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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Don’t even think about violent based on my public complaint


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This document was created on: 27.08.2019 and updated on completed on 27.08.2019, and again completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 27.06.2021


This page is about you, your life and freedom. In other words, I am asking anyone who may have violent thoughts because he/she may have discovered the one thing or another in his own life through my public complaint pages, then just take a step backward and think it over. And this page will help you do just that. It is less than 4 A4 pages!


My complaint pages have mainly 2 goals with side effects:

1.            Finding my biological family and my parents

2.            Get justice the correct way

3.            And as a side effect: nasty people will see the effect of their bad doings and vicious networking

4.            And as a side effect: other people or even governments may be helped through my complaint pages

5.            And as a side effect: individual persons may recognize something or another in their life or the life or lives of others


If I ever use violence for revenge or to get (THE WRONG!) justice, then this is the side effect of violence:

1.            A human being can get hurt

2.            It is always much better to help one human being than to hurt others, because we all have at least one touch of God, which is our intelligence, which is a drop in the universe of his own intelligence, or if I say it down to earth, only God has intelligence and we all have artificial intelligence and we will remain to have artificial intelligence until we start to recognize how important is each human being and learn of God that everyone have the right to live because this is part of the freedom we all received from God, no matter what a human being’s color is, his ethnicity or religion, each one of us and based on each individual upbringing and experience has different thinking than the other, we are at the moment 7.8 Billion human beings on earth with 7.8 Billion unique, life experience and thoughts. Beside when I destroy a human being’s life it is just like I am saying to God the hell with your super intelligent creation, I am going to destroy a part of it. I personally would never dare to do that, because I love God, I respect God and above all I love and respect his creation and the best creation we can today and for the last millenniums see is the human being, because it is the only beings that we all know that can learn and build, if you believe it or not, we are all learning of God on a daily basis, each time I see a teacher, then I recognize this was the design of God to allow human beings to learn and teach others. If you hurt another human being, then God and most definitely will forgive you, but he will never forget it, because you damaged his creation. Period. I You might ask yourself, what or which God I am talking about, the God of which religion am I talking about? I am talking about an unknown to me God the God that created intelligence, because intelligence can come only from higher intelligence, just like today we are experimenting and creating AI-Artificial intelligence, but we will never be able to create a perfect intelligence, because we are not perfect. In short I am not talking about any religions’ God, I do not need a religion to dictate to me how I have to live, because God gave us all freedom to be what we want to be, a criminal, a mass murderer, a thief, a genocide war criminal, yet God allow that because he decided to give us all freedom, and he will never do anything to endanger this freedom, it is another gift from him to us, just like the intelligence, yet this freedom is mostly jeopardized by others in that they dictate to us what we have to do and lock up or even sentence people to death and this because our government is stupid and do not know how to deal with crimes, here is a hint, learn from God and build upon it, meaning treat them to be voluntarily not criminals any more, then they will and most definitely be most useful to humanity, because they saw the other side and know how to deal with it. I am talking about God that no one ever saw or heard, we all see only his work and some lazy people claim they have talked to God and he allegedly told them what to do. Which is break the freedom of intelligence and dictate to the people what they have to do in life = the loss of freedom that was 100% given to all of us by God, while these same group of people enslave the rest to use them as slaves and this since centuries  enable, we can serve them while we are starving, cold and have no place to live because they stole all the land and forced others to be homeless refugees (!!). This is the God I am talking about (!). Not to forget these people commit mass murder and genocide, just as they killed 5 Million Jews in the second world, but also killed more than 50 Million other persons in the same war = the second world war and get away with it, not to forget the countless murdered Palestinians, Iraqis, Afghani’s Vietnamese, Yemenis, Indian and countless other groups because they claim they are appointed by God, which is not true, they have telepathy and with it they can steal and pay soldiers to protect them and then use the same soldiers to kill others and steal their lands, yet when one person makes a mistake and commit a murder they sentence him/her to death. They are mentally sick and need your help to make them see how sick they are enable you can treat them and heal them!

3.            No matter what you went through in your life and even if you went through life just like mine or worse and lost every single family member, every friend, your church/mosque/synagogue/temple, your home country and home community, and being kidnapped 3 times, raped, tortured, enslaved to raise a child of some criminal by forcing you to believe it is your child, and then locked up and all this while forcing you to live for over 50 years as a refugee in 4 of the most advanced countries in our world (Germany, USA, Netherland and UK, in the later I was not a refugee but they are the source of my second biggest problem which is kidnapping me in 1986), yet their laws are savages laws because this over 50 years living without any rights what so ever, yet there is someone here and there that depend on your help, maybe an old friend, a neighbor, an unemployed or someone that you did not meet yet and you will save his/her/their lives and that I guaranty you, it happened to me several times in my life, if I was not in certain situation, someone would have get hurt very badly, but luckily I was there!

4.            Your life is important, don’t think for a second that carrying a bomb around your waste, in your car or by performing a shooting or even a mass shootings will help you, you will kill and/or destroy the lives, beside yourself also and most probably innocent people that have someone waiting for them and depend on them, it is like a falling domino chain, if one is not there many get effected very negatively because he/she was not there in a specific time and situation. Beside a human being have intelligence, and with it can learn many things that can help him get justice while helping others instead of killing himself and/or killing a few others!

5.            When a person kill others either in a mass shooting or through a suicide mission, he is 100% helping the people that caused him the problems, and hurting others by limiting the freedom of others for example they will make tougher laws to restrict all human of one thing or another, and therewith they punish the general public for the bad deeds of one of them or 10 or 100 or 1000, you cannot punish a whole nation of 30 or 300 million civilians just because of bad action of one or 1000 human being, use your intelligence and find another solution! Here is an example: I was kidnapped from Germany in 1986 by the CIA, MI6, BP-British Petroleum, and many members of my fake family to use me to blackmail my biological family and where I was born in USA (which I did not know that at that time because they caused me total amnesia. Note added on 27.06.2021: I have no fact to backup that, in matter of fact I absolutely do not know where I was born, I am just guessing, concluding and speculating because the American military and the CIA isolated me, brainwashed me, raped me and enslaved me from March 1970 to September 1977, and then kidnapped me again in 1986 from Germany to USA, yet today I see the big possibility that I am the son of king George VI alias the younger brother of queen Elizabeth the second of the UK, but I also see another 2 possibilities that I will lay out in the conclusion page) and was forced to live as an illegal alien for 15 years in USA without any rights whatsoever. I flew many times within USA and did not need any id to show when I board a plane for a national flights, but suddenly they made it to a law because of some terrorist attacks and plane hijackings, any plane passenger can board only after showing his ID or passport 3 times during this travel, once when checking in at the airline check in counter will ask for the ID, once when going to the boarding hall and once at the entrance of the plane, and therewith they are forcing possibly more than one hundred million national flight passengers to show their IDS and this every single year, and also forcing everyone to have an ID otherwise they cannot board the plane for a national flight, and therewith they are limiting the freedom of all those who have no IDs, which is a brainwash method in USA to force their hidden 30 Million illegal aliens slaves to be quite. Officially there are 12 million illegal aliens in USA, but it is a lie, it is at least 30 million, and every a few years they do something to scare these illegal aliens to force them to be quiet, just as the hidden slave Donald Trump is doing since 2016. In reality USA cannot exist without these illegal aliens because some of them work for 10-100 Dollars per month + bad housing + bad food + being guarded to not escape, and sometimes one of them escapes and get the FBI to free his coworkers of this slavery, yes this is in USA. Therefore, any acts of violent will prompt these criminals to do something to limit the freedom of all people in the name of National Security

6.            The really bad and nasty people they have methods to brainwash you to commit suicide enable they can create more violent and nasty laws to restrict the freedom of all human being, and it is very visible in my complaint pages, or just look at Israel, the Jewish people suffered a lot under Adolf Hitler and the Nazis, and their current government is behaving just as the Nazi treated the Jewish or as the ex-Soviet Union treated East Germany, where in East Germany and prior to 1990 they created a fence with automatic machine guns that fire automatically by any movements, Israel doing something similar by creating a fence to lock up all Palestinians, and trust me Yasser Arafat the Chairman of PLO  was helping the Israelis  by attacking them to help them lock up more Palestinians and restrict them more and more, the same happened in Germany in 1970s and in 1980s, they used to do automatic check on Highways with maybe 100 policemen carrying machine guns and closing the highway and checking every individual ID, as far as I recall I went through 4 of these checkups because of the PLO, and each time it scared the life out of me, being coming of a long trip happy to be back home and suddenly I have to stop while 4 policemen pointing their machine guns towards my car while other policemen checking the IDs of every passenger, you cannot feel happy or even safe in this situation. And this because Yasser Arafat was working for UK and hidden Nazi in Egypt and therewith also working with and for Mossad (= The Israeli secret Service equivalent to CIA and MI6)

7.            Can you imagine by committing a suicide attack or mass shooting that the actual winners are the companies that make the bombs or the weapon, because it is a very good advertisement for them, people will then run to the store to purchase weapons to be prepared and to protect their selves, and therewith and through one mass shootings, the manufacturer suddenly sells 50-100% more guns than his average sale within 30 days and then his sale go back down to normal until the next mass shootings, and with the money that they extra made out of these mass shootings sales, they build more weapons to kill more people, and are using you as a weapon while they are swimming in a pool of champagne or milk or money or even honey!!

8.            And many other reasons that you should try to think and search for a peaceful solution within your mind and heart for an intelligent solution, even if you have to discuss it with others, your intelligence is much more powerful than theirs because you are flexible and they are not, because they are cowards, like to hide and blame the others while acting to be the good Samaritan, meaning good hearted generous person, their brain is sick and is money and power oriented just like a train going only on 2 tracks difficult for them to get off, if you can lift a train of a track or stop it with your bare hands  then they can get of it by their selves, but you cannot lift a train of its tracks, or stop it with your bare hands and they cannot lift their brain out of this sickness and they need your intelligent help and not killing!


Take me for example, I am intelligent, because intelligence is a gift from God to every single human being, and some people are prevented to use their intelligence just as they did to me for years.


If I would use violence, eye for an eye or revenge then I will start to hate, and if I start to hate then would be stuck in a very complex vicious violence cycle in my own brain, and then I would be doing the followings instead of my complaints:

1.            Planning to kidnap a BP-British Petroleum CEO and then lock him up of his, employees, family, friends, and beloved “Masters” network, and keep him locked up for at least 35 years as they did to me by brainwashing in 1984 me and kidnapping in 1986 and locked me up in USA for 15 years as illegal alien then made me homeless and locked me up for nearly 15 years from September 1999 to 2012, then toyed with me until I was able to relocate to the city of Den Haag/The Hague in 2016 looking for protection under the Dutch government and the Dutch royal family as well as all the embassies and consulates. Why stop there, maybe then I would plan to kidnap all the board members of BP-British Petroleum, and who knows where these thoughts then will take me, for sure no where I want to be

2.            I can also plan to revenge on each members of my fake family, that deprived me of my real parents, real brothers and sisters, real cousins, uncles and aunts and was not enough for them, but also conspired with the CIA, MI6 and BP-British Petroleum to destroy all my friendship and separate me of the my second love (my first and best love was only for 2-3 weeks and these nasty evil people destroyed it too in end of 1972) and keep me as an isolated slave covered up by being illegal alien for 15 years in USA. How long is this going to take me to plan all these revenges? 1 month, I do not think so, maybe 20 years, where I be locked up in my own mind planning to kidnap this or that or kill this or that not to mention their reactions that most probably will not be peaceful and will place me again in one lockup or another!


I believe most petroleum and natural resource companies are criminals, because they kill people for living to steal their land and natural resources, see what they did to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, South Africa, Nigeria and many others, because most of the so called Arab petroleum countries are controlled by foreigners from the UK, USA and possibly also from other countries in the EU, I know for fact about USA and UK petroleum companies that are the top criminals of our world, yet I would not dare to touch any of these nasty CEOs-Chief Executive officers, not because I am afraid of them, and trust me they are more than scary, they are the horror of our world, but rather because, and this is very unfortunate, they employ thousands and some even hundreds of thousands of persons that are good hard working people and are depending on these NASTY CEOs, and if I hurt anyone, regardless who he or she is, then I will be depriving others innocent people of one thing or another, from a job to possibly his own life, because he cannot work for this company any more, and there with his wife his children possibly his old retired parents or other family members that depend on him/her and friends or neighbors are also very hurt.


This paragraph was added on 27.06.2021: Let me mention it in another way, maybe some person would like to attack or even kill a group or even one person of the LGPT communities (LGPT= Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender), or of the Jewish communities or of the Muslim communities or of the Muslim communities or of the Hindu communities or of the Buddhist communities or of the Sikh  communities or of the Black communities or of the Asian communities or any other person, then think of this:

1.            Over LGBT: The Chinese have forced a limitation of birth to one child per couple (, then they changed to 2 and recently I believe they increased it to 3 because they noticed that their racial group is in decline. On the other side and in 1960s as I was kidnapped to Cairo Egypt, and throughout the 1960s the Egyptian government created a governmental department section to control and limit the birth, and the employees of this department were going to farmers (that built at that time over 50% of the population and also at that time they were uneducated and illiterate to over 90%) all over Egypt and lecturing them to control birth and were giving them birth control bills for free, yet the people in these villages and small cities saw that as an attack on their privacy and sexuality and also an attack on the nature of life and often killed these government employees. On the other side the American controlling families as well as many European controlling families came up with a different idea to control birth, meaning to prevent people of having children in that they used brainwash methods and telepathy to force them to become homosexual, lesbian,  gays, bisexual and transgender, and these LGBT and to far over 98% cannot help it, because they were forced to it by brainwash and telepathy as these criminals and psychopaths fake family of mine did to me as a mean of brainwash to prevent me to think about my past out of shame, but I am not going to be a shamed of what these criminals and psychopaths did to me. In other words 4.5% of all Americans are LGBT (, which very much means that 14.5 Million Americans are members of LGBT groups and cannot have children the natural way, some adopt and other use a surrogate mother or father for their future children, meaning they pay someone to have sex with them and have a child that then they claim it is their child even they are 2 gays or 2 lesbian or a transgender and cannot have a child in the normal way, but these are only a small fraction that have children this way, the fact remain that 14.5 Million and the majority of them do not have children and they are growing by the day because nasty psychopaths force them to be LGBT and with the time they think they are LGBT, anything else is a lie. The same is in Europe, where they have 6% of the European population as LGBT, 1.5% more LGBT than in USA ( +                                                                                        ( +                                                                                      ( +                                                                                        ( + (here jump to page 11 “Executive summary” to see the totals., Germany is highest with 7.4%, followed by Spain 6.9, the UK 6.5 and the Netherlands 6.4, all others are under 6%. Since I am claiming based on my knowledge that these LGBT persons were 100% forced to become LGBT, just as they force Catholic priests to rape children to make the catholic church look bad, because they have the only book in the world named the New Testament that describes telepathy in much more efficient way than me, because they have been working on it for a very long time and also thousands of priests were researching and including their knowledge in it, yet what is wrong with this new testament is 2 things, number-1: they limit telepathy only to one person and not to many other persons and this person they call him the son of God which absolutely does not fit the pattern of God’s doings as I see it on my life and as countless others also see if they take the time to think about it. Number-2 is that I do not like about the New Testament is that a part of it is actually a brainwash to keep people not aggressive and as slaves. Yet this point is very much debatable , meaning it is my opinion based on my life experience. Now back to the LGBT persons that I am claiming most to all of them were 100% brainwashed and forced with telepathy to become LGBT, but why? Here are the reasons:

1.1.      As a mean of birth control

1.2.      To prevent human beings without telepathy to become much more than the controlling families with telepathy can control

1.3.      As a mean of fun for those nasty criminals with telepathy that force others to rape others or be raped by others as these criminals and psychopaths repeatedly did to me with men and women, and the last time these criminals psychopaths raped me was on 24.12.1984 and kept me enslaved by force under the control of this CIA + MI6 + + BND + BP-British Petroleum + the Saudi Arabian royal family + the Jordanian royal family + the English royal family + the Rockefeller family’s whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, that I totally hated her guts, her make up, her face, her body, her clothing, her smell, and everything around this disgusting trash of a woman, in matter of a fact calling her a woman is an insult to all other women, she was an animal disguised as a human being. Yet I had no chance against the network of these psychopaths and their telepathy control where they forced me to be living with this smelly trash animal named Najlaa Mahmoud until June 1999, that caused me a total destruction of my mind and my logic and therewith my entire life, yet and thanks to the nastiness time I was forced into starting by forcing me to be homeless on the streets of Houston, Texas on my birthday 10.10.1999, and then in jails, prisons starting July 2000 in USA, and then again in jails and prisons and refugee camps between Netherlands and Germany until I was able to relocate to the city of Amsterdam in Mai 2012, all that caused me a chock and a severe and repeated PTSD-Posttraumatic stress disorder, that choke me, chock my brain, chock my feelings, chock my entire life, and forced me to rebuild my logic as it was in 1983 and even much better that it was in 1983. And that was fun to them to control a human being like that from his childhood starting at least on 10/11 January 1960 and until current in 2021, with the exception and since roughly the year 2000 I started to recognize telepathy but was not able to comprehend it fully, and it took me so long and until I relocated to the city of Den Haag/The Hague after 2016 to understand it as it is described within my complaint pages, and I am still discovering new things about telepathy, and that I cannot keep for myself, and it is my duty as a human being to show the world what it means to our all lives

1.4.      Last but not least, as a mean of control of at least 99.001% of world population

2.            Over other religious groups: No human being can help it being born within a certain environment, which either his parents were brainwashed, and they give their child what they have, which is the trash of a brainwash washers that they received and cannot recognize it as such, and that is the majority of families. Or they are one of the few brainwashers of our world such as the English royal families, the Rockefeller families, the Bush families, the ex-German royal families that caused the rise of the Nazis, or the Jordanian royal families, or the Saudi Arabian royal families and all their neighboring royal families and so called Sheikhtums/Sheikhdom and the list is endless. Now let us concentrate on the majority as it is mentioned above, why would I or any other human being attack a brainwashed and enslaved people just because they come of slavery countries such as Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, China, Brazil, Argentine and many other countries, or why should I or anyone else because he/she is born in China, or Africa or within a Muslim family or within a Hindu, or Christian or Jewish or whatever other religion, one out of over 4,000 other religions in our world? The over 4,000 religions in our world it tells me that none of them is valid, why should I believe Islam from Saudi Arabia the alleged birth of Islam, when the Saudi Arabian government the alleged protectors of Islam and the alleged family of the profit Mohamad, which I do not believe because based on what I read about the profit Mohamad, he was kind, smart and loving to everyone also to other religions, yet  they, meaning the Saudi Royal family, are all disgrace to the profit, because they have nothing of him, they are disgrace to humanity, because they are mass murderer, they are  human mutilators, above all they are 100% puppets for the English royal families + the Rockefeller families and that is fact, anyone tells you anything else he or she  or they are lairs! Back to the one group or another, why would I or anyone else would want to harm a person that was already severely harmed mentally and/or physically by his masters that brainwashed him/her and enslaved him/her. And do not take my word for it, look what these criminals and psychopaths did to me, if I do anything or even one thing negative to them as a revenge then I will be just like them = brainless=stupid. Instead, I am teaching them, that what they are doing is more than wrong it is criminal, and it is a mental sickness. Here is what government do:

2.1.      The ex-German royalties and after they last the first world war and the larger part of their empire they revenged and killed 5 million Jews because a few of them or maybe even 5 thousand of them were spies for USA, Russia and the UK, nevertheless you cannot murder 5 Million just because 20 thousand or even 100,000 were bad

2.2.      The USA, and after the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbor they arrested most of the Japanese  in USA or even anyone who remotely looked like Japanese and claimed they are all spies just as the Germans did with the Jewish by arresting them as the cause of the lost first world war and placed them in concentration camps, look how hypocrite the American government and the American controlling families were and still are, they criticized the Nazis and did just like them, and repeated it now under ex-USA president Donald Trump, but they did not stop there in the 1950s and in 1960s and partially in 1970s, if there is any group they did not like, such as the pastor or reverent Martin Luther King, then they labeled them as terrorist by labeling them as communist that are after to destroy USA and making it communist, and then they would arrest them, the lucky ones will come out after a short period out of prison after they severely tortured them, the rest were often unjustly imprisoned for years. Forget the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, look at now, how criminally insane is the US government including all government of each single state in USA, whereby each state is equivalent to a country in Europe, Asia or elsewhere, they have a prison system until today that shows that their brain is stock to slavery and to the middle ages, a prison system where the rich make more money because they own the prisons and rent the cells out to the government just like a hotels rent out their rooms, with the difference the cells are absolutely disgrace to humanity in the 1800s and also in 2021, above all look what they do in Guantanamo bay, they have a military prison that is an international embarrassment for each individual American, today and based only on the Guantanamo bay military prison, I absolutely do not trust and do not like any American, because none of the Americans are standing up for these poor prisoners, even though they claim about their selves to be Christians and prisons and small time criminals are top priority in Christianity, where the alleged Son Of God called Jesus Christ was teaching the people to take care of the prisoners and educates the criminals to stop being criminals, they do that in the Netherlands, but not in USA. In US Justice System prisons, they lock people as if they are animals, I was in at least 5 different American prisons 1 in Kansas City, which was a police station jail, and the rest were in and around Houston, Texas, and these prisons were disgusting, unhygienic, unhealthy and they are forcing the criminals to become more aggressive, and as if that is not bad enough, they then created the military prison far away of USA in Guantanamo Bay in the country Cuba, and this prison and based on photos on the Internet, photos that were smuggled by some American soldiers, it was disgusting and show that the American military management is absolutely mentally sick and retarded, because they lock persons in cages that are around 100 cm high = around 3-4 feet , just as animal shelters house the dogs and cats, with the difference that the animal shelter oft house cats and dogs in in cages or even cells that are more than 200 cm high. Why in Cuba, because they have a reason to be in there allegedly because they own this small piece of land and made it to a military base, in reality they converted Cuba in 1960 to a heaven for the American drug lords such as the Rockefeller families alias the Bush family alias Ronald Reagan family alias Donald Trump family, in other words to smuggle illegal drugs using the military and the tax payers money for illegal drugs while cutting down the money for the social life of individuals, such as better education, better social security better unemployment benefits, better health care, better retirement benefit, better military veterans benefit and the list is 100% endless. As if all the mentioned is not enough, then they enslave illegal alien as they enslaved me for 15 years in USA, and lock these illegal aliens from Latin and South America in farms and use them practically as slaves in farming all over USA and especially in country side where there is no many big cities, which in central USA and the whole way to the Canadian border, but also elsewhere and in other economical and factory sectors, and therewith USA is the biggest criminals in their own country, and then they dare to criticize China and Russia, or Palestinians, Iraqis and Yemenis that are fighting for survival for as long as I can remember. Shame on you. Do you, the reader, really want to harm any of these people because they are Muslim or Black or Chinese? If you do then you will be as stupid and criminal and totally inhuman as the American justice system + the American military justice system, and the Guantanamo Bay prison management. I do not think anyone would like to punish the tools or those who are already are punished through the forced upon them slavery, otherwise we all will become as stupid as the English royal families the Rockefeller families, and both control the USA to over 70% and this since over 200  and over 140 years respectively!!


End of paragraph added on 27.06.2021.


Life is sometimes complex, but not too complex for the intelligence that we all received from God to deal with these mentally sick people that are causing us a lot of harm and then blame it on others, these people need a treatment and not a bullet or a bomb, you cannot go around shooting people because they have cancer (which is bad cells, you remove the one cell or treated but the human lives) or influenzas (cold/flus, which is a virus that can be treated or removed), you treat them, by studying their sickness to understand it, then you research for a treatment to heal them and not to kill them!


And this is intelligence, anything else is a disease and a virus in our brains forced upon us either through brainwash or telepathy or a combination!