Wanted Person No: 0856-0 |
Najar Kidnapping |
Sent-Complain Letters |
Published: 18.02.2012 Updated: 18.02.2012 |
Information wanted on this person (please send to NajarWantedPersons@Yahoo.com)
Name and Aliases |
Hacı Ömer Sabancı the founder of Sabancı family the family
of Suzan
Sabancı Dinçer alias Leila
Köse alias a hidden Bush and Rockefeller family building financial
empire based on illegal drugs and fake Turkish family history A general note:
I was raised by a very large an very conning organized crime family called Baroudi, Bdeir, Abokurah and the rest of my
fake family, which enabled me to smell this family as stinking rat that
is pretending to be haci, in Arabic also Haji/hag,
which very much means a person that went to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage, and they teach that in
the school that a Haji or in Turkish Hci means an
honest man that respect and fears God and never do anything wrong and he
always says the truth and you can trust him and depend on him blindly. The
result of all that is these mother fuckers that making the American think
that they are protecting their interest in Turkey and making the Turkish
people think that they are working for them against the American government
and in reality they are cheating both sides and stealing them to death,
because USA and the tax payers are in end effect paying for all these
operations=a couple of Billion US Dollars to finance the smuggle operations
and other illegal activities while the Hji and his
evil children become richer and richer every single day by selling drugs on
the street to our children financed by the tax payers Index of the
what is below: A.
This person
is identified as C.
Haci Omer
Sabanci Holdings More information from other sources D.
Sabancı family
from categorized A to Z G.
Sabanci Museum Istanbul H.
Dynasties in Greece and Turkey Due to complexity
under construction 1.
As one of the major architect of mass killing the
Kurdish people in Turkey, north Syria, north Iraq and North Iran enable they
can take their land. Kurdish people are the native people of these areas just
as they did with the native Arabs and covered it up by Palestinians, and in
Afghanistan and covered it up as terrorists. In short the American military is one vicious mother fucker
apparatus of mass murder and destruction of human lives enable the Rockefeller, Windsor,
Bush, Kennedy, Stillman, my fake
family and their allies can expand their wealth based on slavery 2.
As the man that was generating money through illegal
means also to be able as a Rockefeller to use this money for petroleum
drilling 3.
As the man that organized a mass illegal drug
smuggle from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon through the American military and
Air Force base Incirlik
Air Base in Adana,Turkey as an alternative transportation
mean to hiding it with the petroleum tankers, oriental food cans, spices
liquid drinks and many other means to mass smuggle illegal drugs under the protection
of the American military intelligence, CIA, KGB and
many other so called Arab secret services that many members of my fake family
are also member of these organizations, such as Samir
Bdeir Abdalghani Abokurah, general Ahmad Saleh Sulaiman, Adel Hasan and many more 4.
Is the head man to establish a mean of financing for
smuggling American Gladio soldiers disguised
as Turkish works to Germany and elsewhere in Europe among others by planting
and selling illegal drugs, prostitutions, slavery and other means of quick
money generating illegal businesses and cover it up as a mafia boss 5.
As the man that was to organized a system to smuggle
American military intelligence agents
disguised as Turkish and send them to Germany and other European countries as
Gladio soldiers for when needed, such as performing the vicious 1972 Munich
Olympics terrorist attack and many other attacks and blaming it on Moslems,
Kurdish, Palestinian and others 6.
As the head of American military intelligence unit
that was established after the second world war two enable to establish a
huge presence in Turkey and steal the whole country that was already and to
most part under their control due to the Tobacco 7.
This man called Hacı Ömer
Sabancı does not exist because of mainly 2 reasons: 7.1.
This is a military intelligence
family that were set together as multipurpose as describe above, while
pretending to be only an organized crime family 7.2.
An organized crime family that
is set together out of various families from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria,
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other countries with the goal of spreading the Islam
by all means such as illegal drugs, prostitutions and other means as
described above Until I come to
this profile see the profile Incirlik Air Base in Adana,Turkey because this is a sub profile of the all American and English military intelligence agents
mentioned in that Turkish profile |
Name in Arabic |
Relation to me |
First saw/met |
Age at that time |
Last saw/met |
Hidden biological relatives |
Allegedly Died On |
Surrounding me during |
Height |
Weight |
Skin Color |
Hair Color |
Eye Color |
Religion |
Special Features |
Special Crimes Against Me |
See more description/Details below the photograph
photo needed There
are no official photos of Hacı Ömer Sabancı because he did not
exist, he was made up to cover up for the setting of the American and English
military intelligences agents that representing the Rockefeller, Windsor and
other international organized crime families. The below 3 photos are the only photos I was able to find of this phantom
man All
the photos below are of Sakıp Sabancı, I did not
create a profile for him, that allegedly died in 2004 and I strongly link him
to John D. Rockefeller the third as shown to the right |
John D.
Rockefeller the Third alias Mr. Ruge
alias the business partner of professor Dr.
Helmut Fischer, the CEO of the brainwash and kidnap company UDF Consulting AG, alias Mr. Raja alias Fareed
Al-Trash the father of Erol Sabancı
the officla son of Hacı Ömer Sabancı alias the brother of John D. Rockefeller the Third=confusion-international
organized crime family alias my fake family The American actor Abe Vigoda One of the hidden sons of Hacı Ömer
Sabancı and very lookalike that they can even exchange places. This actor played
in the movie the God-Father, a movie that was financed by the Pentagon, while
pretending to be making hint over the God-Father in Turkey Hacı
Ömer Sabancı to cover up his real objective, which is to steal
and control Turkey while forcing it to be Moslem and pretending to be helping
Turkey to become free and this since the second World war and before that it
was performed by the English military. Click here to see the profile of Abe Vigoda. If you ask me, then the left man clalled
Sabancı” an american military
intelligence person stationed in Turkey faked his death with the help of CIA
and went into another identity as Abe Vigoda. The actor in USA, where he can
manage the huge amount of illegal drugs as a small time actor without getting
any attention. For me both are the same persons |
Other Descriptions/Details
Name and Aliases |
Profession under Alias |
Official Nationality |
Countries Lived In |
Official Address |
Disguise Methods |
Official Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Biological Family Members |
Father |
Mother |
Sisters |
Brothers |
Cousins |
Wife |
Children |
Relatives |
Friends of the Family |
Official Businesses |
Businesses Partners: |
Illegal Businesses |
Other Knowledge |
Will follow |
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Hacı Ömer
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Hacı Ömer
Sabancı (1906
– 1966) was a Turkish entrepreneur,
who founded a number of companies, which later formed the second largest
industrial and financial conglomerate of Turkey, the Sabancı Holding. He initiated the
establishment of a dynasty of Turkey's wealthiest businesspeople. He was born in Akçakaya, a small village in Kayseri
Province in central Anatolia, Turkey. In 1921, a couple of years after the
death of his father, the then fifteen-year-old youngster left his hometown
and walked all the way to Adana to seek his fortune. He started his new life as a cotton picker.
Soon, he became a broker for cotton harvesters. With the money he saved in a
few years, Hacı Ömer entered the cotton trade, and in 1932 became a
co-owner of a cotton spinning plant. At that time, the people
working for him called him "Aga" ("Boss"). In 1943, he
became a partner of YağSA, and in 1946 of MarSA, both production plants of vegetable
oil and margarine,
respectively. In 1948 Hacı Ömer established his own bank Akbank. In 1951
in Adana he founded the textile company Bossa, which became the largest
integrated textile facility in Turkey. In the following years, he founded Oralitsa (1954), a roofing material factory, and Aksigorta (1960), an insurance company. In 1928, he married Sadıka (1910-1988), who bore him six sons, İhsan
(1931-1979), Sakıp (1933-2004), Hacı (1935-1998), Şevket
(1936), Erol (1938) and Özdemir
(1941-1996). Hacı Ömer Sabancı and his family moved to İstanbul
after purchasing in 1951, a mansion known as "Atlı
Köşk" ("Equestrian Villa")
on the European
shore of Bosphorus in Emirgan. This house is used as the Sakıp Sabancı Museum
today. He died, a self-made
rich man, on February 22, 1966 in İstanbul. He is commemorated by the
holding company of the group, Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding, which
was founded 1967 soon after his death in Adana. A charity institution,
Hacı Ömer Sabancı Foundation "Vaksa"
was established also in 1974 in Adana and named after him. The foundation
built, among other things, a high school sports hall in İstanbul, a
cultural center in Adana, dormitories in Ankara and Adana,
and primary schools in Kayseri and Van,
which are dedicated to him. [edit] References
Biography at
Sabancı Holding website ·
Milestones of Sabancı
Holding (Turkish)
copy from : |
Hacı Ömer
özgür ansiklopedi Başlığın
diğer anlamları için Sabancı
sayfasına bakınız.
Hacı Ömer
Sabancı (d. 1 Ocak 1906 – ö. 2
Şubat 1966),
Sabancı Holding'in kurucusudur. Kayseri
ili Talas İlçesinden yaya yoluyla
gittiği Adana'da
iş hayatına başlamıştır. İşe pamuk ve margarin
ticareti ile başladı. Bugün Sabancı Topluluğu'nu
meydana getiren sanayi kuruluşlarının temelini oluşturan
ilk şirketler, Hacı Ömer Sabancı tarafından kuruldu. Hayatı [değiştir]
Hacı Ömer
Sabancı, Orta Anadolu'da Kayseri'nin
küçük bir köyünde, Akçakaya'da doğdu. 13
yaşında babası Hacı Arap Sabancı'yı
kaybettikten birkaç yıl sonra (1920
yılında), talihini denemek için köyünden
ayrılan Hacı Ömer, 450 kilometrelik yolu yaya olarak katederek
pamuk diyarı Adana'ya
göç etti. Adana'daki yeni hayatına pamuk işçisi olarak
başlayan Hacı Ömer, kısa sürede işçi
müteahhitliği'ne başladı, bir iki yılda
yaptığı tasarruflarla pamuk ticaretinde mütevazı bir
iş kurdu. O dönemde yanında çalışan
işçiler Hacı Ömer'i "Ağa" diye
çağırmaya başladılar. 1928 yılında Sadıka Hanım'la evlendi ve İhsan, Sakıp, Hacı, Şevket, Erol
ve Özdemir adında altı
erkek çocuk sahibi oldu. 1943 yılında Yağsa'ya ortak
olan Hacı Ömer, 1946 yılında arkadaşları ile beraber
Marsa'yı aldı. Yaratıcı gücü, ileri
görüşü ve yılmayan gayreti sayesinde,
başarı zincirine birçok halkalar ekleyen Hacı Ömer
önderliğinde, daha sonraki yıllarda sırasıyla Akbank, Bossa Un
ve Çırçır Fabrikası, Bossa Tekstil
Fabrikası, Oralitsa, Aksigorta, Teknosa
kuruldu. 1951 yılında Atlı Köşk'ü alan
Hacı Ömer, ailesiyle birlikte İstanbul'a
taşınmanın ilk adımlarını da atmış
oldu. Hacı Ömer Sabancı Vakfı VAKSA
tarafından Hacı Ömer Sabancı adını
taşıyan İstanbul'da Galatasaray Lisesi kapalı spor salonu ve VAKSA
tarafından yenilenen tarihi Beylerbeyi Lisesi isim olarak Beylerbeyi
Hacı Sabancı Anadolu Lisesi olarak değiştirildi, Adana'da
kültür merkezi ve teknik öğrenci yurdu, Ankara'da
kız öğrenci yurdu, Kayseri ve Van'da
ilköğretim okulları yaptırıldı. 1950
yıllarında Türkiye'nin en zengin insanı idi. 1966
yılında, şeker ve kalp rahatsızlıkları
nedeniyle İstanbul Hilton Oteli 237 numaralı odada
vefat etti.Cenazesi vasiyeti üzerine Adana'ya getirilip
translation through Microsoft translator
Haci Omer Sabanci Holdings A.S.
to Industrialist in the 1930s Going
It Alone in the 21st Century Principal
Competitors: Koç Holding A.S.;
Compagnie Générale des Établissements Michelin.
Source: International
Directory of Company Histories, Vol. 55.
St. James Press, 2003. |
The Rich List 2005: Top Ten Wealthiest Dynasties in Greece and
By Ioannis Michaletos in Athens Fortune: Sabanci’s family fortune is roughly estimated at
3.5 billion USD. Fortune: The estimated
family fortune is around 3.2 billion USD. Fortune: Estimated at
around 3.5 billion USD. Fortune: Estimated around
1.1 billion USD. 5.) Mehmet Karamehmet and
Family Fortune: Around 3.5
billion USD. Fortune: The Latsis family fortune is estimated at around 6 billion
USD. Fortune: Around 2 billion
USD. 3.) Socrates Kokkalis and
Family Fortune: Around 1.5
billion USD. 4.) Nikolaos Stasinopoulos
and Family Fortune: Roughly, around
1 billion USD. Links for further reading and research: Looking for More Balkanalysis.com Publications? Find Balkanalysis.com articles in
the Central And Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL) |
This is copy from
http://www.hoovers.com/sabanci/--ID__42964--/freeuk-co-factsheet.xhtml |
Haci Ömer Sabanci Holding A.S.
Sabanci Center 4 Levent Phone: +90-212-385-80-80 Hoover's coverage by Diane Ramirez Overview
Key Numbers from Hoover's UK
Key financials for Haci
Ömer Sabanci Holding A.S. Key People from Hoover's UK
Key people and executives
for Haci Ömer Sabanci Holding A.S. Top
Competitors from Hoover's UK
Top competitors of Haci Ömer
Sabanci Holding A.S. There are 6 competitors for Sabanci; see more. Significant Developments
Industry Information from Hoover's UK
First Research Industry Profiles Extensive Industry Intelligence
Hoover's Industries
This is a copy from
http://www.turkeytps.com/faq/viewquestion/132/9/ |
Sakip Sabanci Museum, Istanbul
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search For the band, see Abe Vigoda (band).
Abe Vigoda (pronounced /vɨˈɡoʊdə/; born February 24,
1921) is an American movie and television actor who appeared
in such movies as The Godfather and Good
Burger. Vigoda is well known for his portrayal of Sal Tessio in The
Godfather, and for his portrayal of Detective Sgt. Phil Fish
on the sitcom
television series Barney Miller from 1975–1977 and on its
spinoff show Fish that aired from February 1977 to June
1978 on ABC. Vigoda was still also
appearing on Barney Miller at the same time as he was on Fish
during the 1976–1977 TV season; at the start
of the 1977–1978 season, his character retired from the police force
and left Barney Miller to focus full time on the spinoff. Following an erroneous
report of his death in 1982, and another in 1987, Vigoda has been the
subject of various running gags about whether he is alive or dead. A
website was mounted and a Firefox
extension was written solely to report on Vigoda's
status. Good naturedly, he made regular appearances on various television
shows to make fun of the error. In February 2010, Vigoda appeared with fellow
octogenarian Betty White in a widely seen and well-liked Superbowl ad for Snickers
candy bars.
[edit] Early life and family
Vigoda was born in New
York City, the son of Lena (née Moses) and Samuel Vigoda, Jewish immigrants from
Russia.[1][2] His
father was a tailor and had three sons; Abe Vigoda, Hy
Vigoda and Bill Vigoda – a comic-book
artist who
drew for the Archie comics franchise and others in the
1940s.[3] Vigoda was married to
Beatrice Schy from February 25, 1968 until her
death on April 30, 1992. Abe has one daughter, Carol, from a previous wife,
Sonja Gohlke. Carol gave him three grandsons:
Jaime, Paulie, and Steven.[4]
Vigoda enjoys playing handball.[5] [edit] Career
Vigoda gained fame
mostly as a supporting character. His best known role is that of elder
mobster Salvatore Tessio in The
Godfather (1972). According to director Francis Ford Coppola's commentary on the DVD's
widescreen edition, Vigoda landed the role of Tessio
in an "open call," in which actors who don't have agents can come
in for an audition.[6] He
gained further fame playing Detective Sgt. Phil Fish
on Barney Miller, and then led its brief spinoff Fish
until it was canceled in 1978. Before Barney Miller, he made a few
appearances on the ABC TV soap Dark
Shadows as Ezra Braithwaite and Otis Greene. He has also appeared in
several Broadway productions, including Marat/Sade
(1967), The Man in the Glass Booth
(1968), Inquest (1970), Tough to Get Help (1972), and Arsenic and Old Lace (1987). His
trademark hunched posture and slow delivery of lines made him appear older
than he really was. [edit] False reports of his death
In 1982, People magazine referred to Vigoda as dead. At the
time, Vigoda was performing in a stage play in Calgary.[5]
He took the error with good humor, posing for a photograph published in Variety in which he was sitting up in
a coffin, holding the mistaken issue of People. Jeff
Jarvis, a People employee at the time, said that the magazine's
editors were known for "messing up" stories, and one of them
repeatedly inserted the phrase "the late" in reference to Vigoda,
even after a researcher correctly removed it.[7]
The edited (erroneous) version was what went to print.[7] The error was repeated
in 1987 when a reporter for Secaucus, New Jersey, television station WWOR, Channel 9
erroneously referred to him as "the late Abe Vigoda".[8]
She corrected her mistake the next day.[8] Vigoda has been the
subject of many running gags related to mistaken reports of his
death. In 1997, Vigoda appeared in the film Good
Burger as the character Otis, a restaurant's French fry man. Several
jokes were made about his advanced age, including Otis saying "I
should've died years ago". A Late Night with David Letterman
skit showed Letterman trying to summon Vigoda's
ghost, but Vigoda walked in and declared, "I'm not dead yet, you
pinhead!" In May 2001, a Web site
was mounted with only one purpose: to report whether Vigoda was alive.[9][10][11]
In 2005, a "tongue-in-cheek" Firefox
extension was released with the sole purpose of telling the browser user Vigoda's status.[8][12] Continuing with the
gag, Vigoda appeared frequently to make fun of his status on the television
show Late Night with Conan O'Brien,
including a cameo on that show's final episode. On January 23, 2009,
Vigoda appeared live on The Today Show. He said he was doing
well, joked about previous reports of his death and announced he had just
completed a voice-over for an H&R
Block commercial to air during the Super Bowl.
On December 30, 2009, Vigoda was invited back to The Today Show to
appear live on the set for Matt Lauer's birthday party. Lauer called him
"our favorite guest of all times". Vigoda returned to The Today
Show on June 8, 2011, to celebrate Meredith
Vieira's last day on the show. In a Comedy Central Roast of Drew Carey,
with Abe Vigoda present in the audience, comedian Jeffrey
Ross stated "and my one regret is that Abe Vigoda isn't alive to
see this." He followed that with "Drew, you go to Vegas, what's
the over-under
on Abe Vigoda?" Vigoda and Betty
White, both 88 years old at the time, appeared together in
"Game", a Snickers commercial that debuted during Super
Bowl XLIV on February 7, 2010. The plot made fun of the advanced ages of
the two actors. The USA Today Super Bowl Ad Meter poll
respondents rated the ad the highest of any shown during the game.[13] [edit] Filmography
Three Rooms in Manhattan (1965) ·
Godfather (1972) ·
Don Is Dead (1973) ·
Law (1974) ·
The Godfather Part II (1974) ·
The Cheap Detective (1978) ·
Cannonball Run II (1984) ·
The Stuff (1985) (cameo) ·
Vasectomy: A Delicate
Matter (1986) ·
Keaton's Cop (1988) ·
Plain Clothes (1988) ·
Look Who's Talking (1989) ·
Prancer (1989) ·
Joe Versus the Volcano (1990) ·
Fist of Honor (1993) ·
and the Kid (1993) ·
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (1993) (voice) ·
of Angels (1994) ·
Sugar Hill (1994) ·
North (1994) ·
The Misery Brothers
(1995) ·
Duty (1995) ·
Love Is All There Is (1996) ·
Underworld (1996) ·
Me and the Gods (1997) ·
A Brooklyn State of
Mind (1997) ·
Burger (1997) ·
Just the Ticket (1999) ·
Tea Cake or Cannoli
(2000) ·
Spree (2003) ·
Chump Change (2004) ·
Farce of the Penguins (2007) (voice) ·
Frankie the Squirrel
(2007) ·
The Unknown Trilogy
(2008) [edit] Television work
Studio One (1949) ·
Shadows (cast member in 1969) ·
The Devil's Daughter
(1973) ·
Toma (1973) ·
The Story of Pretty Boy
Floyd (1974) ·
The Rockford Files (1974) ·
Five-O (1974) ·
Miller (cast member from 1975–1977) ·
Bionic Woman (1976) ·
Babies (1976) ·
Fish (1977–1978) ·
Soap (1978) ·
The Comedy Company (1978) ·
How to Pick Up Girls!
(1978) ·
Death Car on the Freeway (1979) ·
B. J. and the Bear (1980) ·
Gridlock (1980) ·
The Big Stuffed Dog (1981) ·
As the World Turns (cast member in 1985) ·
Tales from the Darkside
- A Choice of Dreams in 1986 ·
Superboy - "Back to Oblivion" ·
Santa Barbara (cast member in 1989) ·
Lucky Luke (1993) (canceled after
8 episodes) ·
& Order (1995) (1 ep. as Briscoe's
retired partner) ·
Wings (1996) ·
Witness to the Mob (1998) ·
Norm Show (1999) (1 ep. as Sal) ·
Late Night with Conan O'Brien (recurring character) ·
Family Guy (2001) (Cameo) [edit] References
^ U.S. Census, April 1, 1930, State of New York, County
of Kings, Borough of Brooklyn, enumeration district 566, p. 14-A, family 10. 2.
^ Abe Vigoda
from FilmReference.com 3.
^ Excerpts from interview
with artist Gil Kane, The Comics Journal #186 (April 1986) 4.
^ Abe
Vigoda bio from the Internet Movie Database 5.
^ a
Leopold, Todd (September 23, 2008). "Abe
Vigoda is still alive, thank you very much". CNN Entertainment. http://articles.cnn.com/2008-09-23/entertainment/abe.vigoda_1_phil-fish-abe-vigoda-police-car?_s=PM:SHOWBIZ. Retrieved September 2, 2011. 6.
^ The Godfather: Widescreen
Collection (DVD). Paramount Pictures. 2004. 7. ^ a
Silverman, Craig; Jarvis, Jeff (2009). Regret
the Error: How Media Mistakes Pollute the Press and Imperil Free Speech.
Sterling. pp. 174–175. ISBN 1402765649. http://books.google.com/books?id=vdBOKzu91QEC&pg=PA174. 8. ^ a
Brioux, Bill (2007). Truth
and rumors: the reality behind TV's most famous myths. The Praeger television collection. Greenwood. pp.
114–115. ISBN 0275992470. http://books.google.com/books?id=voIe7XkFvEsC&pg=PA114. 9. ^ "Whois Record For
AbeVigOda.com". DomainTools. http://whois.domaintools.com/abevigoda.com. Retrieved September 2, 2011. 10. ^ Ceilán, Cynthia (2007). Thinning
the Herd: Tales of the Weirdly Departed. Globe Pequot. p. 210. ISBN 1599212196. http://books.google.com/books?id=af3e1Xpw4nUC&pg=PA210. 11. ^ New York (New York Magazine) 43:
239. 2010. "Vigoda's non-death (he is now 88)
is a pop culture meme to this day. Abevigoda.com, for example, does only one
thing: indicate whether Abe is alive or dead." 12. ^ "Abe
Vigoda Status". Maximum PC: 33. Spring 2006. http://books.google.com/books?id=jwIAAAAAMBAJ&pg=PA33. 13. ^ Othmer, James P. (February 8, 2010). "Super
Bowl Ads Play It Safe". The Daily Beast. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2010/02/08/super-bowl-ads-play-it-safe.html. Retrieved September 2, 2011. [edit] External links
Sketch of Vigoda by cartoonist Drew
Friedman ·
Abe Vigoda at the Internet Movie Database ·
Abe Vigoda at the Internet Broadway Database ·
Vigoda at the Internet Off-Broadway Database