Who Kidnapped me?

Wanted Person No: 0296


Najar Kidnapping

In Short

Sent-Complain Letters

Published:             06.08.2007

Updated:                06.08.2007

Who Kidnapped me?

Why was I kidnapped?

How was I kidnapped/Brainwashed?





Index of other wanted

Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)

Name and Aliases

Neighbors in next the next building to the right Alias unknown alias American/English origin

Name in Arabic

جيران في المبنى الملازق

Relation to me

My neighbor, originally the friends of my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar, later allegedly my friends in Cairo, Egypt

First saw/met

1966/1967 in Cairo, Egypt

Age at that time:

16/18 years old

Last saw/met

1982 at Al-Higaz street in Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt

Hidden biological relatives

Unknown, possibly general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman

Allegedly Died On


Surrounding me during

Shortly after my 3 months brainwash summer vacation at my fake sister Suhair Bdeir in Jordan and Lebanon. During my brainwash and a very bad attempt by my family to portray me as a homosexual and therewith isolate me of every one else except family members who pretend officially not to know each others


160-170 cm


70-80 kg

Skin Color

Much darker than white

Hair Color


Eye Color



Allegedly Moslem

Special Features

Older brother wore eye glasses. I was allowed to interact with them after 1967 (Israel war).

Special Crimes Against Me

Pretended to be my friends. Surrounded me on my faked upon me business visit to Cairo, Egypt in 1982 along with Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Adel Hasan, Kwader/Queder family, where there was at least two attempt to murder me and persecuted me very sadistically and absolute viciously with ESP to confuse my mind and portray me as mentally unstable. Made me drunk, drugged me and most probably knocked me unconscious and raped me. Just to keep me busy of remembering and try to visit other people I used to know such as Al-Jumaiee alias Pierce and Robinson families (=Bush family) and other messed up people that I was forced to think they were honest people with integrity and loyalty, but in reality they were all absolute vicious crime families heavily involved in drugs, terrorism, currency falsification and in particular US Dollars, child kidnapping and mass slavery and may other international crimes

  See more description/Details below the photograph


Additional Photos wanted/needed


Neighbors in next the next building to the right Alias unknown alias American/English origin, photo and personal information wanted for crimes performed against me and against humanity

Other Descriptions/Details

















































Other Descriptions/Details

Name and Aliases

Neighbors in next the next building to the right Alias unknown alias American/English origin

Profession under Alias

1960s allegedly student, his father was in the Egyptian Department (Ministry) of Education. In 1982, his alleged father was either Minister of Education of the Secretary of Minister of Education and he worked for him

Official Nationality


Countries Lived In

I saw them as neighbors, my fake brother Mohamad Nashaat Naggar alias Nick Naggar friends and later as alleged my friends, between 1966/67 and 1969 and in 1982 in Cairo, Egypt

Official Address

Third/Fourth floor of either 113 or 109 Al-Higaz Street, Masr Al-Gadiedah, Cairo, Egypt, in a 10-15 floor building next to our building on 111 Al-Higaz street towards Al-Mahkamah (court house) and Roxy and 100 meters of Heliopolis hospital. Our two balconies were facing each other, ours in second floor, theirs in third, fourth or fifth floor

Disguise Methods

Pretended to be Egyptian origin, most probably is American with South American origin or English with South Asian origin. Pretended to be my friend. In 1982 pretended to be the only one with out drugs, while my distant cousin Alaa the son of general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman pretended to be an Police officer heading the Egyptian Airport Customs in Cairo and smuggles drugs from over sees into Egypt, which was a lie all of them are drug lords, plants drugs all over Egypt and smuggle it to Europe and USA under the protection of CIA, American, Israeli and English military intelligence

Official Family Members

Father:             Name forgotten, but lived with them and worked for the

                        government, in Department (Ministry) of Education

Mother:            Name forgotten, but lived with them, was housewife

Sisters:            Unknown, can’t recall, I think he had a whore sister

Brothers:          Younger brother around 16 years old in 1968/69

Cousins:          Unknown,

Wife:                Unknown

Children:          Unknown

Other relatives: Unknown, possibly Dr. Alaa Ali

Biological Family Members

Unknown, possibly Dr. Alaa Ali pretending to be Egyptian living in England, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain

Official Businesses

1960s allegedly student, 1982 Egyptian Department (Ministry) of Education

Businesses Partners:

Hayat Baroudi, Their neighbors in upper floor, their neighbors on ground floor, Adel Hasan, Alaa Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Dr. Alaa Ali, Kwader/Queder family and most probably CIA, Mosad and American, English and Israeli military intelligence

Illegal Businesses

Spying, drugs, falsifying of official education books and other crimes mentioned within this web site


See continuation below.















































Other Knowledge

These were the neighbors in the same building:

1.     Mickey, Department of Education

2.     Their Neighbor above them, Department of Education

3.     Their neighbors below them on the ground floor


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