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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Other Kidnapping, brainwash, and hidden Slavery tools


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This page was created on: 17.03.2019, updated on: 09.07.2019, and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was re-edited and completed on 21.06.2021


In short

Some of the other kidnapping, brainwash and hidden slavery tools are:

1.                Causing a total amnesia for easier brainwash and slavery

2.                Constantly adding a new fake family member or a fake friend enable to use them against the victim when necessary

3.                Using women as brainwash tools on the victim, enslave them and/or to force them to dislike or even hate a specific group of people that this woman is allegedly from

4.                Forcing the victim to live as a refugee for a long  period of time, enable to control his life in the name of law

5.                Using National security as fake mean to persecute the victim in that pretending to investigate him/her from the background, while in reality they are enslaving their victim, such as setting up the victim to look like as if related to the followings:

5.1.               Terrorism

5.2.               Related to enemy country, such as Russia, Israel, Iran, Syria, Turkey, which it may sound paradox, yet paradox is an important part of brainwash and hidden slavery

5.3.               Top drug lords

5.4.               Top organized crime organization

5.5.               Related to other religion

6.                Using the law as reinforcement for the above 3 points

7.                Forced relocation to force the victim to forget the past while being forced to concentrate on new problems such as surviving in a new hustle environment

8.                Using various companies and institutions, which is mentioned in more details within the various pages of my complaint. Here are a few that were used against me from 1960 to 2016:

8.1.               BP-British Petroleum the brainwasher, slave maker, rapist and kidnappers

8.2.               Siemens AG

8.3.               ADV/ORGA

8.4.               ASMO and others as mentioned within the various complaint pages

8.5.               UDF Consulting was used as distraction of BP-British Petroleum

8.6.               CIA

8.7.               MI6

8.8.               BND

8.9.               AIVD

8.10.          FBI

8.11.          Texaco

8.12.          Chevron

8.13.          Koch Industries

8.14.          KVR-Kreisverwaltungsreferat (German immigration in Munich)

8.15.          INS-Immigration and Naturalization Services

8.16.          IND-Dutch Immigration

8.17.          COA-Dutch refugee housing and feeding company

8.18.          Bellingwedde, ex-municipality

8.19.          Bellingwedde/Westerwolde, new municipality

8.20.          Veendam, municipality

8.21.          Stichting Welzijn in Winschoten

8.22.          And many others

9.                And many others


Details are all over my complaint pages