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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Slavery in Egypt


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This page was created on: 11.03.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was reedited and updated with vital information on 22.11.2020


This page was re-edited and completed on 01.07.2021


First thing first: All I want is to find my biological family and as long as I do not for fact know who they are I will complain about this vicious sadistic, kidnappers, brainwashers, rapists,  tortures that terrorized my life from 10/11 January 1960 and until I was able to relocate to The Hague/Den Haag in the Netherlands in March 2016, where the physical torture went down by around 80-90%, but everything else remains and I want it to stop 100%, but also I want justice!


Now I am 67 years old (Added on 1.7.2021: I am now almost 70 years old. End of added on 1.7.2021) and forced to live dependent on the Dutch government represented by the Dutch IND, COA in many refugee camps and in many villages and last represented also by “Stichting Welzijn” (Foundation Wellbeing), they dissolved it recently as coverup, and all together tortured my life from February 2001 and until I was able to relocate to The Hague, Den Haag in March 2016!


In Short

I was kidnapped shortly before 10/11 January 1960, by the CIA and MI6, they caused me a total Amnesia, brainwashed me and took me to a hotel in Damascus, Syria and placed me within a fake family that consisted of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi around 34 years old, fake sister named Fadia Najar 18 years old, fake sister named Afrah/Moni Najar 19 years old (Added on 22.11.2020: Whereby today I strongly believe that the ages these criminals told me are 100% wrong as distraction of their actual age that today I guess it to be over 25 years because they were 100% body guards) and in a few days they brainwashed me by using telepathy to think that I was living in Damascus, Syria, since my birth in an area called Mazzeh and in summer 1959 allegedly relocated to live with my grant parents downtown Damascus, Syria in a big house with 16 adults and 5 children including me. These 2 out of the 16 adults were allegedly my grandparents Kamel Baroudi and Samiah/Samiat Baroudi (birth name Khayat/Tailor/Taylor) the rest 14 of these adults each of a different family and all together are from various countries most to all of them are diplomat because they are either CIA & MI6 agents or members of royal families among others from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Oman. Therefore, they all have immunity, and all are 100% under the protection of the CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD as well as the equivalent agencies of these countries mentioned above.


Until recently I thought I was kidnapped in Summer of 1959, and placed in the grandparents’ house, until I recognized with certainty that I was kidnapped just before 10/11 January 1960 and all memories that I have prior to that are 100% fake, by either telling me a story and then force me to believe it is my real history or forcing the fake memory through telepathy while I am sleep and then give me a dream and when I wake up they ask me do you remember this and that as if it was real and therewith I was not able to distinguish between real memory and fake memory and dreams and stories that they forced upon me as my history, especially because they caused me a total amnesia, enable they can not only better control me, but also to prevent me to know where they kidnapped me from, what language I spoke, who were my family, friends and neighbors, what school I was in and so on.


After falsifying my identity to Syrian, they created a very nasty brainwash situation that was mixed between fake memory and reality, to force me to think that we escaped our grandfather that was allegedly a tyrant and limited our freedom, enable to go to the hotel until we can fly to Cairo, Egypt. It was a fake brainwash situation, for details see the page “Kidnapping me as a Child”.


On around 15 January 1960 we left the hotel to Cairo, Egypt, where we stayed 4 weeks at the house of Mr. Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, an Egyptian politician that helped cover up our fake identities. He was black allegedly originated from Sudan and was a member of the Egyptian government.


On 15 February 1960, we relocated to the house of the Egyptian general named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, that was also covering up our fake identities and his wife was allegedly the cousin of my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi.


On 15 March we relocated to live in our own apartment on Al Higaaz street number 111 in Cairo city section called Masr Algadiedah (=New Egypt) on the same side and close to the Heliopolis Hospital.


This paragraph was added on 1.7.2021: Today I know for fact that these criminals caused me a total amnesia several times in my life, I just know for sure that they performed at least twice total amnesia upon me, once as we arrived to Cairo, Egypt on 15 January 1960 and again sometimes between March/April 1960 and sometimes in summer and 1960 just before they place me in school. I was not sure when they placed me in school in April or September 1960, and this because in Egypt the summer holiday is unlike Europe and USA where it is 6 weeks, it is 3 months in Egypt because of the heat and the school summer holiday always ends in end September or at the earliest in the second half of September of every single year, this mean the schools summer holiday start sometimes in mid-June 1960, and there is no way that a school would accept me in the first school class just 2 months before school’s year ends, especially that my Arabic was bad, therefore they must have placed for the first time in school in Egypt in End of September 1960, and since I have unbelievable memory gaps, yet a picture here and there of what I allegedly did from 15 January 1960 to September 1960, meaning they 100% caused me a total amnesia in Cairo at the latest in end of the summer of 1960, and since we went to Egypt on 15 January and they made sure I remember that, this mean these criminals caused me a total amnesia whenever they saw beneficial for them = they are 100% psychopaths. Who are they, see the members of this psychopaths family in the pages “Kidnapping me as child and kidnapping other children” + “My fake family the kidnappers”; these psychopaths and in short are my fake mother, my fake 2 sister the Egyptian politician that hosted us for 4 weeks and covered up for our fake identities and is named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, the Egyptian General named Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman that hosted us for 4 weeks and covered up for our fake identities, my fake brother that came to Cairo 5-6 years later, all my fake uncles, cousins, aunt and their criminally insane adult children, as well as my fake grandparents and grand uncle not to forget that many of them were 100% members of the Jordanian royal families + Saudi Royal families + English Royal Families + the Rockefeller families, their names and locations are to be found in the page “My fake family the kidnappers” and in many other complaint pages.


Therefore, the dates and what I saw prior to Summer 1960 were fake memories which I did not immediately recognize, yet the 2 families that hosted us in the first 8 weeks I had 1-3contact with them in 1960 and possibly also in 1961 but not thereafter!!??

End of this paragraph was added on 1.7.2021.


From this time on, they continued to bring people to confirm as if we are all from Syria, such as Mr. Saied Al-Umary in Summer 1960, an alleged Syrian and owner of a movie Theater next to the hotel we were in. Many persons came to Cairo, Egypt after us and claimed to be our relatives from Syria, from my point of view today they were all liars and criminals and psychopaths such as my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar akias Nick (short for Nikolaus) Naggar that turned out to be at least 2 different persons one of these criminals was 100% the son of the Jordanian King Hussein alias the hidden brother of the current Jordanian king Abdullah for prove see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 and the page conclusion that yet to come, at least 20-30 of them. My fake sister and her alleged husband from Jordan in around 1962/63. My fake grandfather between 1963 and 1966 that pretended to want to take us back with him to Syria and take care of us but he was 100% acting and a lair, and many others.


From end 1960 and until 1968, many of the members of this fake family that pretended to live all together in the house of my fake grandparents in Damascus, Syria came at one point of time or another and lived anywhere from 3 moths to 10 years in Cairo, Egypt pretending to be Syrian origin  and using us as confirmation as if they are relative from Syria. For details see the page “Kidnapping me as a child” and the page “My fake family the kidnappers.


In 1965/66 they brought another person and forced me to believe it was my brother with the name of Mohamad Nashaat Najar (later named Mohamad Nashaat Naggar and later named even Nick Naggar) that was allegedly raised in Amman, Jordan by my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier and was allegedly until now in the Islamic Educational College of Jordan that among others was built by my 2 fake brother-in-law’s families such as Mohamad Ali Bdeir/Budier and Abdelghani Abokurah, and both of their names were engraved at the entrance of this school, at least until the last time I saw it in around 1985. Yet I strongly suspect him to have been a CIA/MI6 agent and possibly also the son of King Hussein, possibly he was a bodyguard for yet to come a person or a place holder for a very lookalike.


He went to a private catholic school called San George near an area called Ismailiya Square, and this even though and until this point of time he was allegedly in the Islamic Educational College of Jordan in Amman, Jordan,  while I was in a public school except for 1-2 years, where  they placed me in a private Islamic school named Alqawmiyah near an area called Triumph square, but then they pulled me out after he arrived and placed me back in a public school. After 6-12 months he moved out of our apartment and lived in an apartment by himself in a building directly opposite us, ever since I never saw him again. I was told that my fake sister in Amman, Jordan was paying his rent, his housekeeper, his private school and pocket money, allegedly because he did not get along with the boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri that pretended to be married to my fake mother, which today I know it was a lie, because Suhair Bdeir/Budier is not my biological sister but rather she was a nanny for hidden royalty children and children that they bring from Europe and USA to train them from this age so they can take control of something or another. They did not ask them if they want that, neither they asked me for permission to kidnap me and take me to Egypt as a fake Syrian = slavery!


In Egypt I was totally isolated and was not allowed to have friends, among other in end of 1960, where my fake mother went to school and asked them to separate me of my new friend named Sameh, allegedly because he is Christian, and she does not want that they brainwash me with Christian things. This alone was to show as if this whore woman that pretended to be my mother is not Christian or Jewish or Hindu or even atheist but rather pretended to be Muslim just like every single member of this criminal fake family and this one things I am most positive about. The way she behaved she was like a whore, all what she had in mind is destruction and cover it up with situations like that.


The only time I had some friends, was when I was forced to live with my fake sister Fadia Najar, that later was replaced by another named Fadia Nagar/Shawki. And even this was not for a long time, it was very short and limited to one summer, and this fake friendship was shortly thereafter in one way or another destroyed, just like all other friendships that I ever had.


This fake mother caused me so much damage from mentally and physically (without touching me) that I cannot believe that a woman is capable to do that to a child.


Ever since this evil fake brother came I started to have even more trouble than before, such as I was raped by this boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri, and until recently I thought he raped me, which he did, but someone forced him with telepathy, I discovered many things in my past that proves to me, among others, that he did it only one time in a very odd situation, where later he seemed not to have understood how he did that and tried hard to make it up to me by taking the time and helping me in my school work. Between my fake mother and fake sister and this new fake brother that was more than sadistic and savage I was totally lost; he was and still is a criminal in disguise just like the rest of this fake family.


Until 1969 I was prevented to learn, prevented to understand the Quran, I read it more in detail after I became Christian between 1976 and 1978 along with the Bible, Torah and many other religious books in English, German and Arabic. And that is why they among others prevented me to understand the Quran, so I do not recognize that they are not Muslim, and that is also why they isolated me by force, so I do not learn anything from anyone else. The only time I succeeded in school is when they placed me in the private school for 2 years, where my grades jumped from D, E and F to A, B and C. in Egypt they mark the grades percentual, and my grades were mainly between 40-60%=very bad, in the private school and in the first year it was 80% and in the second year was 91%. Then they placed me back in the public school and my grades went dramatically down to under 60%.


Hidden slavery depends very strongly on lack of knowledge, and therefore they were trying their best to prevent me to learn anything whatsoever. Today, and the only thing that I strongly know what I learned 10 years Egyptian school, is the Arabic language, basic math and basic everything else, but also saw how poor were the Egyptians in 1960s there was over 60% illiterate Egyptians out of 20 million population. Today Egypt is over 80 million population and still the illiteracy is very high for a country that allegedly has a history of over 3,500 years. But also saw how most people are, which were mainly Muslims, were very kind and helpful above all stick together and are family oriented, unlike my fake family and my biological family and that is very admirable of these Egyptians, at least it is admirable by me, because my history totally lacked family feeling and real family. To have a bad family like that or better said a bunch of psychopaths that pretended to be one family is much, much worse than having no family or being raised in an orphanage, where there I would have at least get to know other orphans!!??


1968 the boyfriend of my fake mother, a police officer with the rank of Major disappeared. Simultaneously I was introduced to a new man that claimed to be my uncle from Germany, his name was Dr. Farzat Baroudi from Köln/Cologne, Germany, he claimed to know me since birth. The fact is that I never saw this evil fake uncle ever before in my life prior to 1968 as he came to Cairo, Egypt allegedly to write his doctorate about something or another in Egypt. The boyfriend of my fake mother named Mohi Sabri was in 1969 allegedly found by this fake uncle named Dr. Farzat Baroudi, in Frankfurt. Allegedly the boyfriend went in 1968 on vacation to Turkey and from there escaped to Germany and allegedly applied for political asylum in Germany. Allegedly, because that is what these liars and brainwashers told me, and I do not believe anything from them unless I can see it for myself. The first thing a liar says is: I do not lie. So, do I, I do not lie, how can another person differentiate between us: Through the truth that can be verified!


See what happened thereafter in Germany in the pages: “Slavery in Germany” and all the pages of BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 to Part-3-Version-2 as well as the page “Thank you”.


On 10.10.1968. my alleged birthday I was forced to relocate to Germany  in one of the most sadistic brainwash set up that a person can imagine, which lasted from 10.10.1969 and until September 1977, whereby the basic brainwash was performed upon me most sadistically between 10.10.1969 and March 1970, during this period they forced me literally to forget my past and until this point of time, among others by taking me on several brainwash tours that took me through 11 countries and countless relocations and forcing me to be homeless on the street to force my mind to concentrate on survival while destructing any logic I may have accumulated since these criminals caused me a total amnesia in January 1960, and all this enable they can take me for isolation at the American military base named McGraw Kaserne in Munich, Germany.


The details of slavery in Egypt are all over my complaint pages!


The below is a very important section and was added on 22.11.2020

This very important note is concerning the total Amnesia that these criminals caused me on around 10/11 January 1960. Today I realized I was wrong and that they caused me a total amnesia several times in my life, and the reason I believe so is because of mainly 2 reasons:

1.                They tried very hard to cover up when and from where they kidnapped me

2.                They tried very hard to cover up for those persons that went with me to Cairo, Egypt as my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters, where today I strongly believe it was most probably queen Elizabeth the Second of the UK disguised as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi and my fake 2 sisters were her adults’ bodyguards and not 2 teenager girls as these criminals forced me to believe all my life


Here are the details:

1.                15 January 1950 and for 4 weeks we were guests at the house of the Egyptian politician and Egyptian government member named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, yet I have no memory of these 4 weeks except one memory where his alleged 7 years young daughter and I are kissing each other’s on the mouth and me saying this is how they kiss in the movies, which was 100% a forced upon me fake memory to reinforce as if I kissed this girl, which was absolutely impossible because I had a total amnesia and do not know how people kiss in movies because and until this point of time I never seen a movie because these criminals caused me a total amnesia. But also, I do not remember where I slept, that we had any meals together seeing anyone else in this household and so on, only this one fake memory = 100% they caused me a total amnesia much later and forced upon me this fake memory and that is confirmed why I was very bad in school because these criminals psychopaths caused me total amnesia several times most probably until either summer 1960 or summer 1961, my guess based on this point and the points below they caused me a total amnesia several times at least between January 1960 and summer 1961 and the points below confirms that

2.                On 15 February 1960 we relocated and were guests at the house of the Egyptian military general named Leewaa (=General) Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, where we stayed 4 weeks at his house, where he was living there + his wife + his son Alaa same age as me + his daughter named Najlaa + me + my fake mother + my 2 fake sisters + allegedly his older son named Bahaa came once from Alexandria where he was allegedly stationed as a navy officer, for a visit while we were at this house , and here to  I have absolutely no memory what so ever except literally 3 fake memories, yet everything else from eating, sleeping and who was with me is missing = they 100% caused me a total amnesia again and thereafter to cover up for these criminals 3 women that were with me as my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters alias queen Elizabeth the second and her 2 female bodyguards that pretended to be my sisters

3.                On 15 March 1960 we relocated again to our own apartment on Al-Higaz Street 111 next to the Heliopolis hospital, in Cairo, Egypt, which were my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters and me, here too and until around 1961 I have absolutely no memory of my fake mother and my fake 2 sisters sleeping and getting up with me, having breakfast, or going out with me, except a hand full of memories that today I strongly believe they were also fake memories and forced upon me in form of dreams

4.                My fake sister Moni Najar had allegedly a job at the Egyptian TV as a TV news moderator/Anchor and had her photo on the cover page of one of the most famous magazines in Egypt, I am not 100% sure, yet I think it was called the Al-Musawar (meaning in English: The Photographed), and then allegedly in begin or in spring or in summer of 1961 she allegedly went on vacation to Amman, Jordan to allegedly help her sister named Suhair Bdeir/Budier during pregnancy deliverance of the daughter named Reem Bdeir/Budier that today I recognize as a very lookalike almost identical look with princess Haya of Jordan = Jordanian royal family but also this fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier I strongly suspect her and based on countless facts that she was nothing else but a nanny that pretended to be the mother of 3 children that she was hired to raise and allegedly also raised my fake brother from 1954 and until this criminal was forced upon my life in around 1965/66 as my brother that was allegedly raised in Amman, Jordan and today I strongly believe he was 100% one of 4:

4.1.               The son of King Hussein

4.2.               MI6 agent from the UK

4.3.               CIA agent from USA

4.4.               Or a combination that was sent to Egypt to among others to help others in controlling Egypt in the hidden while he is pretending to be Syrian raised in Jordan

5.                Back to my fake sister Moni Najar, and she went allegedly on vacation to Amman, Jordan to help her alleged sister, she never came back and allegedly she fell in love with a Jordanian Multimillionaire named Abdalghani Abokurah and married him, and allegedly left all her stuff in Egypt to be thrown away. This trip was a lie and I never seen this whore bodyguard again until these criminals sent me to Amman, Jordan in 1967 and then Lebanon for a summer vacation where I met another woman named Afrah Abokurah that claimed to be Mona Najar, but my original fake sister’s name was Moni, and Moni is a European nick name while Mona is an Arabic first name and not a nick name. In short these criminals, replaced my original 2 fake sisters with total 2 different women and forced me to believe they are the same just to cover up for queen Elizabeth the second and her 2 whore female bodyguards that took me to Cairo, Egypt and left me there to be raped, tortured and brainwashed while preventing me to accumulate any knowledge enable to keep me as stupid as they in reality all are, and one very negative side effect of this, is that in the religious classes where the teacher asked us to memorize certain pages of the Quran, and I was not capable to memorize them  due to that these criminal did not want me to read the Quran or understand it, then the teacher would punish anyone who cannot repeat at least 50% of what he was supposed to memorize. The teacher used to call our names in the class, and the person that his name was called has to stand up and repeat the page, and since I used to stand up and totally be silent because I did not even try to read them, because these criminals prevented me to not understand anything, then the teacher would ask me to come to his table and stretch  my 2 hands, where he then will hit my hands with a soft wooden stick and hit each hand 5 and other time 10 times on each of the hands and my hands would hurt like hell and be red for a few days to allegedly remind me to read it and memorize it next time. These incidents in school were after 1966 Here too and after my fake sister left to Jordan I have absolutely no memory of her what so ever, not when we go to sleep not when we get up, not when we have breakfast, lunch or dinner, and these evil 2 fake sister and original fake mother left my life and only from after they left I have memory of my life in Egypt, which very much means they caused me total amnesia several times since at least January 1960 and replaced them with fake memories and since these criminal psychopaths are psychopaths and lazy and gave me only 1-3 memory of each, today I realize that they were 100% fake memories forced upon me. Here is the prove after these criminals left my life I recall how my fake sister started to allegedly fall in love with our neighbor an Egyptian pilot working for the Egyptian airline and living next to us with an apartment-mate also pilot but from Canada that was skinny, blond and blue eyes while the Egyptian was short dark skin and semi-curli hair and very wide shoulders, and the way the building was built, we had also one of our windows was directly opposite their windows and this new fake sister used to open the windows and flirt with the Egyptian pilot for hours, where the distance was maybe 5-7 meters between the 2 windows, The building has 2 rooms in the middle of the building and these 2 rooms were sort of a hallway to the sky and are not covered to allow the air to flow through the apartments and keep them a bit cooler due to the temperature would go as high as Celsius 49/Fahrenheit 120

6.                As a confirmation for the above and in summer 1960 a man came allegedly from Damascus, Syria that pretended to want to marry my fake mother (while she had allegedly already 6 children and he was rich and can marry 10 women under 16 years old, because this is what these rich men do in the Middle east as a mean of brainwash and slavery of their wives they always marry under aged girls) and was owner of a movie theater in Damascus and his name was Saieed Al-Umary, he came only to confirm as if he knows us from Syria and since he was also Freemasons just like the Egyptian politician mentioned above and named Dardiri Ahmad Ismael, this mean these 2 criminal men that were covering up for my real identity were 100% working for the English government and he took us on summer vacation to Alexandria for 4 weeks, yet I recall mainly 2-3 situations of this trip, which 100% means that they added these 3 situations as a fake memory, which are one of them I am on the sea side another I am on the balcony of our room in the hotel named “Beaurivage” or “Beau Rivage” and the last is that I get a severe sun burn that allegedly my skin was peeling for several months (this is typical and a pattern in fake memories that they force upon their victim something negative that he remember first such as the severe sunburn), yet I do not recall how we went to Alexandria, how we get back, if we went on side seeing walks, having breakfast, lunch and dinner, which very much means that queen Elizabeth and most probably was also present in this trip and went with her secret lover on summer vacation while she was married to Prince Philip which very much equals their marriage was not out of love but out of obligation and necessity!!??


In other words, only after analyzing the above situations I recognize that I was never in these situations as mentioned above, yet I was in Egypt and since they brainwashed me to fit in a certain scene(s), then all of the above were real situations they just kept on causing me total amnesia to force me not to recognize who was with me at that time and how they looked, however they must have looked very similar to my fake mother and my fake 2 sister from after that because other people would notice something is very wrong.


End of the below is a very important section and was added on 22.11.2020


This was in short, my slavery life in Egypt that was 100% built upon short term and long-term hidden slavery with telepathy in combination with severe brainwash by an organized crime families that stretch to UK, Germany, USA, Netherlands and several Middle Eastern countries where I see a trail that goes heavily to Africa, Asia and south America. Details will follow! (added on 1.7.2021: No more details, please ss the other complaint pages that has much more details about my slavery time in Egypt. End of added on 1.7.2021.)


In other pages I have many details about slavery in Egypt, and therefore I did not want to repeat them on this page.


This page was re-edited and completed on 01.07.2021