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Dutch-ID Asylum acceptance status ID 2002-2004


1.     Plastic ID, The plastic ID was stolen from me during a period that they were pushing me around by force of law from refugee camp to jail to prison between the Netherlands and Germany. These sick pieces of shit of human trash. However the papers below shows that in March 2002 I was granted a political asylum status back dated to March 2001. Dated 16.04.2002-14.02.2004

Stolen but found a copy on 18.08.2008. Front and back

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Dutch foreigner/Asylum seeker passport from 2002-2004

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2.     Paper ID, page 1 and page 2. These documents states that the Netherlands grant me an asylum status from 14.February 2001 to 14 February 2004. Yet they kept me as a refugee and in a refugee camp named Ter Apel until 8.8.2003, where I was forced to leave it, that looked like as if I voluntarily left it with my fake son. In September 2003 I was taken to a refugee camp named AZC Zwolle in the city named Zwolle, where I wanted apply to have my own apartment, yet they refused to allow me to have my own apartment, even though the law state a refugee with a granted refugee status can live where he wants to. Then I stayed in this refugee camp until April/May 2004 and I left it, where here also it looked like as if I left it voluntarily. In reality the government of Holland and Germany were toying with me and forcing me with brain wash methods and in the hidden with ESP to be moved from one area to another from one jail to another, from one refugee camp to another enable to prevent me of thinking and recognizing my past and current situation, because each time they move me I am fist of all shocked secondly I need time to adjust to the new place, third I need time to get aquatinted with my current rights and the people that can help me, and all that I was deprived of in the Netherlands, USA and Germany

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