Complaint letters: 2000, September,  a fax I was forced to send to my fake sister Suhair Bdeir from Houston, Texas, USA to Amman, Jordan to show as if I am incapable to survive by myself, but also to show as if I am mentally unstable. Sent through my attorney William, W, Harmeyer, yet I am uncertain how I sent it, possibly not through him.





Record No.: complaint-2007-2009-nl.htm

HomeNext, Previous, First or Last records. Bush family - my fake family - members of my household - military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating Damascus, SyriaAmerican military persecuted me since 1959

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1.     Pre-explanation

2.     The actual letter/fax to the evil Bdeir family in September 1999



Pre-explanation (go to top of page):

1.        1969, my fake family is a background terrorism organizer family that helps NATO create situation to attack certain area or certain groups in the Middle East, Europe and elsewhere, and set me up with a fake PLO-ID to help the CIA and American military intelligence to isolate me of the rest of the general public under the pretension they are spying allegedly on my terrorist family. The main reason for the isolation is to not allow any one that knows the truth about my origin to help me recognize my long-term brainwash and persecution and defend myself

2.        1975-1978, I was set up to become Christian through ex-CIA director George H. W. Bush that later became USA president, by using my attorney named Rolf Bossi, the fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim, Germany, enable to persecute me by my fake family that pretended to be Moslem to cover up mainly two things that I was used as decoy and double for the current ex-USA president George W. Bush and for all the members of my fake family that in reality were American, English and NATO military intelligence agents in the Middle East pretending to be Syrian origin, in this process they set the pre-requirement for a long-term persecution and isolation of the general public

3.        1975-1986, I was heavily persecuted by my fake family and their allies in Germany and elsewhere because I became Christian. And I have the strong believe based on the situations of my life since I became Christian in 1976, that my fake family officially sued the German government for allegedly brainwashing me to become Christian, without me knowing, and in this process they brought in other governments and institutions such as Siemens AG and the Dutch government or some Dutch institution to examine that, where they, among others, used the elderly Dutch couple that I met allegedly coincidently through a set up created by the American military intelligence agent Anita Disbray that was forced upon me as a wife and letterly kept me totally isolated as slave and hostage for 7 years from 1970-1977, and they questioned me in a hidden general conversation for around 10 hours in July/August 1977, and ever since there is a very visible trail of Dutch in my life based on this meeting and prior Dutch situations.

4.        1983-1986, all parties involved and mentioned above=NATO members, as well as others, decided to brainwash me and force me to be enslaved under the American military intelligence whore named Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be of an Israeli spy family Mahmoud in Syria that is pretending to be Syrian Moslem, apparently as their solution for allegedly me being set up by others to become Christian, and to do that without me noticing they dragged me by force to the illegal American military intelligence project named Calypso, click here to see the Calypso’s hidden members, where they terrorized my life with brainwash situations, raped me by men and women, stole my professional computer documents that my profession dependent on it, separated me of my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka by force, terrorized my sleeping habits and forcing me to have an average of 4 hours daily sleep for weeks at a time, creating fake ghost incident in my own apartment to force my mind to be scared to be in my own apartment at night and therewith I spend most of the nights either at my girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka’s  apartment , but she was working with them and against me and often pushed me away, where I was scared to sleep at my apartment due to the fake ghost and stayed the whole night up at the only open places that was open 24 hours, such as whore houses, bars and strip bars. All these and many others not mentioned are mental and physical torture created by the evil American, German governments in cooperation with my fake family to force me to be receiptable for the following brainwashes while portraying me as an alleged Moslem in allegedly bad Christian company that corrupted him

5.        1983-1986, I continued to go to my church or at least see my friends that were members of this church, as well as continued to try to see my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, that I get to know through the a set up by the American military intelligence and/or German police agent Mohamad Attar that pretended to be Syrian Moslem living in Germany and spying on alleged Arab terrorists in particular allegedly on Palestinians if they were PLO members.

6.        1986-1999, to prevent me to see my friends and go to my church as well as to cut all my contacts with any Christians that I knew and to force me to be isolated under the American military intelligence whore Najlaa Mahmoud that pretended to be Moslem, they kidnapped me in 1986 from Germany  to USA through brainwash and ESP, and kept me as slave and hostage for 15 years in USA under this whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud protected in the back ground by the evil American government and in particular the Bush family as well as the American military intelligence agents that pretended to be Arab origin and were building a network of continued spying in USA on alleged Arab and other Moslems for terrorism such as Mushref, Khodor, Mahmoud, Najar, Wazi Ullah of company Computer Expo in Houston, Texas (excluding me, I was just used without my me noticing) and others that partially I forgot their names

7.        1998-1999, I was dragged to the project CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium and severely setup many times that all in all was designed to show as if I am mentally unstable, but also to stress me mentally through various hidden torture methods, such as preventing me to have any good continuous sleep during the entire period, while they were pretending to remind me with Germany and the project Calypso that they used to brainwash me and kidnapped from Germany to USA in 1983-1986

8.        Summer 1999, the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud left my life, while portraying me as if I was her husband and was a bad husband and a bad father to my fake son Abdulhamid Najar, as well as if I was suppressing her, she was cooperating from the background and without my knowledge and without me noticing at that time with the following persons institutions to force me not to come to rest and notice what they did to me and who did what:

8.1.       The agent Najlaa Mahmoud

8.2.       Her official family members of the Khodor, Mahmoud and Mushref families

8.3.       FBI

8.4.       American military intelligence

8.5.       American secret service the body guards of at that time ex-USA president George H. W. Bush

8.6.       The Houston police and sheriff department  under the governor at that time ex-USA president George W. Bush

8.7.       The CPC-Caspian Pipeline Consortium members, such as the company Fluor formerly called Fluor Daniel as well as the company Technomation Inc,

8.8.       The company Halliburton

8.9.       My attorney William F. Harmeyer

8.10.     Ortega family, around 20 of them around my life after 1998 that pretended to be Russian disguised as Catholic Mexican, at least that is what it looks to me today

8.11.     Vilma Bonilla that was set on me in the control environment Sun Suite hotel after November 1999 and for two months only and then I was manipulated by brainwash and ESP to continuously follow her as distraction of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud, where by Vilma Bonilla was strongly used to remind me of Germany, my ex-wife the whore agent Anita Disbray as well as reminding me of my ex-girl-friend Adelheid Kuczka, in matter of fact she repeatedly told me you are living her in USA in exile, all was just to destroy me once and for all and blame it on me, my fake family, alleged Moslems, bad Christians, or Jewish=-Israeli or others and distract of the concentrated evil or excess of evil Texas governor George W. Bush that wanted to become president of USA to steal Iraq, Afghanistan and strengthen the newly stolen former Yugoslavia, and wanted to avoid my complaints during the election in the year 2000 and the process was repeated also in 2004 in silencing me by force during the re-election in 2004 in that they placed me uncountable times and unjustly in prisons, jails and refugee camps in various cities between USA, Germany and the Netherlands until 2008 and blamed it all on me.

8.12.     The property management of the housing where I was forced to live for 10 years named Stanclif Park apartments on 103050 Lands End Drive, Houston, Texas, USA

8.13.     My fake son the alleged at that time 13 years old Abdulhamid Najar alias Guenther Najar, and here I strongly suspect that he was not the same person as the one I raised from 1986-1999, in other words he was a very look alike, possibly a twin brother or even a very look alike older brother that exchanged places with him, and at some point the original fake son was replaced with this new one, whereby I am not certain when, either during his schooling at Saint Laurence Catholic School in Sugar land, Texas, USA (50% possibility) from around November 1998 to sometime between October 1999 and January 2000. Or he was exchanged as he was living for a couple of months (50% possibility) at the house of my attorney William F. Harmeyer between September 1999 and around February 2000

8.14.     Saint Laurence Catholic School in Sugarland, Texas, USA that helped portray me as a bad father in a strong cooperation with the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and my alleged good attorney William F. Harmeyer, as well as my fake son himself Abdulhamid Najar alias Anas Najar that later in 2003 became Guenther Najar and Kane Najar

8.15.     From the background my fake family

8.16.     And others and all this due to the American government was and still persecuting me under false claims of national security and me allegedly have connection to terrorist groups that started through American military intelligence agents set up in 1969 in Damascus, Syria and Munich, Germany by providing me for around one week with a fake PLO-ID enable they can officially persecute me and isolate me of the general public


The actual letter/fax to the evil Bdeir family in September 1999 (go to top of page):

During this period and after the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud left my life in around June 1999, they were preparing to the followings to damage my personality, as they often did prior to that:

1.     Portray me as mentally unstable

2.     Portray me as if I am not capable to take care of my own son, enable they have a reason to trick me and keep my alleged son in USA after they kidnap me to the Netherlands, in reality he is not my biological son, but I was used, without me noticing, as a multipurpose decoy for many things, in this case as a nanny for the hidden son of, my guess the evil Bush family, Rockefeller, family, Windsor family or one of their many hidden branches such as my fake family, and therewith it was time to take him away of me and place him in an unknown to me position/identity that they planned for him.

3.     Preparing to kidnap me from USA to Netherlands under the pretension they are deporting me to Syria due I allegedly voluntarily want to leave USA

4.     Forcing me to lose all my belonging and in particular all the photographs of many members of my fake family

5.     Forcing me to be homeless and leave this apartment as an attempt to prevent me to understand what happened in this apartment and why I am in it or why am I living as an alleged husband of the whore agent Najlaa Mahmoud and now I am here and she is not

6.     To force my mind to concentrate only on surviving, while forcing me to remember what happened to me in my life and in particular since 1983-1986 where these evil government kidnapped me from Germany, and this mixture of having to concentrate only on surviving and remembering my past while discovering (through a forced upon me memory) that I was set up, betrayed, kidnapped and kept as hostage for 15 years, is a very bad mixture that confuses the mind and forced me to go in a never ending circle of nowhere of thinking, which is a very hidden and evil method of brainwash, while they pretend to be helping me in reminding me with my ex-girlfriend Adelheid Kuczka, Germany, my fake Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim as well as my fake family, whereby I did not know at that time that my family is fake family , and that my church the Evangelical Lutheran church of the CIA city Unterschleissheim is a fake American military church, nor I knew what the hell is continuously hitting me

7.     And others


Suddenly in around September 1999, I had no money and can’t afford my rent, electricity, telephone and other household necessities as well as I lost my car and did not know what to do, which is also a very cruel, sadistic and vicious brainwash method to control persons not only by ESP, but also to accept any suggestion from others regardless if it is a good suggestion or bad one, because I am not only in a state I do not know what to do, but also in a total mind confusion state and totally not able to think about good, bad, wrong, right, gather my thoughts due to the continuous set ups that I do not even have time to analyze it or understand it or even see it. All in all I was hopelessly under ESP and brainwash control by the persons and institution surrounding me by force. At least force of need, force of have to concentrate only on survival, force of the evil FBI and CIA that terrorized the life and mind out of me.


I was brainwashed to not ask any one for help, and think that I am the God of my own life and can do anything and I do not need any one, and that for so long at least since 1983, therefore I was totally unable to ask any one for help, especially against something I do not understand. Yet the letter mentioned below is totally contradiction to my state of mind and what I would normally do or not do, in that I am suddenly asking someone for help that can’t even help me, does not want to help me, beside I do not know how to ask for help.


I am totally under pressure to leave my housing and did not know where to go. In this process my alleged good attorney William F. Harmeyer said if you want I can allow your son to stay at my place until you sort the situation, since I was totally under their brainwash, I had no objection allegedly because I loved my son, and did not want him to be on the street. On the other side this attorney could have helped me understand that situation and force it to come to a halt, instead taking my alleged son to live with him.


September 1999. And here I was alone at this apartment for the first time in 10 years and have no clue what is going on around my life.


Yet suddenly I wrote a letter and faxed it to my fake sister Suhair Bdeir through the business of her alleged son Samir Bdeir in Amman, Jordan (which is an additional trick to force my mind to think that he is only in Jordan). Today I know it was not me that wrote that fax-letter; it was these evil persons and institutions surrounding me they wrote it by force, such as FBI, CIA and American Secret service the body guards of the ex-USA presidential family Bush, to portray me as mentally unstable and incapable of taking care of my alleged son or even of myself.


In this letter and to make short, and while I was writing it I was continuously crying, and wrote some thing as if I am a bad person and pushing it on USA, and saying I do not know why all the Arabs becomes bad or corrupt when they are in USA, and listed my financial situation such as I am not capable to pay rent, electricity, telephone, car and so on. All in all it that letter-fax was 100% a set up designed for mainly the followings:

1.     Giving my fake attorney a written document that shows my incapability, or that I am totally mentally incapacitated

2.     To have a reason to take remove my fake son Abdulhamid Najar of my life and make it look as it is my fault

3.     To portray me as mentally unstable

4.     To portray me as dangerous, especially that I am contacting officially my fake sister Suhair Bdeir and her evil terrorist family Bdeir that are pretending to be Nazi in hiding since the second world war, whereby and at that time I did not know that she is my fake sister nor I knew that these evil people organized many terrorist attack in Europe and on Israel in the name of Palestinians to give Israel and the western world a reason to persecute the Palestinians to death, kill them and steal their lands. What an evil plan to gain land.

5.     To force me to think that all what is happening to me is only because of the evil Bdeir family and as if they are revenging on me for me allegedly cheating them for around 15 thousand US Dollars (through a fake private investment computer project called Windows-95 that was forced upon me and made it look like that I created this project to con-others of their money), which absolutely I did not, I was set up by them, which is a very clear pattern in my life that they always set me up financially as a multipurpose to show as if I am incapable to take care of my finances, but also to force my mind to go in a long-term circle of guilt, because they brainwashed me to think I did something bad, and if I think that I did something bad then I blame myself and cease to analyze the situation, but I did not do it and this because I am feeling guilty, actually forced by brainwash to feel guilty, because thieves thinks it is their right to take anything they can get their hands on and do not have conscious, but I do have conscious and they use it against me

6.     And other reasons


Long explanation about one single letter that I was forced to write and fax enable they can damage my life on the long-term and blame it on me and my fake family as cover up for all the crimes they performed against me that led me to discover many other crimes performed against millions of innocents in the Middle East, Europe and in particular in Germany and against the EU as well as in USA, while all the crimes in my life are originated from USA= paradox, because it is performed by the mentally sick and absolutely dangerous controlling families and not by the American general public that in reality is suffering severely under this hidden network of controlling families that stretches from USA to many countries in Europe, Middle East and elsewhere.


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