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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Is this my biological family?


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This document was created on: 03.02.2020 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all, re-edited and linguistically corrected on 11.07.2020!



1.     Introduction

2.     Is this my family, possibility-2?

3.     Is this my family, Possibility-1? (this is no mistake, in this case 1 comes after 2)

4.     Is this my family, possibility-3?

5.     Photos section of some public figure’s/persons that has several look similarities in my fake family

6.     Conclusion 





Important Note-1 on 17.04.2020: Since summer 2019 I was systematically prevented to complete my complaint pages, Each time I start a page or a section then I be prevented to complete it for at least 2-3 months, as a result I started several pages and did not complete any, on top of that sometimes I forget what I wrote 1-3 months ago in this page or that page and I write it again in the same page, and to show you how nasty these persons that are persecuting me and attacking me with telepathy I left these double writing for you to see.


Important Note-2 on 17.04.2020: Please bear with me and with the pre-explanation to understand my point. Pre-explanation: This is maybe for some farfetched but not for me. Sometimes in spring of 2019 all tenants in my building received a letter of the building management company called Vestia that the company KPN (the biggest and oldest telephone company in Netherlands similar to AT & T in USA) would like to install on the roof of the building amplifier/Booster/repeater for the cellular telephones/mobile telephones, and we were asked if we approve. Only around 40-60 % of the tenants answered with the majority said no we do not approve, yet they said even the majority said no, but they have to add the ones that did not vote because silence is approval (!!!???) to the ones that voted yes, and this makes it looks like that the majority said yes and approved the installation by force of the building management company because they make money out of it and this is illegal and not even democratic. it is just as if you say 60% went to election 2020 and of these 60%, 20% voted for Donald Trump and 40% voted against him, then they say that the 40% that did not vote are considered that they approve of Donald Trump and therewith Donald Trump has 60% voting for him and 40% against him and he won the election of 2020 and this is a cheat, illegal, against humanity and undemocratic. Then in summer 2019 they installed these so-called amplifier/Booster/repeaters for the mobile phone on top of the roof, which is directly over me, because I live on the top floor. I believe that the building opposite us has also similar antennas, but I am not sure because they look different, which means the one on the building I live in were not really necessary. Anyway, and this is possibly the cause that I was prevented to continue writing my complaint pages for almost one year. Main-explanation: as I mentioned before telepathy has distance limitation, and their goal ever since 1800 is to expand it and that is why the English royalties have invested in the original and first ever cables from Europe to North America in 1800s for the telegraph and therewith they can send orders to USA within minutes or so instead of sending a ship that could take 6-14 weeks depending on the ship and weather. And this is my guessing and by no mean it is a fact, I would do it if I had telepathy and it has limitation: Ever since they have been trying to expand the telepathy itself using transmission equipment, and I believe they made it and succeeded but did not publicize it because telepathy is not publicized, and I am guessing that they succeeded at the latest sometimes in the begin of 1980s by using the mobile phone or cellular in other words someone from USA, UK, Australia or even China and if he/she knows how, they can use this technology to communicate or expand the distance of their telepathy right to my own apartment through the new installed equipment directly over my ceiling, and if this is true then the company KPN installed these equipment’s only to allow other far away to control me and prevent me of continue to write my complaint pages and push me into a never ending circle of going nowhere, which they did since summer 2019, and the explanation for me stopping is possibly this installation and then blame it on the others unreachable. If this is true, then the company KPN had on purpose performed a crime against me, because I am in the city of Den Haag/The Hague for one reason only which is seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many embassies and consulate against these vicious and very nasty telepathy attacks that are causing me a lot of problems from sleeping problems, to health problems to financial problems and the list goes on. What they do to me since summer 2019 is criminal acts and I cannot protect myself against them, they wake me up if I am lucky only once per night, if I take only last night, I was waken up possibly every 30 minutes to an hour, which means I never had a good sleep and I am always tired, not to forget to mention the evil dreams that these criminals force upon me, often 3-5 times per night, and after each dream they force me to wake up. These dreams are their sick fantasies just like often they do sick short movies often created by MTV. I used to have fantasies and imaginations, which each needs to have for himself for his work and future planning and private life, but since these MF enslaved me on 24.12.1984 and kidnapped me to USA I lost the fantasies and imaginations capabilities, instead I am always busy trying to understand why am I doing this or that, and why is this happening to me here and now and since the year 2000 I am just trying to understand what and why these criminals did to me what they did to me since 10/11 January 1960 and I am complaining about and who they are, and I believe to have found these criminals that kidnapped me, and it is mentioned in this page. As a result of this torture during my sleep time, my time is messed up, I am tired, I cannot do what I want, and then I become angry, unfriendly and start using curse words in my complaint pages, which makes me look like I am not objective, whereby I am really trying hard to stay calm enable I can stay objective and that these criminal with telepathy that are attacking me in night time, are trying to prevent!


(Note over the above-mentioned antenna. Added on 03.07.2020) After I wrote the above article and around 5-10 days later, some professionals were working for around 10 days on the roof. Either fixing the lifts, which I doubt because it takes usually maximum 2 days to fix, or they were installing the above-mentioned antenna, which means that very possibly they did not install it in summer of 2019, but rather in April/May 2020. They must have had heavy equipment’s because they brought a Crane for a few days to lift the equipment’s to the top of the building. Yet this will change nothing about the possibility that some person with telepathy can use the cellular equipment’s to communicate without a mobile phone using directly these lines, and who knows maybe they also can use telephone land lines. As I said, if I have telepathy and it has limited distance, then I will invest to research how I can increase the distance without a phone. (End of Note over the above-mentioned antenna. Added on 03.07.2020


I am looking for my biological family because I was kidnapped between sometimes possibly 1951 and 10/11 January 1960 of my family. Since around April 2000 and while I was heavily persecuted in Houston, Texas, USA, I have been trying to understand what happened in my life and where I came from, very unfortunately they caused me a total amnesia and I have no memory whatsoever prior to 10/11 January 1960.


Since I was placed within a fake family on 10/11 January 1960 that consisted of 16 adults and five children under the age of 10 (I was officially/allegedly 8 years old at that time), whereby they constantly added new members to them between 1960 and 1983 and some of them were hidden Jordanian + Saudi Arabians + English + ex-German royalties + their hidden Americans relatives, ever since I was heavily persecuted, enslaved and kidnapped by the CIA + MI6 + BND and severely tortured mentally as well as physically in Germany, USA, Netherlands, UK and back in the Netherlands and this all between 10.10.1969 and 01.03.2016 and no one admits of kidnapping me or causing me total amnesia or telling me who is my biological family and where I was kidnapped from or why I was kidnapped or disposed of, therefore I have to try to figure it out myself by looking at the followings enable I can find my biological family:

1.       Who were surrounding me since 10/11 January 1960?

2.       What are their relations to each other’s?

3.       What is their relation or hidden relations to other companies, institutions, governments such as CIA + MI6?

4.       How they treated me?

5.       Why did they mistreat me?

6.       What are their positions?

7.       What is their social status within their official community/city/country?

8.       Where and when did I see them?

9.       What was the circumstances and what was happening around my life as I saw them?

10.   Did they persecute me, brainwash me or torture me?

11.   If yes, then why?

12.   If not, did they use others such as their network or government agencies to persecute me, brainwash me or torture me?

13.   What is their benefit or the cause or the goal or the purpose or the result of them persecuting me, brainwashing me and torturing me?

14.   Why did they kidnap me again in September 1986 from Germany to USA and forced me to live in USA as an illegal alien for 15 years, where I was literally kept as a hidden slave?

15.   What happened to me after the 15 years isolation by the force of the 4-evil governments (UK + USA + Syria + Germany) that kidnapped me or allowed kidnapping me from Germany and therewith literally destroyed my life once and for all?

16.   And many more questions


No one is giving me an answer to all these questions, so I had to do it the hard way, which is analyze my life and the lives of persons surrounding me during these various periods enable to understand it, and this over and over and over….. again!


And this page is about the results I found about who is my biological family.


The result of my analysis ended with 3 possible answers to the question: Who is my biological family?


Is this my family, Possibility-2?

Here are the 3 possibilities with the reasoning of why I landed at these 3 possibilities:

1.        Possibility-2: the reason I am starting with possibility 2 as point-1 is to help you understand the possibility-1 that is in point-2. It looks like that I am the grandson of the last king/emperor of Germany called Kaiser (=emperor) Wilhelm the second, which many want me to believe so by creating countless situations in my life and in the past a few years as distraction of possibility-1 in point-2, Yet I strongly believe and with no doubt whatsoever that I am related to him, and here is why:

1.1.     My look and height are almost identical to him, except I have brown-green (or green-brown) eyes or brown-green-blue eyes (or green-blue-brown eyes), I cannot determine and I was 176 cm until 1986, now I am 174 cm due to the overweight. If Kaiser Wilhelm II did not die 10-11 years before my alleged birth, then I would have guessed him to be my father with a woman with brown eyes or brown-green eyes and thick eyebrows, yet it looks like as if one of his children is my father. His look is almost identical to mine!

1.2.     My fake uncle named Badeaa Baroudi + his wife Suad Baroudi (husband and wife look like brother and sister) is also almost identical look to Kaiser (=emperor) Wilhelm II, except my fake uncle and his wife had/have green eyes

1.3.     My fake cousin Basel Baroudi + his brother Bashar Baroudi + his sister Summer/Sammer/Samer Baroudi alias I forgot her marriage name, she was married allegedly to a Syrian civilian pilot working for the Syrian airline and this between 1976 and 1986, then I was kidnapped from Germany to USA to keep me isolated and faraway of my fake and biological family to not discover who they are while using me to blackmail some of their family members in USA. These 3 mentioned 2 brothers and sister had a lot of look similarities to the ex-Kaiser (=emperor) Wilhelm II of Germany

1.4.     My fake brother-in-law named Abdelghani Abokurah a hidden English + Jordanian + Germany royalty and a multi-businessman had a very strong look similarities with the German Prinz-Oskar-von-Preussen, except the eye colors are different

1.5.     The same person as mentioned in the above point was studying in Koeln/Koln/Köln, Germany to become engineer/architect, yet he sends his children to study in the USA and in particular in Washington D.C. from high school to Catholic university of Washington=100% English royalty that is pretending to be Jordanians originated from Germany and are in Washington D.C. including their alleged mother alias my fake sister Afrah Najar alias Moni Najar alias Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar, for one purpose only to use their telepathy capabilities on American politicians and manipulate their lives and their decisions, and therefor they also used me as a multipurpose decoy, as if I am their relative from Damascus, Syria as distraction of the English royalties!!

1.6.     My fake 2 nephews the children of the fake brother-in-law mentioned above, and they are named Khalid Abokurah and Abdallah Abokurah have an unbelievable look similarity to the German Prinz-Oskar-von-Preussen, which is very visible in their photos as they all were under the age of 20, including Prinz-Oskar-von-Preussen as shown below under the photo section

1.7.     My fake niece named May Abokurah alias marriage name forgotten, yet she is married to an ex-Iraqi royalty with the first name Khalid, and they are living between Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Washington D.C. This nasty fake niece with telepathy has a very strong look similarity to ex-German (hidden Nazi) princess named Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin

1.8.     My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi alias his real name is unknown to me, was to 90% a hidden (from me) German and/or British consul in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia while also having other businesses in these countries and also hid it from me, I strongly believe he is a hidden English royalty possibly the first hidden born of the current British Queen Elizabeth the Second, yet he was a German and most probably also a British consul in these countries that were and still are heavily controlled by the English royalties and this and partially since at least a century, except Egypt since 1-3 centuries or even longer

1.9.     The cousin of my fake mother named Jameel Baroudi and the father of the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi (it has many written variations also as Albaroudi or Elbaroudi, whereby “Al” or “El” means “The”), which is mentioned in more details in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-2”, whereby I was forced to write that he is a hidden escaped Nazi from 1945, yet I am not positive about that, I have no facts to back it up except his look that was very similar to Adolf Hitler, but also to King George V that died in 1936. Today I strongly believe that Jameel Baroudi is to 99% a hidden English royalty living between UK, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and possibly also other countries. His daughter Shams Baroudi was married to a Saudi Arabian Prince in 1960s. He looked and behaved through and through as an arrogant + ignorant royalties from the UK that cares about nothing else except money and power (limited intelligence because it is only 2 track intelligence), and I strongly believe he was manipulating the ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Naser with telepathy, and that is why he lived very close to the housing of the Egyptian president in an area called “Saraya Al-Uba”, whereby Saraya means Palace, and there where the ex- Egyptian royalties lived until 1953, then the British performed a fake revolution to make the people be more comfortable being ruled by an alleged Egyptians president Gamal Ab Al Naser. The ex-Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al-Naser was with no doubt a hidden slave for the English royalties and that is fact because he was fighting the Islamic brotherhood in Egypt, arresting them and killing them and claiming that they were terrorists to force the Saudi Arabian English royalty copycat Sunni Islam upon the Egyptians and this since over one century

1.10.              I was forced by the CIA + MI6 and their whore agent named Anita Disbray that they enslaved me under from 20 August 1970 to September 1977, to live in the small city called Unterschleissheim, Germany that used to be Schleissheim and now Oberschleissheim and Unterschleissheim, where by in Oberschleissheim there is an ex-German royalty palace called Schleissheim palace (in German: Schloss anlage Schleißheim), which really means that I was surrounded by hidden German royalties while I was force to live there from around spring 1973 to around autumn 1978 or spring 1979, I cannot recall the exact dates due to all the brainwash and the stress these criminals forced me into during that period of time!

1.11.              In the same city Unterschleissheim I was set up to become Christian as a part of a long-term brainwash and destruction to force me to think that my fake allegedly Muslim family is persecuting me and performing all these bad things against me because I allegedly left Islam and became Christian voluntarily, but it was a multipurpose set up, among others to force my mind to think of some members of my fake family as hidden escape Nazis from 1945, which they partially succeeded to force upon me this brainwash, especially that the evil CIA and MI6 set me up several times to relate me to Nazis. Which is visible in the other complain pages, such as taking me to Berchtesgaden where it was famous to be Nazis area, or setting me up to be a refugee again in Germany after 2004 and by force, to allow the German government to place me in a refugee camp in near Berchtesgaden, but also placed me in prison in the same areas, during which they brought several lookalike of members of my fake family to force my mind to think that they are from this area=hidden escaped Nazis, lookalike of among others these persons:

1.11.1.                My fake brother-in-law from Amman, Jordan named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier

1.11.2.                My fake niece from Amman, Jordan named May Abokurah alias marriage name forgotten and this enable to force my mind to think of them as Germans and not as British in Washington D.C.

1.11.3.                This was pure brainwash!

1.12.              In around 1967/1968 the German Ambassador gave my fake sister Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Najar alias Fadia Nagar in around 1968 a very rare very well trained white German Shepperd dog as protection for the children, and this after their alleged father named Afaf Shawki died in 1966 in an Airplane crash that he piloting, whereby these 2 children were 100% not his children yet they were using his name, meaning English royalties hiding their children under the name of Shawki and this before he even died and he thought these were his children. This also was planned in case I start to suspect that my family is not my family but rather my fake family and kidnapers, then and with this and other brainwash setups to force my mind to relate them to hidden escaped Nazis and to Germany and not to the UK, and this is fact

1.13.              King Wilhelm II was forced to be Asylum seeker in the Netherlands since 9-11.1918, and that is why these criminals brought me by force to the Netherlands to be also forced refugee,  while I was forced to find out all these facts about this German emperor Wilhelm II that was a refugee in Netherlands, while at least twice I was forced to see a young lady that looked very similar to me, even the eye color just to force my mind to put 1 + 1 = I am his grandson as distraction of the evil English royalties that persecuted me to death since 1960, among other by using the BP-British Petroleum as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 & Part-2.


Is this my family, Possibility-1?

2.        Possibility-1: the reason I am placing it after with possibility 2 in point-1 is to help you understand it after reading Possibility-2 in Point-1. I strongly believe that I am the son of king George VI of the UK, that was born on 14 December 1895 and died on 6 February 1952. And the reason I believe so is because of the following reasons, I will start with small silly reasons:

2.1.     Today in June 2020, I have discovered something new about causing me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960, which is I strongly believe that they practically caused me a total Amnesia twice or even possibly 3 times between 10/11 January 1960 and around spring or summer 1960. And theoretically and based on their logic and the pattern, they possibly caused me a total amnesia possibly 1-3 or more times prior to 10/11 January 1960. And here is why: It is very difficult to recognize everything of my own memory, because I must analyze every small and big thing to see if they fit together. And here what I found:

2.1.1.       Approximately 10/11 January 1960 to approximately 10/11 February 1960 we went to Cairo Egypt and we were staying at the house of the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, he was allegedly originated from Sudan and had 2-3 long marks on his one or both cheeks allegedly through the tribes of the Sudan this is what they do to their children when they are born, mark them for some reason nor another, on the other side and for all I know, he was Afro-American pretending to be Sudanese or Afro-British pretending to be Sudanese as a mean of hiding his relation to USA or UK, and Sudan was under the British control and still is, but now it is in the hidden through hidden slaves. As we arrived in Cairo, Egypt we stayed at the house of this Politician. Here too, I have knowledge of that but no memory, except one that I believed it to have been truth until now, and who knows maybe it happened prior to causing me total Amnesia after March 1966, and here what I remember: I know where he lived on Al-Uruba Street or the corner of it near to the building that was owned by the Queder/kwader family opposite the officers sport’s club near the Almaza Air Force Airport and just 300 meters of where my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar lived directly opposite the main entrance of  the Almaza Airforce Airport, and the reason I know where he lives is because I passed by his house each time I go to my fake sister, and most probably I was told “oh this is Dardiri’s house” and this is knowledge. Second memory is we are at his home in January 1960 sitting in the living room and the house keeper called “Khadamah” in English Servant was walking by, and all the adults sitting on these seats and I suddenly went to his daughter (7 or 8 years old) or his daughter came to me, I cannot recall, she was around my age or one year younger and kissed me on the mouth over the lips making noise with that and one of us saying “This is how they kiss in movies”, it is impossible for me to say that because I had total Amnesia, and I also believe it is impossible for her to do that because this is not how children are raised in Egypt, and her mother was allegedly Egyptian and not black. End of alleged memory, here too this is knowledge and no memory because I absolutely do not remember anything else besides that, such as where I slept, what I ate when I ate, who ate with me and so on = this is 100% fake memory, but why go through the trouble of causing me total Amnesia twice or more?

2.1.2.       Approximately 10/11 February 1960 and after the 4 weeks as gursts as mentioned above we were staying as gusts at the house of my alleged fake mother’s cousin named Amira Baroudi that was married to the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. Now this is knowledge and not memory speaking, meaning I know that but I have very little memory of this time, which point to the following, I may have mixed my future memory of this house with my older memory of this house, meaning I went to this house a couple of times after march 1960  and was in the same school as the son of the general named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that claimed about himself in 1982 to be police officer working in the Egyptian Airport and using his position allegedly to smuggle drugs, which was most probably a lie and was more like a black mail to my 2 fake sisters that of the families Bdeir/Budier and Abokurah in Jordan and they were heavily involved in illegal drugs while also owned cigarettes factories and controlled the Jordanian Airline called at that time Alia, one was Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budeir as chairman of the board and the other was Abdalghani Abokurah as CEO of the same airline and both own an Islamic school, and I strongly believe they use students to sell drugs to other students in Egypt, in Jordan, in Germany, in the UK, in USA in Switzerland’s a, in Saudi Arabia, in Kuwait, in UAE, in Oman, in Bahrain, and the reason I am positive about that is because the pattern I discovered of selling drugs in schools in Hamburg through my fake uncle and his wife as well her cousin in Egypt called Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and her husband, where by these 2 couples, both husbands and wives are also teachers and are living very much in secret and avoid others and in particular me. Back to the total Amnesia, I do not have memory of these 4 weeks, I have knowledge of them, which means I was told so and I believed it, and it was truth yet they caused me a second total amnesia as soon as they registered me to school, which I am not positive when it was, either spring 1960 (this is the most likely date the spring) or end of summer 1960, but why go through the trouble of causing me twice total amnesia within 3 months?

2.1.3.       I believe in my first week of school, it was either spring 1960 March or April or it was end of summer where the schools in Egypt have 3 months summer vacation and starts again sometime end in end of September, yet I believe it was in spring my fake cousin Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that was my age and he was for a short period with me in the same school, and 100% had telepathy, which is mentioned elsewhere why I think so, he forced another very fat student to throw a building red brick at me, where it landed on my head and I passed out and they took me to the nearby Heliopolis hospital. This plus a fake memory that I was allegedly in Damascus, Syria in 1959 and went with an alleged cousin named Fikrat Kheir to a mountain in Damascus called AL-Muhajreen (the emigrant mountain) that was just 100-300 meter high and I fell of the mountain and someone allegedly caught me half way while I am falling and then took me to the hospital, and this is typical for a fake memory with their sick fantasy such as me falling down and halfway falling down some stranger caught me half way and saved my life yet I severely injured myself. And this too was 100% a fake memory forced upon me through telepathy and these two situations are to give me and others a reason for my total amnesia. Here again why go through this trouble?

2.1.4.       My 2 fake sisters Fadia Najar nick name Fifi (short for several French names) alias later in around 1962 Fadia Shawki in Cairo after alleged marriage alias later in 1970 or 1971 Fadia Nagar in the UK and the other fake sister Afrah Najar nick name Moni (short for Monika) alias later Afrah Abokurah in 1966 in Amman Jordan alias later in 1987 Mona Najjar in Washington D.C. These 2 fake sisters that allegedly relocated with me and my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi from Damascus, Syria to Cairo, Egypt on 10/11 January 1960, were soldiers and the reason I believe that is because the way they behaved, but also had 100% telepathy. Approximately on 10/11 March 1960 we relocated from General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman house to our own new apartment on 111 Al-Higaz/Hijjaz street 100 meters of the Heliopolis hospital. We had one bedroom for my fake mother, and one bedroom for my 2 sisters and me. The furniture in this bedroom was 100% military style furniture, 3 X  single beds and a couple of chairs 3 X  small 2 door closets with half side with shelfs and the other half with hangers this had enough space for approximately 5 change of clothes, the cloth were laid in the closet in most tidy manner as if someone took a measurement and made sure there is the absolute same space between the cloths, and this is absolutely impossible because they were allegedly 10 + 12 years older than me. Meaning 18 + 20 years old, there is no 18 + 20 years old that are European style modern will have a maximum of 5 change of clothing that is not possible unless they are most disciplined soldiers, which very much says these criminals 2 women were 100% soldiers and bodyguards and 100% had telepathy because I have so much memory gaps until these 2 disappeared of my life sometimes in 1961. I had one memory of my fake sister Fadia as if we were in a house in Damascus, Syria, as mentioned elsewhere and I was able to identify it as fake memory, yet somehow they forgot to add Moni, whereby Moni was the boss and was always commanding Fadia, Do this and do not do that, these 2 women were 100% not only not my biological sisters but rather I strongly believe they were bodyguards of Queen Elizabeth the Second and were on standby each time she come to Cairo disguised as my fake mother Hayat Baroudi

2.1.5.       My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi had (allegedly died end of March 2013 in Brighton, UK as a mean of a brainwash to force my mind to cease to think about my past and blame everything on this whore called my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, she was acting all the times while I was forced to live with them for a week or so in March of 2013, she used to sit in her bedroom and pretend to be reading the Quran and keep on shaking her head forwards and backwards while she reads the Quran and during which she cover her head with something white and when she does not read Quran, she watch the TV or videos all about Quran and this 60-70% of every day I was there. And I know she is neither Muslim nor she has respect to the Islam religion because she was a whore doing anything for money and power for Queen Elizabeth the Second) ( My fake mother had light brown eyes, queen Elizabeth has blue eyes, they are the same height, and I believe they are cousins, I strongly believe that queen Elizabeth the second wore contact lenses with darker shade plus some special makeup and you would never be able to tell the difference, especially when both of them claim to be Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi my fake mother and always take me with them and people get used to me very quickly and when they see me they think this is my mother especially with the 2 fake sisters that were nothing else than another whore criminals filthy MI6 bodyguards for queen Elizabeth the Second of the UK, and therewith Queen Elizabeth has performed many crimes against an innocent child that is her brother and get rid of me as the son of Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that is related to Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan

2.1.6.       I strongly believe I am the son of King George VI and I was kidnapped as soon as he was dead on February 6, 1952, most probably to USA or other country such as possibly Singapore, and that would possibly explain why the American military in 1970 brought a Singaporean young man named Vincent Sirvence I am not sure how or write the last name, and claimed about himself to be the son of a Chinese father and Malaysian mother and born in Singapore and studied psychology in some university in Australia and then went to London to study psychology and comes to the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich to work, whereby the American military used to pay civilians very little compared to the open German market, yet I did not question that at that time and he disappeared of my life after a couple of months in 1970, therefore it is very possible I was kidnapped from the UK by the evil witch queen Elizabeth the Second and her husband Prince Philip of Denmark and Greece, possibly to Australia, possibly to Singapore, possibly to USA possibly to all of them and then took me to Cairo Egypt as one of the many children that these criminal English royal family members kidnap every year to use as decoy as it is listed in the page “Conclusion” and in the page “kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children” and therewith distracting of the fact that I am her brother. Who would do something like that to his own brother unless he/she has only one or two track intelligence = money only or money + power  = mentally sick, just like their hidden slave Donald Trump is also mentally sick, just like the entire White House Administration under Donald Trump, and prior to that under George W. Bush and prior to that under George H. W. Bush and prior to that under Ronald Reagan, all these presidents are hidden slaves of the English royalties including the majority of the very violent republic party of USA and as well as a big chunk of the Democratic party of USA, especially those Afro-Americans that now are very happy that Prince Harry is allegedly married to one of them alias Meghan, Duchess of Sussex but she is only half Afro-American and the other half is hidden English royalties that was used only to make or even force Afro-American to support them by voting for whoever they want to win in the democratic party as next president just as they did with Barak Obama, and therewith no matter who will win the next 2020 election is going to be a hidden slave of the English royalties, if it is Trump or Biden = welcome to the fake democracy of USA

2.1.7.       Add all the bottom to the top = I am the son of King George VI and brother to Queen Elizabeth the Second of the UK

2.2.     My birthday was 100% falsified to two different birthdates, both in October of 1952 and both are only 7 days apart, with the reasoning that they made me older by one week enable the school in Damascus, Syria (where I was allegedly born) place me in grade one in 1958 when I am 6 years old, because I allegedly was one week too young, and therewith if I discover that my birthdate is changed then I would think only by one week, beside, and thanks to the schools in Egypt start usually in the 3rd week of September and Syria it starts in the first week of September = I was lied to = brainwash = to force my brain to think my birthday is one of these 2 fake birthdays only = it is completely different birthday!. Today I strongly believe I am between a couple of months to 12 month older than what it is stated on my falsified birth certificates (10 October) and my falsified ID (making me 7 days older) as a mean of brainwash to force me to think I am at around this age. Yet and as it is described in the pages “Kidnapping me as a child and kidnapping other children” and “My fake family the kidnappers” I was never in Syria except for 3-4 days between 10/11 January 1960 and 15 January 1960, where then I was taken to Egypt as an alleged Syrian, where they wanted to place me in school either in second or third grade but the school gave me a test and said my school knowledge is zero and placed me as an 8 years old in first grade, meaning I lost 2 years of schooling because these criminals caused me a total amnesia. And again, I was forced to go to Damascus, Syria in Mid-December 1969 enable to implicate me as member of the terrorist group PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization, enable to give the evil CIA + MI6 + BND a reason to pretend to be persecuting me, but in reality they were 100% isolating me of the rest of the world and above all of my past by re-brainwashing me

2.3.     My fake mother the English royalty whore named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and as one of countless times where members of my fake family tried to use me as a blackmail object against the English royalties, said to me in Germany, sometimes between 1977 and 1984, that she was really born in 1926 but they changed her birthdate to the year 1921 enable they allegedly make her older and enable she can marry my (none existing fake) father that was made up and never existed as these criminal told me. But let us assume she is right, then she must have married my non-existing father at age 9 years old and had my oldest sister one year later at age 10 years old, which is physically possible but not feasible. And as a confirmation for this brainwash lie they did the followings in around and between 1961 or 1964 in Cairo, Egypt: there was a man and his daughter that was 9 years old coming 1-2 times per week to pick up the trash of our apartment, and after a couple of weeks and after they made sure I registered this situation, this man came alone without his 9 years daughter, and I asked him where is she, he said she  get married and now is living with her husband, and that is illegal in Egypt, but I did not think of it at that time. Beside this fake whore mother told me that she gets married at age 13 and had a daughter alias my oldest fake sister at age 14, and that too is illegal. This alleged oldest sister is Mrs. Suhair Bdeir/Budier is a nanny that pretended to be my sister and she was a nanny of 3 hidden Jordanian royalty children which are my fake niece Reem Bdeir/Budier the hidden older sister and almost very lookalike of princess Haya of Jordan alias the wife of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Arabic: محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم‎) the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE-United Arab Emirates (or ex-wife because she disappeared of his life in 2018 and divorced in 2019) and her brother Samir Bdeir/Budier and her sister Basmah/basmath Bdeir/Budier alias Basma Alami. And this statement had at least 2 meanings: meaning-1 and for me to reinforce the possibility that in Syria it is allegedly normal to falsify the birthdates for a goal. Meaning-2 as blackmail to show that she has the same birth year as current UK queen Elizabeth the Second, which is 1921!

2.4.     King George VI has a lot of look similarity to the Abokurah + Bdeir family in Jordan that he helped establish partially after the First World War and mainly after the Second World War, but also he has some look similarity to me, yet not as much as the last German emperor King Wilhelm II, whereby King Wilhelm II was the cousin of the British king George VI, and also King Wilhelm II was the grandson of the British queen Alexandrina Victoria that was born om 24 May 1819 and died on 22 January 1901

2.5.     I was forced to relate myself to the ex-German Kaiser (emperor) Wilhelm II based on his and my look before these criminals corrupted my look by force, also in the Netherlands

2.6.     The ex-German Kaiser (emperor) Wilhelm II was the grandson of Queen Victoria of the UK, and since the German royalties and the English Royalties had countless marriage between them, often between first cousins, which means they have a lot of lookalikes, meaning they are using the lookalike to force my mind to relate myself to the Germans, and since I loved living in Germany because I considered it to be my home, and psychologically I would tend to want to relate myself to the ones I love, yet I stick only to the facts. And that is why these criminals brought me by force to the Netherlands, where King/Emperor Wilhelm The second was living in Exile after he was abducted or since he was abducted as the Emperor of Germany on 9 November 1918 and until he died in 4 June 1941, which makes it impossible that he is my biological father because I am being born around 10-11  years after his death (my birth certificate is falsified, therefore I do not know my birthdate for fact), yet one of his sons or daughters can be one of my parents, which I doubt, because I was forced to think so with power above my capability, in that I was brought to the Netherlands by force of the criminal Bush family and the American government and was forced to be locked up for nearly 14 years. On top of that, often they force upon me situation to see a young lady that looked a lot like me, even her height, eye colors, hair color and so on, and this during a situation where I was also forced to go to a certain area to make me see this person near where the exiled king Wilhelm the Second lived in a village or a very small town called Doorn near Utrecht, and that was not a coincident, but rather a man planned situation!

2.7.     My 2 fake sisters in Jordan are of the major controlling families = Jordanian Royalties and Jordan is 100% controlled by the English royalties because they created Jordan as we know it today and that is fact, just as they created Israel and own Israel, and would never allow Jewish to rule over their selves, and therewith they always have persons in Israel pretending to be Jewish enable to be the leaders, just as they have been doing it in many other countries partially since over two centuries, such as USA, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Singapore, Hong Kong (was given back in 1999) and countless others. In other words, the 2 families of my 2 fake sisters are Related to English royalties and that is fact, which are the Abokurah family + Bdeir/Budier family + Malas family + other families such as Tabaa, Baroudi and others

2.8.     My fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar that was forced upon my life in 1965/66 is most probably British origin and was sent as reinforcements in Egypt (one out of countless thousands) while pretending to be my brother that was allegedly Syrian but allegedly raised by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan that was raising hidden Jordanian royal family children, and I was forced to think of him as the son of King Hussein (and maybe he is), today I know he was British, because of the following reasons:

2.8.1.       He performed severe damages upon me using telepathy, among other forcing others to rape me

2.8.2.       He was placed in Catholic school named San George, and since the English royalties hate the Catholic church because it was teaching people things that the English royalties did not want the people to know, such as telepathy, it was a very good disguise that he be placed in a Catholic school, while my fake sister Fadia Shawki was replaced with another lookalike that suddenly acted as if she is Italian origin, likes/loved Italian Cold cut meat, that was mainly made out of pork such as Mortadella, or says Italian words, during which Egypt was claiming to build their own cars called Nasr (in English: Victory), but they were not building a car, rather they were assembling the Italian car Fiat out of parts that was delivered to Egypt from Italy for this purpose as a mean of mass brainwash. Since the Catholic church headquarter is in the Vatican within Rome in Italy, meaning there was some Italian business as distraction of the English royalties, and this makes it a pattern of the English royalties pretending to be Italians to blame their bad doings on the Catholic church as they did with me in Germany as it is mentioned in the pages “BP-British Petroleu-Part-1, -2 and part -3

2.8.3.       It is a very strong pattern that these criminal fake family of mine were often using me to blackmail my biological family, and in the case of the above point by placing my fake brother in a school called San George as a hint to King George VI, which was often repeated in my life also after kidnapping me to USA in 1986 and forcing me to live in an Italian Neighborhood in a house owned by Italian named Enzo on 277 Queen street in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and work in a nearby Italian owned gas station named TB Mobile at the corner of the extension of Queen Street  named 23 Stoehrs Place on the corner of Main street  and work as a cashier to prevent me to work in IT-Information technology (computer) section as distraction of my previous specialty design of multi-lingual computer systems which was used against me by the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 and their illegal project Calypso to supply Syrian government with American satellite computers to control the population , and in this gas station all of workers were Italians, except 2, me and another man that was brought to use as distraction of the evil hidden English/Jordanian royalties the Malas family, one of the work colleagues Italian origin and named Richard had a brother named George and was allegedly ex-Air Force pilot allegedly he had an injury and cannot fly anymore because he has a metal part holding his knee together. And this bring me back as far back as 1960/61 when my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar saw her future husband Named Afaf Shawki that was our next-door neighbor and was a pilot sharing an apartment with an Canadian Pilot (name forgotten) and after he had a deadly plane crash in spring of 1966, my fake sister had a boyfriend named Adel Hasan that was an Egyptian Air Force pilot and helicopter Pilot working in the Air force Airport named Almaza in Cairo, Egypt directly across the street of where my fake sister was living since she get married to Afaf Shawki in around 1961/62 and this Adel Hasan used to do illegal flying with his helicopter by flying directly just around 30-60 meters over the balcony of my fake sister and waving at her and I was able to see him from the balcony tilting out of the helicopter and waving at us. All this and much more was 100% not coincident and blackmail or memory test to see if I can remember anything who my father was, and what he was doing. For more info about king George VI and him being a Navy and an Airforce Pilot see the following article: In addition, the following previous situations shows that someone was either testing my memory or blackmailing my biological family: on 15 January 1960 and 3-4 days after kidnapping me and was taken to Cairo Egypt over 2-3 days in Damascus, Syria, where they fake my identity to Syrian. In Cairo, Egypt and for the first 4 weeks we stayed as guests at the house of the Egyptian politician named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael and later Egypt representative in the UNO, where I strongly believe at least the first 2-4 weeks Queen Elizabeth the Second was pretending to be my mother, while my 2 original fake sisters were nothing else but her bodyguards. The following 4 weeks we again were as guests at the house of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, he had 3 children one of them was a son and was in the Navy stationed allegedly in Alexandria, and he came only for a couple of days allegedly for a visit, and I never seen him after that, and here too, I believe they were either testing my memory or blackmailing my biological family. This simultaneously while the wife of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman name was Amira (Arabic + Urdu word for Princess), while simultaneously my fake mother later told me that my grandmother’s name was Malikah (Arabic + Urdu word for Queen!). All this it does not make any since why we knew these people and why we stayed as guests at their home, but today I understand, I strongly believe that Queen Elizabeth II, went to the Middle East as a private person to inspect their hidden properties of their evil empire that brings misery to the majority of people as they brought to me, then she left Cairo and/or Egypt to inspect other locations from the eye of a private person pretending to be Hayat Baroudi, then repeatedly came back to Cairo before going back to the UK, or maybe she went back to the UK for a couple of days and back to inspect the other areas and no one will ever notice, this mean that possibly she had another lookalike representing her in the UK, no one will notice and I had no chance to notice, because these criminals had and still have telepathy and can control my mind, and that explain why my memory of this 2 months were more than fuzzy, I just remember that the woman that was pretending to be my mother had most of the times dark sun glasses, had a pearl necklace with large white pearls and always had a brooch/broché on her left side just below her shoulder, and was very elegant dressing and slow talker, slow mover. The Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that I get to know later in my life (at least 2 additional lookalike whore bitches) were nothing like the first 1 or 2

2.8.4.       This is a very important point that is very verifiable by influential people. On around 10/11 January 1960 I was kidnapped from somewhere to a hotel in Damascus, Syria for 3-4 days where these criminals falsified my identity to Syrian and then took me Cairo, Egypt as an alleged Syrian. I have absolutely no memory whatsoever prior to 10/11 January 1960, for more information on causing me total amnesia see the page “Kidnapping me as a child”. In the first 4 weeks starting 15 January 1960 we stayed as guests at the house of the Egyptian politician that later allegedly also was Egyptian representative in UNO named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael. He was Black skin allegedly originated from Sudan and had 2 or 3 very deep scratches on his face to show as if he is from a tribe from Africa and not UK agent, I cannot recall much what happened in his house because they were totally controlling me with telepathy to not allow anyone to come close to me or read my mind but also to prevent me of memorizing anything to not understand who is with me at this point of time.  The 4 weeks there after we were guests at the house of the Egyptian general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman. Now I have laid out the situation, and now I can list the information as shown below:         I was told that my grandmother from father side named Malikah, translated to English=queen         The wife of General Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman name was Amira translated to English means princess, she disappeared shortly thereafter allegedly she died, yet I was never in her funeral nor my fake mother = a lie. The general married her alleged sister named Elham, she looked nothing like her, Amira was white, through and through, and soa lso  her children, yet Elham was dark, Egyptian skin color not black but not white, Indian/Pakestani dark and she had facial similarities to King George VI such as larger lower lip, which I conclude that these 2 sisters are from different mothers and one father, Elham is possibly one of the hidden English royalty children that was born in Egypt of an Egyptian hidden wife or a second wife, which is very common by English royalties         The oldest son of general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman named Bahaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was allegedly Navy Officer stationed in or near Alexandrian         The general and at that time had 3 children, 2 sons and one daughter. The second son was around my age and named Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman and was in the same school that I was placed in named at that time AAl Saoud School, meaning family Saudi school, and was my first school in Egypt and first school ever because these criminals caused me on purpose total amnesia. I was placed in this school either in March 1960 or September 1960, I cannot recall, except that Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman 100% had telepathy and was using animals to train himself on them, such as a cat, a dog, a mouse and a snake all at the same time and no one was eating or chasing the other he had telepathy and was controlling them. In the school, I believe in the spring-summer 1960  and before the school summer vacation, which is 3 months in Egypt and at that time and during the break between classes, there was a large pot of water due to unexpected rain I was standing on one site of this pot that was around 5-10 meter wide and Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was standing on the other side and next to him a boy that was maybe 100-120 KG, very fat, and was playing and suddenly he picks up a red building brick, there was many of them around due to the school was renovating some buildings and there was no safety majors for the students, and he threw this red building brick (man-made rock) and he threw it at me and it hit my head causing me to fall and briefly pass out, and was taken to the nearby hospital called Heliopolis for stitches and then taken home. Today I have no doubt whatsoever that this evil Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman forced the fat boy with telepathy to throw this red building brick at my head to have an excuse for my total amnesia, because these criminals claimed I was 2 years in school in Syria which I was most definitely not         The sister named Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman is a very lookalike of her official cousin alias the famous Egyptian actress named Shams Baroudi + she is a very lookalike of the wife of the criminal man living in Germany named Dr. Farzat Baroudi that pretended to be my uncle, his wife name was Anna and was originated allegedly from Koeln/Koln, Germany and after 1970 she married with Dr. Farzat Baroudi and both lived on Wald Weg  in Hamburg and until I was Kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1986, and there with all these 3 women 2 in Cairo and one in Germany are 100% sisters or cousins or nieces or mother and daughter + cousins         Shams Baroudi mentioned above is the daughter of a very evil hidden English royalty named Jameel Baroudi, that today I strongly believe that he had telepathy and was controlling the Egyptian president Gamal And Al Naser that lived close to him in an area called Saray Al-Quba/Uba (Saray means Palace/Castle). This Jameel Baroudi had Blue Eyes and dark blond hair, skinny and was around 170-180 cm, possibly he looked much taller to me because I was 8 years old with total amnesia and cannot relate to things based on my past experience because I had none due to the total amnesia. I saw him only once in 1960 at his home, he had another 4 daughters, all had blues eyes except Shams Baroudi had Brown/blue or Brown/green eyes. He was through and through English royalty, arrogant and totally ignorant and one of his hobbies was heavily investing in Egyptian Movies or also called Arab-Hollywood/Arabwood. He had/has with no doubt telepathy and were using movies as mass brainwash on the Egyptian population, and the best prove for that, is that his alleged daughter the very famous ex-Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi and very suddenly after I tried to visit Cairo Egypt in spring of 1982, she turned all Muslim covering her head, dressing like strict Muslim as distraction of English royalties, add to it that she was married in 1960s to a Saudi Arabian prince = through and through English royalties         All of the above shows either that they were testing my memory or using me as a blackmail object         Also, I have very, very bad memory of my fake mother and 2 fake sisters during the first 2-12 months in Cairo, in matter of fact even more bad memory during the first 4-8 weeks, which it could very possibly means that queen Elizabeth the Second was the one who originally pretended to be my fake mother and was hosted by the Egyptian government official Dardiri Ahmad Ismael while disguising as my alleged Syrian mother. Maybe she was there for 1-2 weeks and then was replaced by the others, or maybe she used my fake mother to exchange places with her whenever she wanted to go to Egypt in disguise and I will never notice that, because she has telepathy and can totally control my mind and I will not know the difference, and that would explain why I have severe memory problems during that period of time. Egypt is 100% English royalties’ property, if anyone say anything else is a liar. They just use Egyptians that allies with them to control the country and keep it poor. In matter of fact, and even though Egypt had over 60% illiterate, yet Egypt was the most advanced Arab country until 1960s, then all the so called new Arab petroleum countries went ahead of Egypt while Egypt was kept poor for its natural resources, including human and farmers that are famous among others for cotton that they get pennies for each 10 Euro a European farmer receive=arrogant and ignorant and cowards because they are always hiding under different identities and do not care about anyone or anything except their selves and staying in power enable to continue to be arrogant and ignorant and self-loving. If all this true, then queen Elizabeth the Second is a criminal element at least in my life, and that also would explain why my fake mother repeatedly exchanged places with others as distraction of the first one, which is queen Elizabeth the Second. I know she has blue eyes, but this is absolutely no problem for a person with telepathy and in her position to distract off, everything else is more than very similar to my evil fake mother, but also that would explain the heavy Freemason involvement in my life starting with Egyptian government official Dardiri Ahmad Ismael in 10/11 January 1960, and as confirmation to all of the above, see all what is below         If all of the above is true, then my original 2 fake sisters where nothing else than the bodyguards for queen Elizabeth the second that pretended to be my Syrian mother in the first 2-8 weeks between 15 January and 15 March 1960 and went to Cairo, Egypt as my original fake mother     If all the above is true, then that would explain why these criminals prevented me to have my own children while using me repeatedly as a fake father as follow (all the below is suspected theory and I have no prove for it except God’s gift=DNA):           In 20 August 1970 they enslaved me using the American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany under one of their whore agents named Anita Disbray that was allegedly British citizen and a strong look similarity to prince Andrew of the UK that also has a very strong look similarity to my fake uncle of Saudi Arabia with the fake name Jawdat Baroudi. In September 1977 Anita Disbray left my life in a very destructive and complex scheme, one of the scheme elements was that her whereabout was protect by the Bavarian court, Bavaria is the only so called free state in Germany, allegedly because I am a violent man, which I was not, but like this they have a reason that the German government cover up for her, yet she calls me one months later and tell me that she is pregnant but not from me, and she is telling me that to avoid that I fight her in court for the new born as my child. I was 7 years her slave and she totally destroyed my logic or whatever I had of a logic and I was not able to see through these schemes. Today I know that she called me for 2 reasons, to destroy my self-confidence because I will gradually recognize that it is impossible that she is pregnant of someone else unless she had sex with someone else prior to leaving me, which was practically impossible, because I was her chauffeur taking her to work and picking her up from work, while simultaneously giving others who are monitoring us the feelings as if this is my child and she is hiding it from me because allegedly because I am a violent man, which is a very nasty pattern by persons with telepathy to show as if their victim is in control and violent and that they are scared off, and therewith she was hiding the identity of a child as if it is mine. This pattern is very visible with the current US president Donald Trump, he is with no doubt what so ever a hidden slave of the English royalties and they control him with telepathy using his wife, and some of his secretaries (in USA they call a minister secretary of …, like secretary of state = Minister of foreign affairs and so on) of his administration and I have many visible proves, yet others do not see it because they do not know or have experience with telepathy as I do, and that alone is illegal to have a president of USA being a puppet of others. The below will confirm that, but also the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3” will also confirm that. I said others do not have experience with telepathy as I do, what I meant that most people in the world think of telepathy as fantasy, because it is a hidden brainwash and brain control that has been used as such since the existence of the human beings. I am sure that some other persons have also similar, a bit less or more, experience with telepathy as me, but they are not talking about it and that is wrong, ignoring it will not make it vanish and it should not be vanished because it is a natural sense and one of the most important human senses, yet by the majority of human being it has been disabled enable to enslave people and this has been done for centuries, any other explanation is a lie, PERIOD.           End of March 1981 I was set up to get to know Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka as mentioned in the page “Thank you” under the section with her name. A few months later, maybe in autumn of 1981, Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka was allegedly pregnant, and I was forced to discuss with her an abortion, which I really did not want. Since I suspect that Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka had possibly a lookalike that exchanged places with her and caused me a lot of trouble/damage on 17.10.1984 and it is related to the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum, it is very possible that her lookalike is a wife of one of the English royalties slaves that is acting as prince or an even a king in in the Middle East such as in one of this countries: Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan or even English royalties from the UK and these criminals loves to hide some of their children under a different identity enable to use them later, among others, in governments and no one will ever link these hidden children to them, and they perform that also in the USA, Germany, Egypt, and may so called Arab petroleum countries such as members of my fake family and other countries and my fake sister Afrah Najar alias Afrah Najjar alias Afrah Abokurah alias Afrah ??? (??? = she allegedly married again while she was over 70 years old in Washington D.C. possibly to change her name from Abokurah or  Najjar or Najar or Nagar or Naggar to something else) is the prove, she lives in Washington D.C. 100% with fake identity, because I never seen her in my life prior to 1966 or 1967. In Germany and at that time you can perform an abortion if a social and medical professional advice that, therefore I was forced to go with Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka to both and they allowed her to allegedly perform an abortion in the so called Schwabinger Krankenhaus in Munich, Germany (in English Schwabinger Hospital). To make it short the circumstances around her going to the hospital and coming back alone from the hospital was most questionable, therefore it is possible that one of the two lookalike Adelheid Kuczka went as pregnant person and was replaced with the lookalike and therewith they had another child hidden as my alleged child and without my knowledge, but this is a pure theory based on many unexplained circumstances and situations around us at that time           The concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore that they enslaved me under their joint whore named Najlaa Mahmoud that already allegedly had four children named Rima Khodor/Mushref in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA, Suzanne Khodor in Houston, Texas, USA, Huwaida ??? (in Australia) and Nawar Khodor in Houston, Texas, USA. This filth of a human being named Najlaa Mahmoud has with no doubt what so ever at least one look alike, I strongly suspect 2 look alike, and the third has a brown mark on each of her knees and on her forehead from praying as Muslim prey, the other 2 do not have it and have also different behavior and eating, dressing habits. I was forced to believe that I have a son of her and was forced by the MF CIA + MI6 + FBI to raise him until summer 1999, then and gradually and after the year 2000 I was able with certainty to recognize that he was not my biological son, and took this 100% situation to look at the above 2 situation and the following one           In November 1999 I was setup by some evil group of people, that I cannot say with certainty who it was, but it must have been one of the followings: CIA, MI6, FBI, members of my biological and fake family, the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum that enslaved me under this whore women in first of all, the Catholic church (which is obviously as distraction of the English royalties and a mind trap to force me to blame many bad things that happened to me since 1966 on the catholic church because they created many very destructive situation around my life and were always trying to force my mind to relate it to the Catholic church and Italy), back to the setup, and after the multi-institution whore Najlaa Mahmoud left my life in summer 1999 in Houston, Texas, USA, I was immediately forced to be homeless and workless, which in itself a prove that this filthy whore is nothing else but a whore for BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family + my biological family because they used the same evil pattern as they used with me starting 1968/1969 with their whore Esmat Khodori/Chodori not to mix with the other name Khodor (in 1968/69 in Cairo Egypt), then Anita Disbray (in 20 August 1970 to September 1977 CIA, Munich, Germany), then Renee Zielske (In 1978-1980 Siemens AG, Munich, Germany), then Adelheid Kuczka (End of March 1981 to 17 October 1984 CIA and or BND and/or my fake and biological families Munich, Germany), Vilma Bonnila (Mid-November 1999 to January 2000 CIA and or FBI and most definitely ARAMCO + Bush + Rockefeller family + and biological families Munich, Germany) all these women had many thing in common when it comes to me in their lives, yet the number one pattern, is that I was brutally removed and prevented of ever seeing them again. In this process I was forced to lose my apartment and move into a motel in Houston, Texas called Sun Suite Hotel on Sam Houston parkway near Westheimer Road. In this hotel they hired another whore named Vilma Bonilla that was allegedly from Honduras, and allegedly had the same birthday as me on 17 October but unlike me she had a green card and I was forced to be illegal alien since September 1987. There were many very negative situation created using this lady, but here I will concentrate only on pregnancy, we had 2-3 times sex, and suddenly she was pregnant and pushed me away, which it could be as a reminder of my past especially from 1970-1971 at the American military base McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany, which she did many things to remind me of my past, that no one can know except the followings: the American military intelligence, CIA, MI6, BND, the whore mentioned above named Anita Disbray, and the Afro-American CIA agent named Ray Thomas or my fake brother Nick Naggar or some unknown or a group with telepathy that was/were always monitoring every step I take in my life. Showing me that she is pregnant has several possibilities: Possibility-1: She was not pregnant and was using it as a reminder.  Possibility-2: she was pregnant but not from me.  Possibility-3: She was pregnant of me, but wanted to hide it of me, possibly because someone notice I am being systematically isolated and prevented to have my own children and therewith they using her to have a child of mine for the future and when the child grows up, which is most likely farfetched, then use this child, such as now, where this child could be now around 19-20 years old. Possibility-4: She was reminding me with Anita Disbray being pregnant by creating situations similar to situation as Anita Disbray left, which is practically and theoretical impossible to be coincident several repeated situations of my past. Possibility-5: Using the entire theater of being pregnant to remind me of Adelheid Kuczka and that I loved her very much and never ceased to think about her while I was in USA to force my mind to want to leave USA voluntarily to go to see Adelheid Kuczka, because this is what was always on my mind since enslaving me under this filthy whore named Najlaa Mahmoud, on the other side they may have used this situation with Adelheid Kuczka as described in the page “Thank you” under the section with her name and to force me to fall in love with her, which was not hard, due to she was and still is a very lovable woman and human being, yet it was planned this way enable to force me to raise one of their hidden children and then use my memory of my lost love to separate me very violently and by force of telepathy attacks as these criminals did to me between June 1999 and July 200 to force me to leave USA under the force of fear and remembering my lost love = separating me of my fake son = through and through evil and absolutely criminal Psychopaths. Possibility-6: Something else that I am missing and did not understand. Whatever it was it was very destructive to me and that is fact, because shortly thereafter in July 2000 I was imprisoned and deported to the Netherlands on 10.02.2001 where I was all-in-all imprisoned for nearly 14 years, and this even I loved Germany, I loved the church, I loved Europe I loved almost everyone I knew and treated them also accordingly as I learned how to treat others as a Christian, yet I was severely attacked with telepathy to force me to do nasty things as a mean of isolating me by force while forcing my mind to blame myself for everything, and that is most sadistic, very unfortunately we live in a very beautiful world that is controlled by most sadistic persons such as I am describing in my complaint pages!           The name Khodori/Chodor verses Khodor/Chodor. This alone show a consistent pattern of brainwash and blackmail as follow. Blackmail Example-1: in end 1968 or begin 1969 in Cairo, Egypt my fake sister at that time named Fadia Shawki introduced me to a young allegedly Egyptian lade named Esmat Khodori (Khodori is an Arabic + Urdu word for who sells vegetables also called greens in Arabic + Urdu, while Khodor means greenness or all green, but also it is a name of unknown to me personally of a very famous Egyptian Muslim Priest/Sheikh) This Esmat Khodori was 19 years old while I was 16 years old. Her uncle was the CEO of the Egypt Air=Egyptian airline at that time, he must have been influential, because he also had other businesses, because he owned at that time the most famous movie theater in downtown Cairo named Metro, and had a high rise building right next to it and he lived in the upper 2 floors and made both floors to one apartment=penthouse, and that is only what I know, and since my original fake mother claimed to have had a relation with a married man from Damascus Syria, that owned a movie Theater directly next to the hotel where these criminals kidnapped me to, in other words my first location after kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 was this hotel, that possibly was also owned by this man named Saieed Al-Umary also written as Umary, and since the father of the original fake mother named Kamel Baroudi was allegedly fruits and vegetables distributer in Damascus allegedly main vegetable (=Khodari and Khodor also written Chodori or Chodor) distribution market called Sook or Souq Al-Haal, this mean my fake sister Fadia Shawki and in cooperation with this Egyptian Airline CEO were blackmailing someone, because it is not coincident. Simultaneously to that and just in 1967 I was sent to Amman, Jordan for a summer vacation, where they severely brainwashed me for 3 months between Amman, Jordan, and Tripoli + Jubail in Lebanon, where they took me to farms that today I believe they were illegal drug farms and one was disguised as tobacco farm and the other was north of Tripoli high in the mountains, where almost everyone was carrying a rifle  on his shoulder and in Amman I was introduced to my 2nd fake sister named Mona Abokurah, and her husband was Abdalghani Aboukurah, a multi-business man and among others he was stationed in Lebanon with his own secondary house and a Jaguar E-Type sports car that they were bragging about during that time in the 1960s and was also the CEO of the Jordanian Airline called Alia, add to that that these criminals started to rape me in 1966/1967 multitude times by using others and then here and now with this Esmat Khodori they pretending that I am a homos sexual and they are helping me by getting me with this young lady name Esmat Khodori. In Jubail, Lebanon I was staying at the farmhouse of the family Bark/Barq, the Lebanese man Ali Bark was the best friend of my fake brother-in-law named Seif Aldin Beir/Budier in Amman, Jordan and this friend Ali Bark was allegedly the Lebanese consul in Jordan for over 20 years (!!!!????), where the Bdeir/Budier family owned cigarettes factory in Jordan and countless other business from Engineering to constructions to busses, trucks, taxis, control Electric company, telephone company, water company and many others also in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain , Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and others and are partners with the other brother-in-law that was the CEO Abdalghani Aboukurah of the Jordanian Airline named Alia and was also multi-business man and they owned several joint business together such as in constructions but also a private Islamic school called Educational college of Jordan in Amman. In Tripoli + in the mountain I was staying at the house of Azrah/Azrath + ???, the Lebanese man named Joseph Azrah/Azrath was married to a woman named Hind, her family name was ??? forgotten, yet she had brothers in the illegal drug business one of them was named Elias, and was dark blond and blue eyes, the other one was just around my age, but I forgot his name. And therewith I strongly believe that my fake sister along with the Egyptian CEO were blackmailing these people by trying to remind me of the things of 2-3 years earlier. Blackmail Example-2: 1984, the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud using the Syrian military intelligence members in the project Calypso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 as distraction of the English Royalties. Now let us look at this disgusting and evil agent named Najlaa Mahmoud. First her name Najlaa + Mahmoud: Najlaa is the same name as Najlaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman the daughter of the Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that hosted us in the first 4 weeks of starting 15 January 1960 immediately 3-4 days after kidnapping me and at that time today I strongly believe that the Queen Elizabeth the Second was the one pretending to be my mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi at that time. Second the name Mahmoud was the name of my school friend that set me up to be my friend in around 1966/67 at the school called Al-Tabari in Roxy, New Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, he was set on me as a mean of protection and I did not see it at that time, and this was the set up: I was riding the tram from school to home and in the tram and for no reason what so ever 4-5 equal aged students attacked me and this Mahmoud that was in Highschool I believe grade 11 or 12 while I was in junior high-school grade  7, suddenly came in between and scared them so off that they immediately left the tram in the following stop, ever since he was my friend and no one dared to attack me. Not to forget to mention that he was the son of a famous Muslim Priest/Sheikh and living immediately in the street behind ours, I was living on 111 El Hegaz Street, Al Matar, El Nozha, Cairo, Egypt and he was living on Abd Al Hamid Abou Hief street around the numbers 15-30. Ironically, just a couple of house of his on the corner of the Mohammed Zaki street or on the corner of the Ali Fathi street, where my first friend ever the Christian named Sameh was living and my second fake mother went to school and ask them to separate me of him because we are allegedly strict Muslims and he is Christian and his father is brainwashing me to become Christian, and ever since which was I believe sometime between May and December 1960, never seen him again, which is described in more details in other pages. Therefore, the name Najlaa Mahmoud and what yet to come, was handpicked as a mean of blackmail to the English royalties. I believe that one of the bribes these criminals gave their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud was possibly that she will rejoin with her lost children, but again everything this bitch whore told me was a lie, and I am just trying to find the truth, here is what she told me: she was allegedly forced to marry one of her cousins as she was 13 years old, and her cousin named something Khodor is Lebanese, and lives in Tripoli, Lebanon (where I was forced to go in 1966 to implicate me as if I am related to drug lords as distraction of the English royalties). She allegedly had to relocate to Tripoli Lebanon where she lived and allegedly gave birth to 3 girls named Suzanne, Rima, Huwaidah and one boy Nawar (it could be a translation of French “noire” which almost pronounced the same as Nawar , which means Black, I heard he is a European sports car dealer and repair shop in Houston, Texas, USA). At allegedly age 17 or 18 this whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud couldn’t take it any more living with her allegedly forced upon her husband and his mother and escaped back to Syria and lived with her family and ever since never seen her children again. Yet after these criminals enslaved me under her control and kidnapped me to USA and blamed it on the Syrian government kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 because allegedly I became Christian through a forced upon me setup created by the English royalties and the Bush family, and that is impossible that the Syrian government kidnap me from Germany to USA, but rather the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + my fake + my biological family to cover up for the evil past and sadistic action of this organized crime family called English royalties and how they kidnapped me, caused me total amnesia, brainwashed me, rapped me and performed over and over again from 10/11 January 1960 and until I was able to relocate on 1 March 2016 to Den Haag/The Hague in Netherlands seeking protection by the Dutch royalties and the Dutch government + all the embassies and consulate in this city. If this true that this whore agent was forced to marry at age 13 and lost her 4 children, then 3 of her children that very suddenly appeared in my forced upon me life in the sadistic USA in 1988, 2 years after kidnapping me from Germany to USA is 100% her payment, but also everything else is a blackmail, from the name Khodor as reminder of Khodori in Egypt and my fake grandfather Kamel Baroudi that was allegedly fruits and vegetable distributor in Damascus, Syria (and these blackmail actions in their selves would confirm my brainwash that and the fake identities of my fake family members and my own and the illegal drug business as distraction of the English royalties and their hidden American relatives such as the Bush family and their hidden relatives the Rockefeller families along with their hidden Saudi relatives ARAMCO that all together persecuted me to death in and for 15 years in USA), and back to the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud as mentioned above, to pretending to be casual and moderate and not strict Muslim by eating pork and drinking Gin with orange juice, and trying to relate herself to Greece, Russian and Jewish in a very evil and hidden manner yet after we visited Washington D.C. in around 1988, she suddenly brays like Muslim prays, 5 times a day, yet she still place a ton of make on her disgusting face and wear clothing that a real Muslim would not do, and she had most definitely most odd and contradicting paradox behavior = at least 2 evil disgusting looking and behaving women. Why did she start praying and became allegedly all religious after we visited my fake sister in Washington D.C. with the following first names at different times such as Moni alias Mona alias Afrah and family names Najar alias Abokurah alias Najjar alias unknown to me, allegedly she married again 2-4 years ago in Washington D.C. and that must have been between 2016-2018, where I was 64-66 years old and she is allegedly 12-33 years older than me, meaning she was 76-79 years old, which makes her the oldest woman I have ever heard of that gets married while she is between 76-79 years old just to change her name from Najjar to something else due to my complaints, she is not my sister neither her evil children are my nephew and nieces, she is imposter and covering up for kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960 , where she and her evil children performed many very destructive brainwash actions against me in 1980s as preparation of separating me of the woman I very much fill in love with and called Adelheid Kuczka, that was treating her daughter and 100% unlike these criminals with care and actual love which made me start to question why haven’t I seen such a behavior before in my entire family that turned out to be my evil fake family that partially helped kidnap me not once but twice. All what is written in this point is a 100% the evil pattern of the English royalties and how they deal with children that they kidnap and enslave and use and steal everything from them as these criminals did to me, while I am one of them and related to them and the son of king George VI!! Therewith this whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud was used by the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum to cover up for their other agent my fake sister Afrah Najjar alias Mona Najjar alias Abokurah alias unknown that is living in Washington D.C. and manipulating along with her evil children the American politicians in Washington D. C. as they did to me, and I know that because these criminals have nothing Muslim in them they just pretend as cover up while making bad name for Muslims. Yet the Muslims I met repeatedly in my life even though they were not perfect human being, neither Christians are, neither Jewish nor other human beings is perfect, that is if you look on the earth and what is on it and recognize the intelligence behind creating them, then you too will come to the only conclusion possible this intelligence is perfect at least when comparing it with us, but back to this fake family and fake sister in Washington D.C., I do not like USA because what these criminal did to me in USA and then locked me up for 14 years and tortured the life inside-out all my life and in particular from 24.12.1984 and until I was able to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016. Not to forget and based on what I was told she used the absolute same pattern as queen Elizabeth II used when these criminal kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960 and pretended to be Syrian and allegedly escaping the dictatorship of my fake grandfather named Kamel Baroudi that allegedly was along with his sons Mamdoh Baroudi and Badeaa Baroudi fruit and vegetables distributors in Damascus Syria, and then asked for asylum in Egypt, which it turned out to be all lies, and now my fake sister in Washington D.C. pretended the same and using the absolute same pattern in 1987/88 and asked for asylum in Washington D.C. of her alleged sadistic and very violent husband name Abdalghani Abokurah, which I met at least 6-8 times and slept at his house in Amman, Jordan, one of many, he also had an apartment in Washington, D.C. in Tennessee and most probably also in California, and also in London and Germany and all I can say, even he was a member of organized crime family, yet he was always a gentleman and in my presence treated everyone with respect, above all he was highly educated and a multi-business man in several countries also in USA and there is absolutely no way that he would do anything remotely of what these criminals told me about him such as burning the cloths of his wife because they are allegedly a bit revealing or forbid his wife to leave home and many other fake stories that mean only to fil my head with bad things about him to use it for their purposes in USA, which these criminal did. All = English royalties’ pattern as it was in my past! Last but not least my fake sister in connection with the FBI, the FBI set me up several times between at least December 1986 in Fairfield and Bridgeport, Connecticut as well as New York city, and at least until 1995 between Houston, Texas and Evansville Indiana., yet only one situation of countless is enough to mention here. I was forced to apply for political asylum in USA to refuse me and then blame it on me and on the FBI, and here is how, after the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport forced me by not giving me other alternative to apply for political asylum in USA which was around March 1987, and they did that by making an appointment for me at the International Institute of Connecticut in Bridgeport with the director of this institute named Myra Oliver (Italian origin to force me to connect to prior countless fake Italian setups as distractions of the English royalties), where she was supposed to help me apply for political asylum, and she said now we applied for political asylum, it is the law in USA that all applicants must be also interviewed by the FBI, and one month later the FBI called me and made an appointment with me to interview me in a café/restaurant in Westport, Connecticut at 10 in the morning where there is no business open yet at this time. To make it short and simultaneously my fake sister Moni alias Afrah alias Mona  and the last name Najar alias Abokurah alias Najjar alias new one since 2-4 years unknown to me was also allegedly applying for political asylum yet in Washington, D.C. where she was living in an apartment owned by her husband and I was partially forced to be homeless from September 1986 and until around May or June 1987 with one big difference, her husband at that time was Abdelghani Abokurah a hidden English-Jordanian-Saudi Arabian royalty and has several international businesses also in USA, otherwise he would not have at least 3 houses in USA such as in Washington, D.C., Tennessee and California, meaning he was known to the FBI, because the FBI has a huge networking and has all the automation and computers that he needs to find anything about any one at any time, yet they officially did not know me, and when they interviewed me it was a set up and asked me to work with them against my family and in particular my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi that pretended to be Syrian Diplomat, meaning these criminal FBI agents knew my fake uncle and my entire fake family and during the interview they can use telepathy on me to see what is on my mind and what I know about my fake sister that is also applying for political asylum, Yet because I refused to work against my fake family because I thought they were my family and I thought they were honest people and did not see and understand all the illegal activities, but the FBI was able to see what is in my mind about my fake sister and her alleged husband that was allegedly a bad man, because in my mind was only the stories what these criminals told me falsely against him, yet today I compare what they told me about him with what I have seen of him, and what I have seen of him makes it impossible that he did what these criminal told me about him= my fake sister used in Washington D. C. the same political asylum scam as queen Elizabeth used in January-March of 1960 in Cairo Egypt and then was replaced by another lookalike that had light brown eyes. Note about the FBI, the criminal ex-president Reagan and ex-president George H. W. Bush helped in kidnapping me from Germany and helped in covering it up because they 100% worked for the English royalties interest and not for the interest of the American people and there is thousands of proves for that, alone in these complaint pages there is hundreds of proves, among others they control the FBI and so president Clinton and so president George W. Bush and so president Obama they all had total control over all the federal agencies including the FBI, asylum seekers, CIA and the last goes on and on and the best prove for that is the current president Donald Trump he does absolutely the same but openly and with a big mouth, the prior presidents did it discreet and without getting attention to their evil power. No one man such as the president of USA should have so much power, in matter of a fact no country should have a president, but rather a very selectively elected publicly committee called presidential committee and they should also behave as such, which is they are the employee of the nation and not the nations is their slaves such as the current and previous Whitehouse criminals did in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, South Africa, Vietnam, Korea, Thailand, Japan and Germany, where they killed millions and enslaved over a billion, I know that because I saw it myself and as a result we have the EU, as protection of these criminals and slaves of the English royalties. I get side tracked and forgot the point, which is that the disgusting whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and since these sadistic psychopaths and criminals evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND+ my fake family + my biological family enslaved me under the control of this bitch named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 in Munich, Germany and until 1988 in Washington D.C., this bitch did not pray once, instead she was eating what I was eating and drinking what I was drinking including pork and alcohol, and very suddenly after visiting my fake sister Mona Najjar in Washington D.C., this bitch started overnight to pray 5 times a day and told me that my fake sister has convinced her to pray and taught her to pray, which is a multipurpose lie, among others as follow,  Purpose-1: to force my mind to think of my fake sister as religious, which she is not only absolutely not religious but she is a criminal along with her children and the family of her alleged husband named Abokurah family in Jordan, USA, UK and Germany, they are drug lords, they brainwash people and use telepathy to force others to rape them as these psychopaths did to me. Purpose-2: to not notice the difference between the two bitches and whore that exchanged places together and both have identical names and almost identical look, both place a ton of make up on their ugly faces to cover up the difference, and I am guessing that one of them is a whore they hired from Saudi Arabia and working for ARAMCO and therewith directly and indirectly for the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and the Bush family, anything else is a lie.

2.8.5.       On between July and August 1970 the CIA + MI6 severely brainwashed me in a very sadistic and cruel way enable they can enslave me under their joint whore agent named Anita Disbray an English nationality that had a lot of look similarities to prince Andrews of the UK, she had Telepathy and totally isolated me and destroyed any friendship I may have started and this from 20 August 1970 to September 1977, and the first thing she did was destroying my current friendships that I already made in simmer 1970

2.8.6.       In the same period as the point above also the CIA + MI6 brought a lookalike of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar, yet this one writes his name as Naggar. And to make sure that I believe he is the same person as from Egypt, he allegedly came over Amman, Jordan, which I was not able verify, during the period of the so-called Black September which was a Palestinian up rise in Jordan that lead to a semi civil war until the Israeli came to aid the Jordanian government disguised as Badawien/Bedouin (meaning The real Arabs people that live in the desert around a well of water and until it dries up, then they move to the next water well, sort of nomad), there is no way that these group of people named Badawien can help a government in fight against trained Palestinians that are trained over and over again since 1948=British send one of their slave countries Israel to help their other slave country Jordan, and that is what Israel was established for, and they heavily helped the Syrian government and in returned they allowed them to annex the Golan heights but also helped in Iraq war and most probably also in Yemen and Afghanistan war, which makes Israel a 100% military base of the English royalties and their evil American relatives that no nothing except killing foreigners and stealing their land for natural resources and the land itself, because land does not grow on trees and it is limited on Earth, not to forget that the English royalties created the conflict in first of all by stealing the land of Palestinians and placing their military base called Israel in it. To make sure that I believe that this is my brother and is not English or American agent, they made him bring with him 2 belts with empty bullets (like cowboy belts, who would come with an idea like that except crooked brain of the CIA that think of their selves as the cowboys living in the wild west and attacking everyone, just as these criminal organized crime institution repeatedly attacked me and destructed my life over and over again since at least 1970) allegedly collected in the house of my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier in Amman, Jordan through the short civil war. Also they made him work with me for only a short period of time in the American military base called McGraw Kaserne to force me to get used to him and within the so-called Mess Hall, where the soldiers eat, then they get another man that claimed to be civilian English from England and had all white hair, even though he was allegedly under 30 years old (for all I know he was over 60 years old) to force my mind to think that this one is British, but my fake brother is not British, and this brainwash trick they used often with me, such as bringing several Americans that have been living for ages in Germany, yet they have a very heavy American accent when they speak German to force my mind to think all Americans are like that speak German with a very heavy accent, and who ever speaks German without this heavy accent is never American=brainwash, and therewith they often were surrounding me by British or American origin that have been living in Germany since Second World War  and have the German citizenship as a second nationality such as several members in the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany where they set me up and brainwashed me using my attorney’s office name Rolf Bossi  to become Christian and blamed it on the Germans

2.9.     Isolating me of the Germans by force from March 1970 to January 1976 until I was setup to become Christian at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church in the city of Unterschleissheim, where today I strongly believe there were many Americans and British in that church since possibly the Second World War that pretended to be German origin. Many Americans and British military staff that are sent to Germany since the Second World War and when they retire or leave the military they stay in Germany either as freelance agents or as private persons, yet anyone who does not identify himself to me as originated from the UK or USA and while I was living in Germany as a refugee from October 1969 and until these criminals kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 also as distraction of the English royalties, then this person is most definitely a CIA or MI6 agent, and there were a couple of these criminals agents at the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim

2.10.              Jameel Baroudi the alleged cousin of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, was and with no doubt British Royal Family member, and this because he and with no doubt was controlling the life of the Egyptian president Gamal Abd Al Naser for the benefit of the English royalties

2.11.              Dardiri Ahmad Ismael that officially took us on 15 January 1960 from the Hotel in Damascus, Syria where I lived all in all only for 3-4 days in Syria and in this hotel, where they falsified my identity to Syrian and then took me to Cairo Egypt as a fake Syrian. And this Dardiri Ahmad Ismael was an official Egyptian government member (later I was told he was also Egypt representative in the UNO, which will strengthen the British votes because this criminal is working for them and my complaint pages is the prove and it is absolutely verifiable by influential persons) while he was working for the English royalties because he was Freemason and helped covering up my kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960, while hosting my original fake mother alias most probably queen Elizabeth II

2.12.              The Egyptian general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman was with no doubt British origin, including his wife and possibly 1-2 of his 3 children. His wife was allegedly the cousin of the British royalty whore woman that pretended to be my mother named Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi. This general hosted us for 4 weeks in Cairo Egypt 4-5 weeks after kidnapping me on 10/11 January 1960

2.13.              The fake family that these criminals placed with in using brainwash as described within the pages “Kidnapping me as a child” and “My fake family the kidnappers”, and I never saw them in my life ever before some of them came to Cairo, Egypt pretending to be related to me and to the other fake family members, which is a very strong pattern that I discovered that these criminal do, they pretend to be related to those hidden English royalties or their slaves that work for them or are originally British that came 5, 10, 20, 30 years earlier and have established their selves and then vouch for the new comers as their family members or neighbors from Syria, or from Jordan or Saudi Arabia or UAE or from elsewhere. Therewith the English royal family were involved in kidnapping me as a child

2.14.              Freemason set me up in 1970 to apply for political asylum in Munich, Germany, while pretending never heard of me before and simultaneously set me up severely to be tortured and re-brainwashed by using the American military base McGraw kaserne for nearly 2.5 years from march 1970 to summer 1972, during which I was enslaved under their whore agent named Anita Disbray that officially was British from Wembley, London, UK and had a lot of look similarities to prince Andrew of the UK

2.15.              BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND dragged me by force to the illegal project called Calypso as mentioned in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” in January 1984, re-brainwashed me and enslaved me under their joint whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud on 24.12.1984 to force my mind through brainwash to think my fake family is doing that because I became Christian and then kidnapped me to USA in September 1986, where I was totally isolated of my entire past, my fake family and everything I knew or learned until 1986, during which they forced me to raise a child that was not mine yet they forced me to think it is mine  while simultaneously forced me to live as an illegal alien while forcing me to believe that the Syrian government wants to kill me to prevent me to try to get a Syrian passport and go back to Europe and that is not only criminal and sadistic, but also very vicious actually I have absolutely no words in my vocabulary for these criminal acts against me, not to forget to mention that these criminals destroyed my relation to the woman I very much loved in a very vicious way also as described in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1” and in the page “Thank you” under the section “Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, last but by far not least

2.16.              Tried hard to link me to others as distraction of their selves. Which is often was a paradox, and paradoxes are a very important element within a brainwash, because it brings confusions to the minds of their victims as they did to me among others as follow:

2.16.1.   Tried hard to link me to hidden escaped Nazis as described in several areas of my complaint pages

2.16.2.   Tried hard to link me to the top terrorist group in the world called PLO that was active from 1960 to 1990s then they replaced it by Al-Qaida, and then replaced Al-Qaida with Dash and ISIS`

2.16.3.   Tried hard to link me to the ex-Soviet Union as it is repeatedly mentioned in several pages

2.16.4.   Tried hard to link me to the Turkish as it is repeatedly mentioned in several pages

2.16.5.   Tried hard to link me to Jewish and Israel as it is repeatedly mentioned in several pages (which contradict many other points = paradoxes = such as tried to link me to hidden escaped Nazis from the second World War or to Turkish, that are often very strict Muslim with high moral values and would never do such a thing)

2.16.6.   Tried hard to link me to Italians as it is repeatedly mentioned in several pages, also in Germany between 1970-1982 and also in USA from 1987-1989, among others by forcing me to live between Italians, such as my attorney for the forced upon me political asylum in USA was Italian origin named Myra Oliver, land lord was Italian and spoke bad English to force me to notice he is not American but Italian, his name was Enzo,  my employer and all his employees except me and another one were all Italian origin with accents, actually my employer the owner of the gas station I was forced to work in named Bob I think Deluca or DeLuca was an engineer at the airplane manufacturing plant in Bridgeport Connecticut named Sikorky Headquartered Stratford, Connecticut, United States, and this Bob Deluca was fired because he allegedly started his own side-business  a gas station as a backup for his future, he was also Italian origin and in the entire neighborhood most of them were nice people, yet they were all used as a brainwash set up for me as distraction of the English royalties, where they were counting on that I relate that to the Italian situations in Egypt and Germany such as my fake sister suddenly acts as if she is from Italy, or my fake brother is in an Italian school, and even later my nephew named Ghasan Abokurah in in a Catholic university in Washington D.C., I have no doubt in my mind that he has telepathy, because he fits the profile that I set together based on what I saw, which is he is the most calm person between his 4 brothers and one sister, and also the most successful one, but also pretend to be the nicest one within his family, but this does not exclude that some of his 4 brothers and one sister have also telepathy but uses a different strategies to hide it!

2.16.7.   Tried hard to link me to Greeks as it is repeatedly mentioned in several pages (yet not in details or all the setups)

2.16.8.   Tried hard to link my brother-in-law Seif Aldi Bdeir/Budier and his children to Japan, by getting me a project for only one week in Tokyo where I was severely brainwashed where I was kept within a very strict controlled environment between the hotel Hayat Regency that they reserved for me and the company called Silver Reed and some whore American agent that kept me under control the rest of the time while pretending to be Christian and reminding me of Christianity, during which I was forced to see unusual tall Japanese, around 2 meters tall, but also to see many Japanese that had look similar to my fake brother-in-law Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier the brother of Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and the uncle of Essam and Omar Bdeir/Budier and their many official and hidden brothers and sisters in Amman, Jordan, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Oman and other countries. And why did they try to link them to Japan, is because some of them had sort of round faces eyebrows with little hair, which it looks as if it is going up as Chinese and Japanese but also Eskimos look like that or the native Americans or of Kazakhstan and Mongolia look like but also some of the Dutch royal family have similar facial features such as ex-queen Beatrix the mother of the current king Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands and believe me they also tried to link them to these nationalities = English royalties

2.17.              In the American military base named McGraw kaserne and from March 1970 and until at least Summer 1971, they tested me to see if I can relate to British, to short people by creating countless situations with British, Short persons and others as it is mentioned in other complaint pages

2.18.              My fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi he looks so much like Prince Andrew, that he could be his older and a very lookalike brother or cousin, I saw him 1961 in Cairo, Egypt, then 1966 in Amman, Jordan, then December 1969 in Damascus, Syria, then around 1980/81 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, then in Mai/June 1985 in Munich, Germany, then his evil son named Hani Baroudi that evil criminal that prevented me in to be free by force of telepathy between summer 1991 and at least 1994 in Houston, Texas as mentioned earlier and elsewhere, and I strongly suspect this criminal to have been working for among others ARAMCO in Houston, Texas along with his cousin alias my fake cousin named Basel Baroudi the son of Badeaa Baroudi as mentioned above = BP-British Petroleum was covering up for these criminals that are ARAMCO alias English royalties and not hidden escaped Nazis and ex-Germans royalties

2.19.              My fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi looks a lot like many of the Windsor family, among others king George VI and their cousin the German king Wilhelm II

2.20.              My fake cousin in Saudi Arabia named Faihaa Kheir (female) looks just like many of the Windsor family, including the children of Queen Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II

2.21.              My fake cousin Farhat Kheir (male) the brother of Faihaa Kheir looks also a lot like many of the Windsor family

2.22.              My fake aunt Eftikar Kheir, the official mother of the above 2, had some look similarities to queen Elizabeth I the mother of queen Elizabeth II

2.23.              My fake mother has some similarities with queen Elizabeth II except the eye color

2.24.              My ex-employer Siemens AG was working with the British Royal family to separate me of the church in Unterschleissheim, Germany just after I became Christian in 1976, and then set me up to live with one of their females employees named Renee Zielske, that today I have no doubt what so ever that they hired her only for this evil brainwash setup to separate me by force of the city Unterschleissheim where I became Christian, in other words they set on me a woman to force me to leave the entire city as described in several other pages

2.25.              Siemens AG used me as a blackmail objects against the Saudi Royal family alias some of them are also English royalties such as Jawdat Baroudi, Basel Baroudi, Bashar Baroudi, Hani Baroudi, Faihaa Kheir, Dr. Alaa Ali, Dr. Basam Baroudi, Mamdoh Baroudi, Jameel Baroudi, Shams Baroudi and many others as a result I was forced to lose my job at Siemens AG on 31.12.1981

2.26.              As a result of Siemens AG using me as a blackmail object against the English royal family in Saudi Arabia, and the English royal family own Saudi Arabia 100%, through and through, I had so many difficulties each time I was sent by my employer Siemens AG to Saudi Arabia, actually the word difficulties is mildly said, actually these criminals tortured my life between Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt from 1980-1985 and made my life to hell each time I go there to force my mind to think never again go there, but I used to love to go there, because it was the only time I really was able see my family intensively, that turned out to be my fake family and my kidnappers, among others they caused me severe sicknesses through intentionally poisoning me with the intention not to kill me but to make me as uncomfortable as possible, unjustly arresting me and want to force me to go for an Islamic pilgrimage as a mean of scare tactic that now I am Christian, each time I visit my fake 2 sisters in Amman, Jordan, these criminals confiscate my passport at the airport and ask me to pick it up by the Jordanian secret service building that then created many brainwash situation to portrait my fake sister as unknown to them, while my fake 2 sisters in Amman, Jordan were 100% raising hidden Jordanian royal family members and other children brought for the UK and elsewhere to serve their hidden business in Jordan, and the list goes on and on, here are some of these children at that time, that now are adults and vicious people: Reem Bdeir, Samir Bdeir, Basma Bdeir, may Abokurah, Abdallah Abokurah, Ghasan Abokurah, Zaid Abokurah, Khalid Abokurah (they drove him crazy by using him as target practice for telepathy and then locked him up in a in Cairo, Egypt in a hospital for mentally insane), Haitham Edelbi was later air force officer and pilot and then quiet and allegedly is selling US and British weapons to whomever and his brother an alleged attorney first name forgotten I knew them from 1966 as they were children being raised by a very old  nanny, she may at that time be 50-60 years old that was pretending to be their mother and they were living in a building that was designated for hidden royalty children right next to my fake sister that was raising 3 of these children while pretending to be my sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, but also Dina Bdeir, Lina Bdeir. Maieen Malas, Rima Baroudi, Ghasan Baroudi, Hani Baroudi, Basel Baroudi, Bashaar Baroudi, Summer/Sammer Baroudi and several others that I forgot their evil names

2.27.              My fake sister Fadia Najar alias alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Ali alias Fadia Nagar refused to help me in 2001/2002 to escape the unjust lock ups in the Dutch refugee camps and help me to go to the UK, by claiming she is helping me by not allowing me to go to the UK, and telling me: are you sure you really want to come to the UK, as if she is warning me as if I will be in danger being close to my fake sister in the UK, instead I was locked up between jails, prisons and refugee camps in over 30 cities and villages between the Netherland and Germany and until the Dutch government awarded me the Dutch nationality in January 2013, just to force me to relocate to the UK in Mai/June 2013, where I had to come back to the Netherlands in Mai 2014 because I was severely being persecuted and brainwashed by my fake sister and her family as well as by the evil MI6 that were using a Pakistani family to force me again to blame everything on Syrian government that allegedly kidnapped me in 1986 from Germany to USA (how stupid strange is that that a Syrian government kidnap me from Germany to the USA while I have no passport or nationality). In 1970s the Syrian consulate was within the Pakistani Embassy in Bonn (Bonn was the German capital from the Second World War and until German reunification was completed on 03.10.1990, then it went back to Berlin) and I was setup by the German immigration called KVR in Munich to go there and get a new Syrian passport and I even took one of my best friends that I get to know in the church in 1976 at that time named Mike Simon as a witness, whereby I was setup to get to know him as a major part of brainwashing me or testing me to see if I relate to an English name directly after I was setup to become Christian (which was one out of countless other man made situations around my life in the church to relate me to Nazis and to remind me of Egypt), and this setup was just before I get baptized on Easter Sunday 1976, but also the larger lips of Mr. Mike Simon, just like the English pubic royal family. Note Mr. Mike Simon had no idea that he was being used, he was I believe just around 18-20 years old at that time, he was a very nice young man and most gentleman, and I am sorry that I lost his friendship one of many that I was forced to lose

2.28.              Set me up to relocate to the UK in 2013

2.29.              Set me up, brainwashed me and forced me with telepathy to create a website called wanted between august 2006 and April 2012 while these criminals had me in their own controlled environment between refugee camp Dokkum and forced upon me housing through the Dutch immigration in the evil village Bellingwolde, where they forced me to attack some unknown to me Greek princess as my alleged sister and then used a Greek dentist  in the village Scheemda to torture me severely among other by pulling out all my teeth just to force me to blame everything on Greece as distraction of this evil family called Windsor that kidnapped me most probably as an infant in 1952 and now they are desperate to try to force me to blame everything on Russians, Greek, Muslims, Israelis, Turkish, Americans, Germans but not them

2.30.              Altering my look by force. Since I was young these criminals were systematically altering my look, it starts with small things and it kept on growing until it became a sadistic and vicious crime acts that then became visible on me physically and totally changed my look from head to toe as follow:

2.30.1.   This is a theory and I have no prove for it: my hair color was systematically altered from blond to brown, last time I recall that I was blond was around summer 1965/66

2.30.2.   I was forced to have a wide long mustache covering my mouth, which alter the face look

2.30.3.   Starting 1980/81 and after 1985 I was forced and against my will to gain a lot of weight. Until 1981 I was 70 kg. 1981-1984 I went from 70 kg to 75 kg. 1984-1985 to 85 kg and 1986-1988 I went to 90 kg. from 1987/88 to 1991 I went from 90 kg to over 100 kg. starting 1991 I started to do everything I can to lose weight but I was prevented, among other by the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 whore agent that these criminals enslaved me under by force on 24.12.1984, she had telepathy and can force me to anything, where I was totally helpless and I cannot protect myself against this whore bitch. September 1999-July 2000 my weight went from over 100 kg to under 70 kg due to all the stress these criminals forced me into, among other to force me to leave USA, where they forced me to be homeless, then brought me to the Netherlands by force, where I was locked up all in all for almost 14 years. In the evil village Bellingwolde where the Dutch immigration and their sub organization called COA forced me by law to live starting 28 February 2008, then my weight started to go up again until I again was forced to reach over 95 kg, during which I was severely tortured mentally and physically as described elsewhere as well as these criminals pulled out all my teeth on 24 July 2011 as a part of a severe strategy of scare tactics and brainwash. That was my weight by force. I had to add more info to show the pattern

2.30.4.   1984 in Munich Germany and during the evil and illegal project Calypso as highlighted in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, and very suddenly around mid-1984 and literally overnight, I had a mole in the middle of my right cheek and I did not understand it and went to the doctor and he said this is normal and nothing to worry about. But after the year 2000 I recognize it as a manmade with telepathy, to make me look like as if I am related to the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND enslaved me under on 24.12.1984. Why I think it is man made with telepathy? Because I had other forced upon me sicknesses that I was able to identify as manmade with telepathy as a mean of forcing me to run from USA to separate me of my fake son and the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud. Why did they make this skin mole on my face? For 2 reason, to relate me to the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, because she had the same thing but bigger on her face and shoulder, but also my fake criminal fake uncle Dr. Farzat Baroudi that was living in Hamburg and came into my life out of nowhere in around summer 1968 and I never saw this criminal ever before in my life, he too has a mole on his face but closer to his mouth, I know that this criminal Dr. Farzat Baroudi that pretended to be my uncle just to force the German police and to give the organized crime institutions Freemasons + CIA + MI6 a reason to claim something bad about me, I do not know what it was, possibly he was one of the persons that were working for BP-British Petroleum and disguised and exchanged placed with the ex-murdered Libyan president Moammar Khadafi. Possibly this criminal Dr. Farzat Baroudi was an illegal drug dealer along with his wife, because both were teachers and were using students to sell drugs, which is a pattern that I discovered after the year 2000 within my fake family. The ex-Libyan president Moammar Khadafi was and with no doubt American + British agent that pretending to be anti-Americans and anti-British and anti-western world, which is a scam scheme that is always used by these criminals to not allow people to suspect them in lying to them. The English Royal family + their relative in USA such as the Rockefeller family + in their hidden relatives in Russia + Saudi Arabia plus others hidden relatives that are also big in the petroleum business control more than 70% of the world petroleum, and therewith they have monopoly. Dr. Farzat Baroudi was and with no doubt a hidden agent for the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + ARAMCO + CIA + MI6 and has telepathy and was one of the criminals that set me up between December 1969 and January 1970 to look like as if I am highly connected to the biggest terrorist group ever in the world history called PLO-Palestinian Liberation organization that was 100% established by the British military and Israel to have a reason to persecute Palestinians and steal their land and they have been doing that since 1948 and until this year 2020 where they officially confiscated the Golan Heights and annexed the Palestinian land called West Bank which was given to them by the criminal Donald Trump White House Administration as reward for helping them in was in Syria to protect the Syrian government against the majority of Syrians that wanted these criminal family called Assad out because they 100% working for the English royal families plus their hidden American relatives the Bush family + the Rockefeller families and the prove for that is project Calyspso as described in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 that was a illegal drug gift to the Assad families to help them keep the Syrian population under control = under tight slavery and all the over 4 Million Syrian refugees worldwide are not only the prove but will also testify to that. This point alone shows all the paradoxes and confusion the English royalties have created to steal the lives of innocent people just as they did to me, and they are also doing it to Palestinians, Saudi Arabians, Yemen, Iraqis, Afghani, Egyptians, Indians, Pakistani, Chinese, Americans and the list is endless.

2.30.5.   1985-1988 they created several other smaller moles on both of my cheeks and just below of my eyes to show as if this is normal genetic and as if I am related to their disgusting whore bitch agent named Najlaa Mahmoud

2.30.6.   1988 and in Bridgeport, Connecticut, these criminals forced upon me a fake hernia enable to force me to have a surgery. In around April 1991 and after I was forced to relocated from Bridgeport, Connecticut to Houston, Texas, I was forced to go and have a double hernia surgery at a hospital called Southwest Memorial hospital, and to my knowledge it a part of a network of hospitals owned by the Rockefeller family. Sometimes after the year 2001 the hospital name was change to Memorial Hermann Southwest hospital. Possibly the name did not change, and I just mixed up the name due to all the brainwash and persecution these criminals performed upon me, yet in my memory it is like that. In this hospital they used a Turkish originated surgeon to perform the fake double hernia as a part of a systematic scheme that started in the American military base McGraw Kaserne in July 1970 to force my mind to link myself to Turkey. These criminals performed a very wrong surgery on me, in that they pushed my intestine high up near my chest, which changed my entire body look, because from my bellybutton and downwards and no matter how much weight I gain it does not grow, which very much altering my look where I look like a ball on 2 legs

2.30.7.   1992/1993 in Houston, Texas and very suddenly and literally overnight, my vision become blur and fuzzy, that I had to go to the ophthalmologist (eye doctor) and he prescribed eyeglasses for me. I remember the situation very well, I took my fake son the whore agent that they enslaved me under to a movie theater called AMC in First Colony 24 in Sugar Land just outside of Houston, Texas and on the way back my fake son at that time was around 6 years old and was sitting in the back of the car, he came close to me from behind and waved his hand towards me from the back seat of the car, which I did not see, yet I just and very suddenly see something coming towards my eyes and was not able to identify it and I jumped and screamed, then I realized it was the hand of my fake son. If my eyes get bad gradually, I would understand, but overnight, today I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that someone with telepathy damaged my vision for one purpose only, to force me to wear eyeglasses all the time, which alter my look. I worked every single day on the computer, and if my eyes went bad by their selves, then I would have noticed a deterioration of my vision, because then I would not be able to read the computer screen, but I had no problems what so ever of reading the computer screen. My vision and the last I checked in in the begin of 1980s in Germany were 6/6. Therefore, some evil person with telepathy and during this movie did that to me and used my fake son to test the result, and this just shortly after forcing to have a double hernia surgery that totally altered the way my body looks if I am over weight and I was forced to be at least 30 kg over weight as described above. Ever since I always wear eyeglasses. And that is also a hidden crime!

2.30.8.   2011 while I was forced to live in the village Bellingwolde, Netherlands, pulled out all my teeth at the hospital called Martinez hospital in the city of Groningen, and this after these criminals tortured me physical and mentally from February 2008 and until I left that area in June 2012. Pulling all my teeth totally changed my face look, my lips went so thin as if they are a line drawn by a pencil

2.30.9.   In 2011 also while I was forced to live in the village Bellingwolde, Netherlands, some criminal with telepathy made the back part of my cheek from my ear downward to swell around 1-1.5 cm, which again changed the way I look, this in addition to pulling out all my teeth around the same couple of months totally changed the way my face look

2.30.10.       No one will be interested in changing the way I look unless I look similar to someone known/famous, and since this all started with the severe brainwash and isolation that was sadistically performed upon me by the CIA + MI6 + BND at the American military base called McGraw kaserne in March 1970, which I call Ground-Zero for brainwashing me and enslaving me for over 40 years between Europe and USA, where they enslaved me by force of brainwash and telepathy under one of their whore British agents named Anita Disbray, then it can be someone that is protected by the MI6 and CIA, and the only one I can find and is related to my fake family, which I did not know before, is the English royal family that owns the organization Freemasons and used it against me on 10/11 to 15 January 1960 and again on 15 January 1970 and until I was kidnapped from Germany to USA in September 1986

2.30.11.       Summary of altering my look:                    Forcing me to have mustache covering my mouth                    Forcing me to be overweight by partially over 30 kg                    Altering my body look through an evil surgery performed in a Rockefeller hospital                    Damaging my eyes on purpose to force me to wear eyeglasses                    Pulling all my teeth out                    Swelling my cheeks                    Not to mention altering my character by using brainwash and telepathy, luckily the Catholic church had written or gathered the bible and in particular the New Testament, that showed me how to deal with these criminal MFs

2.31.              In November 2012 I was awarded the Dutch nationality and physically received it in January 2013. And this at least one year earlier than I was supposed to, because in end of 2011 I sent a written request to the municipality where I was forced to live and called Bellingwedde (they changed it is name, now it is called Westerwolde), and asked them when can I apply for the Dutch nationality, because I wanted to escape where they forced me to live as a refugee and they were torturing the life out me between 28 February 2008 and June 2012. The municipality answered me in writing detailing the procedure and when it can start and based on that letter, I was allowed to apply for it begin of 2014. Therefore awarding me the Dutch citizenship at least one year earlier was for a purpose to force me to relocate to the UK for either to see what the English royalties are going to do or to force others to believe that I am the brother of my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fifi alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar alias Fadia Ali, whereby she is allegedly and currently married to Dr. Alaa Ali, yet her name is not Mrs. Ali, but rather Mrs. Nagar (!!!!????), but I call her Fadia Ali because she is an imposter. During this period of June 2012 to May 2013 I was forced to relocate to Amsterdam, and in Amsterdam the persecution and dental torture continued that I even tried to get an attorney and filed a complaint by the government and went to the dental department of the university of Amsterdam to see my claim, but they were toying with me and I was living in pain when I use these bad dentures and I cannot live without them because I need them to  chew the food and eat=torture however I turn it. In short they created countless situations to force me to want to run and I had to relocate to the UK and live 6 weeks with my fake sister Fadia Nagar and her family (or fake family), where they performed many brainwash situations against me, yet one of them is worth mentioning here, which is they pretended to be Jewish that are pretending to be Muslim, or Palestinians that are pretending to be Syrian/Egyptians (=brainwash paradox) and this is how they did it: My fake sister is officially and allegedly married to Dr. Alaa Ali a very lookalike for the ARAMCO CEO name Amin Naser. Dr. Alaa Ali himself claimed to have been working for ARAMCO for 20 years. Today I have many situations of my past that tells me he is not the same Dr. Alaa Ali from Cairo Egypt that I met in 1968, the other one was darker and also I believe he is not a medical doctor, yet the original one in Cairo, Egypt was because I watched him perform a surgery in Cairo, yet this one I was prevented to see him doing any medical work and these criminal MF were relying on the brainwash of Cairo that I saw the original perform a medical surgery  and also I believe he does not work for a hospital in the UK. In short there are 2 Dr. Alaa Ali, one of them is really doctor and the other is not, yet possibly PHD doctor (??!!), and if this is true with the PHD doctor, then he most definitely received it for his excellent work on being a liar, actor and a brainwashed with telepathy. This Dr, Alaa Ali is officially a medical doctor and gynecologist (doctor for women). My fake sister Fadia Nagar officially has allegedly one child of Dr. Alaa Ali, his child name is Tarek Ali, she also allegedly has 2 children allegedly of her first marriage with the Egyptian airplane pilot called Afaf Shawki that died piloting a plane in spring 1966. These 2 children I strongly believe as mentioned in other parts of my complaint are not the children of Afaf Shawki but rather one of them is the children of Jawdat Baroudi a hidden English royalty in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt. These 2 children names are Essam Shawki (male) and Esmat Shawki (female). Essam Shawki has a son of some British Woman, not through marriage, he also either had or pretended to have Italian restaurant in Brighton, UK that he allegedly later converted to Lebanese restaurant.  The female Esmat Shawki was married to an alleged Iranian businessman and is divorced with 2 children one is female allegedly studying at a university in London and the male allegedly is working as a waiter for a restaurant owned by his father or by him or by someone else, I cannot recall or know for sure because they are all liars, brainwasher and destructors of human lives. That is the stage as it was forced upon me for 6 weeks between June 2013 and Begin of August 2013. Suddenly I was told that Esmat Shawki is going to get married to a small time business man that owns a garage and other small businesses and he is allegedly Jewish, he even invited me to his house in Worthing, around 18 KM west of Brighton to meet his alleged Jewish mother. Then they planned a wedding day and took me with them allegedly to shop for clothing for the wedding day, because allegedly none of them have the suitable clothing for the wedding day. In the clothing shop they met an unknown to me man that was speaking Jordanian and he looked a lot like Mr. Makram Alami and his brothers in Amman Jordan. Mr. Makram Alami is the husband of my fake niece Basmah/Basmath Bdeir/Budier alias Basmah Alami. The Alami family are allegedly Palestinian origin and allegedly escaped the war in Palestine in 1967 allegedly on foot to Jordan, where they allegedly build a life for their self, which today I recognized as most probably a fake story, that is very similar to the fake story of how these criminal kidnapped me and took me to Cairo, Egypt over Damascus, Syrian on 15 January 1960. Note that Basma Bdeir/Budier alias Basma Alami is the sister of Reem Bdeir the very lookalike of Princess Haya of Jordan, and the mother of these 3 children Reem + Basma + Samir Bdeir/Budier is allegedly my fake sister Suheir Bdeir/Budier that is nothing else than a nanny for hidden Jordanian and English royalties brought from UK or elsewhere to help in controlling Jordan. Also, it is important to note that Makram Alami and his brother/family owned several successful businesses such they were supplying airlines with food that were served in airplane, had currency exchange in the Airport and elsewhere, several fake antique shops and other businesses, the majority of them are also in the Amman Airport and in the city of Amman as well as in Kuwait. I strongly believe that in 1970s was impossible for Palestinians to have these kinds of businesses and above all being successful and married to hidden Jordanian royalties alias English royalties. Back to the clothing store in Brighton and this man that looked like Makram Alami and his brother, we exchanged a couple of sentences and then he said, ok bye now and see you at the wedding, and my fake niece Esmat Shawki humped in saying, no he cannot come to the wedding, because he has other things to do, and that while I am standing next to her. The purpose of this setup is possibly to show that even the Bdeir/Budier + Alami family in Jordan are related to Jewish and not to English royalties while simultaneously insulting me, where I had nothing to do, they just wanted me to know I am not welcome here. This alone shows me that all my suspicious about these criminals are correct, they are English royalties, and since Jawdat Baroudi is a very look alike of prince Andrew born 1960, and who knows, maybe Essam Shawki is the brother or nephew of prince Andrew, Essam Shawki and Esmat Shawki allegedly born one year after each other’s, yet they do not look anything like brother and sister, the brother is blond, white and blue eyes and around 180 cm tall, the sister is darker skin, very dark brown/black silky hair and dark eyes and around 160 cm, and their third brother allegedly the son of Dr. Alaa Ali, does not look anything like them either. If I add to this all the other severe brainwash situation these criminals created around my life during that period and during other periods, this alone shows not only that are not my family, but also are not the children of my fake sister that I saw with them and most defiantly not the children of the pilot Afaf Shawki, because he was darker skin light curly black hair and 160 CM tall, and very large body parts for his size, such as big hands, thick fingers big head and so on. Not to mention that this fake sister is 100% not the same fake sister as the original one, because the original one had at least 2 distinctive marks: 1-one tooth is shorter and in front of other’s tooth + 2. Had deep cheek dimples on both sides. This one in 2013 did not have them, yet Esmat Shawki had one tooth slightly in front of the other, which can point that she is the daughter of the origin fake sister that today I strongly suspect was a bodyguard along with my other fake sister Mona Najar for Queen Elizabeth the Second as she went to Cairo, Egypt pretending to be Syrian and my first fake mother and then possibly exchanged places several times with the second fake mother until 1969 and possibly also later and I had no chance to notice because these criminals caused me a total amnesia and therewith wiped off my intelligence that I built from my birth and until 1960 but also they have telepathy and can 100% control what I see, what I think and what I memorize, because they can control my mind and when they do that they are in control and not me and I do not recall anything at all, period. I can think maybe they did all what they did to help me recognize that they are not my family, but I recognized that already in around 2009/2010. Add to that that I was forced in January or February 2013 to contact them, and I did not want to have anything to do with these criminals.  A person or a group of persons that pretend to be my brother or sister while exchanging places with other and both are not my brother and sisters, then they are criminals, con-persons and English royalties. Add to this that they were brainwashing me continuously with all kind of subjects, then I better add also this one, where my fake mother allegedly now live with them in Brighton, UK, and as I was forced to visit them in March 2013 and then all forced me with brainwash, telepathy and scare tactics as these criminals did to me to remove me from the city Unterschleissheim in 1978/79 and from entire Germany  in 1986 and from USA in 1999-2000, and just before I was forced to relocate to the UK, I went there again and they either played a role or they forced the situation upon me, which is my fake mother that was allegedly 92 years old (she claimed to be 88 years old, they just allegedly falsified her age so she can marry at age 13 and made her allegedly being born in end of March 1921 (!!!!???)) she suddenly was allegedly sick, and went to the hospital in Brighton and died there sometimes allegedly on her birthday either end of March 2013 or begin of April 2013. And this alone was to force my mind to blame everything on my alleged mother that now died and therewith everything is now back to normal and the cause of my entire miserable life is dead, and I should leave it at that. And I should let everything go = severe brainwash. Then I was forced to go back to the Netherlands in August to a city called Kerkrade near the big city Aachen in Germany, then relocate back to Harrow, London and live in a private B&B owned by a Pakistani family to force my mind to relate them to Syria because Pakistan is allegedly one of the Syria allies, then relocate to back to the city of Assen in Netherlands, and therewith these criminals were toying with me and forcing me to relocate from one place to another and therewith alone from Mai 2012 and until 1 March 2016 I relocated 6 times from Bellingwolde to Amsterdam to Brighton, UK to Kerkrade, Netherlands, to Harrow-London, UK and in May 2014 to Assen, Netherlands and then I decided in around September 2014 to relocate to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection of these criminal persecutions and countless telepathy attacks and torture by seeking protection by the Dutch Royal family and the Dutch government and all the Embassies and consulates in this city called Den Haag/The Hague, and today in April 2020 I am still here for uninterrupted 4 years and 50 days. All of this point shows one thing only: the Official and public royal family, which is queen Elizabeth and her husband, and her children and  her grandchildren and all of their connections are persecuting me to death because they were the ones who kidnapped me in the first of all and placed me within a fake family alias their slaves . Period.

2.32.              On 20 August 1970 Using the CIA + MI6 whore agent Anita Disbray as test to my memory and recognition capabilities, that was destroyed by causing me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960,  and/or blackmail against queen Elizabeth II and this because Anita Disbray was around 160 cm tall or shorter and had similar facial features as prince Andre mentioned below, but also I am suspecting that she was selected because she has a sister in Belfast, North Ireland that was married to a stock car races, and since at that time they claimed that all northern Irish were members of the IRA-Irish Republic Army  and the IRA was seen as the top terrorist organization in the UK that they claimed that it was partner with PLO (both were fighting suppression by the English royalties represented by the British government), and PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization was officially the biggest and longest lasting allegedly international terrorist organization, and since the CIA + MI6 + in cooperation of several members of my fake family set me up between 15 December 1969 and 15 January 1970 to look like as if I am heavily related to PLO enable to give the CIA + MI6 the upper hand over my life while I was forced to apply for political asylum in Germany, then I was setup to be in the controlled environment called American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich where these evil people enslaved me by force of telepathy and brainwash under Anita Disbray and performed many brainwash setups as well as testing my memory and recognition capability during that  period of time, all this equals CIA + MI6 + several members of my fake family in particular of the Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier, Abokurah and Malas families were working together and coordinating these setups, and one of these setups was bringing an Afro-American sergeant that was around 180 cm tall and with him a very short man that was probably between 100-130 cm tall Afro-American, whereby the tall sergeant pretended to be the father of the short man that looked to me at that time as a 10 years old boy that is drinking beer and whisky with his father that made me furious, and many other very confusing and most destructive brainwash, test and/or blackmail setup. Add to all that that PLO was 100% created by the hidden English military in Egypt through their founder Yasser Arafat for 3 reasons only: Reason-1: to prevent other Palestinians to create their own organized protest that would lead to another organization against them (British and Israeli governments) that they cannot control. Reason-2: to have a reason to attack the Palestinians and isolate them while claiming that they are all terrorists as they also did in Northern Ireland and in particular in Belfast, but also did the same to me for so long.  Reason-3: to have a reason to steal more and more land of the Palestinians and force them to live under the rules of the biggest British/American military base in the world called Israel, and the history of the Palestinians since 1948 + the History of PLO since 1960s is the prove for these 3 evil reasons. Last but not least the whore agent Anita Disbray had telepathy and acted as if I am in control and she is literally suppressed by me, which was 100% not the case, but rather vice versa, in that this evil person and literally isolated me by force in that she destroying each friendship that I ever started between 21 August 1970 and January 1976, and then set me up in cooperation with the CIA + MI6 + BND + my biological family + my fake family to become Christian and have new friends in a controlled environment, whereby many of them were 100% helping them and the prove for that, is that I was shortly thereafter forced to leave the entire city in 1978/79 and later on in summer 2003 when I asked them for help they called the police and locked me up in a mental hospital for 6 weeks and ever since I was locked up in one way or another until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, the Dutch government and the many embassies and consulates in this city. And this church was the Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of the city Unterschleissheim, Germany. And this whore agent Anita Disbray and literally forced me from January 1976 to September 1977 to read and study the Bible and many other religious books but also to buy a German encyclopedia enable to read what I do not know and do not understand, because and until this point of time I was prevented to build a logic and intelligence enable to keep me easy to control and not to allow me to understand not only my current surroundings but also to not understand my past and what happened to me in particular on 10/11 January 1960, which I was kidnapped and taken to Cairo, Egypt as fake Syrian while most probably queen Elizabeth II was the original fake mother that were visiting their hidden empire while pretending to be my first fake mother from Syria and getting rid of her brother, which is me, which it took me 60 years to figure it out. Why did they set me up to become Christian? Enable to persecute me and blame it on my fake family that pretend to be Muslim from Syria, which then will have as a result of my fake family the alleged Muslim persecuting me because I allegedly become Christian, and this persecution will confirm not only that these fake Muslims as if they are real Muslims, but it will falsely confirm as if I am originated from Syria and that is why my (fake) Syrian and fake family are persecuting me, because I am  allegedly Muslim Syrian, which I am not any of the above! And therewith, setting me up to become Christian had 3 objectives: Objective 1: to show as if I have friends, yet they all were handpicked. Objective 2: To have a reason to persecute me. Objective 3: to force upon me a Christian logic which it can be a slavery method to tame their slaves, among others through the famous bible sentence “Love your enemy” or “forgive your brother 7 times 77” = always, and in my case and when I follow both rules, I had the result to cease thinking any further beyond that my brother (Brother means meaning anyone I know and my family) made a mistake and I forgive them, and that works 100% against me because I will not try to understand or analyze why a person is behaving this way or that way, then I will not be able to understand my history and recognize what these criminals did to me = severe hidden brainwash!!!!???

2.33.              In around end of 1980, my department manager (the boss of my supervisor) at Siemens AG in Neu Perlach, Munich, Germany, his name was Peter M. Lembke the manager of the department named “EDV SO-Sonder Projekte” (in English: EDV-Elektronische Datenverarbeitung = in English Electronic Data processing = IT-Information Technology or some country call it ICT-Information and Communication technologies. SO-Sonder Projekte means Special Projects), the Department SO was the responsible initial and first department for planning, offering and negotiating the Saudi Arabian Port’s Authority to furnish 14 ports in Saudi Arabia as a turn-key project with computers centralized in Riyadh. This department manager that made his alleged Doctorate/P.H.D. in Marketing in USA and had the motto “Give me a pot of coffee and a telephone and I can sell or build anything!”, and created countless brainwash setups where Siemens AG was using me 100% as a blackmail product against the English royalties that were 100% in control of Saudi Arabia and Siemens AG was competing with the English company called McKenzie (owned by English royalties), then forced me to leave the company on 31.12.1981 even though I was doing a very good job while using my department manager that either pretended to be forced to leave the company , which is my first guess is pretending, or really left the company while forcing me to leave the company with him, and therewith they used him in my memory to be blamed for all the blackmail activities that Siemens AG used me for and against the English royalties in Saudi Arabia that were also members of my fake family such as Jawdat Baroudi, Basam Baroudi, Basel Baroudi, Bashar Baroudi, Hani Baroudi, Faihaa Kheir, Bdeir Family, Abokurah Family, Malas Family, Jameel Baroudi the father of the famous Egyptian actress Shams Baroudi and my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar and her husband Dr. Alaa Ali (his name possibly is a coverup name because I suspect him to be member of the Saudi Royalties and related to Amin Naser of ARAMCO, he also works or worked for ARAMCO, and all together are set together by the English royalties and their hidden American relatives such as the Rockefeller family). This Peter M. Lembke and while I was still an employee of Siemens AG, and in around autumn or winter of 1980, he asked me to help in that they want to take photos of me dressing like Saudi Arabians clothing (Dress like clothing and so called Egal on the head) for an advertisement and it will be paid separately of my salary, and I agreed. Then after a few days, he called me to his office and said the others rejected me for this advertisement because I do not look like Arab, which today I see as a hint to me or blackmail to others monitoring me with telepathy that I am not from the Middle East. As a reaction of this and many other setups, and many of them were positive for me and helped me to build my intelligence, yet others where most destructive. Yet, someone of my fake family and/or biological family and/or CIA and or/MI6 a person or a group of persons such as the Freemasons was/were constantly monitoring me with telepathy, which means that they 100% knows always what is going around my life and are able to understand the setups and building intelligence in my own brain while I am not seeing all that nor understanding it nor connecting the dots, and as a result they used Mr. Adelheid Kuczka starting around 29 March 1981, to force my mind to think the opposite of what they did to me, such as my boss Peter M. Lembke telling me I do not look like Arab, and Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka had either telepathy or was a very well trained destructive agent while she is not knowing really the effect of what she was doing to me was harming me more than was helping me, such as and in the begin of our relation her favorite subject was foreigners and Arabs, and she would always criticize me for this or that and tell me this behavior of yours is a typical Arab and Muslim behavior, which was wrong, because there is no such a thing as typical Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish behavior unless the person is using religious behavior such saying “I a Muslim do not eat pork” or saying “ I am a Muslim I do not drink alcohol” or saying “ I am a Muslim I do not have sex before marriage” and so on, therefore her favorite subject in the first year was pushing thoughts upon me that I am Arab, Muslim, violent and not like to talk, but rather act violently, which was absolutely not the case with 2-3 exceptions that I felt very bad about it in my entire life until I was able to recognize them with certainty that they were 100% forced upon me telepathy acts to harm me, a violent person would always explode for small and big things, and I was never like that, in matter of a fact I was the total opposite because this is how they brainwashed me to follow order peacefully enable they can control me, as a side effect of this evil brainwash, I and very often was confronted with situations I did not know how to deal with because they were violent and since they they destroyed my intelligence and prevented me to build one, and then I would cry, because my mind was much younger than my body because they caused me a total amnesia on 10/11 January 1960 and ever since are controlling me with telepathy to prevent me of building my own intelligence to not understand my life and then they can easily control me=a circle of my life. I knew Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka from 29 March 1981 to 17 October 1984, where they separated me of her by force of telepathy and very violently as described in the page “Thank you” under the section of Mr. Adelheid Kuczka, or she has telepathy and forced me to separate myself of her, all I know I really loved her and did not want to separate of her and they or she tried at least 3 times shortly prior to that to force me or force her or force me to end the relation, but I always went back and tried hard to repair the relation, until these criminal used telepathy to force my mind to think it came of me, this mean I am the one who is doing it. Very unfortunately it seems that Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka was working for them against me, and these criminals were planning to remove me from Germany and take me to USA and use me as a blackmail object which they did, and as long as I love Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka I would never leave, and if I marry her, then I could get the German citizenship, actually I was already 100% entitled for the German citizenship because I lived there for 17 years, yet I was very destructively prevented to have it. All this shows that they are going through a lot of trouble and planning to control my life, destroy my logic because using there other whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that 100% had telepathy, I have countless proves of my past of that, as well as she had at least 2 lookalikes and one of these filthy lookalikes that exchanged places with her was the mother of my original fake son that I was forced by these criminal no good MF to raise from March 1986 to 1999, and then he disappeared of my life sometimes in summer of 1999 and was replaced by another lookalike, whereby and during that very destructive period of my life in Houston, Texas, USA from begin of 1999 and until they jailed me starting July 2000 in Houston, Texas, USA and deported me by force to the Netherlands where I was locked up all in all for nearly 14 years and these criminals blamed it on me!

2.34.              May 2012 to Mai 2014. During which I was finally Allowed to leave the concentrated evil totally isolated village called Bellingwolde in norther Netherlands for one purpose only, to force me to relocate to the UK as a mean of brainwash as follow, but please be patient to see all the small and large details enable to understand and see through this severe brainwash and torture as distraction of the English royalties:

2.34.1.   28 February 2008-June 2012. I was forced by the Dutch immigration to live in the totally isolated Dutch village called Bellingwolde, see its whereabout on (, during this period I was forced to write down my history and then publish it on the internet with the title wanted, whereby the majority of the content did not come from me and was 100% forced upon me, because it contains things that it does not concern me nor I cared about, while forcing me to attack the entire world, including religions, royal families of various countries in Europe, actors and God knows who and what else. During which I was severely tortured mentally as well as physically as mentioned in various areas in this page as well as in other pages. And I was not able to escape it because neither I have money nor I know anyone in Netherlands to ask for help, beside the church in that evil village and they just added to my dilemma and problems as if I do not have enough. Finally, I was allowed to leave this village in around May/June 2012 and relocate to Amsterdam.

2.34.2.   June 2012 to June 2013. In Amsterdam, I was not able to work and I was cornered from many sides as well as they scared the life out of me by using all kind of small scary tactics, while also causing me physical pains by giving me the wrong dentures because and while I was forced to live in this evil village called Bellingwolde they not only tortured me, but also pulled out all of my teeth by force of brainwash and telepathy, then I am dependent on dentures that do not hurt, yet the only times I had dentures that do not hurt were since around September 2014, where I started to adjust them myself to avoid going to these sadistic criminal dental technicians in the following villages and cities: Bellingwolde, Winschoten, Scheemda, Groningen, Amsterdam, Brighton (in the UK,), Harrow-London (in the UK) and last but not least Assen, Netherlands. In 2019 and after 5 years of adjusting the dentures myself since September 2014, the dentures were not adjustable anymore and had to get a new one. The second time that I get dentures that fits my mouth, and this after more than countless visits to over 25 dental professionals including dentists between 2008 and 20019 and having 6 very bad dentures that hurt more than they help, I was able to get new dentures that do not hurt in September 2019 in Den Haag/The Hague through a very good and honest dental technician named “Tandprothetische praktijk Michiel Roebroek”. I went to him 3 times, 2 times for measurement and test and third time he gave me the denture and from the first it fit without pain and until today in June 2020. All this because these criminals in and around the evil village Bellingwolde, where the Dutch immigration forced me to live for a brainwash tortured the life out of me for over 4 years and networked with others in Amsterdam and the UK (or some evil criminal with telepathy networked groups of persons with telepathy, such as the Freemasons=English Royalties was forcing them to create a very bad dentures to hurt me and keep me busy by force and preventing me of thinking because I am being busy all the times trying to find a solution for the bad dentures in a very savage villages that are all related or connected and mistreat new comers). The same happened to me in Amsterdam and the same also happened in Brighton and Harrow-London in the UK, and all this because these criminals pulled out of my teeth to change the way my face look next to many other things they did to alter my look to not allow anyone to see resembles between me and the English royalties, and the best prove for that  is that I have no teeth since 24 July 2011.

2.34.3.   Summer 2012 -January 2013. Allowing me to have the Dutch citizenship around one year earlier than I was told in end of 2011 by the municipality of Bellingwedde, for one reason only to force me to relocate to the UK for more brainwash and destruction of my life as highlighted below. In November 2012 I received a letter that I was approved for the Dutch citizenship, whereby I was delegated with telepathy to apply for it around June 2012, which was impossible for me and from my own thought to ask for it, because a couple of months earlier I asked for the procedure in writing and I received the answer in writing that I can apply for it in January 2014. In January 2013 I received the Dutch citizenship. In February 2013 I received the Dutch Passport, the first real passport based on the forced upon me fake Syrian identity that these criminals forced upon me on 10/11 January 1960 immediately after they kidnapped me.

2.34.4.   February 2013 to June 2013. In The meantime, I was so upset, sad and even angry because of all my findings until this point of time over my fake family and I was determined not to have any contact with them in any way or shape. Yet, and in February 2013 I was 100% forced with telepathy to have contact with my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar in Brighton the UK and she invited me to visit her and her alleged family in Brighton the UK, but I did not want, yet I was forced with telepathy. I went for a visit and she allegedly was with her family husband named Dr. Alaa Ali, daughter named Esmat Shawki,  son-1 named Essam Shawki, son-2 named Tarel/Treq Ali, My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi  and an Indonesian housekeeper. Now let me display the situation with each and other situation to see through the sever brainwash that they were doing as cover up for the English royalties, please be patient reading the details because it reveal who these people are and for whom they are covering up, which is  the witch queen Elizabeth the second of the UK alias my first fake mother of 10/11 1960 and repeatedly she then exchanged places with her lookalike Haytt/Hayat Baroudi:     My fake sister Fadia Nagar that now have a different look and a different name that the original one as follow, Point-0: she is allegedly 10 years older than me. She is not working, why not??? Point-1: She does not have 2 facial/cheek dimples, the original did. Point-2: she does not have the double  tooth (one tooth grew in front of the other) on her right side (my left side) as the original one had, yet her alleged daughter Esmat Shawki does, but not the her alleged 2 sons. Point-3: Her children do not look like her in any way whatsoever. Point-4: Her alleged 3 children do not look anyway like each other’s, whereby and usually all brothers and sisters have strong look similarities unless they are half brothers and sisters, then they have little yet some similarities, unless they are not brothers and sisters, then they have absolutely no similarities, which is the case here, as well as height as well as hair as well as skin color as well as hair color and so on, and none of these fits, and since the 2 older Children Esmat Shawki and Essam Shawki allegedly of her first husband named Afaf Shawki that was a pilot for Egypt Air and had a plane accident in spring of 1966 killing all the passengers including Yemeni minister, whereby he was in 1962-1964 pilot trainer in Yemen along with my second fake sister and since I knew this Afaf Shawki because he was our neighbor from March 1960 and until he married my fake sister in 1962 and moved to another apartment, which means I knew him for 6 years and he has absolutely no resembles what so ever to these children, which has several negative meanings, yet I will skip them here. Point-5: My fake sister sleep in a different bedroom than her alleged husband with the reasoning that he has to wake up early and go to work as a medical professional and does not want to wake up his alleged beloved wife. To my knowledge medical doctors work in shifts and has to be at work at 6, 7 or at the latest at 8 in the morning, yet he was leaving home around 7 in the morning to go to the train station in Brighton and take the train to London, then take a bus or a taxi to the hospital, this will take at least 2 hours = he can never be at the hospital at 6, 7 or 8 o’clock in the morning = he is not going to the hospital but rather to an office where he can start work between 9 and 10 in the morning = possibly a Saudi Embassy or one of Aramco offices in London or elsewhere, it is most fishy (!!).  I was forced to sleep in next room, and I never seen him enter his alleged wives room or that she enters his room, in matter of fact her bedroom has it is own closet  with her cloths and no men cloths what so ever, and he has in his room his own big closet with no women closet what so ever. That was the third lookalike of my original fake sister since 10/11 January 1960 and today I believe that she disappeared of my life along with my other fake sister Moni Najar that was replaced in 1966 with Mona Abokurah in Amman Jordan alias Mona Najjar in Washington D.C., and since both of these fake sisters were nothing else than a bodyguard of my original fake mother queen Elizabeth the Second that was pretending to be Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi. Therefore, and today strongly believe that my original fake sister Fadia Najar that was a bodyguard was replaced by another lookalike in 1961 that then married Afaf Shawki and went with him to Yemen in around 1962. And since the two children that are allegedly his children yet do not look anything like him, then he was used as a fake father for 2 babies from either Saudi Arabia or the UK, or guess a combination, one is the hidden daughter of a Saudi Arabian and the other the hidden son of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi alias hidden older brother or uncle of Prince Andrew of the UK, because they look so much alike that is for me unbelievable, and therewith Essam Shawki has also a lot of look similarities with Prince Andrew. For me, and this is a side note, I strongly believe that Mr. Afaf Shawki was used to kill the Yemini minister and others on the plane by forcing him possibly with telepathy to crash it, which then becomes for their limited intelligence as win/win situation, killing several unwanted persons from Yemen while getting rid of Afaf Shawki to use his name to hide the 2 children of 2 criminals of the English royalties alias my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi and the Saudi Arabian agent that most probably is Pakistani and is in the Saudi Arabian royalties playing/acting the role of a prince or something like that, never forget, that the English royalties has a joint venture agreement with Muslim Indians to fight Indian Hindus  and this since at least 300-400 years and later the English royalties helped them as promised to have their own country alias Pakistan and ever since they are using them as actors in Saudi Arabia that they own along with the Rockefeller family since they made and placed Saudi Arabia on the map in the desert around the year 1900, whereby at that time it was total slavery everywhere, no news can go anywhere unless the masters approve of it, and there was very limited telephone and telegraph and nothing anywhere near the today’s Internet and mobile phones or even the landline telephone as we know it today, or social media, and her is one out of thousands of other proves: We did not have a phone in our apartment in Cairo, Egypt because our apartment had one goal only, to keep me isolated slave, while my fake sister Fadia Shawki had a telephone starting before 1967 or even before 1965, I cannot exactly recall, while my fake mother and each time she allegedly wanted to call someone in Jordan then had to go to the post office in Cairo, and register the call, and then wait in line for often far more than 4 hours until her call is connected and then speak and pay an arm and leg for this call, meaning very expensive. Point-5: the house of my fake sister was more than excessively (=over doing it) decorated with fake Islamic art effects, often things also are sold in Pakistani shops in Brighton and London for almost pennies/cents. An example as if it is a Christian house: Hanging 2-3 crosses in each room, hanging a 1-3 fake painting of Jesus or Maria or the last supper in each room I addition to the crosses having a bible in each room. Or as if a Jewish would place several David Stars in each room, several Torah books one in Each room fake painting of Moses crossing or dividing the Red Sea and so on. They had several Quran, several Quran or Prophet texts hanging on the walls, wearing excessive Islamic jewelry and so on. Let me tell you something, I am through and through Christian and I do not have one hanging cross in my apartment, the only thing I have is a fake painting of the s-called “Last Supper” right next to my computer to see it day in and day out and never forget my values and never forget the best people I have ever get to know in my life, which were in the churches of Evangelical Lutheran Genezareth church of Unterschleissheim, Germany as well as in the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, even though both churches intentionally or unintentionally they caused me a lot of damage to my life, yet the general members of these 2 churches were very good people and out of this world, above all they were very faithful people, just as good and faithful as the countless other Muslims, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist that I met in my life in various countries all over the world, because when I met these people I see a human being and not a Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist or whatever, because we all were first born as human being with all the same gifts, then we were divide as Christians, Muslims, Jewish and over 4 thousand other religions, and as if this not enough, yet they repeatedly try to divide us in white, black, brown, red, yellow and as if this not enough they try again to divide us as allegedly bad Chinese, Germans as nasty Nazis, Japanese as arrogant, Arabs and Muslims as terrorist, British as suppressed by the other Europeans and the list goes on and on and on. but why divide us? Because if we get together we talk, and exchange experience and that is a, because if you do that then you learn something you did not know before that may not only increase your intelligence and feelings but it may lead you to countless new discoveries as it did lead me to and it did lead millions of others, very unfortunately not Billions, meaning there still at least over 6 Billion person in the world that does not know the big picture as I am drawing it in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3”. In addition to that and the most religious state I have ever seen in my life was the Free State of Bavaria in Germany where I was living for 17 years, and despite all the negativity I encountered in Germany, yet I consider it to have been the best time of my life. And this state of Bavaria is declared officially by the Bavarian government as a Catholic state, where you see a cross hanging everywhere you go in a governmental buildings, such as hospitals and so on, yet there is only one cross in one room with no other religious decorations, which all in all equals my fake sister and her fake family were brainwashing me in the 6 weeks in 2013 I was forced to live at their stupid house that for all I know is either a second house or a shared house or a temporarily rented house!     My fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali. I strongly believe he was a Saudi Arabia diplomat in the UK that happened to have, as pre-planned the same name as Dr. Alaa Ali as I get to know in Egypt in 1968 and become the alleged boyfriend of my fake sister Fadia Shawki after her official husband passed away through a plane crash that he was piloting  in spring of 1966. He is most definitely related to Amin Hussein Nasser the permanent president and CEO of ARAMCO and is not the husband of my fake sister in the UK named Fadia Nagar, but rather they were playing roles in my presence. Sometimes it takes only a small incident to find out something, and here is one of them. In around June or July 2013 and while I was forced to be their guest in Brighton, I had an appointment in South London, and I offered him a ride to his alleged hospital where he allegedly works also in South London, which is around 45 miles/70 km it takes 80-90 minutes or longer with the public transportation and only 30-40 minutes with the car, but he said no he does not want to bother me, I insisted and said it is no bother at all, and it is much quicker, but get angry and said no I am going with the train, then offered him a ride to the train station and he also refused whereby he allegedly takes a taxi to the train station and then the train and then the bus or a taxi to the hospital, which most definitely would take nearly 2 hours. So, I believe he was hiding something, and I do not know what it is. After 2 days my fake sister asked me to go along because she allegedly want to pick him up of the train station after his work at the hospital in South London, so I went with her, and she asked me to go to go inside the train station and get him to that car because she allegedly cannot park and is illegally parking, and as long she is in the car, nothing will happen. Inside the main entrance of the train station of Brighton, UK I was standing there like crazy and looking all over from right to left at al train tracks, and suddenly I see him and he pretended no to see me and I called him and he suddenly shook his head as if he is more than surprised or even jumped as if he was shocked as if I made him jump/scared him and I never thought about it until today while I am writing I was able to see through, which is they knew I was questioning why not allow me to give him a ride where he can save himself a lot of trouble and time and then 1-2 days later created this theater to force me to think that he just finished work at the hospital, but I did not see that I saw only an act, for all I know he came from another entrance of this train station just to force me to think that he is working in London. Today I have more than one situation that shows me as if their house in Brighton, is only a vacation house, there are too many situations that are most questionable. Now let me look at this situation of an eye of other persons that may have been monitoring me after I was forced to relocate to Brighton in June of 2013, or maybe even local persons who have telepathy and noticed all these games and then were questioning all that, and above all questioning why they are treating their brother and family member like that, and since I believe that This Dr. Alaa Ali is not a doctor or at least not a medical doctor but somehow a Saudi Arabian business man or diplomat or both, then everyone will blame this on the evil multitude of hidden slavery in Saudi Arabia. And since I realized what Siemens AG in reality was using me for between 1978 and 1981, which is blackmail the English Royalties to get the project of the Saudi Port’s authority, which they did, and until the year 2008 it became over 2 Billion US Dollar project, and today I strongly believe that through this severe blackmail and bribery they agreed to re-brainwash me and relate me to Saudi Arabian in the hidden as a backup of many other things, which then I would think they kidnapped from Saudi Arabia, but it does not make any sense what so ever in my life situations, the only way I came from is from the concentrated evil English royalties that have benefit of it and above all they are the only ones that have the power to control everything in my life as it is stated in my complaint pages, No Germans, No American and no Dutch have all these powers, only the English royalties and in particular and the only beneficiary is queen Elizabeth and her crocked husband prince Philip as well as her children, PERIOD. One last thing is worth mentioning, is that in my presence Dr. Alaa Ali received a call (for all I know one of his fake children called him from the next room or from the car in Brighton) and then he claims it is his mother from Cairo Egypt, and then he pretend to be a small kid that is happy to hear his mother that is going to breast feed him, while telling me it is his mother from Cairo, and then he pretend to want to cry and says to his mother, oh I missed you so much I can live without you and other trash talk, that no adult would ever talk like that unless he is socially impaired (or even has intellectual disability) or is acting and exaggerating. He did that 1-2 times in the 5-6 weeks I was force to live with these con people, which all in all equals he is trying hard to force me to think he is the same person as I knew from 1968-1969  in Cairo, Egypt, which is absolutely impossible, because the other one has a cigarette burn on his hand, that melted his skin in the size of a cigarette that I caused him, this one does not have it, and I totally forgot this accident = this Dr. Alaa Ali is 100% a conman just as my fake sister and their fake children, which very much equals that all these criminals are trying their best to cover up for Queen Elizabeth the Second that kidnapped me in the first of all and forced me to live within an organized crime family working for the English royalty, that stretches of at least in 10 countries as follow: Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Yemen, UK, Germany, Switzerland, USA, and these are only the countries I know about and was able with certainty to pinpoint them in it between 10/11 January 1960 and summer 2000. Now look at it from another side: The CIA + MI6 + BND + AIVD + FBI and from December 1969 and until after the year 2016 were all 100% covering up for them while they were severely brainwashing me, torturing me and enslaving me, setting me up to look like I am related to ex-Soviet Union spies, drug lords, currency falsifiers, a terrorist organization  called PLO, and much more enable to have a reason to pretend to be persecuting me for these fake crimes that these criminals in cooperation with many members of my fake family created through several or even countless very vicious setups that they repeatedly refreshed by creating a new one to confirm the older ones and show a fake pattern of crimes about me = the English royalty that are related to the controlling families in many countries in the Middle East that they established in the first of all, the majority of them after the year 1900, but also related to controlling families in USA, Germany, Russia, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, the Netherlands and countless other countries = the oldest and most vicious organized crime family that the world has ever seen, that makes among others the Mafia look like an Engel from heaven!     My fake niece Esmat Shawki born allegedly in around 1964/65 in Cairo Egypt. She does not have a job. Why not???? As I mentioned the details in other area, here are only a short version of it. Point-1: This fake niece was allegedly married to an Iranian in the begin of 1980s, The Iranian was allegedly the son of a wealthy Iranian businessman, which would not surprise me that this is all a lie or she was forced to this marriage to force me and others monitoring me, to think we are somehow related to Iranian Shah family that fled after the Khomeini revolution in 1980 and went to Italy and Egypt, in addition to that they created countless other very damaging setups with Iranians between January 1970 and 2002 in Germany, USA and in the refugee camps in  Haarlem + Gilze + Zweeloo, Netherlands and later even in the refugee Camp Zwolle, Netherlands in end of 2003 to spring 2004, but I forgot all about them. This is one of the problems in hidden slavery, these criminals force so many things upon their hidden slave, that is often very difficult to impossible to remember everything and recognize it as brainwash setup. But now I do, and what makes these Iranian damaging setups a preplanned brainwash setups that all of them have at least one thing in common, they pretend to be nice to me while forcing me into a very damaging situation using telepathy, while forcing me to think it is me. Don’t forget that the Shah of Iran was 100% the puppet of the English royalties until they realized they can make more money out of Iran as an isolated illegal drug farm country than whatever they were making before, even with petroleum, the revenue of illegal drugs and the profit of it is huge, worldwide it is in Trillions, and the best of it is that you can count on the profit to be almost or around 50% of the revenue above all it is “TAX FREE”, and that is why they make illegal drug illegal, to not pay tax and to persecute in the name of the law all their newly risen competitions = 1 or 2 track intelligence (!!??). So, if the Worldwide revenue of illegal drugs it is one Trillion, then the profit is 500 Billion, try to find one company that can make so much profit in one year, you cannot! Point-2: suddenly and without prehistory I was told that Esmat Shawki is going to get married to a small time business man that owns a car repair garage and other 1-3 other small tiny businesses, and this is important as distraction of the very rich petroleum company ARAMCO and the very rich business of illegal drugs that she is suddenly satisfied with small time business man, and this is by fare not intended as an insult to this bad actor man, but rather it is only in comparison to the other very rich businesses that they are a part of. I will leave the name of this man out because I guess he was used without him knowing why. On top of all that they claimed that he is Jewish and to make sure that I believe so he invited me for 5 minutes to his home in the nearby small city called Worthing and met his mother that was speaking English in alleged so-called Jewish accent, which I only recognize through American TV series called the Nanny with the actors Fran Drescher that over did it in speaking in a so-called Jewish accent, which was an act. Or she possibly really always speaks like that, I do not know, I used to watch it in USA and think it is funny. I have absolutely nothing against Jewish with the exception of Israel deadly policies against the Palestinians , in matter of fact I admire those Jewish that believe in God and are very family oriented. Back to this fake niece and to make it short she allegedly married this man in Islamic tradition to force me to think that she is Muslim, nothing on these criminal brainwashers is religious except their act in my presence. Later on and after I had to relocated back to The Netherlands because the severe brainwash and telepathy attacks against me, my fake sister contacted me and said, and I am only quoting them, that “her alleged daughter Esmat Shawki separated of her new Jewish husband because he was allegedly treating her as a salve”, end of quote. One thing  I know for sure, I read the Jewish book from begin to end between 1976 and 1977, which was the Old Testament the first part of the bible that was set with the new Testament to show the difference between the 2, because Jewish were 100% misused and forced by the English royalties and enslaved as soldiers among others against Hindus in India and this since over 500 years, yet their book which is the Torah alias the Old Testament in the Bible is teaching them to love each other and stick together and treat each other’s with respect and never ever with slavery methods, and therewith they were 100% lying to me. Point-3: this fake niece Esmat Shawki was living allegedly in a house with her alleged two adult children, girl around 18-19 years old  named Lara and a son around 20-22 years old named Rami one block of my alleged fake sister house, around 100-200 meters distance. Yet the way their house was furnished  plus the way they were totally untidy and their sleeping habits and waking habits, point out that they were either guest in this house or it is only a summer house or a joint vacation house with some others or they borrowed it of others while I am there. In short, they were not doing anything that shows that they make their beds, they clean the house or keeping it tidy, which today point to me that they are used to be served by a housekeeper. Esmat Shawki and even she was married to an Iranian and has allegedly 2 adult children of him, yet her last name is Shawki. She too had a Mercedes car that looked new. Her two children each had BMW, and the other had and as far as I recall Volkswagen car. And she claimed this is from the alimony of her ex-husband, yet alimony is usually paid until the children are 18 years old and not 19 and over 20 years old, and therewith having their alleged own house and 3 cars while she does not work, and her daughter allegedly go to some university in London, while her alleged son works allegedly as a waiter in an Italian restaurant, which all is very fishy. I am not the type of person who thinks: why do others have this and I do not have it or cannot afford it, I have been depending on myself all my life, yet when I look at these situations I see loopholes in their stories that do not match and fit their fake financial status = liars and con people!     Essam Shawki born allegedly in around 1965/66 in Cairo Egypt. He claimed to own a Lebanese restaurant in Brighton while living in an apartment by himself also in Brighton. This Lebanese restaurant he allegedly owns it with a Russian partner, in 1980s and in 1990s his best friends were Saudi Arabians, now he allegedly does not know any Saudi Arabians and is partner with a Russian. I know it was all lies, his sister allegedly married to a Jewish man, while they have their house looks like Islamic shrine and the Quran says specifically that Jewish are enemies of God and are damned by God, which I do not agree with, because all human are either created by God or are born through coincident of nature, you can think whatever you want, at the end we are all human and not Christians, Jewish, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and God knows what other religions, or Black, white, yellow, Red, brown and the list is endless as mean of division of human enable they can control them better. In short by claiming she is marrying to a Jewish man and her brother does not have any Saudi friends any more but rather he is business partner with a Russian and owns a Lebanese restaurant that is not successful, it is all to show as if they Arabs originated of Jewish Russians as the evil FBI in USA tried very hard to link me to the same by using the company Dun & Bradstreet in Connecticut in 1round 1988/89 and many other setups to force my mind to think we are originated from Jewish-Russian, other times from Turkish, other times from Iranians other times Italians, other times Nazi Germans and the list is endless. At the end they are all trying to brainwash me as distraction of the concentrated evil English royalties and in particular queen Elizabeth the Second that kidnapped me in the first of all. Last but not least, and while he had a child from a woman that was not married to him and the number one drinks service in this stupid fake Lebanese Restaurant was alcohol, which you can see it as soon as you enter the restaurant that had a bar almost as long as the restaurant itself. Which all in all means they are acting about being strict Muslims and trying hard to brainwash me. In addition to all that, they came 1-3 times a week for maybe 30-60 minutes to allegedly visit their mother and step father and brother, alias my fake sister, her fake husband and fake youngest son and then sit in the most acting way I have ever seen in my life, which is sit next to their alleged stepfather (the lookalike of the original Dr. Alaa Ali of Egypt) and fake mother (alias my fake sister) and all of them sit on one couch/sofa squeezing each other’s and lay their hands on the shoulders of each other’s as if they are all missing each other’s and haven’t seen each other’s for years = an act to force my mind to think they are one family, which is absolutely impossible  because they are not the same persons as I knew from Egypt, these are con-people alias criminals that are causing my life a lot of damage while try to force me to think that they are generous with me because they allegedly love me = severe brainwash by fourth of con-actors and their telepathy. Essam Shawki had a Mercedes-van allegedly to help him transport goods for his fake Lebanese restaurant.     Tarek/Tareq Ali. Allegedly the son of my fake sister with this conman that calls himself Dr. Alaa Ali. Tarek Ali does not look anything like my fake sister, not even remotely. However, he has some similarities of this conman called Dr. Alaa Ali . Tarek Ali was allegedly born in 1976/1977. Tarek does not work, and either is socially impaired (or even has intellectual disability), or he acts as if he is socially impaired (or even has intellectual disability). Since I believe they are English royalty from Saudi Arabia, he and all of them were most probably on vacation for a few weeks in Brighton. Even though the house looked like Islamic shrine, I did not see anyone pray as Muslims usually do 5 times a day. Yet, Tarek was scaring the life out of me, by having totally unpredicted  behavior, such as waking up and slamming the door, then shouting something as if he is going to do something bad to someone. He was always moving very fast as if he waked up late and has to go to work or school or even catch a plane. He was the only one that was sometimes praying. I believe he was scaring me on purpose, that I had to lockup the door in my bedroom from inside with the key just before I go to sleep. Then he allegedly wanted to get married but has no friends and his alleged mother alias my fake sister was looking for a wife for him. All in all, I came to the conclusion that he was socially impaired (or even has intellectual disability) or was acting just as the rest of these totally deranged fake family. There was a 2 door Mercedes car in the garden that was allegedly his, and I saw him maybe 1-2 times using it. My fake sister had also a very new looking Mercedes, and both cars looked like over 100 Thousand Euro.     Side Note: In the UK, there are more Pakistani originated people than the Dutch population in Netherlands, whereby the population of Netherlands is around 17 Million and the population of the UK is 67 Million, which is absolutely  the same in the so-called Arab Petroleum countries which are Kuwait, UAE Qatar, Bahrain, Oman and above all in Saudi Arabia,, which I saw myself, in 1980s the Saudi Arabian military was consisting mainly out soldiers imported from Pakistan, many of which did not even speak Arabic, but it was very easy for them to learn Arabic because Arabic is 100% originated from the Urdu language which was invented in India to separate Muslims from Hindu. Just as many European countries did in the last 200-700 years, each creating its own language originated mainly of the Germanic language that was originated as most other European languages allegedly from the dead Latin language, and all these languages had one goal only: To prevent communication between people as a part of slavery. As a result, we have so many languages, which is unbelievable. We have 6500 languages and over 4000 religions that is more than 20 times the amount of countries we have worldwide which is 195 countries. We had more countries, but they united just as United Kingdom = 4 countries, and Germany had several countries and languages and were united and as far as I recall in the 1800ss, the same with Netherlands, France, Russia, Japan and so on. For more info see the following link:, whereby this link shows only some countries of the past that had relation with USA, therefore any country of the past that did not have a relation with USA is not included. All countries with the star “*” mark are countries of the past and do not exist as a country any more but rather as a province or a state of a  current country such as Bavaria was a country and now it is the Free State of Bavaria, one of 16 other states in Germany, where I lived for 17 years until the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family + my Biological family kidnapped me to USA for a long term isolation and lockup!!     My fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that had 2 fake birthdates, one in 1921 and another in 1926 one of them was and as far as I recall 26, 27, 28 or 29 March, and therewith she was in March 2013, which was the last time I saw her (the one prior to that was sometimes in summer 1987 for 2 weeks in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, and the one before that was around spring 1985 and prior to that autumn 1984 and prior to that in Jordan and prior to that in summer 1977), each time this whore bitch fake mother comes to my life, something very bad happens to me. Back to her age in March 2013, if she was born in 1921, then she is the same age as queen Elizabeth the second and was 92 years in March 2013. If she was born in 1926, then she was 87 years old. I do not know when this horrible woman was born, I just know that she had 2 birthdates, where she claims she was born in 1926 and her father allegedly falsified her birth certificate so she can legally get married, and since my oldest fake sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier was allegedly 14 years older than me and I was allegedly born in 1952, then my fake oldest sister was born in 1938, which makes my fake mother 11 years old as she get married and then get pregnant 9 months later in 1938 gave birth to my fake sister Suhair Bdeir, which it does not add up because she told me that she get married at the age of 13 and get her oldest daughter at the age of 14, yet it is a very fishy story, because her husband alias my father that was made up and named Abdulhamid Abdullah Shaker Najar was allegedly a judge working allegedly for the British government in their colony called Sudan, which very much means he was educated and a man of justice, and no educated man or a man of justice will ever marry an 11 years old while he is 37 years old, because I was told he was allegedly born in 1900. Yet I know he was made up and I have countless proves including official falsified Syrian documents, that the evil German police stole of me in February 2002, yet I have copies of them, which it shows they were fake. And there with the history of this whore bitch of a woman is wrong and based on lies. In March 2013 I was forced to go twice to the UK and absolutely against my will, yet brainwash and telepathy are very powerful tools that I cannot defend myself against them. To make it short and in the first visit, she was suddenly so skinny that weighs may be 35-40kg, last time I saw her in 1987 in Bridgeport Connecticut, she was most definitely more than 90 kg, and since she is between 155-165 cm (I never measured her, I am just guessing), which means she should be around 45-50 kg and this means she was over 40 kg overweight and now so skinny that her skin is hanging more than 5 cm of her arms. She was living in a room with bed, closet and TV with video or DVD machine and she was in her room for around 10 hours per day sitting in her bed and pretending to be praying Islamic way, watching religious programs on TV or DVD and comes out only to eat. This was a short time visit, maybe 5-10 days. Then I was told that she is sick and is in the hospital in Brighton dying. I was forced again to travel from Netherlands to the UK to see her allegedly before her death. She was in bed in sort of a comma, with some tubes in her mouth and nose and was not conscious, I had to go back to the Netherlands and I was later told that she passed away and I even received a copy of her death certificate. What I think is strange in this situation, which I cannot prove, is that I believe, I was forced to go to the UK only to see her praying or watching religious video/DVD to force me to think that she was Muslim, and I really do not care what her faith was, because she was as nasty person as it gets, she does not represent Islam or Muslim, she is a woman that exchanged places with at least 2 other persons, and one of them was queen Elizabeth the second. In matter of fact I believe they were 4 different persons and possibly one of them is Turkish, the other Saudi Arabian, the other I do not know and the absolute first one was queen Elizabeth the second. The other brainwash situation, which I cannot prove, was that I was supposed to blame her for everything bad that happened to me and since she died, everything supposed to have died with her and I was supposed to let everything go, and that is why these criminals forced me to relocate  5 times with in a years as follow end of June 2013 to Brighton, 5-6 weeks later in begin of August 2013, relocate to a small city almost a village in the Netherlands called Kerkrade, mid-August 2013 forced to relocate again to Harrow-London and to a specific preplanned address that these criminal forced upon me in a very crocked brainwash way but they forced me to think it was coincident, and I will leave the details out. I was like iced in this address and was not able to do anything except drink excessive beer and this while alcohol is very expensive in the UK and my finances were far more limited than limited, therefore I decided to go back to the Netherlands, which in reality it was not my decision but rather they forced me to because I was not able to go forwards or backwards and had little money to survive on, at least in the Netherlands the social help is sufficient for me to survive on. In April 2014 I found the only possible apartment for my financial situation and signed the contract and relocated back to the Netherlands on 21 May 2014. Very unfortunately they were planning all these relocation and I was not able to defend myself, and in this city od Assen I had so many troubles, actually I was tortured by the several denture professionals, that just 4 months after relocating to this stupid city called Assen I decided to relocate again, and this time to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch government and the Dutch royal family and all the embassies in that city. It took me from September 2014 and until February 2016 until I was able to find an affordable apartment that fits my governmental social income/help, but also I had to save some money, but I was not able to save enough for the relocation, so I decided to relocate anyway, even though I knew that I will be late with my bills every month for at least 6 months, yet somehow some one noticed and heled me out without me noticing, by creating a situation that I get 3000 Euro of the Tax office that I had to pay it back monthly, and I complete these payment in the March 2020. With this money I was able to buy some necessities as well as pay for the relocation, such as renting a truck to transport my stuff 250 km. I made it on 1 March 2016, and it took me more than a year to understand what happened to me in the last 5 years or even 50 years and started to file complaints to the government. That was my fake evil mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi with her evil fake family that terrorized my life from 10/11 1960 and until current, because that damages these criminals that did to me, is unrepairable.     My fake sister had a housekeeper that she claimed was from Indonesia and was with her in Saudi Arabia until her husband alleged contract with Aramco ended in 2000 or 2001, and then she took her with her to the UK. They pretended all the times to mistreat her to show me how they treat slaves and how they are treating me, because these criminals were 100% treating me as slave and want to force me to think that they were treating me as beloved family member, but they are not my family, they are vicious con people and organized crime family working for the English royalty and some of them are also members of the English royalties, which I cannot count on my 2 hands. In the end they were trying their best to force me to think that they are related to the Dutch royal family, and this as being sarcastic or making fun of me, and what these criminals and their allies in the sadistic village Bellingwolde forced me to write about many people also about the Dutch royal family, enable to get the Dutch official involved I that they then attack me for spreading wrong information about them. But I cannot defend myself against telepathy and I did not go volunteer to that sadistic village Bellingwolde, the Dutch immigration forced me to live there totally isolated for 4 years, during which some unknown to me very sadistic and vicious persons with telepathy controlled my life and forced me to create website attacking people I do not know from all over the world and in all kind of sectors, which was a brainwash strategy to force me to write wrong things and let those people revenge on me for that, which will keep me occupied for long time and faraway of the truth about my past and who is my biological family and who kidnapped me and why I was kidnapped, but today I know and it is all in these complaint pages.     From 2016 and until current, my fake sister pretended to try to maintain relation with me, as long as I am far of them, and pretend to be the good sister by sending me some money now and then, which is a drop in the bucket because these criminals and since 1984 they forced me to be always deep in financial trouble as mean of hidden slavery and control and then these MF send occasionally me 200 or 500 to show as if they are my good helping family. But nothing is good about them.                    During the 6 weeks I was forced to live with these savages in Brighton they performed so many brainwash situations and damages upon me that it would take another at least 10 pages to list them. Once thing is for sure, they are very well connected and 100% protected by the concentrated evil and organized crime institution called MI6 that caused me so much trouble and damages to my life to cover up for their witch queen Elizabeth the second that I do not know what to say except the responsible should be locked up, not only because of what these criminals did to me, but rather because they are danger to the general public in every single country in the world, PERIOD. Here are a very short list of some of the things they did to me during this period of 5-6 weeks in Brighton:      End of June 2013. 10 days before relocating to the UK, I had to renew my car certification that it is safe to drive on the streets of the Netherlands, and to do that I have to go to certain garages that are certified by the government to do that and then they will place a sticker on my car if it is approved. So, I had it checked up and certified, in a nearby car mechanic shop where I used to live in Amsterdam. On the day before the relocation, where I loaded my car full even on the other 3 seats, yet and as I started to drive and just 500 meters of my apartment in Amsterdam, the engine died and I had to call the automobile club, which he said he fixed it temporary, which it was allegedly enough to take me from Amsterdam to Brighton, yet in Brighton is stopped working and I was not able to fix it and I had to sell it in Brighton for car scrap, therefore I was forced to buy a car in England that was right hand driving, where later I had to sell it very cheap because I had to relocate back to the Netherlands in May 2014. This sounds stupid, yet look at the following points, then it will make since that someone with telepathy was manipulating my cars through the mechanics to force me to cut my ties back to the Netherlands or to just damage me financially as these criminals did to me each time they forced me to relocate such as in 1970 from Egypt to Germany, and in 1986 after kidnapping me from Germany to USA!      In the UK and just a couple of days before relocating back to the Netherlands in the begin of August 2013, I went to a car mechanic to change just the tire and check the car for the journey back to the Netherlands. Instead of them checking up my car and fixing it, they intentionally damaged it that I had to go back to them. The damage that they intentionally did to my car was they did something to the axe so, that both front wheels were going right and left while I am driving, which was forcing me to drive less than 25 km per hour or less than 15 Miles per  hour. Since I did not know anyone in Brighton except this fake sister of mine and her fake family, I had to call my fake nephew and ask him if he knew a car mechanic to fix this damage that the other larger mechanic shop (with at least 15 employees) caused and refused to fix. He gave me an address of his alleged car mechanic that he allegedly trusts, it was a one- or two-man small shop that equals a room that just about a car can fit in. He asked me to go for a coffee and he will fix the car, which I did and when I came back the car was fixed and as far as I recall, he requested very little, under 50 pounds, equals around 60 Euro. Later on I recognize that this was 100% a setup of the family of my fake sister to force my mind to think that they are honest and trying to help me, in other words that first larger mechanic shop made something intentionally lose enable my nephew can help me and I think of them as trying to help me and not brainwashing me but also to think of them as small time local people that know a small time car mechanic and not a large mechanic shop. As side note: why didn’t he send me to his alleged new Jewish brother-in-law that just 2 weeks early allegedly married his sister, because he owned several businesses and one of them a larger car repair shop, or was that garage shop that intentionaaly damaged my car his!!!???      During the entire time I was there I was forced to drink excessive alcohol as follow. Since they were pretending to be Muslims as mentioned above, they told me that their home is holy and clear of alcohol, pork and sins, whatever that means. So, I bought a large thermos box and filled it with ice and beer, and ever after noon I would then drive from Hove, where they were actually and allegedly housing to the beach near Brighton. Sit there and drink, where I was absolutely prevented to think, because some evil persons with telepathy were constantly persecuting me. And this day in and day out during this 5-6 week.      In Brighton I went to a church called “Holland Road Baptist Church”. Today I do not know any more if I went there because I wanted to or because they forced me to with telepathy. One thing I know for sure, I strongly believed in the Evangelical Lutheran church and I always have looked for an Evangelical Lutheran church, where ever these criminals kidnapped me to or forced me to relocate or force me to live, which started in Unterschleissheim, Germany, then at Sendligertor square in Munich, Germany, then in Bridgeport Connecticut, then in Houston, Texas, USA, then in German prisons, then near the German refugee camps I was forced to live in, then in Amsterdam, in all these places I always looked for an Evangelical Lutheran churches, which is often mentioned in other pages, especially that the Dutch IND (immigration authority) forced me to live in refugee camps and in villages were there was no Evangelical Lutheran churches, where I had very negative experiences, so I stick to Evangelical Lutheran churches even though I had some planned forced upon me very bad experiences with some of them as also described in other areas of my complaint pages, yet I never went to a Baptist church, because I see them as far of the track of Christianity. I went to this “Holland Road Baptist Church” in Brighton, UK maybe 3-4 times, whereby they forced upon me 2 brainwash incidents as follow: Brainwash incident-1: I get to know a young very small lady named Rebecca that had little similarities of  the whore agent named Anita Disbray that the MI6 + CIA enslaved me under between 20 August 1970 and September 1977, and this Anita Disbray was allegedly British from Wembley-London. This Rebecca was maybe 45 kg heavy, 155-160 cm short, very small facial parts just like Anita Disbray, with one difference, Anita Disbray had dark blond hair and eyeglasses, this one had no eyeglasses and red hair. Be patient to see through the brainwash. Since I was going on a daily bases to the beach to drink my beer because I was not allowed to bring alcohol to the house of my fake sister because she is allegedly Muslim, yet her behavior and the behavior of each members of her fake family is anti-Islam and this while her alleged son Essam Shawki has a restaurant and sell pork and all kind of alcohol, where it is written very clearly in the Quran and as far as I recall it from my Egyptian schooling between 1960 to 1969, and I am quoting the Quran “You shall not drink alcohol or buy alcohol, or sell alcohol, or carry alcohol, or sit with persons that are drinking alcohol”, clearer than this it cannot be, yet they buy alcohol, sell alcohol, carry alcohol, serve alcohol and sit with clients at the bar that are drinking alcohol, not to forget that my original fake sister as well as the original Dr. Alaa Ali as well as my fake mother in Cairo Egypt and between 1966-1969 taught me how to drink alcohol by taking me to a restaurant and ordering beer also for me, were by I am not judging them, I am merely observing their lies and con business. Sorry I get sidetracked. Back to me going to the beach on a daily bases to drink the beer that I stored in the large thermos container in the trunk of my old second hand 2-door Ford, whereby they were the ones that were forcing me to buy beer and store it in my car trunk and go to the beach on a daily basis to drink it , which is a hidden brainwash method that accumulate with other brainwash setups to force me to voluntarily want to leave their stupid house that they conspired to force me to relocate to it, in short I was predictable and every one can see that and you do not have to have telepathy to see that, yet some of them or all of them have telepathy, meaning my fake sister and her evil fake family. While I am on the beach and allegedly coincidently, I met Rebeca that I get to know through the “Holland Road Baptist Church”, she was allegedly with her boyfriend. She introduced me to him, and we exchanged a few sentences such as he is a bank employee dealing with stocks in London. Now let me compare this to my past, my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I loved very much and I was separated of her very violently through these sadistic concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND + my fake family + my biological family, that today I know I am the son of king George VI ( and brother to queen Elizabeth the Second. I have to take a minute here and ask myself is this coincident that this young lady named Rebecca that has a lot of look similarity to Anita Disbray that I was enslaved under her in Munich Germany by the CIA + MI6 from 20 August 1970 to September 1977, and starting end of March 1981 I get to know my girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka also in Munich, Germany through Mohamad Attar that was an agent set on me almost the same time and by the absolute same group of people that enslaved me under Anita Disbray, which are the CIA + MI6+ BND, which I did not know that at that time, working for the German BND or CIA or MI6 or all of them and introduced me to this Adelheid Kuczka that had one goal only, to distract me of the church where I get baptized on Easter Sunday of 1976, yet I did not see through that scheme at that time and I fell very much in love with here, and above all she had red hair and was working in a bank in Munich called Hypo bank trading stocks. Is this coincident that Rebeca has red hair and is trying to remind me of Germany, where I was setup by these savages to be banned in 2002/2004 and for life of ever entering Germany again, where Rebeca allegedly met me coincident in the park with her alleged boyfriend that has the same profession as my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, I do not think that this was coincident, I strongly believe that these savages were working all together with the family of my fake sister + MI6 + the very nasty and child kidnapper and torturer English royal family. In short while someone in the Netherlands, which it looks like the Dutch government were working with the family of my fake sister to force me to relocate to the UK most probably for one reason only: to blackmail Queen Elizabeth the second, while others in the UK want to get rid of me and get me out of the UK, which they succeeded twice within one year to force me to relocate from the UK to the Netherlands TWICE. Brainwash incident-1: Somehow and I cannot recall the details, which means that someone with telepathy was controlling my mind at that time, I was in the “Holland Road Baptist Church” backyard, which was mainly a parking place of around 5-10 cars, my fake sister and someone of her fake children or her fake husband was with her were also in the backyard and I cannot recall why, yet I recall that they made a scene and at their house my fake sister pretended to want to talk me out of Christianity and into Islam, by trying to scare me of God that allegedly is going to put me in hell, which for me was nothing else that annoying and additional nuisance that they were forcing upon me during this-5-6 weeks, that forced me to want to relocate back to the Netherlands, just 6 weeks after I was forced to relocated from the Netherlands to the UK = severe very destructive brainwash while keeping me of advancing in my own life = they are criminals and insane and dangerous for the wellbeing of the general public, PERIOD. Beside God is not a weapon or a scary being that some human wage against other human as scare tactics. God is not crazy to place human that he created and gave intelligence and freedom then act like a mad man that would then jump up and down on a human to destroy him or throw them to fire alias hell, just because God made a mistake in creating the human with intelligence and freedom (!!!???). I do not think so, God and with his intelligence superiority there would no place in it for hell or punishment or even correction, because hell and punishment are against intelligence. On the other side we human or a hand full of us, the so called controlling families do create hell on earth for other human to control them, and one of the very visible sadistic act is jails and prisons is also against intelligence and is the product of 1 or 2 track intelligence, and the prove for that, is that many countries, especially in Europe are trying hard to systematically abolish imprisonment, and I see many signs of that in the Benelux countries as well as in the Scandinavian countries, including Iceland, because it is not only barbaric, it is absolutely stupid and non-intelligence, it is nothing else that a very quick bad solution because it generate money to many, such as all the private prisons and refugee camps all over the western world. The correct way is to try to see why a person commit a crime and then try to reeducate this person in an intelligence way to stop him of doing it, on top of that and in recent history and alone the 2 criminal US presidents George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush including the company Chevron = the Rockefeller family, are responsible for more death during their presidency that all murdered human being worldwide by another person in the last 20th century, meaning from the year 1900 to the year 2000, and this in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, not to mention the countless millions that lost their homes and family members and are refugee in other countries even today in the year 2020, and not to mention the totally destructed infra structure of these 2 countries, just to bring them under their control and steal their natural resources and the land itself, yet they are not judged and not imprisoned because they are members of the controlling families and the law does not apply to them. Last but not least and no one can convince me otherwise, the criminal Donald Trump White House Administration, conspired against the EU and China to slow and damage their economy by intentionally spreading the Corona virus that not only was for them as shooting their stupid selves in the foot, but it damaged countless human being all over the world and cause many people to suffer that it would literally take hundreds of pages to just list the damages caused through the Corona virus alias COVID-19. God is above all that and does not punish his own creation just like a mad scientist that kill other people because the American and British military pays him for it such as the Atomic bombs and now the COVID-19!      Her housekeeper, an alleged Indonesian origin that was under 150 cm tall, maybe 50 years old that want to look like 25 years old. They create many stupid and totally unintelligent setup using her, but I will skip all of them, and mention one stupid situation. This house keeper, asks me to the side as if she does not want anyone to hear her, and tells me she does not want to be here anymore, and if I can help her leave this country, I said maybe, and she asked me for my phone number in Netherlands, which have only my Dutch Mobile phone since 2008 or 2010. I gave her my mobile number and she asked me not to tell my fake sister. That was one of these mentally sick persons jokes by either forcing their housekeeper with telepathy to tell me that or they asked her to, because there is no way that she will trust me while I am having heavy disgusting discussions with my fake sister Fadia Nagar , her fake husband allegedly named Dr. Alaa Ali and their fake son Tarek/Tariq Ali that either was socially impaired (or even has intellectual disability) or pretended to be. From my point of view, they are all socially impaired (or even has/have intellectual disability) including the English royal family and MI6, because who ever come up with ideas to kidnap a child, and ever since torture the life out of him, while he is one of them, then they must be mentally sick, PERIOD!      There were many others, but the above is enough to show how much these nasty people did to me within the very short time of 5-6 weeks

2.35.              I added later in Mai 2020 as I remembered it. This will show clearly that someone is trying hard to link me to Saudi Arabia as distraction of the English royalties. in 1992 I get a project by a small company called ACPI-Associated Canvas Products, Inc, on 16917 Market St, Houston, TX, USA, Channelview, TX 77530-3837, was around 35 miles (50 km) from where I lived on in Stancliff Park apartments on 10350 Lands End Drives, in southwest of Houston Texas. I get to know them through a very damaging situation that was forced upon me in end of 1991, which point to be 100% CIA, MI6 or even FBI. I will skip the situation which was related also to my fake sister called Mona/Afrah Najjar in Washington D.C. and as she visited me in Houston, Texas with her son called Zaid Abokurah and I get arrested through a 100% preplanned setup, which I will skip the details. The owner of the company ACPI as was a family called Brasher, a mother and her 2 sons, the CEO was named James Brasher, his brother called Cliff for Clifton Brasher and the sales manager was called Jim Hemby. I installed from them a server and created a network that all can work on and with the same data. It was a small company with around 10 -12 persons. Please note that I also get to know him, which it seems coincidently but it was not, during a period of time where I also was working for the IT department at the company Texaco in Downtown Houston and I just get additional project with Texaco in Houston city section called Belair, that now is owned by Chevron, because Chevron bought most of the business of Texaco except the Texaco  gas stations, my contact person was Mr. James Stewart and his alleged boss Jim something, both played many games with me, such as Jim is in  smaller office than his boss James or suddenly James the alleged real boss is not sitting in a private larger office anymore but rather on a table between cubical offices, even without his own cubical, which was meant to get my attention that someone around me has a lookalike and he is much lower than the boss, and I came to this conclusion, because no one would ever demote a department manager into a worker, this is not a military, and no one will accept that, and when I consider that the other Texaco (his colleagues) in Texaco Building in downtown Houston, also performed countless situation to remind me of American military base McGraw Kaserne of 1970 in Munich, Germany where I was severely brainwashed and enslaved between March 1970 and until September 1977, where I also get to know the new lookalike of my original fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias now in the USA is called Nick Naggar and he too played very destructive and most damaging games with me, therefore they were either hinting to my fake brother Nick Naggar that he has a boss that looks like him, or the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud that they enslaved me under on 24.12.1984 and I cannot seem to be able to escape this situation. Yet what to remember is also the names Jim and James, and when I consider the Associated canvas Products, Inc where the boss name was James (Brasher) and his sales manager was named Jim (Hemby) as mentioned above, and when I consider that I get to know these 2 new James and Jim after I get the second project at Texaco with the boss James and his alleged Boss Jim, then Texaco had also something to-do with that I get this project as Associated Canvas products, Inc, In Channelview, Texas as confirmation of the double or look alike at least with the names of James and Jim, and when I consider that Texaco had marketing partnership with the company Shell and I was told by Texaco that my services are no longer needed because they are going to be using Shell existing computer benefit programs and the program that I developed for them in 1992 will be scrapped, and the company Shell was not only the biggest petroleum company in the world for several years (today is June 2020 it is the second largest petroleum company in the world after Aramco which is a hidden partnership between the English royalties and their hidden relatives the American Rockefeller family alias Exxon + Chevron + Aramco + countless others in various fields and sectors just as the English royalties and many other royalties), but also is the biggest company in the Netherlands and also is called Royal Dutch Shell and is in partnership with English royalties and somehow partners with the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND that brainwashed me and enslaved me under their joint whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud, and I had absolutely no chance what so ever to get free, yet I was forced to land in the country of Shell, which is the Netherlands. Last and most important point or the essence of this point is that Associated Canvas Products was manufacturing big plastic water tanks of 500 or 1000 gallons for Saudi Arabia and they made sure that I know that, which was as if they trying to relate me by force to ARAMCO as distraction of the English royalties, and considering that they were connected to other maybe 10-15 very negative and most destructive setups to my life. This company disappeared sometimes around 7-10 years ago, which I do not understand why, because they were good at what they do and their products are always in demand and were several partners, and the only reasoning I was able to find, is that they may had to close down their company and open another company with another name and in another address because of the very damaging website that was forced upon me while I was forced to live I the refugee camp Dokkum in since August 2006 and then the immigration forced me to live in the village Bellingwolde starting 28 February 2008 to continue to force me to write the website called “Wanted”, which was not only very damaging for others, but also for me. And therewith they left it in my mind that my fake family in Saudi Arabian were my family and that my fake family are responsible for all the criminal acts against me, which is only partially true, the English royal family as well as BP-British Petroleum as well as their security agencies, which are the CIA + MI6 + FBI are an absolute organized crime institutions that planned everything damaging for my life and my fake family in Saudi Arabia are also English royal family members such as the following criminals, whereby I do not know their real name I just know 3 facts, their fake name, they are 100% related to the English royalties and the Rockefeller family, and that they have huge business between Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Germany, USA, UK, USA and most probably also in other countries, where I have only indications but no prove, such as Turkey, Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Russia and possibly also other countries

2.36.              1965/66 in Cairo, Egypt. The fake brother that was added to my life as distraction of the concentrated evil English royalties and in particular queen Elizabeth the second that kidnapped me in the first of all, most probably after king George VI ( died on 06.02.1952, that I strongly believe was my biological father. To distract of all that and keep it in my memory as if I am related to people from Syria, this is how they did it: on around 1965 or 1966 I was told that I have a brother living with my (fake) sister named Suhair  Bdeir/Budier in, Amman, Jordan with the following con reasoning, which is my alleged fake sister Suhair Bdeir that I never seen her ever in my life prior to around 1964/65 as she came to Cairo, Egypt for alleged tourism visit , she allegedly was living with us in Syria, which means my none-existing made up father named Abdulhamid Abdallah Shaker Najar (allegedly born in 1900 in Damascus Syria), and my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi (allegedly born in 1926 and allegedly falsified to 1921 in Damascus Syria) and my fake 3 sisters Suhair Bdeir/Budier (allegedly born in 1938 in Khartoum Sudan), my fake sister Afrah/Moni Najar alias Afrah/ (with “a” and not “i”) Mona Abokurah alias later Afrah/Mona Najjar (with 2 x “j” ) (that was allegedly born in 1941 in Damascus Syria) and my fake sister Fadia Najar alias later Fadia Shawki alias later Fadia Nagar (that allegedly was born in 1942 in Damascus Syria) and my alleged fake brother named Samir Najar (allegedly born in 1938/39) that allegedly died at age 1 year in around 1940 and my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar (allegedly born in 1948 in Cairo, Egypt) and me that I was allegedly born in October 1952; and all of us were allegedly living in Damascus, Syrian city section called Al-Mazeh, then my alleged fake father allegedly died in January  1953, and then my oldest sister alleged in 1953 or 1954 get married to an alleged Syrian man named Seif Aldin Bdeir/Budier that was a businessman in Amman, Jordan and therewith she allegedly relocated with him to Amman, Jordan and took my older brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar to Amman, Jordan, allegedly to take a burden of my fake mothers due to she is now a window since 1-2 years with 5 children under 14 years old, and allegedly raised him in Amman, Jordan. Yet all these reasoning were lies and con business, among others because there were so many loop wholes in these fake and made up lie stories, among others because they gave me a fake family book in around 1969/1970 and this fake family book was full of loop wholes, but also this fake brother did not look anything like me, not his skin color, not his eyes, not his mouth and other facial features, the only thing that looked similar, was his height and he had a split chin and an absolutely crocked mind, and I strongly believe that I have a sound mind, because of at least one reason, I see other human as creation just like me. All the mentioned so far was enabled to understand what is coming. So, they brought this criminal to my life and placed him not only in a private Christian school, where they claimed that he was raised in Jordan and went to the school among others owned by the families of my 2 fake sisters in Jordan and it is a religious school named Islamic education college of Jordan, located half way between the so called Al-Dawar Al-Awal and the Al-Dawar Al-Thani in Jabal Amman in Amman, Jordan, (in English: between the first and second round-about on mount Amman. The city of Aman and as I visited it repeatedly between 1966 and 1986,  is divided in city sections of allegedly 7 mountains and in the middle of them is the downtown). This school he was allegedly in, in Amman, Jordan, was through and through an Islamic-Arabic school and the reason I know that for fact is that in 1985 I tried to offer them my services as computer consultant and furnish this school with PCs, yet they not only rejected me for this project, but also rejected me to ever come back to visit my fake sisters in Amman Jordan, in that they created countless and unbelievable damaging situations for me, that were designed to force me to hate Jordan, while they were simultaneously refreshing the set up that these criminals did to me in December 1969 and made me look like as if I am related to PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization that the Western world declared it as the biggest terrorist organization worldwide from 1960s to 1990s , how come now they place him in Cairo, Egypt in a school called San George (British Origin), were he knew more English than Arabic. The second and most disgusting act he made, is that he wanted to force me to think that I am related to him and I am a bad person and he is a good person, in that and for no reason what so ever he get a wooden stick that was around 150 cm long and maybe 3-4 cm diameter and started to hit on me with this stick, I was so surprised that I absolutely did not know what to do. So I was running away of him from room to room and he was following me, until I landed in the bathroom and found a scissor that was 15-20 cm long and I grabbed it and pointed it at him while I am standing and started to attack him myself and he backed off as if he was shocked. Today, I strongly believe that someone or even several persons with telepathy saw that and helped me to defend myself while scaring him that they were more than just one person, because I know that this criminal MF and human trash had telepathy. The essence of this attack against me is to force me to believe I am related to this criminal and degenerate person that I never ever saw in my life prior to 1965/1966, but also this is a very nasty, sadistic and criminal brainwash method to force their victim to dislike this person and categorize him/her as nasty and do not want to have anything to do with him and then cease to think about him and stop to try to analyze the situation to force me not figure out that this MF was not my fake brother, but most probably English royalty working for the MI6 and that is why he was in an English and not Islamic school called San George in Cairo, that was teaching everything in English, except the Arabic language and Arabic History was in Arabic but also that shortly thereafter he moved to live alone in a 3 room apartment with a housekeeper that was cleaning and cooking for him and this while he was in the first or second year of Highschool, which was in Egypt the school grade 10 or 11. Very unfortunately this criminal family Baroudi + Bdeir/Budier + Abokurah + Kheir and others, always found a way to add more criminals to my life while pretending to be related to me enable to give them legitimacy to come close to me and perform destructive harms against me, such as Dr. Sami Assassa in Munich, or Bashaar Dibish/Dubish and his sister that came allegedly from Syria visiting me in Munich and claimed to be the nephew and niece of my fake brother-in-law named Seif Aldin Bdeir from Amman, Jordan, whereby they not only do not look anything like him, but also they were through and through acting while wasting my time and my life, even in USA they added so many fake MF relative to my life that was not only unbelievable but also all these criminals in USA and each MF of them performed severe damage upon my life. Back to this fake brother, and after 12-18 months of living with us, he relocated to live alone in an apartment in an opposite building, where he had a housekeeper to clean and cook for him and with the reasoning, my fake sister in Jordan is paying for it because my fake brother allegedly does not get along with the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri, that in reality was a very good man and was not always living with us, he maybe was 10% of the time living with us between the year 1963/64 and until he disappeared in 1968, yet this criminal used telepathy to force him to rape me, and destroy the relation between us while brainwashing me very sadistically by force of telepathy. This rape was only one time of Mohi Sabri, where later on I saw but did not understand at that time, that Mohi Sabri felt so bad about it and tried hard to make it up to me in that he started to spend more quality time with me such as helping me with school works where I was very lacking due to this criminal fake brother was causing me so many troubles. I never seen this MF criminal after he relocated to the opposite building which was in 1967 or begin of 1968. In September 1970 the concentrated evil American military with the help of the CIA + MI6 and within their American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich severely brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their sadistic whore bitches named Anita Disbray that had telepathy and totally isolated me until January 1976, while simultaneously after approximately 4-6 weeks the concentrated evil CIA + MI6 + American military also in their controlled environment military base called McGraw kaserne introduced a new lookalike of my original fake brother, yet this one is named Naggar and not Najar and he was most definitely and 100% a different person and a different criminal MF, among others because the original one had problem with his left or right eye that was blinking far more than usual, as if his eye was stuttering and was closing and opening 3-6 times as much as the other eye, and something like that you do not forget easily unless you were brainwashed and forced with telepathy to believe that this guy is that same one, beside they had totally different attitude and different characters, it is absolutely the same pattern as my fake sister Fadia that these criminals introduced me to a new one in the UK that does not have a double tooth on her right side alias my left side and did not have deep dimples on both of her cheeks and the same as the pattern of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi that was originally queen Elizabeth the second and then exchanged with another one and again exchanged with another one that almost and for me was overnight she was double or even tribble her original weight of 40 kg over weight and also very suddenly is covering her entire body from head to toe except face and hands, which mainly Turkish do. The first + the second fake mothers where not only dressing Paris style, but also their behavior was anything else but faithful or even little Muslims, in particular the second one and from 1961 and until at least 1975, which was the last time I saw the bitch, had nothing Muslim on her, not even her name, not her makeup, not picking her eye brows, not how she wear clothing showing above her knees and half of her breast and that too also in Germany until I saw her last in 1975. Yet in 1977 this whore bitch appears in my life after I was setup to become Christian to show as if I am originated of a Muslim family and not the long hand of the concentrated evil English royalties, but also to force my mind that everything that is going to happen to me from now in 1977 and on is because allegedly I became Christian and my fake family these criminals that pretended to be Muslim to force everyone else to be Muslim and blame everything they do on God, while they are helping the English royalties to steal the Arabs (regardless if they are Muslim, Christian, Jewish or even faithless) blindly and keep them trying to survive on bread and not even butter, but rather bread and dirty water and that I saw many times over in my life, from in Palestine in 1966 forced upon me visit, to Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabi, Lebanon and Morocco in 1983. All these criminals are in top positions in various countries and are through and through corrupt because they were bribed by the queen Elizabeth the second to force me to be slave all my life, which very much equals 1-2 track intelligence (meaning: their intelligence seek  only money and power and this no matter how high the cost, if one die or 5 Million, they absolutely do not care. Which is visible not only in the first and second world wars, but als and ever since the second world war they invent new things to kil and steal from Palestinian land, to Yemeni land, ro Iraqi Land, to Afghani land, to Chinese land, to Vietnamese land to South African land and the list goes on and on and on…) and are through and through menace to society in every single country I was forced to live in or visit, including USA, Germany, Netherlands and 12 other countries, yet above all also in the UK!!??

2.37.              I can list many more proves, but the above is more than sufficient to show who is my biological family of destruction alias the English royalties to cover up that I am the son of King George VI ( !!!???


Is this my family, Possibility-3?

3.        A combination of the above 2 possibilities, because both above-mentioned families (English and ex-German royal family’s alias current control families) worked closely together at least between 10.10. 1969 and 1 March 2016 in Germany, USA, the Netherlands, UK and again the Netherlands (as well as 9 years earlier in Egypt and Jordan) by isolating me and keep me enslaved under their evil control between agents of the CIA, MI6, American military, FBI, the Bush family, ARAMCO and concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum l!!!??? For more information about these relations between all these parties and others not mentioned in this point, see the “Photo Section” below as well as the pages: “BP-British Petroleum-Part-3 an evil element in a very evil BIG PICTURE” + “I want Justice”


Photo section of some public figure’s/persons that has several look similarities in my fake family

The reason I am placing these photos here and not next to members of my fake family that has some or a lot of look similarities to the persons below, is because I do not have their photos, the evil CIA + FBI literally stole everything from me and I was brought to the Netherlands on 11.02.2010 only with my t-shirt that I was wearing, pants that I was wearing, underwear that I was wearing and some papers that I was forced to write while I was in the deportation prison in Houston, Texas, USA from 27 July 2000 to 10 February 2001,  so the evil INS + FBI can read my mind while I am writing and no one will ever notice.


Back to the reason I am placing these photos here, many persons know members of my fake family and when they see these photos they will recognize that they all have fake identity, fake religion and are either English royalties or working for them including many Americans and so-called Arabs, and especially the ones that live in USA and Germany and are working among others for government as spies, or the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum + ARAMCO + Chevron because these 3 petroleum companies used their power and influence to systematically brainwash me and keep me as slave in Germany, in the Middle East and in USA, then locked me up for nearly 14 years from July 2000 and at least until June 2012, then forced me to be going in circle until I relocated to Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family + the Dutch government + all the Embassies and consulates in this city!


But also, that will prove that my fake sister and her children as mentioned repeatedly in my complaint pages and are living in and around Washington D.C. are building network of telepathy destruction for many in Washington D.C. and my complaint pages are the prove of their evil destructive characters!


The photo below is of Prince Oskar von Preussen, for more info see

First Photo:  This prince is a very lookalike of my fake brother-in-law

Named Abdelghani Abokurah from allegedly Amman, Jordan and also to his children.


This photo is as if I am looking at Khalid + Abdallah Abokurah in 1980s


A lot of look similarities with my fake nephew Abdallah Abokurah. Last known to me location since 1980s is Washington, D.C. USA


But also, this prince Almost identical look to my fake nephew Khalid Abokurah as he was 16 years old, the brother of Abdallah Abokurah mentioned above, but also, has look Similarity to his brothers named Zaid and Ghasan Abokurah and their sister May Abokurah alias May ????? marriage name is unknown to me.


Khalid Abokurah was used by his family as telepathy target practice, until they drove him literally mad/crazy and then locked him up since end of 1980s or begin of 1990s in a mental institute in Cairo, Egypt, several thousand km far from them so they do not have to waste their time visiting him, and I wanted to confirm that and tried in 2018 to find him and I spoke to him on

the phone at the hospital and with his social worker named: السيد خالد جويدة (in English: Social worker: Mr. Khalid Juwadah/Guwadah)


مستشفى الدكتور جمال أبو العزايم للطب النفسي (in English: Dr. Jamal/Gamal  Abu Al-Azayem Psychiatric Hospital)


مدينة نصر، شارع الطيران (in English: Nasr city, Tayaran Street)


ص.ب  ٨١٨٠  كود رقم ١١٣٧١ (in English: P. O. Box 0818 or 8180 Code number 17311 or 11371)


جمهورية مصر العربية (in English: Egypt/Egyptian Arabic Republic)


Nasr City Cairo Egypt


الفرع الرئيسى (in English: Main branch)


القاهرة - مدينة نصر - شارع الطيران (in English: Cairo – Nasr city – Tayaran Street)


ت:  24013977 &   24013978 (in English: telephone: 24013978 & 24013977)


fax: 22600541 

Cell phone for his social worker

(Khalid Ju-way-dah or Gu-way-dah!):

السيد خالد جويدة

20100-448-1959 (mobile phone)


Second Photo:  The same prince as he became older in military Clothing,


In this photo he looks a lot like m my fake brother-in-law Named Abdelghani Abokurah.


Third Photo:  The same prince as he became older in civil clothing.


In this photo he looks a lot like m my fake brother-in-law Named Abdelghani Abokurah.





Princess Cecilie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin Crown Princess of Germany and Prussia. For more info see

First Photo:  This princess has also a lot of look similarity to my fake niece named May Abokurah and the sister of the above mentioned Abokurah brothers.


Her last known to me location is Jordan + Saudi Arabi and Washington D.C. She is married to an ex-Iraqi royalty named Khalid; last name forgotten


Second Photo:  Same princess in different time and clothing



Based on the look of some members of the Abokurah family members as mentioned above + the fact that UK (English royalties) allied with Muslims in India since more than 400 years against the Hindus in India, because they were not able to 100% control India and Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and then creating a copycat Islam, which is Sunni Islam as we know it today in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries that are nothing else than slaves of the English royalties, I conclude that the Abokurah family as well as some members of the Bdeir/Budier and other families are the products of the joint venture between the English royalties and Muslims from India and the prove for that is Saudi Arabia that had and until 1980s over 80% of their military staff from Pakistan alias previously Muslims from India that was split to India East and West Pakistan in 1940s and later East Pakistan became Bangladesh and an never ending conflict created in the hidden by the English royalties just as they also create many other never ending split conflicts because they were not able to control the countries or to use the conflict to blame for all the miseries that they created themselves for others, and that you can see in Palestine and Israel North and south Yemen (in 1960s), north and South Korea, and the same they created also in the America’s, which resulted in Canada and USA.


In short, these above-mentioned persons are partially English royalties and partially mixture with others such as Muslims from India, and these marriages serve as a pact between the English royalties and ex-Muslim originated from Indian alias Indian Muslims alias the current Pakistani Muslims, whereby the general public of Pakistan has no idea of these pacts!



Prince Andrew of the UK


Is a very look alike of my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi, even his eye colors, hair and teeth? Jawdat Baroudi is very possibly his older hidden brother or cousin or even his hidden father!!!???


Here is where and when I did see my fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi:

1.     I Had a couple fake memory of him, actually only 2 that were supposed to force my mind to think that I knew him from 1952 and until 1960, which was 100% false because it was a fake memory. To understand fake memories please see the page “Kidnapping me as a child”. These 2 fake memories were as follow,  memory-1: I was with him in his alleged red convertible sports car, no idea how I get there or where we went thereafter = fake memory. Memory-2: He allegedly took me to an international exhibition in Damascus, Syria, no idea who were with us, how he picked me up or how he took me back home = fake memory using telepathy and forced upon me dreams that then they talk with me about it as if it was real

2.     I saw him in between end 1960 and 1961 in Cairo Egypt, after I was kidnapped on 10/11 January 1960

3.     1966 in a brainwash summer vacation in Amman, Jordan allegedly he was a Syrian consul in Amman, which it turned out to be a lie. His alleged brother Badeaa Baroudi was also present that had unbelievable look similarities to the last German emperor named King Wilhelm II. King Wilhelm II was the grandson of queen Victoria of Great Britain

4.     December 1969 in Damascus, Syria where this criminal and MF set me up along with the CIA and MI6 to look like as if I am related to the terrorist group PLO, which was officially through Europe and USA marked as the biggest terrorist group of the world from the begin of 1960s and until mid-1990s where they replaced it with Al-Kaida. And this setup was just to allow the CIA + MI6 + BND to pretend to be persecuting me due to the fake connections to a famous terrorist group called PLO, but in reality they were isolating me by force until at least September 1977 and again since 24.12.1984 and until I relocated to The Hague/Den Haag on 1 March 2016, where I was totally isolated of my past by force of evil following governments: Germany, USA, UK and the Netherlands that locked me up unjustly for so long

5.     1980/1981, in Riyadh Saudi Arabia, where he claimed to have been a law consultant for the Saudi court of internal affairs (court for government members only), seeing hem there along with another 6 other family members of my fake family was not planned by them and they did not want me to see them there, because they were members of the Saudi Royal family that is set together out of English royal family along with many of their relatives from USA, Germany, Pakistan, Jordan and other countries. I was sent to Saudi Arabia by my employer Siemens AG within the project called Saudi Port’s Authority, where later I realized the Siemens AG was using me as a blackmail object against the English royalties, which resulted of me losing my job at Siemens AG + the concentrated evil BP-British Petroleum in cooperation with the CIA & MI6 & BND as representative of the German relatives of the English royalties as well as their hidden relatives in USA, then enslaved me by force of brainwash and telepathy under one of their whore agents named Najlaa Mahmoud and kidnapped me to USA

6.     In Mai or June 1985 in Munich, Germany as he came to check up on how I am being brainwashed and enslaved


Last but not least, I also have some look similarity to prince Andrew, he is very possibly my nephew!, But also the whore agent that these criminals enslaved me under from 20 August 1970 and until September 19777 and within the American military Base called McGraw Kaserne in Munich, her name was Anita Disbray the daughter of Joan and John Disbray and the sister of Sean Disbray and another sister in Dublin, Ireland, she had unbelievable look similarities to prince Andrews, especially her face her narrow mouth and cheeks as well as the mouth!


I was forced to look at his photos between 2008 and 2010, yet I did not relate him to members of my fake family because he was younger, and I knew the ones that had look similarity to him as they were at a different age, and therewith looked differently than him today in 2020 .


A theory about Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew

The following remarks has maybe nothing to-do directly with me, yet, and if this theory is true, then it will show first the pattern of these criminals and it will also show how sadistic, criminals, disloyal are the members of the English royalties and the Whitehouse administration to USA and the rest of the world, especially the unfortunately population!


The financier and subsequently convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein that was arrested in New York city for sex trafficking, especially using under aged girls, was a business associate and a close friend of Prince Andrew. After this fact came out that both were close friends, there was a huge wave of news all over the world questioning the integrity of prince Andrew, yet he made a public statement that fired back at him, and so far all is not that important, what is important is that Mr. Jeffrey Epstein allegedly hanged himself in Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York (prison). Many did not buy that he hanged himself, because of the followings:

1.     Criminals that performs crime because of mainly one thing, which is they love their selves and do not care about others and therewith  and out of love to their selves, they would never commit suicide.

2.     Jeffrey Epstein was investing money of others, among others money of prince Andrew, also in illegal and immoral activities such as sex trafficking of under aged girls, and if he invest money of prince Andrew, then and most definitely he also invest money of other New York locals, such as of Donald Trump that was also his friend in illegal activities such as sex trafficking of under aged girls, and possibly also other famous national and international persons invest with him, while they are also friends with the soon to be ex-US president Donald Trump and Prince Andrew

3.     All the above personalities have a lot to lose if people continued to dig dirt around the life of Jeffrey Epstein, therefore it is more than in their interest to make him disappear to force a stop to the investigation!


Since I know that soon to be ex-US president Donald Trump is nothing else but a puppet of the English royalties and a hidden slave, and as conclusion of the above, no one want to see these links, therefore they made him disappear and therewith they killed his story and digging dirt around his life and discovering more about his connections.


But how did they made him disappear: they killed him!


How did they kill him?


One of 3 ways:

1.     Bribed several police officers at Metropolitan Correctional Center, New York (prison) to kill him while making it look as suicide, which is possible but unlikely or less than 50% chance that this happened

2.     Someone or a group of persons with telepathy forced him to commit suicide, which is more feasible because top criminals that are often disguised or hide behind another public identity that pretend to be with integrity and high moral values, always use slaves as crime bosses to do for them their dirty work as I repeatedly saw in my life since 1960, meaning, Jeffrey Epstein had no telepathy but rather was a hidden slave and was protected until he became compromised and started to compromise other’s such as Prince Andrew and soon to be ex-US president Donald Trump, and then they killed him using telepathy and made it look like it is suicide

3.     Jeffrey Epstein committed voluntarily suicide, which is practically and theoretically   impossible just as the possibility that we are all living on the sun and thinking of earth as if it is the daily sun that we see high up in the sky!


If my theory is true, and it is absolutely not farfetched, then this will show how criminals, disloyal and top criminals are the English royalties as well as their puppets the Whitehouse administration.


Don’t forget that these criminals fabricated that Iraq had mass destruction weapons, just to have a reason to invade it and steal it blindly using companies such as Chevron, that used the situation of stealing the Iraqi petroleum and then selling it to the American military in Iraq and Afghanistan overpriced often by 500%, which was discovered by American newspapers and published.


Which it shows how crocked the Whitehouse was under the Bush family and still today crocked under the soon to be ex-US president Donald Trump.


Not to forget that ex-US president the criminal and mass murderer George W. Bush administration that invade Iraq, had his vice president as Dick Cheney alias the CEO of Chevron until he was nominated as vice president of USA to steal the world blindly.


This is a pattern of more than corruption.


Last but not least, the CIA + the American secret service that are nothing else than the equal of the soldiers for the organized crime family that control USA and equal to the soldier of the Mafia, meaning they were possibly the ones that killed Jeffrey Epstein to coverup for the soon to be ex-USA president of USA Donald Trump and to coverup for his masters the English royal family!


End of theory about Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew



Aramco CEO Amin H. Nasser, for more info see and other areas through Google!


A very lookalike of my fake brother-in-law Dr. Alaa Ali in Brighton, the UK, whereby I strongly suspect that Dr. Alaa Ali has another lookalike that is a medical doctor in Cairo Egypt, and he pretend in my presence to be the same person as the one I knew from Egypt between 1968 and 1969, then I did not see him until I was introduced to them again in London in summer 1976 as I went there for a vacation after the German government set me up in that they locked me in Germany as a refugee under review from January 1970 and until Summer 1976. This is how Dr. Alaa Ali looks to 90% like, possibly they are brothers, father and son, or cousins. Dr. Alaa Ali allegedly lives in Brighton, UK, prior to that and since allegedly 1970 allegedly in various cities in the UK from Leeds to London and Saudi Arabia!!!???


King George V (right) and his physically similar look cousin Russian Tzar (= Russian word for Emperor) Nicholas II of Russia in German uniforms before the First World War.


This shows that the English royalties have countless lookalikes


 The last German emperor King Wilhelm II.


This is how my fake uncle Badeaa Baroudi, his wife and his 3 children looked like.


In particular my fake uncle and his son Basel Baroudi both looked almost identical to this king Wilhelm II, but also I have an unbelievable look similarity to him.


And here is where and When I saw them:

1.       Summer 1966 in Amman Jordan during a brainwash vacation, there were my 2 fake uncles the alleged brothers Badeaa Baroudi and Jawdat Baroudi

2.       December 1969 in Damascus, Syria, where these criminal and in cooperation with the CIA + MI6, my fake mother the Freemasons set me up to look like as if I am  related to the, at that time, biggest terrorist organization in the world, this is based on the European and American governments, which was the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization, then forced me to apply for political asylum in Germany mentioning a PLO ID, which and at that time I had no idea what that was or meant, and therewith, this along with other setups in the same time period, gave the CIA and MI6 the upper hand in controlling my life over the German government, which caused me a total life damage that today in 2020 I am still complaining about these criminals

3.       1980/1981 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, met the following fake cousins Basel Baroudi, and his brother Bashar Baroudi (the sons of Badeaa Baroudi) and their cousin Hani Baroudi the official son of my other above-mentioned fake uncle Jawdat Baroudi

4.       Not sure of the exact year, it must have been between 1980 and 1983 in London, UK, Mrs. Summer Baroudi (the daughter of Badeaa Baroudi) in a hotel London, where she invited me to her hotel room and was dressing totally inappropriate, sort of see through nightgown that I was able to see her underwear, I immediately left her room and went back to my fake sister Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar where I was visiting from Germany for a few days. This was one of countless brainwash situations forced upon me around the same time by my fake family using women as if they are whores enable to seduce my mind to think I love so called Arab women, but these criminals are not Arabs and makes bad name for Arabs and Muslims

5.       October 1991in Houston, Texas. My fake cousin mentioned above named Hani Baroudi came to my life for one purpose to prevent me to have an office by myself to prevent me to think, I was setup by my employer Texaco, Inc. where I was a freelance consultant to rent an apartment as an office and far of my apartment enable I can think about what is going on in my life and I cannot understand, which was that I was enslaved under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore that had telepathy and forced me to be with her, yet I hated her guts and was not able to leave, and I did not know anything about telepathy at that time, and if I have an apartment as an office where I can work and think far away of this whore bitch called Najlaa Mahmoud, then others with telepathy may give me ideas without me noticing in other words help me, and that they did not want, and therefor this criminal MF fake cousin named Hani Baroudi came into my life just a couple of days after I rented this apartment (coincidently in the same apartment complex where my supervisor at Texaco Inc. also lived!!!!????), and pretended to have no place and need one to stay for 1-2 weeks until he gets his own place and just to allow him to live in this apartment where he literally prevented me to work or be alone until I was not able to afford to pay the rent in December of 1991 and had to give up the apartment. Today I know that this MF criminal was working with and for ARAMCO, because my fake brother-in-law named Dr. Alaa Ali was also working for Aramco, and most probably his younger brother or cousin is the CEO of ARAMCO named Amin H. Nasser, he and with absolute no doubt what so ever is 100% related to the English royalties and their hidden American relatives the Rockefeller family the multi-international business owners among others Exxon alias Esso and Chevron and a very large Medical and health services network that stretches from USA to Europe and the Middle East


That was the last I saw any of these MF criminals!


Sorry for the MF, but that is the best I can do when I think of these nasty organized crime family members that are making my life and the lives of millions of Muslims, Christians, Jewish, Hindu and others to be hell on earth!


This is also how I looked like prior to these criminals of disfiguring my body and face.








First wife: Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein,





His second wife: Princess Hermine Reuss of Greiz,








If it is true that I am the son of king George VI ( , and based on some of the facts as mentioned above then I am, this would mean that queen Elizabeth the second conspired to murder her own father alias possibly my father, then conspired to kidnap me and throw me away while covering her tracks with her lookalikes, and this  because she thinks it is better for her to be the queen than just a princess all her life, in other words she thought “why should I stay a princess all my life if I can be a queen right now by killing my father and kidnapping my younger brother, and if this is true, and trust me if I am the son of king George VI then she murdered our father in one way or another and that make her a criminal, a murderer, a child kidnapper, an adult man kidnapper, a conspirator to rape innocents children and brainwash them and destroying their lives and the biggest criminal in this and in the last century. Period!


Yet, and if it is true that I am the son of king George VI, then I will forgive her for the simple fact that she is my older dumb sister, yet I will never forgive her and her evil family for the followings:

1.     Trying to destroy the EU-European Union

2.     Causing Millions worldwide a lot of sufferings, tragedies and uncertainties due to the Brexit

3.     For her unhinged slave Donald Trump and his  entire criminal Whitehouse administration that are trying since 200 years to keep the USA as a hidden kingdom where many suffer, and believe me, they claim that USA is the richest country in the world, yet they have the largest poverty in the western world and even compared to East Asia such as China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and many others

4.     For cutting the taxes in USA to enrich the top less than 1% and make the rest poorer

5.     For the Coronavirus that I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that it was manufactured by either the followings:

5.1. White house administration that are 100% under the control of the English royalties

5.2. English royalties

5.3. Freemason that are 100% under the control of the English royalties

5.4. Saudi Arabia because they are 100% under the control of the Freemasons, English royalties and their hidden relatives in USA such as the Rockefeller family just as they used Saudi Arabia to Bomb the World trade Centre on 11.09.2001, and kill countless innocent Yemini and destroy their lives enable to control the entrance of the Red Sea in addition to controlling and the exit , which is the Suez Canal in Egypt that are controlled by their puppets the Egyptian government, and my life and complaint is the prove that Egypt is 100% controlled by the English royalties

5.5. For why, who and the reasons of the intentionally spreading and infecting certain countries with the Coronavirus see the page “BP-British petroleum-Part-3, an evil element in an evil big picture”. It is complex but it is very understandable and feasible and visible!!!???


For the above points, and if I am the king, then I will lockup queen Elizabeth II and her husband  and her entire hidden management, including the prime ministers starting from David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and others, including the top management of the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum from 1 January 1984 and until 1 march 2016 including the top management of their ex subsidiary SCS-Scientific Control Systems that performed the Calypso project starting 1984 and until they sold it to the German company Deutsche Telecom to cover their tracks of the illegal project Calypso, but also imprison them because they lie to the general public, where they are a hidden very strong allies and relatives to the Assad family in Syria and pretend not to be. And since I have a brain, unlike them, and compassion, understanding, empathy and respect to other human being that they can make a mistake, I will confine all these criminals to their homes for a period of at least 2 years so they can reflect on their bad and crocked doings!


Yet, I am thankful for this destructive and most negative life experience, because I can today use the Internet and tell the general public the truth about the hidden facts of our lives that are hindering them of succeeding, unless they can bring benefits for the controlling families!