with the White House Administration and the Corona Virus, is that the White House administration see $ signs in their eyes in each opportunity, meaning they tried to get companies that their partners own to make money during the Corona Virus epidemic and pandemic, such as manufacturing the Malaria drug called “hydroxychloroquine”. If I my conclusion is correct, then the American military has an cure, but they cannot use it yet because people will start to question how come they have a cure/medications/antidote for a new sickness such as Covid-19, whereby COVID-19 means Corona Virus ID 19 for the year that was discovered in which was November or December 2019!


I think the world should say thank you to Donald Trump, because he showed us and gave us a reason that the position president is not needed because it is dangerous and because it represents a hidden king and a hidden slave which equals the English royalties. What we need is a presidential committee of at least 7-9 persons and n more a so-called Leader alias king alias Adolf Hitler alias mass murderer. Alone that they call the wife of the president “The First Lady” is insulting to freedom and democracy and equality because the wording “First lady” is 100% inequality and creating the stage for a lower lady, which cannot be called lady anymore, because she is a slave, beside I strongly believe that the current US president as well as the last 3 republican presidents were hidden slaves, while their wives have telepathy, just as these criminal did to me!



Donald Trump facial photos that do not match



Donald Trump has a side business making hidden advertisement for big companies such as, McDonalds, KFC-Kentucky Fried Chicken and countless others




Emmanuel Macron shows the hidden slave Donald Trump who is the boss and running things here by repeatedly and at various occasions pressing and holding the hand of Donald Trump


This will show the pattern of hidden slavery, even at top governmental level such as The White House administration.


But first, please note that I am not political oriented by nature, but rather I was forced because I was severely mistreated and tortured by the government of US, UK, Germany and Netherlands especially in the Middle East and I was forced to do some research that would help me understand who and why in God’s name were these criminal torturing my life since kidnapping me as a child but also enslaving me and kidnapping  as an adult from Munich, Germany to Bridgeport + Fairfield, Connecticut and later to Houston, Texas, USA, where these criminals and literally kept me as a hidden slave until 1 March 2016, and in the concerning the USA, I found these criminals that are responsible for brainwashing me and kidnapping me several times in ,y life and then locking me up unjustly for officially 14 years and in the hidden until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, which means these criminals locked me up between enslaving me by force of brainwash and telepathy starting 24.12.1984 and until 1 March 2016, this 32 years lock up between hidden slavery and illegal aliens of that 14 years locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA, Netherlands and Germany.


And therewith I have found 2 keys to kidnapping me as child and as an adult, as follow:

1.                Key-1: Kidnapping me as child after King George VI died on 6 February 1952 and I was either an infant at that time or was just born after his death and was then kidnapped by queen Elizabeth the second with the help of the Freemasons + MI6 + CIA

2.                Key-2: the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and their hidden illegal project Calypso as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” where they severely set me up countless time, brainwashed me, enslaved in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 + BND and my fake family (as described in the pages “Kidnapping me as child” + “My fake family the kidnappers”) under their joint nasty, sadistic and most disgusting human being in the world called Najlaa Mahmoud including all her F…… family and children. Whereby at that time the hidden slave Ronald Reagan with his criminal White House Administration including his criminal and mass murderer vice president George H. W. Bush and his not less criminal son ex us President George W. Bush. And here I wonder why their names is George while the father of George H. W. Bush is named Prescott Bush


Therefore I concentrated on these 2 keys and found that all Republican presidents since and including Ronald Reagan, were hidden slaves, meaning they were being controlled by telepathy and brainwash since their child hood, and that make them more than criminals, because the American people elect someone, but the end result is always someone else in the background and often pretended to be following the president order in reality he and his hidden friends are controlling most of the doings and decisions of the US president and no one is doing anything about it because most of the persons with telepathy that are taking advantage of being able to control other people without their knowledge by using the invisible telepathy force.


And here are my findings that were originally mean only for me enable to find out where I was kidnapped from and who is responsible for my kidnappings, yet and today, I think this is much worse than just kidnapping me, is about the mas hidden slavery in USA and in the UK, not that it does not exist in Europe or in the EU, however and in the EU they have dramatically improved to the laws that gives by far more freedom and protection of individual wellbeing that the UK + USA + CANADA + Australia combined, yet it is still not perfect and they are working on it on a daily basis and I can see that, especially during the COVID-19 Pandemic, where the individuals in USA are suffering dramatically and not of the virus, but rather of not being able to buy food, pay the rent or mortgage, pay the phone line, pay electricity, pay water, and I am not talking about 200 or 2000 persons, but rather about far more than one 150 Million persons are effected by that, alone people that get food donations because they have no money to buy food is far more than 50 Million up to day on 24.06.2020. in comparison, me in the Netherlands, I have around 500 Euro pensions from Germany + Netherlands (where it should have been over 1,000 Euro, which were 100% cut intentionally by more than half to force me to stay in the Netherlands), yet the 500 Euro is not enough to survive on, therefore each municipality  must subsidies the difference to equal the minimum income in Netherlands, which is just over 1,000 Euro, that too is not enough to survive on, therefor the tax office give 2 monthly subsidies to cover up for rent and health care, and therewith I can go to a medical professional or hospital without have to worry how am I going to pay for it, because the insurance pays for it, which is the law in Netherlands that each person must be health insured, and I pay 150 Euro per month and the tax office give me 104 Euro per month for health insurance coverage, meaning I pay around 50 Euro per month health insurance, and therewith everyone in Netherlands would have the minimum income that the government set as minimum, which is and including all subsides around 1400 Euro per month plus many other small things here and there that you do not have to pay for because of the minimum income, in USA there is no such a thing as minimum income, there is only minimum wages which I believe is around 7.50 Dollar per hour, which is far less than the minimum. Other European countries and in particular EU countries have similar systems. Therefore no one that lives here can starve or live on the streets begging for money to buy food, unless they are illegal aliens and feel that they live on the streets in the EU is better than living on the streets in their own countries. And this system is 100% missing in USA, which is 100% is going to be the downfall of USA as we know it today, because the USA + the UK are through and through brainwash and slavery countries, and I know that for fact because I have seen it because I was forced to live there by kidnapping. That is why I am dedicating this section, if not the entire page to the American and British public  and all the countries that were totally mistreated by them, such as Egypt, Palestine, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Yemen and countless other countries, especially in Africa, where they think Black people are born to be their slaves and that is why they kidnapped countless of them to USA, Canada, Australia, South America, and even today by using Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar as proxy, where the majority of them in Africa as well as in USA and in the UK live in slavery and do not know it because most of them are working their lives off in 1-7 jobs weekly to feed their family and often are not even succeeding and this in the alleged leader countries of freedom and democracy on earth alias USA and the UK, which is plainly said, and excuse my language, bullshit!!??


Once I have completed my complaint pages to 100%, which I believe and with this page it is to over 95% complete, then I will look for alternative to getting social help (=financial help) of the Tax office and the municipality that I live in, because this is no life, just getting money and surviving on it, I do not want to survive anymore, which I have been doing as far as I can recall since the begin of 1960, but rather I want to live a productive life, hand in hand with others, even hand in hands with those criminals that I am complaining about, because I am positive that they need help to get out of this circle of evil that they were pushed into since childhood and do not know how to live with honesty and productivity with and for others, but rather they think lie, con people, and when necessary torture them and kill them and steal their land, natural resources and entire lives while enslaving the rest and then they call that freedom and democracy. For all of you who think so, here what I have to say to you today: Kiss my shoes. And I will do more in the near future to get you out of this concentrated evil circle of hidden conning and hidden crimes!


Here you will see some of the hidden Rockefeller and English royalty members that are also member of the current Donald Trump White House administration and are 100% controlling Donald Trump, and as they say, one picture is better than thousand words, and these are more than just one picture, which equal many thousand words in pictures!


In short: they control trump and his family, and therefore they brought them in to The White House as if they are a family business, in reality the real controlling families are the ones controlling Donald Trump and his stupid front and decoy family, in addition to that, they created many mass brainwash situations by getting someone known to be related to the Rockefeller and English royalties and then pretending to let him go as if no Rockefeller or English royalties here and only the Trump family that are allegedly related to Russia, Jewish, Turkish and Nazis (absolutely the same brainwash scheme that these criminals also used on me since January 1970 in Germany and later after 1986 also in USA, which very much equals that they are 100% have intellectual disability) as distraction of the Rockefeller family and their hidden relatives English royalties, such as nominating the Exxon CEO Rex W. Tillerson and then created a scheme to fire him one year later, and the same with others. Now the White House


Here I am selecting only a few of the administration that I am positive that they are of the English royalty families and their hidden relatives the Rockefeller families, families because they are not only called Windsor or Rockefeller, but they also have many other names that they planned centuries ago, just as they already today planning for controlling the White House, Congress and Senate in the year 2050 or even 2070.


That is why the American constitution is a joke, because of the following reasons:

1.                It was created by slave masters and slave creators to blind and con the others that were against them

2.                All they need is to get one person as a president and this this stupid hidden slave then will open the door for them and get them all in and no one can remove this traitor president such as all republican presidents at least since Ronald Reagan and until current the Donald Trump  of his role as president, because he is not a president, he is “We are the hidden King or Queen” and can do what he wants fire/dismiss he wants and steal what he wants and no one can oppose him = the American constitution is a joke, which was visible with the impeachment of Donald Trump that dead on arrival in the totally corrupt Senate that they care about money and not the American tax payers that pays their salaries just to allow them to steal 1000 times more than the salaries, which is visible with the vicious tax cut and the social cutting and saving that these people are doing to cover up for the huge and massive tax cut that is mainly beneficial to the controlling families while simultaneously promote slavery which has a huge effect on the very bad measurements and treatments that the US government did to defend the general public of the Corona Virus, where they really do not care who and how many dies as long as they make money out of it, not to forget that the Rockefeller families own one of the largest if not the largest private health systems (hospitals and pharmaceutical companies) in USA, therefore they are making money one way or another!

3.                The senate is through and through English Royalties and Rockefellers, and here is why, these senators are often NOT elected, but rather they are appointed or selected by governors, and governors of the Rockefeller families and the English royal families have always enough money to promote their candidate that they raised since childhood to become senator or even congressman/woman


First here is the front decoy family called Trump that are playing on Judaism, Nazis, Turkish and Russian agents as distraction of the English royalty families and the Rockefeller families, while making bad name for Jewish, Muslim, Germans, Turkish, Christian, Asians and above all South Americans


An important note: Many of the persons below are cowards and hide behind a flag to show as if they are American patriots, and this is far from the truth, which is very visible in this page, and to show as if they are patriots, they always stand next to, in front of the American flag, and some even hug it, and all of them together place a mini flag on their jacket. Think of it this way, a patriot does not need to show or say he is patriot, his actions will speak for him/her, and actions such as treating Americans with dignity and not allow them t beg for health care or food or even kill thousands of them by spreading the COVID-19 to damage the economy of China, EU and Iran, and the American military has intentionally spread the virus as described within this page, and there with the White House administration is 100% intentionally caused officially 2.5 Million (as of June 2020) and based on CDC 8-24 times as much to be sick and at least 125,000 death and possibly also 8-24 times as much = and whoever is responsible for that is not a patriot, but rathe is the public enemy number, PERIOD. Besides, a patriot is a person that would prefer his own countrymen that he does not know all of them against a person that he knows yet is not a countryman, and also is welling to kill this person that is not a countryman. That is what a patriot is in reality. Me as a Christian and in general as born as a human being (before I was setup to became Christian enable the concentrated evil English royalties can have a reason to persecute me in the name of Islam and as distraction of their selves)I cannot just prefer anyone human over another human, or even kill them in the name of patriotism or religion because they are from a different country, and this because I am a human being with intelligence, which 100% differentiate me of animals, very unfortunately some human beings forgotten that they are human being and think of their selves as wild animals that have to kill others for their territories + natural resources + land + water + ……, a reason can be always found to kill, yet there is only one reason not to kill, which is: everyone has the right to live and to use whatever God gave him in his own land, and this includes land to build upon or whatever is below the land, such as natural resources!


The grandparent

Donald Trump alleged grandparents: Frederick Trump and his alleged wife Elizabeth Christ

Since they are supposed to be originated from Bavaria, where I lived for 17 years prior to kidnapping me from Germany to USA, in German and Bavarian they write Frederick as Friedrich, beside the name Trump is through and through British originated from Scotland . As well as the name Elizabeth is also through and through English, it is used sometimes in Germany, yet very rarely, but also her last name Christ is written in German Christus, while Christ is mainly used in the English language!



Donald Trump a grandson of an alleged Bavarian of the German Empire = German + British Royalty

Grandfather, Frederick Trump:

Grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump:


Photo-2 + photo-3

The alleged US immigration record of the grandfather entering USA. Now ask yourself these questions:

1.                Is this really important mentioning it and publishing it on

2.                What is the purpose of (or prove for) publishing this document?

3.                Who would keep a document like that of his alleged grandfather for over 123 years?


I do not know your answers, but here is my answers:

To question-1:       it is absolutely irrelevant and just wasting storage area at computer servers!

To question-2:       to show that his grandparents are originated from Bavaria (it used to be an independent country, now it is a so-called free state within Germany)

Why is this important, I would have believed it if it was written as such, however publishing these documents meaning they want to emphasize it enable to win the votes of the Nazis living in USA while distracting of the English royalties, actually and to say it correctly to distract of (fake) Russian/ex-Soviet Union origin that was meant as distraction of the English royalties. Donald Trump + some members of his family that are working in the White House are distraction of the English royalty families + Rockefeller families as shown below

To question-3:       Based on my life experience, documents like that are publicized mainly as brainwash tools, just as these criminals gave me fake Freemason documents showing that my made up no existing father was allegedly Master Freemason (whatever that means) and was allegedly working as a judge for the British in Khartoum, Sudan and to make it believable they also gave me 2 X Freemasons gold medals with his name on them = brainwash and distraction of the English royalties and in particular of the witch queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me in the first of all and went with me to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 pretending to be Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi,


Conclusion and for all I know, these documents they found in the US Immigration archives and published them most probably after Donald Trump was elected president in November 2016.










The Parents

The Parents of Donald Trump

Mother, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump:, in German language there is no name such as Mary Anne, there is however Anna. Marry Ann is through and through British. Also the name MacLeod is through and through Scottish = British = English royalties

Father, Fred Trump allegedly the son of Bavarians from the German Empire, same ere there is no German name as Fred, this is also through and through British. I would expect a Bavarian couple to name their children Bavarian names, because Bavarians are one of the most proud people I have ever seen in my life, possibly they are the proudest people on earth, and they will always choose a Bavarian/German names for their children, no matter where they live and how long they live there!


What is maybe worth mentioning is the following 2 points:

1.                Who would make a hair like that such as showing below of the mother of Donald Trump, at least now I know why Donald Trump has similar hair style!

2.                The facial damage of the father is unexplainable, is it always the same person or are they 2 different persons. Was she born like that and then tried to make cosmetic surgery to fix his look, I do not know, I just know that their history and behavior stinks to the heavens and back to earth


I do not know what is the problem with the damaged facial area by both ears. I was not able to find documentation on it. If he was born like that, then he is most probably intellectually impaired. If it is through a surgical procedure on both sides of his face, then it will most definitely  affect his mental state

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The decoy White House family

The various looks of Donald Trump


Donald Trump, the hidden slave of the English royalty families + Rockefeller families and that is why he think of himself as a king, but he is nothing more than 80 cent con-man


What hair color does he really have?


I guess he himself is not able to agree with his multiple personalities!


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 Donald Trump the con man

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Donald Trump with his supervisor: The English prime minister Boris Johnson, and he really looks like Johnson!!??


These 2 have at least one thing in common: both are 100% hidden slaves of the English royalties that has one goal in life: destruction of any freedom or advancements of others enable to keep everyone work for them and under their control!


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 The ex-wives of the hidden slave Donald Trump

Wife number-1: Ivana Trump

Wife number-2: Marla Maples

It is all about show business = conning others!

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Wife number-3: Melania Trump the top con-woman

(and possibly until the end of his presidency, then will divorce Donald Trump!!!)

First lady is another word for queen, just like president of USA is another word for king of USA.

The text on her jacket reads like this: I really don't care do U?

What a shame that some stupid woman like that who supposed to care about not only the American public but about every living human being, yet she does not care and she and her dangerous evil family are doing a very good job showing it to China, Iran, and the EU-European Union by spreading the COVID-19 alias the Cortona Virus to force them to accept their demands for tariffs to cover up for the criminal huge tax cut they made for the controlling families alias English royal families + Rockefeller families

A couple of people that are talking to each other

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 The decoy family alias The White House distraction of or for the English Royal families + the Rockefeller Families

Ivanka Trump


The advisor to president, his daughter, he allegedly does not take a salary, but he gives his wife, daughter, son-in-law and who knows who else and arm and a leg for consulting him.


This is the con-woman in front and behind the American flag. As a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or other religions that believes in moral values, then and most definitely I would not want a reviling woman like that anywhere near the government, and by revealing I do not mean only that she thinks of herself as a sex object and shows it in the first picture, but rather I mean her face expressions revealing more than she can imagine, which is she is a con-woman the daughter of a con-man. Add to that the facial expressions of her husband, not to mention his very conning tune, which you cannot hear through his photographs, but can see through his facial expressions!




In the left photo is she selling her breast or her brain and intelligence or the lack of it!

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The son-in-law as advisor to the president

Jared Kushner

All what is to say here, is that he is a con-man that is very well paid by the White House to make Donald Trump to look like he is Jewish related as distraction of the English royalties. In reality he has made a very destructive moves with Israeli government, which makes him not only ignorant and arrogant, but also a criminal that help thieves to steal the lands of innocent Palestinians, but also he is making a very bad name for the majority of the Jewish, because the majority of Jewish have moral values, which he 100% does not have!

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The con sons of Donald Trump:

Donald Trump Jr. (typical royalties naming convention, just like King George V and his son + King George VI + The 2 presidential George Bush(es) of USA alias George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush and)


Eric Trump


The sons and hidden advisor that are covering up for all the probes that Donald Trump is receiving from all the hidden advertisement that he continuously is making for other companies and most definitely they are paying his children. Companies sch as Twitter, that was almost bankrupt in 2016 until Trump start using it very publicly, or Kentucky Fried Chicken or McDonalds or that countless other companies such as the pharmaceutical manufacturer of the Malaria drug called “hydroxychloroquine” (that turned out to be more damaging than healing) and many others and all the other pharmaceutical manufacturers that claim they are working on a vaccine and the White House is buying millions of these alleged vaccine and in advance prior to the testing’s = con-business while stealing the tax payers money any way they can

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The wives of the 2 above con sons of Donald Trump:

Vanessa Trump the wife of Donald Trump Jr.

Lara Lea Trump (née Yunaska) the wife of Eric Trump

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The real controlling hidden families of the White House Administration that are using Donald Trump as a front and hidden slave family


Here are some of the real masters of the White House that pretend t be under the control of Donald Trump. They need him to be re-elected enable they can make the big steal as always was in the prior Republican presidents at least since Ronald Reagan, that on the second Term they do something really big, where George H. W. Bush messed it up because Bill Clinton was elected instead of him for the second term, but his criminal son George W. Bush did it in 8 years stealing the tax payers money blindly, and where ever he could, right and left, above and below. Welcome to the reality of the White House Administration under the Republican party and sometimes even under the Democratic p[arty, because both compete who can steal more, while the majority of Americans have to work several jobs to feed their children ,and this because the White House administration is stealing their money in the name of Democracy and Freedom to steal!


Important note: These are con-persons that have one thing in mind to steal as much of the taxpayers as they can, to do that they have to act and cover their intentions above all coverup their relations to each other’s, such as some of them are brothers and/or sisters with different last names, others are half-brothers or half-sisters, others are cousins or distant cousins. And since they cannot wear makeups to cover up their look similarities they grow mustaches or beard to cover up among others their split chine or just to look different than their brothers and cousins and to cover up their look similarities to others, other gain on purpose weight, others wear fake eye glasses, change their hairstyle that they always used to do and other. Last but not least, look at their face expressions, because this is how con-persons look like!


The following persons are only a few of the criminals that are running the American government as The White House Administrations. If you like to know them all, then look for them on the Internet and search for the Donald Trump cabinet or Donald Trump advisors or White House advisors or White House Economic Advisors or White House national security advisors, White House health and medical advisors and all of them together are the destroyers of Freedom, democracy that I never saw in USA or in the UK or Even Germany or even the Netherlands until I relocated  to the city of Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, whereby and since this relocation I am busy trying to understand my past, and this is what I found and is in this page!


Larry Kudlow

The White House Administration: the 12th Director of the National Economic Council Rockefeller + English royalty

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William Barr

The White House Administration:: the United States Attorney General and killer for the president of USA by preventing anyone of the justice department to come anywhere near investigating the president and his crocked family and associates an that is criminal within the Justice Department, which makes the American constitution the joke a of the world, because there is no justice in USA, no freedom and no democracy, only con-business to steal the lives of the innocents!


Look at his face, this is the face of a criminal that is so confident no one can touch him because he is protected by the president, while he is covering up for all the crimes of the hidden slave Donald Trump. Another reason he does not give a shit and that is why he is so confident, is because he is protected by the biggest organized crime family the world has ever seen and is called:

                The English royal families + Rockefeller Families, I know that for fact, because how he looks, how he behaves and what he does, how he talks, how he moves = 100% the pattern of my fake family in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Lebanon, Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Germany, UK, Switzerland, USA and other countries!

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Michael Richard Pompeo

The White House Administration:  the CIA director for one year and then the 70th United States Secretary of State

He was preceded by Rex Tillerson the ex-CEO of Exxon alias a Rockefeller and as distraction of the Rockefeller, he was allegedly fired to make it look like that they are not of the Rockefeller that have been influencing the American government since late of 1800s, then the Congress broke down their company called Standard Oil to take that power of them, but they did not succeed because the Rockefeller are hidden relatives of the English royal countless families!!!

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Sonny Pardue

The White House Administration:  the 31st United States Secretary of Agriculture

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David Bernhardt

The White House Administration:  the 53rd United States Secretary of the Interior

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Steven Mnuchin

The White House Administration: 77th United States Secretary of the Treasury


this is the number one thief and organizer of the criminal huge tax cut that will cause the downfall of USA, because it makes the general public poorer than before, which will kill the individual and very hidden American innovation that is often is stolen of them through a person or another that has telepathy, then they patent it and the actual inventor cannot do anything about it = Hidden stealing while keeping the general public as slave. Very fortunately not all persons with telepathy do that, in matter of fact and the countless good men and women with telepathy they always are busy fixing these problems that created by criminals such as these I the current White House administration!

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Russell Vought

The White House Administration: Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget


This person goes hand in hand with the above one called Steven Mnuchin,

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Alex Azar

The White House Administration: 24th United States Secretary of Health and Human Services


This is with no doubt a hidden English royalty, where nothing is clear about his past, such as his grandfather allegedly immigrated from Lebanon in early 20th century which could means 1901 or 1949. He is typical English royalty heritage going top some country they control and from there to USA using a fake identity, such as these criminals did with me. I know many hidden English royalty helpers that go to USA with fake identities, such as my fake sister Afrah alias Mona Najjar and live with her partially fake 4 children in and around Washington D.C. that cousin of the joint disgusting whore (of the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family) named Najlaa Mahmoud, cousin first name forgotten yet her last birth name is Khodor and is the sister of Mohamad alias Mark Khodor of Houston, Texas and his brother Kamal alias Kimo Khodor, and this Mrs. Khodor lives in Washington D.C. or the brothers-in-laws of Dr. Sami Assassa (he was with no doubt CIA or MI6 agent) of Munich, Germany, at least 2 of them, first name forgotten, yet they are allegedly of the Syrian family called Ejlani (has several spelling variations) and they live just a few kilometers of Washington D.C. in a city called Alexandria in Virginia, and many others, and the Khodor family is also allegedly Lebanese, where by the Bark family and Azrath families also of Lebanon as described elsewhere helped setting me up to look like as if I am related to drug lords to give the CIA + Mi6 a reason to take control of my life as an alleged national security risk> Last but not least and when I was setup to become Christian in 1976 at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city called Unterschleissheim, Germany someone was trying to get my attention that my look is not Syria or Arab, while simultaneously getting my attention to many other things, such as bringing the family Schoen int to my life, nothing against the family and they were very nice and kind persons, however the name Schoen translated to Arabic means Helu (=Schoen) and the Helo family was related and partner with my fake family, and when I think of the Schoen family of Unterschleissheim, Germany they were one of countless others setup around my life in that church t remind me of my fake family and Egypt, such as having a young lade named Yasmin (=Jasmin) that had a younger sister that were supposed to remind me of Esmat Khodori and her younger sister Yesmin and countless other situation that I never understood. Back to the name Helu and is allegedly Lebanese, translated to German is Schoen or suess and translated to English means Nice or sweet, and the richest man in Mexico is named Carlos Slim Helú and is originated from Lebanon, and when I look at Lebanon that was and with no doubt a 100% illegal drug country but also a very small country with very limited space just smaller than the state of Connecticut, then it will become very feasible to relocate to Mexico for a bigger land and right next to the country that spends a lot on illegal drugs, and that alone explains how Carlos Slim Helú made his money to become Mexico richest man through telecom!!


Lebanon was controlled directly by English royalties for a long period of time, now it is controlled by English royal family members but in the hidden by using the same methods as they use in USA, Egypt and many other countries, and if you look at Alex Azar, he looks through and through English royalties that pretend to be Lebanese and relocate to Washington D.C. and the surrounding areas, and this because it was planned for him, but also he looks like a man that has been performing illegal business all his life and now he is Secretary of Health and Human Services, whereby he has absolutely no experience what so ever in Health and Human Service, yet he is through and through experienced con-man!

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Dr. Kevin Hassett

The White House Administration: Senior Advisor to the President for Economic Issues


No comments, he cannot be a good person when he is working with criminals that have one thing in mind to enable others and steal their money!


Yet one thing I can say, most probably he was used as distraction of prior advisors!


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 Peter Navarro

The White House Administration: Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy


All I can say, is that he is most probably the one person responsible for many catastrophic events or actions that were taken by the White House administration to cover up for the huge criminal tax cut they made to enrich the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, such as trade wars with Mexico, Canada, China, EU-European Union and many others, which very much makes him one of the top criminals of our time because the COVID-19 alias the Corona virus was intentionally spread in China, EU and Iran to force their economy to break down and therewith force the governments to submit to the White House demands of tariffs


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 Mark Esper

The White House Administration: 27th United States Secretary of Defense


He is with no doubt the head of the COVID-19 spread, I know it was spread through the American military, and he is the head of this evil military, beside the timing fits in there just perfectly in that he became Defense Secretary in July 2019, just 3-4 months before spreading the COVID-19.


When I look at his criminal face and all the face expressions that he makes and is to be seen on by writing his name and looking at the images, then I realize he is though and through English royalties that was brought in for a quick results, yet, criminals are always stupid and they shot their selves in the foot, because they never thought it is going to go to USA and damage the economy of USA, and I really do not care about the economy of one or another country, what is very sad here, is that the majority of Americans, far more than 200 Million Americans has suffered severely, either through the sickness itself, through losing a relative who died because of the COVID-19, or who became homeless because cannot pay the rent because he became unemployed and those even that have no income at all that help them set food on the table for their children, others had may the need to sell some of their stuff to get money and therewith losing something that they treasured.


When I look at his stupid ugly criminal face, I see only bad intentions and killer eyes or better said mass murderer, above all his looks remind me of my fake uncle Dr, Farzat Baroudi in Hamburg, and this fake uncle is just another MF criminal like the list above and below!

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Mike Pence

The White House Administration:

This is the would want to be next US president after Donald Trump would want to have second term of presidency!


This is a grim picture of our all future that we all should do our best to avoid!



Hail Hitler

Sorry but I could not help it, he just acts like Adolf Hitler, speaks like him, move like him and has similar facial expressions to him, and he even look a bit like him and this  just to win American Nazis votes, and trust me there are more Nazis in USA than there is in entire Europe!


And that is also what Adolf Hitler said: Deutsches Reich first = German empire first, which very much equal “America First” because if you place a certain group of human being by force ahead of the rest, then you are Adolf Hitler, PERIOD!


Just watch his stupid criminal face whenever he is with the president, he pretends to be following orders, yet he is one of the most dangerous men in our century!


Here is another note about this alleged Good Indiana man. In 1996 I had a project with a company called “preferred management Services” owned by a low life man called Bil Kimes (Bil with one “L”) this man was with no doubt an evil MI6 or CIA or even FBI agent and tried hard to link me to Palestinian Terrorist and German Nazi. It was a one man company = a fake company and hired me for a couple of days in Houston, Texas as distraction of the big setup, which was for the company called Heidelberger Cement, which is a big German cement company that was going around in USA and purchasing small cement companies in several states also in Indiana and in particular in Evansville, Indiana. The top man of Heidelberger cement was named Adolf (!!!) Merckle. These people and in Evansville, Indiana caused me a lot of trouble that took me over one year to start to recover of it. Adolf Merckle allegedly committed Suicide in 2009. I met him twice in Evansville and in Birmingham, Alabama. Which very much strange, especially in my life.     +       


As you look at the Heidelberg Cement profile in Wikipedia.Org, you will see a map where they are big in business, which is  In Germany, Kazakhstan, India, Spain, Canada and USA = English royalties, because in each one of these countries I have a very negative experience. The last one was with Kazakhstan and the CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium that was mainly engineered by Fluor Daniel  in Sugar Land, Texas (, where they dragged me to this project for a re-brainwash and then blame it on the Russians because Russia was a partner in this project, but also UK government, Chevron Oman and other partners. All in all, it shows that there are some connections between my life and this criminal and want to be the US president Mike Pence, but not in his lifetime!


One more note for the go, if you want you can think of it as coincident. My fake niece named Basma Bdeir/Budier alias marriage name Basma Alami in Amman, Jordan and elsewhere. She went to the university in Lafayette, Indiana and allegedly met her husband there, which is typical for English royalties puppets being manipulated and forced to get together enable to use them in the Middle East, whereby and jointly they have the following businesses in Jordan and at that time: Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier: Chairman of the board  of Jordanian Airline, concrete and cement company(ies), Electric company, water company, telephone company, Construction and engineering company, Islamic Educational College of Jordan, phosphor company (phosphor used in bombs to kill human beings and steal their lands as they stole the Palestinian lands, Saudi Land, Omani land, Jordanian land and the list is endless, while pretending to be Muslim and native), while Abdulghani Abokurah the CEO of the Jordanian Airline and the financial officer of the Islamic College of Jordan, CEO of engineering company, while Alami were owning food supply to the Jordanian airline and other airlines and currency exchange in the airport and elsewhere, and fake ancient antiques also in the airport and in several major hotels. And all together have branches in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Germany, UK, USA and other countries = English royal families also in Indiana. And to top all of the above as cream of the crops, they also have several illegal drug farms in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, covered up by tobacco companies such is it is the case in Jordan Philadelphia and Reem cigarettes!

The man actor ort the actor man!

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This is a typical acting face showing I am harmless and good guy, but he is one of the most dangerous men of the 21st century

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The pattern of women used to enslave men

(Go to Main index)

Since I mentioned many details about how these criminals use women as products and whores against their victims and to enslave them, here I will just list them quickly with their main attributes as a reminder:

1.                Esmat khodori. Cairo, Egypt around 1968/1969. After they started to organize rapping me by men and women that started after 1966/67 and after my fake evil brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar that later changed his last name to Naggar, was forced upon my life in around 1965/66. They pretended to be treating me for homosexuality, which I was not, and forced upon my life Esmat Khodori, and I thought I loved her, which I most definitely did not, it was the isolation that these criminals forced upon me and forbid me to have friends, which was an evil brainwash method with the side effect or possibly intended and planned side effect, that I will welcome any one into my life because I was lonesome. Today I believe they used this situation to cover up for my twin (I am just guessing that I possibly have a twin based on the pattern within this fake family, but also he does not have to be a twin, he could be a slight lookalike that pretend to be me and using also my name), in that this not very nice lady pretended to be my girlfriend (we did not have sex), and then and after they took me to Germany on 10.10.1969 my possible twin or lookalike took over my place as her boyfriend and no one will ever notice while she and the rest of my fake family will vouching for him as if he is me. Is this true or not I do not know for fact, yet my history and my logic tell me it is true. These young lady at that time she was 19 years old and 2 years older than me, had no parents, allegedly died in an Israeli attack on the city of Port Saied north of Egypt, living with her younger brother and sister at the penthouse of her uncle that was the CEO of Egypt Air, owned at that time one of the most famous movie Theater in Cairo, Egypt named Metro, right downtown and next to his own building of roughly 10-20 floors, and he lived in the upper 2 floors as his penthouse. He was the boss of my brother-in-law named Afaf Shawki that was a pilot at Egypt Air and died through a plane crash that he was piloting in around spring of 1966. His 2 official children alias my nephew and niece Essam and Esmat Shawki do not look anything like him, but the male Essam Shawki looks identical to my fake uncle named Jawdat Baroudi from Saudi Arabia, a blue eyes and blond hair that today I relate him to the English royal family. If the children of Afaf Shawki are not the biological children of Afaf Shawki, which they are not, then I strongly believe that their official father Afaf Shawki was murdered among others to use his name for hidden English royalty children that today they live between Brighton (in my presence only), Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and very possibly also USA and Germany

2.                Pre-brainwash to Anita Disbray. In Around March 1970 I was taken by force of brainwash and governmental force to the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved, yet from around July 1970 to 20 August 1970 I was pre-=brainwashed and prepared to be enslaved under the CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray. In this pre-brainwash and within approximately 6 weeks, they forced upon me 7 women and young ladies that were either most disgusting or most sadistic, 2 of them were Spanish, 1 Danish, one Afro American, 2 white Americans and one Turkish. They all were handpicked and were only there for this one job only to force my mind to dislike them or that they dislike me enable to force my mind to find the eights CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray as an angel from heaven compared to the other disgusting sadistic 7 women and young ladies, and indeed their criminal brainwashed worked

3.                Anita Disbray on 20 August 1970 they forced upon me the CIA + MI6 whore named Anita Disbray. She was allegedly from Wembley-London, the UK and working at the administration of the American military headquarter of Europe called EES-European Exchange System, what is notable is that prior to get to know her, one person that I strongly suspect to have been CIA or AMI-American military intelligence and Afro-American named Ray Thomas forced his friendship upon me, which I did not see it that way at that time, and he was allegedly a work colleague of this Anita Disbray that officially was a so called a Data-Typist, a dead profession, which was using a special typing machine to create a so-called punch card for the computer programmer. Then I was enslaved under the control of this whore agent named Anta Disbray until September 1977, during which she totally destroyed any friendship I had during that period as a mean of isolating me and preventing anyone to come near me and talk with me about my fake family in the Middle East that were protected by the CIA and M6. 2 years before leaving me, I was setup to become Christian and they forced me to think that she did that to me, in reality my fake family + the CIA + the MI6 + the German immigration set me up to become Christian, and each for a different reason, during which the church covered up for my irritated behavior as this whore agent left me, because she had telepathy and was totally controlling me with it, which has severe negative side effects, among others I did not know what to do without her controlling my mind, and the church covered dup for all that among others by surrounding me during that period with many friends, but not for the sake of helping me, but rather for the sake of covering up for what this whore agent named Anita Disbray did to my brain with her telepathy. Today I concluded that many controlling members of this church are English royalties mixed with their hidden American and German relatives

4.                Nurse. Name forgotten, that was used against me just 2 months after the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics in summer 1972. Therefore, I strongly suspect her to have been working for some German authority. But the CIA + MI6 used telepathy to separate me of her by force, which I did not notice at that time, but today and based on how we get separated, which is described elsewhere, it was 100% using telepathy, which was not the first time nor the last time that these criminals use telepathy to separate me of a woman that I like or even loved. After 2 weeks of relation and then I was separated of her by force and never seen her again

5.                Siemens AG, Indonesian woman with a daughter, this woman I get to know through a work colleague at Siemens AG, his name was Idris and he was from Indonesia. He told me that he knows a woman that really would love to learn Arabic and will pay good for it. I forgot the name of this lady; she was also Indonesian and had a daughter around 10 years old. It turned out she did not want to learn Arabic, but rather she was being used as a pre-brainwash for the following woman, which is the same pattern as it weas at least twice used on me prior to this time, by presenting me with a woman that I do not like enable to like the next one

6.                Siemens AG, Renee Zielske with a daughter. She was the secretary of department manager I used work for, the department was called SO (for Special projects, which was among others the Saudi Arabian Ports Authority project that started with 35 Million US Dollar for local investigation and it continue even today to be over 2 Billion US Dollar IT project), the department manager was called Peter M. Lembke. This department manager was used very destructively against me, which I will skip because it is mentioned elsewhere. This Renee Zielske claimed that she was working for Siemens AG and then stopped 9 years ago, and now she jest started again, which today I strongly believe she was liar, most probably she get hired for one purpose only, to force me to leave the city Unterschleissheim where I became Christian and to live with her, even though I did not really like her, yet I just get out of 7 years telepathy slavery and my mind was not stable in that I was used to receiving orders other wise I do not know what to do, this is how severe is the telepathy slavery. During that period, I have a lot of memory gaps, which very much means I was controlled with telepathy, which means this woman had most probably telepathy or someone else was using it on me, and therefore  I was not registering what is around me. I cannot even remember how long I lived with this woman, possibly starting end 1978 or 1979, what I am sure of, is that I was desperate to leave her apartment and I was begging Siemens AG employee real estate agent to find me anything even just a small room somewhere, just to get out, and they get me a room in begin of Winter 1980 which was nearby in the city called Hoehenbrunn, which was around 10 km from my employer Siemens AG. And in around March 1981 I found an apartment through a work colleague at Siemens AG at Winzerer Street 146 a. In short I believe Siemens AG hired this woman as secretary for one purpose only to force me to leave the city Unterschleissheim where I was set up to become Christian, and therewith now they have an additional destructive reason to persecute me, which is allegedly my fake family that pretend to be Muslim in the Middle East and are a mixture of several foreign royal families from Europe that are mixed  with controlling families from USA such as the Rockefeller family and even some from Pakistan and India the source of Islam + Christianity, anything else is a lie.

7.                Pre-brainwash to Adelheid Kuczka. For details see the page “Thank you” and the section under her name. Yet her is a small note, the above 3 women had at least two things in common, they all had daughters that was between 9 and 10 years old, and all three were very low income persons, which very much means, they are easy to bribe and get them to do a job for them, or even force them with telepathy to be used against me, which very much equals MI6 + CIA and since I get to know all three of them while I was employed by Siemens AG, and Siemens AG used at least 2 of them against me, this means Siemens AG has no regards to the dignity of women, because of my point of view there is absolutely no difference between them and a prostitute, because both are getting paid for women services, whereby with a prostitute I always know what I am getting, with these hired women, I did not know that I am getting destruction!

8.                CIA, MI6 and BND Adelheid Kuczka with a daughter. I know that Adelheid Kuczka was not only hired by someone or a group or an agency to get close to me, but also, they planned to use her very destructively against me, which, and very unfortunately they did. I get to know her through a BND (BND is German CIA like agency) agent named Mohamad Attar that I get to know him through American very destructive brainwash situations in end of 1970 or sometimes in 1971, which I cannot recall any more, I just recall that I get to know him through an American Sargent that was set on me and named Hamouri and claimed to be originated from Palestine , which is typical for these criminals, just set me up to look like I am heavily connected to the biggest organized terrorist group of all times and called PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, which was led by MI6 and Mossad agent named Yasser Arafat that was heavily helping Israeli in preventing Palestinians to create their own army to fight for their freedom, and now in the American military base the get an American sergeant that claimed to be from Palestine, and then introduce me to a man named Mohamad Attar, whereby a few years later there was a Kurdish named Attar and an assassination attempt was performed against him that left him not able to walk any more, while killing his wife and daughter in the city of Freiburg, Germany, all these and many more were no coincident, yet they were brainwash that these criminals left in my memory to force me to think that they were suspecting me of terrorism, but it was not like that, they are all bribable including Siemens AG, that set me up several times very destructive while using me as blackmail object to get the Ports Authority project, which they did, and I have countless arguments that without using me as blackmail object, they would have never get this project, because IBM was the number one mainframe company in the world while the consulting company called McKenzie that was running the Saudi Ports administration is from English royalties, and therefore Saudi Arabia was controlled either by Nazis that was placed there after the second world war to get control of the country, or they are 100% English royalties including the Rockefeller family. You take your pick, in the end you will find that Nazis in 1930s Germany were created by German royalties that just lost their country to a revolution in 1919 and forced the emperor Wilhelm the second to stay as a refugee in the Netherlands which very much means that Adolf Hitler was their puppet on top of all that the German royalties were heavily related by countless marriages to the English royalties, Russian Royalties (that also lost around the same time through a revolution in Russia) = Saudi Arabia is 100% American + British + German, and I know that because I had to be the price very heavily and my complaint pages are the prove!

9.                BP-British Petroleum, CIA, MI6, and BND, Najlaa Mahmoud with 4 children. There is no way that I would have accepted this woman without telepathy, she is more than disgusting, she is criminally insane, just like the rest of these criminals. I wrote enough over this whore in other pages as well in this page

10.           Unknow, possibly catholic church and/or CIA and/or FBI and/or Aramco and/or BP-British Petroleum and/or the evil Bush family Vilma Bonilla with 2 children + pregnant. They used this woman in around December 1999 to force me to think of Germany, meaning they were re-brainwashing me to force me to leave USA voluntarily, because I was so long under the control of telepathy, that I do not what else to-do except what these criminal MF brainwashed me to do and trained my mind to do, therefore they are reminding me, not to help me but to get rid of me and force me to be locked up for 14 years, which they, and very unfortunately, did just that. Add to it that they were heavily using telepathy against me and forcing me to recognize it is telepathy, and then my brain was just teared apart between want to go back home to Munich and I want to run away of telepathy because I do not see it, and do not know who is using it on me, today I know, and this page alone shows that the concentrated evil English royalties + Rockefeller + ARAMCO were all over my life from 1960 and until this point of time in my life where I just want to run away, but I was forced to live as an illegal alien in USA enable these MF can control my life using FBI, INS, CIA and police.


There were more women used against me, but they, and by far, did not cause me any damages close to what the above hired women caused me.


Money can buy any woman, and that is very unfortunate, but also it can by any man, except me, I am unbribable. I guess there are a few others that are also unbribable, yet and very unfortunately I did not meet them because I was always forced to live in a controlled environments or as a hidden slave under one of their whores that prevented me to have any friends, which started in March 1970 by the criminal CIA + MI6 and the American military bases in and around Munich and continued until recently!


What is one- or two-track intelligence?

In short: One- and Two-track intelligence is what is causing our world to be always on the run of one big problem to another big problem such as World Wars, World Trade Center Bombing and the Afghan war, the Iraq war, the Yemen war and many more. The details or even step by step understanding of this is explained here in more details. On the other side a multi-track intelligence is what is often saving our world of the severe harms that the one- and two-track intelligence is causing us. An example of multi-track intelligence is the EU-European Union, Ford, VW, Siemens AG, Microsoft, Amazon, Alphabet Inc. (among others and some religions and many others, yet and within all these companies, you can always find a few corrupt persons such I met in Siemens AG, Chevron, UDF Consulting, ARAMCO and even in some churches, synagogues, Mosques and in all other religions, because a religion is, and this is very unfortunate, not a guaranty for moral values, you can see that through the current Donald Trump White House Administration, they bribe some churches to vote for them, while they perform violent acts against people in Washington D.C. to show as if they are Christians by sending their stupid hidden slave Donald Trump to stand in front of the St. John's Episcopal Church, for more info see


Until I get to writing it and as a best example see the following section called “The pattern of forcing sicknesses upon their victims such as the Corona virus”!


To make it very short, intelligence should always be multi-track, if it is not, then it is limited.


Here is the limited intelligence:

1.                One Track: Will do anything for money without any regards to others, environment, or other creature or the effect of the doings on the future

2.                Two track Intelligence: Money + Power, such as the English Royal families, Rockefeller families, the ARAMCO< CHEVRON, EXXON, the American health system that forced literally hundreds of thousands of Americans to file for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills and cannot afford to get a good health insurance that based on my own study while I was forced to live in USA, it would cost me 1200 US Dollar monthly 

3.                Three Track intelligence: Care about the family, one track of parents, one track for brothers and sisters and one track for the rest of the family, a good example of that, is most people in the world, and very unfortunately also the Mafia

4.                Four Track Intelligence: next to my family, are my friends

5.                Five Track Intelligence: next to my family, and friends are my work colleges

6.                Six Track Intelligence: next to my family, friends and my work colleagues are my neighbors

7.                Seventh Track Intelligence: next to my family, friends, my work colleagues, my neighbors are also my acquaintances

8.                Eights Track Intelligence: next to my family, friends, my work colleagues, my neighbors, my acquaintances, are the friends and acquaintances of all the mentioned

9.                Ninth Track Intelligence: next to my family, friends, my work colleagues, my neighbors, my acquaintances, friends and acquaintances of all the mentioned and any other human being

10.           Tenth Track Intelligence: next to my family, friends, my work colleagues, my neighbors, my acquaintances, friends, acquaintances of all the mentioned, any other human being and any other creature on Earth and beyond

11.           Eleventh Track Intelligence: next to my family, friends, my work colleagues, my neighbors, my acquaintances, friends, acquaintances of all the mentioned, any other human being, other creature on Earth and beyond the earth and environment that are carrying us and feeding us

12.           Twelfth to endless number Track Intelligence: for all of the above PLUS being open minded for things yet to come into our lives and we never thought that it can exist or that it exists

13.           Infinity  Track of Intelligence: all of the above excluding money and power = God that thought of all that


If you do not believe in God or Gods that are capable as mentioned above, then, look at it this way, and you have 2 choices:

1.                Trying to be God yourself, then you have to be able to be perfect considering everyone and everything and then build upon that

2.                Try to believe in evolution theories such as through Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace, for more info see the following link:  (, which really partially correct, that some animals may evolve and mutate to different species, yet it is also possible that it was preprogrammed to do that, because that is intelligence, nature is not intelligence it is “it” that is performing randomly as it was built. On the other side I have never hear that a human being has evolved to a different species, yet some claim we all come from monkey, if monkey can evolve to become human being, why can’t we see that, why isn’t documented that is was done. We human being allegedly on earth since over 5000 years, other theories say we are on earth since over 30 thousand years, but these are all theory about something we do not understand and some of us trying to make sense out of it through their theory, often these theories are invented as a weapon against religions, such as the Catholic religion, which is one of the most hated religions by the one- and two-track intelligence groups such as the English Royal Families + their hidden relative in countless other countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia and many others. They hate the Catholic church because it is protecting telepathy + good + evil in comparison through the bible that is clearly showing the old way and the real way. The real way is reality that has been hidden from us for centuries, which is telepathy is a human being capability that often has been disabled during or before birth to enslave the human beings and that is wrong, just like circumcisions, and when you circumcise the brain, the result is stopping telepathy by human being to prevent the person to defend him/herself against telepathy control


I personally see huge intelligence on earth and even much more in the unknown to us yet universe, and all together has one sign only, which is: 1 + 1 = 2 and not 1 + 1 =22 = intelligence that can build based on much higher scientific capabilities than we human have at the moment, because we are all struggling to survive because we have been enslaved by a punch of stupid idiots that think having money and pay for engineer to build for me is much better that using my own intelligence to build something that will live forever in harmony with all human, all creatures and any environment what so ever that can meet = Top intelligence, or even almost perfect intelligence. Almost perfect, because I do not know everything in life and in the universe, in matter of fact, my knowledge is drop in the universe compared to the existing knowledge that no one have in his pocket or is master of, except possibly real God or real Gods, yet I can see intelligence when I see one, but also I can see the lack of it when I see one, and the English royal families have a severe lack of intelligence including the Rockefeller and their hidden criminal relatives in various so-called Arab Petroleum countries such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, USA, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and soon they want it also to be “Yemen” = slavery countries that think they can buy intelligence with money, yet everything they have is no different than in USA and in the UK = destruction of freedom, democracy as it supposed to be!


That is what multi-track intelligence is!

The pattern of forcing sicknesses upon their victims such as the Corona virus


The deadliest Tax cut in the history of mankind, that brought a plague upon the entire world





Sicknesses caused to me by telepathy or as a result of telepathy attacks


Now to the corona virus


Corona Virus Motives


Now let us look at the facts


The corona virus in “One Picture is better than 10000 Words”


Comparison of COVIS-19 infections between USA and the UK with the EU as of 18.06.2020


Corona virus in numbers and numbers do not lie


More facts surrounding the Corona Virus


Highlight of actions that shows that the corona virus is manmade, and man spread







In short: Here I will list the sicknesses that these criminals forced upon me and how I discovered it to be forced upon me, which helped me to discover the pattern of forcing the corona virus upon China, EU-European Union and Iran, that then turned to be working against them, them are the current US Administration + English Royalties + Freemasons, in other words they shot their selves in the foot, and cannot go further while taking with them the entire world. And that is why I have 2 titles of this section, because I was not able to determine which is the best describing the content of this section. So, you pick one or make your own suitable title for the content of this section!


I will start with the most obvious sicknesses that they forced upon me, which was during the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project Calypso as described in the pager “BP-British Petroleum-part-1”, but also mention some of the other problems created as a part of the strategy “Operation choke” where they choke the life of their victim as they did to me several times in my life by creating many problems around their victim, while closing all doors and leaving only one exit door open to force their victim to go through it, and these other problems are not necessarily sicknesses, yet some of them have as a side effect either coincidently or planned sicknesses. Then I will list my thoughts over the Corona virus based on the pattern of my own life, which is: it is 100% man made and man distributed as highlighted below based on facts that everyone can verify, yet it is only a theory until the real perpetrator are either caught or some of them become an honest whistleblower, I am here making the first step!!!!


Sicknesses caused to me by telepathy or as a result of telepathy attacks


Here is the list of sicknesses, whereby some of them are not sicknesses but are as additional problems and a part of the “operation Choke”. Also please note that I will list them not by dates but rather by the logic and the sequence how I discovered them, which means I will be jumping in time from past in 1985 to 1999 to 1960 and to 1999 and so on:

1.                In summer 1999, around July and after the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud left my life in around June 1999, and very suddenly something was biting me all over my legs, which drove me crazy because I was not able to see it, this continued for another day so I purchased sprays and sprayed the entire apartment, and purchased another spray a so called skin insect repellent spray and sprayed it all over my legs, yet when I go out it is the same, as if hundreds of invisible insects are attacking my legs and I keep have to scratch them, but there is nothing there. A few days later I purchased a so called pesticides bomb from the supermarket, and they call it bomb because after you activate it, you have to leave the apartment for around 24 hours, and it will create a very large smoke that supposed to go all over the room and kill any insects hiding anywhere and in any cracks, and I placed one of these pesticides bomb in each room, kitchen, toilet and bathroom, activated them and ran out of the apartment for 12 hours, and came back and aired the apartment. This attack was 100% by a person with telepathy and this attacked continued for around 3 weeks and then stopped, I believe some unknown person or a group of persons with telepathy suddenly appeared in my life and protected me of this very vicious attack, that made my legs all red from scratching and made me waste the little money I had because I was 100% prevented to work to force me to leave not only Houston, Texas, but the entire USA, and the only vicious group I can think off that did that to me is one of the following 7 or all of them together, which are: the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and/or ARAMCO and/or Chevron and/or members of my fake family that were working for ARAMCO/BP-British Petroleum/Chevron and/or my hidden from me biological family and/or the actual hidden parents or the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake son. All this was one of many vicious attacks to separate me of my fake son by forcing me to run

2.                In 1984 and during the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum project Calypso in Munich, Germany and very suddenly I had severe dental pain, and I was not able to get an immediate appointment by my dentist, so I looked for other dentist, and the same problem appointments were offered for 2-4 weeks later, which never happened to me prior to that, and this even I mentioned to them that I have severe pain, and this alone shows one of 3 possibilities, but first please note that I was going to a dentist on a regular base at least once every 6 months for checkup, which makes it really harder to suddenly get problems with my teeth :

2.1.                   Possibility-1: I was setup with these dentists to use them against me when needed

2.2.                   Possibility-2: They were manipulated with telepathy not to give me an immediate appointment

2.3.                   Possibility-3: They did not care, even though I not only mentioned to them that I have severe pain, but also, I was pressing my hand over my cheek. Anyway, then I went to the hospital in downtown Munich at Sendlingertor area, they immediately took me to the dentist, he checked my teeth and said I cannot see anything wrong and the best if we take an x-ray of your entire mouth, which they did, and again he said there is absolutely nothing wrong with your teeth and prescribed a pain pills, and said most probably it will go away in a while. Which it did after a few minutes, which it pointed to me that someone with telepathy was causing me the pain and another person with telepathy possibly a doctor at this hospital stopped him/her. This sever dental pain then kept on coming and going for around 2 months, I even spoke about it with some friends from the church among others to my friend named Detlef Fischer, where he said, that sometimes he too have this problem, and then he rinse his mouth with cognac (alcohol, usually 38-40% alcohol), and sometimes I had no alternative but to do the same, which it will stop the pain for a minute or 2, and that in itself was a telepathy trick, that will stop torturing me to give me the feeling that the cognac is helping then start all over again after a minute or 2, where then I take another sip to rinse my mouth with cognac, which was also a pattern of forcing me to drink excessive alcohol, which I really get the alcohol under control after the CIA+MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray left me in September 1977, and with the help of the church I really get it under control, where I stopped buying alcohol for home, instead I was always purchasing milk and juices. In the American military base McGraw kaserne where these criminals CIA + MI6 had me for a re-brainwash from around March 1970 to summer 1972, during which they not only enslaved me under their whore Anita Disbray, but also and literally forced me to be alcoholic as mentioned elsewhere. And now in 1984 these criminals are back all over my life helping the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum to attack me from all over, also by using alcohol, where I suddenly go out excessively and drink alcohol also excessively and this from around spring 1984 and until end of 1984, then they enslaved me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and the alcohol consumption went down dramatically as if I am now happy, but I despise this woman and I hate her being anywhere near me, but I was totally under telepathy control and was not able to be free

3.                In around Mai/June 2000, where and since April 1999 and until this moment of time I was prevented to work, I suddenly get a job at the company Compaq Corporation headquarter in their department of testing new manufactured cluster computer servers. During this period of time I was already forced to be homeless and forced to lose my apartment with everything in it including all photos that I had partially since 1960s. When this company hired me, and in the meantime some group of people stole my wallet with my social security card and Texas ID, all I had was my driving license which was already expired and I was not able to renew it because they stole my ID and social security card, yet the company Compaq hired me with an invalid driver license, which is important to note for the following situations, which point to a higher management knew about me and wanted to get me into a controlled environment to force me to perform some actions while they were using telepathy on me very violently to force me to recognize telepathy. During that time I had a van of one of my clients and I was sleeping in it, the van was gasoline van yet somehow and with telepathy I was forced to put diesel in it, which is practically impossible, not only because they have different handle at the gas station, and the diesel handle does not fit in the gasoline tank, but also that I learned how to drive a car through truck drivers in Munich Germany in 1973 where I worked for a company called Kuehnwaldt they were car transport company for BMW and Peugeot, right next to the MAN trucks manufacturing, meaning I knew how to differentiate between gasoline and diesel. Any way I called an acquaintance of mine that helped me get the diesel out and replace it with gasoline, and this in the garage of the very large Compaq Corporation headquarter that was surrounded by a fence and you have to have a special ID card to enter past the guards into their headquarter that was around one square kilometer. Because I used to park in the garage of Compaq and sleep in the van. In night time and while I am sleeping someone will wake me up with telepathy and force my body to go from laying down to sitting down, meaning lifting my body from waste up and down very fast and violently, which scared the life out of me, then force me to fall to sleep almost within a second as if I passed out. Also at Compaq offices they performed many nasty things to me, one of them they forced me to send a fax to the Syrian embassy and consulate as a mean of brainwashing me and forcing me to blame the Syrian government members that were members of the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project Calypso, in other words the Compaq Management was helping many by brainwashing me, from the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum to ARAMCO to Chevron, to CIA and MI6 = English royalties, because all these group purchases literally  hundreds of thousands of computers and servers of Compaq Corporation, not to forget that Compaq Corporation purchased DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation that was at that time in the mid of 1990s the largest middle sized computer worldwide, but also DEC was used as the satellite computer in the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project Calypso to control the Syrian population under the pretention they are creating an anti-terrorist computer system, which it was not. Simultaneously someone at Compaq Corporation continued to remind me with my ex-girlfriend in Germany Adelheid Kuczka that these criminals separated me of her by force and very violently and used her as distraction of their own crimes as a scapegoat, all that caused me to go literally crazy  by confusing my mind and thoughts and therewith I just was lost in my own thoughts between I want to escape these telepath attacks and want to go back to my girlfriend that they made sure I understand that they separated me of her by force of telepathy. Now why would Compaq do that to me? One years later in 2001 Compaq Corporation was purchased and taken over by HP-Hewlett-Packard, that until that point of time was only known for their scientific calculators and other electronics. And if I look at the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project, most of the directly involved companies disappeared of this world such as: SCS-Scientific Control Systems a very large and famous computer consulting company owned 100% by BP-British Petroleum, DEC-Digital Equipment Corporation was purchased by Compaq, Compaq was purchased by HP, Wenger electronic of Switzerland closed down, are all these coincident? I believe that a group of people decide what company is owned by whom and when it is the time to make a company disappear, because all these companies had at least one thing in common: they were either the best and biggest in the world in their field and had top advanced quality, yet they all disappear after performing an illegal project with a country that they claimed to be enemy of the USA, UK and Europe, yet it was all lies because this country is Syria and they gave it top technology satellite computers to control the population and keep them enslaved, which they did until the population exploded in their face. The satellite system was necessary enable the Syrian security can track anyone at any time and everywhere within a time period under one minute and that is only possible at that time with the American satellites and they gave Syria this access!

4.                In USA and between 1990 and 2000, some evil person was waking me up in the middle of the night around 2-4 o’clock in the morning, at least 2-3 times per week, with a severe pain in my leg muscles, as if someone is tearing them apart with his own hands, so I used to wake up screaming for a minute or so, then after 2-3 minutes the pain goes away. This sadistic, vicious and barbaric attacks continued until I was brought by forced of the FBI to the Netherlands on 11 February 2001, and since that date I had this kind of attack maybe 5-7 times until current in 2020, meaning all the torture and pains that these criminals used to perform upon me from 1991-2000 3-4 times per week = 156-208 times per year = 1560-2080 times per 10 years they performed it only 5-7 times in 19 years in Netherlands. But who did that to me, I do not know for fact, I just suspect it was the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA  MI6 + my fake family whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and my fake son, and the reason I strongly believe that, is because I never ceased to think about my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, often I sit in front of my computer in my housing in Houston, Texas and close the door, and play the stupid game called Windows-Solitaire and just think of the past and think of Adelheid Kuczka. Add this to what my fake sister Afrah Najar alias Mona alias Moni alias Abokurah alias Najjar alias new name unknow to me and at least 2-3 of her evil fake children did, named May Abokurah (female, the rest are males) + Ghasan Abokurah + Abdallah Abokurah and possibly also Zaid Abokurah, whereby the last I believe is used as a decoy and does not have telepathy, which is use  their own brother named Khalid Abokurah as target practice of telepathy as mentioned in other areas and that I saw countless times in Germany, Amman, Jordan and last time I saw it was in Bridgeport, Connecticut USA in 1987/1988, At that time I did not know anything about telepathy, and Khalid Abokurah had the most odd and destructive behavior, yet not when I used to take him alone somewhere for ice cream or elsewhere, then he turned out to be a very intelligent young boy that was very confused and claimed to hear voices in his head, now I know his brothers sister and evil father were using him as target practice for telepathy, such as forcing him throw something at the TV and break it, or in a restaurant spill food and drinks intentionally on the waiter cloths and shoes and countless others destructive behavior and the most dangerous one of them all, is as they visited me around 1983 or 1984 or 1985 I am not sure anymore what year it was, and we rented a Volkswagen bus because we were too many to fit in a car, and on our way to visit my fake uncle in Hamburg and while driving on the Autobahn (highway or speed way in Germany where at that time no speed limit on that road, you can drive 400 km per hour if your car has the engine for it) and while I was driving 130-140 KM an hour, Khalid would open the slide door and I have to immediately go on the emergency lane of the highway and stop and close the door and ask him not to do that, then he do it again and again, and no one is stopping him, then I threatened them if they do not stop him of doing that, then I will leave them to drive their selves and go back to Munich, and then he opened the slide door again. I stopped on the emergency lane for the fourth or fifth time took my small bag and walked backwards to the last gas station, hitched hiked to the train station and took the train back to Munich. Later and after the year 2000 and while analyzing my entire life I recognized that my fake sister mentioned above and her other children were forcing him with telepathy to do that for one purpose only to force me to go back voluntarily and leave them alone while giving me the bad consciousness as if I did that voluntarily and left them stranded on the highway, in reality this peace of trach of human being wanted to visit her German relatives and did not want me to see that she has relatives in Germany, not to forget that the original fake sister Moni alias Afrah Najar was nothing else than a bodyguard for queen Elizabeth the Second that went to Cairo Egypt and other Middle East tour disguised as my fake Hayat Baroudi and then disappeared and possibly later exchanged places again with my fake mother, even though they did not look 100% identical, yet with sun glasses and a bit makeup here and there no one will recognize that and most definitely I would not, and this incident on the highway was possibly another reason to cover up for the original bitch woman bodyguard and to force my mind to think of her as German origin and not British personal bodyguard female for queen Elizabeth the second. Back to Khalid Abokurah, allegedly his aunts placed him in a mental institute in Egypt since 1980s or 1990s, where no one have to visit him in the hospital, and I called the hospital a few years ago to verify that and spoke with him, and today I feel most disgusted by these criminals that even their brother, their own flesh and blood they through away like a dead dog, and that brings me back to who was waking me up in the middle of the night 3-4 times a week and torturing me by causing severe pain in my legs, and  see the possibility that the whore agent that these criminals enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 and named Najlaa Mahmoud, because I am using the pattern of Khalid Abokurah, and when I look around my life in USA and this disgusting whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that claimed has no one in USA, suddenly had more relatives than I can count=CIA + MI6 + the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum hired her in USA. Here are some of her relatives in USA: The Moushref family in Allentown, Pennsylvania, the 2 Khodor brothers in Houston, Texas, one is called Mohamd Khodor and call himself Mark Khodor, and the other named Kamal Khodor and call himself Kimo Khodor, her son named Nawar Khodor an alleged car dealer in or around Houston, Texas, her daughter Rima Khodor alias Rima Moushref, was in Allentown, Pennsylvania after the mid-1990s her whereabouts thereafter is unknown to me, her daughter Suzanne Khodor, some family in Semi valley California working for a large weapon manufacturing company, unfortunately I forgot their names, some other Mrs. Khodor (they also falsify the name and write it as Chodor or Choodor and other varieties) in Washington D.C., and the brother Ejlani (in Arabic and Urdu written only in one way: عجلاني \ العجلاني) in Alexandria, Virginia, first name also forgotten, but are the brothers of Samah Assassa the wife of Dr. Sami Assassa (in Arabic and Urdu written عصاصة) in Munich, Germany another criminal living in Munich Germany selling oriental carpets and performing countless illegal businesses with Saudi’s,  Libyans, Jordanians and others. All these hidden from me relatives that I discovered once at a time starting 1988/1989 and others I did not mention because it is very hard to believe, were meant to be distraction of the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and the English royal family and in particular queen Elizabeth that I strongly believe she is either my sister or half-sister that kidnapped me in 1952 from the UK to USA and again kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 from USA to Cairo Egypt with fake Syrian identity while was using me as a decoy as if she is my other with her 2 vicious body guards that pretended to be my sisters Afrah/Moni Najar and Fadia Najar that later were replaced with others and I had no chance to recognize that because they had telepathy

5.                1990-2000. Suddenly I was getting a lot of bubbles on my fingers and on both hands, in average around 7-15 each time. These bubbles will start small as 1-millimeter diameter and grow to 2 or even 3-millimeter diameter. The have water under them, as if my skin was boiling and received these steam-like bubbles. The more the grow the more they used to hurt, then I started to cut them with my small pocket swiss multi-purpose knife, where they hurt even more, yet after a few hours then stop hurting, and if I do not do that as soon as I get them, then they will last at least 7-10 days where then they burst by their selves, yet and as I mentioned the more the grow the more the hurt, meaning they will hurt me gradually more and more for around 7-10 days. And that is only one of them, 7-15 simultaneously will hurt even much more, and that is why I used to immediately cut them when I see them. I went to the doctor once and he prescribed a medical hand crème, but it never helped, so I stopped using it after a few weeks and never went to the doctor again for this matter, because I cannot afford to go to the doctor, each time I go I have to pay the doctor between 40 and 150 US Dollars and with all the problems these criminals forced upon me I just go to the doctor if I really have no other choice. These bubbles continued week in and week out for 10 years and in Houston, Texas only. As soon as these criminals forced me to go to the Netherlands on 11.02.2001 (they took me on 10.02,2001 and we landed in the Netherlands the following day in the morning on 11.02.2001)  to be locked up for another, all in all, 14 years, and very suddenly I stopped having these bubbles on my fingers on day one, and this without going to the doctor or having any medication what so ever, which very much means some criminal MF with telepathy was doing that to me in Houston, and who was that I can only guess to be one of the followings: The bush family that did not want to have me anywhere near them. Members of my fake family that were working within or for one of these companies: ARMCO headquarter in Houston (it used to be world headquarter then the moved it to Saudi Arabia to not be suspicious that an alleged Saudi company called ARAMCO have it is headquarter in Houston, Texas, USA), or working for the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum, or Chevron, or Exxon or it was the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family enslaved me under on 24.12.1984, along with my fake son. Whoever it was, it was 100% performed by telepathy just as many other sicknesses these criminals forced upon me with telepathy, because all of them stopped to more than 99% as soon as I was brought to the Netherlands by force. Since 11.02.2001 and until current 2020, I may have all in all get around 15 bubbles 1-2 each time, whereby the majority of them due to I perform certain activities with certain fingers such as opening a bottle of water where they are sometimes are very hard to open, and then have to use force by twisting the cap very hard to get it open, which then damage the skin on certain are on my fingers that then create a bubble or 2. Around 15 bubbles in 19 years is almost coincident or sometimes one of these criminals possibly comes to the Netherlands for business and cause me these bubbles, which I doubt because it is always only 1-2 and not like before 7-15 at once or gradually within 1-2 days = 3640-7800 bubbles in 10 years of Houston, Texas = some MF or Bitch used to do that to me with telepathy

6.                Spring 1960 in Cairo, Egypt. In my first 4-8 weeks of schooling at a school called AL-Saoud (meaning family of Saudi king, which known to be the first king ever in Saudi Arabia that was set by the English royalties as distraction of their selves that they own and control Saudi Arabia, just as they did for Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt and many other counties that whole way to Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada and many others) on Alhigaz Street in Cairo city section called in Egyptian Masr Algadiedah (=New Egypt) in an area called Al-Nuzhah, and this is silly but true (=similar to my name=Nuzhat, which was most definitely a blackmail, meaning Nuzhat owns the area called Nuzhat meaning someone owns a section of a city, or a city or even a whole country just as the Hashemite family own Jordan and not the people or the king Saud’s family owns Saudi Arabia and not the Saudi People or the Windsor family owns the city of Windsor and not the English people = Queen Elizabeth was this evil woman that went with me to Cairo. Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 disguised as Hyatt alias Hayat Baroudi and pretending to be my mother). This after kidnapped from the UK to USA and then to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 1960 as a fake son of queen Elizabeth the second with her 2 female bodyguards that pretended to be my sisters Moni Najar (that later was replaced by Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar alias Mona Alnajjar alias Mona Al-Najjar) and Fadia Najar (that later was Fadia Shawki and later Fadia Nagar). Since these criminals caused me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960 and cover up for this man made total amnesia my fake distant cousin named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the son of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman as described in many areas of my complaint pages, used telepathy to force a very fat boy to throw a building break at me that landed directly at my head, where I immediately past out and they took me to the nearby hospital called Heliopolis. The reason I am more than positive that this criminal used telepathy to force another student to throw the building break at me is because of the following reasons:

6.1.                   My fake mother that was queen Elizabeth the second with her 2 evil female bodyguards went to Cairo Egypt and were hosted for 4 weeks by the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, which is the best disguise for this witch queen, then

6.2.                   The following 4 weeks we were hosted by the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman at his home as also described else were in my complaint pages, whereby it is also the best disguise for this witch queen

6.3.                   My fake distant cousin Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that was around my age and had at home a cat, a dog and a mouse that were not chasing each other’s or eating each other’s, also at a later time he had a snake and was feeding it with the mouse that he had that was running freely in his room and not chased by the cat, then would get another mouse. He also had a bird that was never being attacked by the cat, dog or mouse, which all in all means he had 100% telepathy

6.4.                   They wanted to have a reason to for my lack of memory and very low intelligence = 0 at that time as well as me not knowing the Arabic language well enough that I often mixed the words such as good when I mean bad, or hot when I mean cold and so on, and that is impossible for an 8 years old to make such a linguistic errors if he was born in an Arabic country

6.5.                   In case I do not recognize the ne fake sisters and mother that replaced the original fake mother alias queen Elizabeth the Second and her 2 whore female body guards, then they can always say, he had an injury in Syria as he fell of the mountain and lost his memory and now they can re-affirm this lie by saying he had a new injury at school that severely affected his memory

6.6.                   Last but not least, and when the very fat boy throwed the building break at me, we were standing around a pot of water of maybe 5-10 meters diameters, and since in Egypt it rains rarely, all the school children were gathered around the pot of water to look at it, simultaneously at that time, the school had some kind of building construction where they were either repairing something or extending a new building section, or building a totally new building and that is why there was many construction material in the area where the students play in the break between the lessons. This mean, there was absolutely no reason what so ever for the very fat boy to throw the break stone in my direction unless he meant directly to hurt me, which he had no reason what so ever because I had a total amnesia and was totally quiet  more scared than anything else of all the new un-understandable experiences  and absorbing everything because it was new. It is possible he meant to throw it at someone else but it hit me, however I turn it, it was 100% meant for me for all of the above reasons and the hundreds if not thousands other reasons mentioned within my complaint pages.

7.                1976-1978. Here where I was set up to became Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany, enable they can have a reason to persecute me by my evil fake family that pretend to be Muslim and named Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah, Khayat and many others. Please note that not everyone that builds a Mosque is Muslim, and not everyone that builds a church is Christian, an example of that is: many rich Mafia families builds a church, is Mafia really Christian and are following the Christian value of not lying, cheating, killing? Also, not everyone who builds a Mosque and an Islamic School and prey publicly as if he/she is a Muslim is really Muslim, these kinds of people are parasite that makes a bad name for real Muslims while hiding behind a religion such as members of my fake family. Me as a Christian I should not question the faith of a person who claims to be something, and I am not doing that, but rather I am looking for my family and for justice and in this process I have to say the truth as I know it, and there is one truth, which is I was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960 and taken to Cairo, Egypt with fake Syrian identity and again I was kidnapped in September 1986 from Germany to USA and kept there for 15 years as a slave with no rights what so ever and that does not speak good for USA for the fake democracy of USA for the fake integrity of the US government or their evil presidents that I was kidnapped under their own destructive agendas. Back to the church, here I will just list a few of the very nasty health problems that these criminals caused me because I allegedly became Christian:

7.1.                   1976-1978. Very suddenly my ears were not functioning improperly, and I hear a lot of whistling in my ears and no doctor was able to help me

7.2.                   1976-1978. Very suddenly I had muscle problems on my arms and legs that moves by itself for 20-40 seconds causing me a lot of irritations

7.3.                   In around summer 1977 and very suddenly I had a problem with my teeth and went to a large dental office that had several dentists and asked of help in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany right next to the only train station in Unterschleissheim. Please note, that I was always and since at least 1972 going on a regular base to the dentist for a checkup, at least once every 6 months, I learned that from the German health insurance that advised me to do that. At this dental office, these criminal dentists claimed that I have a sickness in my teeth called Periodontal disease and they claimed that I need a very quick a Periodontal disease treatment otherwise I will lose all my teeth, and I believed them and this was around in 1977 around one year after I officially became Christian in April 1976. First this sickness or diagnoses of my own teeth was 100% fake and it did not exist as they claimed it was mainly a torture to keep me in pain for months, which they did these criminals. The reason it is impossible that I have this disease is because I was young, I took care of my teeth, cleaned them at least twice a day, in the morning and before I go to sleep, but also I went at least once every 6 months to the dentist for a general checkup. In this torture these criminals loosen all my teeth gum of the root of the teeth allegedly to clean the root, they divided my teeth in to 4 division and every 2 weeks they do one division, and the treatment is so painful that it performed more damage to me psychologically than healing physically, the treatment takes around an hour for each division and then I have to live with the pain for 2 weeks until they do the next division, all in all the treatment took 3 months in summer 1977, during which I was not only in constant pain, but also was very rude and aggressive because I did not want to deal with anything except get rid of the pain

7.4.                   Suddenly and during this period of time I had over whelming amount of acne that my doctor had to prescribe for me to go to a cleaning session in Munich, where some young nice looking lady would then clean the acne of my skin. Which most probably was a brainwash situation forced upon me to force my mind to think that Munich is better than the city I am living in and called Unterschleissheim as a mean to force me to relocate to Munich and as a confirmation of this nasty brainwash strategy, later they set on me an agent that I fill in love with and is named Adelheid Kuczka, she did absolute the same thing, cleaning the acne of my skin, but officially for free because she allegedly loved me and was my girlfriend, yet today I know that she was set on me to distract me of the church

7.5.                   Suddenly and during this period of time I had a very and most disturbing sleep (as I am also having right now and since at least summer 2019 here in the city of Den Haag/The Hague), where I was not able to go to sleep or get up on time or wake up in the afternoon and I did not know why, I went several times to the doctor for this problem, he even sent me to a specialist professor doctor group for investigation as the university of Munich, Luckily my employer was the most patient man I ever met in my life as it is mentioned in the page “Thank you” under the section “Mr. Högel the original owner of Högel Studio-Technik GmbH in Unterschleissheim, Germany” and this was 100% telepathy attack and forced me to be out of sleep routine, which I was actually used to get up early, I worked for the company BMW in shifts, where I had 3 different shifts, each week or month a different one, and one of them I had to start at 6 in the morning. And I had to get up at 4:30 in the morning to prepare for work and then travel 40 minutes to work and inside the company itself it took me nearly 30 minutes from the main gate to my closet and then to my work place; I also worked for other companies starting at 7 in the morning, here too I sometimes  had to travel at least 30 minutes, meaning I had to get up at 5:30 and these jobs continuously from summer 1972 and until 1976, where suddenly I had these sleep disturbances and did not know why, today I know 100% it was through telepathy attacks most probably through the sleezy and nasty Dr. Sami Assassa, the Malas Family, Bdeir/Budier, Baroudi families and others that had countless criminal relatives around my life and I did not know that at that time, among others these criminals were illegal drug dealers killing children and enslaving adults to make money and were 100% protected by the CIA + MI6 + BND, these spy agencies often called external security agencies such as the 3 mentioned, they are allowed to do anything to allegedly  protect their country (!!!???) by among others planting illegal drugs among others in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other countries, and then selling it to big pharmaceutical companies and also on the black market while pretending to be necessary to perform their jobs as spy agency = horse shit, cow shit and bullshit. Illegal drugs money is worldwide several trillion US Dollar/Euro business and half of it is profit that these criminals uses for petroleum digging, investment companies such as Black Rock and others then they buy the world with death bringing and slavery making illegal drugs, while investing in legitimate good businesses such as Microsoft, Toyota, Compaq/HP, Siemens, General Motors and countless others, that is why some car manufacturer have even their own banks because most top drug lords have their own banks that they use to tunnel their illegal money into businesses = money laundering through Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Jordan, Kuwait and the list is endless, it is always some of the petroleum companies such as BP-British Petroleum, ARAMCO, and their relatives in USA and elsewhere. And that is how these criminals’ network and conspire to enslave innocent people as they did to me. The sleep disturbance that these criminals caused me with telepathy, had many negative side effects, among others no one would trust my timing, in matter of fact one of my church friends and when I complained to him that I have these bad sleep habits, he joked about it by saying that everything has it is advantages, and when I am always late, then I will be also late to my own funeral and then he laughed, another bad advantage I was always a shamed that I cannot control my own sleep, which is all in all was systematically destroying my self-confidence, yet there was always one or more persons that shined on my life with their extraordinary good behavior towards me during my bad time such as my employer at that time named Mr. Högel (possibly his first name was Helmut or Helmuth)  that had a very small company and through these sadistic persecution I was not only late for work or not going to work at all but also making very expensive mistakes as it is mentioned in the page “Thank you” under the section “Mr. Högel the original owner of Högel Studio-Technik GmbH in Unterschleissheim, Germany”! In short the sleep disturbance was causing me several other sicknesses in other areas of my life, such I am having now in 2020 and since summer 2019 with two major differences:  One is that now I know telepathy, two, I am officially retired and do not work and I am theoretically and practically live isolated, and that is why the Corona virus in home shelter does not affect me because I have been in one way or another in in-home shelter since 24.12.1984 and have absolutely no control over my own life, what so ever, even in my housing I do not feel safe because some nasty person or another with telepathy can come in at any time, and they do, wake me up at 2 in the morning, at 5 in the morning at 1 in the morning and if I add them all up, the majority, 60% is waking me up between 4 and 5 in the morning and 40% a few minutes after I go to sleep to half an hour before my alarm clock goes on, and therewith destroying myself confidence and at least I see no sense any more in setting an alarm o’clock, because it does not help me to get up on time, they wake me up before and then force me to sleep until several hours after the alarm o’clock went on! Because of people like Mr. Högel and another angel like persons, I am still hanging on to try to show them who is doing what with them!

7.6.                   Suddenly and during that period and after the CIA + MI6 whore agent named Anita Disbray left my life in September 1977, some nasty persons kept on forcing his thoughts upon me and forcing me to be scared to be living in this house that I was living in, because this house was provided to me by the church because I was working part time for the church and helping the pastor in all kind of activities. In other words they were trying heavily to force me to leave this house by forcing me to be afraid, in night time they force upon me all kind of scare tactics using telepathy tricks to force me to think that there is someone  in my housing or there are ghost in the house that are making these noises, it was so severe that I asked one of my new church friends named Detlef Fischer to come over and sleep in the other room. This was causing me so many troubles while showing others as if I am unstable person or scared of ghosts=imagining things, or scared to live alone and so on

8.                28 February 2008 to June 2012 in the concentrated evil village called Bellingwolde and the nasty municipalities called Bellingwedde (now Westerwolde) + Oldambt + Veendam that totally controlled my life during this period and forced me to be in a so-called integration course for over 3 years while forbidding me to work and forcing me to create a website called Wanted. During this period these criminals terrorized my life, waking me up in the middle of the night and forcing their thoughts upon me and then forcing me to look on the internet for people I do not know such as the Rockefeller family, the Bush family, the Dutch royal family, several of the Scandinavian royal families, the English royal families and countless others and then force me to right about them, then they attack me because they forced me to write wrong things about the Dutch royal family or force me to write about Jewish and then attack me by nasty persons that claim about their selves to be Jewish. Let me set the record straight, even though in the center of the city Winschoten there was a Jewish monument (municipality Oldambt that has a monumental statue about lost Jewish in the Second World War), yet these people are most definitely not Jewish, they are sadistic, vicious brainwashers hired by the Dutch immigration authority called IND and their vicious subsidiary called COA that allocate the housing for refugee, and when someone get paid by the government or a private business to perform a crime, then he/she is neither Jewish, or Muslim, or Christian or Hindu or anything else but a very destructive opportunist that is using his God giving gift of brain = telepathy to destruct other God created human, which equals an immoral sadistic criminal that get paid for a crime, and this is where I was forced to live. See the next 2 points. Yet a real Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Hindu and others they, very unfortunately, fear God and perform good things to others and never get pay for a crime, and those who get pay for a crime no matter by whom which = equals them to a criminal for hire as needed!

9.                On 24 July 2011 these criminals pulled out my totally healthy teeth and I was not able to defend myself. Even if half of my teeth were bad, they had no right to pull out all of my teeth, it is a crime that is covered up by the evil Dutch immigration authority called IND + COA and the municipalities Bellingwedde (now Westerwolde), Oldambt and Veendam that paid them to torture my life for over 4 years, and the prove for that is that COA and the IND forced me to live there even though I did not want to. Today I know why, because these criminals were covering up for another criminal called queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me in the first of all and I believe she kidnapped me twice, once sometime around 1952 from the UK to the USA and the second time on 10/11 January 1960 from USA to Cairo Egypt with a fake Syrian identity, is this true or not I am not certain, however and based on my own past it is 100% true!

10.           2011 in Bellingwolde, no doctor in this evil village wanted to treat me, so I was forced to seek a doctor in the other cities where these criminals forced me to go to integration course for 3 years in the city or actually big village called Winschoten, and all the professionals medical staff mistreated me in this evil city, as well as in the neighboring village Scheemda except for one dentist that I went to him in July 2011 asking him for his opinion  on pulling out all my teeth, he was a dentist in the only hospital or semi-hospital in that evil village called Winschoten, he disagreed to pulling out all of my teeth and recommended that I see an additional dentist in other city, but I was prevented to do that, very unfortunately I forgot his name, yet it is in my medical history who he was at least in the hospital and in the insurance company called Menzies. In additional to pulling all my teeth, and after pulling out all my teeth, at least 10 dental medical professionals conspired together to torture me using wrong denture, and I was dependent on a denture, because by now I have no more teeth, and this went on even after I left this evil section of the Netherlands that was 40 km east of the city Groningen

11.           Also, in 2011 and very suddenly I had a severe swelling between my ears and cheeks and went to the family doctor in the same evil village called Winschoten, and he said this is something through food and some parts of my feeding vanes are not functioning well, but it is no dangerous. Which was 100% wrong diagnoses and wrong statement, note this doctor was over 70 years old, meaning experience, I guess and at that time, there was only one doctor in that city that was over 70 years old and named Boringa and has his office right next to the office of the organization called Stichting Welzijn (they changed the name after me starting to complain, actually they changed many names also the evil dentist offices in the village Scheemda), located at the so called De Boschpoort building and the new name of this brainwash organization Stichting Welzijn (Foundation wellbeing) is now called Social Werk Oldambt in the same offices as before. This organization that supposed to help refugees caused me so many problems that I am still in 2020 suffering financially of these problems. If I want to describe what they do in the hidden, then it will be the followings: They are the long hand of the hidden organized crime institution of the Dutch immigration that brainwash every single refugee when they arrive in the Netherlands as they did to me, and that I saw myself and how they do that. Therewith the swelling that they caused me had the function to alter my look in addition to pulling out all of my teeth, that totally changed the way my face look, and all that in addition to not allowing me to lose weight and forcing me since 24.12.1984 to gain 30 kg weight, which I lost between 1999 and 2000 and was forced again to gain weight after 28 February 2008 in this evil village called Bellingwolde and now I am back of almost 30 kg over weight and this in addition to the illegal surgery they did to me in 1991 in Houston, Texas that totally altered how my body shape looks like, plus forcing me to have eye glasses literally overnight in 1994 or 1995 in Houston, Texas as also described elsewhere which really all in all equals = a very nasty plan to alter the way I look to not allow anyone to recognize me or relate me based on my look to others while also preventing me to relate myself to others alone based on my look and my body, but I was able to, because they may be very powerful, ontrolling  governments, police, CIA, MI6, immigration and so on, yet they have only one or two track intelligence = stupid because they do not use their brain to full capacity = multitude of multi-track intelligence, and that because they are selfish and self-loving, do not care about other human being, environment, wellbeing of others, safety of others, do not care about animals that are precious in our life, or plants such as trees that are necessary for the live of humanity = 1-2 track intelligence = money and/or power only = stupid. You want to see a multi-track intelligence, then look at Bill Gates. Look at the current management of Microsoft. Look at the management of the company Alphabet/Google or Amazon, or Siemens AG or Ford or Philips electronics that invented the first CD and DVD and Blu Ray the so-called Optical Disk in 1980s and the list is much larger!

12.           10/11 January 1960 causing me a total amnesia to cut my knowledge to my previous life, possibly they did that twice, once after kidnapping me in 1952 to USA, where I was a baby and they kidnapped me again on 10/11 January 1960. Causing 8-9 years old a total amnesia is much worse than all other sicknesses that these criminal caused me from 1960 to 2020, because I lost my basic intelligence, I lost all the memory to parents and real brothers and sisters, in short I lost my life and these criminal forced me to be re-born as stupid as they are enable they can control an 8 years old

13.           1965/66 forcing upon me a new fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar that are at least 2 different persons and possibly 3 that look alike, and one of them grew up to be a very vicious and destructive business man as these criminals usually are and the other I strongly believe is an agent for either the British MI6, military or for the American military or the CIA, because the lookalike they forced upon me during brainwashing me and enslaving me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray at the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany around September 1970. This person caused me a lot of problems and life destruction. If I list them all, then I need over 10 pages, so I will list only a couple, after this criminal came into my life he used the military and English royal family tactics that I get to know through the MI6 in 1970-1977 but also through their criminal slaves that only publicly control Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar, such as beating me with one inch/2.5 cm wooden stick to show me who is the boss in house and this as soon as this criminal entered my life in around 1965/66, never forget that the English royalties and especially the public figures of them, they often wear military uniform as a sign of fear and force that they can use at any time on anyone who does not submit to them = mass brainwash in British media since centuries

14.           1965/1966 the same criminal fake brother as mentioned above used telepathy to force others to rape me, men as well as disgusting old women, and this multitude of times. The only reason I know that he did that, is because it all started after this MF entered my life in around 1965/66 in Cairo Egypt and claiming to be my brother. Forcing a male victim to be raped by men and disgusting old women is a multi-purpose brainwash strategy that I have mentioned the effect of it elsewhere, but in short to prevent the victim to want to remember these bad times and therewith not to try to analyze them and understand them and discover all the crimes that these criminals perform while being under the protection of various security agencies such as the CIA. MI6, BND and AIVD or even the FIBI and INS, but also to force the victim to think as if he is a homo sexual, and if the victim does think so, then and as a 100% planned side effect, is that this victim then would have no children that can inherit his history and complain about it, yet today we have internet and this will stay for longer than these criminal live

15.           Around 1987/88 and until 2001. I suddenly have unknown skin diseases, where red spots appear on my skin erratically, such as on my upper arms, my back, my shoulder and my chest. It started while I was in Bridgeport Connecticut, where I was forced to be there twice, once from End September 1986 to end November 1986, then I was forced to live with the pastor and his family in the nearby small town called Fairfield, that was nothing else but another brainwash, then again back to Bridgeport in around March or April 1987 and until around 10/12 December 1990, then I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas, USA. While I was in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and I am not sure of the exact year, yet it must have been 1988 or 1989, I started to get these red spots on my skin. What is important to note is that the alleged daughter of this whore digesting agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that the concentrated evil BP-British-Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family enslaved me under on 24.12.1984, this daughter named Suzanne Khodor, current last name is unknown to me, I heard that she allegedly married the son of the owner of the company that  she was working for in 1999 as a secretary in Houston, Texas, and when I consider her look, behavior and intelligence that I must think that the son of the small factory owner was forced with telepathy to marry her, because otherwise no one would because of the lack of things she did not have as mentioned. Anyway. This Suzanne Khodor allegedly also had the same skin disease as me, yet I do not know why and when it started by her and I do not understand the situation 100%. Yet the skin problem started with me either shortly before I get to know her around the same time in 1988/1989 or after her. It is possible that these criminals wanted me to think that I contracted it from her or even that she contracted this sickness of me. But let me stick to the facts that started after I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas, USA in December 1990. Sometimes in 1991 or 1992 I was complaining about the skin disease and that no doctor was able to help me with it, and at one day Suzanne Khodor was visiting her alleged mother at the housing I was forced to live in and then suggested that I should go to her dermatologist on Westheimer Road. She said he is helping her, and he is very good. Since I had no health insurance, I had to pay it out of my pocket and went to this dermatologist (skin doctor) and to make it short I was going to him every 4-7 months and each time he prescribe for me a skin medical crème that supposed to spread over this unknown to me skin disease and he said it should go away in 4-6 months, but it never did, and therewith I was going to him until the year 2000, I believe the last time I went to him was around spring 2000, and each time I have to pay him cash + pay for the bad medicine that never worked for at least 8 years. What is also very important to note is that he said that this disease is very contagious. And here when others see that this alleged contagious disease is on my skin and the skin of the daughter that I was enslaved under, then they will think I am sleeping with both women, the mother and daughter just as many Mormons. Yet today I know that this evil doctor was a liar and most probably he was a relative to these trash women or to the Bush family or to other criminals and they were using me to just to give him periodic profit. If this diseases was highly contagious as he claimed, then the woman I was enslaved under would have it, and also my fake son, yet none of them had it, even though we use the same towels, the same tables, the same bathroom, the same seats and so on, and this alone shows a pattern of using me to make money for their evil relatives, and the same with the eye glasses that I literally overnight needed some and not gradually, and then was forced once a while to go to the optician and glasses store in the second floor of the Galleria Mall in Houston, Texas to get these glasses and once a while renew them. And all this went on and on from 1991/1992 and until 11 February 2001 and as I landed in the Netherlands, this skin disease disappeared without any treatment what so ever, in matter of fact I was so busy being locked up and trying to understand what hit my life that I totally forgot this disease until sometimes in end of 2001, where I noticed I do not have it any more, but also the fake asthma that was also forced upon me as a mean of torture disappeared, because and as I was in the refugee camp in Haleem, Netherlands, I ran out of the fake asthma puffs and went to the doctor in the same refugee camp/building in Haarlem, Netherlands (not Harlem New York) and he examined me and said I do not think you need it, and I protested and thought he is trying to save the money for the refugee camp, and he said, ok, you try to live without them for a few days to 2 weeks, and until then if you need them come back to me and I will prescribe them to you, I never had to go back to him, and this was in around June 2001, I should note that I gave him the 2 empty puff metal bottles and he looked at them before he gave me this advice, which all in all equals it was absolutely not necessary and it was 100% a telepathy attack on me, where the hospital in Houston covered up for it or was also forced with telepathy to cover up for it by giving me a fake medicine. Why cover up for it, to not allow me yet to understand what telepathy is, who knows what then I would have done, possibly left this criminal agent and my fake son prior to what these criminals were planning for

16.           1995-2000. It all started sometimes in around end of 1995 or spring 1996, which is waking up in the middle of the night and I cannot breath and trying hard to breath, and be walking around the apartment fast like crazy grasping for air, and then I had to go at around 3 o’clock in the morning to the governmental hospital that was around 16 miles/27 km away, even though another hospital was just under 5 miles/8 km away and is called South West Memorial Hospital, that they either changed it’s name or I forgot the name, now it is called Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital on 7600 Beechnut St, Houston, TX 77074, United States, which I did not like, because they mistreated me by the illegal double hernia surgery that they used a Turkish doctor to alter how my body look like from my waste downwards and then force my mind to link the Turkish Doctor who performed the criminal wrong surgery on me, and relate him to other countless Turkish things that was forced upon my life such as the lookalike of my fake brother that these criminals forced upon me in the American military base called McGraw Kaserne in September 1970 in Munich, Germany  and he was married allegedly to a Turkish woman named Alia Köse (that looked and behaved more like an atheist Philippine than  a Turkish Muslim) with a sister named Leila and an alleged brother-in-law named allegedly Nevzat something alias the alleged translation of my fake first name Nuzhat, and all this in 1970-1973 to force me to think I am a Turkish origin, and these were only a handful of situations out of over 20 or even 30 other major Turkish brainwash situations to force my mind to relate myself to Turkey and Turkish family as distraction of the evil queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 to use me as a multipurpose decoy as distraction that I am her younger brother, and I am still having a lot of problems believing that someone can do something like that. However, and at least one thing I can say about Turkish people, and I have plenty of experience with them from 1970 in Germany to  USA and to current in 2020 in the Netherlands, which is they are absolutely family oriented and most protective of their family members, and would by far not treat any family member any way near how I was treated since 1960. In other words, these are organized crime organization that always try to blame their bad doings on Turkish, Jewish, Muslim, Christians, Russians, Indians, Arabs and so on. Back to going to the hospital, so I went to the public government owned hospital called Harris Health Ben Taub Hospital in Houston, Texas, the word Harris stand for the county name, which is Harris country where I was forced to live in Houston, and the hospital was 16 miles/27 km  far away of my housing on 10350 Lands End Drive, Houston, Texas. They immediately placed me on a so-called inhalator machine that dispense allegedly pure oxygen, then and gradually I started to feel better and able to breathe again. I was on the inhalator for around 30-60 minutes, so I was bored and started to talk the person next to me that was also on another inhalator, and I told him my problem and then asked him his problem and why he is on the inhalator, he said he has AIDS and sometimes his lungs do not function correctly and need an inhalator. I was shocked that they place a person with AIDS less than one meter next to another patient without AIDS, but what can I say this is USA the land of unlimited opportunities also to contract sicknesses to their patients, Later some doctors examined me and said to me that I have Asthma, and continued saying this is normal in Texas and in particularly in the city of Houston due to all the petroleum companies in Galveston and the surrounding areas. The doctor prescribed for me 2 (two) different inhalers, and said I have to first take 2 puffs of this, wait a few seconds and take another 2 puffs of the other. I trusted the doctor and believed him, yet I most definitely did not have Asthma. It was an evil telepathy attack and hidden torture performed upon me by the evil disgusting agent Najlaa Mahmoud. Ever since I had to buy these two inhalers out of my pocket because I had no health insurance and they were expensive for my financial situations that was also forced upon me as a mean of slavery brainwash to keep me under financial control and not allow me to be free while overwhelming me with all kind of problems, that I am listing here only a very small part of them, maybe under 10%

17.           Around 1994/1995 and while I was taking my fake son and the whore agent to the movies at the so called AMC movie theater in First Colony in Sugar Land, Texas, that was around 8 miles/12 km from my forced upon me housing at 10350 Lands End Drive, Houston, Texas, in an apartment complex called Stancliff park Apartments, now is called Ashford Stancliff park Apartment complex, what is also important to note here, is that this apartment complex was sold at least twice just one year after I moved in there on 1 January 1991, I believe it was owned by the Bush family or one of their investment companies and then they sold it out because I was forced to live in it and not to have anything to do with my housing, not to forget that the pastor that baptized me in April of 1976 as a part of a major brainwash setup was pastor Herbert Lange as described in the page “Thank You” under the section of his own name, which he looked almost identical to the wife of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush that was a vice president of USA when the concentrated evil CIA + MI6 + BP-British petroleum kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, but also I discovered several other relations to his family as well as in USA, in Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UK = English royalty and possibly I was kidnapped from the UK in 1952 and placed with his evil family that brought only severe destruction to the world such as Iran/Iraq war in 1980s, Kuwait war, Iraq War (three time: with Iran, with Kuwait and with the stupid son of his called ex-US president George W. Bush), and not last and not least the bombing of the world trade center twice, once with the Egyptian Sheikh that it did not work and then with Osama Ben laden that was a CIA agent that was sent to Afghanistan in 1980s as the ex-Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and the Saudi Arabian Osama Ben laden and CIA agent was supposed to help the Afghani against the Russians, in other words the CIA was using Saudi Arabia as proxy just as they are using Saudi Arabia as proxy in Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia and many other African and non-African countries, Sorry I get side-tracked. Back to taking my fake son and his fake mother the disgusting whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud to the movie theater in Sugar Land and after the movies and while I was driving I saw and very suddenly something in front of my eyes and did not recognize it or know where it came from, and I had to tilt my head as far as I could of it and this while I was driving, it turned out to be the hand of my fake son, that was around 9-10 years old at that time, then I went to an opticians to see why I was not able to see that, and I was told I am far sighted and cannot see close items, and need eye glasses, and I accepted it and ordered these eye glasses . Yet today, I know that something like that would then happen gradually and not overnight, it would star maybe by reading a letter or the computer screen or some signs on the street, but not just like that = telepathy attack and damaging my sight enable to force me to wear eye glasses to alter or hide how I look in addition to my mustache, my 30 kg over weight, the destructive surgery that these criminals performed upon me in around April 1991 also in Houston, Texas and later in the Netherlands pulling out all my teeth and creating a swelling between my ears and my cheeks = 100% some evil person or a group of people are systematically altering my look

18.           Sicknesses caused to me as a side effect of what these criminals did to me, my apologies for the below detailed descriptions, but I have to show how much these criminals care about others and what is some of the side effects of their evil crimes against their victims such as myself!!

18.1.              Until the year 2000 and beside the sicknesses that are listed above, I had no fungus on my feet or eczema on my arm elbows , yet I was unjustly imprisoned from June 2000 and until I relocated to Amsterdam, Netherlands in around June 2012, whereby from 28 February 2008 I was forced by the Dutch immigration and their subsidiary called COA to live in the concentrated evil village called Bellingwolde, but I did not want to live there, and they gave me a choice either live here or on the street and that is force, especially that these criminals refused to allow me to live outside the refugee camps between around April 2001 and April 2004, even though I was during that period approved as a refugee and then forced me to lose my refugee status again, just as German and Bavarian government also did to me something similar from 1970-1976. And from June 2000 and until this point of time I was forced to live between countless jails, prisons and refugee camps between Houston, Texas, USA, various villages  and a couple of small cities in the Netherlands and various jails and refugee camps in Germany, all in all around over 50 of them. As a result of this I have the following sickness as listed below!

18.2.              Number one problem and when I had a problem with my teeth, started in the prison in Houston, Texas between July 2000 and 10 February  2001, then they took me to a dentist, where he says to me that he is not allowed to treat my teeth, but he is allowed to pull them out and this will definitely stop the pain and in this process I lost 3-4 teeth, one in Houston and the rest between German and Dutch prisons and refugee camps. Something similar happened to me twice before that, once at the American military Base called McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany in summer of 1970 (yes 1970) and another in Bridgeport Connecticut and during these criminals re-brainwashing me between March 1987 and summer 1987 and I was forced to be dependent on municipality of Bridgeport Connecticut, and I had tooth pain and the municipality of Bridgeport sent me to a dentist that said I need a filling but he is not allowed to do that he is only allowed to perform emergency actions such as pulling the tooth that is causing the problem, and I had no alternative except to accept his most vicious and destructive offer, is this coincident that all the teeth that were pulled out of me are through the concentrated evil American military + CIA + MI6 + BP-British Petroleum actions during the period that these criminals were surrounding me by force???!!!

18.3.              In Bellingwolde  and in 2008 I started to notice that I have some new skin disease on my arms elbow, and the doctor said this is eczema which is a common sickness and I have to live with it and I should use a specific medical crème to prevent it of getting worse, he said many Dutch have it for years, which is a lie that it is not treatable. I still have it today in 2020 but by far not as bad as it was before, because I treated it myself, which I most definitely do not advice anyone to do that, but it was stupid of me to do it because I had no alternative, if you have the same problem then you should continue to seek other doctor and another one and another one no matter how long it takes until you find a honest one or one that can withstand telepathy manipulations, yet the stupid thing I did it helped somehow. And the reason is because I used this method in end of 2019 and begin of 2020, is because I went to so many doctors for this problem and no one was able to help me with it except give me a medical crème that does not work. The last time I went to a doctor about it was 2017 or 2018, I cannot recall, any more, First I went to my so called family doctor, and asked him to send me to a dermatologist, and he said the only dermatologist that he knows in the city of Den Haag/The Hague is in the hospital called Hagaziekenhuis (meaning in English: Hague hospital) and I went to this doctor for several problems and one of them was the so called eczema on my arm elbow, and I told him, I used to have it on both elbows, but one is healed very quickly but the other does not want to heal, can you please help me with it, his answer was: No, because I cannot know where you place your elbow. So the only thing is left for me to do is to try it myself, so I kept on buying over the counter crème and trying all kind of ones to eliminate it, and the health insurance does not pay for them, until I realized it is not working it is just preventing it to look nasty. Then I started in end of December 2019 to try something else which is use a specific very aggressive household cleaning material to treat it by mixing it 1 to 10 with water, and I did that for around 10 days and stopped, it turned out that on my elbow there was something hiding under the skin, that somehow killed the skin and was causing me this so called eczema it was maybe 1-2 millimeter thick and 1 cm meter round and it was dead skin so I took it out with force, which injured me and after around one month, there was some left over and I took them out with force, where I also injured myself. Today I see there still a residue and when the injury heals, I will take them out. Yet it looks like it is healing nicely. I do not know what this is, yet the answer of the last doctor I will never forget when he said: no I cannot help you with this because I do not know where you place your elbow, what a stupid statement is this and this in a famous hospital in the city I live in?

18.4.              Also, in the village Bellingwolde where the Dutch Immigration forced me to live in 2008, I saw I had foot fungus, that is distorting some of my feet nails, and I tried in jail and prisons and refugee camps to get a treatment for it, but I was unsuccessful. Here too, I tried to get a good working treatment through the doctor and nothing worked, until in around 2010 I had the idea to treat my feet with the same household cleaning material as mentioned in the above point, absolute the same material, yet a different brand, so I created warm foot bath and used a couple of drops of this very aggressive household cleaning material, I did that once a day for one week, each time for around 3-5 minutes only and then washed my feet thoroughly and after one week the fungus was dead and ever since I lost it, yet it left a few nails corrupted and since then I tried hard to fix them with the help of medical professionals, and each time they give me medicine, it would not work or it would have some kind of negative side effect, and the last time it was in 2017, where my feet nails turned all as white as an egg shell, so I stopped and looked on the internet for a treatment and found one of Dr. Scholl, and bought it and I started to see improvement after a couple of weeks, yet it took over 2 years to heal most of them, now I am still using the same over the counter medicine of Dr. Scholl and the insurance does not cover it, even it is working much better than what the doctors have eve prescribed me, it is going to take maybe one more year and they will all heal or at least most of them, the reason it take so long because I have to wait until the sick nail grow that I can remove it or cut it with the scissors, These funguses on my elbow and feet were 100% contracted in the absolutely unhygienic and forced upon me unjustly jails, prisons and refugee camps that I was forced to live in between June 2000 and 28 February 2008 in USA, Germany and the Netherlands while forcing me to think that I am related to the terrorist group called PLO, whereby PLO leaders may be terrorist hired by CIA, MI6 and Mossad to discourage the Palestinian to protest and to have a reason to attack them and steal their lands every once a while over and over and over again as they doing right now between 2019 and 2020 with their very wrong and destructive fake peace plan between Israel and Palestinians, this tactic or strategy I have seen over and over again by many governments in various areas around my life in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Germany, USA, UK and in the Netherlands!!!!!

18.5.              On 1 March 2016 and after I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family and the Dutch government and all the consulates and Embassies in this city, I was really depressed and was still trying to understand what hit me in the previous city called Assen (from Mai 2014 to February 2016) and what hit me prior to that in the UK from Mai 2013 to Mai 2014 and prior to that in Amsterdam from June 2012 to Mai 2013, and prior to that in the forced upon me village Bellingwolde from 28 February 2008 to June 2012 and all my life prior to that and at least since 10/11 January 1960, because I was not able to see prior to that because these criminals caused me a total amnesia enable they can control me while claiming whatever they want and me as an 8 years old with total amnesia have to believe them, which is very sad behavior (!!!???). And then started to notice that I sit too much at home thinking and trying to understand my own past, and suddenly I also had some pain in my chest when I go out and walk or bicycle to go shopping, so I looked for a doctor in summer 2016 and went to  her and described to her my pain in chest when I start walking or bicycling, but it gradually disappear after a few minutes of walking or bicycling, she immediately said: You have Angina and said this is a heart condition and wanted to prescribe for me medications, but I said don’t you want to first examine me, she said I already did took your pulse and listen to you, I said I want through heart examination before you prescribe heart medication for me, then she was angry and said you question my capabilities, I said no, I just want to see a heart specialist before I take any heart medications, and reluctantly she sent me to the same hospital mentioned above named Hagaziekenhuis (in English: Hague hospital), and they took x-rays and performed other examinations and then a heart specialist confirmed the diagnoses of the lady doctor that sent me to him. He prescribed several medications for this treatment, and said I have to take this medication all the time if I want to live long, literally he said with the help of these medication I can live until the age of 92 (my fake mother allegedly died in Brighton in end of March 2013 at the age of 92, is this coincident???!!!) and he does not want to see me here again, I guess she meant it as a joke that I should take my medicine and not call him(!!). At home I read the description of each medication and at least 2 of them had such a severe of side effects that I did not take any of these medications, which it reminded me with the American advertisement of medications on CNN and other TV networks, where they list 2-5 advantages of this medicine that is advertised as if ti is a wonder medicine, and at the end of the advertisement they list 20 different possible side effects from your head will swell 20 cm to you get heart failure to lever failure to kidney failure to…to…. Abd so on> therefore I decided not to take these medications and instead I looked on alternative solutions over the internet and ever since I am following these solutions that are among others of American, British, Dutch and German universities, such as perform sport and eat the right food with a list of right food for this situation. I started to perform some heavy gymnastic and weightlifting, jogging and after around 2weeksand gradually this pain went away. Today, more than 3 years later, I know that her diagnose was wrong and the doctor at the hospital possibly was helping his colleague the beautiful fat doctor that listen to me for a couple of minutes and then said you have Angina, as if I am in TV game show and she had to answer very quickly without any fact knowledge checking (!!!???) and therewith this hospital doctor was possibly covering up for her inadequate examination, she just listened to me and immediately popped up with the word Angina. No doctor ever asked me if I perform any physical activities or if I am performing any sport or that I should go to the gym and then see him again in one month or so. Yet thanks to and the Alphabet management I often find correct solutions over the internet, and I do not have to believe everything that I am told. Beside I cannot afford to pay 20-30 Euro per month for a gym, so I invested around 50 Euro and built my own small gym at home, which was 100% worth it, and this 50 Euro investment for several equipment, where I used most of them and did not like the other , turned out to be pennies per month in 36 months, above all is keeping me fit and I lost this sickness that was nothing else than a result of me being locked up and living isolated and being sad and depressed not trusting anything or anyone not even myself (!!!???). I wonder what doctors are thinking, possibly some of them or most probably or even most definitely many of them receive money of certain pharmaceutical companies for prescribing certain long-term medication as the 3 they prescribed for me and said I have to take them all my life, and they are over 100 or 200 Euro, meaning over one thousand per year. What a shame that some doctors do that! And there with another sickness that I am not going to list separately is me forced to be unfit physically through all the unjust lock up that in reality started on 24.12.1984 when these criminals the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + members of my fake family enslaved me under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, because until this point of time I was always performing sport activities on a regular base between sport bicycling, playing Squash, swimming, going for long hiking and so on, yet after 24.12.1984 all stopped overnight and by force of telepathy and I was forced to gain 30 KG which started to alter the way I look + mustache + bade surgery to alter the look of my body + forced upon me by telepathy eyeglasses + taking systematically out all my teeth + creating a swelling between my 2 ears and my cheeks = I would never look anything like my biological family and would look like that I have some similarities to some members of my fake family as distraction of my biological family alias the Windsor + the German ex royalties families!

18.6.              1991 to 2001 Houston, Texas, USA. I have on a regular base a so-called heartburn, where I buy every 7-10 days a bottle of a so-called “Milk of Magnesium” that supposed to get rid of the heartburn. This heartburn was man caused by creating stomach gases either with telepathy of the BP-Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND where agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that these criminals enslaved me under and then kidnapped me from Germany to USA. Why am I sure that it was manmade (???) because at work I used mainly eat salad for lunch or something light, which very much means whatever was causing me this heart burn, was from my forced upon me housing in Houston, Texas, because I never had it before. And since this heartburn was forced upon me at my housing, yet the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud never had heartburn even though she supposedly eats the same food as me, but also my fake son never had heartburn or complaint over his stomach, except twice in his first 13 years life. Which very much means someone was causing me this heartburn, where I had to take the “Milk of Magnesium” 2-5 times per day and that is not coincident. It all stopped as soon as I landed in the Netherlands on 11.02.2001 and immediately I was placed in prison for one month. Since then and until I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague I hardly had heartburn. This heartburn it causes a temporary pain to severe pain between your stomach and throat, that simulate a so called Angina (for more info see that heartburn can easily be mistaken with heart disease or Angina, and therewith the point below shows that the doctor was just selling medications by immediately saying that I have a so-called Angina without first checking me properly and when I asked her first I like to be checked if it is really Angina, she was angry at me and said: you question my capability? Then I went to another doctor as described in the following point! Today and in the last a few months I have a lot of heartburn so I continue to change my diet to get rid of it and it is the absolute same pain that I had when I went to the doctor as mentioned in the following point. And since I sit at my housing a lot, therewith as soon as I make some movements I get a heartburn, then I started to sport at home starting by 15 minutes daily and increasing them by 5 minutes by day until I reached 2-3 hours daily, and the heartburn disappeared. But also sometimes I eat the wrong food which it cause also heartburn, then I try to avoid this kind of food, all in all heartburn can be easily caused with telepathy

18.7.              Last but not least of what I still want to list of the sicknesses they forced upon me or it is a side effect, is the severe psychological damage that these criminals performed upon me as well as the PTSD-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD explained in short from my point of view and based on my knowledge: a person is in shock due to a very bad and totally unexpected destructive experience. Another explanation based on dictionaries: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. End of dictionary explanation. I believe the dictionary explanation is a little bit off because they do not consider telepathy number one side effect, which is not understanding what a person self is doing or why a person did something himself against his own wished and wanting. The hidden explanation is that the person was forced to by telepathy and he think he did it with his own decision which causes a total conflict and paradox in his own mind and against his own logic that leads him to try to understand the situation through analyzing the situation over and over again but he cannot find a plausible reasoning and then his mind goes in a circle, which I did from 17.10.1984 to roughly April 2000, where then I started to recognize and understand telepathy and therewith I started to break the endless thinking while my thoughts were going in circle and nowhere because I was not able to find a plausible to me reason why this or that happened or why did I do/did this or that even I really did not want it to be like that in the first of all, which equals a severe and very sadistic and most destructive telepathy side effect sicknesses, who knows maybe these criminals were counting on it because they experience with their own bad destructive doings and can see inside their victims thoughts and see the effect, which really means these criminals planned it!!!!!), that started immediately after 17.10.1984 after they separated me of my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka by force and I never understood how this has happened because I really loved her very much from head to toe until after the year 2000 I started to understand, and again by losing my job on 19 October 1984 ---and blaming it on my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka and again setting me up to look like I am working with the Syrian government against the German government and again by enslaving me by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984, and again by kidnapping me in September 1986 from Germany to USA and forcing me to live as an illegal alien for 15 years and blamed it on my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar as a mean to prevent me to go back home to Germany or visit the concentrated evil members of my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Hamburg, UK , where each time something really bad happens and I never understood it and other areas and again chocking my life in 1999 and forcing me to be homeless enable to lock me up for 14 years between USA, Netherlands and Germany and again forcing me to relocate in Mai 2013 to the UK to use me as a blackmail object against queen Elizabeth the second alias my original fake mother that went with me to Cairo Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 and then made sure I would never recognize that she is possibly my sister by causing me a total amnesia that I neither speak the language from before nor I knew where I came from and who is my biological mother and father and the rest of my biological family is and where they are, not to mention all the other loses I had, from losing my friends and church in Unterschleissheim, Germany to countless time losing my jobs through a very mean and most sadistic and destructive setups, to losing the woman I loved to losing my home to losing my profession to losing my country to losing my freedom of living free and therewith losing my entire life that was 100% owned by these criminals that I am complaining about. And therewith I most definitely had a sever never-ending  or continues PTSD- Post-traumatic stress disorder that I really started to process after 1 March 2016 in the city of Den Haag/The Hague, and writing my complaint is also helping me to better understand and have understanding that a criminal mind is inherited from the family and that somethings from my past I guess I just cannot get rid of and have to learn how to live with these bad memories that these criminals forced upon me all my life!           Last but not least, it is very tough to know that my brother is not my brother and my sisters are not my sisters, my mother is not my mother and all the rest are not my family but rather they were my kidnappers and were treating me as an enemy while using telepathy to force me to think that they love me, which creates a paradox in my brain which is Love = Destruction and not as described in the New testament and partially in the Old testament = Bible or even as described in the Quran where it is written “first come your mother, then your mother and then your mother” or it says that you have to love your brother more than your child because you can marry many women and get of each many children, yet you cannot get your parents of the grave and make them give you a brother or a sister (!!), or love your brotherhood, which is anyone who have the same faith as you, but also (I am not sure if this of the Quran or it is just an Egyptian saying) “I am with my brother against my cousin and I am with my cousins against the stranger” I might not agree with all or some of these philosophies, yet I know it was meant to be Noble, yet none of the members of my fake family treated me anywhere remotely near to these noble statements, in matter of fact I have seen members of my fake family treat their own children, mother and other family members against these noble statements. Which is all described all over my complaint. Also, it is for me very tough to accept that thoughts that my own biological family throwed me in to all these situations, but I must live with it day in and day out!

19.           1965/66 to current in 2020, Preventing me to have a good 7-8 daily sleep, in that they repeatedly wake me up in the middle of the night at least one time, often 2-20 times (onetime after each 1-5 minutes of falling to sleep often until 4 to 7 o’clock in the morning), giving me a very nasty or disgusting dreams which point that their minds is totally out of order or even sick to come up with these thoughts, or waking me up in night time and then force me to remember something or force thoughts upon me that sometimes force me to remember something and think about it, yet, with the following exceptions:

19.1.              January 1960-1965/66 and immediately after these criminals kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 to Cairo, Egypt, then a fake brother was forced upon my life named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alas Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, then my sleep started to be very bad and I kept on having little sleep, which point to that this criminal was doing that to me

19.2.              After the CIA + MI6 enslaved me under their whore agent named Anita Disbray in the American military base McGraw kaserne starting 20 August 1970, yet the actual good sleep started only after I was forced to rent a joint apartment with her, twice, onetime just outside or on the edge of the military base in an area called Fasanenpark just on the edge of and south of Munich, Germany which was around end of 1971 and until immediately after the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympics in summer of 1972 + from spring 1973 and until around spring or summer 1976 where we also had a joint apartment in the city of Unterschleissheim, Germany which was around 20 km north of Munich Germany, where I was setup to become Christian. During this mentioned period, I had no problem whatsoever with my sleep and absolutely no dreams what so ever = the whore agent Anita Disbray + the CIA + MI6 were preventing anyone to disturb my sleep as a mean to make me feel safe while I was enslaved under their whore agent, or the whore agent was preventing all that, I do not know who was doing it, but I know I always had a good sleep until a few months after I became Christian

19.3.              On and off when I am living in the Dutch refugee camps, or in jails or prisons in Germany on and off between 2001 and 2008. On and off, is because I was not always in Jails, prisons and refugee camps, between these mentions places I was sometime 1-5 days out sleeping somewhere else in a homeless shelter or forced to be on the road hitch hiking from Netherlands to Germany or back during which I sleep in the car or truck of those who picked me up, exception was around 10-14 days living either at the home of a church acquaintance or in the church itself called Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany, which I strongly believe that it was arranged between the Dutch immigration and the church on 7 January 2002 to force my feeling and memory to remember and blame everything that happened to me because I allegedly became Christian and not because these criminals English royalties kidnapped me several times in my life using their organized crime  institutions such as CIA (American), MI6 (British), BND (German) and AIVD (Dutch), and this was arranged without my knowledge or approval, but rather they used telepathy to force me to leave the refugee camp in a village called Zweeloo (not to mix with the city Zwolle)

19.4.              All other times from 1965/66 and until current 2020 and the majority of times I am being severely attacked with telepathy while I am a sleep either by forcing upon me a very disturbing dreams and then they wake me up, or they plainly prevent me to go to sleep for 3-6 hours, or they wake me up several times in night time, in any case it is a severe forced upon me sickness that bring along with it many other sicknesses, from not being able to concentrate, to being angry, to being unfriendly to being tired all the times to being susceptible to other sickness because of lake of routinely good sleep. And that is as criminal and heatless sadistic as it gets

20.           2001 and until current, I am having unusual lump growth on some fingers, I have five of them on various fingers, they are the size of a lentil and other are as large as half of a pea. This is what I see. The others I do not see but I feel, which on my elbows , where I had to go to a doctor and he sends me for a so called ultrasound photo, and then said this is normal , where something pushes the bone out of the joints, which cause me a lot of discomfort and when exercising, then it hurt and allegedly there is no treatment for it, which is very similar to all other forced upon me sicknesses by using telepathy!

21.           June 2013 in the UK to current 2020in Den Haag/The Hague. Goosebumps (for more info search google for “meaning of goosebumps”) on my legs, from my foot to my thigh. In November or December 2012, I received an approval for the Dutch citizenship. In January 2013 I received the Dutch citizenship and I applied and received the Dutch passport and was forced to relocate to the UK, most probably to show the evil English royalties what they did to their family member, which is me, but they are heartless and feelingless and have absolutely no empathy whatsoever, in matter if fact these criminals performed several crimes against me, one of them creating goosebumps on my legs. Why? Because my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar has something similar on her legs and possibly also on her arms, and therewith this criminal act by forcing goosebumps on my legs force my own mind and the mind of other who may have noticed the similarity between me and my fake sister, would think it is in the gene and we are brother and sister. These goosebumps were the absolute only thing that this fake sister had in common with me and with my look, otherwise we absolutely have nothing in common look wise= a hidden crime caused with telepathy and that is fact. The question is, did my fake sister mentioned above has these goosebumps always, or just during my forced upon me stay at her alleged house from for 6 weeks from end of May to 12 June 2013, in Brighten, UK. And as a confirmation for this, these criminals English royalties played games with me between 12 June 2013 and roughly 23 June 2013, by forcing me to relocate back to the Netherlands to a city called Kerkrade on the edge of the German city called Aachen, and in Kerkrade they forced me to leave and go back and relocate to Harrow London, which is not far from the Buckingham palace, where the witch queen Elizabeth the Second lives, whereby she was the one who kidnapped me in the first of all, either in the end of 1959, or between February 1952 and November 1952, where I was forced to rent a room by a Pakistani family that run a care home for mentally disadvantaged women, where I was totally controlled with telepathy and was not able to succeed in anything, not even in getting or buying a good dentures because the ones I had were not good. And her we come to another side point, the dentures these criminals forced upon me in the village Scheemda and later again in Amsterdam had several problems, one of them is that the upper denture had around 1 centimeter difference to the bottom dentures, meaning my upper dentures are going 1 cm more outwards while the lower ones are going a cm inwards, and this made me even look like my fake sister mentioned above because her upper jaws has the same description and the Pakistani landlord of this forced upon me room had the same description as my denture, with one exception, by these two ladies it is how they were born, and by me and prior to these criminals systematically destroying my teeth and then pulling around 14 healthy teeth out, my upper jaw was roughly on the same position as my lower jaw with the except of 1-3 millimeters difference. I did not think that this would happen to me, so I did not measure them, yet many dentists have an x-ray of my entire jaw at least from 1977 in Germany to after 1986 in Bridgeport, USA, to after 2001 in the Netherlands and to after 2002 in Germany. Which very much shows that these concentrated evil English royalties planned all this to force my mind and the mind of others to relate me to this fake sister while many in the USA + Netherlands tried hard to force my mind to relate this fake sister to Turkey, however this fake sister is 100% not the same fake sister that went with me to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 January 1960. Today I know that the original 2 fake sisters were 100% bodyguards of Queen Elizabeth the Second

22.           2008-2013, torturing me with dentures enable to alter my look and force me to think I am biologically related to my fake sister named Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar in the UK, for more details see the point above and also the description elsewhere how these criminals dental professionals in the villages Bellingwolde, Scheemda, Winschoten, Veendam, Wildervank (on the edge of Veendam) and Groningen (later also in Amsterdam) conspired together between February 2008 and Mai 2013 to torture me and pull out all my teeth enable to force upon me fake teeth that will 100% alter my entire look, at least around my mouth and teeth as described above point

23.           This point has nothing to do with sicknesses but rather it is a conclusion and a new discovery for me based on the last/above 2 points, which is:

23.1.              Taking me to UK in summer 1976 after 7 years forcing me to be refugee in Germany on a wait status, which was nothing else that an alleged blackmail to my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar, where today I know her evil husband allegedly his name is Dr. Alaa Ali is related to ARAMCO and pretend to be a medical professional in my presence

23.2.              As a confirmation to the above point, and sometimes in the begin of 1980s fake sister mentioned went to Saudi Arabia allegedly because her husband the alleged medical doctor has a new job at ARAMCO somewhere north of Damam, Saudi Arabia, is her husband a medical doctor or ARAMCO top management, I do not know, I just know they are all liars, at least they lied to me and said they are my family, and that the original Dr. Alaa Ali from 1968-1969 in Cairo Egypt is different than this new allegedly Dr. Alaa Ali after 1976 and 2013 in the UK

23.3.              If this is true that my original fake mother was queen Elizabeth the Second on 10/11 January 1960, then taking me to Germany on 10.10.1969 and then to the American military base was nothing else than distraction of the British Royal family and setting the basis for relating me to Americans such as the Rockefeller family and the Bush family, where they started doing that in around 1980 and through Siemens AG where I went o IBM France for a meeting the manger or project leader at IBM France in Paris for Arabi computers name was a Lebanese named Mr. Hajjar, which it looks like Najjar, which is another wrong variation of writing my name Najar, yet Hajjar means “Rockefeller”. And since Siemens AG send me there, then they were either blackmailing someone or helping the English royalties to relate me to Rockefellers

23.4.              Siemens AG sending me to Geneva, Switzerland on business where my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi was allegedly Syrian consul in Geneva, and this after he was allegedly a Syrian consul in Moscow during which my fake mother Hayat Baroudi went to visit him in Moscow and came back directly to me in Munich Germany behaving in such a way to force the mind to think that she is Russian origin that pretend to be Syrian as distraction of the English royalties

23.5.              Siemens AG sending me to Saudi Arabia to place it in my memory that I have seen more relatives at one given time in Saudi Arabia + heard of others living there as a basis to relate me to Saudi Arabia, and the reward for Siemens AG was awarding them the Saudi Ports Authority project in1978/79 that started with 35 Million for local investigation and grew to over 2 Billion in around the year 2008, and this is totally illogical because Siemens AG won the project in competition among others to the English royalties/American company called McKinsey consulting, now called McKinsey & Company, while simultaneously the best and biggest mainframe computer company in the world was IBM, and these are things that 100% point to either blackmail or reward, because Siemens AG was using computers that were a joint venture with the Japanese company called Fujitsu

23.6.              Siemens AG sending me to Saudi Arabia over Amman Jordan, where the family of my fake sister are major economic players in Jordan and have several other businesses in Saudi Arabia (I visited myself), UAE, Kuwait, Oman. Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and most probably also in the UK, USA, Germany, and the Netherlands, and that too was a basis for my memory  and as confirmation to the points above as of these criminals to force me to think that they are Saudi Arabian that have businesses in the other countries as distraction of the English Royal Family

23.7.              1976-1978/79. Setting me up to became Christian in a church that had a pastor named Herbert Lange where later after the year 2008 I was forced to recognize his pastor is almost identical look to Mrs. Barbara Pierce Bush the wife of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush (the father), while some of my cousins have a look similarities to the children of the ex-USA president George W. Bush (the son), then later kidnapping me to USA in 1986 and forcing me to live in Houston, Texas from 15 December 1990 and until they forced me to land in the Netherlands on 11.02.2001, whereby in Houston I was forced to live in an apartment complex just a few kilometers of the housing of ex-USA president George H. W. Bush and possibly one of his investment companies were the owner of that apartment complex, and in the same city as the headquarter of ARAMCO (they relocated it to Saudi Arabia sometimes after the year 2000) which was in Houston, Texas, USA, and, then later and in the village Bellingwolde after 2008 where they terrorized my life and my sleep for 4 years where they wake me up with telepathy and force me to look at photos on the Internet and find things I did not know about nor I was really interested in, I was only interested in one thing only, which is to be free and go back home to Germany, based on the brainwash that they performed upon me between Summer 1999 and Summer 2003. All this was as distraction of the English royalties that 100% control USA by force, lie and cheat

24.           1965/66 to February 2011. Now I know who has telepathy around my life, I am more than positive that they forced me to smoke, while they do not, This started around 1965/1966 in Cairo Egypt after a fake brother was forced upon me named Mohamad Nashaat Najar later in September 1970 at the concentrated evil American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany where I was taken there for isolation slavery by force and re-brainwash  a lookalike took his place named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and later in 1986 and after kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 and in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA another lookalike named Nick Naggar took their place. Meaning this evil man in Cairo, Egypt forced me to start smoking while also forcing others with telepathy to rape me, men and disgusting older women and I had absolutely no chance whatsoever to defend myself. Now, let us look at other details, this fake brother from 1966/65 claimed he is my brother and was raised by my sister  (fake sister) named Suhair Bdeir/Budier of the family Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan, a hidden Jordanian royal family, while this fake sister was not only not my sister, but I strongly believe that she was a nanny of hidden children of king Hussein, and that is why one of these children named Reem Bdeir is a very lookalike to Princes Haya of Jordan. And he was allegedly raised by this woman/fake sister and her alleged husband named Seif aldin Bdeir/Budier the alleged brother of Mohamad Ali Bdeir a very famous businessman that with no doubt whatsoever had telepathy. I met him 2 times in 1960s plus another time in 1981 in Amman, Jordan, but it was not the same person, which I did not notice. This new one was shorter and darker, the other one was concentrated evil with telepathy that if you are in his presence then you have no chance to think or remember much about the situation, first I met him was in 1966 while I was forced to be on a summer vacation in Amman, Jordan and Lebanon, and met him twice one time I was playing with his children, one of them was a female named Lina, some of the others were Essam and Omar that were much older at that time, I played with his children at the garden of his house, the second time it was in a funeral gathering where maybe there was 100-200 persons, coming and going. I cannot recall whose funeral it was. I was 14 and my intelligence was very lacking due to causing me a total amnesia 5 years earlier and all their telepathy suppressions. Let’s look at more details concerning cigarettes, I believe the Bdeir and Abokurah family in Jordan were partners or even owners of two cigarettes factories , one called Reem (the same name as my niece the very lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan, just 12 years older), the other one was called Philadelphia, and they were either partners or buyers or distributors or a combination of tabaco farms in North Lebanon in the mountains north of Tripoli owned or in partnership by the Azrath family and another just north of Beirut on the north edge of a small village, or now it is maybe even small city called Jubail owned or in partnership with the Barq/bark family, where Ali Bark pretended to be Lebanese consul working in the Lebanese embassy in Amman that was located at, and this as far as I recall, in the so called Dawar Al-Altani (in English second round about) on mount Amman (a city section in Amman called mount Amman, allegedly the city Amman is on 7 mountain and each has it is name). This Ali Barq I met him many times in 1966 as I was vacationing, and again in end of December 1969 during they were setting me to look like as if I am related to Palestinian terrorist to give the MI6 + CIA the right to take me of the hands of the German government and brainwash me and enslave me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray, and gain I saw this Mr. Ali Barq on several of my business trips for my employer called Siemens AG, that were trying to help the English royalties and relate me to drug lords, diamond smugglers and terrorist as distraction of the English royalties. In other words, this Mr. Ali Bark was a consul from at least 1966 to spring 1986, which was the last time I visited Jordan prior to kidnapping me from Germany to USA. And here is the essence of this history, my fake family never told me that they own a cigarettes factory and were partners with the Azrath and bark families, they were good friends and I was able to see that in 1966 + 1969, were they were visiting each other’s almost on a daily basis, at least 4-5 times per week. But after 1980 they pretended to be distancing their selves of each other’s and created many bad brainwash situations around me during visiting them. Starting the year 2000 I started to recognize that these 2 farms I was forced to visit in 1966 in Lebanon as mentioned previously were also a hidden drug farms, and since the families of my 2 fake sisters in Jordan had countless businesses in countless countries, almost in each Arab country, USA, Germany, UK and others, but also in Egypt, where they never told me that they had businesses there, and I strongly also believe they had a cigarette factory in Egypt, I do not know which one, there were several local ones such as Cigarettes , Belmont and others, but also foreign ones, I never saw any of member of the Abokurah or Bdeir/Budier family smoke a cigarette, however my fake 2 sister did, which very much means they forced them to by telepathy, or at least one of them that is called Suhair Bdeir, was smoking like chimney, in other words they forced me to smoke while benefiting financially, it is not much, but the quantity of smokers count, they always had several cigarettes brands in the guest room along with boxes of chocolates and other sweets in small fancy containers on all the large and side tables, which is a part of their so called hospitality=forcing even their guest to smoke, yet none of them smoked, absolutely none, except their hidden slaves, including me. I was often forced to smoke 4 packs of cigarettes per day, it was only one pack to one and half per day, rarely more than one pack, until these criminals enslaved me by force under the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, and then and very suddenly everything in my life went to the extreme, from smoking 4-5 pack of cigarettes a day to gaining over 30 kg, to kidnapping me from Germany to USA to prevent me to visit members of my fake family in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, Germany and the UK, while re-brainwashing me and relating me to USA by force of the CIA + MI6 + the concentrated evil Reagan/Bush presidency that were helping the English royalties and forcing me to be far of them not to discover who am I or who is my father and who is my real sister alias queen Elizabeth the Second that kidnapped me the first time. In short, these criminals force people to do what they want using telepathy, and no one helps, because everyone or at least many are bribable. I was smoking 4-5 packs of cigarettes from 1985/86 and until I was brought by force to the Netherlands, where I was not able to afford cigarettes and started to smoke shag/tobacco and roll my cigarette myself, and cut the smoking to around 30-40 rolled cigarette, which equals around one to one and half pack of cigarettes. And then I was able to completely stop smoking in February 2011, and while I was forced to live isolated in the village of Bellingwolde north of the Netherlands where the government force me to live there for 4 years, which was absolutely like prison, because I was not able to leave this evil village, where I was totally mistreated and tortured mentally and physically for 4 years, and the only 2 things that came out of this evil village is that I get to know a handful of good persons and stopped smoking, where possibly someone with telepathy helped me do that. This is a lot about smoking, yet it contains the other related negative hidden sides that my brain was not able to see them due to the severe brainwash and torture. I have no doubt what so ever that many of the English royalties are also partners with many members of my fake family and that is why they trusted them to keep me enslaved for so long, beside Jordan + Saudi Arabia + UAE + Kuwait + Oman + Bahrain  + possibly also Qatar are through and through owned by English royalties + Americans + Germans + Dutch + French and other Europeans, they just use some of their hidden slaves to be rulers in public. What a shame that these people they waste over 90% of their intelligence by being one or two track intelligences = “Money” or “Money + Power”. However, they think of their selves as supper intelligent because they have telepathy and over 98% of the population has no telepathy, so they steal their ideas, their thoughts and prevent them to use their own ideas and then go quickly and patent it before the owner of the idea does that, then it is registered as their own, and that is the only reason we human have patent. They are all busy killing and stealing and have no time to use their own intelligence, just as the Amazon Management does, or the management of Alphabet/Google, Siemens Aga, Microsoft, even Apple, which I do not like because they hurt people for profession, yet their lower management do not know that, yet they have created usable products and now use people like Donald Trump White House Administration to go to war against their rival such as Huawei and many other and therewith China itself, because China has a treasure just like the Benelux and the Scandinavia Countries also have, which is Human Being, and when is given real freedom then they can do wonders and no USA can match up to them and no UK can match up to them, so they are trying to destroy China and that is fact= this is how dangerous is the one or two track intelligence

25.           Note: sometimes a day, a week, or months later I remember something to be added that I think it is crucial, and the next point I just added a few days after I completed this section!


In around sprig 1968 in Cairo. Please be patient to understand the point I am trying to make but also to teach you something about telepathy and brainwash. In Egypt and very suddenly I had problem with my throat, as if there is a stone in my throat, it was so severe that I had to go to the emergency in the nearby Heliopolis hospital on Al-Higaaz street in Cairo, Egypt. The hospital was around 200 meters of where I lived on 111 Al-Higaaz street. Usually such a sickness grow gradually day after day and not overnight. Any way at the emergency room  in the hospital and after a very short waiting the active doctor was named Dr. Alaa Ali. He was Egyptian, and then he examined me and said something that I do not recall any more exactly, except that is nothing serious and he prescribed a medication and the problem disappeared within 24-48 hours. Somehow, the doctor and I became friends and through me he gets to know my fake sister Fadia Najar alias at that time Fadia Shawki, and they become very close friends, and we often or better said countless times went out together, all 3 of us. For dinner, for coffee and else what. He was living in a flat on the ground floor with his mother just behind the Triumph square. On 10.10 1969 I was taken to Germany and never seen Dr. Alaa Ali anymore. Between 10 October 1969 and 15  January 1970, I was severely re-brainwashed and set up to look like as if I am related to ex-Soviet Union spies, illegal drug lords and terrorism, and then taken in march 1970 to the American military base called McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany as mentioned in other areas in more details. During 1970 I was told that my fake sister Fadia Shawki allegedly went with Dr. Alaa Ali to Amman, Jordan to get married and get the ok of the to get married by Bdeir/Budier (as distraction of Saudi Arabian and English Royalties) which they allegedly gave their blessing and my fake sister get allegedly (allegedly because their liars and deceivers) married to this Dr. Alaa Ali, then allegedly relocated to London, UK where Dr. Alaa Ali allegedly get a job in some hospital, I believe it was in Sussex west London. And sometimes in 1971 my fake sister Fadia Shawki that now and very suddenly named Fadia Nagar and not Fadia Ali as her husband, with the reasoning since her husband the Egyptian Pilot named Afaf Shawki died in spring 1966, now she took back her alleged birth name, but our birth name is Najar and not Nagar. Anyway, in 1971 allegedly she came to visit me in the American military base McGraw Kaserne, where I was officially already 19 years old, yet I have no memory of her in the kaserne except walking with me wearing a black leather trousers/pants that I bought and gave it to her allegedly because it makes me look like queers. But I have no memory of her in any other situations what so ever in the military base, and I have no idea where she allegedly slept and how she came from the airport, which really equal it was a fake memory forced upon me in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany during a period where I was totally confused of all the brainwash and forced upon me repeated relocation between 10.10.1969 and 1971, they were more than I can count, I have to sit and think about them and write them down and count them, but I am just guessing they were more than 25 times between 10.10.1969 and summer 1970 + I was being severely brainwash by the concentrated evil CIA + MI6, meaning I was not able to differentiate between a forced upon me dream by these savages and my real memory. Today I know it was a fake memory. Back to my fake sister and her new husband Dr. Alaa Ali. Beside the mentioned fake memory, I cannot recall that they in reality visited me in Germany prior to the year 1976. Where I was totally locked up in Germany due to, they forced upon me to be a refugee from January 1970 on and until I was kidnapped to USA in September 1986. I was not locked up in prison or refugee camps, but I was locked up in Germany and was not allowed to leave it, to prevent me to visit members of my fake family wherever these criminals are. In 1976 the German Government or better said the Bavarian government in Munich set me up again and forced me to renew my fake Syrian passport to use me as a blackmail object against my fake and biological family for business purposes among others for Siemens AG that at that time and right behind and after the American military in Munich, they controlled the government in Munich. Through this new setup I suddenly have a passport and was allowed to travel. My first trip was in summer 1976 to visit the family of the whore CIA + MI6 agent that they enslaved me under and named Anita Disbray, but also to see my sister in London, where at that time I thought this is the only person I know in the UK, but I was wrong because they lied to me about my entire fake family and biological family. Let me jump to today in 2020, today I know 2 facts,  Fatc-1: My fake sister Fadia Nagar of the UK is absolutely different than my fake sister Fidia Shawki from 1969 in Egypt and both are absolutely different than the Fadia Najar that went with me to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 January 1960 and pretended to be originated from Syria, these 2 original fake sisters in 1960 were nothing else than hidden bodyguards along with my other original fake  sister Moni alias Afrah Najar that also is different than Afrah alias Mona Abokurah from Amman, Jordan alias Mona Najjar in Washington D.C.. Fact-2: the current Dr. Alaa Ali in the UK, I strongly believe is completely a different person than Dr. Alaa Ali that I met in the Heliopolis Hospital in spring 1968 and was allegedly my friend until I was taken from Egypt to Germany on 10.10.1969. I strongly believe the new Dr. Alaa Ali is not even a medical doctor, I also believe the sickness that I had and forced me to go to the Heliopolis hospital in Cairo in spring 1968, was caused by telepathy enable to force me to go to the hospital and get to know Dr. Alaa Ali and through me he allegedly get to know my fake sister, which is a brainwash method that they force their victim with telepathy to do something enable he believe it, in this case as if this was not planned and I knew Dr. Alaa Ali since 1968 from Cairo, Egypt, which is a lie because there are two different persons that use the same name. I know that the original Dr. Alaa Ali was a real medical doctor, because not only he treated me, but also I went many times to his nightshift sleeping room to study while he was working as a doctor and he also took me as a guest to one of his kidney surgeries and dressed me accordingly like other nurses and himself, yet the Dr. Alaa Ali in the UK I strongly believe he is the brother or even the father or cousin of the ARMCO CEO named Amin H. Nasser, they look so much alike that they could be his father, because Amin H. Nasser was born allegedly in 1960 and Dr, Alaa Ali of the UK looks like born around 1940 or even 1935. The original Dr. Alaa Ali of Egypt was in some university in Egypt in end 1950s studying medicine. All in all and if I am correct in only half of my conclusions, yet, it still true that I was used to force my mind to think (=brainwash) that my fake sister Fadia Shawki and Dr. Alaa Ali get to know each other’s through me to force my mind to believe that the ones in the UK are the same ones as from Egypt and therewith they 100% caused upon me a fake sickness using telepathy. And that alone shows how nasty are some person with telepathy, and do not care about the pain they cause to others, just to reach their plans and personal goals and personal gains = 1 or maximum 2 track intelligence! See below the photo of Amin H. for Hussein Nasser the permanent president and CEO OF ARAMCO. This is how the current Dr. Alaa Ali that last I saw in summer 2013 in Brighton, UK and to over 90% looked like. This is  huge pattern of my life that was often used on, where I do not see someone for 4-7 or more years, then they bring another lookalike and I will dismiss the dissimilarities due at least 2 reasons, Reason-1: He/she changed in the last a few years. Reason-1: They place me in situation with many small details that point out this is the person that I knew from before = severe brainwash. Here is a list of repetition of this lookalike scam: 1. Twice with my fake sister Fadia Najar, at least once with my fake sister Moni alias Afrah Najar, at least 3 times my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi whereby in 1960 it was queen Elizabeth the second. At least twice my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar. Once Mohi Sabri the boyfriend of my second fake mother. Most definitely my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi that looked so much like prince Andrew of the UK that prince Andrew could be his son. Very possibly at least once Reem Bdeir/Budier, very possibly her brother Samir Bdeir/Budier. Last note about this point: That explains why each of my 2 fake sisters and my fake brother have a different spelling of their last name, but also why their nick name varies as follow: My fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar in Egypt nick name was Shosho in Germany no nick name, but last name changed from Najar to Naggar, In USA his nick name and first changed to Nick Naggar. My fake sister-1: in Egypt named Fadia Najar with the nick name battah (=duck). In 1962 get married and her last name changed to Shawki. In 1976 in the UK her last name changed to Nagar and not as her husband’s last name Ali. Her nick name Fofo. My fake sister-2: Afrah Najar nick name Moni in 1960. She disappeared of my life in 1961 and I was told a lie that she went to Jordan and married Mr. Abdelghani Abokurah, that turned out to be a hidden member of the Jordanian and English royalties. in 1966 where I saw her the first time since 1961, which was a totally another person, her name was Afrah Abokurah nick name Mona and not Moni, whereby Moni is a nick name, yet Mona is not a nick name but a real Urdu/Arabic name. after the year 2010 her name is Mona Najjar in Washington D.C., I saw her many times prior to that between 1971, where she came to Germany, and I visited her in Jordan and the last time I saw her was in Houston, Texas, USA sometimes in 1991 or possibly 1992. Each time when I am going to see the new lookalike, they give me something of the past to give to the new one enable to force my mind to think this is the same person, such as giving me a cookbook of Moni Najar from 1961 to give her lookalike in Jordan named Afrah/Mona Abokurah. Or give me a poem book allegedly written by the original Dr, Alaa Ali that I supposed to give to the new one in the UK in 1976. Or the look alike my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar from Egypt that I last saw around end 1967 or begin 1968, because he moved out of our  apartment and lived alone in a 3-room apartment in an opposite building and had a housekeeper and this while he was a high school student in a school called San George as blackmail to the family of king George VI that was my biological father. In September 1970 the concentrated evil American military + the CIA + MI6 forced a new lookalike on me named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and not Najar, and he allegedly came from Jordan carrying 2 belts with empty bullets that he allegedly collected of the house of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and her husband Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier during the Palestinian uprising call in 1970, which is called the Black September, and there with this criminal and new fake brother I was not given something to give him, but rather he brought something claiming it is from the house of my fake sister in Amman, Jordan, and for all I know this criminal was a soldier in the American or British military and collected these bullets from a shooting training side in Germany or elsewhere. As you see this point covers many brainwash technics as well as telepathy control as well as sicknesses caused by telepathy, which make this point very important


Photo of Amin H. for Hussein Nasser the ARAMCO permanent CEO and president is not very lookalike like Dr. Alaa Ali in Brighton, UK, but also he has a lot of look similarities to my fake nephew Tarek/Tareq Ali the official son of Dr. Alaa Ali and allegedly the son of my fake sister Fadia Nagar, which I do not believe the last one, because he does not look anything like her. I strongly believe that this Amin H. for Hussein Nasser is originated of the Pakistani English Royalties agreement to join forces and fight Hindu to enslave them under their command!!??

A person wearing glasses and looking at the camera

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There are many others yet the above gives a sufficient big picture and at least show that all of the above was not coincident or real sicknesses but rather it was all man planned and man performed on purpose = a hidden crime against me that is also and often performed against others


Now to the corona virus

All the above within this section was to show how sadistic, and criminals are these people I am complaining about, and establish the pattern of hurting others without them noticing who is hurting them, and this is the absolute same pattern of intentionally spreading the corona virus in China, South Korea, EU Countries, and Iran, and here I will show why I strongly believe so!


I have been struggling to continue to write my complaint pages and especially this page, I was stuck on it for many months and until today in June 2020, whereby the last time I have added something to the already online published complaints was summer 2019. As you can see this is a brainwash method that is new to me, which they keep on forcing me to write notes in red , and then force me to go in circle around them, therefore I will leave some of the red marking as it is showing below and start this section from scratch and come to the point in as short manner as I can!


I deleted most of the red notes that were all over and would only create confusion to my complaint pages!


In Short: I strongly believe that the Corona virus was man engineered/manufactured and distributed by American and/or English military or both, and if this is true, then they already have vaccine or antidote for the Corona virus, but they cannot use it publicly to not get attention on “How come they have a vaccine or antidote in such a short period of time”. They spread the corona virus intentionally to weaken the economy of the EU and China, but also to corner them to force them to submit to their demand of the tariffs  while covering up for the Saudi-Iran hidden relation, and here I will also explain why and based on verifiable facts of my life and other public knowledge news and facts.

I strongly believe that the corona virus alias COVID-19 (Corona Virus IDentification year-2019) was genetically engineered in an American or British military laboratory, or a private laboratory working for the British or American military and then distributed by the American and/or British military in China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain and Germany through the American military/Air Force/Navy bases in or near these countries, as follow:

1.                Germany, there are too many of them to list here, for details see the following link ( for all American military bases in Germany around 265 of them, most are closed, 41 are still open today in the year 2020), I was very sadistically and most destructively brainwashed and enslaved in several of these bases from 1970 1978/79 in using several of these military bases that are now closed at various time such as McGraw Kaserne closed in 1992 (, whereby they used several American military places to brainwash me or to keep me enslaved, which were: their military base in Berchtesgaden (# 191 on Wikipedia: Strub Kaserne), Chiemsee (#37 of Wikipedia: Chiemsee Hotel, Chiemsee), #130 Wikipedia: McGraw Kaserne, Their food Depot (name forgotten) but it was on Weitlstreet city section Hasenbergl north of Munich just before the American Air Force field Schleissheim in Oberschleissheim and Unterschleissheim where I was setup to become Christian as a mean of a brainwash method to force me in the future to blame my fake family in the Middle East for all the bad things that these criminals did to me as distraction of the CIA + MI6 + he English royalties that control USA. But also, in the American military  Chiemgau Complex, Augsburg and their hidden ex-Airforce area in Schleissheim (#178 Wikipedia: Schleißheim Army Airfield, Oberschleißheim ) In particular Unterschleissheim, Germany. The number sign + the number is of/for the above Wikipedia link. This sadistic and most destructive brainwash was from approximately December 1969, where they set me up to look like as if I am related to terrorists, ex-Soviet Union spies and illegal drug lords enable they can take me on March 1970 to the American military base called McGraw Kaserne for isolation of the rest of the world and in particular of my past and my fake family in the Middle East and this savage isolation went on until at least September 1978/79, then I was forced to relocate to Munich Germany through Siemens AG to remove me of the city where I was setup to become Christian. Yet the setup to become Christian was not performed in the city Unterschleissheim, but rather, and that is my believe, through the Bavarian government in cooperation with Siemens AG + CIA + MI6 using a very famous and highly connected attorney’s office called Rolf Bossi in Munich, Germany, where it is very clear in my complaint pages

2.                Italy: in Caserma Del Din, near Vicenza (northern Italy, in the Veneto region and/or in Caserma Ederle, near Vicenza (northern Italy, in the Veneto region and/or in Darby Military Community, formerly Camp Darby, located in the Province of Pisa

3.                Spain: Naval Station Rota, also known as NAVSTA Rota

4.                South Korea, very close to China, and too many American military bases to list them here, please see the following link for more information on American military bases in South Korea:

5.                Japan, very close to China, and the bases are too many to list them here, please see the following link for more information on American military bases in Japan:

6.                Da Nang, Vietnam French and later also American multi-military base that was closed yet it is used today for the (USS Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier) that I strongly believe was involved in spreading the virus in Wuhan, China as explained below

7.                Also, near China:  the American military base Guam, on the island Guam


In this section I will list the facts that are verifiable, which leads to one conclusion only: The White House administration ordered the military to spread the Corona virus!!!???


Just as they did order the killing of the Saudi Arabian journalist working for the Washington Post named Jamal Khashoggi ( and then blamed it on the Saudi Arabians, just to show the Washington Post that they can kill anyone when they want and where they want as a warning to his critical opponent the owner of the Washington Post and Amazon as well as Amazon Web Services ( ). But also the killing of the Iranian major general Qasem Soleimani of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ( +


The above alone shows that the White House Administration are set up together out of organized crime families


This is a theory based on public facts that are verifiable over the Internet. And if this is true, then it equals as if the American and/or British military went in to several cities worldwide and in night time went randomly to the bedrooms of some houses and killed children, then killed old women and old men, then killed others that are aged in-between children and old, and this just to follow order of the White House Donald Trump administration that 100% consist of English royalties mixed with their distant cousins such as the Rockefeller and others, and that too I will try to prove, because it is the same American/British pattern over and over again, at least since Second World War in 1945, which I discovered it can be traced to over 200 years back of our history!!!


Also I strongly believe that the English royalties in cooperation with their hidden family branches among others the Rockefeller family are controlling the White House in the absolute same concept as they have been controlling my life since 10/11 January 1960 and as they have been controlling the lives of many ex-USA president such as: George W. Bush (the son), and before him George H. W. Bush (the father),  and before him Ronald Reagan, and before him…. and now also the hidden slave Donald Trump, it is the same hidden pattern and the absolute same hidden violence and absolutely the same hidden pattern of stealing the tax payers money while keeping the majority of the American people along with 12-35 Million illegal residents in USA that are forced under fear to go in hiding as slaves, just as these criminals did to me.


Spreading a manmade/manufactured virus with the goal to kill innocents is a severe crime and genocide and each crime has a motive, therefor I will first list some of the motives, and then I will list some of the circumstances as well as the facts that are surrounding the Corona virus worldwide spreading and are verifiable on the Internet.


Corona Virus Motives



The only two motives are:

1.                Financial local superiority in USA = Power over the general public

2.                Financial international superiority worldwide = Power over EU and Chine that are considered economically on second and third place worldwide and gaining, USA is on place one, but not in all sections!


To understand this, here are some additional information over the USA business statistics as of 2010 (all figures are originated from the Internet and are +/- 15% accurate):

1.                Allegedly total registered business  in USA in 2010 over 71,000,000 companies, whereby many of them go broke within 3-12 months. In this amount of businesses, you find all 3 size of businesses, large companies (500 and more employees), medium size (100-499 Employees) and small business (1-99 Employees), small business such as small stores, freelancer, and so on

2.                The number of large-sized firms with 500 and more employees is 16,055 companies, these are the large companies such as General Motors, Ford, General Electric, Exxon, Chevron, Microsoft, Alphabet (google), Amazon and so on. These are the companies that profit most of the severe tax cut that the White House Administration made, which is lowering the tax from 35% to 20%, this while the large companies already pay little taxes through all kind of tricks, such as registering their self as a subsidiary of another foreign company that was established in another country where they do not have to pay taxes or pay very low taxes. Meaning if a company revenue 50 Billion per year, then they deduct all the salaries, all the purchasing, offices, office equipment such as electronics and so on, and that is accounting wise correct, they pay taxes on the rest, let’s assume the rest is 10-20 Billion, then they have to pay taxes of 2.5-7 Billion US Dollars, then they create local company often in other state and sell something to their self in a very hidden and deceiving way, then they have the rest of maybe 5-10 Billion, and if they register their company as subsidiary of a foreign company in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Oman or other country, and practically they wipe of 90-95% of the taxes that they have to pay, then is the rest maybe 1 Billion, and they have to pay 35% taxes = 350 Million, but the White House administration cut it by almost 50% by reducing it to from 35% to 20% and now they pay only 200 Million US Dollars as taxes and therewith they cheated multitude of times of the original taxes that they were supposed to pay on 10-20 Billion which equal 3.5-7 Billions minus the 200 Million what they are paying now, and there with they avoided to pay 3.3-6.8 Billion US Dollars = cheat + steal of the general public, because the majority of the large businesses as well as medium size to small business do not have that luxury of cheating the taxes, and therefore they have to pay more, because the county income is now less

3.                The number of medium-sized companies in USA  with 100-499 Employees is 141,358 companies

4.                The number of small-sized businesses is 7,067,900 companies, whereby this figure does not add up, possibly it is only over major metropolitan areas, or all the rest went bankrupt, I do not know. Also, most of these companies are usually one-man company that function as consultant to other larger companies, or as a handyman or some other professions out of countless one-person profession.


To understand the motive, you should read the entire section or even the entire page. If their motive was easy to see/spot/recognize then many before me would have also noticed it, instead only a few. My guess mainly security agencies in some countries such as Europe, Japan, China, South Korea and others!


Why do I notice something like that?


Because I can gather my thoughts more that the average person, and this due to many factors, among others I understand most of my past, I see relation between my past and how I was persecuted, brainwashed, and tortured physically as well as mentally with many current situations in our world. On top of all that I am was forced to be retired, yet I care about all people no matter who it is, if it is a human, then I care about him/her, and therewith I spot details maybe more than average, beside I was forced to have plenty of time with nothing to-do except understand my past, where I came from and who is my biological family and what is going on in our world that is related to my past or is a continuation of the past such as slavery!


Here are some of the points and facts that get my attention that the corona virus is manmade/engineer and man intentionally spread, and this in addition to all of the above(!!):

1.                The absolute number one motive is the tax cut that the White House administration of Donald Trump has performed to and for only large businesses (=controlling families) and reduced it from 35% to 20%. This means that larger companies have more profit while raising taxes for the general public, which means all in all that larger companies have more profit, and the general public has less income

2.                They claimed that the economy benefited of this tax cut and that the employers were hiring and investing more, which was partially correct, a large part of the good economy is based on several years of planning and preparations that led to performing certain actions, which the prior administration of Barak Obama did a very good job with and as a result the economy started gradually to get better in 2015 and before Donald Trump. Yet on the long term, the general public has to pay more taxes, because this is a huge chunk of taxes that are missing through the tax cut for the large companies and must be replaced in one way or another, otherwise they have to borrow much more money to fill the gap of the missing money through the tax cut, this is almost 50% of the taxes of all companies

3.                A side note to the above: After George H. W. Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton, bill Clinton worked hard on the economy and after around 3-4 years it started to pick up and later George W. Bush benefited of it and claimed it was his doings

4.                A side note to the above: After George W. Bush presidency was ended and Barak Obama took over, Barak Obama administration too worked hard on the economy and starting his 4th of 5th year out of 8 the economy started to pick up in around 2013 or 2014

5.                A side note to the above: after Barak Obama presidency ended, and in reality, the hidden slave Donald Trump damaged the economy dramatically by performing many bad things, among others the huge tax cut, yet the beneficiary of the tax cut, helped him to cover up the long-term very negative effect of this tax cut that turned out to be deadly for the entire world, in that they invested little bit and hired a little bit more. Well, if I was in their place, I will think it this way, I am gaining almost 50% of the taxes I have to pay, and this now and for the future, meaning it is a business deal coverup, if I gain 1-20 Billion per year through the tax cut, which equals 20-400 Billion in the next 20 years, then I will be willing to invest right now a 5% of that 20 years future profit enable I can gain the 95% of that in the future, and I use this 5% and invest it now, but after 2-3 years the economy will and with no doubt go down, because the taxes are higher for general public and the general public has less income and therewith buy less, but 3-4 years down the roads and when the economy goes bad, no one will blame the tax cut anymore, because no one will remember it anymore, because the majority of the population are low income and will be busy trying to survive to cover up of their less income=slavery

6.                A side note to the above: Most of the controlling families in USA do not care if the economy go bad in USA, because they own the Middle East and the so=called Arab Petroleum countries but also own huge businesses in Asia, South America and Europe, and therefore this is what they think: F… them I have my gain any way from other places. They are not really patriots as they claim or as Donald Trump always claim, if he was really a patriot and does not want any American company to manufacture goods outside USA, then he would have never, ever invested most of his wealth outside USA, and that is why he does not want that his taxes be made public, because he is a Billionaire only outside USA but not in USA, and this is valid also for the controlling families in USA and in the UK

7.                As a result of this tax cut, which I see as stealing the taxpayers money and nobody can do anything about it, while forcing each individual of the general public  to look for solutions to fill the gap for the taxes that they have to pay more, which very much most Americans have to work more and longer hours and 2 to several jobs per week to feed the family

8.                The end result will mean that after 3-4 years of this tax cut, the economy will start to slow down (which was absolutely the same with all republican presidents such as the 2 x Bush presidents and the Reagan presidency ) and it will go in to a recession because the general public has less money to buy cars, food, clothing, going on vacation buy electronics and the list is endless

9.                A side not to the above: this is slavery, when there is a recession, because the general public has no money to buy the products that are manufactured, yet the controlling family have all the money of the world to live better than a king!!!

10.           The White House administration started to cut the budget on wrong areas to fill this huge gap of missing money through the tax cut

11.           The White House administration stopped the healthcare for all those American that Barak Obama Administration has started for them, because the government has also to pay a part of it, and therewith they have no more coverage as before and will suffer financially dramatically, whereby countless of American have filed for bankruptcy because they cannot pay their medical bills, and some study even claim that over 65% of all filed bankruptcy in USA is related to not being able to pay for the medical bills, which was the same with me in my forced upon me life in USA, for more info about not being able to pay medical bills see the following link:, on the internet there is a ton of information about millions of Americans that are struggling with their medical bills, over 100,000,000 (one hundred million) of them.

12.           Cutting the budget in social areas, that are already very sparely funded compared to Europe and other countries was not enough, start cutting veteran, some military social areas, education, small businesses support and others

13.           All the social and other budget cuttings were not enough to cover up the big tax cut, therefore the White House Administration started to charge tariffs on products of other countries products such as EU, China, Canada, Mexico and other countries, while claiming Chinese are thieves stealing of US, Mexican are drug dealers, thugs and criminals, Canada is cheating, Eu is stealing from USA and the list is endless to set tariffs on their products to cover for the huge tax cut for the rich that already paying much less taxes than they should, by using many tax tricks. If I am a country like China or Germany and selling my product(s) in USA let us assume for 5 US Dollars and the American government impose 20% extra tariffs on them, which means one Dollar, then I will raise the price of my product from 5 to 6 US Dollar + (plus), this new tariffs bring along with it some extra administrative work of maybe 5%, meaning 0.25 US Dollar, then I will raise the price of the product again by 0.25 US Dollars and the price now is 6.25 instead of 5 US Dollars, and this mean the American buyer of the American population have to pay and cover for this tariffs = hidden taxes on the general public. Now that was a product of 5 US Dollar, what about a car that cost 40,000 or a machine for a factory that is not manufactured in or by US companies and cost maybe 150,000, the small and medium companies have to pay for it, which will raise the car price from 40,000 to 50,000 US Dollar, and will raise the factory machine that is necessary for a one man company or a small business from 150,000 to 187,500, if I am the buyer and I am a large company such as Exxon or general Motors, I already cheated and stole the taxes by paying 60-80% less taxes which means I am already in one year a few Billion richer, and paying more for these products are just less than cents or pennies  to me!

14.           Started a trade war with EU and China and raised the tariffs

15.           As of October 2019, there was NO improvements with the tariff’s negotiations with China or the EU, in other words The white House administration strategy with tariffs has already failed with EU and now also with China and they must force China and the EU to pay tariffs by weakening their economy and therewith forcing them to accept their demands, because the next step was going to be to block importing these products from China and the EU, and if the USA did not get the corona virus infections, which they did not count on, the USA would have 100% blocked the import of the products from EU and China, then China and EU and because they at a weak point because they are severely suffering among others economically through the corona virus, then they would have accept these criminal demands which is in reality worse than the Mafia

16.           Canceled many trades with Iran, which means American cannot sell to Iran and Iran cannot buy from Americans, which means less US sales, which equals  less money going to USA and taxes

17.           Side note to the above point with Iran: to show you that these criminals sitting in the white house are sadistic and do not care about anyone except their selves and everything good they promise or say is a lie and an act, here is in reality what they are doing with Iran: killing the Iranian through the Corona virus, even though Iran is a hidden illegal drug partner with them, yet they allegedly refused to lift the embargo with Iran during the Corona virus epidemic, and there with the Iranian cannot buy necessary products to help them beat the corona virus, and The White House Administration are doing the same they with Americans in USA as well as with their own military staff as highlighted below

18.           Stopped many grants and financial supports that were life savings to many poor nations worldwide

19.           Stopped the membership fees for WHO-World health Organization that does nothing else than work on eliminating sicknesses which is vital for the safety and health of the American population, but also for all countries worldwide and the best prove for that is that the Corona Virus was injected on purpose in EU, China, South Korea, and Iran, then was spread back to the USA in multitude times. To see other sickness that were totally eliminated also partially through WHO see the following link:, and this show how vital is WHO for our entire world. In other words The White House Administration absolutely do not care what so sever about the wellbeing and health not only of their own American fellowman and women but also do not care about anyone else in the world, not their allies since decades or even century such as Canada, Australia, UK, EU or Europe in general, not South American and most definitely they do not care about Africans, which is very visible on how they repeatedly kill Afro-Americans in USA in situations where they will have never killed a white person if he was in the same situations as the murdered Afro-American, and I saw that over and over and over again in USA during the forced upon me life as a slave in USA. Yet these criminals such as Exxon/Esso, Chevron, BP-British Petroleum and Aramco, they not only harmed me severely in USA, but also, they are harming countless Africans in various African countries to steal their petroleum!

20.           Imposing sanctions on any company in the world including Europe (=Number 2 ally of USA, number 1 is the English royalties) that works on building the pipelines from Russia to Europe, which means anyone who works on this pipelines is prohibited to deal or trade or work with USA, and this to help the Rockefeller family to sell their own as well as the English royalties throw Exxon + Chevron + BP-British Petroleum + ARAMCO, all these 4 companies and more are owned by one family the English royalties, where Rockefeller family is a part of and own many companies such as Exxon/Esso, Chevron, and previous Texaco companies of petroleum exploration, drilling and refining except gas stations, but also the Rockefeller family has inherited the way to make money while keeping the population enslaved and under their control, among other through the health system, because and to my knowledge the biggest health providers and manufactures in the UK and in the USA are owned by the English royalties and the Rockefeller family, that also own the same in other countries. As if giving them the huge tax of nearly 50% from 35% to 20% was not enough, now the hidden slave Donald Trump administration is on the edge of starting World War Three by provoking Europe, Russia and China, and other countries and this makes the White House Administration + the British government a very vicious and dangerous governments for world peace, advancement, harmony and prosperity for all of the world, and this is due to the very limited and most dangerous One or Two track Intelligence that they have = lack of intelligence = lack of ability of be productive without hurting others = as stupid as it gets, and do not take my word for it, look at what they are doing to Afro-Americans, Muslims, Mexicans, South Americans and Asians, whereby many of them are forced to live as illegal aliens in USA for life as these criminals did to me for 15 years, yet I was able to escape them, not the way I wanted, yet I escaped these criminals. There are between 12 Million and 35 Million illegal aliens in USA that work as slaves and are always afraid to be punished as these criminals did to me for 15 years by kidnapping me from Germany in September 1986 and keeping me as a slave and hostage of their evil well until 10 February 2001

21.           The controlling families in USA, where I believe at least 30-40% of them are of the English royalties such as the Rockefeller family do not like China or EU-European Union because they are getting free and giving more business freedom to their populations, which I saw how dramatic economically they changed from 1980s to after the year 2000 or even now in 2019 + 2020. No one ever heard of Chinese goods or EU goods in 1980s, but now they are all over. These 3 countries, and I consider EU to be in an advanced stage to become one country, are the top economic countries in in the world, not to forget Japan and India that are also directly behind them, where USA is mostly but not in all sections at the top, which some see that as power, yet the American controlling families are afraid of change and are afraid of improvement and are afraid that the many good laws in EU, China, India and other countries can spell over to them, which would mean more freedom and equality in USA along with the UK and much less slavery, because and from my point of view the USA and the UK are the biggest slavery countries in the world since over 200 and 500 years respectively, and until today in the year 2020 and that based on 15 years forced to live in USA as a slave and one year forced to live in the UK as a slave and many other visits to the UK and I went to over 16 states in USA and several cities in the UK, Ireland and until Wales and on the edge of Scotland, and saw who lives where and how they live and what they have to do to live or better said survive, and the prove for that is Brexit. Instead of these limited one to two track intelligence controlling families widen their intelligence and expand their cooperation with China, Japan, EU, Africa, South America by using patience and understanding, they send their agents to perform harms to them, because their agents work either for the CIA or MI6 and both and with no doubt what so ever and based on my complaint alone, not to mention the unheard millions or even Billions of complains in many countries, and that makes them, meaning the CIA + MI6,  a 100% organized crime institutions that absolutely do not care about their own population but rather has one goal only to maintain the wealth and power (= one and two track intelligence) of the controlling families, which equals 4 of my middle fingers  and middle toes stretched out especially for them ! ! ! !

22.           Brexit is in the absolute interest of the USA controlling families and the concentrated evil English royalties. For USA Brexit is Christmas, because the EU will shrink economy, and power wise cannot match to USA + UK anymore. For the English royalties, Brexit is Christmas, because they will have more control over Wales, Scotland and Ireland, but also over Australia, Canada, Singapore, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, and the list is very long including the Common Wealth country, in reality they are all living in slavery and not in a common wealth, the exception is their English royalties relatives that control all or some of the common wealth countries, and these hidden relatives, just like my fake family in the Middle East and elsewhere, they live like kings while making sure everyone is under their control, yet think that they are the best because they opened a fake charity organization that does not even cover 0.00001 of the poverties that they created = 1-2 Track intelligence like train that has no brain keeps on going and going and do not care about anything in its way??!!

23.           China trade war with USA is Christmas for the English royal families, because they see threat to their worldwide power through China and EU

24.           I strongly believe that the Hong Kong up rise and violent demonstrations was orchestrated by the CIA + MI6 also to force Chine to submit to the tariffs that are worthless and nothing else than hidden taxes forced in the hidden upon the American  general to keep them busy working multiple jobs enable to survive =slavery as mentioned above!

25.           I strongly believe that the many very violent and destructive demonstrations that partly started in 2017 and 2018, were to force the EU to submit to the Tariffs while creating chaos in EU and even maybe try to force the EU to break down. Long term demonstrations such as in France, Germany, Spain and other areas in the EU member counties were also to perform damages to the EU and force them to submit to their American and British-Brexit wills and the very destructive Brexit will of the English royalties. This is with absolute no doubt the work of the CIA + MI6, I recognize their cooperation as these criminal institutions helped not only kidnapping me from the UK, and the USA and Germany, but also enslaved me, create countless and simultaneously from many sides very vicious attacks against me using the so-called operation choke, including using telepathy, forcing sicknesses upon me, preventing me to work, forcing several of my landlord to create bad situations against me, sending me over night mass spam and phishing scam emails and this in 1999-2000 in USA, where pam and phishing scams were not yet known, but also in 2013/2014 in the UK did the same where suddenly I am having partially up to 60 spams and phishing spams on a daily basis and until around 4 weeks ago in May 2020 they stopped or were cut down over night by 99%, and the list goes on and on = CIA + MI6 + my fake family + my biological family, whereby today I know who is my father, but do not know yet who is my mother. My father is King George VI, my sister is Queen Elizabeth the Second that kidnapped me in the first of all and all these criminals CIA + MI6 agents that were persecuting me very destructively were covering up for her.

26.           UK went in to the EU for one reason only, to encourage the members from within to separate their selves of the EU by among others over and over again trying to have a special status in the EU to encourage the other members of the EU to reject the agreed upon agreements, which then lead to breaking the EU and deliver each member of the EU to the mercy of the English royalty (where they have absolutely no mercy and no feeling except for their selves, because the sister steal of the brother and the brother steal of mother and all together steal of the cousin and all together steal of the general public and all together steal of countless other countries, it is a circle that has been going on and on for over 500 years)  and their hidden relatives alias controlling families in USA and Russia, Canada, Australia and the rest of the so called Common Wealth  countries (that are trying to free their selves of their tyranny) that was 100% founded on slavery just as USA was also founded on slavery and still is the biggest slave maker in the world, and this due to their very bad constitution that was founded on slavery, on the other side the EU is founded on breaking the chains of the slavery in the EU, because it has many members and each is seeing a different angel of their constitution and like to make a voice for him/her self by criticizing and challenging the laws and agreement, which 100% leads to improvements, and the speed of this happening is no like any other improvement speed in the history of the world, which leads to constantly improving the lives of individual persons living within the EU, on the other side General Motors + Ford + Chrysler, and as far as I recall, have created a joint lawsuit in 1990s in USA against Mercedes, BMW-Bayerische Motoren Werke and VW-Volkswagen to force them to stop giving their employees the same benefits as they give their employees in Germany, which then could lead that the unions will request the same benefits of General Motors + Ford + Chrysler (which will make them a bit more humane), and they do not want these German companies to spoil the workers in USA by giving them more than the very little what the American car manufactures are giving them for rights and benefits, this alone shows the difference between a limited one or two track intelligence and a three Track Intelligence, whereby the German car Manufacturer in USA have at least 3-track-intelligence if not 4-tracks-inteligence and the American car Manufacturer have only 1 = make money no matter what!

27.           2017-2020. The hidden slave Donald Trump was scaring the 12 to 35 Million illegal aliens in USA (slavery workers for pennies), while helping many large and small companies in covering up for the slavery work by pretending to want to kick all South American and in particular Mexicans out of the USA, which is theoretically and practically impossible because they are a the very small hidden engine of the US Economy, meaning these companies pay now almost 50% less taxes + paying less for the illegal workers and the illegal workers cannot do anything about it, because if they go public, then they will arrest them and deport them. There are between 120 and 135 Million employees in USA, around 10% of these employees are illegal aliens, and each illegal alien have a wife and children, let us assume has only a wife and one child that the illegal alien have to take care of, which means there are over 30 Million illegal alien in USA, that are not paying taxes, but rather getting only 1-10% of the usual salary, as I was forced to get as an illegal alien in USA. The least I made in USA was 5 US Dollar per hour, 40 US Dollar per day working 6 days per week, making 240 US Dollar per week, and around 1,040 US Dollar per month (In Germany and in my last 2 jobs and in average from 1983-1986 I was making over 13,500 Deutsch mark monthly), where I had to pay over 600 US dollar for rent, + electricity + heating + air-conditioning + household none-food-daily materials  + transportation = around 900 US Dollar per month, and therefore I had to have another job enable I can financially take care of the whore agent woman and my fake son  that these criminals forced upon me starting on 24.12.1984 in Munich, Germany and then kidnapped me to USA to prevent me of leaving this trash of a human being whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud. I get to know a man in around 1998 that was allegedly Mexican origin and illegal alien in Houston, Texas, USA, and this is one out of several that I had to deal with. This Mexican man  was working 3 jobs + his wife was working 2 jobs + 2 of his children each was working 1-2 jobs, all per week, while these two children of his  are going to school + raising these mentioned 2 teenager (the ones already mentioned and are working part time while going to junior high school) and one child under 10 and their total combined income was under 2000 US Dollar per month and my income with 2 jobs was 1,600 US Dollar. The most I made in USA as kidnapped slave was 3,000-5,000 US Dollar per month, which at the end came to around 1,700 to 2,500 US Dollar per month because these criminals were controlling my life and not allowing me to work freely, but rather forcing me to make enough money to cover the expenses for the whore agent they enslaved me under plus my fake sun, which looked like that, I get a project and work on it for 2-3 months, and make each month around 3,00-5,000 US Dollar, then they force me to be workless for 2-3 months, where I have to live of the money I made of my last job = slavery, no health insurance no vacation, no anything else except surviving, and this poor Mexican had it even worse than me, because he was a car mechanic and his hourly wage was under 5 Dollars, his wife was sawing for others + working at home as a baby sitter for 3-4 kids and making also a few Dollars per day = slavery. A car mechanic in USA usually makes at least 35 US Dollars per hour and up to 70 or more US Dollar per hour, and this Mexican car mechanic was very good and most expert, yet get a slave salary that was not enough to feed his family that he had to work all in all 7 jobs along with his wife + his 2 teenage children also worked for their own pocket money and were most generous giving voluntarily most of their income to their dad and mom = Slavery = huge benefit for large companies and farmers, where they sell the harvest even to Russia and China, and if they did not have South American slaves, their prices would be even more expensive than Germany or Netherlands, with slaves they can compete with South Americans and Asians or even Africans = slavery is a profitable business and no one is reporting about it, not BBC, not CNN, not Fox, not ABC, not NBC and not even my favorite news channel MSNBC-Microsoft National Broadcasting Company = (2 companies joint together in 1996 Microsoft MSN news and NBC), but when you live in USA by force for 15 years and you care about other humans (=multi track intelligence), then you see that, and you read it in the news that the FBI, or local or state police freed slaves in a farm here and there, that were locked up and being paid 5-7 US Dollar per day but given only 1 (one) US Dollar per day, the rest allegedly withheld for food and housing with guards = jail, I made more than that in the Dutch and German forced upon me prisons and refugee camps. What does this have to do with Corona Virus and the White House Administration, the base of the White House Administrations are  people of 2 categories: category one is that those people that are controlled or at least manipulated by telepathy to choose this or that and elect this or that. The second category are all these vicious, heartless thieves of farmers and factories in the country side that survive on these illegal aliens, but also many businesses in big cities, such as restaurants, or even big factories, they hire and employment agency to get them workers and many of these agencies use illegal aliens, and pay them more than the farmers do, instead of 1 US Dollar per day, they tell them they get pay only 200 US Dollar per week and will give the worker 40-60% = 80-120 US Dollar per week, in reality the agency gets at least 3-6 times that much, therefore some of these illegal aliens need more money to survive and do not know how to get it, so they steal or commit a robbery, then that hidden slave Donald Trump put all Mexican in one pot and call them thieves, robbers, rapist and so on but if you look closely at some these poor Mexicans, they were 100% driven and forced to steal enable they can survive, just as some very suppressed Afro-Americans also forced to do enable they can survive, in reality the American economy cannot live without slaves and the White House administration is isolating the illegal aliens by forcing fear upon their life, or renewing the fear to force them to keep it quiet, and the same was performed by the last 3 republican president, which are the 2 x Bush + Reagan = a pattern of public and hidden slavery!

28.           I strongly believe that the Islam Sunni is a copycat Islam created by the English royalties around 300-500 years ago to fight Hindu in India, and therefore they used the existing Muslim leaders in India and promised them power and heaven if they help them against the Hindus, that were and still are the majority in India and in some of the surrounding areas, which later turned to split India, and to my knowledge from schooling in Egypt,  into at least 3 countries, India, West Pakistan and East Pakistan, whereby later East Pakistan was converted to  Bangladesh. Sometimes, and this is only an educated guess because I was not born yet at that time, around 120-150 Years ago they created Saudi Arabia in the desert just as they created many other cities in the desert such as Las Vegas, Nevada and falsified history and claimed that the Islam was originated from Saudi Arabia 1600 years ago, which is theoretically and practically impossible, see the religion section in this page of the big picture to understand this point, and therewith they created many Muslim enemies to this copycat Sunni Islam, such as Iran. And the entire explanation so far was to understand the paradox of Iran that was officially a British (English royalty) colony until 1980 until Khomeini led a revolution and ousted the Shah (English means king or emperor), an English royalty puppet that was well paid, just as they also doing the same as it is in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong (until 1997) and elsewhere. On top of that, never forget that the English royalty are very powerful vicious and would never let go of a country that they claim it is theirs, and this mentioned only to understand the paradox of Iran. The paradox of Iran is that the controlling family(ies) of Iran and while attacking the western world publicly, but in reality, are working for the English royalties and their hidden relative in USA and elsewhere by planting legal and illegal drugs and are being sold through a huge distribution channel controlled by the English royalties among others through my fake family. The illegal drug business yearly revenue is around 2-3 Trillion US Dollar worldwide, alone in USA is around 300 Billion US Dollar yearly revenue, whereby almost 50% is profit, in other words they converted their own colony on purpose to an official public enemy enable to prevent any one to go there and see what is going on and blame it all on the Iranian regime, while the Iranian regime is attacking them or pretending to or acting as and placing so much restrictions on where you can go within Iran allegedly as protection of the Western World, in reality they are protecting the hidden illegal drugs farms and hiding it of the general public, you can call it what you want. I have seen many fake attacks on Iran and fake attacks of Iran on British and Americans, it is all like Hollywood, just to cover up of the over one Trillion US Dollar worth of illegal drug business alone through Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. And therefore they created the confusion of the war in Iran and Afghanistan attacked Afghanistan and Iraq in 1980s and continued to create more conflicts in this area as distraction of the previous fake situations, whereby the American controlling families as well as the English royal families are master of distraction, which you can see very clearly in my complaint pages. As a confirmation of all that is the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project Calypso as mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 that they used to brainwash me, rape me, enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA. Why is this a confirmation? because Syria is officially the strongest allies to Pakistan (Hidden misused Muslim slaves of the English royalties that are used against India, but also used in Saudi Arabia as 100% military staff for over a century), Syria is also allegedly the number one ally of Iran, while the British government criticize them as slavery country and simultaneously give them one of the best and most advanced Satellite computer systems in the world to help them control the Syrian population and who knows maybe also the Iranian population (=Calypso Project) and the illegal drugs. Syria was controlling Lebanon, or at least the northern illegal drug part of Lebanon during the same time of period where the war of Iran with Iraq started and Afghanistan war with Russia started, while Russia was always controlled by certain families that are very closely related to the English royal families and to their hidden relatives in USA such as the Rockefellers that are best business allies to Russia and China, which is also explained in my complaint pages, but also during the same period and location were my fake family set me up in 1967 + 1969 to look like I am related to drug lords in Northern Lebanon, from Jubail to the mountains northern of Tripoli, Lebanon as distraction of English royalties and their hidden American relatives!

29.           Created a scare tactics in cooperation with North Korea with the rockets to place China in an Awkward position, one part of many of the attack and isolation strategy that is often used by Americans and English Royalties , which is the so called “Operation Choke”, and all this in a hidden cooperation with North Korea while blackmailing Japan, South Korea and other neighboring countries to pay more protection money to USA just like Mafia does, with one difference, Mafia does not hurt their own family members, the White House Administration are hurting the entire American nation and several other allied nations, while and in addition hurting countless other nations . This is also related to the tax cut and to replace the missing money with protection money from Japan, South Korea and possibly also several other neighboring countries???!!!

30.           I believe the above 29 points are enough and you get the picture for the motive + see the pattern of slavery in USA. All the above one conclusion bases on all the facts mentioned above are facts that are to find on the Internet here and there, which leads to only one conclusion = the White House administration ordered the spread of the corona virus through the American military + English military + Cia + MI6 to weaken China, South Korea, Japan and the EU and these are one of the most powerful economic countries in our world that the USA + the English royalties just like a little cowered child is afraid of!


Never forget, the current White House Administrations are master deceivers and masters in creating distraction tactics, from previous problems or even previous distraction while forcing everyone to be busy with the new current daily problems, such as, and this is a pure theory with no facts what so ever to back it up except a pattern of paradox of my past, yet if this situation can ever happens, then only through this White House administration of Donald Trump: murdering George Floyd is on purpose enable to distract of the corona virus that they caused in first of all, but also to show as going out in group of thousands is not dangerous to your health to encourage mayors and governors to open cities and state for business enable they can catch up with the economy prior to the elections and then claim look I made the economy good again, just as his lie make America great again, in reality more people now hate the USA than ever before, because the damages that were caused to countless countries with the tax cut, that lead the White House administration limited intelligence to create several trade wars, cut financial help to many starving countries, cut social help in many sectors in USA and the list is endless, therefore his election in 2020, is BIG in question, I would rather have ex-US president Richard Nixon as president in 2021 than these criminals in the current Donald Trump White House Administration again, at least Richard Nixon hurt only himself and not the general public of USA + countless other countries, not to mention labeling Muslims as terrorist, Mexicans as thugs and Chines and EU as thieves because he claimed that China and EU are stealing of USA while using Saudi Arabia as proxy to kill countless Yemenis to steal their land = English Royalties concept and pattern!


Now let us look at the facts surrounding the corona virus.

Here I will lay out my findings that point only in one direction: The White House Administration and the English Royalties spread the genetically engineered corona virus to gain economic advantages while forcing their wills upon the EU, China, South Korea, Japan, and other countries.


The corona virus in “One Picture is better than 10000 Words”

First of all, is the timing and place of the infection and as they say: one picture is better than thousand words, and the below image is this one picture is better than thousand words:

The image below is from “The New York Times” as of March 12, 2020.

As you see the most infected countries are EU + CHINA + South Korea + Japan as a mean of stress to them and to slow down their economies and to keep the US Economy distance far ahead of them = mass murder and genocides in many countries that are considered the allies to USA + the UK!!!???


This article from the New York Times, which I copied in march 2020, was removed and replaced with current status of the corona virus, they should not have done that, because usually they leave each page with its date reachable, for more info see below and the section "Highlight of actions that shows that the corona virus is manmade, and man spread" !!!!!!??????


Also, notice that the so-called Arab Petroleum countries have no infections at all, which are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Qatar, yet today they have the highest infection in proportion to their population


See also this below image that shows the difference between the infection of

USA and EU-European Union as of 22 June 2020

USA is the green line________ and the EU is the white line________

A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated



Comparison of COVIS-19 infections between USA and the UK with the EU as of 18.06.2020

When comparing the above map with the below figures plus considering all the severe damage and suffering in the EU since March 2020 and all the other facts mentioned below, it will be clear that the COVID-19 was man planned and man intentionally distributed COVID-19 in EU, China and Iran.


Please also notice, that even though EU have suffered of this COVID-19, yet by far not as much the general population of the USA, where they have 45 Million persons filed for unemployment insurance as of today 18.06.2020, very unfortunately, Millions of other illegal aliens that became also unemployed and have no unemployment insurance and therewith are not included in the 45 Million, I believe there are more that 50 Million unemployed due to the COVID-19. On top of that, many states in USA pays unemployment only for 4 to 12 weeks, then the unemployed is left to suffer if he does not find a job within this period, such as the case in New York and Connecticut.


Comparing the situation with the Netherlands, if someone is unemployed he would get unemployment money through the insurance, yet I do not know how much it is, yet I know one thing, in Netherlands the government had set a minimum income for individuals living legally in Netherlands, it around 900 Euro and if your income is less than that, also through the unemployment insurance, then the municipality where a person live will fill that gap between the 900 and the les income, on top of that and if you are earning less than certain amount of money monthly, which I am not sure how much it is, yet it is higher than 900 Euro, the Tax office will then give subsides for rent as well as the health insurance, in my case I get around 330 a month of the tax office as subsidies for rent and health insurance. Also, there are other financial help from the government or municipality for certain other situations, which all in all, these rules will never allow a Dutch or a legal residence in Netherlands to live on the street or starve. Which I cannot say the same about the slavery countries UK and the USA, and especially USA, where the biggest amount of registered bankruptcies every year is due to lack of health insurance and the patients cannot pay the medical bills and have to file for bankruptcy, which will cause a lot of financial trouble with banks and credit cards for at least 7 years, because it was the law in USA to report your filed bankruptcy within only the last 7 years, where then many banks will refuse to open a new account for you to give you a credit cards, then you have to open an account by bad very expensive banks and get credit cards through loan sharks comp0any, and this will add to the financial burden = hidden slavery to keep people busy trying to survive!!!


Countries with hyperlink to their official website 


COVID-19 infections as of 18.06.2020


COVID-19 death as of 18.06.2020



Spread the OCID-19 intentionally in cooperation with their hidden relatives the English royalties to damage EU and China economically!




Spread the OCID-19 intentionally in cooperation with their hidden relatives in USA to damage EU and China economically!



EU-European Union Totals

As shown below individually




EU-European Union member countries with hyperlink to their official website    


COVID-19 infections as of 18.06.2020


COVID-19 death as of 18.06.2020
























































































Now look at the spreading of the Corona virus as of 07.06.2020 and compare these selected countries that I placed them to be able to compare them and see that there is something more than just very wrong, and these countries are:

1.                UK + USA = the English royalties + the White House Administration, that I strongly believe have spread the corona virus on purpose enable to gain economic advantages while stealing the taxpayer’s money

2.                Some of the EU-European Union countries

3.                The so-called Arab Petroleum countries, which are Kuwait Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman

4.                Some of the other Middle Eastern countries including Israel as comparison with the so-called Arab Petroleum countries and the EU


I created one table for each and the last table is all together that shows a huge paradox of the amount of infected in proportion to the population and above all the amount of death also in proportion to population but also in proportion to the amount of infected persons in their country, which point that they very possibly have a hidden vaccine or antidote, just as the white house administration most probably also have as well as the English Royalties.


Corona virus in numbers and numbers do not lie

Corona Virus as of 07.06.2020 in comparison, to see the pattern of manmade infections

Registered infection Worldwide: 6,916,233

Registered death worldwide: 400,135


Some of the highest infected European countries as of 07.06.2020

At the begin of March 2020 and along with China and Iran they were the highest infected worldwide, see New York Time graph + newspaper article above


IMPORTANT NOTE: In Europe they are always mentioning that tracking the corona virus is very difficult because the Corona virus causes countless other sicknesses, which often mislead the tracking and people that die of the Corona virus are often mistaken for death through other sicknesses??!!


This make the corona virus very similar to AIDS in 1980s, and both have at least one thing in common, which is to disable the human defense system but in different ways=manmade as a biological warfare (




*) sorted by population


Population In millions

Registered Corona


In percentage of their populations


Corona Death

In percentage of their populations




0.6581 %


0.0179 %




0.1582 %


0.0044 %




0.1815 %


0.0059 %




0.2090 %


0.0101 %




0.3606 %


0.0223 %




0.4303 %


0.0456 %




0.5150 %


0.0834 %




0.2750 %


0.0349 %




0.5145 %


0.0579 %




0.3887 %


0.0560 %




0.2847 %


0.0435 %




0.2264 %


0.0106 %


USA + UK the most infected western countries as of 07.06.2020, yet, they were the least infected at the begin of March!!!!!!

*) sorted by population



In Millions




In percentage of their populations


Corona Death

In percentage of their populations














The hidden properties of the UK + USA, the so-called Arab Petroleum countries


The below countries are the totally hidden properties of the English royalties +

their hidden relatives from USA

As you see this table shows at least 3 very odd situations:

1.                They have a very a high infection rate in proportion to the population size, much higher than Europe and USA combined

2.                The death rate is absolutely a lie, it is so low that this proves that they are liars and they never register the death of the poor, they just bury them un registered, in comparison the European countries listed above have and by far the absolute best health system in the world where no legal or even illegal alien can worry about treatment, because all legal residents are insured and all illegal alien can go to a government hospital for treatment, and the reason I now that, is because I lived in Germany for 17 years and was forced to live in the Netherlands for 19 years and the Netherlands is part of the Benelux countries and all the Benelux countries as well as the Scandinavian countries have a law to insure that everyone is health insured no matter if he is poor or unemployed, and the same is valid but not as strong as the mentioned countries, also in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Portugal, and other countries and this due the internet knowledge, and what does this have to do with  these so-called Arab countries? these so-called Arab Petroleum countries and by far do not match to these above mentioned European countries when it comes to fair and equal treatment of the general population and that also include the health system which they by far do not match these European countries, yet they maybe Match USA and UK chaos of slavery

3.                This is pure conclusion based on speculations that are very well founded, which is that the American and/or British military manufactured the corona virus in one of these countries where the general public have absolutely nothing to say, because they are salves, and that is why these English royalties + their hidden relatives in the USA created these countries using Indian + Pakistani Muslims that were their allies in fighting Hindus in India since 400-500 years


Please note: that most to all of the so-called Arab countries are 100% controlled by various European and American countries, they just and since the Second World War are using a different strategies as they did 200-500 years ago in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka and other countries, in that they created total new and very strict slavery laws in all these so-called Arab countries, while pretending to be Arabs who created these laws sometimes or often based on religion, in other words they blame God for all the bad doing they are doing, they cannot do the same Europe, USA, Australia, Canada, the general public will not allow it, as they repeatedly ousted kings and emperors after the First World War due to the strict slavery laws (such as they ousted Emperor Wilhelm II in 1919 in Germany and Emperor Nicholas II of Russia in 2017, and both of these emperors  are relatives and related to the English royal family) so they created the Middle East as we know it today between the first and the second World Wars and the best prove of that, is that the countries listed below were all created after 1900, whereby many of them even after the second World war such as Oman, UAE. Don’t think for a second that the Arabs are smarter or more powerful than the American 200 years ago, or 60 years ago, and the same is valid for all European countries, Australia and Canada, and this is not to insult Arabs, but rather to make a point, that the English Royalties and their hidden relatives all over would never, ever submit to Arabs, whereby the word Arabs means nomad, Bedouin, and I know this for fact because I was forced to live in Egypt and go to school for 10 years and went to several Arab countries such: Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine/Israel, Saudi Arabia, Morocco. definition of Arab is “a member of a Semitic people, originally from the Arabian peninsula and neighboring territories, inhabiting much of the Middle East and North Africa.” for more info on the word Bedouin see this link:, also in Arab countries the word Arab is 100% = to the word Bedouin, but they left this out in Wikipedia article link above!


For more info on the word Arab + Arabic + Arab World see the following links:

1.     Arabs:


2.     Arabic:



3.     Arab World:




*) sorted by population



In Millions




In percentage of their populations


Corona Death

In percentage of their populations





0.9588 %


0.0016 %





2.4567 %


0.0019 %





0.6918 %


0.0056 %





0.3517 %


0.0015 %





0.3865 %


0.0027 %


Saudi Arabia



0.2890 %


0.0019 %

Saudi Arabia Population was increased by force since the year 1900, where it was less than 100,000. And 200 years ago it was less than 20,000 and 400 years ago it was less than 2,000




Other Middle East Countries, in comparison to the above so-called rich countries, that supposed to have good health systems, here are some other neighboring Arab countries


*) sorted by population



In Millions




In percentage of their populations


Corona Death

In percentage of their populations





0.00928 %


Less than 0.0000 %

Low infection due to the population are isolated by force of Israel + the UK




0.0194 %


Less than 0.0000 %

Low infection due to isolation of the world due to among others illegal drugs plantation




0.1998 %


0.0033 %

Low death rate, possibly due to hiding facts




0.0080 %


Less than 0.0000 %

Very low rates due to 100% hiding the facts but also due to lack of a health system where millions of refugees are still living in Jordan since 1948, 1967 + 1973 through the fake war with Israel + refugees from the Iraq + Syrian wars and as recent as current




0.0093 %


Less than 0.0000 %

Low rates due to bad health system and therewith not every infection or death of the corona virus is registered




0.0016 %


Less than 0.0000 %

Very bad health system + on going wars since at least 1960s and now also through USA + UK by using Saudi Arabia as a stupid proxy country, and population of Yemen has no means of proper tracking due to all these slavery wars




0.0217 %


Less than 0.0000 %

I believe the rates are much higher, yet due to the hidden illegal drug business and bad health system, where the authority does not care to create a proper tracking




Here are all the above listed countries in one table for comparison purposes


Enable to compare the death rates in proportion to the populations and to compare the EU to the so-called Arab petroleum countries, UK and USA

*) Sorted by  "Registered Corona Infections"



In Millions




In percentage of their populations


Corona Death

In percentage of their populations



















0.5145 %


0.0579 %





0.3887 %


0.0560 %





0.2847 %


0.0435 %





0.2264 %


0.0106 %


Saudi Arabia



0.2890 %


0.0019 %

Death rate is less and partially much less than the 1 tenth of the Europeans, UK and USA, and this is valid for all countries marked with “LESS




2.4567 %


0.0019 %

LESS” & highest infection known worldwide




0.5150 %


0.0834 %





0.2750 %


0.0349 %





0.4303 %


0.0456 %





0.3865 %


0.0027 %





0.6918 %


0.0056 %





0.3606 %


0.0223 %





0.1998 %


0.0033 %





0.0217 %


Less than 0.0000 %





0.3517 %


0.0015 %





0.9588 %


0.0016 %





0.2090 %


0.0101 %





0.1815 %


0.0059 %





0.1582 %


0.0044 %





0.6581 %


0.0179 %





0.0194 %


Less than 0.0000 %





0.0093 %


Less than 0.0000 %





0.0080 %


Less than 0.0000 %





0.0016 %


Less than 0.0000 %





0.00928 %


Less than 0.0000 %



More facts surrounding the Corona Virus

Here are mainly facts that are in the news, and I added them together, also, I added my comments to them


Highlight of actions that shows that the corona virus is manmade, and man spread

Please note, every small and big action or situation or detail counts towards finding out the real motives behind the manmade corona virus and man on purpose spread corona virus. And to understand them and see the true motives, you should  read them all, the above and below points.


Here are some of these actions and situations

1.                Let me begin with the most obvious: Just prior to the spread of the virus in China, the White House administration have recalled from China and back to USA all or most the CDC employees that were stationed in China. For more info see the following link with the title "Exclusive: U.S. slashed CDC staff inside China prior to coronavirus outbreak": 

2.                Firing the captain Brett Crozier (USS Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier) because his entire crew was severely threatened by the corona virus and he went public with it, which point that he knew his ship was used to spread the corona virus and he was trying to get world attention to it by going public that many members of his crew are infected, and this before even the Corona virus was spread in USA!!!!

3.                For more information about firing captain Brett Crozier, see the following link:, where it is very clear that whoever wrote the article or corrected it on, was trying to hide something, because they use a language that prevent the reader to understand the actual dates of the ship whereabout at the time of the breakout of the corona virus in Wuhan, China, such as the following texts under the above article under section "COVID-19 outbreak onboard Theodore Roosevelt​": "Crozier was captain of Theodore Roosevelt, then deployed in the Pacific, on March 24, 2020, when three members of the crew tested positive for COVID-19." And under the section "Notes": "The initial source of the outbreak aboard the ship has not been definitively established. Beginning on March 5, the Theodore Roosevelt began a scheduled four-day port call in Da Nang, Vietnam, after Philip S. Davidson, the commander of the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, ordered the visit to proceed." In the above mentioned article

4.                Map of known to me various locations of the "USS Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier" as published in the above-mentioned Wikipedia article over the fired captain Brett Crozier the commander of the "Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier", and it is relation to the outbreak of the corona virus in China. In this map you can see that you cannot travel with this ship from one area to another in a few days or a week or from USA to that area(??!!). But also, you can see the distance of its location to Wuhan, China. All they need to spread the virus is to use a Stealth Air Force or Navy plane such as F-35 or F-117 and no one will ever detect them flying over China and Wuhan city, and then spray the virus over the city, and with this stealth plane where some of these planes have a speed of 1100 KM to over 3500 KM an hour, which means within an 1-2 hours they can be over their target and back. For more information over stealth planes see the following link:


A picture containing text, map

Description automatically generated


5.                You must ask yourself the following questions to be sure that the above-mentioned airplane/aircraft carrier/ship was used to spread the corona virus in China:

5.1.               Was it the only American Navy ship that get severely infected at that time?

5.2.               Was it the only American base outside USA and inside USA that get infected severely at that time?

5.3.               Did other American or British military commanders ask publicly for help to save the lives of their crew as captain Brett Crozier was forced to ask, because the pentagon allegedly did not care about it or in reality, they wanted to keep it secret?

5.4.               Did the American or British military fire other members of their military or of their military intelligence or of the CIA or of the MI6 and they are sworn to silence otherwise they will be prosecuted or even worse: Killed?

5.5.               Last but not least why did they really fire Caption Brett Crozier while all he was trying to do is to save the lives of the members of his ship crew that and based on my findings/believe spread the corona virus in Wuhan, China?

6.                Here are some other information sources:

6.1.               Firing Caption Brett Crozier:

6.2.               New York Times removed the article of 12 March 2020 about the state of the corona virus spread in the world as of 12 March 2020, a copy of it is shown above , yet it was there a couple of weeks ago, they replaced it with current status, and not with the date of March 12th 2020, I copied it in March 12th 2020:

6.3.               BBC removed an article that I wanted to include in my complaint:, yet today 10.06.2020 it is accessible again, but to be honest I do not know any more if it is with the same information as before, because I did not make a copy of the original, yet it is very fishy!

6.4.               And others, yet the above points to show that there is something more than fishy, or questionable, or some very powerful group of people are trying all their best to cover up something, and this can only be the English royalties and their hidden relatives that control the USA such as the Rockefeller family that have now several of their members within the White House Administration and controlling what the American president does and says = Donald Trump is a puppet or better said a marionette on threads/thin ropes that are controlled by the above mentioned, at the end and as usual, just as the last at least 40-80 years, they all will say the same thing: The president ordered us to do that and we have no saying, yet they have telepathy and he does not and that I know for fact based on the pattern of my own hidden slavery life since 1960s and until I relocated on 1 March 2016 to the city Den Haag/The Hague, and started to come out of their evil web of telepathy that was harming me dramatically, and now they are doing the same to Donald Trump, as they did to George W. Bush before him and George H. W. Bush before him and Ronald Reagan before him, this is as far as I looked at and recognized because it was 100% related to me and to the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum illegal project Calypso that they used to brainwash me and enslave me on 24.12.1984 under their disgusting whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA to cover up for the concentrated evil Bush family and the English royalties and both are related also to the Rockefeller family. These mentioned US Presidents were 100% hidden slaves of the Republican party that is controlled by the English royal family and their hidden American and none-American other relatives

7.                There are many others yet the above gives a sufficient big picture and at least it shows that all of the above was not coincident or real sicknesses but rather it was all man planned and man performed on purpose = just like the countless hidden crimes against me that is also and often performed against others but the others are just as I was to prior to 1999, which is unaware of the existence of telepathy and the capability of telepathy and the hidden networking of telepathy persons all over the world!


Here are some more situations that confirm all of the above:

1.                The Corona Virus and based on the statement of the White House administration in March 2020 and through Mr. Anthony Fauci the director of the “NIAID-National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases”, as US government branch, see link ( Mr. Fauci said on CNN and I am quoting him  “COVID-19 is nothing else than the Flu (influenza) on steroid”, end of quote. What does that mean? First what does steroid means or anabolic steroid (=a synthetic steroid hormone which resembles testosterone in promoting the growth of muscle. Such hormones are used medicinally to treat some forms of weight loss and (illegally) by some athletes and sports players to enhance physical performance.). In short Dr. Fauci was saying nothing else than that the Corona virus is same as the Flu but much stronger. In matter of fact the 2 viruses are related, they claim COVID-19 comes of bats, did the flu also come of bats?

2.                Countless scientists and biologists’ experiment with microbes and viruses to find a treatment against them, other scientist or biologist experiment on them enable to learn how they function enable they can imitate them, and these scientists usually work for the military in creating biological weapons for the military.

3.                The COVID-19 alias Corona virus was spread in November 2019, and it took a couple to a few weeks to be recognized on 1 December 2019 in Wuhan, China. During this period of time the negotiation between USA and China over the tariffs broke down and then they went back to the original agreement and signed it and the White House administration lied publicly and said that the Chinese have agreed to demand and tariffs of the White House administration, which was 100% a big lie. Therefore, they gave the order to spread the virus in November immediately after the failed negotiations, and this is public knowledge that the negotiation failed in end October or begin of November 2019!

4.                In May 2020, when many were questioning the outbreak of the corona virus, the White House Administration that spread the virus in the first of all, started to create self-defense statements such as the followings:

4.1.                   White House coverup #1: They claimed that the Corona virus is originated from Bats. Then ask yourself this question: if they are originated from bats, and human and bats allegedly existed since thousands of years, then why didn’t we discover it earlier, it is the same pattern as HIV & AIDS as they claimed it comes from animals in Africa, then they said it is from homosexuality, and then said African people caught the virus and spread it worldwide. HIV & AIDS was discovered for the first time in the begin of 1980s. at that time I was living in Munich, Germany and no one knew what it was and where it came from, and later they claimed it exist since 1920 to cover up that it was genetically engineered with the goal to kill the enemy without him knowing what hit him, which is practically the same as the COVID-19 alias the Corona virus. Both were genetically engineered to use as germ warfare or as a biological weapon also called germ weapon (

4.2.                   White House coverup #2: The White House administration claimed that the COVID-19 was genetically engineered in a biological laboratory in Wuhan, China where the breakout of the COVID-19 in China started, then the White House corrected their selves and claimed it was most probably an accident in the laboratory of Wuhan, China that caused the virus to spread, and it was not intentionally. Meaning they were trying to make it look it was genetically engineered by Chinese and not by them, and then an alleged accident in the Wuhan, China laboratory happened and allegedly the Chinese spread the COVID-19 over the world, which is 100% a big lie. Later many world scientists testified that it is impossibly that some accident can happen in this laboratory in Wuhan, China, because they were there, and it is the safest laboratory that they ever seen. Later they get other 1-2 scientist to claim that the COVID-19 alias the corona virus is not genetically engineered but rather it comes from bats. If these crook scientists said it is not genetically engineered, then ask yourself this question: how do they know that (?), does each virus have a first and last name printed on them or do they have a virus number burned on them or engraved on them such as car numbers or motorcycle numbers or even bicycle numbers. Are viruses related to each other by certain colors or shades where you can say, oh this is red just like the bat or monkey red virus! No, it is almost impossible to determine by facts where a virus is originated from, except by the situation, timing, goal, effect, damages, and benefits and COVID-19  (as well as the HIV & AIDS  in the begin of 1980s) was 100% genetically engineered with the intention to kill and slow the economy down of China, EU, South Korea, Japan and other very powerful economies of these countries that are advancing dramatically in the last 10 years and getting bigger and bigger and will top the USA, sooner or later. PERIOD. What they did not count on or seen ahead, because they are 1 or 2 track intelligent only, which means stupid, or did not see coming that the virus spread fast and hit them right back more than it hit the others, in other words this criminal White House administration shot their self in the foot while killing hundreds of thousands (which will grow to 1-3 Millions) of innocent children, elderly and in between, yet no one of the White House or the English Royalties or the Rockefeller family or of the American or British governments died of the Corona virus, which very much means they have been using an antidote or vaccine or both, just like their hidden properties the so-called Arab Petroleum countries as listed above

4.3.                   White House coverup #3: Donald Trump claimed in March 2020 that they will in no time they will have a vaccine, and as far as I recall he said in 4-6 weeks and later said within 3 months and was repeatedly corrected by scientist that the process of finding a cure takes years, and that fasted that can happen is 18-24 months, and these statement are very powerful statement, because Donald Trump is really stupid and he cannot help it, because they control him with telepathy, and when they let go of him for a short while trash comes out of his mouth because he has no idea what he is talking about. I know Donald Trump often exaggerate over all kind of subjects, yet they way he said “we will have a vaccine in no time and within a few weeks” he was sure they already have a vaccine and then they have to mass manufacture the vaccine within a couple of months, then all scientists will question: How come they have a vaccine so quick? Instead, I strongly believe that they have a vaccine or antidote  and are using it for their selves also in the so-called Arab Petroleum countries such as Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Kuwait and others and that explain their totally unexplainable infection rates in proportion to population and to death of the infection and in comparison to other countries. And to cover up for these misspoken words which is “ we will have a vaccine in no time and within a few weeks”, then they forced him to claim that the malaria drug “hydroxychloroquine” is a good treatment, and later to show as if the president is crazy, they forced him to say the advice to the general public that those infected with the corona virus they should inject their selves with household cleaning material that will immediately kill the virus (but also the injected human being = crazy and stupid), in reality he must know that the COVID-19 is genetically engineered and that they already have a vaccine and antidote and they must force him to sign the command to spread it enable they can pinpoint it everything bad these criminal do on the president that has no telepathy and totally lost between these criminals with telepathy, just as I was and they often forced me to do and say wrong things and later I never understood why I said that or do that, even though I do not believe in it!!??

4.4.                   I strongly believe that Wuhan, China is not the source of the corona virus outbreak and therewith they did not spread the virus all over the world, but rather the American and/or the British military because it is the pattern of the American republic presidency since Ronald Reagan as follow:

4.4.1.                        Important pre-note-1: First point and to understand the following points is that weapons is a big business, and all the big weapon manufacturers make money only if their already sold weapons are used out and the American governments as well as other countries have need to replace them, then the weapon manufacturer makes business and profit. In short no wars no weapon business and these companies like Lockheed Martin (the World’s largest weapon manufacturer, for more info see will go bankrupt, yet they have a yearly revenue of 59.81 billion US Dollar, and its weapons is responsible for the killing of uncountable and countless Millions or innocent people. If you look at the history of this company, then you realize it is several companies that were competing against each other’s since 1912, since over one century ago, yet they joined forces and became one company because our world is seeking peace such as it is now the case in Asia and Europe since at least 75 years, therefore if there is no war they will go bankrupt, so they joint or already are member of the club called English royalties and the Freemasons that control the republican party and a big chunk of the democratic party (their version of win/win situation, and that is why there is no other parties in USA beside these two killer parties), which means the following wars were at least 50% their planning and 50% by the English royalties and their hidden American relatives to steal as much of the world as they can, such as, and here not mentioning the First & Second World Wars: never ending wars between Palestinian and Israel, never ending war between Pakistan and India, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Yemen in 1960s and again since 2019 while Using Egypt and Saudi Arabia as proxy in Yemen, respectively, Iraq-Iran in war in 1980, Iraq Kuwait setup war in 1990 as mentioned above, Afghanistan in 2001, USA-Iraq war 2003, Syria war 2011 and until current, mass killing Kurds through Syrians and Turks in 2019, and the list is endless, these are just highlights. Therefore, and if it ever happens that Donald Trump win the election again, then and most definitely the White House Administration will start a new war to make some business for their allies such as Lockheed Martin, this if they do not start a war before the election by getting their allies to do something bad to USA to help Donald Trump win the election as the savior tough guy, just as they did with the World Trade Center on 11.0.2001, which dramatically boosted the popularity of one of the most stupid president ever of the American history alias George W. Bush, fortunately for him, Donald Trump broke his record, and this is not insulting the ex- and current US presidents, but rather stating the facts to show the power of a US president that in reality is a hidden slave for others and controlled by telepathy. In short, it is only a matter of time until these criminals start a new war to make money for companies such as Lockheed Martin, during which they steal more money of the American taxpayer and justify it by patriotism, which is the new religion to kill others!

4.4.2.                        Important pre-note-1: This is also very important, the White House administration in cooperation with the Republican party, they constantly create a distraction situation to cover up for the previous bad situation that they created in the first of all. A good example for that is the Corona Virus was used (coincidently or foreplaned you decide) to hide all other bad things that they are doing, and therewith we do not hear any more about Palestinians that are on a constant demonstration due to all the bad things that have been done to them on a constant basis, and now they stealing more of their little land that they still have, or we do not hear any more of the mass murder and displacements of the Kurds that the evil White House Administration caused them and sold them to the Turkish and Syrian military to be slaughtered, or the mass murder and killing of Yemenis enable to control this strategic country which practically control the entrance to the Red Sea just as the Egyptians (=English Royalties) control the Swiss Canal the man made other side entrance of the Red Sea, which they already control through groups of people that are similar to my fake family and working for the English royalties. On top of that I am more than positive that Yemen has countless natural resources such as Petroleum, possibly Uranium and others just as the other so-called Arab petroleum countries around Yemen such as Saudi Arabia, Oman UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait and up to Iraq and Syria have = a pattern of creating wars in these areas and mass killing people while displacing the rest to slavery enable they can steal their natural resource and have a monopoly on Energy = Organized crimes families and institutions. But also, we do not hear many other things that were important to know because most news and since at least March are reporting mainly on COVID-19, whereby we have major other problems in every single country in the world beside the COVID-19/Corona virus

4.4.3.                        Ronald Reagan White House Administration (=Republicans) was the cause of many wars, such Iraq with Iran, and here how it started: Iran was 100% controlled by the English royalties thorough their puppet the Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, but they wanted to convert the country to illegal drugs and ousted him through their American relatives that were supporting Ruhollah Khomeini that was living in exile ( and used him to make a revolution in the name of Islam, and close the entire country while pretending to be against the western world, and planting illegal drugs to allegedly finance his war against the western world, in reality he was working for the English royalties, and most probably Iran produce something like 0.5 to 1 Trillion US Dollar worth of illegal drugs and no one can see that. It is the same concept as it was in the “Golden Triangle” in Asia but also in Columbia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Syrian and Lebanon, whereby they used Lebanon (and Syria) to set me up twice in summer 1967 and in December 1969 to January 1970 as if I am related to drug lords. Syria is one of the official biggest partners of Iran and also was controlling Northern Lebanon since summer 1976 with the blessing of the US government and later also with the blessing  of George H. W. Bush and his son and until 2005. Their goal was to regain control of Iraq, and therefore they set up Iraq and Iran to go into wars, because they were at that time the biggest military power in the Middle East and wanted them to weaken a bit enable, they can take them over. And that was the purpose of the war between them

4.4.4.                        Iraq invade Kuwait in August 1990. President of Iraq named Saddam Hussein had a meeting with George H. W. Bush secretary of state named Madeleine Albright and he complaint to her that Kuwait is controlling an Iraqi territory and asked her to help him get it back, and she said she can’t, but he can go there and take it and this statement was all over the news. I was forced at that time to live in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA after the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family enslaved me on 24.12.1984 by force under their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and then kidnapped me from Germany to USA. After this criminal woman secretary of state Madeleine Albright said that to Saddam Hussein, he invaded Kuwait to get their land back as the American government advised him. Then the American government and publicly had a reason to attack Iraq to allegedly free Kuwait. And they did by attacking them in Kuwait and Iraq in February 1991, by that time these criminals forced me to relocate again from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Houston, Texas to blame everything that the English royalty was doing to me on the Bush family and ARAMCO. But the war took long, and they, American and British governments, were not yet in the position to control the petroleum in Iraq, because that was their hidden goal to steal the Iraqi petroleum, which they did as they did in countless other countries including the so-called Arab Petroleum countries. Prior to USA invading Iraq, Iraq was a very rich country and to my knowledge had a very good economy and 1-2 Million foreign workers from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and countless other countries and everyone was happy because they had above average income and freedom compared to other countries. Now Iraqi people are one of the poorest countries in the world, because the US and British governments forcing them to live in slavery while they are stealing their natural resources to have a monopoly on energy and land, which they most definitely have on both

4.4.5.                        They planned to take over Afghanistan, but they cannot just run there and take it. Afghanistan was invaded by Russia December 1979  and they tried hard to control it until they withdrew in February 1989. Please note, that the ex-Soviet Union alias among others Russia, was 100% controlled by the ex-Russian royalties while they were pretending to be communist since around 1919, just as the German royalties were controlling Germany through Nazis. After the fall of the Soviet Union the controlling families are still the same families that controlled Russia prior to the first World War and these Russian royal families are heavily related to the English royal family(ies) and the hidden English royalties in USA such as the Rockefeller family that has a monopoly on petroleum not only in USA but worldwide the Rockefeller family also owns one of the biggest network of businesses that stretched from medical sector to government control to prevent that the American government interfere in their slavery and monopoly business as they did in 1911 and forced the Rockefeller company called Standard oil to split in 33 different companies, yet they rebuild their evil empire nut in the hidden and it became a hidden empire of slavery and petroleum + healthcare control again and went in to hiding within the American government with the help of their relatives the English royalties and ever since they control a major piece of the government including the current White House administration of Donald Trump. Back to Afghanistan that was for 10 years under the control of the Russians alias the hidden relatives of the English royalties and their hidden relatives the Rockefeller family and other families in USA. Therefore, when Russia had to withdraw from Afghanistan, among others because of their hidden empire alias the ex-Soviet Union was breaking down. Yet the family still have an eye on Afghanistan and want to control it because it has some kind of natural resources that I do not know what it is, yet these criminals knows, because and since at least the begin of 1980s it was possible to take photos from though  satellites, I forgot what it was, maybe infrared photos, however through the images that they take, scientists can determine what natural resource it is, and therewith they can tell what is where, I do not know how accurate it is, but what I red in 1980 was good enough for the US and Russian government to recognize what natural resources are there in Afghanistan. Therefore, they needed a reason to regain control of Afghanistan after the Russian left, and this is a theory of mine that is very well founded on facts, which is, originally the CIA and American military pretended to be fighting Russia in Afghanistan by sending support to the Taliban in Afghanistan, through Saudi Arabia to allegedly help their follow Muslims called Taliban. The Taliban is a branch of Islam that were controlling Afghanistan and behave as if they are living in the years 1800s or earlier. Taliban are originated from the Islam of Pakistan and Islam of Pakistan is originated from the Indian Muslims that split of India with the help of the English royalties, because these Muslim in India were helping the English royalties in fighting the Hindu, which are the majority in India. It is all about power and control and not about religion and being humane and human beings. CIA and American military sent Osama Ben laden along with a troupe of soldiers and allegedly CIA agents from their slave country called Saudi Arabia to Afghanistan to allegedly help the Taliban against the Russians, in reality Osama Ben laden goal was to identify the whereabout of the Taliban fighters so the Russians can bomb them and kill them. And when the Russian withdrew due the collapse of the Soviet Union, the CIA and American military and Osama Ben Laden claimed victory, which was a lie. Now the Russians relatives from the UK and USA came to rescue and need to invade Afghanistan, and 2.5 years later on 11.9.2001,  and again they used Osama Ben Laden to attack the World trade Center to give the American government a reason to invade Afghanistan and complete the mission of the English royalties, which is to control as many countries worldwide until they control the entire world, while hiding it by using their hidden relatives from other countries such as they are hiding the control of the majority of USA, the Middle East and the so-called Arab Petroleum countries such as my fake family. At that time on 11.09.2001, I was forced to live in a refugee camp in a very isolated area near the village called Gilze in Netherlands. In this refugee camp, they keep refugees until they either accept them or reject them, yet these very nasty Dutch immigration and I believe in cooperation CIA + MI6 + COA (refugee housing and feeding government sub organization of the Dutch immigration authority) and their also very nasty AIVD (Dutch CIA like organization) forced me just less than a moths after the World Trade Center Bombing to relocate to another refugee camp where they have even more control over me, while brainwashing me. The refugee camp in Gilze was huge, more than one kilometer long 300-400-meter width. I think it took more than 1000 or even 2000 refugees. Then they relocated me by force to another refugee camp just outside the village called Zweeloo that was much smaller around 190 meters long and 130-meter width with maybe 50-100 refugees only. They used Iraqis and Iranian to force me to think about my past while using telepathy very heavily against me. I had no chance by these criminals. In short they were brainwashing me and forcing me to think I am being persecuted because of my alleged connection to terrorism that these criminals CIA + MI6 + my fake family set me up to look like as if I am related to terrorists from December 1969 to January 1970 and ever since they were always pretending to be persecuting me because I am allegedly Muslim that converted to Christianity while I was set up to look like I am related to illegal drug lords + terrorism + ex-Soviet Union spies = CIA + MI6 controlling my life to isolate me of the general public in the name of the fake national security enable to prevent me to recognize where I was kidnapped from and who kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960, which was the witch criminal queen Elizabeth the second as describe in the page “Is this my family?”. Since they force me to relocate to Zweeloo on my own official birthday 10.10.2001, whereby they often perform nasty things to me on my birthday, just 4 weeks after the bombing of the World Trade center, they continued manipulating my life such as forcing me to leave the refugee camp Zweeloo and go to Germany illegally on 19 December 2001 and again 2 weeks later on 7 January 2002 and forced me to go to the church where I was set up to become Christian in the city Unterschleissheim, Germany for one purpose only to force my mind to remember my past and wake up my feelings to force me to think that my fake family in the Middle East did all these damages to me since separating me by force and very violently of my ex-German girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka as mentioned in the pages “Thank You” & “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” and all the other very nasty and most destructive situations these criminal forced upon me, while forcing me to think that the Dutch immigration is trying to help me and I am just suspected of being related to terrorism since December 1969 based on a set up that they created enable they have the right to control my life and now. 30 years later, they want to know this alleged terrorism connection because of the world trade center bombing on 11.9.2001 in New York city, which all was nothing else than torture, brainwash and coverup of my past and distraction of the concentrated evil English royal family that kidnapped me in the first of all, and since January 2002 and until at least Mai 2012 these criminals Dutch immigration + COA + AIVD were controlling my life and locking me up and forcing me to live in countless jails, prisons and refugee camps between Germany and the Netherlands until Mai 2012, where officially I was able or allowed or forced to relocate to Amsterdam, just to force me to get a Dutch passport and force me to relocate to the UK to force me to think that I am related to my fake sister Fadia Nagar while all together are using me to blackmail the queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me after King George VI past in February 1952 and blackmail to her family and my fake criminal witch whore fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi alias a hidden distant cousin or even sister of queen Elizabeth the second of the UK. Sorry I get sidetracked and vulgar, but it hurts!

4.4.6.                        Ex-US president George W. Bush that all think of him as a hero because he invaded Afghanistan, is nothing else, along with his entire White house administration as well as the republican party members,  than a criminals group and mass murderers because they claimed something wrong that the Iraqi had allegedly mass destruction weaponry such as atomic bombs and they wanted to dismantle them, and they went into Iraq along with their allies with fake pretension and stole the Iraqi petroleum along with other natural resources while integrating mass fake families in Iraq as they did with my fake family since 1960, where the Kurdish helped dramatically, yet the American government sold the Kurdish out in 2019 to the Syrian and Turkish government, that literally cornered them and slaughtered them and forced them to be displaced, which is a very strong pattern that English royalties and their alike have repeatedly did with group of people that helped them, such as Jewish. Kurdish, Indonesians, Pakistanis and many more. The Company Chevron was the first company to steal not only the Iraqi petroleum but also to steal of the American taxpayers money by selling the stolen Iraqi petroleum to the American military in Iraq with inflated prices, such as double and tribe the usual pricing, instead selling it to the American military with huge discount due to the huge quantity that the American military buys, and who was the vice president at that time, was Dick Cheney the CEO of Chevron that George W. Bush called him to be vice president (both are 100% related either as hidden brothers, nephews or cousins, which you can see the facia and height similarities by these two top international mass murders for profit), which is the absolute same pattern with Donald Trump today and prior to that with George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, where a group of very rich persons with telepathy raise a person and train his mind with telepathy to follow their orders, and then make him a president and force him to select them as members of his White House Administration and then the future is hidden because they will steal the American public and other countries in the world blindly including using the military as if it is a brainless distraction and killing machine enable they can enrich their selves = 1 or 2 track intelligence which is a very dangerous intelligence for the general public to be free without slavery and to live in peace without being killed, beside it totally cheat and wrong and illegal to elect a person for a president, yet others control his mind with telepathy to do what they want and not what he was elected for, which is true at least by the following 4 presidents: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and the current hidden slave Donald Trump!!??

4.4.7.                        The wars that these 3 above mentioned criminals caused: ex-US president Ronald Reagan + ex-president George H. W. Bush + ex-US president George W. Bush in the Middle East and Afghanistan alone has caused far more than 2 Million death of it less than 1% in the American military and their allies, and maybe 20-40 Million displaced people between Kuwait (which they very quickly recovered because it was a setup by the US government, yet the other countries never recovered until now in 2020 and most probably will not be fully recovered even in the year 2030 or even 2040), Yemen (wars since 1960s), Iraq (wars since 1980), Syria (War since 2011), Palestine (countless wars since 1948)) and Afghanistan (countless wars since before 1912), and a small number, maybe 4-6 Million of these displaced families are being used as workers in Europe and else were, because they make the best workers, not because they are professional very good, which they may very will also be, but rather because of the suffering they went through and they will and most definitely suffer through PTDS-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which I discovered is a very important tool in hidden slavery, and therewith these refugees in Europe and elsewhere will live for years with fear that something happen to them again and to avoid that, they follow orders blindly and with no complaints out of fear of losing their current peaceful status as refugees = hidden slavery, just as these criminals did to me 17 years in Germany and 15 years in USA by kidnapping. I am not professional psychiatrist or psychologist, yet I know that because they forced it upon me over and over and over again since 1960 which resulted of me being in a PTSD and waking out of it or coming out of it just to fall into another one and another one and another one until current in 2020, and this in Germany, USA, Netherlands and the UK and until I was able to relocate to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016, where I started to better understand what was done to me and decided not only to look for justice and my family but also to help others to understand their own situations and to make the general public aware of these atrocities of these controlling families in USA and the UK, but also because I had to live many years between jails, prison and refugee camps I also saw others and how they feel and what they think, which is not good, No Muslim, No Jewish, No Christian, no Hindu or in general no human being and no matter what should go through that, yet today I see that countless people in countless countries are going throw that because of the 1 and/or 2 track intelligence of the controlling families in the UK and USA that control the republican party and the White House that spread the COVID-19 intentionally for one purpose only = Money and/or power and this combination of intelligence = stupidity and most dangerous to all of us human being in Asia, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, South American and the rest of the world, and the prove for that is the CVID-19 alias the Corona Virus, PERIOD.

4.5.                   If you think for a minute that US White House administration is NOT capable of faking wars just to steal other countries or force wars upon other countries such as in the Middle East and Afghanistan, then look at what the English royalties and their hidden American relative did with Japan (killing countless and displacing countless, destructing countless infrastructure and housing within a minute using 2 atomic bombs on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, whereby countless others suffered genetically and through sicknesses for decades thereafter, for more info see: Note, I do not agree with wars because it is the tool of those who are unable to produce their selves something intelligent such as Ford, Microsoft, Amazon, Google, IBM and the list is endless, which really means each one who start a war is like a mentally sick patient in the hospital that will through his served lunch to him just because he was told “Enjoy your meal” and he did not understand what it means, yet this mentally sick people are by far not mass murderer and destroyers as the English royalties and their hidden American, Canadian, Australian and other very violent relatives also in Russia, in short they are stupid to create something their selves so they kill to steal, which equals “KAS-Kill and steal”, any other rhetoric is absolutely a lie, PERIOD. They killed 256,000 within 1-2 minutes, which includes children, elderly, and in between, the majority of them were not soldiers but rather civilians, which is the immediate death within a minutes after being very vicious and absolutely sadistic and dropping the 2 atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was not enough to dropped it on one city, but they dropped it on 2 cities. And these immediate 256,000 death is the smaller portion of the total death, suffering, plus all those who did not immediately die yet they suffered severe physical destruction. All this is caused by 2 group of people that praise their selves for being democratic, love individual freedom that they allegedly granting in the USA and the UK, where I was forced to live all in all in these 2 countries for 15 years and one year respectively, but I did not see any freedom. They are nothing else than con people and thieves of lives. And as they describe hell and Satan in after life as mean of scare tactic, yet they were always describing their selves, because earth turned to be hell not only for me but to over 4-6 Billion other human being, where they have to struggle to survive. Shame on you all American and English government and their sadistic controlling families, I do not need to be controlled by a bunch of crocks like that!

4.6.                   IS all of the above not enough to believe that the English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA are capable of spreading the corona virus, then here is how they think and I am quoting their behavior that are speaking loud for them: “Money and power are constant war, and as in any war there is always casualties on both side, therefore we must always control the outcome of the war and the best way to do it, is to start it, where we know ahead of time what we have and what the others do not have” end of quote = mass murderers of their own people to gain money and power also over their own people, which is very visible since years, where people in USA, UK and elsewhere are being constantly killed by police because the police follow order based on their training and they trained them to kill as a mean of mas scare strategy, PERIOD.

4.7.                   Is all the above is not enough, then here is more that casualties of first and second World wars are really unknown, because they often killed people in remote areas where there is no witnesses, such as Palestine, but also Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain just to gain control of these lands and shape them as they want them to be slavery countries and write fake history about them, which they did.

4.8.                   Is not enough, see what they did and how many American natives they killed, Canadian Natives, Australian Natives and the list is endless

4.9.                   Not enough see how many Indians they killed in India in the last 500 years, or Africans, or Chinese or Japanese and also at least in the last 400 years

4.10.              Not enough see how they kidnapped 500,000 Africans and enslaved them and took them by force to USA and south America since over 200 years ago, and the same people that did that are absolutly the same people that wrote the very bad American constitution, and that is why this constitution have not been working since over 200 years, and they must and will sooner or later follow the footsteps of the EU and create a fair constitution for all, whereby the EU is by far not perfect, yet it is also by far ahead of the USA = the UK + Canada + Australia when it comes to humanity and being humane and

4.11.              Not enough, see how many Indians, Sri Lankan and Chinese they kidnapped and enslaved and took to many areas in the world as slaves and forced soldiers

4.12.              Is not enough, see what they did to the Kurdish  population repeatedly, they promised them land and heaven if they help them in wars in various countries, just as they promised Pakistanis and Jewish and fulfilled their promises partially after 300-500 years, meaning the Kurds have to wait another a few hundred years to feel free, which is unacceptable, and then Donald Trump set them up to be killed  and displaced or be on the run to prevent them to settle in northern Syria, which they really deserve just as any European and Americans, they have the right to settle and build a life for their selves and their children, instead this these criminals English Royalties and White House administration are protecting the Syrian controlling families headed by the Assad family because they are related to them and would not allow the Kurdish to settle in Northern Syria, so they delivered them to Turkish troops and the Syrian troops and left them to die, this is how much you can trust the English royalties and their American, Australian, Canadian and other hidden relatives such as my fake family in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Oman and elsewhere !

4.13.              Is the above not enough, they did the same as above to the Jewish population over and over and over again since most probably 500 or more years in using them as soldiers by force and promised them of their own land as described in other section of this page until they pretended to keep their word and gave them a land that is not theirs, which is Palestine, and this for 2 reasons only, Reason-1: to create a never ending conflict where they can blame everything on the Palestinian/Israeli never ending problem, just as they repeatedly did in Asia, among others with North and South Korea, north and South Vietnam, Honk Kong and China and Taiwan, India and Pakistan, North and South Yemen and list goes on. Reason-2: Using Israel as a military base against real Arabs and to protect the land that these criminals claim in the hidden it is their own land and this from Yemen to Oman to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq,, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and others. In other words, they are still using Israel as soldiers for the English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA just as they have been using them in the last 500 years and longer. And the general public of Israel have no idea and are still struggling, same as also the Palestinians are also struggling. The Israeli military have been often used in Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and most probably also in Afghanistan, and the prove for that is that they English Royalties and their hidden relatives in USA as well as the Syrians government are giving gifts for their help, which is the West bank (a Palestinian land) and the Golan Height (a Syrian land), what did Israel do for Syria that the Syrian give them the Golan Height, they helped them stay in power and kill their Syrian enemies of the controlling families which are all those who revolted against the very destructive hidden English royalties and the Rockefeller relatives alias the Assad family that took over Syria in 1970, and their relatives took over Syria even a few years earlier, it is always the same strategies, one steal of his brother and together they steal of the cousin and together they steal of the general public and together they steal of other countries = the English royal family and their American relatives alias and among others the current White House Administration and then they blame ever thing on their hidden slave Donald Trump for the very vicious large tax cut for the controlling families, supporting Israel o name Jerusalem as their capital, to annexing west bank and Golan heights, spreading the Covid-19, starting trade wars with EU, China and using Canada and Mexico as distraction as if they are doing this with everyone, derailing budget funds from companies to their own companies, building hate between South Americans and Americans, building hate between Americans and Muslims, while using Saudi Arabia as proxy to kill Yeminis enable they can steal the country, building hate between various American religious groups, local national ethnic groups, scaring the 12-35 Million illegal aliens enable to keep them silent and working as slaves for pennies/cents in USA, and the list is endless, however at the end they will blame all that on their stupid hidden slave Donald Trump and his alleged family. And by saying stupid is not as insulting word but rather as description of the state of the mind of a hidden slave as these criminals did to me most of my life

5.          All of the above is enough to and shows the pattern and qualify the White House Administration along with their hidden relatives the English royalties as well as the Rockefeller family as genetically engineered the COVID-19 alias the Corona Virus, of other existing viruses such as the flu virus as a weapon against their economic enemies, which are China + EU + South Korea + Japan, PERIOD.


When I write all of the above and see all the sufferings of others as well as my own, it makes me not only sad, but have to shake my head to their limited 1 or 2 track intelligence, which is a disease of the mind, to be born within a family that has nothing in mind than money and power enable they can feel good about their selves and create a fake legacy as if they were the savior and protectors of the world, which they are absolutely not, on the contrary, they are the plague of our all lives and this worldwide as it is very visible through the COVID-19 alias the Corona virus!!??


Now as confirmation to all of the above I am listing some of the side effects of the corona virus. Some of these side effects are trivial but others are severe. Some of these side effects may be not side effects, but rather was planned as their version of win-win situation. Here are some of the side effects:

1.                The side effect number one is that the White House Administration never thought that the virus will go over to USA, and therewith they shot their selves in the foot, and that was not the plan. This is due to the limited intelligence of one and two track intelligence that does not think except going straight on 2 tracks full speed ahead and no matter what, just like an  uncontrollable train with no driver, it just keeps on going and going without thinking and kills anything it is way = one and/or two track intelligence = money and power no matter what, because it is a war of money and power!!!!!!

2.                As of 11.06.2020 we have worldwide 7,426,178 Corona Virus infections (source:, this figure is not accurate, because of many factors, among others, many countries do not have the capabilities to track the virus and to register it on a daily basis. Above all, one of the corona virus characteristics is military characteristics, which is, it attacks other part of the human body and cause severe damage that most of the time looks like it is of other causes. Therefore, my educated guess estimation is that the actual infection is at least 3 times as high, which over 22 million worldwide and most probably it will reach over 100 million before the end of the year 2020

3.                As of 11.06 2020 we have worldwide 417,829 deaths through the corona virus. Here and again this figure and by far is not accurate for several reasons as mentioned in the above point. Therefore, I strongly suspect that the total death caused by the corona virus is something like 4-6 times as much, which is 1.7 to 2.5 Million death and will increase by at least 6-10 times that much because poor countries have no ways to fight against the COVID-19 as industrialized countries can such as Europe, China, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and so on, therefore the death rate I believe is going to sky rocket by the end of the year 2020 maybe to 25% of all infected persons will die!!??

4.                Billions of people suffered worldwide, because they were forced to go into isolation by force of law, even children and youth that really need activities to keep them calm

5.                Many of these isolated people have been living alone for a very long time and are dependent on work and that often replaces the missing family and friends, and when they are forced to be alone at home they suffer of PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and there are literally millions of them in the industrial world, because isolation is the best tool to use in hidden slaves. One of the proves is that these countries have countless homes for the elderly, where they live alone, often in a room of 10-20 square  meters and have someone come to bring them food and to clean their rooms, just as some people do for their dogs that always live in the garden. There are hundreds of homes like that if not thousands in each country of the industrial world

6.                I live alone and I am isolating myself on purpose to try to make sense of my own life enable I can file these complaint pages, yet I do not suffer as much as others because I have been isolated since 24.12.1984 and gradually by cutting down my connection through slavery until I was totally alone living between jails, prisons and refugee camps since 10.10.1999 and until May 2012, then I was alone yet I a bigger cities. So, I get used to it, which is very sad for me to say that because I was very social and love people no matter who they are!

7.                Hong Kong long term demonstrations or even upraising that was sometimes violent, that I strongly believe is the work of the English royalties plus their hidden relatives in USA by using CIA and MI6 agents to pressure China to accept their demands by attacking them from many sides by using the so-called “Operation Choke”, after the COVID-19 spread in China they and overnight stopped even though they were going on, and to my knowledge, for over one year or longer on a daily basis

8.                The very big mass demonstrations that often were violent in France, that also has been going on at least for 1-2 years and at least on the weekends, also stopped, whereby here too I strongly suspect that the English royalties with their hidden American relatives and by using the CIA and MI6 and other means are the cause of this violent upraise in France that I think was called the “The Yellow Vest upraising”, because they want to damage the EU in any way what so ever to prevent them to be a powerful economy just as the reasons they are also and in the hidden fighting China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. These demonstrations and overnight also had to stop

9.                The same as the last two points was also in Spain, Iraq, India, Germany and other countries, and if you look closely at the mentioned countries, you will not find UK, USA, Canada, Australia, but you find countries that the USA and the English royalties declared as their enemies, which are China, South Korea, Japan and all the 27 EU-European Union countries through the UK and Brexit on the one side and from USA and the vicious tax cut the White House Administration made for the larger companies and trying to cheat the tax payers even more by imposing tariffs on foreign countries which will force the consumer prices to rise dramatically, often by 30%-50%, even though USA does not manufacture many of these products, which is very visible here with the corona virus that over 90% of all PPE-Personal Protective Equipment are manufactured in China and elsewhere and this because it is cheaper to buy them than manufacture them their selves in USA or even Europe. I too had to buy them in March of 2020 and bought them also from China through, whereby is a sister company  to and both donated millions of PPE all over the world also for the USA, even though the USA is fighting China and based on my opinion USA + UK are 100% the cause of spreading the COVID-19 alias the corona virus in China, EU and Iran. All this is very bad, and nothing is good about it

10.           Hundreds of thousands if not Millions of companies worldwide filed for bankruptcy because of the corona virus, and that was 100% the goal and not a side effect

11.           I do not know the exact amount, yet I have to give it my best shot as educated guess, if USA have over 40 Million first time request for unemployed benefits, which is in some states a joke, of only 4-8 weeks unemployment benefit, and after that the unemployed have only one option which is to commit crime enable he/she/they can feed his wife and little children, just as these criminals did to me in March 1987 as a major part of brainwashing me, forced me to be homeless with the disgusting whore agent that they enslaved me under and the baby that they forced me to think it is my son, and then I had to get food and diapers for this one year old baby, but I had only 70 US Dollars in my pocket, of which I had to pay the motel and buy food and the diapers, and the motel was 49 US Dollar, and this thanks to my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias his lookalike Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar and the Evangelical Lutheran Salem Church of Bridgeport that forced me also to be homeless as a part of brainwashing me, with one exception the MF CIA interfered and forced the church to be afraid as if the Syrian government is going to send some terrorist against me and bomb me along with the pastors house and his family that were hosting us, and therewith I do not really blame the church but rather these MF that forced them to be afraid to be anyway near me, where they used at that time the thief company called Shearson Leeman and Brother (at that time a subsidiary of American Express, and American express Travel Related Services on Wilcrest Drive (at that time), Houston, Texas, USA in cooperation with their business partners Chevron on Hayes street (at that time) in Houston, Texas, USA created together and within around 4 months several very destructive and vicious brainwash situation for and against me enable to prevent me to advance professionally) to scare the church of helping me, which 100% equals the English Royalties and their hidden relatives the Bush family, the Rockefeller family, the Koch family in Kansas and others = English royalties and slave makers because they are too stupid to use their own brain to produce something useful for their selves and their community beside con business in petroleum. I remember placing the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and my the 1 years old fake son in that motel and I walked 1-2 miles to the nearest super market to buy special food and milk for the 1 year baby that these criminals forced upon me along with their whore disgusting agent, and had less than 25 US Dollar in my pocket because I already paid the motel in advance for one night,. And was counting the change in my pocket over and over again and trying to figure out and after I buy the baby food and diapers and the food for that whore agent and myself if I still have enough money to buy a pack of cigarettes, which I did not, where these criminal and after 24.12.1984 they forced me to increase my cigarette consumption from less than one pack per day to 4 packs per day, at the end I bought everything necessary for the baby and for that whore agent but no food for me instead a pack of cigarettes, which was at that time around 1.6 US Dollars, and that is hidden slavery, where my average monthly income, just a few months ago and prior to these MF kidnapping me from Germany to USA and in the last 3 years in Germany, my average income as IT professional was 13.600 German Marks, and you cannot make this kind of money in IT unless you are good in what you do, especially in Germany and especially in 1982-1986, and now I cannot even buy a pack of cigarettes for 1.6 US Dollars just to force me to get used to the idea that I am with this filth of human being called Najlaa Mahmoud and then blame everything on my fake family that pretend to be Muslim and work with and for the English royalties but also with the concentrated evil Bush and Rockefeller families that owns ARAMCO and pretend it to be a free Saudi Arabian people company to avoid that the American government break their company again as they did in 1911 because they use their power to hurt and kill people, because that is what is written in their hidden business portfolio  and in their professional resume: mass murders and mass thieves and con professionals!

12.           You may think I am being unjust for the Rockefeller and the Bush families, but I am not, these 2 families and by using their companies, whereby and at that time I did not know anything about the Rockefeller family or the Bush family, but thanks to the Internet now I do know, and they did terrorize my life in Bridgeport, Connecticut and in Houston, Texas and in many other states, where they constantly were creating unfounded very destructive actions against me using among others Chevron (100% Rockefeller, American Express travel Related Services, Koch Industries 100% related to Rockefeller),  UtiliCorp United (100% Rockefeller and Bush family. This company filed for bankruptcy because they were stealing from people through loopholes of the law), Associated Canvas Products Inc, Compaq Corporation alias now HP-Hewlett Packard (they sell millions of computers to the Rockefeller and English royalties and are willing to sell also their moral values for this amount of PCs = worse than a whore because by a whore you know what you getting, you pay 100 Dollars and you get her sex, however by these people you never know what you are getting or even not getting, because they stole so many of my income and life that it would take pages to list) and many others, where my life was literally hell on earth and I did not understand why, because I was always straight forward and was always trying my best to do the best for everyone. But today I understand, very unfortunately after I lost everything that was most valuable to me, which were mainly human relations that I loved very much and I missed all my life since these criminals kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986 and I did not understand how I lost them = I was kidnapped using brainwash in combination with telepathy force and with the help of their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud and my concentrated evil fake family that literally kept me as slave for their vicious need





- Add creating a problem as distraction of the previous problem!!!!



Altering the look of their kidnapped victim by force. For details on this point see the page “Is this my biological family

-          Add CNN Cable TV channel promoted by Donald Trump that are spreading the conspiracy theory that Obama + Clinton + Bill Gate sand others are conspiring to confined everyone at home through the corona virus, see the following links

o (founded by Herring Networks)

o (Founder of in partnership with the Washington Time)

o (One of the founders of OAN, and is founded by Sun Myung Moon an ex religious leader alias conman)

o (from North Korea province Pyongan)

o the province in North Korea where Mr. Sun Myung Moon is originated from

o   All the above shows the link between Donald Trump and North Korea and using them to produce scary rockets to blackmail Japan, South Korea, China, and other countries in the region to blackmail them and force them to pay more protection money because the Trump administration is badly short of money die to they cut the taxes on rich companies by almost 50% from 35% to 20%

o   Also, all the above shows the hidden links between English royalties, Russian Federation, North Korea (illegal drug isolation method) and fighting China!

o   All the above is distraction of the White House administration spread the manufactured Corona virus through the American Navy in Guam and that is why the fired the captain Brett Crozier (USS Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier) because his entire crew was severely threatened by the corona virus and he went public with it, which point that he knew his ship was used to spread the corona virus and he was trying to get world attention to it by going public that many members of his crew are infected, and this before even the Corona virus was spread in USA!!!!

o   All the above and add to it that the most infected area in the world in End February and March 2020 was China + EU + Iran, the 3 main enemies of Donald Trump administration + The English royalties + Brexit = one or both of these criminals spread the corona virus to slow down the economy of China + EU-European Union + kill the Iranian economy to keep it as a hidden illegal drug country as they often did that in many other countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Columbia, the so called the Golden Triangle in Asia and others!

o   All the above is what these criminals call “Win-Win Situation” = kill others, keep them busy with death and fear and make money out of it = the absolute wrong “Win-Win Situation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????

-          Add that Trump was sick as it mentioned in my Facebook page as follow: President Donald Trump is sick with the Corona Virus, that is my opinion based on his appearance today 14.03.2020 at 17:00 hour Netherlands time. This conclusion is based on what I saw as the following:

o   1. he was walking very slow

o   2. His voice was very different and very tired

o   3, Everyone tried hard to keep distance of him, especially when he left the stage, the 2 guards and the White House administration members that he passed by, they immediately moved their head, and upper body as if they trying to avoid him without making any one notice.

o   4. He left earlier, much earlier than usual and said he has to go to the White House

o   5. He moved, spoke and acted most tired while trying hard to covering it up

All the above equals = he is very sick!

I am sorry for that because I want to see him to lose the election the right way!

-          Add in this section about Coronavirus starting with how I was health wise severely attacked between 1960 and current starting with total amnesia, rape, enslaving under the control of vicious women with telepathy… USA mental and physical torture….pulling out all my teeth, using WC cleaning on my elbow and so on

-          Add Donald Trump purchased 29 Million malaria medicine called “hydroxychloroquine” for COVID-19!! = buying useless medication of his friends and supports as a payback = stealing and wasting taxpayers’ money!

-          Side effects through the manmade corona virus: we don’t hear real news over other problems in the world such as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya, Hong Kong, Palestine, displaced Palestinians/Syrians/Iraqi/Yemeni/ Afghani and others in many countries= they lost their voices and asking the world for help=English royalties + their hidden American and other relatives are silencing them by force because they control the international media such as ABC, BBC, CNN, Fox and many others!

-          On 20.04.2020 CNN where, and almost as every day in the afternoon USA time, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York State, USA, airing Coronavirus briefing over New York State (= a State of 20 Million population in night and 25-28 Million in day time), and suddenly half way or even 30% of the briefing they interrupted the briefing to replace it with the UK briefing (a country of 68 Million population in day and night) over de Coronavirus in the United kingdom, whereby New York State Corona virus  Confirmed in the UK is 124.743 and Death 16.509 and in New York State: Confirmed is 242.786, Death 13.869, which has almost double infections compared to the UK, which equals CNN is through and through English royalties and this not only through AT & T, but since it was established in 1980 by Ted Turner, which makes Ted Turner English Royalties, because since day one they have more British news anchors, also called moderators or broadcaster than Americans

-          Add the Trump administration is cutting money where they can to cover up for the tax cut for large companies such as stopping the payments of nearly 500 Million for the WHO-World Health Organization and this during the Corona Epidemic where many countries such as in Africa are dependent on the help of WHO to protect them of this epidemic

-          Add United Kingdom is the one created United States as control of the world that is why they called it United States in a similar or almost identical scheme as they created United Kingdom, they just hid the word king or kingdom!

-          Add 1..2..3 = 1. George H. W. Bush started the war with Iraq using his criminal secretary of state Madeleine Jana Korbel Albright in setting up Iraq to attack Kuwait enable to give George H. W. Bush to attack Iraq. 2. George W. Bush was not really respected in USA neither loved, and that is why they used their agent Osama Ben Laden to attack the World Trade center enable to give George W. Bush a reason to attack Afghanistan while increasing his popularity as their defended and not as a criminal and con-family member that are hidden English royalties and related to the Rockefeller family that are through and through hidden English royalties. 3. Donald Trump administration using their navy ship in Guam (USS Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier) to spread their manufactured warfare virus called Coronavirus alias COVID-19 in the enemies of Donald Trump = China, EU + Iran. This a pattern through republican presidents that can be traced back 200 years to the colonialist hidden English royalties and the Freemasons!

-          Add the deadly tax cut of The White House is very visible in cutting money everywhere, even for the WHO-World Health Organization, and this alone shows that the US president should never have the power to manage the budget, because they are stealing it of the general public as well as of the allies of the USA

-          Trump encourage people to take anti-malaria medication against the coronavirus malaria drug for coronavirus names hydroxychloroquine to benefit his supporters while and most probably getting a bribe from the back door

-          End March begin of April 2020 (exact date is unknown to me): US navy captain Brett Crozier (USS Theodore Roosevelt, Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft carrier) dismissed for raising alarm over corona coronavirus (, or, and many others) this situation is in Guam island. Guam Island is in 2200 Miles or 3600 Kilometers from Wuhan, Hubei, China the alleged source of the Coronavirus. Also ad: Based on CNN from 09.04.2020 New York scientist has researched the Coronavirus/Covid-19 and discovered that the origin of this virus is Europe or North America and definitely not China??!!

-          New title for corona virus: the paradox of one/two track intelligence!

-          One and two track intelligence life examples!!

-          Add this point to the above point. Countries with major demonstrations prior to Corona virus:

o   1. Hong Kong

o   2. India (discrimination against Muslims refugees and not allowing them to have the Indian citizenship, but allowing refugee Hindu, Christian, Parsi, Jain or Buddhist to have the Indian citizenship)

o   3. France (against many issues through new government laws also retirement)

o   4. Spain (Anti-austerity movement + Catalanian protesters)

o   5. Iran (against bad economy + government)

o   6. Lebanon (against government bankruptcy and bad economy)

o   7. Palestine (against new US + Israeli rules)

o   8. Germany (Nazi and anti-Nazi)

-          Coronavirus is revenge against: China, Iran, Korea, EU and in particular Italy (GM war against them!)

-          CIA + MI6 + FBI creates viruses to use against their victims as a part of the operation choke

-          Add Trump threat over Russian pipelines




I am not going to write the conclusion, if you read the above, then make your own conclusion and consider it a training after reading this page and other pages!


However, I will mention 3 things(!) only:


Thing-1: One picture is better than one thousand words: in general, this is the effect of the COVID-19 alias the Corona virus on humanity

This photo is courtesy of and was published on 19.06.2020 through their advertisement mailing system that I am registered to!


Things-2: Each time I leave my apartment and since March 2020 and still until current in end of June 2020, I have to pay between 1.50 and 2.50 Euro just to step out of the door of my apartment and back into my apartment, this money is for my personal PPE-Personal protective equipment’s which consist of 4 products: 1-masks + 2-gloves + 3-soap to wash my hands + 4- disinfection liquid, and if nothing goes wrong, then all in all it cost me 1.50 Euro, but often my glove goes broken or my mask goes broken or I have to use more often disinfection because the place I am in does not perform COVID-19 hygienic precautionary steps. On top of all that, and even I consider myself lucky because I am spending less than many others, yet I cannot feel safe due to the COVID-19. And here is a big problem, I cannot find disinfection material anywhere, because it has been sold out, so I turned to an alternative that turned out to be cheaper and much more effective, which is buying a very cheap au de toilet/cologne that contain 80% alcohol  Where I need at least 60% alcohol, and therewith I am now paying for the same amount 1-4 Euro (depending where you buy it, I buy it in a store called “”, and I pay 1.75 Euro) less for the hands disinfection material than the usual disinfection material sold in store and I cannot find because it is all sold out since March in all the stores that I visited as well as also online. In Netherlands I am considered to be poor, and now I have to pay between 45-76 Euro every single month extra for these products mentioned as my personal PPE. In USA at least 50% of the population cannot afford what a poor person in Netherlands can afford for his own health, and then they call this shitty situation in USA the best country in the world or call it the leader of the democratic world. I call it the biggest slavery country and the biggest con-government in the world, that makes countries like China, Russia, Israel, Saudi Arabia looks like angels compared to them!


Thing-3: many persons, or better said billions of people worldwide do not have the luxury to fight the COVID-19 alias corona virus and this include the majority of people in USA, UK, Sudan, Egypt, Ghana, Nigeria, Philippine, India, Brazil and the list is endless.


If I say shame on you, you one evil US White House Administration that spread the virus intentionally to damage the economy of EU + Chine + Iran, then it is very mildly said, the real statement will look like that: the current US Government under the Donald Trump administration is worse than Adolf Hitler because they learned from him because they are related to him or at least use his methods!


Using addiction to enslave their victims

Here too, I am not going to write details about the above title, is you read the above, then gather your thoughts and write this section yourself!


Yet always remember one thing the following products are nothing else than destructive slavery tools:

1.                Cigarettes

2.                Alcohol

3.                Illegal and legal drugs, even marijuana


All of the above are mainly controlled by the English royalties in the countries that they control and in countries that their hidden relatives all over the world also control, because they are slavery tools, while they suck your money like a vacuum cleaner and leave you dried up and poor and often also very, very sick as a result of these addictions!


All the above 3 are big businesses, the more illegal it is, then the less competition and the bigger the revenues and the profit, just as my fake family also did, the only one thing they did not do, is force me to become addicted to illegal drugs to not get immediate attentions to their selves, yet they are the ones who owns cigarette factories and forced me to start smoking at age 14, never forget they have telepathy and not only they can see what I see and what I am thinking and doing, but also they force me to think this way r that way or to do this or that by using telepathy, if they were good people, and I started smoking by myself, then they would have most definitely helped me immediately to stop it, but what can I say, they have telepathy, and that says it all. The same with alcohol, they taught me to drink alcohol in Cairo, Egypt, by taking me to restaurant and ordering beer and get me a glass to drink with them and this also since I am 14 years old, or ordering Arak, which is an anise alcoholic beverage of around 40% alcohol, just as in Greece Ouzo, or the French Pastis and so on, and this in Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon, and to the general public they pretend to be strict Muslim, build Islamic schools and even build mosques, yet all they doings is 100% against Islam and against Muslims because they enslave them for pennies/cents!!??


Surrounding their victims with problems that are either difficult to solve or are unsolvable (Operation Choke)

Here I will list some of the problems that these criminals forced upon my life as a mean of brainwash and to drown my brain and life with too many simultaneous problems while leaving only one exit=very destructive slavery brainwash. This is a very nasty and destructive brainwash strategy called “Operation Choke” that is often used by the organized crime institution such as MI6 also known as SIS-Secret Intelligence Service, and the CIA-Central Intelligence agency, but also used by the FBI-Federal Bureau of Investigation and others to drown their victims with all kind of problems that are started simultaneously from various directions, such as: bank account problems, telephone problems, electricity problems, gas problems, landlord problems, water problems, employer problem, tax problems and many others, and on top of all that they create and manufacture problems on the things that their victim depend on, such as car, credit cards but also between their victims and his/her friends, family, employer and other social connections and the reason I know that for fact, is because the CIA + MI6 + FBI + INS + American military + BND + the Dutch immigration represented by the IND and COA used the absolute same strategies on me since 10.10.1969 and until it went down by over 98% as I relocated on 1 March 2016 to the city of Den Haag/The Hague in the Netherlands, seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many embassies and consulates in this city. And all this is a one- or two-track intelligence that leads to a destruction of the lives of their victim(s), while these criminals enrich their selves in one way or another!


For more information on “Operation Choke” see this link:, whereby they will never allow this page to have the real hidden purpose of Operation Choke as it is explained here, and on who they use it, in matter of fact I see them use it on an entire country, such as China, EU-European Union, Iran, whereby using it on Iran is a paradox, because I strongly believe they use Iran as a hidden illegal drug country, just as they used to use Syria and Lebanon and Afghanistan, Thailand and the golden Triangle, Columbia, Cuba  and many other locations worldwide. But they also use this evil and very destructive “Operation Choke” on many other countries such as Palestinians, Yemen, India, and others.


As confirmation of what they did to me I am listing what they are doing to others while the general public is not noticing it even though it is often in the daily news worldwide, and the general public is not noticing this because they are busy working and majority are even trying to survive, just as these criminals forced me in to in my entire life to be living in a survive mode, meaning busy fighting problems from invisible origin and reasons just enable to go forwards in my life, even today in February 2020. That is why the general public cannot relate some of the various world problems to each other’s and see these very destructive schemes.


Here are some of the other destructive schemes that everyone can verify:

1.                Trade war with China, is actually a very vicious cold war that could easily turn into a real war, and here is why, the USA + the UK and in the hidden performing a very dangerous hidden war against China as follow:

1.1.               Spreading the Coronavirus intentionally to practically force shutting down Chine economy from the western world = severe economic attack on China, which is very visible in that among others many companies are temporary closing their offices in China in the name of Coronavirus (=fake reason= the same as many fake reason in the name of National security as these criminals treated me since 10/11 January 1960 as national security risk and isolated me by force in my entire life until I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague) such as Apple + Tesla + Starbucks + McDonalds + tourism  + many airlines stopped going to China = total shut down in China by USA, UK and others to disrupt their economy and force them to submit to the demands of USA + their hidden master the English royalties, which very much means that the CIA + MI6 = Americans government under the evil Donald trump + English Royalties are the ones who distributed the Coronavirus, and who knows maybe they were also the ones who did spread the Coronavirus alias SARS pandemic in 2003!

1.2.               Donald Trump waging a trade war against Chinese in a very rude, bad and destructive manner

1.3.               Creating a huge up rise in Hong Kong through the English royalties hidden children and grandchildren and great grant children in Hong Kong that they created in the last several hundred years and in particular during the period where they had Hong Kong under their control officially for 99 years that ended in 1997, whereby the ER were ruling Hong Kong all in all for over 155 years and in China since over 500 years

1.4.               Boycotting Huawei one of the biggest and most successful mobile telephone and 5G network in the world and claim because they have strong connection with the Chinese government and are allegedly using 5G sold networks to spy on USA and Europeans, in reality they are jealous that the Chinese have developed 5G Networks technology quicker, better and cheaper than the USA and therewith they want to protect their companies such as Apple and 5G US manufacturers that cannot match up with the Huawei mobile phone innovation

1.5.               Creating new problems for China by supporting and interfering in the hidden with election in Taiwan

1.6.               Chinese fighting Muslims and locking them in camps just as Adolf Hitler did with Jewish, except the Chinese are not killing them or burning them but rather re-educating them to not be against them, and since the English royalties were using Jewish as slave soldiers since at least in the year 500 years, and also using Indians, Sri Lankans and African, but also using Muslims and in particular Indian Muslims that later became independent as Pakistan and were fighting  the Hindus in India for the British because the British were not able to control Hindus in India, this means that the Chinese are taking a precautionary measures actions against the Muslims, which is wrong and I do not support it, while Hindus in India also currently trying to exclude foreign Muslims to have Indian citizenship, which really means that the Muslims and without their knowledge are being used by the English royalties as a proxy soldiers against Indians (and the English royalties have been doing that using Muslims against India for at least 2-3 centuries) and Chinese and all this is not good, because we are all human and all have rights to live freely and  peacefully on this earth that was giving to us for free and we are constantly being forced to pay dearly for it, many or even the majorities and unjustly pay for it with their lives!

1.7.               and the list goes on and on, which can cause World War 3

2.                Forcing their victim to be refugee, during which they force the victim to live in controlled environment for brainwash as they did to several times overs between 1970 and 2014

3.                Forcing fake friends upon their victim enable to isolate the victim

4.                Allow the victim only to work for employers that are working for them

5.                Allow the victim only to live as refugee in countries that they control or have huge supporting network such as in Germany, USA, Netherlands and the UK

6.                Force the victim to live in housing that is totally under their control

7.                Set up the victim to look as bad and potentially dangerous for the national security as they repeatedly did to me between 1970-12014 in that they set me up as follow:

7.1.               First who set me up, these persons and institutions, are the ones who create the initial set me ups between roughly 12 December 1969 and September 1970:

7.1.1.                    CIA

7.1.2.                    MI6

7.1.3.                    BND

7.1.4.                    Freemason as described above

7.1.5.                    The following fake family members:                   My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that is covering up for my original fake mother of 10/11 January 1960 until at least spring or Summer 1961, where they repeatedly exchanged places                   My fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi in Cologne/Köln and Hamburg Germany                   My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi the hidden older brother or uncle of prince Andres of the UK and that is why they look so much alike                   My fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi, that I strongly believe to be English royalty possibly mixed with German royalties that are close relatives to the English royalties                   My fake uncle Jalal Baroudi, even he was not present at that time as I was setup, yet I was told that we were housing in his alleged apartment in Damascus Syria during the setup between roughly 15 December 1969 and 25 December 1969, then I was taken to Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and then arriving in Germany a0 days later and for the second time on 15 January 1970, First time, and to my knowledge because the7 caused me a total amnesia at least twice starting 10/11 January 1960, therefore I do not know where I was prior to this date and if I ever visited Germany prior to that                   My fake sister in Amman, Jordan, Suheir Bdeir/Budier and her husband Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier and his family (hidden Jordanian royal family member)                   My fake sister in Amman, Jordan & Washington D.C., named  Mona/Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah Najjar with her husband Abdelghani Abokurah and his family (hidden Jordanian royal family member)                   My fake sister in Cairo, Egypt and the UK named Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar (that I strongly suspect her to be Saudi Arabian royal family member or a nanny for them)

7.1.6.                    The American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany, where I was taken there in March 1970 by force of brainwash and telepathy, where they severely brainwashed me, introduced a new look alike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, that now is called Mohamad Nashaat Naggar, during which they enslaved me under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray, she had telepathy and pretended to be controlled by me, which was totally the opposite she totally controlled my life and destructed any friendship that I may have made between 20 August 1970 and until this bitch disappeared of my life in September 1977.

7.2.               The Initial setup December 1969-Auagust 1970:

7.2.1.                    I was taken from Egypt to Germany on 10.10.1969

7.2.2.                    Setting me up to be related to fake money organized crime, in that these criminals gave me in Cairo around 500 or 600 US Dollars that were fake for one reason only, which is to get the attention of the German security agencies over me, and to follow me where ever I go

7.2.3.                    On roughly 10.12.1969 I was taken for a brainwash tour to implicate me in many things as highlighted below enable to give the concentrated evil organized crime institutions CIA + MI6 the right to take control of my life as a national security risk, even though I was in Germany that was still being controlled by the allies of the second world war.

7.2.4.                    Set me up to look like as if I am related to an ex-Soviet Union agent, which is my fake mother that exchanged places with another lookalike in Sophia, Bulgaria on around 12 or 13 December 1969 in a very deceiving brainwash situation, that was meant to force whoever is following us to see that and I did not notice it until after the year 2000, also it was a 100% distraction of the English royal family and my original fake mother Queen Elizabeth the second that went with me Cairo as my fake mother with 2 female body guards that pretended to be my sisters and both 100% disappeared sometimes in 1961

7.2.5.                    Roughly 15-25 December 1969 and In Damascus Syria setting me up to be related to the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, at that time was considered by Europeans, Israelis and American governments to be the number-1 terrorist organization in the world from begin 1960s and until the begin of 1990s where they replaced it with Al-Qaida and later replaced Al-Qaida with others terrorist organizations, it is the pattern of the CIA + MI6 that they create a terrorist organization enable to control the outcome and simultaneously have a reason to attack and kill people and steal their land as they repeatedly did that in our history, such as with Scotland, Ireland, Singapore, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Australia, but also with the poor Palestinians, Afghanis, Iraqis, Syrians, Yeminis and countless others in Africa, South America and Asia

7.2.6.                    Either on 25 December 1969 or roughly 10 January I was taken to Beirut, and Jubail, Lebanon to refresh my fake relation to illegal drug lords such as the Barq/Bark and Azrath families that have Tabaco farms as coverup for the illegal drug farms, while they are very strong business partners of the 2 families of my 2 fake  sisters that own cigarettes factories and use their tabacos and illegal drugs, and since they are hidden Jordanian royal family members mixed with Saudi Arabian royal family members mixed with English royalties family members and also mixed with American controlling families that are related to them big time and in several countries, family wise as well as business wise, which very much means that some American controlling families such as the Rockefeller families and the English Royal families are 100% illegal drug lords protected and covered up by CIA + MI6 + Immunities as royal family members + immunity as diplomat as + immunities as some of them are CIA and/or MI6 and/or other security agencies agents. Illegal drug business and alone in USA is over 300 Billion US Dollar yearly revenue with around 150 Billion net profit with no taxes to be paid on them, and once a family start a business like that, they would never let go of it, they may just change locations and families that may be suspected, but again they control the corrupt governments of US, UK, Canada, Australia and many others, and will never allow anyone to prosecute them, because they are royalties, which is very visible in USA during the Donald Trump White House Administration from 2017 and until current, that they are through and through corrupts and thieves of tax payers money, but also the same was in existence at least in the last 3 prior republican presidents Whites House Administrations, that were also through and through corrupt, which are: George W. Bush, and prior to him, his father George H. W. Bush and prior to him Ronald Reagan

7.2.7.                    Taking me to Jordan either before the Beirut Trip or immediately after it, with all the brainwash and repeated relocation between 10.10.1969 and August 1970, which was at least 20-30 times, I cannot recall everything precisely. In Jordan reinforcing the fake PLO connection setup and getting me a new Syrian passport

7.2.8.                    Roughly on 12 or 13 January 1970 I was taken either from Amman, Jordan, or Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon to Cairo, Egypt and reinforcing my fake relation of the Soviet Union, in that they let me meet Esmat Khodori, that today I see the possibility that she is Russian origin, because her history I am guessing it to be fake through and through, she was the niece of the CEO of the Egypt Airline, and allegedly went to Cairo, Egypt allegedly of the city of Port Saeed also written Saieed where her parents were allegedly killed through a bomb of the Israelis, yet she and her brother (name forgotten, allegedly died on 10.10.1969, the day I was taken from Egypt to Germany, through a tram accident) and her sister named Yasmeeen also written Jasmin, did not get any injuries, and I was setup by my fake sister Fadia Shawki that I strongly suspect she was replaced by another lookalike named Fadia Nagar in the UK, possibly just to establish my alleged relation to ex-Soviet Union agent/spies ring in the Middle East and Germany or even Europe and that is why they set me up on 10.10.1969 to see another lookalike of Mohi Sabri in Frankfurt, Germany that was very obviously not the same person as from Egypt, and most probably was also originated from the ex-Soviet Union, just to relate me by force to Russians and disrelated me of the English royal family

7.2.9.                    On roughly 15 January 1970 I was taken from Cairo, Egypt and for the second time to Germany, but this time instead of to Frankfurt, but rather directly to Germany. 1-2 days later my fake mother took me to the offices for the Freemasons office called Freimaurerloge "Zur Kette" e.V., on Schwanthalerstraße 60 and asked to help me get a job because my father allegedly was a Mason with the rang of Master (this alleged father named Abdulhamid Abdallah Shaker Najar was made up with fake pictures, the CIA + MI6 are very good in lying, cheating and conning business), and they suggested to apply for political asylum then they can help me, and there wit they were also helping the CIA + MI6 and my fake mother by pretending not to know anything about me and they are the alleged ones who suggested that I apply for political asylum, but as you see all was planned. I was forced to go and apply for political asylum and told them how escaped just 3 weeks ago, by using a PLO ID to go to Jordan. I was telling the truth and I did not know how else to speak except of the truth and these criminals were counting on it, since then I was persecuted unjustly, even the crocked FBI in USA created several setups for me to relate me to Syrians, Terrorist, Jewish that are allegedly originated from Russia, while the whore agent that the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake family enslaved me under by force of brainwash and telepathy, was allegedly strict Muslim but go shopping her meat by a Jewish botcher, and became friends with the alleged Jewish/Russian woman that the FBI set on me using the company Dun & Bradstreet in around 1988/1989

7.2.10.                From February 1970 and until March 1970 I was forced to be homeless in Munich Germany enable to control my life in any way what so ever, and the plan was to take me to the American military base McGraw kaserne for isolation and re-brainwash as well as enslaving me under their whore agent named Anita Disbray (that had telepathy and totally controlled my life until September 1977) and introducing a new lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, but this one is called Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and later another one or the same criminal in USA that now call himself Nick Naggar

7.3.               dates of setting me up:

7.3.1.                    the initial setup was between roughly 10 December and August 1970

7.3.2.                    Summer 1972 Then repeatedly built upon this above initial setup each time a major terrorist attacks happens in Germany such as attack on Munich Olympics

7.3.3.                    End of summer 1977 Then repeatedly built upon this above initial setup each time a major terrorist attacks happens in Germany such as killing the chairman of employer association Hanns martin Schleyer in Elsas, France and then they forced me to live with a woman that kept on emphasizing to be from Elsas France, named Renee Zielske

7.3.4.                    1983 dragging me to the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND illegal project calypso to brainwash me and enslave me under another whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud while blaming it on the Syrians government and after the revolution in Iran through Khomeini and very suddenly

7.3.5.                    During the Calypso project they repeatedly set me up as if I am working with the Syrians against the German government and against my employer, which is theoretically and practically impossible as mentioned in other areas, suddenly I am receiving a newsletter per mail from the Iranian Embassy that was being considered as a terrorist organization due to several incidents but also, because they were the official number-1 ally of Syria, and therewith they want to make me look like I am working with them against Germany, whereby I had absolutely no connection what so ever except 2: my fake nieces was allegedly just get married to an Iranian business man that allegedly was the son of an another bigger and influential business man, therefore she possibly did that for the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum that was the owner of the illegal project Calypso. Set me up to look like as if I am taking a bribe from Siemens AG, that gave me a free PC, at that time was very costly  or taking bribe of the Syrian government or giving a bribe to the Syrian project leader named Lieutenant Colonel Labeed Salamah/Salame to work with me through a very deceiving setup with the Deutsche bank, which were all were lies and set up, and worst of all, they separated me of my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka and then blamed her for losing my job, blamed her for suing me, blamed her for me not getting permeant resident permit or even the German  citizenship , and this after being living in Germany for 17 years, and this because these criminals were planning on kidnaping me to USA and with a permeant residence permit or even citizenship I can always go back, which they wanted to avoid, as a result I was illegal alien since these criminals mentioned above kidnapped me from Germany in 1986 and until the Dutch government gave me the citizenship in January 2013

7.3.6.                    Starting 1987, the setups never stopped, often of members of my fake family that tried to refresh older setups such as if I am connected to Palestinian terrorist or illegal drug lords or even the fake bomb attack on US Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, and this kept on even after I was forced to land in the Netherlands in 2001, where I was severely setup and brainwashed to think that I was persecuted by my fake family due to I allegedly voluntarily changed my religion from Islam to Christianity, which was 100% a German governmental setup to force me to live between trusty environment for several reasons, which mainly turned out to be negative and brainwash, yet I gained the knowledge of the New and Old testament, which helped to better understand many life situations

7.4.               And all the above under this point is only a small part of what they did to me during that time

8.                Forcing me to live in a control environment, which they did that to me literally countless times since 10.10.1969, and here one sadistic one: After kidnapping me from Germany to USA and forcing me to live between Bridgeport and Fairfield Connecticut until December 1990, where they again used me as a blackmail object by forcing me to relocate to Houston Texas roughly on around 10 December 1990 with the bus over New York city  and several other states until Houston, Texas, which very much was similar to what they did to me on 10/12 December 1969 and forced me to go from Germany through several countries and with the car to Syria, then to Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt and back to Germany around 4 weeks later on 15 January 1970. In Houston Texas and for the first 2 weeks we stayed at the apartment Suzanne Khodor that alleged daughter of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under on 24.12.1984, and I had no chance to escape this disgusting whore bitch, because the CIA + MI6 + my fake family + my biological family were helping her to keep me enslaved for 15 years. The alleged husband of this Suzanne Khodor was an alleged Lebanese named Mohamad Khodor but call himself as Mark Khodor, and also had a brother named Kamal Khodor and names himself Kimo Khodor, even the name Khodor was a blackmail to Esmat Khodori from Egypt, but also that these criminals, alleged daughter, her husband and his brother are all allegedly from Tripoli, Lebanon to pinpoint it to my fake family and their illegal farms in Tripoli that was among other managed by the Azrath Family in Tripoli and elsewhere. Any way This disgusting stupid man named Mark Khodor allegedly on the side he is a real estate agent and finds us an apartment not far from where he lives called Satan Cliff Park Apartments on 10350 Lands End Drive, Houston, Texas 77099. I was forced to live in this apartment complex from 1 January 1991 and until 10.10.1999, where I was forced out and was forced to live in a motel =another controlled environment, where they set me up countless time. But here I am showing only the Stancliff Park apartments, and how sadistic these people are. One thing they had total control over me, which was my profession, they allow me only to work for 2-4 months and then be unemployed for 2-3 months, during which I live very sparely of what I made in my last project, meaning I work the income of roughly 3 months has to be enough for 6 months and this until July 1998. I never had a project longer than 4 months, and since these criminals forced me to be illegal, I cannot complain, and I am not entitled for unemployment money. Conclusion  they forced me just to make enough money to raise my fake son and feed him and their disgusting whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud. Sometimes the income is not enough until I get another project, and therewith I am late with the rent so the administration of the apartment complex terrorizes my life by putting a lock on the lock of my apartment, and this I have never seen ever in my life prior to that or even after. They way they place that lock on the lock of the apartment it prevent me to use my key and therewith I cannot open the door and go in unless I break the window or go to the administration office and beg them to take the lock off my lock and promises them t pay the rent soon. But also, I am late with the phone, electricity and so on, it was a circle of evil that these criminals pushed me in by force.

9.                This apartment complex Stancliff Park apartments, was sold twice while I was forced to live there for 9 years, and I came to the conclusions, but I have no proves that I was forced to live there as blackmail for one of the owners, and then possibly they sold it, and later a second company bought it enable to use it against me and have more control over my life. But this was not the only thing that was done to me in this evil apartment complex, they also and on purpose flooded my apartment between 25 and 27 December 1995, that later let me to conclude enable to force me to move to another apartment that possibly had cameras and microphones, here too I have no proves except that the new maintenance manager allegedly slept while taking a bath and the water flooded his bathtub into my apartment beneath him, prior to that I was 3 days over Christmas in a hotel to allegedly celebrate Christmas, which was a brainwash, they forced me to go to the Hotel each Christmas enable the parents of my fake son can see him over the holiday, while forcing my mind to think I love spending Christmas in luxury hotels such as the Omni Hotel in Houston, Texas, how sick is that? I live in Houston and then go for holiday in the same city into a luxury  hotel, and that is why these criminals MF forced me to relocate to Houston, Texas, because the MF parents of my fake on work for ARAMCO and/or BP-British Petroleum and/or Chevron and/or Exxon, and these criminal and totally  corrupt companies do not deserve to be called business company but rather network of organized crime institutions, that do things like that as cover up for the criminally insane English royal family and in particular queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me in the first of all as soon as King George VI died in February 1952 and took me on a brainwash tour, that ended on 10/11 January 1960 in Cairo, Egypt, and I strongly suspect many and since then and most probably recognized me and either cannot do anything and trying to create or repeat situations of my past enable to get me to recognize where I came from or they are using me as a blackmail object. And that is absolutely clear in forcing me to go long and far brainwash tours through several states and countries, which resulted that my life is nothing else than a repetition of the past and forced me to be always stock in my past, even today, because today in June of the year 2020 I am still writing my complaint about it over these sadistic punch of criminally insane organized crime families that each one of them sell his brother, children, parents even the entire country for money, just to fill their stupid heads with joy such “I am stupid and rich” or “I am filthy and rich” or “I am richer than the other stupid rich that taught me how to be stupid and rich” and so on, which equals  1 or maximum 2 track intelligence, and the prove for that, is that if they really care about other people or human in general, which then would promote their intelligence to 3 track intelligence,  then they would not kill them and steal their money and land and natural resources and call that business or terrorism and we are defending our selves, I call it mass murderers = the Rockefeller + English royalties families (many assuming other names such as Trump or Barr or Pence or Esper or Mnuchin or Bernhardt or Azar or Russ or Pardue or Hasset or Kushner or Murray or Larry Kudlow or Peter Navarro, and the public prove for that is that they get several members of the English royalties and Rockefeller families in to the White House administration just to let them go shortly thereafter as detraction of them such as they did with Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III and with Rex Tillerson the ex-CEO of Exxon/Esso = Rockefeller, whereby he is 100% related to the Rockefeller family that owns among others also Chevron, where the CEO of Chevron named Dick Cheney was vice president with ex-USA president George W. Bush as their administration conspired to kill thousands in Afghan and Iraq to steal their natural resources and Chevron was the first company in Iraq ready to steal and sell the stolen petroleum to the American military with too high of inflated prices instead giving the military huge discount because they are by far their largest client = stealing from Iraq and form the US tax payers = what Donald Trump and his White House Administration is doing right now and since 107, which is a very strong and solid pattern by these criminally insane and con families that control the White House and the republican party because all together they are menace to our peaceful society, they are the destructor of our peaceful social life and create severe divisions not only within the American public, the British and their hidden evil empire, but also they dividing us in white, black Asian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist and four thousand other religions, hundreds of them are splitting of the original Christians which is Catholics or the original Jewish or the Original Muslim or the original Hindu, which I strongly believe it is the origin of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and this because of the very strong similarities and situations surrounding these religions and India, that I dare to call the mother of over 98% of all religions.

10.           Stancliff Park apartment created many damaging setups against me, the above are merely less than a handful

11.           Here are just small highlights of other bad things they did as a mean of provocations: stealing my car tires while it is in a secure area, and I know who did that. Manipulating my car electronics enable to force me to go to a certain car garage to force me to think my family is from Mexico, which was a very complex setup and it took a while until I understood it, accessing my home computer network from outside, placing heating lights in my apartment, while damaging the air condition on purpose, which was outside the apartment, manipulating my telephone bill that suddenly had over 1000 US Dollar calls, which I did not make, conspire with the police to set me up several times, among others with my fake son, forcing certain neighbors upon me, and that is why they force me to live in housing that is under their control, which the Dutch did the absolute same thing from 2001 and until 2016, pushing a rental car into an accident,  that was of a friend and I was helping him and  taking it back to the rental agency, which caused me and my friend a lot of headache, setting a fake pastor on me that had one intention to make bad names for Christian pastors, and the list is endless.



-          CIA + MI6 + FBI creates sicknesses, human viruses, computer and mobile viruses, illegal drugs and alcohol to use against their victims as a part of the operation choke just as they repeatedly did also in USA and among others, not only with me, but also with the Afro-American (??!!) ex-mayor of the Washington D.C. named Marion Shepilov Barry that was set up by the FBI and in 1990 and arrest on drug conviction that the FBI informant set him up with ( I was forced to be in USA at that time


Slavery through fake heroes?

Based on Google a hero is: a person who is admired for their courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities = "a war hero"


Sportsman as a hero such as Kobe Bryant and prior to him Michael Jordan and prior to him Bruce Lee and prior to him Muhammad Ali Clay alias Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr., and in between all of them many others are named heroes as a brainwash strategies to force people to follow their footsteps, whereby over 99%  who are following their footsteps will never achieve anywhere near 1% of the success, and this because the success, in one way or another, sooner or later, it is 100% controlled, therefore, instead the over 99% they watch them sports and movie and think of them as heroes because they cannot achieve it their selves (= fake heroes) = big business, but also they keep people of growing intelligence because intelligence is advancements, and therefore they keep them busy with nuisance that force their mind to follow these persons footstep and keeping them of achieving business success because they need workers, soldiers and small time criminals, among others to sell their illegal drugs, and here I will lay out why this is a pure mass brainwash for hidden slavery!


But first who are the real heroes?


They are often persons that are in our life yet go unnoticed, some of them save the lives of others or treat other persons in a special kind of way no matter how nasty are these persons are, such as it is mentioned in the page “Thank you”, among others all those are heroes who fight for others who cannot fight for their selves, such as many churches, Henry Ford by creating huge amount of jobs just before the year 1900 and then creating Ford Motor company in around 1903, the many unknown and hidden Jewish  that fought the English royalties brutalities since 500 years, as a result Adolf Hitler persecuted them to death, then followed by great Indians that also fought the tyranny of the English royalties in a peaceful manner such as Mahatma Gandhi, or the Sri Lankan, or the many Egyptians and many others, but also the Weimarer republic in Germany that was severely fought through the German royalties that brought Adolf Hitler as front of their yet to come bad deeds and destroyed their new democracy while they were also helping the English royalties in setting an example for those Jewish that were forced to be soldiers for them and want to have their own lives, and many others in many countries yet and to top them all as the cream of the crop the new age heroes that set an example for a good employers by creating countless top jobs for the general public while treating their employees in a very humane way, such as the management of the following companies: Siemens AG, Microsoft Corporation Amazon, Mercedes, Google, BMW, VW and countless others, yet no one call them heroes, even though they all have at least one thing in common, which is they set a the standard of a good and humane working place that promote their employees and pull them and their families out of poverty!


A human being is born with intelligence, and this intelligence he/she is born with is the basics that will allow the human being to learn other things, and therewith promote his own intelligence. Yet, in many countries they have strategies to prevent the intelligence to grow in that they force people to be busy in surviving by among others working several jobs simultaneously and have no time to think for their selves or promote their own intelligence and this because, if they promote their own intelligence, then they will discover the most beautiful thing, which is to create something, just like God does, in matter of fact he gave us intelligence and created countless things in and around us in our life to help us see how to build things and not only work for others as slaves, in other words if everyone would go to university and learn how to build cars, planes, computers and countless other machineries, then we will have no one to manufacture them, because everyone is busy building something, which I believe is wrong, we human are made to build and excel by innovating through learning of the mistakes we make in building and then want to fix the mistake and improve upon it until it is as perfect as the sun, moon, earth and so on. And the prove for that, is that we are creating the first stage of a new planet, which is the international space station that would have never been possibly unless we have seen the space and other planets, whereby many had built something and then put them all together enable to transport them to space and build a very tiny first stage planet in the space called International Space station, and these people who build that are heroes, and we are not even watching them, even though we can learn a lot of them about earth and space and technology and above all about team work, were we are all isolated watching a stupid sports game that is making money for others and while wasting our money and more importantly out intelligence and our most valuable time that we should all spend on learning how to use 5 to much more tracks of intelligence instead of only 1-2 tracks of intelligence that are creating manmade wars, manmade famine, manmade sicknesses, manmade slavery and Gods knows what as described in my complaint pages and was performed upon me by the concentrated evil English royalties and their hidden relatives in the USA, Germany, Netherlands, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia that made my life to literally hell on earth!


And in between all these criminals I am complaining about, or even the fake heroes such as the sportsmen/sportswomen and actors/actresses you will never find a hero who is defending you and protecting you those who want to keep you down as a slave, just as I had no chance in the last 68 years, of which at least 8-9 years they caused me a total amnesia, and there with my body may be 67-69, yet my mind is 58-59 and this because these criminals stole that portion of my life and all the experience I gained in it, including language, family, friends, a country that I can call home and no one can push me out of it, which they done by causing me a total amnesia, at least twice on 10/11 January 1960, and very possibly again a few month later to not recognize my original fake mother alias queen Elizabeth the second of the UK!


In short: a fake hero such as sportsman or movie star that you watch, is doing the sport or acting in movies, or in TV shows for the following reasons only:

1.                To entertain you

2.                While making money for him/herself

3.                Preventing you to grow your intelligence by getting you hooked on him/her, because each minute you waste on him/her you are losing a bit of your intelligence and even more of your potentials

4.                To keep you poor enable you can be controllable as a hidden slave and be used as a worker to clean the streets or in a factory or in an office earning surviving money, or as a soldier or as a salve criminal that is going around selling the illegal drugs to make hundreds of Billions for the controlling families!

5.                Anything else is just a lie, illusion and you are so much screwed, while you have no idea how much screwed you are, excuse my language, but hoping for you to get the point and do something for your own future use  (or or or all 3 of them that you feed your intelligence 3 times as much) and type what you wish for preceded by the words “ how to do…..”, then read and read and read to promote your intelligence, because only your intelligence is going at the end be there for you and would either tell you “screw you because you did not maintain me” or it well thank you for promoting your intelligence by promoting you through all the ideas that you read on the Internet, magazines, schools, books, newspapers and all other media, only then you will be able, to reach your dreams and along the way maybe you will help countless others just as many others did before you, and this is the only way to find the solutions for all your problems !!!???


In addition to reading my complaint pages and this section, I think you get my point or my picture of fake heroes!


Here are some of the real heroes of our lives:        The majority of Palestinians, excluding the majority of their leaders that brought them nothing else but more suffering. They have been struggling since over 100 years, and publicly since 1948, and we are not able to solve their problem that the concentrated evil English royalties set Israel there on purpose for 2 reasons only: reason-1: to have a never-ending conflict that their puppets in the Arab countries can use it as the cause for all their problems, which I saw all my life in many so-called Arab countries where my fake family members lives, and this reasoning that the Israeli-Palestinian problem is the cause of all Arab problems is absolutely  is not true, the cause of all Arab problems is that over 90% of them are living in slavery and do not know it, therefore they are my heroes because they have enduring this tragedy for so long        The countless Kurdish that are often misused as military for hire by the concentrated evil English Royalties as they just did in Syria starting 2011, and then sold them out to the Turkish + Syrian + Russian military in 2020 to be dispersed and prevented to create a place called home. And this have been happening since over 100 years in Syria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, where all the Kurdish are forced to be living dispersed in slavery and as soldiers for hire just as they did to the Jewish, Pakistanis  (and many others) prior to them

2.                The countless Afro-Americans that continuously are trying to fight for the rights of other Afro-Americans in USA. I saw that with my own eyes and countless times how Back skinned people are been constantly mistreated starting in 1970 and within the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved, but also I saw the same and even worse in Connecticut, and Texas where I was forced to live there, after these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA to cover up my real identity, which I am the son of king George VI

3.                Catholic church is my heroes, because they are protecting the bible, and the bible is not a book of God or about the son of God, because no one ever saw God, and therewith we also did not see God’s family (which is a joke), we are just guessing of his existence, yet the bible is teaching us how greedy, sadistic criminals that happened to have telepathy misuse it to enslave others. The details that they wrote and repeatedly update each time they discover new capabilities of telepathy is astonishing, and this allegedly since around 1600-1800 years ago, allegedly 200-400 years after Christ that they claim it was the son of God, which he is not. I strongly believe that a few good men came together and did not like to see people’s telepathy being disabled just to enslave them, and decided to help them by writing down what they discovered about telepathy, possibly all of them had telepathy, and therewith gathered the knowledge in the new Testament and added the Old testament to it to give the reader the capability of comparing the effect. I believe in the church, I believe in the Catholic church, even though I am Evangelical Lutheran that was a copycat of the Catholics, in matter of facts all Christian religions are copycats of the catholic church and is being often misused to tame the population and make them easier to control with telepathy, Yet all in all the catholic church has and with no doubt, intentionally or unintentionally, have created my best appendix to my complaint pages that will testify about the existence of hidden slavery through telepathy!

4.                Bill Gates is one of my heroes, because he has created a very good company, that made him rich, yet without Microsoft we would have never ever had the Internet as we know it today, just as described in the page “Thank you” under the section of Microsoft. On top of that he is with no doubt, just like Jimmy carter is a hands-on man and love to help others, the one by building houses for the poor (Jimmy Carter) and the other by building an indestructible usable base called Windows that more than 70% of the world PC user uses, while also using Windows 95 in the year 1995 to open the gate of the Internet to everyone, prior to that it was locked by 1-2 track intelligence companies such as America Online. But also, he loves to heal poor people, among others in Africa

5.                Bill Clinton and Barak Obama are my heroes, because both fought extensively to integrate a health system for all Americans that were going in hundreds of thousands bankrupt because they cannot afford to pay the medical bills, not to mention hundreds of thousands of persons have died only during their presidency because they did not have the treatment they needed, and that because they did not have the money or the insurance, and the English royalties in the USA want to destruct all that and keep the American people enslaved and busy trying to survive working 3 and 7 jobs and it is still not enough to pay the medical bills, yet USA cannot survive without slavery. Do not think for a second what you see or hear about USA that it is true, such as it is the land of freedom and democracy, it is all lies. If everyone in USA have enough money through honestly working one job, then no one will want to go to the American military and kill others to steal their lands and natural resources, which they have been doing since over 200 years. No one will be desperate enough to work for the cruel farmers that pay 1-3 dollar per hour. No one would want to work as a criminal and sell the illegal drugs that the controlling families plant in Cuba, Columbia, Mexico, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Thailand, Philippine and other countries that in USA alone generate yearly revenue of over 300 Billion US Dollars, of which 50% is profit that they use to invest in companies such as Microsoft, GM, Siemens AG and countless others, but also in buying rea estate, drilling for petroleum and much more, and this because the controlling families cannot build, so they perform crimes to gather money and use this money to buy whatever others have built = lack of intelligence and love of stomach and self-loving. On top of all that the Republican and those who love slavery where not only against health care for all, but also placed many obstacles in the way of Bill Clinton, such as getting women to claim that they had sex with Bill Clinton, what a shame that the majority of Republicans are 1-2 track intelligence = lazy to learn how to build, so they do the opposite, they destruct the health system of the American public and then go on TV and claim that they have the best health system in the world, which is far from the truth, Egypt had in 1960s batter health system for their own people than the American government had for their own people in 1990 and that I can witness because I lived I was forced to live in Egypt for 10 years by kidnaping and live in USA for 15 years also by kidnapping, with one major difference, if I go to emergency in Egypt, they treated me and asked for no money if I do not have any, yet in USE they haunted me for years because I was not able to pay my medical bills, which was a hidden slavery tool to keep me poor and under their sadistic control,  and even now in 2020 USA has a very bad health system for the general public, and the prove of that, is that it has the biggest infection of the Corona virus that they intentionally spread in China and EU to damage their economy and force them to submit to their demands of tariffs over their goods = one track intelligence that would do anything for money without regards to any human being what so ever (!!??), and now they shot their self in the foot and damaged their own economy for 10-20 years to come and this because other economies will emerge as better than theirs. What can I say, this is the republicans without mask = English royal families + Rockefeller royal families!!??

6.                7.       Bill Gates + Bill Clinton are heroes, because they joint forces during the presidency of Bill Clinton in 1990s and built the so-called Information Superhighway, that allowed most Americans to access the internet with much better speed than the modem with its 14, 28 and 56 KB speed in 1990s. Today and in the city of Den Haag/The Hague, I   have 250 Mbps-Mega Bit Per Second, which is 44642-178571 times faster  than 14-56 KB, and I can even get 1000 Mbps, but I cannot afford it, however and with what I have today, 250 Mbps internet speed,  I can very much access anything and almost anywhere within seconds, I even hardly use my TV anymore, because I can access all news on the Internet, I can access most TVs, movies. Music, opera and so on the Internet. Bill Clinton and Bill Gates did not do that in the Netherlands, yet and with no doubt, because they were the first ones in the world to build the so called Information Superhighway, many had imitated them, yet many other countries such as the Netherlands makes much better use of the Internet than the USA, in matter of fact I was so surprised in 2000s on how much more the Netherlands were advanced in Internet usage  than the USA in using the internet, I was able to access governments, local and international transportations, and much more, which I was not able to do so in USA until the year 2000, where then these criminal arrested me and deported me by force to the Netherlands for all-in-ail 14 years lockup between jails, prisons and refugee camos

7.                The Dutch government is a hero, especially when I compare how they treat their own people in comparison with how the USA treat their own people, in USA they treat them like shit, excuse my language, they treat them as slaves, take it or leave, my way or the highway, their language says it all, follow me or go to hell, do what I want or be damned = slavery. In Netherlands the government had set the minimum monthly income to income to be around 1635,60 Euro, and if your income is less than that, then you will receive subsidies for rent and health care insurance. Health care insurance in Netherlands is mandatory on everyone, I pay 150 per month and I receive around 70% as subsidies of the tax office because my income is to low. And if a person has no income then each municipality is obligated to give him/her monthly income to survive on until can find a job. I used to receive 950 Euro + 70 Euro subsidies for health care insurance + 275 Euro subsidies for rent, and therewith no one has to be homeless. I am now 68 years old and everything was stolen of me by the concentrated evil English royalties + the Rockefeller family + ARAMCO = my biological family that used their hidden slaves to act as my fake family until I discovered they were not my family and I was kidnapped in 1986 and prior to that in 1960 and most probably also in 1952. There are many countries like that in Europe and in particular in the Benelux + Scandinavian and EU countries, but not in the USA, where hundreds of thousands file for bankruptcy because they cannot pay the medical bills = slavery

8.                Every human being that is suffering and doing something about it, and to be free is my hero

9.                Every human being that see injustice in this world being done to others and he/she is trying to fix it, he/she is my hero

10.           Malcom X (Muslim) and Martin Luther King (Christian) are a heroes, because they had it all, family that they loved and they loved them, friends, house, steady income and much more, yet they choose to help the countless Afro-Americans in USA, the one in the name of Islam and the other in the name of Christianity. What both did not realize, is that both were equally fighting for other human being in USA that were constantly being mistreated and suppressed since over 200 years!

11.           I can list thousands more out of my own history and if I look in each single country in the world, then I will even find much more in our over 190 worldwide countries. Yet I hope you get the picture!

12.           Therewith, my heroes are most definitely not a sportsmen/sportswomen or actors/actresses that become rich because his family helped him to be in this position because he did not want to bother with studying, but rather think of their selves as heroes because some of them has telepathy and think of their selves as Gods, or think money come first while enslaving other, these are NOT MY HEROES. And this is especially true because he/she became rich because they distracted me to become what I want to become, and distracted me of what I want to become only after studying or having some experience in life and not because I have telepathy and parents gave me a choice and then send me on my way to become actor/actress or sportsman/sportswomen while my family is using me even to make more money because they own this business or that business, and the next logical thing for them to do, is to force someone else to raise me and then no one will know I am related to them, then it is not really a choice and most definitely not a hero1


A hero does not live-in luxury while countless others around him don’t even have enough to eat, and if I am sportsman and make 5-20 Million or more per year and then donate 100,000 to charity, it does not make me a better human being, but rather it makes me a selfish liar to myself and to the others. What makes me a good man is to try to find ways, and not only one way, to eliminate poverty and slavery while building something for generations to come that will be indispensable for them such as computer, that without it and during the pandemic of the COVID-19/Corona virus we would have 100 times more death if not 1000 times more, meaning 50 Million or even 500 Million, the history of epidemics and pandemics shows that very clearly, but also many were able to work from home and still get pay for it, but also the computer is being used to entertain others that are forced to stay at home to prevent contact and spread of the virus, among others through and also is being used to track the virus and also being used to socialize with others that I am not allowed to meet, but also it is there for many to study while they are forced to be home or the computer is being used by countless educational centers from elementary schools to universities to professionals that teach profession and now are doing it over the internet because no classes are allowed to be held, and I can go on and on to show that it is possible to build an indispensable products such as the earth we all live on and is providing us with everything we need, and we are even imitating it by creating our very first planet ever, which is the international space station that has everything for the few scientists and astronauts to survive on while they still learning how to improve this new planet = multi-track intelligence. These are heroes who build something like that. Just imagine we can really build our own planet, then there is no need to kill each other’s for the land and natural resources, because we would have planet manufacturing factory. If you think that this is farfetched, you  are mistaken, people live in rivers and in seas and oceans, people live high on mountains. People live deep under the ocean, why not in space, whereby many have been doing it for years?


It is coming sooner or later, the less wars and fighting we have the sooner it is going to be, the more we cooperate instead of competing the sooner it is going to be. Then why stop there, maybe by then we can also make our own sun, there is no limit to intelligence!


Yet there is limit to 1-2 track intelligence, you get only what you worked for, money and power + DEATH + POVERTY FOR OTHERS, everything else you are not going to get!


I am not a hero, nor I am highly intelligent, I am just average person with average intelligence when I compare myself with the other 7 Billion human beings. It is a wonder that I still have some intelligence, after all what these criminals did to me for so many decades that it was designed to kill the brain. Yet I can spot what I have and what I do not have. But also I can spot what other have and do not have, and here I do not mean money or materialistic products, I mean people that are dying in Africa because their natural resources are being stolen while they have no water or food, and that is one out of countless thousands of what I can spot.


What do you spot or see in front of your eyes?


Or can you spot or see something at all!


I read once where someone allegedly said: how can you see the invisible if you cannot even see the visible that is right in front of you!!??


You have to train yourself to see and analyze everything you deal with, by asking questions such as why did I get this, and do not think ever “I am happy I get this”, why is it in this color, why is it here and not there, why he or she having make up on and soon, because if you do not ask the questions you will never get answers and your intelligence will stay as it is, because intelligence is like a new born baby, it has to be feed and taken care off and kept fit by feeding it all kind of food over and over again and with as many varieties as possible, then it will start to grow to become a multi-track intelligence, which and very unfortunately I do not have yet, but I am working on it!


Last but not least, I am writing my complaint pages for everyone to read, the good people and the others. I can stop and build a business for my own and make some money, but then I thought I will be exactly like the people I am complaining about, care about nothing else but money, my stomach and fancy everything that many may think it brings joy to a human being, then I will remain as 1-2 track intelligence that make for himself a fake legacy that will be turned down in the future as they many people all over the world have turned down and broke symbols of ignorance, selfishness, greed and slavery, just like the hidden king of USA named George Washington and up to king today queen Elizabeth the second and her alike. And that I will not endure. Because the freedom and lberty of all human beings in every single country are important to me!


Preventing some of their hidden slaves to have children

In Short: They prevent their victim to not have children t keep him/her isolated of a real family, while using him/her as a fake father/mother for one of their hidden children that they hide under fake identity. Or a child of one of the hidden CIA and/or MI6 agents in some other countries, such as in my case in one of the following evil countries: Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar, or Oman. They mainly do that to persons that they stole his/her place and stole all of his inheritance, such as in my case that I strongly believe that I am the son of King George VI of the UK that died in February 1952, and that is when I strongly believe that they kidnapped me as a toddler or even infant and from the UK.


The details of this criminal act of preventing their victim to have a child for the various reasons are all over my complaint pages, which are more than sufficient to show how criminal they are and how far they would go to steal the lives of their victims.


Using rape to brainwash their hidden slaves or their opponents

In short: They use rape of young boys and girls for many reasons. Among others to make bad names for people they do not like and do not want anyone to trust them, such as they repeatedly do to the Catholic priests and the Catholic church. They use rape as a mean to pregnant women and then pretend to help them by getting a job as a freelance agent in one of many different categories of businesses that stretches from banks to data processing to whore houses, to churches you name it they do it, whereby often it is very difficult to imagine what and how to they plane the rap and for what purposes, and this because good people do not imagine bad things!. But also rape children boys for several reasons, as a mean of brainwash, as a mean to control birth by the population, where Chine is much more honest that the English royalties and their relatives in USA and elsewhere, in that they creat5ed a law limiting the amount of children that a couple can have, that was only one, and then they increased it to 2 or 3, on the other side and in some western countries they control birth by forcing many to think of their selves as homosexual and therewith would not have children, yet many of them wants children, and then they adopt some, often using illegal methods, because governments often do not approve of homosexuals to adopt a child of an orphanage. They rape young boys as a mean of brainwash as these criminals did to me, especially that they caused me a total amnesia at least twice, where today I recognize that the last time must have been sometimes in 1961, and I have many prove of that in my past, and through rapping their victim, they force his mind to think that he did something wrong and therewith create countless situation to force his mind to think that he was homosexual but they allegedly were trying to help him, and therewith they create a natural shame-block in their victim’s memory to prevent him to remember the past and to understand what happen to him in the past and where he really came from. Last but not least, they use rape to force their victim to be think of himself as homosexual enable to not allow him to have children that will not only claim his rights, but also fight for their parent!


The details of this criminal act of rapping their victim for the various reasons are all over my complaint pages, which are more than sufficient to show how criminal they are and how far they would go to steal the lives of their victims and everything they have which equals 1-2 track intelligence, which equals they are through and through stupid and not capable to create something productive, except by stealing it and claiming: look what we are doing or what we have done !!??


The hidden top-victim’s hunters, an unknown networked-group!

The above title may sound odd, but it is a very important hidden destructive element in a hidden slave’s life, because these are my unwanted and diabolical forced upon me friends.


In short: I was hunted down by an unknown group of people that was trying to get my attention to that I am being kept as a hidden slave. I know the persons and companies that did that, yet I do not know the name of this networked group. It started in Egypt in begin of 1960s, and continued in Germany (from 10.10.1969 to September 1986, and that is an additional reason why these criminals kidnapped me from Germany on this date), USA (from 1987 and until June 2000, then I was imprisoned and deported to the Netherlands) and in the Netherlands from 11.02.2001 and until current. Every networked group has a name and goal, their name I do not know it, yet their goal with me was to use me against the persons, institutions and groups I am complaining about. Since I believe to have discovered a pattern of this hidden group and a systematic approaches, which 100% point to that they have experience in this kind of persecution meaning they often do it, meaning there are many like me, yet they do not know it yet. Most probably this hidden group consist of several networks, that you can find them everywhere from government employees to business owners to other institutions, including but not limited to Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Jewish and others.


Some of them, want to learn from the victim by forcing the victim to complain, and therewith they became criminals their selves, because they would do anything to learn something new about telepathy and/or controlling families, during which there is absolutely nothing that they would not do, including torture, physical as well as mental.


I believe that they do it so often that some of them even made several movies about them such the movie Minority Report, Conspiracy Theory, and others. Note that most movie are made based on real life experience, discovery or people with telepathy that see something that gives them an idea about making money through a movie, while altering the facts, instead of helping the victim, they became criminals, because they watch but do not interfere and do not help = criminals!


The movie “Minority report”  is an example of isolation of a victim by the opposition enable to get something out of the victim to use against their oppositions or enemy such as these criminals did to me between 2001 and 2012 and forced me to publish my findings under the website called “Wanted”, and therewith no one will suspect them to be the enforcers of this website, and it looked like as if I am doing it voluntarily, which and most definitely I was not!


And there with the victim has several fronts to fight against in addition to telepathy that no human being without telepathy can defend himself against, it is just like someone come against you with a helicopter in an open land where there is nothing, not even a stone, yet the helicopter has all kind of weapons and you cannot even reach it on foot or escape it on foot = similar to telepathy attacking another person without telepathy.


Here are some of those hunters:

1.                1972-1973, the government of Bavaria and the municipality of Munich, where they performed many attempts to get me into their own controlled environments, among others using the labor office called “Arbeitsamt”,  BMW factory, using a language school, using a university of Munich dormitory on Turken street, using my roommate at the dormitory an alleged Mormon American from Utah named Russel, at least 2 x landlords in Schwabing one in one bed bedroom and one in a one bed in an 6-8 beds room with 2 floor beds, and others, Using a company called Kuehnwaldt that was transporting new BMW + Peugeot cars, using Hertie department store, using Neckermann warehouse  in Unterschleissheim and others, in each of these locations something very odd, strange and destructive happened to me that I did not understand until starting the year 2000

2.                1973 and 1974 in Munich and surrounding areas in Germany, the IT school that I visited between, yet later I was prevented to work in IT

3.                Starting November 1975 through my attorney’s office called Rolf Bossi, that set me up to became Christina and starting January 1986 the church where I was setup to become Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim in Germany

4.                Siemens AG, that used me as a blackmail object from summer 1978 to 1985, even though I was setup by them to lose my job at Siemens AG on 31.12.1981, yet their footsteps were all over my life until 1985, and possibly until 1986, but I did not see it

5.                November 1986 – approximately 1989, Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, whereby I cannot pinpoint all blackmail situations that they used me for, or possibly they were used by some other organization, such as FBI

6.                1991-1997, Texaco, Inc, in Downtown Houston, Texas, Texaco, Inc, in Belair city section of Houston, Texas, where they used me countless times as blackmail object

7.                1992 an unknown used me as blackmail object against unknown Semi Valley California

8.                1992 an unknown used me as blackmail object against Koch Industries in Wichita, Kansas

9.                1991-1990 the administration of the apartment complex I was forced to live in and called stancliff apartments on 10350 Lands End Dr., Houston, TX 77099, whereby I get this apartment through the family of whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family enslaved me under on 24.12.1984, during which and as far I recall this apartment complex was sold at least twice during this period of time

10.           And many others that stretched in 2008-2013 to the evil villages and cities Bellingwolde, Scheemda, Winschoten and Veendam, and even Amsterdam were these criminals tortured the life out of me, including the municipalities their selves that forced me to be in integration course for more than 3 years just to suck the life out of me these MF. An integration course should never be longer than 2-4 months, otherwise it is 100% severe brainwash and torture to the victim’s life as these criminals did to me, and I submitted a written complain to them between 2016 and 2017

11.           The countless of women that are being raped and therefor and very often their entire life is totally disrupted and then they have a child of this rape and see it every single day, that may remind them of the rape, yet they continue to raise their child by rape. I met a couple of these women in my life, which and very unfortunately forced them to do something they would have never done if they were not in this vulnerable position, where they have to scratch whatever they can to raise this child. These women and even I did not like what they did to me, yet they are my heroes!

12.           COOP. And it did not stop even in the city of Den Haag, I was severely attacked physically and mentally by a bunch crazy MF that want to force me to write something enable they can learn something they do not know, even a super market attacks me unjustly, by repeatedly claim that I am stealing of the super market and they want see the inside of my back bag by force, which is the supermarket called at Heeswijkplein 200, 2531 HV Den Haag/The Hague, Netherlands. I submitted a complaint against them to the head office, but they keep on doing it, because they are degenerate people, so I stopped going to this stupid supermarket that is most probably a franchise and is owned or managed by mainly one Turkish or Kurdish family, that appears and based only on how they treat me as so corrupt that I do not go there any more since around 2 months. Yearly I used to spend several hundred Euros, they lost that, my guess their corruption is more important to them than a very honest customer. They also make a very bad name for Turkish and Kurdish people, but luckily I know better that most Turkish and Kurdish people are good people, here is an example:  a few Turkish students Muslim (based on their clothing) young ladies and during school months and every second week they come to pick up old papers and glass, which is sort of win/win, which I believe they sell them and with the money they do something good while helping the environment and helping people getting rid of 30-50% of their trach right at their door from, which means they have to carry less trach to the trash container, sort of a school project, and I collect for them all the paper and glass, and I believe I am one of the few who safes for them several bags, they are very admirable for doing that. Even though I used to like to shop at coop, which is a larger company and not just these degenerates that make very bad name to the entire Coop corporation in Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the UK. I do not want to waste my mind and time on corrupt people like that, even they are only around 400 meters from where I live, I rather go to an expensive shop only 100 meters from my housing or to other larger and better supermarkets that are partially 1-4.5 Km away of my housing than ever go again to the supermarket COOP. This shows you what these criminals are capable to do, because each time they want to search my back bag they make a scene as if I stole something of them, where I have always a receipt for all my shopping, even if it is 1 cent until I go home, then I through most of the receipts that are not warranty, these criminals forced me and since nearly 2 years to always take a receipt, where and in most supermarket they ask you do you want a receipt, and I say yes, they do that to save paper, which is good for the environment, and I am very environment conscious, where I collect plastic, cans, paper, glass and others, then dispose of them in a different ways than trash, and that I learned through the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, where a handful of members get together and decided in 1976 to do something for the environment in separating the trash and brought containers for paper and as far as I recall either plastic or glass ad were promoting that people should bring paper, glass or plastic  to these church container, at that time I liked it so I joined their effort and volunteered to stand guard by the containers once a week for a few hours teaching people more about environment and help them place the appropriate product in the appropriate container. Which I do even today = multi-track intelligence for the sake of the future of the children of other people because I was prevented to have my own children, and my future is very dim and grim, as dim and grim as my past has been, and this as far as I can remember. Last but not least, 2 of the employees are brothers or a very lookalike cousins, and both have some look similarities to Essam Bdeir/Budier the oldest son of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and brother to Omar Bdeir/Budier and some similarities to Haitham Edelbi, both officially in Jordan, both have done severe damage to my life, both are illegal drug dealers, whereby Essam Bdeir/Budier has inherited all the jobs of his father that was chairman of the board and CEO of over 24 major companies in Jordan, whereby some of these business have branches in each Arab country in Asia, which is from Iraq to Jordan and down to Oman and all countries in between, while his wife is American Christian I met her a couple of times, and she is typical American woman that is suppressed and then become overweight. But also branches at least also in Egypt, UK, Germany and USA. Whereby Mr. Haitham Edelbi was an air force pilot in the Royal Jordanian Air Force (!) and then quit his job and allegedly became and International weapon dealer selling weapons allegedly to everyone including the Palestinian, and that is based on his statement to me in around 1984 to help the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 and the Calypso project to fill my head of things that are illegal to help the BND and the German police to persecute me as if I am connected to terrorism, where his evil family were one of the groups that set me up to look like as if I am heavily connected to terrorism and the PLO through a very severe setup between 15 December 1969 and 15 January 1970 that was meant to refresh my fake connection to terrorism. Anyone who sells arms must buy them from UK, USA or other major weapon manufacturing countries such as Russia or China, and since these people are hidden Jordanian royal family members, then they are related to the English royal families and their hidden relative in USA, and since these two persons had offices in New York city and did not lift a finger to help me after I was kidnapped to USA and forced to be illegal alien, but rather on the contrary they did the opposite, therefore their main weapon suppliers are US and UK companies = they work for the CIA + MI6 (just like Adnan Khashoggi, a Turkish origin with Saudi citizenship, the uncle of the murdered journalist Jameel Khashoggi,  was also an weapon dealer working for the CIA that 100% controlling Saudi Arabia for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families, while his father was the private medical doctor of the king of Saudi Arabia), because this is what these criminal 2 organized crime institutions called CIA + MI6 do, they sell weapons to terrorist and encourage them to perform a terrorist acts enable they can use it against them and wage wars such as against Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia and countless others to have a reason to steal their land, natural resources while enslaving the general public such as they did and still doing in these mentioned countries. Conclusion: these degenerate supermarket family that run the COOP are one of 2: either their illegal drug resellers in Den Haag/The Hague and in this case they are revenging on me and on their behalf; or they are against them and  trying the usual method that these criminal use, which is provoking me and making me angry enable to force me to write these complaint pages, in either cases they are performing criminal acts against me, because I never ever saw them search other people back bags, or ladies hand bags or the other client shopping bags, therewith searching only me and making a scene to embarrass me was 100% preplanned act of terrorizing their client!


Each time these hunters perform an action against me, they cause me damage, which is often physical, mental, professional, social or financial damage, often even severe damage such as these criminal amicabilities Bellingwedde (today they called Westerwolde), OLDAMBT, Veendam and Amsterdam that among others tortured me for more than 5 years using dental technicians, pulling out all my teeth, forcing me to 3 years in so-called integration course that was meant to force me with brainwash and telepathy to write down my entire history, reported to the tax office wrong figures for the wrong year that resulted of me owing the tax office nearly 7 Thousand Euro that I was not able to get it off and had to pay the majority of it out of my social income that is already very little, and therewith these criminals did not only torture me mentally and physically while I was forced by the evil Dutch immigration and their subsidiary called COA to live under their evil control, but also these criminals caused me financial damage that I still in the year 2020 not being able to pay = cowards  and degenerate that cause anyone damage when they just feel like it by misusing their governmental positions, just as Donald Trump degenerate White House Administration is doing since 2016!



The hidden link in our life that should make us understand what is keeping us back and down and behind is Telepathy and Telepathy and telepathy.


Therefore, I will try to clear some of it and why I think so,  by having only one subject in my conclusion, which is “Telepathy” the cause of our all paradoxes in our all lives!






I think the below description and within this section are important to know, yet I did not know where to place them, so I created this sub-section called “Telepathy” and placed them here!


To show that telepathy has always existed but was hidden of the general public that has no telepathy, here is a quotation of the Bible that allegedly is over 2020 years old, which you can find in the New Testament, Matthew 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount also called Mount Sermon (in German: Bergpredigt), and here I will list only 2 sayings:

1.                The Text is roughly as I remember it from 1976-78: As Jesus preached, and people gathered around him also from other countries (??), yet each understood Jesus in his own language. End of quotation, which very much means  = telepathy, because telepathy is exchanging thoughts and thoughts are stored in our memory in the same way for every single human being and even animals, by storing sounds, images we see, smells, touches or anything we can recognize with our senses, and to store them it does not need a language, yet it can also use language, yet without language it is much faster in transferring what is stored such as sounds, images we see, smells, touches or anything we can recognize with our senses, and this because language is used only to describe these sounds, images and touches and it would take much longer to describe a sound than hearing it, just as the saying “one picture is better than thousand words”! Which really means a Chinese person with telepathy can communicate with French person with telepathy using telepathy and the French does not have to know Chinese or use French to communicate with the Chinese person, while the Chinese also does not have to know French or use Chinese to communicate with the French person

2.                The Text is roughly as I remember it from 1976-78: at the end of his preaching, Jesus asked his disciple to feed the people/crowd before they go on their long journey back home because it is now late and they have been here the whole day, yet the disciples said they have only a hand full of bread and fish (3-5 pieces), where he then placed the bread and fish in a basket and blessed the bread and fish and they distributed them out of the basket to the crowd that was over 5000 (5 Thousand), and all of the people eat and were full and several basket were left over. End of quotation. Which very much means = the Bible was written as a multipurpose goal, on the one side to show what a person with telepathy can do, but also to teach those with telepathy what they can do with telepathy and what they can do with human that have no telepathy, and this is very visible today, where countless major companies or in election times people are invited to speeches and always have enough food and drink to make the people feel comfortable not only physically but also about the speech itself and therewith many persons will like the lecture/speech because they had enough to eat and drink=for some persons it is a good time = a good speech = a good person = indirectly bribing the attendees mind, which equals brainwash, I do not like a politician because he/she feed me and gave me beer and wine while I am listening to him or her, I like only his actions and the results of his actions and that he/she cannot prove to me during his speech, just as George H. W. Bush and in his speech during his first election he said ”Read my lips: no new taxes” and the first thing he did is raise the taxes on the middle class and on the poor= a con man. Another example and while I was forced to live in Houston, Texas I went often to Microsoft seminars at their offices near the Airport in Houston, during which they always provide lunch and at the end of the seminar also offer a so called networking discussion where they provide some snacks and drinks including beer and wine, yet I always loved Microsoft because of their doings and not because the food and drinks, but rathe for what they developed, the end products was for me very admirable and that why I really loved that company, and that is why some called me biased, but let them create something better and I will love them too, because I am most definitely not biased. To know what I liked about them, see the page “Thank You” under the section “Microsoft Corporation”!


The above 2 examples are only 2 out of literally countless other described situation that many of us live by it and do not know where it came from, whereby some of it is very positive and others are negative.


A third example yet not from the bible is that a person with telepathy can learn a language without having to go to school, he can just read the mind of a person and force him to repeat it in a language and he will not even notice and will think that this is only remembering something from the past without asking himself why am I remembering this and repeating it in my mind now where really there is nothing around me at this moment that remotely reminds me of this situation or sentence that I just thought of!!??


If a person with telepathy wants to learn a language faster than he mixes with persons originated of this country that speak this language, and if he want to learn it superfast, then he/she can go for a short holiday to that country, and the prove for that is when they kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 to Cairo, Egypt claiming I am Syrian and immediately after they caused me a total amnesia where I lost even my language communication capabilities and therewith I would never recognize where I came from, yet I have a precious gift given to me by God, just like everyone else, and it is called intelligence that they always tried very hard to suppress, therefore I was able to recognize what these criminal did to me using the gift called intelligence, a bit late, never the less I recognize that they caused me a total amnesia and then used telepathy to force me to learn Arabic very fast in maybe 1-2 weeks and claimed that I was 2 years in school in Syria, which was a lie, because the Egyptian school gave me a school test to see if they can place me in third grade of the elementary school, yet my test result was very bad that they said my knowledge equals to zero and placed me in first grade, meaning I lost 2 years schooling because I was officially already 8 years old, and first grade was meant for 6-7 years old children and not 8 years old.  On the other side and most probably they helped me in this school test using telepathy, yet they are adults, and this is elementary school grade placing test, and no matter what they will get it wrong, and I will fail the test, which I did. The essence of this, is that they used telepathy to force me to learn Arabic in a very short period and the reason I am positive about that, is because I used to express myself wrongly such as saying I am hot when I am cold and then put my jacket on and many other wrong expressions, which very much means that if I had telepathy I would have learned the Arabic language even much quicker at that time, which means that a person with telepathy can learn a language within 1-2 weeks and if he continue to learn for 3-4 months, he/she can even learn it with absolute no accent what so ever just as if he/she is native of this or that country, especially if he/she knows natives with telepathy and they also help to improve the spoken language, and the prove of that is my original fake mother that today I recognize her as queen Elizabeth the Second. She learned a bit Arabic in London by using Arabs, and there are a lot of so called Arabs living in London and in the entire UK, and in Egypt she strengthen her dialect as Egyptian Arabic and most probably she also went to other countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran and so on for a period of 1-2 months while her lookalike was representing her in the UK.


Here is another example that many can see live in the current situation with USA and since 2016:

The news such as ABC, BBC, CBS, CNN, Fox, and many others, speaks always of a so-called Donald trump base-voters/-supporters, where trump himself has repeatedly spoke about his base that is he even go on the street and shoot someone, they will still be voting for him. Now you must ask yourself who would vote for a killer/murderer to be a president of USA?


Here is the answer to this question: the Donald Trump base-supporters is consisting of 3 categories of people as follow:


Category-1: are those persons that are first hidden Nazi supporters in USA, which are much more amount than in Germany, and this especially true because vice president Mike Pence is a hidden English royalty and has unbelievable look similarities to Adolf Hitler, in particular his small but also unusual high and small cheek bone on both sides of his face, and that is why they selected him to be vice president to also appeal to over one million hidden Nazis in USA with their families.


Category-2: All the farmers and businesses (mainly in countryside areas) that rely heavily on illegal aliens and pay them pennies for hour wages and they cannot even complain otherwise the corrupt sheriff’s office will arrest them and terrorize their lives for a few days and then take them back to the farm. And these are counted all in all as at least 60 million, including family members and children but excluding the 12-35 Million illegal aliens, I am just placing the ones that are allowed to vote or are legal in USA


Category-3: This is a bit complex, but I will try hard to present it as simple as I can. Persons with telepathy usually are members of various networking groups, business wise, political wise, social wise. Each one of these persons with telepathy has his own slaves that he/she has been controlling for a long times and with no effort at all can force his hidden slave to vote what he wants, especially at the voting booth, however if they vote by mail it is more difficult to force a person to vote for a certain politician or party, because with mail voting, often a person will discuss his intention with his friends, family, work colleagues and acquaintances, which will lead to a discussion, which will force the hidden slave to vote based on merit and not based on forced telepathy, however and in the booth he is alone and with no effort at all can be forced with telepathy to vote for the favor of the person that he forced to and not based on merit. And that is why Donald Trump administration are absolutely against mail voting and claim falsely that people cheat with mail voting. And that is facts, whereby the telepathy part is hidden for most people. One that was one person with telepathy forcing another person without telepathy to vote for whatever is for his own benefit, in this case Donald Trump, yet one person with telepathy has more than one hidden slave, some have several hundreds, add to that his networking that will also do the same because they have a benefit, such as tax cut for the rich, or the new administration promised to buy of his factory instead of his competition if he deliver a certain amount of votes. Add to that, that at both there can be 1-10 hidden persons with telepathy forcing as many as they can to vote for the favor of their allies = hidden cheating with the USA election, and no one can do anything about it, because there is no laws to protect against telepathy. Now let us continue on this situation where 1-10 persons with telepathy are standing at a both, where maybe 2,000 or 10,000 persons will vote within one week at this location that maybe has 10 voting booths, and therewith if they can manage to force 60-90% to vote for the favor of their partner and then go to the other both in other country or even state, then they already have one, yet if these 10,000 vote from their 10,000 homes in an area of maybe 10-30 square meters and all the 10,000 vote through mailing vote or electronically through their mobile or home PC, then (and here I am just giving it an educated guess) then they will not succeed to force more than 1-5% of the voters in comparison of 60-90% = their partner will lose. All this is voting fraud, yet no one can do anything about it without laws, and no one will make laws against telepathy slavery because most to all persons with telepathy are either benefiting of the hidden slavery and controlling others with their telepathy or are afraid to be overwhelmed by people asking them for help if they find out that they have telepathy power, which is very clearly stated in the New Testament that hundreds or even thousands of persons were allegedly following Jesus Christ and asking him for help to heal their sicknesses to give them rights or give them ever lasting life=immortality, and therewith and very unfortunately, the new Testament is being misused by persons with telepathy of seeing the effect if they reveal that they have telepathy, where even Jesus Christ, and based on the New Testament, was able to scare off several persons with telepathy that were controlling a herd of sheep, and many other described situation over telepathy in the New testament, which is all in all and based on my personal opinion, because I did not count them, yet over 90% of the New Testament is about telepathy and is describing maybe 40-100 different situations while teaching the reader to diversify each situation by giving several diversification samples. This was not about Christianity, but rathe about humanity, I just took examples of the new Testament, I can also take examples of the Old Testament or even the Quran, but I leave it to the reader to recognize them, yet I will mention only one, which I saw in real life, which is manipulating several insects, maybe 20 at the same time, and this was in Houston, Texas USA in Autumn of 1991, I was working for the IT department for the company called Texaco and this IT department was located downtown Houston, Texas in a building called Texaco Building, even though they were just tenants, of several floors right next to the hotel Hyatt Regency, where Texaco had there a parking agreement with this hotel and I used to park there. No to the point, I went for a break at lunch time, and started walking to a nearby building, where they had a small fountain and sort of a tiny garden between all these high-rise buildings. And somehow I saw a woman that was red haired sitting on the edge of this fountain, and as if I was hypnotized and I walked up to her and sat next to her, and very suddenly she moved one of her hands upwards that she was leaning on it at the edge of the fountain and following her moving hand there was maybe 15-20 red butterflies and until her hand reach the height of her head and the butterflies flew away, during which she was looking at me and smiling. This was one of several setups created by Texaco to remind me of Germany, and in particular with the American military base where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved starting March 1970 and until September 1977, but also reminding me of England, Arab Petroleum (=ARAMCO and Jordan Petroleum and both are controlled by my fake family) but also remind me of my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka that had natural red hair as well as  had the same body stature as this woman that I never met before or even after this moment. In short, this woman and with no doubt what so ever had telepathy and was controlling the butterflies that she called them from out now where (!!??), which is very much the same as what Moses in the Old testament did with the Egyptian fore out saw the locusts plague or managed to call them and control them, and this was not the only time that I saw a person control animals or insects, I saw it another couple of times in Europe and after the year 2000. (Pigeon incident Added on 28.06.2020) 1-2 days after I wrote about the butterfly, and around 22:00 hours, a pigeon was suddenly sitting on my windows, which had only a 10 cm edge. I lived in this building for over 4 years and it never happened before, especially that there is a light directly over this window, so I went there and scared the pigeon away. The pigeon flew over the entire building and into the other side of my apartment and went through my balcony door into my bedroom and sat on hanging rope and shit all over and when I saw it, it would not leave so I had to carry it with my hand and out of the apartment and since then I have a protective screen at the balcony door. This is typical telepathy attack or manipulation performed for one reason or another, such as trying to tell me yes, we can manipulate animals and birds, or may be this person had a joy in making the pigeon shit in my bedroom. (end of Pigeon incident Added on 28.06.2020)


Last but not least, is that the following US presidents were 100% trained since almost birth t become presidents, just as the English royalty’s train one specific person to become a king or a prince or a prime minister: Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump. These 4 presidents happened to be republicans and of the Republican party that is mainly and to 99% is controlled by the English royalties, very possibly also democrat do something similar for the one reason only, which is that the English royalties also have a huge control within the democrats or the democratic party. There is one huge difference between these 4 mentioned republican presidents and the 2 Democratic presidents Bill Clinton + Barak Obama, these two presidents were highly educated and highly intelligent, which you can see through the way they talk and their deep insight of various political subjects, which I was not able to see within the 4 republican presidents.


I concentrated only on the presidents of USA that were either responsible for kidnapping from Germany or locking me up for 14 years  and those US presidents in general that were presidents as I was forced to live in the USA for 15 years after these criminals kidnapped me from Germany in September 1986, ex-USA president Barak Obama became president after I left or ran out of USA and back to Europe to be locked up for 14 years as a favor for the criminals Bush family that made my life to hell in Houston, Texas, which very much means and very unfortunately, that the German government and the Dutch government were helping to cover up for these criminal bush family that were responsible for kidnaping me and covering up for the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum and for the organized crime family called English royalty that kidnapped me in the first of all as an infant or as a young boy. Everything the Dutch immigration and their criminal subbranch called COA that terrorized my life for at least 12 years and did to me was designed to keep me locked up until the criminals Bush family members were not member of the US government anymore, and in particular the ex-US president George W. Bush that was president from 15 January 2001 and until 15 January 2009.


Now when you look at Donald Trump in the news hear what he says, look at his movement listen to the words he select, he is through and through a criminal that was made president enable to use him as scapegoat for all the bad things his administration are doing. Look at it this way a vulgar person, such as Donald Trump, would always select equal vulgar persons, yet all the members of his administration are not vulgar and always, and no matter who, is showing him/herself as better politician than Donald Trump, which very much means they are they one controlling him and he is through and through controlled by the English royalties and the Rockefeller  = family, and both along with their countless hidden other relatives control the US economy and benefited of their own decisions to cut the taxes for their selves by almost 50% and that is hidden slavery plus want to add tariffs to products from Chine and EU = more hidden slavery because at the end the US consumer is 100% paying for these tariffs, which equals hidden taxes for the general public, which equals more suffering in the general public, which equals slavery that the totally corrupt CNN call modern slavery as distraction of the real modern slavery, and therewith they are 100% helping from the hidden Donald Trump because CNN is 100% founded and owned currently by English royalties that control Donald Trump through many members of his administration and advisors that are all members of the English royalties and the Rockefeller family and as a prove for all this, is that he call Muslims terrorist and created a ban for certain countries to enter USA, but using Saudi Arabia as Proxy to kill Yeminis and steal the country Yemen of their rightful owners as they did with Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghani, Syrians, Lebanese and countless others.


The Muslims are not terrorist, I lived in Egypt for 10 years and went to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Morocco and all you can see is mainly Muslims that are suffering and are absolutely friendly and helpful, above all helping each other’s because they live in slavery and they had no idea about that, because they get used to it just as these criminals I am complaining about, did to me, and the same is valid for Hindu, Jewish, Christian and countless other religions, the majority of them are good people and are just trying to survive in a world of slavery in the 21st century, just as they have been trying to survive in the 19th century and that too I saw myself in several countries, including the UK, Republic of Ireland, USA, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Egypt. These are the country I either was kidnapped to, visited on business, or for pleasure and lived in at least 5 and very possibly 6-8 prior to 1960, because the caused me total Amnesia and I have no memory from prior to March 1960 except bits and pieces since 10/11 January 1960 that could have been forced upon me as fake memory to wipe of the memory of my original fake mother alias queen Elizabeth the second that on and off pretended to be Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi at least between 10/11 January 1960 and 1961, and possibly even until and including 1965.


The only real terrorist I was able to recognize are those who push people to fight for their rights and then set them up to look like terrorists such as the Palestinians, Afghani, Syrians, Saudi, Irani, Pakistani, which sound like a paradox, which it is because they play on both sides!


This would give a very good idea how telepathy is totally misused to enslave others including US presidents and British Prime ministers!


Here I come to the end of this complaint page and would like to show something that every single human being in the world can verify.


This will show that the controlling families that and to far over 90% control the government of USA as well as of every state in USA, do not give a shit about the American people, which is the mass death + loses + bankruptcies that happens very frequently in USA, and no one has ever done anything about it to prevent it, and this year after year after years and since over 200 years. What is this about?


It is about the repeated losing homes, beloved ones and properties and everything that a person owns in his home is suddenly and within less than an hour, it is all gone, just like the wind that passes by. It is about the very bad housing ta are repeatedly built in USA and in particular in areas that are frequently attacked by hurricanes and tornados, that year after year wipe off entire house, sometimes even entire village or city sections that are in their way. Then the house is destroyed, with every single thing in it, from electronics to furniture’s to bedrooms, to beds clothing, beloved photographs and so on.


Yet the American government that are 100% controlled by the so-called controlling families, which are 1 in more than in a Million, do nothing about it. From my point of view, no insurance can coverup for these kinds of loses. The only thing to do is to build a strong enough house that can withstand 150 miles/241 km wind and tons of water, which most government members already have, and all controlling families already have.


Even the Hollywood actor Charleston Heston, that I think of very negatively, yet he made something against the repeated earthquakes in California and built a house for himself in such a manner that an earthquake of magnitude 8 cannot destroy his home or make the things in his shelves fall down!


Look at it this way, I build a house by myself in two years in some area, then a tornado comes and wipe it off with everything in it, then  rebuild the house in the same area and it is again completed after 2 years, then a hurricane comes and wipe it off with everything in it, then I repeat the process and rebuild it for the third time, then a heavy rain and mud slides comes and wipe it off with everything in it. And then I rebuild it again, but this time I took measures of protection and rebuild the house out of stones and on a stony ground = that is belated intelligence, yet the fourth time I made it right and nothing can wipe of my house again except God or someone else intentionally but never by rain, tornados or hurricanes. It took me over 10 years to understand and build it good. Yet in USA they do not do anything about the houses that are yearly wiped off with everything in them through hurricanes, tornados, mud slides and flood and this not because they lack intelligence but rather because they do not care about their general public, and they are only 1-2 track intelligence = Money and power intelligence = stupid. On the other hand the general public are powerless because the majority of them are busy surviving working 1 job 12-16 hours or working 2-7 jobs enable they can survive and therewith they have no time to think about it, on top of that they have no knowledge of how to build a house nor have the time to learn it, and they rely completely on the controlling families that control most of the housing constructions and they absolutely do not give a shit about their safety and the safety of their children’s or their belongings such as furniture’s and cars that they worked hard to acquire them = hidden slavery for white, black, Hispanic, Asian and everyone else, yet the houses of the controlling families are all made out of stone and this partially since centuries = they do not give a shit about the others!


The only way to make house to withstand hurricanes and tornados is to build them with stones and cement, yet these criminals that think of their selves as Gods and everyone else is their slaves, do not care about anyone else except their selves, and that is why their houses can always withstand earthquake, hurricanes, tornados, mud slides and other so-called natural catastrophes that plague the USA, year after year and no one is doing anything about, on the contrary, the controlling families love all these catastrophes, because people then sell their land to have money and the banks of these controlling families buy the and 50-80% cheaper than it is and then sell it 5 times the price they paid for, and this while forcing countless people to be broke and controllable = slavery!


This was one of countless other tragedies that happens in USA and cannot happen in most of Europe!