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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024 
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Problems and possible solutions


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This page was created on 13.03.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all. Added 2 new sections on 01.01.2021, last updated on 06.03.2021.


This page/document was edited linguistically on 15.03.2021, 2 new points were added at the end of “Solution-1”.


This page was re-edited on 15.03.2021. to be reedited again soon




List of problems that are in these complaint pages


The below sections were added in January 2021

Solution-1: Telepathy and hidden slavery through brainwash and networking are big problems

Solution-2: The UK and the USA are big problems

United States federal executive departments (=ministries)

Other thoughts









(Go to index)

These complaint pages are full of all kinds of strange problems and with this page I am offering possible solutions.


I will start with a couple very complex problems and their possible solutions, because if these 2 problems are solved then most of the other problems will gradually solve their selves!


The list below in the following section is the original content of this page that I updated with the  sections from January 2021.


List of problems that are in these complaint pages

(Go to index)

Here are some of the problems:

1.     A combination of all the below mentioned is most destructive to the freedom, mind and entire life of a human being, and therewith this combination becomes the number one problem!!!

2.     Hidden slavery is the second biggest problem of them all

3.     CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and other similar agencies are supposed to be good agencies to protect humanity or at least to protect their own people, yet they mainly operate in secret because most of their time they spend on enslaving others and not free them and therewith they become the third biggest problems, because they are much, much, much more powerful than each isolated individual alone!!

4.     Telepathy is good, but when it is misused to manipulate others, force them to do things they would not do, train their mind on certain things, and then enslave them, then it becomes a very big problem

5.     Networking is good, yet when it becomes destructive to others, then it becomes a huge problem

6.     Persecuting others for the purpose to harm them, isolate them and enslave them, then it is a big problem

7.     Brainwash is always a big problem and is a very destructive problem because it limits the mind of the victims to the brainwash, which is nothing else than a program that the victim is forced to follow

8.     Fake family members are big problems:

8.1. Fake parents are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

8.2. Fake grandparents are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

8.3. Fake sisters are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

8.4. Fake brothers are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

8.5. Fake nephew and nieces are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

8.6. Fake uncles and aunt are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

8.7. Fake families of the above fake family members are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

9.     Fake friends are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

10.Fake employer are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

11.Being forced to be a refugee in 4 countries for over 50 years is a big problem

12.Fake forced wife and forced girlfriends are big problems, because they are working based on a plan for their own benefits and for the disadvantage of the victim, which is a hidden slavery

13.Fake son, to use the victim as a nanny, while hiding children of criminals

14.Set ups to change religion is a big problem, because it creates a situation of persecution for the benefits of the persecutors and to the destruction of the life of the persecuted victim, which is a hidden slavery

15.Controlled environments are very destructive

16.Not being able to rely on and/or trust the government where the victim lives is a huge problem

17.Destruction of profession is huge problem

18.Destruction of social life is a huge problem

19.Destruction of friendships is a huge problem

20.Falsifying identity is a huge problem

21.Losing family, friends, social life, profession, and everything else, such as furniture, photos, educational certifications, citizenship, a place to call home where all the prior mentioned is not possible to lose and no one can steal the life of the victim, is a huge problem

22.And much more


All of the above were and still are most destructive for me and for other human beings, therefore I will be offering in this page possible solutions to the above mentioned problems based on my very destructive life from 10/11 January 1960 to 1 March 2016, this is 56 years of very negative experience of most destructive life you can imagine, that I do not want anyone to go through, not even my enemies, and I really do not see enemies in other people, I just see good people and living partners, which are the majorities, while the others that are less than 10% or even less than 1%, are totally self-oriented and see everyone else as their stupid slaves!!!




Solution-1: Telepathy and hidden slavery through brainwash and networking are big problems

(Go to index)

This section is to help individuals to take protective measures against hidden slavery, yet they are not a guaranty!


(This paragraph was added on 27.09.2021) The reason that my suggested solutions are not a guaranty is because some very nasty persons with telepathy that can see what you thinl and what you plan before you even can take the action you thinking of, and therewith they can force you to not perform what you want or force you to perform other actions against your plans or force you to be totally distracted of your plans by forcing countless thoughts upon you that can literally force your mind to go in circle. I am using the word “can do this or can do that” because they have the power to do it and also have the will to do it to enslave others, yet they do not have to do it, if they are intelligent then they would promote a person, which will work most rewarding for them. Telepathy is a gift of God to us and without it, humanity would not have existed, because they would have been breakfast for wild animals and victims of harsh weather such as in north of Europe, north of Canada and north of Russia, where it is often minute 40 and down to below minus 60 degrees. Or Even in the desert where it is often between 55 and 59 degrees = the temperature of my coffee or fighting and surviving not only tigers and lions but also countless other flesh eating animals on land, sea and in the air, where all of them had and still have no chance against telepathy! (End of this paragraph was added on 27.09.2021)



The solutions below are for the 4 subjects, that are also slavery tools, that are interconnected as follows:

1.     Telepathy

2.     Hidden slavery

3.     Brainwash

4.     And networking


These 4 subjects are heavily interconnected and depend on each other’s, at least in my life as it is described in my complaint pages. I will try my best to offer solutions based on my life experience, yet these are only suggestions and are no guaranty, because hidden slavery exist also without telepathy, also brainwash exist without telepathy also networking exist without telepathy. While telepathy is God given gift, yet brainwash and networking are man created slavery strategies and tools that are often enforce by the force of telepathy as it is clear how it was done to me by the concentrated evil BP-British petroleum on 17 October 1984 and how they separated me of my ex-German girlfriend by force of telepathy and then kept me as slave of telepathy using my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and her hidden from me at that time conspirators such as Dr. Sami Assassa, many of her relatives that were from me hidden yet they were 100% Americans + English royalties and their network such as Freemasons, Ex-German royalties alias the actual Nazis, and therewith these criminals and psychopaths kept me busy with their telepathy brainwash until 24.12.1984, where then they forced me to be enslaved under the control of their whore retarded agent named Najlaa Mahmoud. For more information on these psychotic acts against me see the following pages: “Slavery in Germany” + “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 Calypso” and the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Verison-2”.


I will list my suggested solutions by the easiest one that are hard to get to the most complex one that also offer no guaranty, because no one is immune against telepathy attacks or brainwash or destructive networking.


Here is a list of measures:

1.     The circumcised telepathy be restored, yet it is still not a protection against brainwash and networking that often leads to hidden slavery 

2.     The best and easiest solution is to have an electronic unit to block the waves of telepathy. Telepathy rely on waves like Radio and a unit to block them is also called jammer ( ) I know that these jammer exist yet I do not have them and I do not know if they will work with telepathy, yet I am more than positive that a jammer can be built to block telepathy attacks, that may or may not also block Radio/TV and cellular waves. Yet, these jammers are only one part of the measures to block only telepathy control, yet it does not block hidden slavery through brainwash and networking. I strongly believe that the first person that will  offer a telepathy jammer on the market would be and in no time the richest man ever lived, for the simple fact, that literally every single human being and sooner or later will purchase this unit, and currently we have nearly 8 billion worldwide population and in 2050 we would have most probably 25% more = over 10 Billion, of which and by 2050, I estimate that more than 30% of the population will purchase this unit, which is around 3.3 billion unit, whereby the unit may exist in various models and a human being may need several models, such as one in each corner of the house or one especially for sleeping and to block dreams, while others to block close encounter such as on the street or in a shop or in a public transportation, which can equal that one person possibly purchase several units = the seller is the richest man ever!

3.     Another person or better yet a group of persons with telepathy that then will protect a person of attacks, but possibly this protection can start only after an attack, unless this person or group of persons build a known strong network, that will automatically deter others of even trying, because then they will have to deal with unpleasant consequences of this network!

4.     Last but not least are the measure that each individual without telepathy should perform to protect him/herself of hidden slavery as it is listed below


The above first 3 measures are the easiest measures yet they are hard to come by because they will not admit to circumcising telepathy, and the jammer is not offered on the market because officially there is no telepathy, and a regular person cannot find a network of telepathy that easy and even if a person can find one, then the question is if they will use their network  or at least one of them is welling to use his network to protect an unknown to him person??!!


In short it is not easy but is tis doable and it require some work. This work is nothing else but to complain loudly and speak about own problems, until someone with telepathy steps in to help. However, and very unfortunately no one these days help for nothing, often the person who is complaining and speaking loudly is used against the others, which are often the opponent of the helper!


However, below I will offer suggestions on how to deal with telepathy, because there is no known to me defense of telepathy attack except what is mentioned above and that is not enough and not even is a guaranty. On the contrary to the above, below are self-performed defensive and protective actions!


But first, what actions should a person take against telepathy attack?


Enable to answer this question you have to know and understand what telepathy attack means, and how it works.


The basic description is listed in the page “Telepathy”. But that was the short version. The long version is to read all over my complaint pages that are over telepathy that is mixed with various other subjects, yet here I will try to concentrate only on telepathy. For brainwash and networking, the solution is easy, and I will list it at the end, because this is the only thing that you can really see and defend yourself against, but when you mix it with telepathy, then it gets more complex, and that is why I will separate telepathy of others subjects for now.


Here is what telepathy can look like, please note, there may be good persons with telepathy that communicate with you without actually harming you, at least not from their point of view, from my point of view, if I do not know who is communicating with me, then it is a problem, because I cannot trust him/her. Here what they do:

1.        (this point was added on 07.08.2021) If you have a thought and you like to implement, and then you go to implement the thoughts, then you realize you forgot what it was, then some person with telepathy is toying with you, or maybe even worse in that he/she is training your mind to forget things and therewith force you to seek medical help that can possibly damage you physically as they repeatedly did to me in Germany, in USA, in Netherlands, in the UK, in Egypt, in Jordan, in Saudi Arabia and in Syria, whereby I was only once for roughly 10 days in Syria around 15.12.1969 to around 25.12.1969

2.        (This point was added on 07.08.2021) this will show what happens when 2 persons with telepathy perform a physical fight and it is verifiable over the internet, always remember, sometimes, all it takes is one small but effective prove to find the truth:

2.1.         It is about the Ukraine ex-president Viktor Yushchenko look below at his photos and think about it for a second or even a minute or 2 (

2.2.         He was allegedly poisoned through food, and the poison will most definitely go through his lever, and entire organs, and would 100% destroy them and no one can survive that, and that you can see very clearly in the pictures, how he looked like before poising, a few weeks or a few months later and how he looks like later. Search for his name on the internet and see how he looks like today.

2.3.         It is impossible that he was food poisoned, because if his skin on his face looks like that, then all his skin will look like that, however and based on the photos on the Internet, below his head, meaning his neck was not damaged (and that would explain why he was often covering his neck with a headscarf), which very much tells me he was 100% attacked with telepathy to damage his face only, and that is very sad. Above all and only based on how he looked like in the first photograph, it is impossible that his lever and other organs could have survived that, unless he was not poisoned through food as they claim but had a telepathy fight with someone with telepathy, and that is the result of this fight

A close up of two men

Description automatically generated with low confidence

A picture containing person, person, orange

Description automatically generated


A picture containing person, clothing, person, indoor

Description automatically generated


3.        Force you to be isolated, enable to control your life and prevent anyone else to intervene

4.        Force you to be isolated, enable to limit your intelligence by minimizing your knowledge through exchanging knowledge with others and therewith you are easier to control

5.        Force you to do something that you otherwise you will not do, by just placing the idea of the action in your mind as a thought, and then you will think it is your own thought and your own idea and then you will implement it, and if you do not implement it, they can force you with telepathy to implement it!

6.        Like to force you to think that you are spontaneous, meaning you perform an act without preplanning or even reasoning, such as suddenly and while you are reading a book or watching TV or listening to the radio, you have the urge to go to zoo, or movie, or even go to a bar, and then you get up put your cloths on and go there. The right way is to plan something that is beneficial for you, such as going to the gym on a specific day and specific time = a routine. Routine is one of many measures that help against these spontaneous actions, because if you break the routine for no urgent reason, such as someone close to you is sick or died or your employer needs your help after hours and so on, and if it is not urgent, then you were forced to break your routine. A routine, it could be also eating and drinking habits, such as eating 1-2 times a week cereal, otherwise a 1-2 small toast with no fat cold cut, and if you suddenly start to eat only cereal, which is bad for your weight, or you do not eat cereal at all, or start to eat fried eggs and bacon, which is also not good for you, then someone want to force you to get fat or is training him/her self on you

7.        Spontaneous actions are a part of a strategy to confuse your mind, while training your mind to accept the fact that you love to be spontaneous. Which really will gradually degrade your life quality, because you do not know what this/these persons with telepathy think, while they know exactly what you think

8.        They love to create situations that will force you to do a certain action that they preplanned for you. Here is one action that they did to me recently: my female neighbor is around 75 years old, much overweight and has a few sicknesses, therefore she receives daily 2-3 persons that comes along at various times and help her either to take her medications, check her health status and clean her apartment and so on. One of these ladies that come to help her is around 25-30 years old and sort of a  mixture east and south Asian or even south American, and I saw her several times, and each time I see her I am forced to say something to her that otherwise I will not do, such as “you look good today, actually you always look good”, these are not my words, because this is not my style of giving someone a complement, and because at the moment I have no interest in a relationship, beside she is not my type and I am too old for her. But it did not stop there, they used another trick, by manipulating the postman that had a delivery for me, that knocked at my neighbor’s door and then quickly placed the package by my door knocked on my door and ran away, as a result I opened the door, and this young lady that are checking on my older neighbor also opened the door and she asked if I knocked at her door, I said no, that must have been the postman that left the packet here for me, I immediately recognized that some person with telepathy did that to force us to have any conversation. And this was not the only incident with my neighbor, but I will skip the others because it is the same concept by engaging several persons in some actions

9.        This is also happened to me several times recently: I be forced to wake up at 3, 4 and/or 5 O’clock in the morning and my feet felt like cold, even though my body is warm and I have a heavy warm blanket, and my bed room temperatures are above 21 degree Celsius, whereby 16 degrees is my ideal bedroom temperature, so I had to get up and put a warm socks on, yet the same feet feeling are still there, even after 30 minutes, then I realized my feet were not cold, but some person with telepathy is doing something to my feet to force me to wake up and not to go back to sleep. Which is 100% torture. They have countless ways to wake up a person up and prevent him/her to go back to sleep. For example, I go to bed at 23 or 24 hours and set my alarm to wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning. Some nasty person either wakes me up 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and/or 4 hours later and then prevent me to go back to sleep and therewith I am tired, especially if they did the same to me in the last 2-4 days, then and after 2-3 hours they let me go of me and then I go to sleep and then I wake up at the alarm shut it off and go back to sleep and wake up at 11, 12, or even 13:00 hours. This is not only torture, but also creating a confusion in my life routine and prevent me to have routinely good sleep, and this in the city of Den Haag/The Hague. While they are torturing me and messing up my routines, then I realize that this person or persons are not only criminals, but also mentally sick and psychopath, and I cannot defend myself against this criminal nor I know who it is!

10.   Here is another very big problem they force upon me. Since 1970s I used to make a list for shopping and then go once a week shopping only what is on my list, yet now I go 2-3 times per week shopping things that I do not really need or want to buy, such excessive alcohol, then I throw many of it away, also many other food stuff I either throw away or give to others, which really causing me even more financial problems than I already have because the criminal municipalities called Bellingwedde (they changed the name to Westerwolde) and Amsterdam conspired together (=destructive networking) to report to the tax office called Belastingdienst income from 2011 + 2012 on 2013 + 2014, which caused my income for the year 2013 + 2014 to be much higher than it really was, and there with the Tax office requested of me to pay them some money for these 2 years, that all in all and very suddenly I ow the tax office nearly 7,000 Euro + another 3000 (that was allegedly a mix up through the tax office that they paid me and now they want it back) = nearly 10,000 Euro I ow the tax office, and I tried to get it fixed but they did not allow me, and that makes these 2 municipalities criminals on top of that they did many bad things to me between 2008 to 2013, such as forbidding me to work and forcing me to go 3 years in a so called integration course, that usually it should never take longer than 2-4 months, otherwise it will be a severe brainwash as these criminals did to me, this alone shows that these 2 mentioned municipalities are criminally insane, brainwashers and slave makers!

11.   Destroying the relationship between me and my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka on 17 + 18 + 19 October 1984 and again later, the details are in the page “Thank you” under the section “Adelheid Kuczka” and also in the page “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 Calypso”

12.   Enslaving me under the CIA + MI6 Whore Anita Disbray on 20 August 1970 and until September 1977 as mentioned in the page Slavery in Germany and other pages

13.   Enslaving me under the BP-British petroleum + CIA + MI6 + BND whore Najlaa Mahmoud from 24.12.1984 and until June 1999, for details see the pages “Slavery in Germany” + “Slavery in USA” + “BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 Calypso” + “BP-British Petroleum -Part-2 The hidden Nazis” + BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2”

14.   And many other situations


Many other situations are also, described all over my complaint pages. Here just to give you an idea what you are dealing with.


The followings are my suggested solutions:

1.        (This point was added on 05.10.2021) Guard and protect your own intelligence which is more important than anything else in the world even more important than your children, wife, brothers, sisters, parents and the entire human being race, because if your intelligence is damaged then you are lost and cannot do anything about it unless someone helps you get out of it, which it happened to me at least twice in my life, once between 1976 and 1978 and another time between 2001 and current, where during these periods of time someone helped me while other severely persecuted me to prevent me to understand what the helper is trying to tell me. The first one starting 1976, was that I was enslaved under the control of a very sadistic old women named Anita Disbray that pretending to be only 4 years older than me as I was 17 years old and pretended to be controlled by me where she was a CIA agent and was isolating me by force of telepathy as described elsewhere during which I was setup to become Christian and some members of the church helped me very dramatically that caused some of them some damages. The other time is after the American government brought me by force to the Netherlands to be locked up for nearly 14 years, during which some unknown helped me from the background, yet I was very heavily and sadistically attacked with telepathy, as well as I was confined to controlled environment by force of the Dutch laws where I was from July 2000 in prison in Houston, Texas, USA and starting 11 February 2001 in Netherlands living between jails, prisons, refugee camps and other means of controlled environments that totally destroyed me and my life as well as my intelligence until I was able to relocate to the city of Den Haag/The Hague seeking protection by the Dutch royal family, Dutch government and the many consulates and embassies in this city, and this because I started complaining about telepathy attacks, actually I started to complain about it in the begin of the year 2000, where it scared the life out of me and I just wanted to run away of it and I was not able, and today in October 2021 I am warning others of these sadistic criminals and psychopaths. How to guard your intelligence is listed in each individual point mentioned below in more detail

2.        (This point was added on 05.10.2021) Don't ever go to military or any other security services such as police, FBI and the countless other agencies, which will 100% destroy your intelligence to force you to follow orders blindly and without questioning the order or even think about it and then you will become as a brainless killing machine (!). Don’t take my word for it, here are a few examples that you can verify about persons that go to these organizations:

2.1.         With the time you will recognize that all the wars we have are built on lies and are designed to enrich certain controlling families by using their slave soldiers that are not allowed to question anything, such as they did in Saudi Arabia and are using Saudi Arabia as proxy for many wars all over the world, among others against the US government that broke down the Standard oil company of the Rockefeller family because they were using it to control politicians and they still do that in 2021 and are using Saudi Arabia as proxy to control Yemen and using Saudi Arabia as proxy to control Afghanistan and make it just like Saudi Arabia live by the so called Sharia laws that was invented f0r Saudi Arabia and now they are desperate to show as if Saudi Arabia existed since over 150 year to show that it existed 1600 years ago, which it did not, the prophet Mohamad/Mohammad was not only a prophet he was a very good man that wanted to help everyone and protect everyone even none Muslim, and I studied his history in Egypt, and above all he was from India and not from Saudi Arabia, they falsified history to protect the Rockefeller family and the English royal families that are 100% control from the smallest to the biggest issue in Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Arabian royal family are originated from Pakistan or better said are hired from Pakistan for this public show called Saudi Royal family. The prophet Mohamad was like an angel that wanted peace for everyone and above all wanted the truth and honesty and that everything be as a dot on a white board meaning transparent, above all the prophet Mohamad was a very forgiving person, because he heard and saw God’s work yet the Saudi Arabian royal family live in secrecy, covered up with blood that they shed in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait and the whole way up to India and Africa and are not even worthy to say the word Mohamad or the word God, because they see what they are doing just as I see what they are doing, and I am neither a prophet nor I am God nor I have telepathy, yet I have a drop of God just like every other human being which is called Intelligence and with it and once it is working again, a person can see many things that were hidden for him before even can see the locked up things in a safe and this because if you care about others then you try to understand their suffering and then you will find the cause = intelligence can see what is hidden and it can save your life and you have to guarded with your life because if you lose it as I lost it, then it is as if you are dead and it is very hard to get it back, I know I have been struggling to get it back, but most of the times I was prevented to, because it would help me see them and there is no magic to it, intelligence is the best gift we ever received from God and some controlling families would do anything to disable this intelligence by using brainwash and telepathy

2.2.         I saw it myself: After kidnapping me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and forced me to be illegal alien for 15 years in USA, I saw countless persons begging for money on the street, they had either lost one arm, or a leg or 2 arms or 2 legs or an arm and a leg and practically live on the street and beg people for money, or have a certificate showing that they served in the American military and are injured and cannot work and begging for money or they stand by a traffic light with a sign hanging from their neck saying veteran need help, and then try to clean the front screen/glass of the car while the traffic light is red and hopping that someone pay them for their effort

2.3.         Countless of the veteran/ex-military members have very disturbed memories and disturbed thinking that they cannot really work because they cannot concentrate due to countless mental issues caused to them through the military such:

2.3.1.       Their number one guard alias their own personal intelligence, even if it was already less than average, it will be 100% destroyed for the one fact only, which is to force them to follow order blindly and without question. If they question an order or do not follow it, then they will be punished either by imprisoning them, lowering their rank or by executing them = kill them in the name of the military laws that are more than barbaric. Just imagine that a soldier receives an order to kill anyone who is trying to escape, and then he sees this woman carrying her child and trying to escape to safety and this soldier supposed to shoot her with no questions ask, but he does not because his moral values tells him this is wrong, then he let her and her baby pass, during which his superior saw all that and imprison him or even shoot him to death just because the soldier used his intelligence that comes out of his life experience so far and his intelligence told him this is wrong = the military has to kill the intelligence of each individual member of the military to make it become brainless killing machine!

2.3.2.       First thing look at these psychopaths what they did to me, I was not in the military but I was taken by force to the American military base called McGraw kaserne in Munich Germany for isolation, re-brainwash and slavery from March 1970 to summer 1972 during which these criminals enslaved me by force of telepathy and brainwash under the control of their psychotic agent named Anita Disbray until September 1977, which means these psychopaths enslaved me for 7 years and 6 months. It is all described within my complaint pages and all the damages these criminals caused me, and I was not even a soldier, but they made me to one by force enable they can control me

2.3.3.       PTSD-Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or

2.3.4.       severe depression or

2.3.5.       Traumatic Brain Injury or

2.3.6.       Anxiety disorders or

2.3.7.       Interrelationship of mental health issues or

2.3.8.       Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder or

2.3.9.       Stress disorder or

2.3.10.  Substance Use Disorders, such as alcohol and illegal drugs and even legal drug misusage or

2.3.11.  Suicide Prevention or

2.3.12.  Tendency to violence

2.3.13.  Tendencies to shooting civilians with weapons as a mean to solve problems

2.3.14.  But also, these military and other security services cause severe physical illnesses such as AL Amyloidosis, Bladder Cancer, Chronic B-cell Leukemias, Chloracne (or similar acneform disease), Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Hodgkin's Disease,  Hypothyroidism, Ischemic Heart Disease and various kind of funguses from foot fungus to nail fungus to finger fungus, to skin fungus to hair sicknesses and so on, and most of these sicknesses are through unhygienic situations or all it takes is one person in a group of 10 soldiers to have the one or another unhygienic attitude to cause this sickness to him/herself and then infect the others

2.3.15.  All of the above is true and real, you can look it up on the internet, here are a couple of links to confirm that:




2.3.19.  For the rest just use one of the search engines on the internet such as and search for the following texts or something similar: “list of mental illnesses caused by veterans” or “list of illnesses caused by veterans

2.4.         (

3.        (This point was added on 05.10.2021) You should take measures to protect yourself against telepathy attacks and slavery, but you cannot do it by yourself, therefore you have to do it through a team work with others either with family members or if you like me without family then there is only 2 ways, either to create a family like team through your friends and acquaintances or you complain about it publicly until some come to your aid and below I will try my best to show you how

4.        Train yourself to recognize telepathy and lookalikes that exchange places without that others notice, lookalikes are often not 100% identical and have visible differences that you must train yourself to recognize otherwise you are 100% screwed. And the below are 100% suitable for just that:

4.1.         Training-1 to increase your observation and your perceptual ability while enforcing your routine to recognize telepathy persons and lookalikes (for more info see

4.1.1.       Get 2 chairs and set them opposite each other’s with approximately 1 meter apart facing each other’s

4.1.2.       Get some training partner either the same as every week or a different one and let him/her sit on one of the chairs

4.1.3.       You sit on the opposite chair facing your training partner

4.1.4.       This training requires a minimum 10-minute time, where each exchange the role described below

4.1.5.       In under 2.5 minutes describe what you see in the person sitting opposite you

4.1.6.       The below are only an extensive example of what you can see and describe, yet by far is not all

4.1.7.       Describe his eyes as follow: the color the width the height, the eyelid, the eyebrows, the eye pupil the eye surroundings such as, is it deep in or is it more coming out

4.1.8.       Describe the hair of your training partner: is it short or long, the hair color, does it have hair dandruff (small white particles), do some hair split, does he has long hair sideburns, does he/she have a slight hair grow above the mouth, did he she had a shave or is it growing, does the skin has skin pimples and not necessarily acne, some persons have rougher skin than others, especially when they shave, such as by some Africans,  and so on

4.1.9.       Describe the mouth, is it small or large, is it narrow or wide, does it have any special marks on it, are the lower lip even thick or thin with the upper lips, is the lower lip thicker than the lower lip, or is the lower lip thicker that the upper lip, what colors are the lips, do they have lip stick color on them, describe the teeth, are they large or small, is the upper jaw more out or more in than the lower jaw and so on

4.1.10.  Describe what you see on his ears without having to go to the side of your training partner and looking at his profile, does the ear has lips, are the lips short or long or round, does he had long visible hair around his ear, what is the structure of his ears and so on

4.1.11.  Describe his hands, does he/she has manicured like nails, do the nails have color on them, do the nails have larger white at the end of the nails next to the skin, are the nails long and narrow, are the nails wide and long, are the fingers short and sort of fatty look, do the fingers look skinny or athletic, do the finger have little hair a lot of hair or no hair at all and so on

4.1.12.  Describe the neck, is it long or short or very short is it thick or skinny, does the neck has hair on it, do you see the so-called Adam-apple in the middle of the front neck, does the neck has muscles on it, does the neck has hair halfway up

4.1.13.  Describe the legs and knees and as much as you can see of them are long or short, are they skinny, are they athletics are they fat, are the knees standing out/pointed/peaked or are they round, what kind of socks is the person wearing, what color or is it a woman wearing tights, what color are the tights, what shoes is the person wearing, does it have high heels or no and so on

4.1.14.  Describe is he move anything while he/she is talking, such as the hands, or eyebrows or even the head

4.1.15.  Describe the voice and the tone is it calm, or loud, scary or jumpy, or hesitant, does he/she use certain words frequently such as “You know…” or “etc..” or “ so on…” or “who cares” or “countless…” or “ I don’t know” or “I know, you don’t have to say it or tell me that….” And so on…

4.1.16.  Can the opposite person describe things on you when it is his/her turn or not!

4.1.17.  In all of the above is there anything as unusual mark on the face, head, hands, legs and so on, such as a cut or slightly limping or problems with the fingers or a hand or an arm or pronouncing certain letters or words and so on

4.1.18.  Do as much as you can of the above within 2.5 minutes, then turn your chair around and give your training partner your back and repeat as much as you can of what you just loudly described, which will train your mind that you can remember what you just observed. Because if later and outside this training you are not able to remember what you have supposed to have observed, then someone with telepathy is preventing you, period. And not necessarily it is the person why you cannot remember what you have observed but possibly someone else messing/toying with you because he/she knows what you have been training yourself for.

4.1.19.  Also the above will help in recognizing lookalike exchanging places, for example the person is your height but today he/she has a high heel shoes and still you height, or excessive make up to cover up something that he/she has in his face but the other does not or vice versa, this one has too much make up where the mark on his/her face is excessively visible, while the other does not have excessive make up or even no makeup at all, or one of them repeat a certain words too frequently and this one not as frequently, words such as “you know..”  or hesitant to talk by repeating the letter “Aaa”, which is a sign of thinking and is not fluid in talking and so on

4.1.20.  This is a very powerful training that you should train yourself to perform with a training partner once a week or at least once every 2-3 weeks

4.1.21.  I learned this from the Bavarian Evangelical Lutheran church in Munich, Germany in 1976/77 courses that were officially meant to help me in my part time work as a volunteer youth leader, but in reality, they were training my mind without telling me how to differentiate between the too many lookalikes that were often surrounding me of my fake family members and I never noticed it at that time, whereby some of them had 100% telepathy. This course I visited through the Bavarian Evangelical Lutheran church in Munich, Germany, was booked for me by the Evangelical Lutheran church Genezareth in the city Unterschleissheim, Germany where I was setup to become Christian and it turned for me to be a destruction of my freedom performed by American military and CIA + MI6, yet it was simultaneously a lifesaving for me and for my sanity because of all what I learned through the church, because this course I visited was one out of maybe 10-13 other course that were either weekend course in a church housing in other city which start at 18:00 hours until 21:00 hours on Friday and from 8:00 to 21:00 hours on Saturday and from 8:00 to 16:00 hours on Sunday with various breaks for among others dining and stretching to stay fit and alert to better understand. These courses were most valuable to me, yet they were not helping when members of my fake family attacked me with telepathy, where they wipe off all my will and force me to whatever they want, yet they helped me recognizing other people that were not related to me or to my life, and also helped after the year 2016 to understand the situations of my past. Note that at that time I never knew that telepathy existed and thought only Jesus Christ had it!!!!!!

4.1.22.  Take every day at least 5 minutes time at the end of the day to remember every person that you met and see if there is anything unusual with this person based on the above training.

4.1.23.  The more often you perform the above training the quicker you will be in doing so, and after one year or so, you will be able to look at a person only 5-10 second and memorize everything about this person based on the training mentioned above, which it can be lifesaving training

4.2.         Train yourself to recognize misleading or brainwash talk by among others switching the news on TV to listen to news of a specific news anchor that you often listened to, and now you turn your back to the TV/mobile or tablet that you are using to watch the TV and just listen to what this person is saying and imagine his face expressions. Do that for 5 minutes or even longer if you have time for it, during which try to analyze what he/she is saying without looking at him/her try to find discrepancies. Many of the top news stations are nothing else than propaganda, and propaganda is 100% brainwash to influence the mind of people based on their need, and in doing so, they often get a repeated guest to confirm their propaganda that they call specialist in the one subject or another or they show images or they show a video of a situation, and therefore when you listen to all that and are able to differentiate between the persons by voices only or even the places also by voices and sounds only such as there is car movements, or other sound noise of maybe sport or a police car and so on, then you will be 100% training your own mind to recognize things only by sound, and therewith it is often much easier to recognize a con-story that someone tells you in real life, such through a con-man or a con-woman. This training is in addition and is a complement to the above training

4.3.         I am leaving this point open to add something in the future!!

5.        Monitor your own thoughts. Other persons with telepathy are most definitely monitoring your thoughts, and therewith they know what you think before you even take an action, therefore it is very feasible to monitor your own thoughts enable to help yourself to differentiate between your own thoughts and thoughts forced upon you with telepathy. Her are a few tips how to do that: when you get a thought for example that you feel like eating pizza, then try to understand what made you thinks so, did you sit down to decide what to eat today, or did you see something, such as on TV or an ad elsewhere that encouraged you to feel like eating pizza, or is it that you eat pizza on certain days of the week or month? If it is neither or nothing that you can say it was a substantial that get your attention to eating pizza, then it is telepathy thought, and this can be any other food such as steak or a drink or alcohol. Or you just remember someone you love, why did you remember him/her, was it a specific thing that you just saw such as oranges that reminded you with a person that used to peel oranges in a specific way or something else you did with that person and now you see it physically and remind you with that person, if there is no current situation or thing reminding you with this person, then it is telepathy thought for the one reason or another. Or you just met a person and suddenly you remember another person that you really disliked, and therewith you may even be rude to this person you just met because you are relating him to the person you dislike, the question here is why did you remember the person you disliked, is it this person you just met have some similarity in look or behavior like the one you disliked or something nearby reminds you with the person you dislike, if it is none, then someone with telepathy is reminding you with it enable to force you to be unfriendly to the person you just met, maybe he/she want to harm one of you or both of you by setting both of you against each other’s with these kind of thoughts.  And the same if you over doit in welcoming someone you just met maybe someone placed a thought in your mind reminding you of someone you really love and therewith you are relating to this person you just met and over welcoming him/her. If you do not monitor your own thoughts, in addition to what is below, then you will never be able to differentiate between your own thoughts and the thoughts of others that were forced upon your mind with telepathy!

6.        Be always consistent based on routines as mentioned below, because only so you can determine if your action is from you or was spontaneously forced upon you with telepathy. The very positive side effect of that, is that other people will see you as totally dependable/reliable like the sun rise and sun set timing and that is more than positive, because people love that they can depend on another person, such as when you say I am coming at 18:00 hours, then make sure you will be there at 18:00 hours and not 18:20 and not even 18:01, one time a year late to appointment is one time too much that people do not forget easy, and to do that you have to look up the timing for your transportation while considering the rush hour timing but also the unexpected factor that some accident could block the road for a while, and not going late and then saying say: sorry that I am 45 minutes late, but there was a rush hour traffic, no airplane do that, ok a very few airplanes are delayed, but no sun or moon are late, we may not see them due to the clouds yet they are always on time, and if the earth do that and be late in turning around itself, then many of us will most definitely either die or have a severe damages due to the mixed up timing, therefore all of us love the sun because we can depend on its timing, shining and warmth, and so you too can be as dependable = give telepathy manipulation no chance or at least minimize the chances!

7.        If you can help it, do not relocate of the city you are in, unless there is a war, do not leave and build a home for yourself in this city. Look at it this way, every city and country have a so called controlling families that mainly they reside in the city and build their own empire, and you either do the same, or be assured that when you relocate to another city or another country and you have no strong family and friends ties in this new city, or have no telepathy or a combination then in the new city or new country you even have less chances than before, because in the new city you have no power and many can attack you with or without telepathy to make sure that they can integrate you within their enslaved flock/herd of human beings

8.        Do not isolate yourself join as many groups as you can manage timewise, here is a list that may give you the one idea or the other:

8.1.         If you are Christian go to church nearby and join 2-4 of the various groups, and therewith you get to know more persons, and who knows maybe one of them  has telepathy and can protect you. And if there are no groups then speak with the pastor to create groups together, and if he does not allow it, then you are in the wrong church, then go to another. Here are a few ideas for creating groups that are always win/win situation, for you for the church and for the members of the groups, as well as also for the entire municipality because you are keeping people busy with productivities :

8.1.1.       A group to help the isolated elderly by meeting with them once a week or even more  or less yet routinely and get them together to socialize

8.1.2.       A group to help empower youth by giving them  examples of the moral values while helping them live by routines (as protection) and to recognize that if they do not plan for their own future someone else will do it for them and they will not like it

8.1.3.       A sport group to help persons to stay healthy while socializing

8.1.4.       A socialize and play groups, such as chess, or one of the other countless board games

8.1.5.       A group to help people to plan everything and be conscious about their own life, doings and even shopping and not buy something just because a TV, Movie, Internet or other means of ads that promise the one thing or the other

8.1.6.       A group to go on a weekly or monthly tour to businesses and manufacturing companies to learn what they do and have new ideas for their members own future and therewith grow their intelligence that can give them countless ideas for their own future

8.1.7.       A group for art of communication and rhetoric

8.1.8.       A group for outdoor entertainment  and activities, such as going to theater, opera, zoo, picnic, hiking, skiing, or just go downtown for a cup of coffee and so on

8.1.9.       A group to teach how to use the Internet intelligently to communicate, socialize, learn, buy and sell, and not only be limited to tweets or one of countless other social network such as Facebook, where often people get stuck to certain group of people in certain social website and that is limiting their intelligence, because they are not learning, beside that is all online and not live and in person activities!

8.1.10.  A group of volunteers to help others in all kind of situations, from speaking for them at government offices to help them fill forms, to help them go shopping to help them in some heavy house work such as painting jobs or apartment repair jobs that does not require professionals, and if it require professionals, then you look for the right ones for them and so on

8.1.11.  And there are thousands of other ways, from helping refugees to helping newly relocated get to know the city better

8.2.         If you are Muslim go to a mosque nearby and do the same as above.

8.3.         If you are Jewish, Hindu, or any other religion do the same as above, by first look for a nearby temple of your religion and then create groups, which is the best and easiest and cheapest way to socialize, with real people, while helping them and taking them out of their isolation = win/win situation, while you be also making a good name for yourself, for your religion and for your temple and the entire village or city!

8.4.         Don’t stop there, go to other nearby religions and try to create one common group with them to get closer to each other, and that will help all to better understand each other’s, and be more tolerant, while you are taking off the man-made borders that are created to isolate us of each other’s. And if you are a Muslim and think, no I do not want to mix with people that drink alcohol and do not allow any subject or issue in life be a border between you and other human beings, and think of it this way: drinking excessive alcohol is a sickness, and just deal with it this way, and talk about it with these new people that you get to know, and express to them your thoughts over alcohol, but also be openminded to listen to their response and accept that they are also human like you and created by the same God (or at least by the same nature) and that they have a different experience that also form their mind just as your mind was formed through your own experience, above all countries Like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and others are hosting American and British military in their countries and they also drink Alcohol in these countries and no Saudi Arabian government or UAE or Kuwaiti governments are asking them not to import alcohol into their land. And if you keep the alcohol out and look at these governments, they are isolating their own people while they are mixing with all kinds of other people in other countries and other religions, and that I saw myself and it is heavily described in my complaint pages!!!

8.5.         This point was added on 18.04.2021. The reason I mentioned Muslims and alcohol in the above point, is because and based on the Sunni-Islam (copycat Islam created by English royalties to enslave people), it says in the Quran, and this is as far as I can recall it from the years of 1960s and as I was forced to read it in the 10 years schooling forced upon me in Cairo, Egypt after kidnapping on 10/11 January 1960 and taking me by force to Cairo, Egypt (me most probably from the UK because today I strongly believe I am the son of King George VI and the younger brother to the current queen Elizabeth), and here what I recall that was written in the Quran, and this is allegedly God is speaking through his Engel to the prophet Mohamad and this I am quoting and as far I recall: “Do not drink alcohol, do not buy alcohol, do not sell alcohol, do not carry alcohol and do not sit with persons that drinks alcohol”. End of quote. Today, I think alcohol can do more damage to a human being than anything else on earth, but also that over 75% of the earth population drink some kind and some quantity of alcohol on a regular base that can be sometimes only on certain occasion such as holidays or parties or some kind of celebrations. And here is the real problem that is more dangerous than drinking alcohol, because in the Quran it says do not sit with people that drink alcohol, this means they are not allowed to sit with = speak to 75% of the population = isolation = not learning of them and not allowing them to learn from me. And if you look closely the most advanced countries in the world, which are the-so-called Industrialized countries such as Europe, USA + Canada and East Asia, one part of their economies is the sale of alcohol that I think is dangerous to our health and mind, and if I do not come over it and mix with these people, and this regardless if they are advanced technologically or not, then I will not learn of them nor will they learn of me, and therewith I will most definitely not grow my knowledge about the world and therewith I will be limiting my intelligence that God gave me and gave every human being to use for learning from nature and other human beings enable to advance in life. Today I also know that some persons that happened to have telepathy misuse their telepathy to force people to buy things, including alcohol, to help the economy and 100% get paid for it as a hidden brain-to-brain advertisement. In other words, a person that is drinking alcohol is not aware that he is damaging himself/herself while being used as purchasing power. And if I look at myself and my entire life, this exactly what I was used for, wasting my income on others=slavery. And if I do not sit with a slave and try to free him/her by exchanging my life experience with them, then what is the purpose of me being here!!??

8.6.         Join a sport’s club or a gym and go there routinely, best if you learn a new sport in a group, such as football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, or many other team sports, because it is much better to interact while you are sporting to grow your own knowledge and intelligence while you are combining it with keeping your body and brain fit, than just go to the gym and exercise/workout and lift weight or use the Mr. Solo gym machines. The positive side effect is that you are combining possibly several things such as: sports + socializing + teamwork + competition the friendly way and much more, and who knows you might even meet your dream partner or future employer or future business partner or a future best client and the list is long while you also may become a friend of someone who has telepathy and he will try to look after you!

8.7.         Join a professional network, where you meet with them once a week or month or bimonthly and discuss and/or explore infinite possibilities about your profession, which will help you advance professionally, because you will see others that have other idea that could be very beneficial for you

8.8.         Go to the municipality and offer them to volunteer for some work or another maybe a couple of hours per week or more if you want and can

8.9.         Choose of the above what you can plan and manage in your daily life, and still have plenty of free time to perform other necessary activities and duties, such as highlighted below

9.        Plan for every activity you do, and never, ever do anything without planning. Only through planning and routines you can monitor yourself. It is very difficult to almost impossible to defend yourself against telepathy and also to recognize the thoughts that goes through your mind, is it yours or is it telepathy, if you have a plan and a routine and suddenly you find yourself breaking the routine and going out of the boundaries of your own plans, then you will 100% know someone is persecuting you with telepathy and is trying to either enslave you or bring confusion in to your life, which is another form of hidden slavery

10.   Never, ever stop to learn new things, otherwise your intelligence will gradually degrade. Our intelligence is built upon constant learning, if you do not constantly learn, then your intelligence will 100% be behind what and where it should be. Make a plan for learning. If you are a car engineer, do not stop there, on the side learn zoology or one of the countless other subjects by looking at the internet for subjects taught in schools and universities, there are a few of thousands of others learning links. I used several of these links and they are great. Take the time and check each of them and maybe also many others not included by searching for them on or or, spend 5 minutes on each of the below links to understand what they are offering, and I guaranty you it will be most beneficial for life and for you:

10.1.    Learn at least 2-3 additional languages and look on the internet for free language trainings, here is a google search:    ( + Added on 19.09.2021 here is a good one:, which is accessible from PC, mobile as well as Android as also Apple). When you learn a new language, then you are 100% much more independent of the often misleading major news network by being able to read the local news of the one country or another, beside, you will be 100% opening a new very positive door for yourself in being able to communicate at anytime with another country, for example if you learn Chinese you will be able to communicate with any one of the 1.3 Billion Chinese, or if you learn French + Spanish then you will be able to speak with any person living in any country south of the USA except Brazil because they speak Portuguese + be able to speak with many countries that speak French + being able to speak with many others that speak French or Spanish as a second or third or fourth language. Here are some links to show how many countries speak Spanish, French and English, while English Language is the number one official business language of the world due to the economic influence of UK and USA since over 500 and 200 years respectively or even the German language or Hindu language

10.1.1.  French:

10.1.2.  English:

10.1.3.  Spanish:

10.1.4.  Hindi:

10.1.5.  German:

10.1.6.  Urdu:

10.1.7.  Arabic:

10.1.8.  Russian:

10.1.9.  Dutch:

10.1.10.   Swahili in Africa:

10.1.11.   Chinese:

10.1.12.   Hebrew in  Israel:

10.1.13.   Urdu the mother language of many other languages such as Arabic:

10.1.14.   Italian:

10.1.15.   Turkish:

10.1.16.   Greek:

10.1.17.   All of the above should show you how often languages are used as border and high walls to isolate human beings of other human beings by not being able to communicate with them and therewith not only not being able to verify countless things we hear about them but also we are not able to learn of them and they are not able to learn from us = 100% manmade isolation + add to it that telepathy exist and is 100% disabled by the majority of human beings = circumcising the brain =  100% mass worldwide slavery. And when you learn 2-5 languages you are gradually but definitely breaking this slavery at least in your own life  and being able to duplicate it for other human beings that are not yet able to break it as you did, just as I am doing with my complaint pages, so go ahead and make your day and entire life by learning new things of on or many of the links listed below

10.2. +

10.3. +

10.4. +

10.5. .....

























10.30.          There are many more therefore perform you own search to find specific subjects

11.   Increasing your intelligence will increase your chances of recognizing your own thoughts and monitoring your own mind and recognizing if the thoughts are from you or of someone else with telepathy

12.   Include in your list of planning the followings:

12.1.    First here is a small note, some companies used to plan 5 years ahead, some countries used to plan 5 years ahead, today there are companies and governments that plan 50 years ahead, and when they plan all that, they plan it for the 200,000 company employees or the 80 million population. You on the other side have it much easier, you plan for one person while considering all other options concerning your family, friends, education and so on and all this only for one person, and that is very easy to plan = multi-track intelligence. Here is a group of people that had a timeless and infinity plans to conquer the world, which are the English royalties, as a result they have 54 Commonwealth countries and control far more than 30 other countries but in the hidden such as most of the Middle East countries and south Asia. I do not like them, because they are only 1-2 track of intelligence money and power and to reach that they would do anything, kill others enslave others, steal children as they stole me, yet I can still learn of them and turn the bad into good!

12.2.    What do you want out of life, for example I want to be a Millionaire or a Billionaire is the wrong things, but rather stick to things that you would like to achieve in the shortest time possible enable to see the success = rewards, one small step at a time and always increase the size of the step as you go in life, and start by small things and update your planning on a regular pre-planned bases. One way to learn how to do that, is by reading the history of persons with huge life success and what they did at the beginning, then 1-5 years later, then 5-10 years later and so on and until current. And the way to do that is to look on the internet for the Richest persons in the world, or a list of all Billionaires, here is one list for you:, then take time to look at all of them or at least some of them, then pick maybe 5 persons that you think that they are interesting based on the fields that they are in, and look them up on and other means and  study their steps, and here you will realize that most of them had a plan and reached their goal successfully, and so you too can do the absolute same, and if you do not plan for your own life, where you have only one shot at your life, then you will be forever lost under the control of some psychopath with telepathy such as my fake and biological families did to me, whereby my fake family is related to my biological family, but they hid it!

12.3.    Small things such as I want to secure my life and future before I am 25 years old or before I am 30 years old, where then I can live without the need to have a governmental pension, or plan to be a car engineer, architect, I want to find a way to build indestructible housing for people who live in earthquake areas or windy areas where the wind exceed 200 km/130 miles an hour, or a flood area. Here is one person was thinking about selling books to help others educate their self, and he started very small and grew to be the richest man in the world and is named Jeff Bezos, and many others did the same. Another person wanted to help people against flood, and he build a house that is able to survive floods and even earthquake by building a house in form of indestructible ship that can be converted in minutes from a land house to a submarine, I forgot his name, I saw his invention in a TV documentary years ago. The rule is the more you empower human beings the more you will be rewarded, because when you empower people, others see it and want also to be empowered and buy your products or services, such as countless companies did, from Ford, to VW, to Microsoft, to Motorola, to Siemens, to Amazon and the list is endless

12.4.    Set an age for when you would be ready to get married. This date should never be before you have reached the goals of securing your life as mentioned in the previous point.  it should always be after a few years of you thinking now I have secured my future, and never before, because of the single fact that over 80% of all marriage are forced brainwash marriage and of these 80% maybe 30-40% are routine brainwash to get married at an younger age for countless reasons, among others because it is a brainwash method to force the young persons to be busy surviving and keeping the marriage gloating to keep them distracted of countless other things and reasons, among others and that is one of the most hidden and biggest reasons to eliminate competitions in business life, to minimize the ability of growing intelligence due to the person is at a very young age busy for the survival of the brainwash wife and children and not able to notice the mass brainwash and hidden slavery performed in USA, in Europe and above all in the Middle East that is mainly controlled by controlling families from among others and as number one the English royal family + their hidden American relatives, and a smaller percentage from Spain, France, Greece, Portugal, Turkey and other European countries. And this is just not only as they did to me, but also as I noticed that they did to countless other persons, and I was one of the lucky ones that noticed that, when it was too late and I am over 60 years old  and very unfortunately I cannot recover of it by trying to make it up in having a real sincere wife and children, and that hurts immensely!

12.5.    Include your future wife/husband and children in your planning.

12.6.    Include your entertainment in your planning

12.7.    Include your family in your planning

12.8.    Include all your learning in your planning

12.9.    Include a big chunk of your life in socializing and networking and plan how to do it

12.10.          Include in your plan daily or at least weekly sporting to keep your mind and body fit, and both will carry your intelligence, because without your intelligence, then you are screwed!

12.11.          Include in your planning a periodic review of your planning to see if it needs update and possibly huge modifications or minor adjustments

12.12.          Include in your planning the side learning that will increase your intelligence

12.13.          Include in your planning at least 10 minutes daily and at least 30 minutes weekly and 1 hour monthly to be totally alone and do nothing else but thinking about your planning and what you did today, this week and this month, about your success and failure of your planning, then expand it by yearly where you go somewhere to be alone for 1-2 days out of 365 days from morning and until evening, and do nothing else but think about the entire year, do the same every 10 years and so on, all that you have to also include in your planning. This is monitoring your own life, success so far and failure, if you do not have failure, then you are doing something wrong, or are not able to see the failure, such as you are not doing enough, because the more you do, the more failure and problems you will have and then you have to look for solutions. If you do not plan this time, then you will find yourself in similar position as me, because these criminals that raised me did not want me to learn anything to keep me enslaved under their criminal psychopath control, and that is why they never taught me anything, not even one of them taught me anything that today I can say, I am glad that they taught me this or that, because it saved me, instead these criminals and psychopaths tortured my life for over 60 years while preventing me to learn, because what I am writing now and you are reading is not what I wanted nor I planned it, I just found myself in this situation and realized that there are millions of others in similar situations and I want to teach them what I was not taught

12.14.          Include in your planning, things with small details, such as a wife and children. If you do not plan for a wife and children, then your future marriage and raising your children will most probably not be as successful as you want it to be, and that I guaranty you, such as through a divorce and not teaching your children what you are learning here. You will never know who you will meet in the future, that then you might think of: this is the woman I want, and that is the wrong way. Create a list of characteristics of how you want your future partner be, if it is a man or a woman, it does not make any difference, and to give you an idea how to do that, look in the page “Thank You” at the #1 + #2 persons + below under the section of Mrs. Adelheid Kuczka, these were not lists that I created when I was 12 or 18 years old, but rather I created them after I lost these persons of my life 30-40 year ago and then I sat down and wrote what was special about them, if I knew that about them at that time, many things would have been different in my life. Write down how you want your future partner be, it has to be at least 20 different characteristics of his/her behavior and after you wrote the at least 20 points, then write how you want your ideal partner looks like, meaning his/her look on the outside, such as blue or black eyes, brown or blond hair, 240 kg overweight or sporty/athletic look, with tons of makeups or no makeup of any kind, with fake and/or colored nails or just natural, all these things also tells you how a person thinks, if a person always wasting his time on clothing, makeup, hairdresser, nail vanish, make up and recoloring his/her hair, then this person is self-centered and manipulatable, if the person ignore all these things and concentrate on life itself and people around him/her, it tells you this person is very caring and not easy to manipulate, which is from my point of view the ideal person because they have their priority set on the right things such as people and not how I look, but rather how I behave and treat others because the person is concentrating on how he/she looks, then he/she does not really care much about others. And therewith when you meet the person that makes you think this person I can live with, then you go back to the board of planning and see how many criteria does he/she meets your preplanned points, and since no one is perfect, then you have to weigh your options and see what deductions of your points you can live with and what are not acceptable and you cannot live with or even live without, which means in your planning you have to set priorities and upfront mark those that must have as must have and others I do not like but can live with. For example, you might meet a partner that meet all your points, except the look is different maybe you want a blue eyes but this person has Brown Eyes, maybe you want a white person, yet this person is black or Asian or Arab, maybe you wanted the one religion and this person is another religion, as long as the person meet all of the points that you set as a must, then everything else is to be examined and possibly it is not necessary, because the partner is human being, and how he looks is not his doings, but how he/she behaves is among others his doing or the lack of him controlling himself = he is a hidden slave(!!). here are a few links that may help you in writing down this list of your future partner, note, some of these links have funny contents, you have to read them to understand what other people think, which will help you to better understand what list to write. If I make a list for you, then some might take it as a good list, but it might not be, the best list is the list that you make after you performed a research, and the following links can be a part of this research: + + +

12.15.          Start to make a plan what to teach you male and female children to protect them from others while empowering them and giving them gradually, but starting at birth, some education. This education does not have to be in words, but rather in actions, such as carrying the baby and playing with the child football or other games as he/she grow older and teach him/her how to choose friends or at least how to recognize a good or bad friends

12.16.          Look at the internet and research what you want and see what others also want

12.17.          Make a list of things that you absolutely do not want and would not accept, and this list make sub point one for each subject, for example make a sub point called professions, and write under it the professions that you will not perform, but also write a short reason why you will not perform this profession. Another sub point it could be your future partner, and under it write what you will never accept that your future partner is, such as he/she is a conservative or innovate based on the time and surroundings, or you will never fall in love with a person from first look, which very much means you love the person for his look, and not for his brain and intelligence and caring and tolerance or the lack of them. Call this list red list, meaning unacceptable warning list and write everything you will never accept and a short reason why. This should not be a book, but rather 2-10 pages maximum that will help you set roots in your own mind based on what you want and therewith minimize the chances of telepathy influences!

12.18.          Writing down what you want, will help recognize what you want but also it will help you strengthen your own will, and without a will, you will be 100% lost between others

12.19.          All this planning and writing will help you not only plan for the future, but and above all will help you to get to know yourself, because this is the best possible defense against telepathy, which is to know yourself, to know what you want and to live by a code and always be consistent and never change it, yet you will have to adapt to certain situations, but in general this should be your own book for your own life, and if you do not plan it, someone else will do it for you and I guaranty you, you will hate it

13.   Criminals that happened to have telepathy and enslave people with telepathy, they love to bring not only paradoxes into their lives but also disorganization, disorder and untidiness and spontaneous actions. And this to confuse not only their mind, but their entire life and therewith keep them enslaved under their control for whatever they planned for them, if it is crimes, or as distractions of their selves and their doings or even to force them to raise one of their hidden children because these criminals love to hide their children especially if they have telepathy to prevent anyone to follow the gene to their parents and grandparents and therewith to their brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts cousins, nephews and nieces. By eliminating spontaneous acts/actions you will be bringing order into your own life, I have covered it above with detailed planning of everything you are going to do as well as on a regular base checking if you are going according to your own plans. Here I will show you the importance of organization and neatness:

13.1.    Organize everything in your life. From the smallest to the largest thing and make everything set together in a very neat way. This way you will train your mind to be organized and immediately spot what is not in its place

13.2.    For example, start at it with your breakfast, not only that you get up routinely on time for your breakfast, and eat healthy preplanned food, but also how you have breakfast. For example, prepare your breakfast tools in night before you go to bed. Set the silverware in a tidy way, along with a cup and/or glass and/or a plate always in the same place unless you are improving your habits, never change it. In the morning prepare your breakfast the same way every single day, set the coffee/tea  cup on the side of the hand that you use to pick up the cup or glass, set the small spoon next to the larger spoon and next to the fork and knife, set the jam in the same place every single day and so with every other product you use for breakfast, and therewith you start your day organized, for example and before breakfast tidying your bed and pajama, perform your daily gymnastic for 15-30 minutes, then washing your self, putting you cloth on, and then go to prepare your breakfast. The same you do for lunch and dinner and this no matter where you are. This is crucial to train your mind to spot things that are not in place or even situation that should not have happened to you or to others

13.3.    Do the same thing at your workplace, place everything tidy and organized, which it has a huge side advantage, others will see that you are dependable and possibly also learn of you and therewith you be helping other by being consistent and setting an example. And ignore those who may make fun of you because you are organized and tidy, because those who have telepathy and are trying to enslave you will not give up so easily, they will force others to make fun of you or laugh you out or even create a mess where you create neatness

14.   Create an organized family life, and this not only for you, your wife and children, but also for your , parents, brothers, sisters and their children and the same for the family of your wife. Here is why this is most important: The controlling families create for their selves a haven of organized life along with their family, most of them create a huge estate for the entire family, and they also work together in various fields, yet they create isolations, paradoxes, mess and disorganization, all kind of addictions and much more for the others enable to manipulate each one of them individually and prevent them to stick together as family or even friends, as these criminals psychopaths did to me from January 1960 and until current in March 2021, so I am destroying their work with my complaint pages, destroying the disorganizations and mess they force upon others, destroy the isolations they force upon others, and you should do the same for yourself and family, and here I am just suggesting one way:

14.1.    Bring your immediate family members, such as parents, brothers and sisters and their children, or even uncles + aunts and cousins, create sort of a network with them and meet with them at least once a week for 1-2 hours planned timing to discuss the problems of each and try to find solutions with the help of your own flesh and blood, your family the second most valuable thing in life after your intelligence, because if you have no intelligence then you are equal to an animal or insect or fish, that others will hunt, destroy and eat a life, and the family is 100% the most valuable thing after your intelligence, because they are your genuine flesh and blood, your friends, the ones you most trust and the ones God, or if you prefer nature, set as your family!

14.2.    Try to get together with your family and build a housing or even a building for all of you, where each protect the others. Look at it this way, you can go to the bank and loan money to buy a house, and the bank wants guaranty that you will pay the money back, which is your small down payment, your job and the house that you are going to buy through the loan = mortgage. Let us assume that you have a brother and a sister as well as parents and each of you is working and has his own income, if you agree together on taking one loan for let us say a small building of 5 floors, each floor one apartment, and each of you live with his wife and children in one of these apartment, including your parents in their own floor, and an extra apartments so you all can meet in and discuss problems and how all of you together can work together to build a business, but also use this apartment as an emergency for guest relatives or friends, then the bank will most definitely give you the needed loan where at least 5 persons have income and are guarantying the payments, it is much easier than one person takes a loan. Then you will always backup each other’s and also cover the backs of each other’s and no one is isolated with the world problems alone, because no one person can solve all the problems, yet 5 persons have 5 times the chances than one person, especially if the 3 children are married and this is expanded to include the other families-in-laws

14.3.    Add to the above point, that the parents are the jewel of your life with all their life experience that is often get lost because most elderly are locked up in one way or another in a so-called elderly homes, where no one visit them on a regular base and they are forced to rejoin the lives of totally strangers in this elderly home, where many of them are often being mistreated by the staff, or even killed, either intentionally or accidently. However, with the concept of the above point, a home for the elderly is necessary anymore, because all of you live in one complex and take care of each other’s while benefiting of the valuable life experience of the parents for yourselves as well as for your children and grandchildren!!

14.4.    Why stop there, do the same with business, right at a younger age you can plan all that, by deciding who is going to learn what, one business and administration and marketing, another manufacturing, another sale, another management and each learn simultaneously a profession based on the needed business, and most definitely  also IT-Information Technology = computer usage for businesses.

14.5.    Why stop there, bring other relatives to this venture, such as uncles and aunts and cousins, and enlarge the concept systematically, then there is no limit to what you all can do or reach or achieve, at least much more than each alone for himself in a world controlled by some savages that happen to have telepathy and love to enslave others, such as the English royal families + the Rockefeller families does, and as a result, we have severe slavery in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan, Egypt, and above all in the UK and USA and the prove for that is that countless millions are suffering at the moment in USA because USA is the most deceiving and destructive slavery country worldwide and was built on the British concept = English royalties slavery

14.6.    On the other side try to do all that alone, you will face thousands of obstacles that are meant to keep you down

14.7.    Meet with all family members on a regular base, create groups each is specialized with one thing or the other, one for health and fitness, another for business, another for unexpected problems to research for solutions once a problem arises, because if one is in trouble, then the entire family is in trouble, another for politics and each group should be at least 2 persons, better yet 3 persons. Which very much means you create your own government to administer your life jointly and just as government of many countries do, but they govern people and not administer their lives, meaning they control them and not help them, and that is why we have millions of people are unsatisfied in each country, such as USA, UK, Russia, China, Eu, Germany and so on, instead of administering the country for the people they steal it blindly, you on the other hand have it much easier, you do it only for your family, if they are 10 or 200 it does not make any difference because you all genuinely trying to govern yourselves and not allow others to dictate  to you how to live and in which home you live once you retire and also decide when you retire. By the way retirement is a hidden slavery action, because we are all forced to live and work for others and then they want to show us that they have mercy and allow us to retire when we are too old to do anything else for ourselves, and that is why the Germans even made a song about it to encourage people to be happy about retirement and translated to English it is name “the life begins with 66 years”, whereby at that time 66 was the retirement age, not it is even higher by, and in German it is called Mit 66 faengt das leben an” sang by the famous Austrian singer called Udo Juergen, for mor info see the video ( and the text in German ( and the text in English ( The retirement age is being systematically raised as means of slavery, here is a text that shows that very clearly (“Life expectancy at birth in 1930 was indeed only 58 for men and 62 for women, and the retirement age was 65. But life expectancy at birth in the early decades of the 20th century was low due mainly to high infant mortality, and someone who died as a child would never have worked and paid into Social Security.”) this text is from the American government ( and this is the country of the alleged freedom and democracy. Where is the freedom in this slavery?

14.8.    This is how controlling families do it, even royal families all over the world do it and they reach their goal in controlling an entire country, very unfortunately some of these controlling families are very destructive such as members of my fake family, my biological family, which you can see their evil and most destructive doings in the last 30 years through USA and in USA where they destroy the lives of Americans while forcing Americans to think that they live in the best country in the world, which is far from the truth, while stealing their lives blindly, and therefor they use retarded presidents such as ex-US president Ronald Reagan, the George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush alias the Bush family and Trump family, and it does not stop there, it is the same on each lower level such as the government of Texas is one of the most sadistic and criminal government in the world, that keep a huge amount of people as hidden slaves, because Texas is a petroleum state, and they do the same in other petroleum states, such as New Mexico, California, Louisiana and other. And that I have seen by my own eyes where these criminals kept me as slave for 10 years in Houston Texa + 5 years in Connecticut = 15 years of 100% slavery in USA, but also you can see it today where Texans are very destructively and very easily manipulated to not care about the Corona virus and as a result they have the highest infection in USA, just to force them to keep on going around with their cars shopping and buying petrol to enrich the petroleum companies that none of them was severely sick or even died through the corona virus, and hardly anyone of the higher government position also get sick or died of the corona virus, because they already had vaccine since November 2019, just not enough for the general public and their selves. Never forget, that the White House administration and ex secretary of defense Mark Esper gave the orders to spread the corona virus to destroy the economies of China and the EU and that is why he disappeared just before the end of the Trump administration and replaced by another to hide what this criminal did along with the other criminals in the White House administration that brought a plague upon the entire world including upon USA and the UK. Not to forget to mentioned that these psychopaths kidnapped me at least twice in my life, one of them in September 1986 where they kidnapped me from Germany to USA and kept me literally as slave covered up by forcing me to live in fear as an illegal alien for 15 years, and these criminals dare to criticize China or other countries when they do even more sadistic and more immoral actions that not only China would not do, but also the majority of other countries including Russia and the EU would never dream of doings, such as sending teams to assassinate others in other countries and they have been doing that for over 100 years, I saw it even in Europe, and between 1970-1986 how they kidnap and kill people even in Germany and then blame it on terrorist, whereby they were the major and only beneficial of the action, such as kidnapping and killing the president of the German employer associations named Hanns Martin Schleyer, most probably because he had a dream of unifying the businesses in Europe and ever since USA and the UK have been heavily fighting the EU and China with all kind of hidden actions such as assassinations, kidnapping and murder as these criminals did to me, but also creating a never ending propaganda attacks against the EU and China that it will also take me many pages if I just list them, including portraying Germans as Nazis by repeatedly creating through the UK and the USA movies about Nazi where they portray Germans as bad and that the Americans and British are good on top of that they make people watching the movies to feel sorry for the Americans and British in these movies and therewith they influence the general public very negatively and most destructively with these movie (here are only 3 movies over Nazis that are going to be released only within 2 months: White Bird: A Wonder Story & Operation Mincemeat & Six Minutes to Midnight) and this only to discredit the EU because the largest country in the EU is Germany and therewith they want to show as if Germans are Nazis and are controlling the EU, which is far from the truth, I strongly believe that the EU is blessing to the entire world and above all and without Germany there would have never been an EU-European Union, and above all everything good I learned in my life I learned from Germany, and everything bad I learned, I learned in and through the American military in Munich, Germany where these criminal took me there in March 1970 to re-brainwash and enslave me while isolating me of my past and of any Arabs to not allow others to recognize that my fake family are nothing else than puppets for the UK and USA, but also many of the bad things I was forced to learn, I learned it in USA and through the governments of the USA, government of Texas and the government of the UK and the English royalties and their hidden puppets that control the Middle East = members of my fake family as listed in my complaint pages. If I just list one line per bad incident that was done to me or I saw being performed against others in several countries the Middle East, in Germany, in Switzerland’s, in the UK and in USA that I have seen them doing it since 1960, then I would need several hundred pages. This, and by far, it does not mean that all British or Americans are bad, it is only a hand full of their controlling families such as the English royal family, Rockefeller family, Bush Family, Trump Family and most of the members of their destructive White house administrations at least since ex-US president Ronald Reagan and mostly through the evil republican presidents that have absolutely no moral values, no ethical values, no religious values , and above all they had and still have absolutely no human values, they were and still are wild animals disguised as human beings that live by the principle of KAS-Kill and steal !!??

14.9.    Sorry I get sidetracked in the above point, but it shows the necessity of the actions I am suggesting for you to take and to protect yourself and beloved ones of hidden slavery and telepathy control

14.10.          Lastly, I totally disagree with the New Testament (the bible), in the following point and I am quoting it as far as I can remember it from 1976/77, begin of quote: Jesus was allegedly sitting with others and teaching them, and suddenly someone came and told him your mother and brother and sister are outside looking for you, he said who is my brother and sister and family? They are here and are only those who perform God’s wish or God’s words. End of quote. I do not agree with this, because if I follow this advice, then I will be dropping my brothers and sisters, and parents and uncles and aunt and grandparent and cousins because they have different believe or different interpretation of what is God’s will (!!??) (Which I did not have the luxury to have had, because I was kidnapped and raised by an organized crime family puppets of the English royalties and the Rockefeller family) leave all these family members just because they follow another religion and that is wrong and inhumane, because all religion no matter which one it is of the over 4,000 (four thousand) religions we have in the world are mainly man created to control the other human beings in the name of over 4,000 Gods. The family is one of the most important factors in our lives, and we are being systematically separated of our families and isolated enable they can control us, just as these criminally insane, and psychopaths did to me. If another religion is bad, then and especially then I should not drop my family member, and believe me there are countless bad religions in our world, one of them was the famous Harry Krishna (for more info see ) and as far I recall the founder was arrested in USA by federal agents for tax evasion, among others he was a conman and swindler, and as he was arrested he lived better than a king in a very lavish large house with several luxury cars, from Rolls Royce and Bentley to Lamborghini and Ferrari sports cars, while preaching to his followers to collect money for the poor of India and forcing his followers to live like poor Indian, on the floor, often 10 or 25 in one small apartment all sleeping on the floor and the leader of the groups in the apartment used to decide based on success reached that day, which man can sleep with which women while the others watch. Who would I be if I leave my brother or sister be one of the followers of this criminal! Today I strongly believe that the New Testament, which Christianity is based on, was possibly adjusted based on peace agreements between the various Christian countless splitting/copycats. Because I do not believe everything in the bible, and see the new testament just as I described it in the page BP-British Petroleum-part-3-Version-2, in short it is 100% a list of the major capabilities of some persons with telepathy, where they claim only the son of God has this capability, possibly also based on a peace agreement, among other with the English royalties and the evil Rockefeller families (they officially exist only since around the year 1850= 170 years ago, and were established by John D. Rockefeller that created the Sunni Islam as copycat of other Islam from India and were disguised along with the English royalties partially since over 200 or even 300 years as Muslims and forcing everyone to be Muslim, especially in South Of Russia and the whole way to South East Asia, where there is more Muslims than anywhere near the amount of Muslims in the Middle East, and there is many reasons why the English royalties and the Rockefeller love the idea of Islam, here are 2: First, because in Islam ideology God plan everything for his human and we human are slaves of God and have to follow his plan whatever it is, which is left open for each to associate the misery of his life as planned by God and not to fight it = slavery made by human for other human. Second, because they hate the American government that forced the Rockefeller to break their company called Standard Oil into 34 smaller independent companies (for more info see: and therewith they took the power of the company that was controlling each politician, and they are still doing it today in 2021, but they use other deceive such as use actors, such as Ronald Reagan, the Bush family the Trump family and countless others. Also on the state and city levels = they used USA as a brainless destruction machine, and this is not my thinking, this is their thinking and handling and the thinking of their evil hidden family the English royalties that think of the Americans are stupid and that they can do with them whatever they want and that is why they established Islam in USA in the beginning through their public slaves the Afro-Americans to force them to think that God planned that for them, but that is not Islam, because this English Royalties and Rockefeller fake Islam is 100% against individual intelligence and freedom and then blame it on God that planned that for you. And that is why percentage wise there is much higher percent Muslims between Afro-Americans than Latinos/Hispanic and White Americans, and the prove for that is the Nation of Islam, an American organization that fight Christianity, Judaism, Hindu and anything else that is not Muslim, and they are 100% funded by the Saudi Arabian government that was used as proxy for the Rockefeller and English royalties families = hidden slavery in USA to justify slavery of African-Americans and Africans in Africa and African in UK

14.11.          Once you establish an organized family without crimes that their business is to take care of each individual member of the family then you have to set rules, and the first rule is that no one of the family can ever be kicked out of the family but rather you have to find a way to get along, because only so you can stay together and staying together is the best protection against slavery and telepathy attacks or telepathy control and vicious networking such as I have been facing all my life through these criminals and also now in 2021 in the city of Den Haag/The Hague. Therefore and with this concept you can help each other’s, because no religion will help you because the over 4,000 religions, while the majority of them are copycat of others, yet they are controlled by controlling families that want to enslave you in one way or another among others by discrediting the origin of Christianity, which is a few persons and independently of each other’s  wrote their findings over telepathy to help others and they kept on updating it, and then they established the catholic church to gather them as one family, and then this Catholic church was copycatted so many times that today no one can tell you for sure if there is 1,000 or 2,000 Christian dominations = copycats that all have at least 2 things in common: thing-1: Discrediting the Catholic Church and the other Christian dominations while praising their own copycat as the only true one. Thing-2: each domination is controlled by one controlling family, and some controlling families such as the English royalties control several Christian dominations + several Islam Dominations + several Jewish Dominations + several other religions because they like to create confusion and to distract of their selves = slavery. In short, the amount of worldwide religions gives an idea about how many controlling families we have in the 195 countries worldwide = between 3,000  and 4,000, even though we have more than 4,000 religions, of which at least 3,900 copycats, and this because some controlling families love to control several religions such as the English royal families and the Rockefeller families (plural that not all of then named Windsor or Rockefeller) control several dominations of several religions and they 100% control Saudi Arabia and all neighboring countries the whole way to Nigeria as well as Egypt in the north of Africa and South Africa in the south of Africa, and that is their version of win/win situation, creating confusions for others, isolating as many as they can of other dominations and other religions, can use any of their own controlled dominations/religions against whomever they want in the name of this religion as distraction of their selves, enslaving others, increasing their income through this kind of slavery = their version of win/win situations. So you better implement some measures of protection, such I am suggesting that will 100% brings fruit, productivity, prosperity and happiness to your life and to the life of each member of your family that you can bring into this circle of organized peaceful family and call it for all I know FIATNMW-Family Is Always Together No Matter What or just FIAT-Family Is Always Together because you deserve to be free because freedom comes from God and slavery from some Human by misusing the name of God and blame everything bad on God, such as the English royalties and the Rockefeller families does that also spreading their bad seeds in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, Yemen, whereby Yemen is still fighting since decades for its freedom, and so ais also Somalia, Ethiopia, and many neighboring countries in each continent  the whole way to Russia, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong = organized “Crime” Families, you too be organized, just take the crime out to not give them a reason to destroy what you build for yourself and for your family, because they control the police and that is why they were never caught in illegal drugs, and the prove is ex-US president Donald Trump that performed so many crimes yet no one was able to arrest him, not only because the laws of USA do not allow it, but also because he controlled the justice department and therewith also controls the FBI, DEA, NSA, Homeland security and all other federal agencies, while his masters the Rockefeller and English royalties control the same on the state, county and city level = organized crime families = perform as much crimes as you want and no one can ever arrest you = USA + the UK  are full of shit when it comes to freedom, democracy and equality, because it only exist between controlling families all others are slaves and the best prove is many bad behavior now in USA + UK in March 2021 during the Corona virus pandemic and since February 2020 !!??

15.   At the end no one will help you more than your own intelligence, and since no one is perfect and our entire world is not perfect and rely heavily on slavery and lack of intelligence, meaning someone is sitting in a specific position in many countries and his/her goal is to plan how to keep as many people as possible with low intelligence for the following reasons, and that is important for you to know, because if you do not know it, you cannot defend yourself against it and then you will believe that this is normal in our lives, I meet many persons in my life that when I lay down a problem for them, especially people from developing countries such as in the Middle East, their answer was often shocking to me, which was and I am quoting them “This is normal in our life” (!), if you think it is normal, then you will do nothing about it = slavery:

15.1.    The absolute number one reason to keep as many persons as possible with low intelligence is to minimize the competition in our lives or better said in their lives of limited intelligence!

15.2.    If you have low intelligence, then you cannot solve many hidden destructive problems and situations in your own life and the reason they are hidden because your intelligence did not recognize them as such, and it did not recognize them as destructive because you lack the knowledge to build intelligence that can protect you against all kind of scams, and that is what our world is built upon: scams and con-business and the best prove for that is the ex-US president Donald Trump, he is not only a hidden slave of the English royalties and the Rockefeller family, but also he was trained to be a conman and to do it in his own name what they will never do with their own names, as a result we have countless destructive actions through his White House administration to pin everything on him and to reemphasize that he is responsible for all the actions he did and they were just following orders. They forced the insurrection on 6 January 2021 against the US capitol, that from my point of view and based on my experience with these families, they planed it just to prove that my complaint pages at least about telepathy and that Donald Trump is a hidden slave as wrong by showing him as if he has a hold not only on a few Millions, but also has allegedly hold on the entire republican party, which is theoretically and practically impossible, because he is nothing, he has no intelligence and that is why he lies all the times, but also the political party is there to support an idea or another and then backup anyone and help him/her to succeed if they see that this person is capable to talk and have the convincing rhetoric, and ex-US president Donald Trump was forced to learn rhetoric, BAD rhetoric I may add,  through his training as a hidden slave and forced him to be a TV host of the so-called The Apprentice TV show for nearly 13 years (, and prior to that they had him often in TV shows and movies as his real identity as Donald Trump, and that because they were planning on training him while getting the general public to see him and believe in his fake business capabilities enable to elect him as a president of USA that brought not only a plagues upon the entire world and is called the COVID-19 alias the corona virus, but also created countless other very destructive actions that many people thought that he was doing great because he was stealing children of the Mexican refugees while forcing these refugees to live on the streets of Mexico just at the US border, and they call that American generosity and American values, I call it the lack of all that (!!??). The damages that these criminals did and pinned it on Donald Trump is more than I can count, and above all most of these damages were not recognized by the general public because in USA people are 100% prevented to educate their selves and grow intelligence to recognize these schemes, scams and con business of some of the controlling families, yet I can, because I was raised by these psychopaths, and I want to help others to see it too, because only when you see it and recognize it, you will recognize freedom even if you do not have it, where in USA they think they live in the best freedom of the world, which is far from the truth as it is highlighted in my complaint pages. In short you must build your own intelligence for your own benefit otherwise it is slavery because it is for their benefits!

16.   Last but not least, you must train your own brain to be consistent because only so you can recognize what is your thoughts and what is telepathy. An example of being consistent is when you promise yourself, I will steal money of every person I meet, and then if suddenly you meet a person and you do not steal money of him then you will know that someone with telepathy prevented you. And that was from my point of view the wrong way of being consistent, the right way is to promise yourself I will never hurt another person in any way what so ever, not physically, not verbally, not financially and not emotionally, and if you ever  hurt someone, then you will know that someone with telepathy is using you to hurt others, and therewith portraying you as danger to others and isolating you of others. And this is one of the most important point of all the points mentioned above, because a person with telepathy that misuses the telepathy to harm and enslave others, likes to create confusion in the mind and around the person’s life, and you cannot prevent a person of forcing you with telepathy to actions that you otherwise would not do, and that is the bad news, the good news is, you can always fix it, by going back to the person and apologize to hem/her and try to help him to fix the problem, and trust me if you do that, then others will see you as a living  example of honesty. Creating trouble between 2 persons is one of the specialties of nasty persons that happen to have telepathy, and when you fix the problem, then you are better than these psychopaths, because you used your intelligence and love for another human being that was also created by God and this no matter what your religion is, God will recognize that for you, either directly, or through other persons with telepathy that saw that and above all with those that had the forced upon them problem through you will see you as a better person than they expected. There is no shame of going to another person and saying: I am sorry, for a minute I lost it, or yesterday or last week I had a bad day or a bad week that influenced me negatively, and therefore I apologize to you, if there is any damage and I can help fix it, please tell me. These words will shock the person that you have the problem with, because he/she did not expect it and thought of you as through and through bad person. But, this apology does not mean that the person with telepathy that caused the problem will let go, it is possible that he/she then influence the person that you are talking with and force him to be impolite, and in this case also no problem, just leave him with the sentence or something similar such as “I just wanted to apologize because it was not nice of me, and I wanted to help, so if you think I can help please contact me”, and then say good bye and go, because you cannot do more in this situation because he is under the influence of other person’s telepathy, however your nice last sentence will most definitely stay in the ears of the other person and he might even come back to you and apologize to you for his behavior of last time, which very much means the problem that was forced upon you both of you with telepathy, was solved by you because you had the intelligence and knowledge and tolerance and understanding to recognize that it was done to you both with telepathy and you fixed it. On the other side, maybe this one time there was no telepathy influence, and the situation escalated because of the one reason or another, yet you fixed it anyway, so you never lost = this is a real win/win situation, and you should be proud that you have fixed the situation regardless of who caused it. Very unfortunately I did not have the luxury of knowing all that and most of the situations I was not able to fix, even if I tried, and believe me I tried, and you can see that in the page “Thank You” under all sections, but in particular under the section of my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka, where my fake family and biological family controlled my life to create a problem between me and my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that I was not able to fix because either she has telepathy and does not want me to come near her, or she does not have telepathy and is scared of me, even though I would never harm her even though I know she was set on me, but also I would not harm anyone else for matter of fact, not as long as no one with telepathy interfere with my own mind(!!). The action that these people took to separate us and then kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986, among others because I was thinking of her a lot and did not know what hit us, and this shows the measures these criminals and psychopaths are willing and capable to take as it is described in the page “Thank you” under the section of Adelheid Kuczka, very unfortunately the evil German government took a part on this destruction even though I loved Germany and considered it be my home, because of one reason, I was hopelessly brainwashed and constantly under telepathy control from 1960-1976, and suddenly my life started to go to the positive side and gradually I was able to grow my intelligence, which very much I started to register my surroundings and process it after I was set up to become Christian in 1976 and I immediately realized what I am surrounded with and I immediate fill in love with and saw as my home because prior to that I was told what was my home, even it never felt like home, but between 1976 and until 1983 in Munich, Germany was and still is the only home I ever had in my life, and these criminals psychopaths stole that home from me!

17.   In everything you do or make, always try to find ways to combine what you are doing with other tasks that you are either doing or planning to do or even with tasks of others, this will increase your intelligence dramatically. For example: to always stay fit, you go to the gym on a regular base, why not try to compete using something in sport such as Tennis, or other sports, or even better yet, why don’t you join a sport’s team such as football (in USA is called soccer, while also in USA they call a very violent version of rugby football as Football!!), basketball, volleyball or other team sports and therewith you combine fit activities with networking and socializing. Or you create a page, why not add an experience page where you write your experience with the sport or profession or  your opinion over politics or social life, and not only have a page to connect with others, but also to share your mind with them, that can possibly be very helpful for someone or another. The possibilities are endless. Here is a real-life example: some companies sell products, such as cookies, and they sell them in plastic containers that when the cookies are already eaten, then you still can use the nice container for something else, and there with the manufacturer sold you 2 products in one. Or another food manufacturer sells his food in a reusable container that is can be placed in the Microwave and in dishwasher, and therefore the buyer has an extra box for the microwave. Or in 1990s some computer manufacturers were selling PCs with a so-called TV and Radio card, and this card can be connected to an antenna and then use the PC to watch TV or listen to news or music while working on the computer, as a result, today most computers, tablets and mobile phones can be used as a TV. In matter of fact, my TV broke 2 years ago, and I made a mistake and bought a new one, even though I do not really use it anymore, I always carry my tables with me at home and can watch the TV news or listen to the Radio music, because it is connected to my cable company. In USA some people used to place a TV almost in every room in their housing, and that I saw myself after they kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and kept me literally as slave in USA until they delivered me to  the Netherlands by force to be locked up for 14 years between USA, Germany and the Netherlands in over 40 jails, prisons and refugee camps, during which and in USA I saw people have a TV in bedroom, in dining room, in living room, in bathroom, in kitchen and even in the garden, where in Germany I had a very small 13 inch/33 cm TV that I hardly used, and that shows that in USA people have all kind of addictions, also TV. And there with some person came with the idea in 1970s to have PIP-Picture in Picture for the Olympics and then the Dutch electronics company called Philips adapted this concept and created a TV with PIP and in end of 1980s or begin of 1990s it was added to the PC, and now it is very common, and there with I can work on my computer and have a small window either for Radio or for TV while I am working, and there is no need any more for the TV. That shows how valuable combining activities are and other actions such as developments are, which is also very visible in PCs, where there is countless specialized PC, for countless medical diagnoses, to PC for airplanes  and car diagnoses and countless other specialty computers that are often are not visible, because they are in form of a small chip in some electronic unit or another. So always think “what can I combine this activity or design or development with other activity, design or development?

18.   Always remember that a person with telepathy can think clearer than a person without telepathy because of the fact that no one can interfere with his thoughts because he/she can block telepathy. A person without telepathy cannot think as clear as a person with telepathy because other with telepathy can interfere with his thoughts and thinking. However, a person without telepathy has the advantage that he can possibly better concentrate on one subject than a person with telepathy, because of the fact that a person with telepathy cannot resist to look at other person’s thoughts and possibly manipulate them!













Solution-2: The UK and the USA are big problems

(Go to index)

The reason I wrote UK + USA, because the English royalties control the USA very destructively and sucking the lives out of the general public and that too I saw firsthand while they forced me to live 15 years enslaved in USA as an illegal alien under the control of their whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud that did everything in her power to keep me isolated, backed up  by her evil criminal families and children as distraction of the criminally insane and psychopaths Bush family represented by the US government and the Texas government, Rockefeller family represented by the same + their countless companies such as Chevron; and the English royalties represented by the same plus their evil company called BP-British Petroleum.


The UK + USA they brainwash people by claiming they have democracy, where they really have a hidden slavery as described within my complain pages, and this slavery they integrate in countless other countries that I saw a few of them myself such as USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Palestine Lebanon, Egypt, Pakistan (I saw through their presence in Saudi Arabia, and other so-called Arab countries), Japan, Germany plus all the other countries that I did not visit yet I see their work in them and how they destructively enslaved the general public while pretending to be natives, such as it is described in the pages “Kidnapping me as a child” and “My fake family the kidnappers”. But also, as it is in Saudi Arabia, Israel and how they treat Palestinian but also, how it is, Kuwait, UAE, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and others.


And this alone shows that they are the most dangerous group of people in the world that makes bad names for their own populations, where many to the majority of the American population believe them and follow them blindly until they discover they are con people, but then it is too late, which was very visible with the ex-USA president Donald Trump and his White House Con-Administration.


The reason for this viciousness and barbaric behavior is because they think of their selves as Gods and rulers of the world, but not anymore, because there are many in the neighborhood that shines upon the enslaved people with their good work, where they are empowering Billions of people, and that too I will lay out as a comparison to show how stupid the controlling families in the UK and in the USA are that care about nothing but their selves.


A good country would treat each citizen as a partner and a family member, because they are the intelligence of the country, and treat each refugee or visitor equally good as a guest, but and very unfortunately I did not see this luxury in my life, neither in Germany where I lived for 17 years, or in the UK where I lived there for one year, nor in the Netherlands where I was forced to live there since 2001, nor in the USA where I was kidnapped in September 1986 from Germany to USA to prevent me to discover that I was raised by a very vicious and sadistic nanny that was hired by the English royalties in cooperation with the Jordanian and Saudi Arabian royal families, and this evil nanny pretended to be my mother, and ever since I am being pushed around from one slavery into another as it is highlighted within my complaint pages, however, and the positive side of this long years of hidden slavery, is that I saw it but did not understand it until I relocated to the city Den Haag/The Hague on 1 March 2016 seeking refuge by the Dutch Royal family, Dutch government and the many consulates and embassies in this city, seeking refuge of a very damaging and most sadistic tortures persecution of these nasty mentioned 3 royal families, the English, the Jordanians, the Saudi Arabians and in cooperation with the Rockefeller and Bush families that practically own Saudi Arabia and think everyone in Saudi Arabia is their slave. And ever since 2016 I was trying to understand what happened in my life and in this process I recognized that the UK + the USA governments are not only the source of all evil in my life, but also the source of all evil in the UK, USA and in the rest of the world while they pretend to be democratic and allegedly protecting the only freedom in the world that I never saw once in my life except between 1976 and 1983 in Munich Germany, then these sadistic families jumped all over my life, re-brainwashed me, enslaved me and kidnapped me in September 1986 from Germany to USA, where they forced me to be enslaved under the control of their deranged whore agent named Najlaa Mahmoud covered up by forcing me to live as an illegal alien for 15 years during which I was always busy searching for ways to survive and have no time to think about my life, myself, my past and what happened to me from 1960 to 1999 where then I was systematically locked up for nearly 14 years between USA, Netherlands and Germany, during which I was severely tortured mentally as well as physically among others by pulling out all my teeth. During the entire period, I was registering what I see, but was too busy trying to survive and I ignored everything I saw, and therewith I did not understand it. Today in January 2021, I understand it and I came to the conclusion that if we do not help these criminally insane and psychopaths controlling families in the UK alias the English royal family and in USA to adjust their mind and intelligence that is set to only 1-2 track intelligence and help them converted to multi-track intelligence, then we all doomed because soon we will have a third world war, where possibly 2-3 Billion people will die or they will most definitely use technology and implant them in our heads to force every one’s mind to receive their brainwash thoughts through telepathy and be enslaved since birth, again!


These technologies already exist, not yet applied to control human mind, but it is still in developments, and you can see it in some super markets where they place a tiny microchip with data over the product, and when the product come close to the cashier, the computer scan them automatically and within a few seconds then print the receipt, most probably later they will also be able to automatically scan the debit or credit card and deduct the amount of the receipt also within seconds, which very much means I can go with my shopping cart out of the supermarket or other stores without having to stop at the cashier to pay. This technology has been under testing since around 12-15 years. And me as an ex-IT professional with my knowledge over hidden slavery also through telepathy I Immediately recognized it as danger to human beings without telepathy, because it can be adjusted to be implanted in the head that then receive and send signals to the brain, and does not even need batteries, because the human body has already all the energy necessary.


Why would they do that?


Because they cannot simultaneously control every single human being in the world, because telepathy has limitation and this is the rule set by God and they can do nothing about it, except extend it with technology as they already did extend telepathy with telegraph, telephone and now we have the Internet, and alone that shows you how stupid they are, because the telegraph was 100% build as extension of telepathy because they cannot reach distant places with telepathy, because it has limited reach, and here again this rule was set by God, and through their greed and 1-2 track intelligence and forcing others to develop a telegraph, that then other built upon it and build a telephone, radio, movies, mobile phones and Internet. And if I analyze our history as human being, being born with telepathy, then there is 100% no need for a language to communicate, yet because they used telepathy to disable telepathy by other human beings and use them as slaves, some smart person started to help all these slaves to communicate by creating a language, which helped us write, read and exchange knowledge and that they did not want, but also and as side effect, we are keeping logs of our past that we call history books, just like I am writing my complaint pages, very unfortunately they also tried to destroy these history books to be able to tell us fake history, which they did, but now we have Internet and countless history locations worldwide, yet I see the possibility that they will most definitely try again to create the perfect slave by implanting technologies in our heads to force us to do what they want, and I fore see that the USA will be the first country in the world to use this technology and then sell it to controlling families all over the world to prevent a mass networking between human beings. If you think that I am crazy to think something like that, please be my guest and don’t take my words for it, just look at our history and how we have been systematically divided in countries with borders and visas, more languages than we have countries, more religions than we have languages and above all that they want to force us to hate others because they are a different religion, speak a different language or have better technological capabilities than them, and as a result today, we have China is under attack, Russia is under attack, Iran is under attack, Palestinians are under attack, Muslims are under attack, Jewish are under attack, Sikhs were under attack and prior to that Somalia, Ethiopia and countless others, very unfortunately and most of these strategies come only from USA and the UK. And that is why today, I think it was a blessing that I was able to leave USA, and even I was heavily mistreated in Netherlands and Germany, yet they are in the EU and the EU is a blessing for humanity, a real country without borders, and I mean in it literally without borders, not only physical borders, but also all kind of other hidden borders that were forced upon us.


These English royalties and their hidden American relatives all over USA, among other the Rockefeller families (they don’t only have the name Rockefeller, they have many names and hide like cowards enable to steal the tax payers money, as it is also highlighted all over my complaint pages), and these families are also in countless other countries such as the so-called 54 Commonwealth countries + 80% of the Middle East, 70-90% of Africa and other areas, and what I saw, it does not allow me to rest until I change this frenzy of endless killing, slavery and stealing that I call in my complaint pages as 1-2 Track of intelligence, meaning they care only about money and power of control, everyone else may go to hell, and that is unacceptable!


And with this page, that become a document, I am offering a solution(s).


But first let us look at the major problems they are causing:

1.     They created countless copycat religions, from Christians, to Judaism, to Islam, Hinduism   to Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, to Scientology to God knows what, over 4000 thousand of them, and then blame the other religions for their own bad doings enable to separate us and isolate us of other human beings and that is unacceptable

2.     They control the government with all kinds of means and schemes, from raising persons to be in the government, during which they brainwash them to do only what they want, to manipulating countless politician’s mind with telepathy

3.     In USA, you have only 2-party political system that is very hard to break, but once it is broken then many things will change for the better for all Americans and for the rest of the world, because breaking this only 2-political party system means nothing else than allowing many parties to join the government, such as it is the case in most of Europe, such as in Germany, Benelux countries, Scandinavian countries, France, Italy and others

4.     Many government members in USA are in for life and that is absolutely dangerous and not good, and that is why you find persons with retirement age over 60 years old, past retirement age over 70 years old and much past retirement age over 80 years old to very old such as over 90 years old, and the reason for that is not democracy and freedom, but rather it takes a lot of time, resources and energy to raise a person to be slave politician, which really is nothing else than slavery, because these person have right to do something else and grow their own intelligence, that they very much lack of, and be free of this hidden slavery

5.     This US 2-party system is practically controlling the tax payers money and most of the time they are rearranging the budget and tunnelling it to the companies that control the White house Administration, such as the ex-US-President Donald Trump and his administration did, and there with, they enriched their selves by literally Billions = stealing the tax payers money, just as the previous 2 Bush administration and the Ronald Reagan administration did and stole unknown amount of literally trillions of US Dollars during the 20 years of all their presidencies

6.     A person has the write to diversify his life, because only through diversifications we can grow intelligence, if there is no diversifications in our lives, our intelligence will gradually shrink, and that is why many government members that have been in the government more than 5-10 years, their brain starts gradually to get cloaked as if it is coated gradually with a curtain that is slowly but surely is closing until a person sees nothing else but what he was programmed for, brainwashed for and/or controlled by telepathy and does not even notice it anymore because he/she has been doing it for so long and became an automated machine, which was done to me at least 4 times before 1976 and after 1983 and until 1 March 2016. A good brain will always seek and search for a common solution that will satisfy everyone in the interest of the general public, but it is, and very unfortunately, not the case in the UK and the USA, while the USA constitution is almost an identical to the British constitution, which is oriented for the English royalties in the UK and for the controlling families, including the hidden English royalties in the USA and the best prove for that is that the last White House administration and with the help of the republican  party enslaved more Americans by cutting the taxes for the rich by almost 50%, while the general public, or even the poorest tax payers is paying higher percentage taxes than these rich persons and rich companies = hidden slavery

7.     No person in the US or the UK government is trained by the general public on how to work for the interest of the general public, not even the president of USA, or a department secretary (=minister) or to be a director of certain agencies, but rather they are all trained by mainly one of 2 groups the controlling families that control the republican party or the controlling families that are controlling the democratic party, whereby often a controlling family and in the hidden has a huge controlling influence in both political parties, and this means nothing else than these 2 parties are working for the controlling families and not for the general public that they always claim to be serving the general public as a senator or as a house representative or as a president or as a secretary of one of the 12 US main departments as a result, USA claim to be the richest country in the world by counting the Dollars of the rich, but they are covering up that they have the biggest percentage slavery through poverty between all industrialized countries, even worse than China and this is very visible now, that at least 100-150 Million persons in USA currently suffering severe financial problems, among others do not have enough food and are relying on charity to give them food, and countless of them, possibly 20-50 million are on the edge of becoming homeless because they cannot pay the rent or the mortgage, and here I am not even mentioning the around 30 Million illegal aliens in USA that have absolute no rights what so ever, and will not get financial help of the government that would help them survive, even though they are 100% the hidden small engine that helps USA to sell many of their products competitively in the world, among others farming products, where 70-80 of farming in USA depends on cheap illegal alien labor. Usually, 40%  of the revenue of every business goes as salaries, and if they pay 0.5 to 2 Dollar an hour for an illegal alien, instead of 7 or 10 or 15 US Dollar per hour, and therewith they saved 35-38% of the salaries = more profit = cheap products through slavery

8.     No person in the US or the UK government members including president and secretaries of US departments or their advisors is ever mentally/psychologically checked if he/she has any hidden mental issues or even mental sicknesses/disease that will allow him/her to perform many damages upon the American or British general public or even the entire world such as many republicans did including the ex-USA president Donald Trump, most of his white house staff and secretaries of the department and above all his nearly hidden advisors that were members of his family and all together performed severe damage upon the American public and especially in the period between 5 November 2020 and 6 January 2021, or even earlier during the Ronald Reagan + 2 x Bush presidency

9.     There is a limit for a president of 2 terms of each 4 years, and therewith it is almost an automatic term limits to all White House Staff + all  secretaries + all other hidden cooperators , yet there is no limit of term to a Governor or a senator or House representative = congress men/women, as a result we have congress members that have been on this job often for more than 40 years = brain and intelligent damaged, as a result  they have a very anti-bipartisan cooperation attitude, because they see the other side as an enemy and not as a colleagues and a coworker that all together are supposed really to work together in the interest of the general public and not in the interest of their masters alias the controlling families that often control them with telepathy

10.There is no term limit to the supreme court judges, and here too, and for all I know, some persons with telepathy used telepathy to kill two supreme court judges in USA during the presidency of ex-US president Donald Trump that then allowed him to appoint two new ones that work mainly in the interest of the controlling families. Here too the longer a judge is presiding the less intelligence he will have, because intelligence depend heavily on constant learning new subjects and explore the unknown part of his own life and the unknown part of the lives of others, including building various things, from a house to an organization to a social network to charity to mixing with general public to see who cannot speak for himself and need help, and who is suppressing others and how they suppress others, and as a result of this total ignorance, we have judges that are just like the lifelong government members, that have a degrading intelligence that will gradually damage them while they will also unintentionally damage others, because their intelligence is degrading and slowly becoming also 1-2 track intelligence = work + satisfy the controlling families laws that they live by and judge others by, and most of these laws are 100% unjust, tortures, inhuman and outdated to our modern intelligent society of the new age of Internet, socializing, understanding, tolerance and cooperation. One of these corrupt bad laws was 3 strike and you are out, meaning if you have been convicted 3 times you will be jailed until death part you of your life, they might as well chop his/her head off, where in God’s name is the democracy and freedom here (???!!!), and that allow them to torture the lives of others, just as they did to me and get away with it, because there is no justice in their world because there is no understanding to other people situations, it is only their law or the highway, meaning go to hell !!

11.Many members of the controlling families get a side job that offer them total immunity, such as CIA agent, DEA agent, FBI agent, President, Congressman, governor, diplomat and the list is endless and this is most used by hidden English royalties that hide the fact that they are related to the English royalties, and this is only what I saw in my past, among others within the totally corrupt fake family that I was placed within starting January 1960, but also I saw it in the general life. Where is the democracy and justice when one criminally insane and psychopaths can have several identities with different names and with different nationalities, and trade illegal drugs internationally using the American and British military, kill his opponents, kidnap children and enslave them as they did to me, and then not only get away with it, but his hidden network within several government such as in my case, the German government cooperated with the British government members, American government members, Saudi Arabian government members, Jordanian government, Egyptian government members, Syrian government members and last but not least the Dutch government to enslave me and keep me a refugee for over 50 years and then lock me up for nearly 14 years to protect the criminally insane and psychopaths the English royalties + Rockefeller families + Bush families + my fake families and others, while each of them is using me to blackmail the other and get paid for it while my life slowly but surely is degrading through all the brainwash and slavery and lockups and isolation schemes they forced upon my life since 1960, and all are protected by law, even though I consider myself to be a good man and do not believe in harming others, not only because I am Christian, which was the original thought of forcing me to be Christian, but rather because I can see God’s work and therewith I see the misuse and destruction of his work, which is a human being comes always first and no matter what first and no money or other material can replace that because a human being has a touch of God, which is a tiny piece of his intelligence to allow us to see and learn and be free to do the same, and then our intelligence will grow, such as the intelligence of a handful or persons that I am using below as an example because they created in the last 10, 20, and 30 years more constructive projects to empower other human being than the entire British Empire and USA combined ever did or even dreamed to do since their existence, in other words these 6 persons have created more for the world than the UK and USA combined have ever done for their own people since they were established 500 and 270 years ago respectively, not to mention the rest of the world that are heavily suffering because of their never ending destructive actions to steal from others by using their destructive brainless killer machine called military!

12.Even many of the top companies founders that are the CEOs, presidents and chairman of the boards retire early and give their position to someone else for one reason only, because they know their intelligence will start to degrade if they do not start to learn something else and start to build a new thing, that could be another company in another sector, or a charity or manufacturing or a new service or a combination, the more they do the more their intelligence will grow and they will be able to help more and more people, because without people they are nothing, and so I am and so is any president, queen, king emperor or a humble human being, each one of the mentioned is nothing without other human beings, and all of us are nothing without what God did for us so far to teach us at least that we need to cooperate and not to fight and kill each other’s!

13.A US president can do what he wants, and no one can stop him, unless he is not reelected anymore, and that is by far is not anywhere near democracy or freedom, it is an old English royalty’s trick by placing a king and his queen in USA and calling him president and his wife the First lady, and both have more power over any human being worldwide than they should. No man or woman should have power over another human beings, otherwise it is 100% slavery. And the US presidency and with the help of the English royalties have created more slaves worldwide than ever before, and only those who benefit financially attest against that and claim USA has the best democracy and freedom in the world, which is far from the truth. If 5 or 20 or 2000 or even 50,000 persons, when I include Hollywood, testify in movies, TV series, and on the news media such as CNN, Fox News and Sky news and BBC that USA and the UK have the best democracy and the most freedom in the world, then do not listen to their lies any more, because they will not only insult your intelligence but rather they will damage your intelligence by filling it with fictional news. On the other hand, I am saying the truth and many of it is verifiable on the internet, and the rest of it is verifiable by any influential person, because it is hidden of the general public and that is another reason why I am complaining publicly!

14.One person to be Incharge/In charge of 330 Million person and then some claim he is the most powerful person or position in the world, then that is exactly what it is, it is a violent position and meant to scare others,  such as if you do not follow my order I will apply sanctions, and if you still not following my orders or demands then I will send my destructive ships and planes and soldiers to beat the shit out of your country = the most powerful person, which is really deceiving, just mafia like rhetoric strategies. A good way is to be a person that have many solutions for many countries and to do that, then this person has to have all the knowledge of each department of each country, which is impossible. No one man have the capability to have so much knowledge. Ok, let us assume (ass u me= making an ass out of u and me, this is American language and American saying) that this person has advisors and secretaries, and they all give him all this knowledge and with his supper brain can make a decision based on what is best for the country, which is also impossible, especially if the person has been working for the government for more than 8 years, then his brain start to deteriorate because is not adding new things to his brain or intelligence, because this is what intelligence is all about, constantly learning new different things to train the intelligence, and once we do the same job for so long, then the intelligence will start to deteriorate and be degraded and cannot make a good decision based on merit any more. It is just like the body, if you do not watch what you eat, and if you do not give the body a variety of food that contains a variety of nutrition (=variety of vitamins) while avoiding fat and other junk food, but also, and always perform some sport activities to keep the body fit while burning the excessive fat, and if you don’t do that, then some part of the bodies will miss some vitamins and will get sick and you will get much overweight, which will make you more susceptible for all kind of sicknesses and diseases, and so it is also with our intelligence, if you keep on watching junk things such as sports on TV, movie, TV series, advertisements, all this will blow many holes in your intelligence, because these are not knowledge, these are damaging activities for your intelligence, as a result your intelligence will be overweight with junk watch and will not serve you will when you have problems = slavery. Therefore most government members are making their decisions not on merit what is best for the people, but rather what is the best for either my family or the controlling families that raised me since very young age to serve their interest as a government member = con business and not government business, because government business is people’s business, anything else is a lie and a steal of the general public while enslaving them to work 3-7 jobs enable to have enough money to pay the necessary bills while not being able to afford a vacation, and that not only I saw countless times in USA, but it was applied on me and as a result I did not have a vacation since 1983, yet a president of USA, such as the ex-president Donald Trump was going on vacation not only almost every weekend, but also 2-3 times per year for 1-14 days’ vacation. Where is the democracy and freedom in this, beside when does this stupid man as president have time to work in the interest of the people beside golfing and vacationing and campaigning = at least 50% of his time and the other 50% he is either sleeping, eating, watching TV, tweeting and when he has time then he perform some work while the media is watching him = con business, he is not governing, and beside that he is too stupid to govern, his secretaries are governing and using him as scapegoat for all the bad things they are doing and stealing of the tax payers???!!!

15.Every time a new government is taken over by the one political party or another, then they undo what the opponent party has done in the last 4-8 years, and this is most definitely working very destructively against the general public in USA and the UK and is also effecting other countries very destructively!

16.The UK + the Rockefeller, especially those in the Middle East and in particular through Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, India and Pakistan and some countries in Africa, are always sending people to other countries and make them have fake identities and then send them to USA with this fake identity to help have fresh allies that will support them in the governments either to become a government member or to help in enslaving politicians with telepathy, while showing as if they are democratic and have a variation in the government, from Hispanic to Asian to Muslims to Jewish to native Americans and so on; and I know many of these humanity traitors live n and around Washington, D.C., but also they are in state governments, especially in financial and petroleum states, such as New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, North Dakota, California, Alaska, and others. These individuals have absolutely no loyalties to anyone, and not even to USA, their loyalty is only to the money and the network  that arranged all that for them, and they represent danger not only to the USA, but for the entire world, because they are organized crime network that use the American military power to steal other countries for their natural resources such as they did with most to all of the Middle East and the so-called Arab countries, and the last and most recent are Afghanistan, Iraq. Yemen and Syria, whereby Syria petroleum is not publicized because Syria is also a huge illegal drug country and this in partnership with Iran, Lebanon for the English royalties, and their hidden American relatives in USA such as the Rockefeller families that use the American military bases in and around the Middle East to transport and distribute these illegal drugs worldwide!!

17.The US president can hire and fire whomever he wants within the American federal government employee’s establishment, which amount to over 9 million Federal employees = more than 9,000,000 employees. Where he has no knowledge of what they do, yet he can fire and hire only based on personal interest and that is wrong. Above all he can fire and hire employees among others by these departments: FBI, CIA, DEA, Homeland security, US department of Interpol, and above all Justice Department, and there with a president that is heavily engaged in illegal activities such as the 2 ex-Bush presidents as well the ex-US president Donald Trump were and still are, then they can prevent the security agencies of investigating them or bringing them to justice, and even Donald Trump performed countless crimes against women, men and con-business with Trump university, but also firing the FBI director because he was investigating him=corruptions, while all the impeachments are really worthless, even if the president was convicted by the Senate, it is still a scam and a show, because he lose his job and the vice president takes over = the same shit all over again, while no one can imprison the president, a congressman or congresswoman or a senator = free to do any illegal and criminal activity just hide it, yet when one of the general public perform 3 small crimes, such as stealing from supermarket, then he goes to jail for life and until his death = no mercy, no empathy, no understanding, no democracy and no freedom = no intelligence, just like the criminals members of my fake family, they help in kidnapping children, rape them, cause them total amnesia, brainwash them and enslave them all their lives and these criminals psychopaths get away with it because they are members of the Jordanian royal family, Saudi Arabian Royal family, English royal family, members of the Rockefeller and Bush family while disguised to be Syrian and they get away with it because they learned it of the English royalties and the Rockefeller family and the totally messed up and absolute corrupt American government where a president can do what he wants to whom he wants and whenever he wants and no one can do anything about it just as these criminals psychopaths Reagan and Bush kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and kept me literally as a slave covered up by forcing me to be illegal alien, and who did they use to do that(?): the FBI, International institute of Connecticut, Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, American Express with their affiliates at that time called Shearson Lehman and Brothers, and this with the command of ex-US vice president that later become US president called George H. W. Bush to cover up for these fake family of mine that is working for them as Saudi Arabian royal family that pretend to be 1600 years old, and in reality they were set together after the year 1900 = falsifying history and no one can do anything about it because these are criminals in the government and protected by the bad and wrong laws of this governments that caused  me losing my freedom for over 67 years, because even today I am still forced to be busy with the destructions that these criminals performed upon my life since at least 10/11 January 1960

18.Last but by far not least, each time a new president takes over the presidency of USA he brings in all his allies and often also partners in crimes, and no one can question them, except the staged senate hearing of the new elected/selected secretaries of the 12 American government departments (=ministries), which is nothing else than a show as if they have democracy and freedom. The only freedom this represent is the freedom that they take or steal to deceive others. None of these secretaries are examined psychologically, mentally, If he/she has an identical twin or identical lookalike, none of them is checked if they have a fake identity and are in reality originated from the English royalties or Rockefeller families coming from oversea over Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Jordan and the list is endless, just as most members of my fake family also did, such as the Baroudi, Bdeir/Budier + Abokurah + Malas + Tabaa, Kheir families alias a hidden Jordanian royal family members in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, but also USA, UK, Germany and other countries; and all these families were 100% integrated by the English royalties and their relatives ex-German royalties = Nazis + Rockefeller families starting the 1940s and throughout 1960s and until they took me from the Middle East to Germany in October 1969 and then forced me to live in isolation in the concentrated evil American military base McGraw kaserne in Munich and enslaved me under their whore agent called Anita Disbray that isolated me by force (backed up by the CIA + MI6 + BND) from August 1970 to September 1977 just to cover up for these nasty families that made my life to hell. No one person is allowed to pick all ministers or secretaries for an entire country, because he will select only those that are beneficial for him and not for the country, just as the ex-US president Donald Trump 100% selected representative of several organized crime families as his secretaries, and as a result they stole the budget of USA blindly while distributing the man made Corona virus against the EU and China to weaken their economy, but what can I say, they are stupid and did not foresee that it will not only spread in USA through the same military that spread it in the EU and China, but also it opened the door for several unknown to me countries, to retaliate and quickly create a copycat corona virus and spread it right back in the UK and USA that they call it the UK variant, the South African variant and the Brazilian variant and other variant as if these viruses developed their selves through mutations, which is bull shit, cow shit and horse shit and lies, it was nothing else than retaliations. And this alone shows how bad is the political settings in USA that one mentally deranged man such as ex-USA Donald Trump (in reality he is a hidden slave through telepathy that supposed to be blamed for all the bad doings of the English royalties and the Rockefeller families), and everything they have done between in USA between 3 November 2020 (election day) and 6 January 2021 (the insurrection against the government of USA in Washington D.C.), or even until today, is 100% to show as if ex-US president Donald Trump is not a hidden slave as I was, but rather as if he is in control and responsible for all these vicious acts against his own country, which is theoretically and practically impossible, not only because he is stupid, but rather because all the groups that took part on the insurrection on 6 January 2021 are controlled by different controlling families of these different states and were forced to believe it is all for Donald Trump, this alone shows how powerful is telepathy  in combination with networking that can create a deceive that is very difficult and tough to spot, but I along with many others can spot it because of my experience with these nasty controlling families, this does not mean that all controlling families are nasty, but these ones are I am complaining about most definitely are and should never have the opportunity to ever again build a US government, otherwise they will and with no doubt what so ever create or cause a new Third World War that no one can afford except them, because it will cost us, human, unforeseen catastrophic losses from hundreds of millions or possibly Billions of death to massive destruction of infrastructure in countless countries just as they did to Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Libya, and prior to that between 1941 and 1970 UK, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, France, Japan, Vietnam, Philippine, Indonesia and the list is much longer. That is why this US presidential system must be eliminated and replaced by a much stronger, better, safer, and much more efficient system than the current US system is, otherwise it is just a matter of time until the next worldwide catastrophe that they will then blame it on someone else such as the EU, or China, or Russia, or North Korea, or Iran or others!


All the above is wrong and is not democracy nor it is freedom. It is a con-business, anything else is a pure lie!


Below I am suggesting an alternative way that will not only bring along a real democracy and freedom for the entire population of USA and the UK, but it will also allow them to see the blind section that they either never saw or refused to see, which is: empowering others brings an automatic tremendous reward as highlighted below. As a side effect, USA and the UK can shine again on the world if they follow a real democratic and freedom process to empower the entire population, then no matter what happens, no family in USA or the UK can ever starve or be homeless. And this will most definitely shine most positively on the entire world!


But first let us look at some of the facts as mentioned above, and to do that by looking at the below images with their small notes and see if they tell you something.


These are the images of some of the most successful businessmen that literally changed the world most positively, not perfect I may add, but most positive.


Then look at the American government leaders and what they did based on their age.


The first image is a collection of photos of 6 persons that changed the world in the last 2 decades and some even in the last nearly 5 decades, and what they did and what totally went unnoticed is that they empowered people, Billions of them worldwide, in different ways, and these new empowered people many of them were 100% slaves, others were forced to live under strict laws that prevent them to advance in life, and these 6 persons changed all that not yet for every human being out of our world population, of nearly 8 Billion population on this planet, but very close to it and it will most definitely sooner or later have a very positive effect or impact on every single human being on this earth because of what these 6 men did. Very unfortunately I cannot say the same about the British or American governments (!!). And best of all, they are only 6 out of countless others that also empowered people in different ways and maybe not as much, and here I just wanted to give an example that 6 men are doing much more than several thousand government employees, from queen, to prime minister to president to minister to secretary of defense and so on, in matter of fact these 6 gentlemen repaired many damages that the governments of USA and the UK did in at least the last 100 years or even 500 years.


The other images are of persons of the American government that should not be in the government and governing over us, because of one simple reason, that if I take this reason and lay it out, then it will be countless other major reasons, and this one simple reason is: They are too old and are either near the retirement age or they past it long time ago, and their brain is one track because they have been doing the same job day in and day out and their brain/intelligence is just get hardening and degrading, not to forget the one or another is following the one or another ideology that is most definitely not in the interest of the people that they are governing, beside, they are the servant of the people and they should not govern them, but rather manage or better yet, administer the country for them, that is if there is a democracy and freedom in USA, which I never saw it in 15 years living by force of kidnapping in USA , and I do not mean only about myself, but about the 330 Million American citizens + 30 Million illegal aliens that are nothing else than 100% slaves, not hidden slaves, but directly slaves with no rights what so ever, no country in the world has this amount of slavery in the world, except the USA, not Russia and not China, because if a Russian has a citizenship, then he is also given certain rights, and that is also valid for China and all other countries, but when you tell 30 Million you have no rights because you are illegal alien, you cannot complain otherwise you would be arrested, you cannot file by the government for help otherwise you will be arrested, you cannot pay taxes otherwise you will be arrested, you cannot get social security otherwise you will be arrested and you cannot have a bank account, you cannot open a post office box,  you cannot apply to work for the government, or any municipality, in matter of fact you cannot board any airplane on a national or international flights because you need an ID, you cannot call the police in case someone attacks you or beat you up, because the first thing the police will do is ask for ID, you don’t have an ID you will be arrested and many other things = 100% slavery for 30 Million persons living in USA. I do not know of any other country in the world that have so much slavery, not to mention many American farmers in the central of USA hire illegal alien and lock them up while paying them pennies instead of Dollars = this is the alleged best democracy and biggest freedom in the world. No thank you, you keep it, I took the highway (!!). I see all that when I look at image 2, I see sadistic criminals that are helping the controlling families cover up all that and much more, therefore they must go and be replaced by a real democracy and freedom that would then apply for each individual living person in USA, and then all other problems that we currently have with USA as it is highlighted at the begin of this complaint page, will automatically be solved and gradually disappear of our lives and a new picture of real freedom and democracy will be born. This is a dream, but it is achievable!


After the images I will offer a solution for this mass brainwash and destruction on countless Millions of Americans and also worldwide destructions while pretending to be fighting terrorism!


P.S.: One of the best things that ex-US president Barak Obama did was the alleged killing of Osama Ben Laden, whereby I strongly believe he did not die, but rather they killed his international identity that was 100% created by the English royalties and the Rockefeller families in the 1980s and was sent by the CIA to Afghanistan to pretend to be helping follow Muslims against ex-Soviet Union that invaded Afghanistan in 1979. In other words these controlling families, the English royalties and the Rockefeller families were using their own agent as a terrorist enable to have a reason to steal Afghanistan, which they did, and it is 100% the same pattern as Yasser Arafat and the PLO to have a reason to steal more Palestinian land while distracting all Arabs of their own vicious governments that are puppets of UK and USA while the UK and USA are blaming everything on the PLO and Palestinians and claiming all Palestinians are terrorists and this went on from 1960s to the 1990s and then they replaced the PLO with Al-Qaida = Osama Bane Laden and here too the English royalties and the Rockefeller families were blaming every misery in the world on Al-Qaida and Osama Ben Laden, and when Mr. Barak Obama killed the identity of Osama ben Laden, the English royalties and the Rockefeller families could not use Osama Ben Laden and Al-Qaida as distraction for their own bad and destructive doings any more, and that I see as a very intelligent move, because it minimized the destructions, yet they quickly created new ones such as DAESH/ISIS as distraction of the viciousness of the English royalties and the Rockefeller families in Saudi Arabia, in matter of fact many countries learned of the English royalties and also adapted this strategy of creating a terrorist organization to use as a scapegoat for their own bad doings, and as a result we have countless terrorist organizations, most of them are 100% fake (for more info see ), in matter of fact and today they blame everything on Iran, but also on China and Russia, which is an old strategy that they have been using for as long as I can remember, which is making people believe that they are the victims (they meaning UK and the USA) and are being attacked by others to force the general public to feel sorry for them and therewith believe all the lies that they feed them. And this strategy was used in an overblown way by the ex-US president Donald Trump + his psychopaths White House Administration members


My respect to Mr. Barak Obama and his previous administration, because with this one small action that went unnoticed, he saved the lives and the properties of many worldwide, at least for a short while until they created a new terrorist group as a new scapegoat !!



The 6 businessmen that changed the world very positively with their actions by empowering Billions of other people worldwide!!!



Other images-1

The so-called leaders of the free and democratic world that brought mainly destruction to their own people and to the world, and here I am skipping all the staff that they choose as White House Staff or White House Administration, but also, their secretaries (=minister), such as secretary of state (=Minister for foreign affairs) and their advisors, that many of them are their hidden relatives and organized crime partners = controlling family’s slaves!


Meet some of the too old men to be presidents of USA, whereby many of them brought destruction to the world and blamed it on fake terrorism

Harry S. Truman,

            (Born on May 8, 1884 – died on December 26, 1972)

            In office April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953

            took office as he was 61 years old and until 69

TOO OLD     


As a result, 2 X atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and a  couple of hundreds of Thousands died within seconds and many more later!

Ronald Reagan,

            Ronald Wilson Reagan (born on February 6, 1911 – died on June 5, 200)

            In office January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989

            took office as he was 70 years old and until 78

TOO OLD     


As a result, an extended Iran-Iraq War for 8 years

George H. W. Bush,

            George Herbert Walker Bush (Born 12.06.1924 – Died on 30.11. 2018)

            In office January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993

            took office as he was 65 years old and until 69

TOO OLD     


As a result, Iraq Kuwait war and the preplanned continuation of Iraq overtake and then to Afghanistan but lost the election to Bill Clinton and they put Afghanistan and Iraq on hold for now and until George W. Bush took office 8 years later



Bill Clinton,

            William Jefferson Clinton (born om 19.08.1946)

            In office January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001

            took office as he was 47 years old and until 55       


No wars

It would have been better if he took office as he was 40 or 42, which is the ideal age if the person was systematically prepared for it in an official public manner!

George W. Bush,

            George Walker Bush (born 6.07.1946)

            In office January 20, 2001 – January 20, 2009

            took office as he was 55 years old and until 63

TOO OLD     


As a result, the preplanned Afghanistan war and invasion of Iraq was performed to steal both countries and install new puppets that started with Kurdish in Iraq and Afghani educated in USA = American allies = American puppets, and now they are all Americans and British  disguised as Afghani and Iraqis just like my evil fake family was also used for!!

Barak Obama,

            Barack Hussein Obama II (born on 4.08.1961)

            In office January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017

            took office as he was 48 years old and until 56       


No wars

It would have been better if he took office as he was 40 or 42, which is the ideal age if the person was systematically prepared for it in an official public manner!



Donald Trump,

            Donald John Trump (born 14.06. 1946)

            In office January 20, 2017 – January 20, 2021

            took office as he was 71 years old and until 75

TOO OLD     


As a result, Yemen war, Syrian war and slaughtering Syrian Kurds,  banning certain Muslims countries from entering USA, mutilated the live of South American refugees and stealing their children, helping in stealing more Palestinian land, helping in widening the gap between Palestinian, Israeli, UAE, Sudanese and Moroccans, killing Jamal Khashoggi, killing Qasem Soleimani, waging the trade war against Canada, Mexico, China and the EU-European Union, stealing unknown amount of Billions of US dollars, distributing the COVID-19 in China and EU to damage their economy and force them to submit to his demands and many others and above all planning and encouraging the insurrection against the American government on 6 January 2021

Joe Biden,

            Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (born on 20.11.1942)

            Assumed office January 20, 2021

            took office as he was 79 years old and until ?? at least until

            2025 = 83 years old, or possibly until 2029, then he would be 88 years old, too old

TOO OLD     


As a result of his age, he has a problem of remembering. However, performed in the first 2 weeks many good actions rebuilding the destruction performed by ex-US president Donald Trump, while most probably enriching the banks (English royalties + Rockefeller families) that will finance his alleged investments in USA = more or bigger  US debts = more poor people on the long term!





Other image-2

122 out of 435 US Congress House of Representatives are between 60 and 69 years old!!!

This is the retirement age!!!

The below next image is even worse!

For more info on the members of the US congress see the pages: US House of Representatives and US Senators. I copied sort by age, from: and   



Other image-3

65 out of 435 US Congress House of Representatives are between 70 and 80 years old!!!

This is past retirement age!!!

The below next image is even much worse!


Other image-4

11 out of 435  US Congress House of Representatives are between 80 and 90 years old

This is much past the retirement age!!!



Other image-5

44 out of 100 US Senators are between 60 and 70 years old!!!

This is the retirement age!!!

The below next image is even worse!


Other image-6

21 out of 100 US Senators are between 70 and 80 years old!!!

This is past  the retirement age!!!

The below next image is even much worse!


Other image-7

5 out of 100 US Senators are between 80 and 90 years old!!!

This is much past the retirement age!!!

All in all 70 out of 100 US Senators are too old to be intelligent enough to govern or even better said to administer the country for over 330 Million Americans and their territories worldwide, but again they have no saying, mainly the president (=King just different letters and colors) have control over the foreign affairs and as a puppet of the controlling families, he is just the speaker of the controlling families that perform all actions for their own personal gains!


The information within is just as comparison with the members of the US government and to help you see the effect of age and real training that builds proper intelligence. All the persons in the above  Image-1-A have retired of their own company that they founded first and are working on other projects to take their intelligence to the next level!!

Meet the founders of Microsoft Corporation, and many other companies and organizations worldwide:

Company info:

The company was founded in 1975, today it is the third world’s most valuable company


Founder-1: Mr. Bill Gates,

Born on: 28.10.1955

Age as he started the company: 20 years young

Retired age:  51 years young in June 2006


Founder-2: Mr. Paul Allen,

Born on: 21.01.1953, unfortunately died young on 15.10.2018

Age as he started the company: 22 years young

Retired age: 30 years young mid 1983 (due to cancer sickness)


Note added on 2.10.2021: both  above mentioned persons are younger than me by 2 and 3 years, yet as I was 20 years old my brain was equal at the most to 12 years old because they intentionally caused me total amnesia in 1960 and prevented me to grow intelligence by forcing me to be isolated most of my life! (End of added)


As a result of their work, please see the page “Thank You” under the section Microsoft. But in short:

They empowered millions of small businesses worldwide but also empowered countless Millions or even Billions to be able to afford a PC that in 1982 in Germany with their first operating system called MS-DOS was less than 5 Thousand and if you look around then even 2-3 Thousand Deutsch mark, prior to that a mini computer price start roughly at 60 Thousand Deutsch Mark, today you can buy a PC starting at less than 300 Euro and if you look around you might even find one under 200 Euro, cheaper than TV. What they did to reach that, among others forced a so-called open system on the market by selling their Operating System called PC-DOS that was specifically developed only for IBM, modified it a bit and renamed it and allowed hundreds of computer company to compete which lowered the prices dramatically, today we have thousands of companies that build PC and 70% of the PC market is open system based on Microsoft Operating systems that evolved to Windows Server and Windows 10!

In the year 1981

In the year 2013



Meet the founder of and many other companies and organizations worldwide:

Company info:

The company was founded in 5.07.1994, today it is the fourth world’s most valuable company


Founder: Mr. Jeff Bezos,

Born on: 12.01.1964

Age as he started the company: 30 Years old

Retired age:  57 years young , it was announced to be in between July and September 2021, for more info see:


Mr. Jeff Bezos has created many companies and organization in various fields. Yet and while he is doing that he was through and through empowering countless other businesses and also people in general by allowing them to connect to other resellers in other areas worldwide, and therewith also empowered the small and even medium size and large companies that manufacture these products. A good business does not know prejudices, nor division through religion, skin color, age, or whatever manmade division we constantly meet in our lives. In other words, Amazon allowed people in USA to purchase products from Germany directly through a German reseller located in Germany that ships to USA, and the same is valid for almost each country in the world. But also, opened many other doors in many other areas, through business ideas, even into the space travel for the general public (in testing phase). In contrast the company Chevron (=Rockefeller) not only totally mistreated me and performed countless brainwash actions against me, but also used their CEO to become Vice President Dick Cheney (Added on 2.100.202: he was the CEO of Halliburton and not Chevron, my mistake, sorry. End of added) with George W. Bush enable he can push ex-President George W. Bush to illegally invade Iraq enable they can steal the petroleum of Iraqis and sell it to the American military with inflated prices, while totally pushing Iraqis to an endless poverty even today in 2021, where Iraq was considered to be one of the wealthiest countries in the Middle East under the ex-president Sadam Hussein, where everyone had a job and high income and they even had over one Million foreign workers from all over  the world, and today the Iraqi population is one of the poorest populations worldwide thanks to the greed and destructive actions of the criminally insane and psychopaths Rockefeller and English royalties families. Last but not least, He set a standard in USA to be the only major large company to set the minimum wage for their employees to be 15 US Dollars per hour. Keep up the good work Mr. Jeff Bezos, and may God give you the strength and wisdom to empower even much more people.

In the year 1994

In the year 2020


Meet the founders of and many other companies and organizations worldwide:

Company info:

The company was founded on 04.09.1998, today it is the second world’s most valuable company


Founder-1: Mr. Larry Page,

Born on: 26.03.1973

Age as he started the company: 25 years young

Retired age:  28 years young , in 2001


Founder-2: Mr. Sergey Brin,

Born on: 21.08. 1973

Age as he started the company: 25 years young,

Retired age:  46 years old in December 2019


Meet the Google founders that empowered people by giving them the possibility to research online and find information, products and services or even sell products and services that was not possible prior to 1998, at least not on this scale. But also, it allows a human being to learn and search information or connect with other unknown people. Me personally, and alone through their work  and creation of I saved a ton of money and time, by not have to buy expensive dictionaries or encyclopedias, reading books, professional training, researching for my unknown to me past and the list is endless, and I am one out of 4.66 billion that have access to, which is 59% of the world population. But they did not stop there, they created various work platforms, and cloud applications, but also are busy with other projects not related directly or indirectly to the Internet or even IT. Today google is more part of my daily life than food, drinks, sports, and many other things combined. These 2 gentlemen have empowered Billions in business lives as well as in education, research, pleasure, and every other aspect of our lives. They retired indirectly to have more time to develop other projects based on the knowledge and intelligence they gained so far, and therewith, and unlike the White House administration members and the members of the US Congress, they are constantly growing their intelligence while empowering others through various sectors of our lives.

In the year 1998

In the year 2000




Meet the founders of and many other companies and organizations worldwide, Company info:

The company was founded on 28.06.1999,

Founder: Mr. Jack Ma,

Born on: 10.09. 1964

Age as he started the company: 35 years old

Retired age:  54 years young , in 2018


Alibaba today is from my point of view one of the most valuable companies in the world, yet it is not listed as such in USA, because many Americans companies such as Apple, HP, government and countless others dislike China because China is gaining fast technological and economic advancement and some people in USA that rely on fear, division and con-business are afraid of China bypassing USA technologically and economically, which they will, sooner or later because of the one simple fact, they have a treasure of human beings through their 1.3 Billion population, in comparison with USA 0.33 Billon population, the USA have a treasure of slavery, fear and division enforcements upon the world. I do not see China creating countless wars all over the world, or have several hundred military bases worldwide, I do not see them forcing refugees to sleep on the streets, I do not see them sending a team to assassinate others, I do not see the Chinese government kidnap children cause them total amnesia, rape them as a mean of brainwash, brainwash them give them by force to a fake family that consist of CIA + MI6 agents that would do anything to anyone to coverup  their identity while pretending to be native of the country that they are trying to steal, which all I saw personally through my evil fake family in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Germany, Switzerland, UK, USA and also in other countries where I did not visit


Alibaba for businesses and AliExpress for the end users/consumers that sell not only Chinese products, but also other none-Chinese products and services worldwide, but also it is more affordable than ever before and is helping resellers and buyers get together. No one can afford to buy US products, because they are either too expensive or they lack quality, but even if I skip the quality, more poor countries are able to buy from AliExpress than ever before, even in richer countries, poor people such as myself cannot afford many necessary products locally, so I buy them for 70-90% and even some time 99.5% cheaper than locally and I am not the only one. Such as masks as protection during the pandemic, locally it is 1-2 Euro for one mask, and at AliExpress I paid 0.35 at the begin and 0.06 Euro later for the same quality mask, where is US or British products in this pandemic?

In the year 1999

In the year 2020


When you look at the above images from Image-1-A to Image-1-E, did the US Government or English royalties do anything in the last 300 years that comes close to what the above 6 gentlemen did in the last 20-30 years worldwide and empowering several Billion human beings and this without any soldiers or guns, or Airforce or Navy or mass killing among others through the COVID-19 that was 100% spread by the Whitehouse Administration of ex-US president Donald Trump as it is explained in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version2?


I don’t think so, because the US government are puppets of controlling families and most of them are working only for the interest of the controlling families that go around the world make wars, kill others, and steal their land and natural resources while enslaving the general public, and that I saw myself countless times, even in Europe!


Another important point, the above businesses that were founded by the above 6 gentlemen, do not discriminate when they offer their services to others, they do not shoot at Afro-Americans when they use or buy their products or services, they do not say, sorry, you are gay, and I do not sell or deal with gays, but also they do not say, I do not believe in God or I believe only in this religion or that religion and do not do business with Muslims, or Jewish or Christians, or Hindu, or Chinese, or Nazis, or Mafia or I do not do business with this group of people or that group of people, because if they do, then they will lose money, and this is very unfortunate that in our world only good businesses do not discriminate and it does not divide people, or have you ever heard that Google says Microsoft is spying on people for the American government, just as many American companies and government members claim about many countries that they cannot compete with such as China, what a shame.


We, other human beings, on the other side we are forced to discriminate and we are losing a lot, maybe not a visible money amount as one of the companies would lose if they discriminate, but we are losing our intelligence and a piece of our lives, because we avoid certain group of people because we are told that they are not good, such as most Arab government that are nothing else than puppets of USA and the UK, tell their population, and I had to live in some of these countries because they kidnapped me as child, they tell us Jewish are bad people, they are damned by God and God hates them and will put them all in the ever burning hell. Today, I am asking myself, really, do you really believe these lies that you are brainwashing people just to have a reason to blame your own doings on the manmade fake enemy. Or they say God is against Yoga and Hinduism or Buddhism, because they lie to you, deceive you to steal your soul, here too, really, I have a soul that leave my body (!?), God hates Yoga, yet he created human being that invented yoga to keep the body and mind healthy through light sport and meditations, what kind of God do I have that dislike everything he created directly or indirectly and is good for me?


I like Jewish, Hindu, Buddhism, Muslims, even Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, and Scientologists. I like them not because I believe in their philosophies, but rather because they were created by God, that is if there is God, and maybe there is many Gods, I do not know, I just see the creation that showing me clearly and showing all of us that it was created by intelligence, and nature does not have intelligence, because it does not have a brain, nature is a man like created program and we call God, I like these people because they are just like me, they believe in what they told because most of them are good hearted people and trust their follow man and believe in what they are told, whereby most of it is wrong and lies!


I am very thankful that these above 6 gentlemen started all these businesses, because they gave me hope and gave hope to the general public based on touchable facts, while persons like the ex-US presidents: Donald Trump + George W. Bush + George H. W. Bush + Roald Reagan, destroy not only the self-confidence of other human beings, but they also use their brainless destructive and automated killer machine called military to destroy the actual lives by mass killing people, then they claim: They were all terrorist and wanted to kill America (??) = Psychopaths!!


I did not see anyone that say I want to see all Americans dead. With all the absolute nasty, sadistic and most destructive things that the mentally sick hand full of people that happened to be Americans and British and stole literally everything of me, by enslaving me and then caused me to be unjustly locked up for nearly 14 years, and yet I do not want to see any American get hurt, or any other human being for matter of fact, not even the very nasty and sadistic fake family that literally killed my life as cover up for the English royalties and the Rockefeller and Bush families.

Last but not least, while the above 6 business persons delivered empowerments to countless human beings worldwide, the English royalties + The Rockefeller families and through their hidden slave ex-US president Donald Trump White House Administration, delivered the COVID-19 virus in October/November 2019 to China and the EU to force them economically to collapse and to accept their demands of tariffs and Brexit, which not only they shot their selves in the foot because they are too stupid to foresee the consequences of their own doings, but also brought a plague upon the entire world, and give a guess what, the Chinese economy is the only economy in the world that has survived so far the Covid-19 attack with an economical gain = we can all learn of China!


Before I offer or suggest a proper solution to this madness called UK + USA frenzy, I like to add a few more information that will enable the reader to better understand the reasoning of these solutions.


UK and USA, leaderships (=prime ministers and presidents), hide MPD-Multiple Personality disorder strategies, which are from my point view the most dangerous acts in the world for any human being. Therefore, I place it as number one problem that is causing worldwide wars, famine and countless slaveries, and here I do not mean the so-called “Modern Slavery”, but rather real slavery through hidden slavery. Modern slavery was invented by CNN as distraction of real slavery and hidden slavery, in that they limiting the slavery to prostitution and children slavery and not even mentioning the illegal alien slavery in USA, and that is wrong and dangerous for the wellbeing of every one, because they are repeating this process in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and in all other so-called Arab petroleum countries including Libya, Yemen, many countries in Africa and elsewhere in the world such as in the so-called 54 Commonwealth countries!


Therefore I am looking at the head of the snake, and this head of the snake is the position of the US presidency, that allows any mentally sick and dangerous person to become president and terrorize the world as Ronald Reagan did, George H. W. Bush did, George W. Bush did, as well as the very lately ex-US president Donald Trump and his entire white house administration did, which was a catastrophe for the entire world, from Canada to South America, from the EU to China and from Russia to Yemen and South Africa.


And here I am suggesting a totally different approach to prevent another Adolf Hitler of ever taking control and starting another war of any kind, physical war, economic war, border war, pandemic  vaccine war, manufacturing war, which is different than economic war in that it is a specific attack on certain sectors such as attacking the Chinese computers and mobile phone manufacturing, which can happen in the future again against India, African countries, European countries or South American countries and that must never happen again as the criminal White House Administration of ex-USA president Donald Trump did to mainly protect illegally the Apple and HP companies = they were the head masters of Donald Trump, and he was their puppet, actually he was a multi-purpose puppet for many players and that is why he was so controversial in his rhetoric’s!


Also, and this is a very important fact, USA and others must stop of using president that has an identical  twin or an almost identical look cousin, because I strongly believe, that this double has mainly 3 usages, which should be by law illegal:

1.     If the president is killed in any way what so ever, then his double takes over and that is cheating, lies, illegal, unlawful, immoral, unethical and absolutely criminal, for example if ex-US president Ronald Reagan really was killed through the shot gun, then his lookalike took over, or if ex-USA president Donald Trump died in summer 2020 or October 2020 due to corona virus infection, then his double took over to prevent that his vice president to take over. I am not saying they die, I am saying only about the possibility, and many of US president have a double this is not good. For more info about ex-US president Donald Trump having the corona virus see: ( ) + ( ) + ( ), and when considering that ex-US president Donald Trump has a very heavy make up on, which is a pattern to cover up the difference between him and his double, which I saw many times in my life within my fake family. Then that is through and through criminal

2.     To allow a person with telepathy to exchange places with the president and force his own agenda

3.     To allow one to be born in one country exchange places with another person in another country, as I saw several times over in my fake family


Beside the position of US president is nothing else than king and queen just with a different description and different color,  as president and First Lady. First lady my foot. In a democracy no one is number one, yet in USA the president and his wife are the king and queen, which was very visible with the ex-US president Donald Trump that performed countless damage worldwide and no one is able to stop this criminal and his even more criminal White House Administration. In matter of fact, I live at the moment in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the Royal family has performed more good for their own people than any other country has ever done for their own people, at least between the countries that I have visited so far, which are over 16 countries and over 20 US states, while each US state counts like a country, because the word state is another word for the word country, and when I think that a mentally sick person takes control of USA and then throw a few atomic bombs upon Dutch people that have been treated much better by their own government than the American people by their own hidden president, then I think this is a horror of our world just as it was the case in First and Second World Wars. Therefore the position of US president is one of the most dangerous and totally uncontrollable positions in the world, yet they call it different, they call it the leader of the worldwide democracy or the leader of the free world, free world my foot, which is not true, or they call it the most powerful position in the world, and that is typical British and American that they uses a violent scary rhetoric, the real expression should be the most destructive position in the world, or the most scary position in the world, because that is what this position is in reality and ex-US president Donald Trump is the prove, but also all the other republican presidents at least since Ronald Reagan were 100% psychopaths and were only a front for the hidden real psychopaths that were controlling them, and made them look like a psychopaths.


The solution for that is to abolish the position of the US presidency and replace it by a group of persons that already exist, which are the secretaries of USA (in other countries they call them ministers).


But this is not enough, we should use our intelligence and plan ahead of time. If the ex-US White house Administration proved anything, then it would be that they were lairs and thieves that walked over dead bodies to enrich their selves and then blame it all on one person their boss the ex-president Donald Trump. Just look at the 2 impeachments that the congress did against ex-US president Donald Trump, they were useless and worthless, they just wasted time and taxpayer’s money that have been being wasted since over 200 years. But let us assume that the impeachment was successful, and they removed ex-USA president Donald Trump, who will then take over?


Besides, in a real democracy and country of freedom, no one can perform a crime and get away with it, but the US president and many government members do, because they have immunity, which very much means kill as many as you want, steal as much as you can carry or imagine and don’t worry you have immunity and no one can touch you!!!!???


Does this look to you like a democratic country?


Does this look to you like a country of freedom for everyone?


I don’t know your answer, in both cases my answer is most definitely big NO!


If ex-US president Donald Trump could have died, then his ex-vice president Mike Pence will take over and the entire criminal White House Administration will remain as it was=psychopaths and criminally insane, and they are more dangerous than Donald Trump himself, because a few of them have telepathy and have been controlling him with it, which very much means the hidden slave is gone but his masters remain, which will result that they get another hidden slave and continue on the same destructive path.


In short, the White House Administration have performed more damage worldwide than all other US presidents since 1945 or even since 1780. And that should not ever happen again.


Therefore, using our intelligence to plan ahead by training many persons since their age 18 to be a secretary, and let these youth go on a strict professional path to form their intelligence, compassion and caring for people, environment, industrial world, world economy and so on, and not just allow a person to work his way up and conspire with other to have a hidden slave that they promote to be president and then elect them as secretaries where they have absolutely no knowledge or experience what so ever about this division of the government just as the majority of the secretaries of ex-US president Donald Trump were, they were professional thieves and con-persons but had no knowledge or caring about people, housing, education, defense, economy, technology and so on.


There is no one person in the world that has the knowledge to be intelligent enough to be a president, therefore a US president rely on experience, knowledge, and the advice of his secretaries and external advisors, and here too no president has the knowledge or the wisdom to be able to make a sound decision about all the subjects of the world. Yet a group of persons that are trained since their age of 18 years old can be trained to be professional in Defense, or professional in Labor secretary, or housing, or economy and so on.


United States federal executive departments (=ministries)

(Go to index)

Here are the secretaries of USA ( ):

1.     Secretary of State

2.     Secretary of the Treasury

3.     Secretary of Defense

4.     Attorney General

5.     Secretary of the Interior

6.     Secretary of Agriculture

7.     Secretary of Commerce

8.     Secretary of Labor

9.     Secretary of Health and Human Services

10.Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

11.Secretary of Transportation

12.Secretary of Energy

13.Secretary of Education

14.Secretary of Veterans Affairs

15.Secretary of Homeland Security

16.Other that may be added in the future based on the future need


Cabinet-level officials as advisors to the board of secretaries:

1.     Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency

2.     Director of the Office of Management and Budget

3.     Director of National Intelligence

4.     Trade Representative

5.     Ambassador to the United Nations

6.     Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors

7.     Administrator of the Small Business Administration

8.     Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy Science Advisor to the President

9.     White House Chief of Staff


For more info about each of the 15 departments,










Health and Human Services:


Housing and Urban Development:





Veterans Affairs:

Homeland Security:


Currently USA have 15 secretaries, and when they all meet to make decisions for their departments needs while considering the needs of other department and the entire country, and then they will most definitely come up with much better and more effective decisions than one man can ever do, because one man think with one intelligence and one experience and both can be corrupt, where 2 men think for 2 and with 2 different experiences and therewith they make more effective decisions for 3 or 4 brains and the more they are the more sound is their decision, that is if they are raised intelligently for this position.


For each secretary position, they should select 15 persons age at the most 18 years old. And at the end who ever makes it through the training will be a hand full, then at the most 5-9 should be selected for this position as a secretary, and based on a point system that they accumulated during their training, and then the final 5-9 should be assigned as a group for this department, for example department of state, and the nine should elect between them one as the Secretary, and the rest should be a director of one of the sub-department.


I wrote 5-9, because I do not know how many sub-departments each department has. At the end we have a clear suitable secretary with 5-9 vice-secretaries.


Ideal will be that the 5-9 would be elected by the general-public out of maybe 15 to 30 persons,

just as they do with the presidential election. While on the same election pallet they can also elect who should be the number-1 choice and who is number-2 and so on, and therewith it is already decided who will be the secretary and who is going to take the place of the secretary in case something happened to him.


And in case one of 5-9 is unable to perform his duty out any reason whatsoever, then they should get the next one that was on the election pallets to take his place.


Yet what is important here, is that they had a training and they were educated accordingly based on the department’s need, and each of them is suitable to be a secretary and have the rest of the 5-9 as a group that help him make decisions, while the secretary is their representative in the board of country management that consist out of all the 15 secretaries that all together replace the position of the president and his shameful wife title as first lady, because in real democracy there is no one above the other, because they are all partners to manage the country’s affairs just like the employees of any other business or institution. An example is employee owned companies, whereby and based on my knowledge several companies in USA were converted to be employee owned companies and therewith all employees are partner in the company for more info see:



3. &


We train soldiers and officers, we train scientists, we train pilots, astronauts and many others but we do not train the most important positions in the country that supposed to make sound decisions for the entire population, as a result we get liars, deceivers and thieves that have only their private agenda on mind and not the wellbeing of the people and that must be changed, because currently it is 100% slavery.


A person that is going to be trained to be a secretary should have a preplanned schedule until he takes his first position at the government. I would think he/she should work for at least 15 years after his education of 6-10 years is completed, which will make him/her 39-43 years old when he start to work for the government, then he must go through the entire sections of his pre assigned department for at least 5 years to learn everything hands-on about the department from cleaning to supervisor, to manager and the whole way to secretary of this department, and then at age between minimum 44-48 he can become a secretary.


Every single year this person must go through a psychological evaluation to see if he/she is fit mentally or is, he/she a danger for the general-public.


At the end this secretary can be secretary for at the most 8 years and then must retire with his entire group of 5-9 vice secretaries and replaced with the next generation that was trained the same way, and there with the entire group will be replaced. With this strategy we make sure that the secretary has the newest education, newest knowledge and the up-to-date training based on the experience that was gathered through the last generation.


Any time one secretary get out of edge then all the secretaries meet together and within one hour based on a pre-designated plan they decide if he/she stays or he must be terminated of his position, and there with the Congress does not have to waste time and other valuable resources on impeachments that does not really mean much except it is a show for the general public to show as if they have democracy that is not working, just like the bad 4 years during ex-US president Donald Trump White House Administration!


The training of the secretary must include detailed training to build his intelligence, his compassion, his caring, his understanding, his empathy and every other feeling that will empower him to make a sound decision in the interest of the general public and not in the interest of the controlling families!


One big advantage of this concept is that no one person can decide to throw an atomic bomb against others, but rather and on a preplanned concept, all of the secretaries must agree, if one say no, then it is no. People of other countries are also people and not unneeded animals, just as it was the case in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


With this concept there is no need for a mad president just like the last 4 Republican presidents that killed more people worldwide than built lives, because they were 100% building life of wealth for their hidden families alias the controlling families that are willing to go over countless dead bodies to enrich their selves and in this process they lie and create a very destructive deceiving actions that allow them to steal other countries as they did in countless other countries such as Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia and many others !


But also there is no need for this very deceiving title as president that in reality is another word for king, and there is no need for the bad and most disgusting title “First Lady”, in my view , all women are ladies only if they behave like it and since God never placed one ahead of others, then the title First lady is equivalent to the title queen, and even though there is nothing wrong with the title queen, but in this case it is a deceive, a lie and a mass brainwash by  telling all the women in the country of USA “you are a second class lady”, because this mentally sick woman is the First lady, not all first ladies were mentally sick, but most definitely all First ladies that have nothing in mind except to give the general public a show, they are here in the wrong picture, such as Jackie Kennedy alias Jacki Onassis, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Pierce Bush, Laura Welsh Bush and Melania Knauss Trump and many before them!


In contrast to these unneeded above mentioned women there were these 3 intelligent women: Michelle Robinson Obama ( ), Hillary Rodham Clinton ( ), Jill Jacobs Biden ( ), which I have a great respect for them, yet I would never ever call a woman first lady, unless it is personal, and it is my wife, because every wife is the first lady of the husband and the husband is the first gentleman of the wife, but no one lady is above other ladies in a so-called democratic country such as USA that their democracy is nothing else but a mass brainwash.


Netherlands, and even though I have been severely mistreated by the government, yet if I take myself off the big picture of the Netherlands and look at them as a kingdom, they have gradually more democracy than in USA and that you can see clearly in many areas of their lives, among others that their laws does not allow anyone to go hungry or be homeless and that is democracy that is worth 1000 USA + 1000 UK, and the same I can say about Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other European countries, but also these countries treat foreigner better than USA and the UK treat their own population, and that I saw myself and can write a book about it whereby I mentioned many of it in this page, and the majority of these countries are kingdoms.


The title First lady is an insult to human intelligence, real democracy, freedom, and dignity of every single female and male human being, and it should be abolished ASAP.


With the solutions mentioned in this section we prevent criminally insane or hidden slaves that are often psychopaths to rule over hard-working honest citizens and above all to cause other countries as much damage as the last 4 republican president caused to countless other countries, whereby the last one of them, ex-US president Donald Trump Administration topped them and this without officially starting a war, who knows, maybe that is why he is so pest off for losing the presidency to Joe Biden, maybe he and his hidden masters  have another hidden agenda to be performed in his second term just as ex-US president George H. W. Bush also did and it was 100% planned to invade Afghanistan and Iraq in his second term, but he lost to ex-US president Bill Clinton and the most destructive political party in the world had to put their destructive stealing plans on hold until a another republican president takes over, which was 8 years later with George W. Bush alias the son of ex-US president George H. W. Bush = stealing tax payers money while mass murdering people in other countries is 100% family business and the Bush family proved that that were in control in Florida, Texas, Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City Missouri (with their corrupted company called UtiliCorp United) and above all the control of the Federal government of USA, and I saw that myself from 1984 and until 2001!


Above all, and with this concept we avoid that one person with telepathy take control of the safety  of the entire worldwide population. And if anyone with the 15 secretaries has telepathy or all of them have telepathy makes no difference anymore, because they can prevent one hidden slave like ex-US president Donald Trump to create countless damages through his hidden masters alias the members of his White House Administration and then force the blame on this one person called ex-US president Donald Trump then Donald Trump and then he is being punished while his masters go unpunished because they are invisible to the general public = mass brainwash in USA and this since it was established or even since it was discovered!


In matter of fact the more persons with telepathy are within these secretaries the better it will be, because no one can force them to do anything, very unfortunately persons with telepathy have been hiding their capabilities since centuries, and while some of them are psychopaths and perform many damages to other people, yet I believe most of them are good persons, yet they follow the tradition of hiding their capabilities of telepathy while misusing the persons without telepathy, which are far over 98%, and this tradition must be stopped that persons with telepathy trade others as their slaves and literally steal everything from them as these psychopaths did to me since my birth!


As a confirmation for the quality of this concept here are a few persons that I would like to introduce to you to show that if we plan to train persons for these positions they can become as good as these persons and make also sound decisions like they did and made them a fortune because their offerings served the general public and made them a huge service by empowering them and that can be repeated if we plan for it.


But first here is a side note, the Pentagon as well as the equivalent in the UK, which are military headquarters, have departments that do nothing else but imagine scenarios for cases to invade other countries in case of certain problems and accordingly prepare the suitable actions in case these scenarios/situations arise. But we do not plan for who is going to govern the country (govern is also the wrong wording, administer is the right democratic wording) and that is not democracy but rather hypocrisy and lies about democracy, because there is no democracy in USA, unless you think that democracy is limited only to be between parties that is mainly controlled by a handful of controlling families such as the English royal families and the Rockefeller families and both of them and based on my own life and what they did to me in the hidden are 100% organized crime families, and there with the so-called American democracy is only between organized crime families and not for the general public and that is why in USA there is mainly 2 political parties, Republican and Democrats and both are mainly controlled by these handful of controlling families. And that is not democracy!


Democracy does not kidnap children to enslave them and perform upon them unspeakable acts as it is stated in my complaint pages. Democracy does not kidnap adults to USA and keep them as slave illegal aliens. Democracy does not assassinate persons in other countries, democracy does not create environment for wars such as USA and the UK do in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, and countless other countries since only the last 40 years. Finally, democracy does not spread COVID-19 to destroy the economy of their allies the EU-European Union and their business partner China and then blame it on Chinese. This is not democracy; this is organized crime government!


And that is why USA must use the above concept or something similar and eliminate the position of presidency and First Lady that are nothing else than an invitation to a mad group of people to take control of it, steal their tax payers money and use the military to do the same in other countries and then claim they were terrorists, in other words the title president and first lady is nothing else than king and queen of USA just in different color and wordings, above all it is the most destructive and deadly position the world has ever seen in the last 200 years, that caused millions of death all over the world, and above all caused more slavery through poverty than ever before within their own country the USA and that too I saw myself!


If you look at the USA government, it has been a none successful government for so long, because their daily agenda is Embargo or sanctions, kill others and steal their land, assassinate their opponents, kidnap and enslave children, kidnap and enslave adults, prevent their own people to afford life itself, no employee has protection in USA, any employer can fire/dismiss any employee and give him/her 5 minutes to leave the company, preventing to allow their own population to have a health care system no matter if employed or not and the list is endless, which amount to an organized crime government because they are controlled by organized crime families such as the English royalties and their hidden relatives the Rockefellers families, that allow their selves everything that they are forbidding or preventing others of having, just look at what ex-USA president Donald Trump White House administration did for the last 4 years, some of them can be found within this page. But also look at each senator, state representative = congressmen/-women, state government employees and federal government employees, the higher you go in the government the better and wide variety of benefits you have while you are allowed in the hidden to steal as much as you can of the tax payers money among others by allowing their family members and their political partners that own businesses to sell products and services to the government with too inflated prices such as toilet paper roll pack of 10 for 35 US Dollar, or gasoline to the military for 5-10 US dollar per gallon in comparison, toilet paper in super market is usually sold for under 5-10 US Dollars and the gas at gas station is between 2-4 US Dollar per gallon = 3.79 liter. Which very much means that the politicians are stealing the taxpayer’s money blindly!


Therefore, I am presenting to you a better and more feasible and sounder alternative to govern/administer USA as highlighted above in the interest of the population and not in the interest of an organized crime families that goes around the world using the American brainless destructive machine called military on a tour of KAS-Kill and Steal!!


Look at real good people with multitrack intelligent that build an empire of good business that often and in several countries are considered to be one of the best companies to work for, because they treat their employees with dignity, such as Microsoft that was elected as best employer several times in several countries, but also Mr. Jeff Bezos as the only large company known to me in USA that are giving their employee a minimum or higher wage of 15 or more US Dollar, and therewith he is setting a standard for the entire country, where no government is daring to raise the minimum wages, and the current wages are far below the average in comparison with other industrialized countries such as EU, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and many others, which forced at least 30-40% of the American employee-force to take on a second or even 5 additional jobs enable to earn 2000 US Dollar monthly. But also look at Microsoft Corporation,  that received, and to my knowledge, at least 2 German awards as best employer in Germany, I cannot recall what years it was, yet I recall reading it somewhere 1-2 years ago.


Even though, I know many companies in other countries that are very capable, yet I am showing you persons from USA to China that are much more capable than the US government.


Some of the very successful people can protect their selves because they have telepathy and are trying to help as many people as they can while making money out of it, which the established organized crime families are doing the absolute opposite and are destructing lives as much as they can enable they can keep as many of the general public enslaved and desperate enough to force them to accept anything they offer them directly or indirectly = slavery.


USA are capable to duplicate the work of the persons mentioned above, if they become honest and help people stand on their own feet while empowering them as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Alibaba have empowered literally Billions of people worldwide, then we would have no problems in USA or in the UK or through them anywhere in the world!


Look at the above 6 persons and how they have alone empowered nearly 3-4 Billion people worldwide.


I did not add Apple of HP-Hewlett Packard, because I believe they are the cause why the ex-US president Donald Trump White House Administration created so many sanctions against China and even created a trade war to protect mainly these 2 companies. If these 2 companies are really as good as they claim to be, then there is no need for such stupid actions as they performed against China and the EU, where I see China as a great help to the worldwide poor because they allow them to afford to buy things that are otherwise unaffordable for them, while the EU is showing us all how a world without border can look like, and this while English royalties + USA + their hidden largest military base in the world called Israel are building walls as borders and making the country look like prison, while using their own companies or the companies of their relatives to build this stupid totally unnecessary and unneeded walls = stealing the tax payers money while enriching their construction companies. If you zoom on these companies that build the border walls in USA and Israel, you will soon realize they are business  partners and hidden relatives of the ex-US president Donald Trump and his evil White House administration and the same is valid in Israel and it is absolutely the same strategies as the ex-Soviet Union performed and build a wall in 1960/61 around Berlin to separate the East Germans of their relatives the West Germans, during which the big actor Ronald Reagan performed his best act ever as an alleged republican with his brainwash famous statement and I am quoting him “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall” and pretended to be criticizing the ex-Soviet union, and the same destructive party called republican party is building a wall between USA and Mexico in 2017-2020 that is causing countless damages to everyone around the area of the walls just to enrich their selves = 1-2 Track Intelligence = stupid = most dangerous for humanity = psychopaths republican government!


Lastly, while the English royalties + the Rockefeller families were using their positions in the governments in Saudi Arabia,  Jordan, Germany and USA or using their hidden puppets in these governments to brainwash me, enslave me and kidnap me from Germany to USA in September 1986 and keeping me literally as slave covered up by forcing me to be illegal alien for 15 years during which they destructed every hope in my life to be free, and there were some of these companies that shined in my life and gave me hope, such as, and, and this hope kept me alive so long. And therefore, I would like to thank them, and I am sincerely grateful that these company exist, including and !!!


Other thoughts

(Go to index)


1.     Some persons with telepathy use other persons without telepathy as a dictionary by placing a thought in their mind to see the meaning of it, and this is especially true with professionals such as teachers and scientists, just as we use google, Bing, Yahoo, and others, except google, Bing and some others are the knowledge of millions and not only one. Meaning it is a relief for human without telepathy. However, the same strategy is often used when a person is lazy to use his computer, tablet or mobile phone, but also it is often used on brainwash victims to see the effect of the brainwash as they often used on me but also used on politicians but also on persons suspected to be spies or terrorists or to be member of organized crime families/syndicates and so on!

2.     Telepathy and multiple personality, is when a person with telepathy hide his capability, and treat you as if he loves you or care about you or as if he respects your privacy, yet uses telepathy very violently against you, or places disgusting thoughts in your mind and you do not know who it is, a man, a woman, an child, an older person, but now at least you know that this person has a multi-personality disorder, and there are many of them in and around Washington D.C., some of them I knew personally and did not recognize earlier that they had telepathy, but today I do and some of them are mentioned in my complaint pages

3.     Telepathy persons in categories. There are several categories of persons with telepathy, here are 3,  Category-1: a person that is trying to improve the world. Category-2: a person that is trying to steal and enslave the world, and category-3: their hidden employees that are mainly addicted to manipulate people’s lives for their own benefits just as some persons are addicted to computer games, yet here it is real life, and I believe some of these persons are almost hopelessly addicted and hardly leave their home and are just busy manipulating others. And if you ever see one person like that, then you will realize his actions is reflecting on his look and eating and drinking behavior. Here too, there are many of them in and around Washington D.C. and in many other capitals of US’S states, and also in other countries, some of these addicted are hired by security agencies such as CIA and MI6 as scouts for antigovernment activities thoughts (=anti-controlling families’ activities) or even vice versa they force people to commit antigovernment acts to give the government a reason to change laws to their benefits. Not to forget, in each country and usually the government has a huge budget and with it they can hire what and who ever they want, they just cover up the real reasons!

4.     Some people are being killed because they love other people, and here is an example: John Lennon (a member of the British singing group The Beatles that was shot in New York) was most probably killed because he loved people and tried to show it in this song:, this song from 1971, possibly or most probably was the cause of killing him 10 years later on 8 December 1980. Also, through the 2 conflicting songs: Let it be sang by Paul McCartney + Imagine sang by John Lennon, the one song “let it be” is Catholic and the other one “Imagine” going behind religion reaching out to humanity = conflict = death, but that is my own opinion

5.     UK + USA are trying to distract of them spreading the Corona virus and simultaneously distract  of have failed to get the Corona virus under control in USA and in the UK, and this is how they are distracting worldwide: through military, while the military in USA has also the highest infection rates?!. From my opinion the American and/or British military spread the corona virus to damage the economy of China and the EU-European Union and force them to accept their tariffs and Brexit demands, and the military is one of the heavy sources in USA of unintentionally spreading the corona virus, because they get infected with it while infecting China and the EU

6.     Learn from God, he created the need of human, each separate and independent of the other, e.g. drink is not dependent on food, sun, air or other things, yet human are making many things are dependent on other things or actions, such as I cannot drink if I have no money or health insurance is dependent on work, no work no health insurance, on top of that most work do not supply health insurance = slavery such as in USA = bad government!!!

7.     Videos making fun of telepathy. Watch the following video it is just a few minutes. Then ask yourself the following question: who has the interest to make fun of telepathy as a mean of discrediting it is existence, I know the answer and I am not going to tell you, but the question here is really can you answer this question?



8.     I don’t know for sure, but maybe some persons with telepathy can manipulate atoms, and therewith manipulate objects including humans body parts, and that is the only explanation I have that some of them can cause me physical damage without being present, because our entire world consist of small atoms that builds everything around us and we can see or touch, it is similar to the so called computer screen matrix, where the screen of the computer (same is also as the TV) consist of dots for example 700 x 1024 and these dots are divided in sections/squares of maybe 7 x 9 dots, and each of these section can build one character that you see on the screen. The more dots a screen can display the better the quality of the displaying of characters and graphics. And possibly this technology was built upon the knowledge of atoms. For more info about atoms see the following links:










I strongly believe if the USA adopt the concept of administering USA instead of governing USA as mentioned above or a close variation of it  or as close to it as possible, then it will become the number one democracy and the number one freedom of the world. Now it is far from it because it is only a theater show Hollywood style to enrich the one controlling family or the other while keeping people under their control = governing them = controlling them = slavery!