Complaint letters: 1987-2001 set up by all the above to force me to live as a slave, hostage and illegal alien in USA to not have any rights.





Record No.: complaint-1987-2001-usa.htm

HomeBush family - my fake family - members of my household - military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating Damascus, SyriaAmerican military persecuted me since 1959

No documents are available due to I was forced between 1986 and 2006 by CIA, FBI, American government in Bridgeport, Connecticut and in Houston, Texas, USA, the American military intelligence, the German government and the Dutch government to lose every- and anything that can remind me of my past and help me see and understand what they were and still are doing to me.



All I can say that I was kidnapped by the American government and their allies and kept as salve and hostage for 15 years in USA as follow:

1.     They kept me as slave and hostage while brainwashing me on a continuous basis to prevent me of thinking by among others continuously pushing me around

1.     Forcing me to concentrate on surviving only by placing a fake son in my life in 25.3.1985 named Abdulhamid Najar that was generated by brainwash and raping me by men and women, among others, to confuse the life out my mind to not notice who is this child

2.     In USA forced me by using the Evangelical Lutheran Salem church of Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, the Stevens family and the International Institute of Connecticut in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA to apply for political asylum in around April 1987 only to provide me with Social Security number and a driver license, that are both essential for work legally in USA, whereby then they forced me to be illegal, which is a paradox, I have legal social security and driver license, which are essential to work, yet I was illegal alien

3.     They set the FBI on me as distraction of CIA, American military intelligence and allegedly to question me about my family in the Middle East, promising me asylum if I help and no asylum if I refuse

4.     I was forced to refuse to cooperate with the FBI, and then they revoked my asylum a few months later in September 1987, with the reasoning that I came from an allied free western country Germany, which was a trick to force my mind to think as if I came voluntarily to USA, but I did not, I was kidnapped by these evil criminals.

5.     All in all it was only to place in my mind that I am to blame for this refusal, while giving me the Social Security Number and the driver license to force me to work while living illegally in USA

6.     I was forced to work only where they forced me to work under controlled environments, in other words and without me noticing they always decided where and when and for how long I work, and as a distraction that they are only doing that in two companies, the FBI get me officially 2 jobs between 1987 and 1988, one at Spectrum Computer Services, a 4-5 FBI men/agents company disguised as civilians, and later at the company Dun and Bradstreet in Wilton, Connecticut, USA. All the times thereafter I was forced to think that I was responsible for finding the illegal jobs all over USA, but in reality they were doing that from starting at a Chrysler car sales and T&B Gas station in May 1986 in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA and until May 2000 at Compaq Corporation Headquarter Compaq Center W Dr, Houston, TX 77070, Of Tomball Highway 249, 20555 State Highway 249, Houston, TX 77070-2698, USA

7.     They always fired me after 1-3 month, which means I was working for 1-3 months, and then unemployed for 2-4 months, and therewith I was always forced to concentrate on generating money only for paying rent and food while fearing my forced upon illegal status by the evil American government and their allies as mentioned in my complaint page “1987-1987 Asylum in USA Setup by the American and English military intelligence”, that kidnapped me by force from Germany to USA in 1986.

8.     1999-2000 They severely, viciously and sadistically re-brainwashed me to force me to make it look like that I am leaving USA voluntarily among others by using my attorney William H. Harmeyer, CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Saint Laurence Catholic School in Sugar Land, Texas, their whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, my fake son Abdulhamid Najar, my client Associated Canvas Products, Inc, Interior technologies, and a new whore agent named Vilma Bonilla as distraction of the other long term set on me whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, last but not leas Compaq Corporation that purchased Digital Equipment Corporation, and Digital Equipment Corporation was one of the heavily involved companies in the illegal American military intelligence project named Calypso in 1983-1986 that was used to brainwash me and kidnap me from Germany to USA in 1986 and keep me for 15 years as slave and hostage without any brain (thinking) and rights what so ever.


All I can say is that the American government and their allies including the Dutch government and the Dutch military, where I am now by force (as listed under “1987-1987 Asylum in USA Setup by the American and English military intelligence) and alone for doing what they did to me, became the most vicious, evil and sadistic government in this world, because I am still suffering ever since, and in matter of fact I am suffering much more today than ever, because mental suffering is the worst kind of suffering.