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My Complaint over BP-British Petroleum + Bush family for kidnapping me and forcing me to "Hidden Slavery" by using CIA, MI6 and others!
See the state of my complaint pages, Updated on 22.09.2024
Note: Reediting and completing all pages is in process These complaint pages were created in: October 2018, and Completed on 17.10.2022 To enlarge text size press  Ctrl+, to reduce text size press  Ctrl-


Slavery in USA


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This page was created on 11.03.2019 and completed on 4th of July 2020, happy Independence Day to all!


This page was reedited and updated with vital information on 23.11.2020


This page was re-edited and completed on 30.06.2021


First thing first: All I want is to find my biological family and as long as I do not for fact know who they are I will complain about this vicious sadistic, kidnappers, brainwashers, rapists,  tortures that terrorized my life from 10/11 January 1960 and until I was able to relocate to the city  Den Haag/ The Hague in the Netherlands in March 2016, where the physical torture went down by around 80-90%, but everything else remains and I want it to stop 100%, but also I want justice!


Now I am 67 years old (Note added on 30.06.2021: in the meantime, I am almost 70 years, 69 years and 9 months old. End of note.) and forced to live dependent on the Dutch government represented by the Dutch IND, COA in many refugee camps and in many villages and last represented also by “Stichting Welzijn” (Foundation Wellbeing), they dissolved recently as coverup, and all together tortured my life from February 2001 (Note added on 30.06.2021: In reality since 10/11 January 1960. End of note.) and until I was able to relocate to The Hague, Den Haag in March 2016. (Note added on 30.06.2021: yet telepathy attacks are continuing until today! End of note.)


USA in short:

Between January 1984 and 24 December 1984, I was severely brainwash in Munich, Germany, by dragging me by force to the illegal project named Calypso performed officially by SCS-Scientific Control Systems, a subsidiary of BP-British Petroleum, and from the background by CIA, MI6, BND, AIVD and others, to deliver Satellite computers that uses the American Satellites, to control the Syrian population. It is possible that they lied, and it was meant for the ex-Soviet Union and Syria was used as a Proxy.

This box was added on 23.11.2020

Concerning the project Calypso as it is mentioned in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-1, it was officially for Syria, yet today I have absolutely no doubt what so ever that it was meant for Iran and Syria was used as a proxy while Syria was and still is the official Ally of Pakistan and Iran, while Pakistan is the official Ally of Iran, Syria, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and other so-called Arab petroleum countries and this while Iran was 100% converted to a hidden illegal drug plantation and very close to the US military basis to use the American tax payers money to transport and distribute the illegal drugs through the American military to all those countries that have American and British military basis (for more info see Wikipedia article:, added on 30.06.2021: + End of added.). Saudi Arabia is 100% established as we know it today by the Rockefeller and their hidden relatives the English royalties because the US Congress split the Rockefeller family main business called Standard Oil ( ) because the Rockefeller family were getting too powerful and manipulating the US government as they see fit (Note added on 30.06.2021:, whereby the Rockefeller families + the English royalty families are working together to control the USA and are still controlling it until today, and all the wars these criminals are performing is to steal other countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and may others in Africa and elsewhere. End of added.), and that is why they created Saudi Arabia and covered it up with Islam and ever since they are protecting their properties with Islam, Pakistanis, and Israel the biggest military base in the world, while using Israel to blame it for all the problems existing in the so-called Arab countries and this since 1948. Not to forget that the English royalties were using Indian Muslims to fight Indian Hindus because they were the majorities in India and they were not able to control them and this since over 300 years, and promised the Muslims with their own country, which they did help them get it, that was East and West Pakistan and today these two countries are Pakistan and Bangladesh, and that is why all the so-called Arab Petroleum countries had 99% of all their soldiers from Pakistan. Today the English royalties and their hidden relatives the Rockefeller families are controlling USA again at least since the ex-US president Ronald Reagan and also at least through the following ex-US presidents: George H. W. Bush (the father), George W. Bush (the son) and Donald Trump and the entire Republican party and as prove see all the laws that these crocked and destructive presidents did that were mainly to strengthen and enrich the Rockefeller families and their hidden relatives the English royalties and give more big chunks of USA and elsewhere in the world to them, including Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the so-called Arab Petroleum countries that they are 100% controlling and my fake family is the prove as listed in the page  “My fake family the kidnappers” (Note added on 30.06.2021: But also the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3-Version-1 + Part-3-Version-2 + conclusion. End of added.). While the Rockefeller families and their hidden relatives the English royalties were always using illegal drugs business to fund their petroleum drillings (Note added on 30.06.2021: I guess they learned it and picked it up from India and China, where they tried to colonize them since over 500 years and both countries are heavy users of opium and today also other drugs, and they brought opium to Europe just as they also brough teas and coffee. And illegal drug is a very lucrative business financially above all they do not pay taxes because all is hidden, and there with the have established their selves in illegal drugs since several hundred years, while illegal drugs is 100% a slavery tool. End of added.), because prior to 1980s they always used to guess where the petroleum is based on scientific studies that was often wrong, and then they had to drill several times until they be successful and find a well of petroleum, each drill cost hundreds of thousands if not millions and with the illegal drug business they had unlimited financial resources. Today I estimate the illegal drug business to be alone in USA over 300 Billion US dollar tax free yearly revenue, and once they start this kind of profitable business where it is usually 50% tax free profit, then they will never let go of it just as they never let go of the petroleum and the various huge medical services and with this money they not only enslave people, from children to adults that cannot live any more without the illegal drugs, but also use it to drill for petroleum but also they build crazy things as it is in their hidden countries Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar and soon also Yemen, and example of these crazy useless buildings while their neighbors in Africa are starving, such as Burj Khalifa in Dubai or building a mosque with crystal lights, where each hanging crystal light cost several Millions to impress the poor people, just as many Christians used to do and build churches that are high and above all they were always the highest buildings in any city worldwide with very expensive decorations and very, very large bell jars that forces the Christian visitors to think: Oh my God, this is most definitely God’s house and it looks so beautiful and can be only the house of God and therefore I have to follow God’s words that are in the bible”, and the reason they used to think so, is because they were so poor that they can hardly afford a one room for the entire family = brainwash!!


Illegal drug business has worldwide several Trillion US Dollar yearly revenues and the Rockefeller family along with their hidden English royalties’ relatives own an undisclosed worldwide chunk of this illegal and deadly business, the biggest users in the world are China and India, and therewith they also have a huge chunk of this business at least because they, China + India, have one third of the world population, which is:



World location

Population in Billions (one Billion is 1,000,000,000)

Yearly estimated minimum Illegal drug business


















EU-European Union















See note-1)-English royalty’s countries

3 billion


See note-2)-My estimation


Note-1) - Countries controlled by the UK directly or indirectly (= in the hidden) including USA, Canada, Australia, countless African countries, many Arab petroleum and none-petroleum countries and others such as the commonwealth countries.


Note-2)- My educated guess estimation is that most countries are controlled by the English royalties or strongly influenced by the English royalties through their brainwash organization called the Freemason that you can find almost in every large city of the world, including USA, Russia, China, India and 95% of the countries worldwide!!??


The above population figures are facts, the illegal drug business are my estimates because there is no official statistics about how much people spend on illegal drug consumption, and the reason there is no statistics is because the people who use illegal drugs are not registered and cannot be tracked because there is no cashier box as it is in the supermarket or by the resellers of the illegal drug business, and therefor these are my own estimates.


Here is another illegal hidden minor business of these 2 families the Rockefellers and the English royalties in Saudi Arabia that I saw myself in 1980s, which is alcohol and prostitutions:

1.                Alcohol: was sold on the black market in 2 versions:

1.1.               Named Sadiqi (in English: My friend) and it was allegedly made out of the palm fruits called dates and it was allegedly made by the Bedouin living in the desert and was in competition of American and British illegal sold  alcohol bottles, this sadiqi was sold for 35 US Dollars and was mainly bought by poor people allegedly if you drink too much of it you can have all kind of sicknesses including become blind. One work colleague at the Port’s Authority of Saudi Arabia Project where I was sent there though my Employer Siemens AG (as blackmail object to get this project which they did get this project) allegedly was Palestinian and allegedly lost 80% of his vision due to this drink!

1.2.               You can buy any major bourbon or Scotch whisky starting at 150 US Dollar a bottle of 0.75 liter, where most of these bottles were sold in Europe for 10-25 Deutsch Mark/Euro and no one can do that except the Rockefeller and the English royalties because they own many of these major distilleries in the UK and in the USA such as Black & White, Johnny Walker, Jim Beam, and others

2.                Prostitutions: They used many stewardesses as prostitutes, in other words they used the profession stewardess as cover up to import prostitutes, they forced one of them upon me as a mean of systematic brainwash to force others who are watching me and even to force my own mind to think I love so-called Arab  women, which was 100% not true I used to love my ex-German girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka from head to toe because she was a very lovable person, they used at least 7 whore women in between 1981 and 1984 in Germany, UK, Switzerland, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to force my mind to think I love so-Called Arab women, which was also to create a pattern without me noticing as if I am tending to leave my girlfriend for these third class whores that had no moral values, two of them were officially my fake female cousins in Geneva, Switzerland and in London, UK  and this stewardess one of these 7 women, was named Saieda (in English: happy female or glad female and that word is originated of the Urdu language = India), she was from Tunis, where at that time the Head quarter of the PLO-Palestinian Liberation Organization was located to refresh my alleged relation to terrorism. She was a stewardess in the Saudi Arabia airline named at that time Saudia (Added on 10.08.2021: It is very possible that the stewardess name Saieda similarities to the word Saudia was a possible blackmail to my fake brother-in-law Abdulghani Abokurah that was at that time CEO of Jordan Airline called Alia, while his alleged wife alias my fake sister Mona Abokurah alias Mona Najjar, now in Washington D.C. was a stewardess and simultaneously was not his wife but rather the nanny of his children and that would explain countless things in her behavior, above all towards her alleged children, where she really did not care anywhere near a mother caring!!!). And this was 100% performed by the Rockefeller family and the English royalties. But also, it was at that time known that guest of major hotels in the cities of Riyadh and Jeddah can request through certain reception employees one of these stewardesses for 150-1000 US dollar per night depending on where she is from, Arabs and Asian women were cheaper, European and Americans or better said white with colorful eyes and hair cost 1000 US dollar per night. And that can only be performed by powerful persons in Saudi Arabia that has top connections to international airlines, such as Lufthansa British Airways, PanAm also-called Pan Am, and many others = English royalties + the Rockefeller families. Shame on you!


This is one of the sadist discoveries I have ever made because it kills countless addicted on a yearly basis in every single country in the world, and therewith these 2 families are not only responsible for killing countless children and adults through wars, but also though illegal drugs and illegal alcohol and illegal prostitutions!


This paragraph was added on 30.06.2021: all of the above comes out of the brain of people that have only 2 track intelligence = Money + Power, power meaning control of others, and all the rest of intelligence is suppressed by them, which includes freedom for others, equal rights, humanity, empathy, love to other human beings, that these criminals with them are nothing, meaning if they live alone in the world without any human being, then they will be forced to work enable to stay alive, but instead they enslave people with all kind of schemes using brainwash, telepathy, addictions among others to illegal drugs + cigarettes + Alcohol + manipulating other human being with telepathy and countless others. Today I have no doubt whatever in my mind that these psychopaths breed people with telepathy and brainwash them to become addicted to manipulating other people’s lives just as many people are addicted to video games, computers, gambling, sex and countless other addictions, and then send these enslaved and brainwashed persons with telepathy to control certain group of people such as politicians, and I know several criminals of these brainwashed persons with telepathy that control politicians, and I know them personally, because they are members of my fake family and live in Washington, D.C. as described in other pages, but also some of them used to live in and around Bonn and Köln/Colone, Germany as it was the capital of West Germany from 1945 and until 1991, above all many of them are also in the UK = the English royal families and their hidden relatives in USA such as the Rockefeller families uses puppets as higher government employees and then control them like a puppet with telepathy in a very complex scheme that stretches from being related to this employee to being a friend, or a secretary or an advisor and each one of these persons with telepathy have it is own network with telepathy and all together have a huge network that control a president of USA or a prime minister of the UK just as they did to Donald Trump as descripted in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-2-Version-2, but also did the same to many before him and after him and the same they did in the UK by using puppets and idiots such as the current prime minister of the UK Boris Johnson that is currently married to Carrie Johnson a hidden English royalty member just as his 2 previous wives, and if you look at it, he was married 3 times, and each one of them is a hidden English royalty raising him and controlling his brain and forming it as they needed = he is a total idiot, and you will notice that one he is either not married anymore and has no girlfriend of his wife dies, then they will have a loop in their protection scheme over him. This is how powerful is telepathy brainwash when it is being misused. Boris Johnson is 100% stupid and is an idiot and he cannot help it because he was raised to be controlled, just as these criminals and psychopaths did to me. it is the same pattern by at least the following persons, me/myself, Most of the British prime ministers, ex-US presidents: Donald Trump, George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, all of them had a wife with telepathy that was controlling them while also having several secretaries (=ministers) that pretend to be following his order, in reality they were controlling him, such as Dick Cheney ( alias the ex-CEO of Halliburton, where he was Secretary of defense under ex-US president George W. Bush and they planned to invade and steal Iraq, but George H. W. Bush lost the second election to Bill Clinton and their plans was put on hold for 8 years until George W. Bush became president and made the criminally insane and psychopath Dick Cheney vice president and then created a schemes of lies to invade and steal the Iraqi petroleum in 2003 (, by trying hard to relate Iraq to the bombing of the world Trade center that was orchestrated by these criminals enable to have a reason to steal Afghanistan, but also claimed that Iraq had mass destruction weapons which they did not have, and the same they are doing also with Iran as cover up for the illegal drugs.


What can I say, they are mentally unstable and dangerous for all human beings?


End of his paragraph was added on 30.06.2021:


End of box added on 23.11.2020



Details of the brainwash are all over my complaint pages above all in the following pages:

1.                Kidnapping me as child


2.                My fake family the kidnappers


3.                Is this my family?


4.                BP-British Petroleum-part-1


5.                BP-British Petroleum-part-2


6.                BP-British Petroleum-part-3 version-2


On 24 December 1984 and after that  thy severely and most sadistically brainwashed me they separated me by force of my ex-girlfriend named Adelheid Kuczka on 17 October 1984 where I really wanted to propose to her, yet these criminals enslaved me under the BP-British Petroleum + CIA/MI6/BND + my fake family whore named Najlaa Mahmoud as described all over my complaint pages but in particular in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3-Version-1 + Part-3-Verison-2.


I had no chance whatsoever to get free, I tried but they were using brainwash in combination with telepathy, and no one can defend him/herself against telepathy except with telepathy and I do not have telepathy. Details see in the pages BP-British Petroleum-Part-1 + Part-2 + Part-3-Version-1 + Part-3-Verison-2.



In September 1986 they kidnapped me to USA by using various brainwash technic that was in cooperation of the following persons and institutions:

1.                  The immigration authorities in Munich

2.                  Syrian Embassy in Bonn, Germany, in particular their consul named Walid Trapulsi and their Ambassador named forgotten

3.                  My fake uncle the evil businessman and on the side Syrian console in Geneva Switzerland named Jalal Baroudi

4.                  The Syrian Consulate in Geneva, Switzerland that allowed my fake uncle Jalal Baroudi to act as if he was the Syrian consul in Geneva

5.                  The spy and multi nation agent and alleged Lebanese drug lord named George Estifan in Geneva, Switzerland that I get to know through a setup created within the project Calypso that was being performed by the com-any SCS-Scientific Control Systems in Munich, Germany, which was at that time a 100%  subsidiary of BP-British Petroleum (Added on 10.08.2021, today II have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that this criminal called George Estifan was used as a multipurpose brainwash against me while using him as a blackmail object as follow: First to distract me of my fake uncle called Jalal Baroudi that lived in Geneva, Switzerland and pretended to be a Syrian consul and Syrian representative to the UNO, where today I know he was not but he was rather a business man and a top drug lord or the accountant of the drug lords of Jordan, Syria that hide and launder their money in Switzerland to all over Europe and USA. Additional distraction to force me to think that they are Spanish and/or South American origin because this is the origin of the name Estifan, but it is also a Greek name. While using George Estifan, also written Estefan or Estevan as a blackmail to English royalties and the King George VI, that I see a big possibility that he was my father, but also that his name is also Greek is possibly related to the husband of queen Elizabeth the Second named Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark, where I strongly suspect queen Elizabeth the second to be my older dumb sister that kidnapped me in the first of all sometimes between 1952 as an infant and 1960, and to all these there are countless other situations in my life and around my life from persons, to situations to actions taken unjustly against me that confirm my suspicions. But also, George Estifan name could be also a blackmail to the ex-US president George H. W. Bush and his evil son George W. Bush, where I suspect that I was kidnapped to USA as an infant and placed by the Bush family in Rhode Island, where then they disposed of me to the Middle East, and therewith covering up my tracks and my origin)

6.                  The CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and her alleged family Al-Jadied that were working for the CIA and the MI6

7.                   Members of my fake family such as my fake mother Hyatt/Hayat Baroudi, my 3 fake sisters: Faida Naggar, Afrah/Mona Naja/Najjar/Abokurah, my fake sister Suhair Bdeir/Budier, Dr. Sami Assassa, Dr. Farzat Baroudi, my fake brother Nick Naggar alias Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar (they are 2 different persons that have the same look and exchange places in Germany, USA and the Middle East) and others

8.                  CIA

9.                  MI6

10.             BND

11.             Members of the Calypso project and to 10% the company UDF-Unternehmens Beratung Dr. Fischer in Stuttgart & Munich, Germany, whereby this company was possibly persecuted because they hired me in November 1984 and had no choice but to follow orders of the BND, CIA and MI6, among others by imprisoning the owner named Professor Dr. Fischer for 3 months (Note added on 30.06.2021: Professor Dr. Fisher was the economic advisor to the ex-German chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the SPD political party that then lost the elections to the other party CDU/CSU and was replaced by the Chancellor Helmut Kohl, which is the same party as the current Chancellor Angelika Merkel, and that is possibly the reason why they arrested Professor Dr. Fischer because he hired me and I am guessing that at that time they were trying to make a deal with USA and Russia to reunite Germany that was at that time split as West Germany under the control of the USA + UK + France and their allies since the second World War and East Germany under the control of the previous Soviet Union controlled by Russia. And the Germans were trying hard to reunite at least Germany since they lot most of the German empire in the first world War, and therewith they sold me out to the evil ex-US president Ronald Reagan Administration and his more evil vice president George H. W. Bush that somehow his life is 100% connected to my life and I did not know that at that time but today I know that and it is described in more details in the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2. End of note added on 30.06.2021.)

12.             Last but not least, the lookalike of my original fake brother named Mohamad Nashaat Najar alias Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar (Note added on 30.06.2021: for more details on this criminal and psychopath see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Version-2 under the section Multi personality Disorder, one of these lookalike that pretended to be my brother, which is the original one from Cairo, Egypt that exchanged places with the other one is and with no doubt the son of ex-king Hussein of Jordan and therewith the brother of the current king of Jordan named Abdullah and more details will follow in the page Conclusion, yet to be written sometimes in July or August 2021. End of note added on 30.06.2021. ) a CIA and/or MI6 agent or ex-American or British Military intelligent or even just an officer or a soldier within the American or British military that was forced upon my life in around August/September 1970 by and within the American military base named McGraw kaserne in Munich, Germany as distraction of the original one that was the son of king Hussein of Jordan during a re-brainwash process that the CIA was performing on me to keep me under their control as distraction of the mass agents that they sent to Cairo Egypt disguised as one fake family named the Baroudi family, also written Al-Baroudi or Albaroudi and other variations, where I was set within this fake and most destructive family that are 100% related to the English royalties, Rockefeller family, Saudi Arabian Royal family, Jordanian Royal family and at least also the UAE royal family and they kidnapped me on 10/11 January 1960, caused me a total amnesia, brainwashed me, falsified my identity to Syrian and placed me within this sadistic fake family and forced me to believe that it is my family since birth and then took me to Cairo, Egypt enable they can use me as a multipurpose decoy which they did until the at least the year 2000.


In USA they set me up repeatedly to look suspicious as if I am danger to USA enable to force me to live as an illegal alien while the FBI creating countless setup that were most damaging to me mentally, professionally and socially, and this from around January/February 1987 (possibly started in December 1986) and until at least February 2001 (Note added on 30.06.2021: I strongly believe that this organized crime institution called CIA + FBI that have one goal only to protect the controlling families which was very clear to see during the presidency of at least ex-USA president Donald Trump, that these criminals persecuted me even in the Netherlands and Germany and worked together with the Dutch and German authorities such as the German BND and German immigration in Munich that they practically own it and with the Dutch AIVD and Dutch immigration to keep me locked up while that psychopath criminal and mass murders ex-USA president George W. Bush administration of 8 years from 20 January 2001 and until 19 January 2009, where I was 100% forced to be locked up in countless jails, prisons and refugee camps between USA + Netherlands and Germany to not allow me to complain publicly because I complaint in USA to all the senators and congress men and women by sending them emails with my complaint in early 2000, and these criminals then decided to lock me up to not endanger the presidency of George W. Bush because his psychopaths father was responsible for kidnapping me from Germany and locking me up in USA by force as an illegal alien for 15 years and I am saying psychopaths because these criminals and psychopaths English royalties and Rockefeller families own the Bush family + Donald Trump family + the current US president Joe Biden, I can see that in his doings in enriching them by wanting to take over 6 Trillion US Dollar credit of the governments of their banks such as JP Morgan, City bank, HSBC, Wells Fargo & Co., bank of America and other major thieves of USA, that are specialized in giving the US government credits to finance their huge over budget and therewith and on the long run deprive countless people of their rights, which can be seen that Donald Trump cut the taxes for large companies and rich people by almost 50% and it is now down to 20% while the general public is still paying 35% and more taxes = thieves, because there is no money left in the budget to help the socially disadvantaged which are far over 100 Milli9on person in USA + 30 Million illegal aliens that have absolutely no rights what so ever and are 100% kept a s slaves in USA and this is the facts of our all lives just as it is the fact that these criminals and psychopaths stole literally everything of my life from family to profession, to girlfriend to church friends to country and nationality and this from 10/11 January 1960 and until current, whereby current I am living and surviving by the curtesy of the Dutch tax office and the municipality of the city Den Haag and I am busy complaining and crying my life off for all the 100% irreplaceable loses, from family to the woman I loved to my best friends and the list is endless as if I was just born on 1 March 2016 with nothing on me and that is why I am living by the curtesy of the Dutch tax office, and both give me a monthly income and subsidies just to survive and complain. End of note added on 30.06.2021).


In USA and from September 1986 and until at least April 1987, they severely re-brainwashed me, details are in other pages, to force my mind to forget my entire past, while I am totally lost slave under the control of the CIA & MI6 whore Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Syrian and had at least 2 lookalike that she exchanged places with and these two lookalike that I never noticed until after the year 2008, were 100% royal family members from one of these countries: Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain and/or UAE.


During this process mentioned above, they stole my profession and all my documents that I worked hard to set them together from 1978 and until October 1984, the SCS, meaning the BP-British Petroleum stole them from me in Munich on 19 October 1984 and then blamed me for stealing their monitor that I developed and was testing. My profession was the design and development of multi-lingual computer systems such as English, French, German mixed with Arabic, Farsi, and Urdu languages.  In USA they not only prevented me to work in IT section but forced me to struggle to work from 1986 to 1990, during which I was not allowed to work in IT sector to prevent me to go back to my specialties and design and develop multi-lingual computer systems as a mean of preventing me to think about what they did to me between 1984-1986. In December 1990 I was forced to relocate to Houston, Texas, and in Houston, Texas I was severely tortured mentally, physically, professionally, socially and in general my entire life was one big pot of torture.


In Summer 1999 I was separated of the CIA & MI6 whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and the fake son that they forced upon me, they were using me to raise one of their evil hidden children and forcing me to believe it is my son.


From Summer 1999 and until summer 2000 I was severely persecuted by telepathy, whereby they made sure I recognize it was telepathy and not hallucination, therefore I believe it was the FBI mixed with the CIA (Note added on 30.06.2021: I do not know who was persecuting me with telepathy, possibly were opposite groups, one want to tell me that there is telepathy and that I was controlled with it all my life and the others wanted to prevent that, and the only ones I can think of that wanted me to recognize telepathy is the church that is 100% built upon the new Testament and the New Testament is the only book that I have ever read that describe telepathy in detail and what a person with telepathy can do with it and manipulate persons, yet the new testament limited this capability only to Jesus Christ the alleged son of God, whereby he never said that about himself, his alleged disciples said that, for more details about why the New Testament omitted the truth that many persons has telepathy and not only Jesus Christ, see my opinion based on my experience with telepathy and the English royal families and all their relatives all over the world including the Rockefeller families also all over the world with various nationalities above all in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and other neighboring so-called Arab petroleum countries and up to Syria and Iraq and Egypt. End of note added on 30.06.2021.).


All in all, my live in USA was nothing else than torture in a lock up and isolation of everything I ever knew from January 1960 and until they enslaved me and kidnapped me from Germany to USA in September 1986. Their goal was to force me to run and leave USA enable they can lock me up in the Netherlands for another 13 years, to avoid that I complain about what theses criminally insane, and psychopaths did to me. Therefore they persecuted me from all sides, later on I learned that they have a system they call “Operation Choke”, where they use against any one or any company they want to destroy by closing all doors for them as they are doing it now for example for the company “Huawei” while they are claiming that they spy for the Chinese government, which is the same concept as they used with me since 1970 and repeatedly created situation to either confirm it or refresh it to keep me always under their evil control


During this severe brainwash and persecution from summer 1999 and until summer 2000, I send several complaints to each Senator and Congressman/woman, however and at that time I did not know all the facts and reasons  why they enslaved me on 24 December 1984 and then kidnapped me to US, therefore and on 10 February 2001 they deported me to the Netherlands by force, where I was locked up, re-brainwashed and severely tortured mentally, physically, socially and professionally enable to keep me locked up. In other words, they prevented me to work enable they can always force me to live under their own controlled environments, which is: Between Jails, prisons, refugee camps, and a few times homeless on the street however under their control because I was forced to be illegal alien!


The details of all the above are distributed and/or repeated in all other complaint pages, whereby each page is one category based on what they did to me.


This section was added on 30.06.2021:

I have no prove for this claim, yet my complaint pages are the only prove I have, which is I was kidnaped at least twice as a child and or an infant as follow, this is pure theory based on my life and complaints:

1.                in 1950s I was possibly placed in USA by the English Royal family and in-particular by Queen Elizabeth II because I strongly suspect that she kidnapped me because I am possibly her younger brother and the son of ex-King George VI alias her father, then placed me in USA with the Bush family as their son George

2.                the current George W, Bush was either born in USA or in Saudi Arabia or in Jordan and then at sometimes in1950s they exchanged me for him and either took me on brainwash tour through Asian and possibly also Europe and on 10/11 January 1960 kidnapped me again to Cairo, Egypt after causing me a total amnesia and falsifying my identity to Syrian

3.                That would explain the many blackmails that they used me for and using persons named George such as George Estifan, and George the brother of Richie, where they f9orced me to work after kidnapping me from Germany at a gas station as a cashier whereby the other 2 cashiers were brothers, one called Richie and the other George, I forgot their last name. This gas station was called T&B gas station on the corner of Main street and Stoehrs Place, where I was forced to live close by on Queen Street the extension of Stoehrs Place and was suddenly surrounded by Italians, the owner of the gas station was named and as far as I recall Bob (Robert) De Luca and was allegedly airplane engineer by Sikorsky Aircraft ( in Stratford, Connecticut,  USA and Sikorski Aircraft was owned by owned by Lockheed Martin ( the biggest weapon manufacturer in USA and one of the biggest mass murderer of our times and since at least 120 years, while George the brother of Richie claimed about himself to have been an Airforce officer but had leg injury and had to leave the air force, allegedly his knee had a metal piece. Anyway, I strongly believe someone was trying to use me to blackmail George H. W. Bush that organized kidnapping me from Germany in 1986 but also forced me to relocate to Houston, Texas in December 1990 to be under his criminal family control, and that is why many get me a job out of the state Texas to try to get to me and into my head to see why I am being persecuted by the CIA and FBI and kidnapped from Germany and I am under a control of a woman that I totally hate but I cannot leave her

4.                And other persons and blackmail situation, but also the above theory based on what happened to me in Germany and why the evil American military brainwashed me and enslaved me under one of their whore agents in 1970 named Anita Disbray and why they get a lookalike of my original fake brother, fake sisters and fake mother, but also this theory is based on the actual members of my fake family that are hidden Jordanian and also several members of this fake family were hidden members of the following royal families; Saudi Arabian, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, and they also were planning on taking over Yemen and using one of the lookalikes of my original fake sister named Fadia Najar alias Fadia Shawki alias Fadia Nagar = English royal families + their countless relatives in almost every single country in the world, including but not limited to the Netherlands where I am now forced to live


For more details on the Bush family in my life prior to 1986 and my relation to the so called Arab royal families see the page BP-British Petroleum-Part-3-Verison-2.


Is the above theory true?


If I know for fact that it is true, then I would not call it theory, yet I can say one thing that is fact and almost anyone who can afford it can verify it, which is my 3 fake sisters and my fake brother are related to the hidden Jordanian royal family members called Abokurah and Bdeir and Malas and Tabaa, while Malas I strongly believe that the hid a hidden escaped German Nazi called Abo Maien Malas who had a son called Mazen and other children that I played with as I was in Amman, Jordan in 1967, while several of them came to Munich to study at the university of Munich and manipulated my life very negatively and most destructively through their network of hidden German families but also by using telepathy and also had a wife called Raghda and was red hair with summer freckles all over her face and body and that is why I was set up to get to know my ex-Girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka that has similar features and either to see if I remember and recognize who that criminal was or to use the situation as a blackmail to the CIA and MI6 that allied after the second World war with countless Nazi from the ex-German royal families and then helped them integrate in the middle East as a mean to use them to use the Nazi methods to control the population in the Middle East as these criminals did in the second World War in Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Austria and several other European and none European countries that were under the Nazi control including some countries in the Middle East and that is why many Arabs and Muslims loved Nazis because the Nazis killed 5 Million Jewish, but no one asked why did the Nazi killed so many Jewish,  and this is very unfortunate that some Arabs and Muslims think so, but they cannot help it, this is the power of mass brainwash, and they do not see Jewish as human being like them but rather see them as they were told, as the enemies of humanity that are after them to kill them. All this and much more as described all over complaint pages lead me to discover this theory, which makes the Americans + British controlling families more criminal than the mind can ever see!


End of this section added on 30.06.2021


And there with this page is completed on 30.06.2021.