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Letter of apology Part-1 and Part-2, see index below under "Note"







The below letter I sent to as many persons or individuals as I can financially afford, the only difference is the blue text and within these brackets {…}, which I have modified for the website and added more text as underscored, which is more generalized and not personalized.


And since I am financially not able to write to you all, I am publishing this letter to all the rest, and please accept my apologies that I did not write to you personally, it is due to either I don’t know your address or I can’t financially afford it due to I was financially severely setup by the same individuals that enslaved me and brainwashed me, so that the Tax office has more control over my life than it should, and this even though I am not allowed to work since the year 2001, and now suddenly I ow the tax office around 7000 Euro, where they then cut my financial help (social income called Huurtoeslag en Zorgtoeslag, meaning rent and health insurance subsidies), which will dramatically hinder me on paying my already minimum monthly bills such as rent, water, electricity and Internet. But also, I am now almost 65 years and too old to be able to be accepted for a job, but also due to that brainwash website that was forced upon me, scares employers of hiring me!


This note is not in the letter




Click here for Letter Part-1 (Sent via post mail)

Click here for Letter Part-2 (did not send part-2)






Letter Part-1 (Sent via post mail)




Dear (Recipient name),


Hier with and with this writing I would like to submit to you my sincere apologies.


This letter is addressed to you because you, your government member(s), royal family members and or members of your country were falsely and unjustly accused, attacked, misrepresented and/or denounced with wrong information on the website called “wanted” that were published between January 2007 and April 2012, which was founded on brainwash and slavery that was forced upon me during that period.


In particular, I would like to submit my sincere apologies to the ???????? for spreading wrong information about them and or attacking their person, their politics, their religions and/or accusing them with wrong information, wrong relations to the wrong persons, group of persons or institutions.


Please note that I already have filed several complaint reports to several responsible officials/authorities against the responsible who enslaved me, brainwashed me, enslaved me and forced me to write the website and I expect their revenge for trying to be honest and straightforward man, though I would greatly appreciate your support and protection.


The content of that website called “wanted” was not from my thoughts, not from my plans, not from my own brain, the entire website was against my belief and it was not what I believe, not from my faith as a Christian, not from my upbringing through a faithful moderate Muslim family (that are members of one of the best Middle East allied countries to Europe and to the USA), not from my liking, not from my heart and not from my vocabulary and not from my knowledge in matter of fact I find the entire website as most appalling. You and in your position are easily able with just a phone call to see through my entire past, where I came from, where I was, where I lived, my medical records, my friends, people surrounding me, my ex-employers and what is my character, then you will come to the only one conclusion: it was not me who wrote these pages, yes it was my hands based on forced upon me brainwash by illegal methods, unethical methods, immoral methods, inhuman methods and above all also with a so called supernatural methods, that are not at all that supernatural to the many of us human who have them such as telepathy control, which I absolutely don’t have, therefore I can’t defend myself against a group of human beings that have telepathy and are networked together to manipulate and control others and to enslave people as they enslaved me for so long. Since kidnapping me from Germany in 1986, they have been performing many very destructive acts against me while using me against others and literally kept me as slave to their liking between 1984 and current, where I am having severe and very destructive problems caused by them, even today in July 2017, among others writing to you this apology letter that I tried many times since 2010 to write to you, but I was prevented over and over again, on the other hand I rather go on with my life than writing to you, but with their continuous destructive persecution to me I have no other choice but to write to you. Destructive persecution is one of several brainwash methods to force their victim to complain, and once the victim starts to complain they take over and force the victim to write whatever they want, either based on the brainwash they performed upon the victim prior to that or by using telepathy force or both. I hate to admit it, but I am their victim in both situations!!!!!!


As more explanation to their current persecution, is that they want to force my mind to think that they are punishing me because I allegedly voluntarily created this website called “Wanted”, while simultaneously keep me busy with all the problems that they are causing through this website and/or they cause me almost on a daily basis, among others preventing me of recognizing the real situation to prevent me of confronting them and their evil methods, that apparently they use often, this is based on their behavior, which is well planned and organized routine brainwash methods and strategies. I was once a good IT expert, now I am brainwashed with brainwash experience!


I am not writing to you to complain, but rather to apologize for all that wrong information I was forced to spread about you. The above is merely a short explanation of me being forced to write the wrong information about you. Please note that you are one of those I was forced by brainwash and telepathy to unjustly attack, as a mean of extracting information of my past while blaming it on me and therewith causing the destruction to my own life while using me against their opponents. That is why I am contacting you, because it is the best way enable to set the records straight; and if there is anything else, beside my sincere apology, that I can do to make it up to you, then please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will always be at your service.


Please find it in your heart and mind to see through these very destructive schemes that forced me to write what they think and not what I think.


I am not your enemy, in matter of fact I am no one’s enemy, because I see good in most people, even in those who done me wrong for so long. However, those who enslaved me and forced me to write their thoughts are your enemy and the enemy of most human.


Due to the limited financial situation forced upon me since kidnapping me from Germany in 1984, which is also to keep me by force poor and under their control and manipulation, I can’t afford to send you more information via post mail. In addition to the rest of this letter (additional 1 and half page), there are many prove pages as attachments, therefore I ask you kindly to download these pages from the secure webpages that I created especially for that, which is highlighted below as attachment.


I thank you for reading my apology letter. I sincerely hope for your understanding and forgiveness. I know that you are a very busy person that is why I ask you to excuse me if I was not able to make it any shorter, and this is due to the long year of brainwash and slavery since 1984 to 2001 in USA and February 2001 and until current in July 2017 in the Netherlands and partially also in Germany and the UK.


Should you require any more information, then please do not hesitate to contact me at any time, until then I wish you all the success in any venture that you may start and while wishing you all the best, I sincerely hope to hear from you.



Letter Part-2 (did not send part-2)


I absolutely do not discriminate against anyone, regardless of their race, religions, ethnicity, color, gender or anything else that I might have missed, above all I never ever characterize an entire group the same as the bad behavior of one of their members, in other words I would never think that all Americans, all Saudi Arabians, all Chinese, or all of any other group are bad, just because a couple of Americans, Saudi Arabians, Dutch, Germans have treated me bad, therefore I would never say that all Syrians are Bad, all Americans, all Muslims, all Jewish, All Christians, all Dutch, all Germans are bad, or generalize any other group,  and most definitely I would never ever write that the family that raised me so graciously are bad or criminals, even if they were but they are not, where by I was forced to write in that website called “Wanted” all that and more of their negative thoughts not mine. In matter of fact I love Americans, Germans, Arabs, Israelis, English, Dutch, Syrians, Africans, Latin Americans or any other nationals or religions and above all my family, because they all and always bring color and enlightenments to the lives of others.


I am politically NOT oriented, NEITHER fanatic religious, because I know that no one can help it being born within certain environment in anywhere in the world, neither the poor, nor the middle class nor the rich can help it.


Personally, I rather have you as a friend than not a friend, especially that within this slavery period they literally destroyed everything in my life, from family relation, friends relations, church relation, girlfriend, profession, hope, love, ambition, self-confidence, pulling out my entire teeth in the most sadistic way, disfiguring my face and body, in other words you name it they did it to me or destroyed it in my life, even raped me multiple times over in particular for 15 years from 1984 to 1999, above all they brought me life full of fear and destruction while I am always on the run and forced to move or relocate over 60 times, nearly 40 times alone since kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986, while terrorizing my sleep, which is a very nasty method to enslave a person due to none sufficient sleep will  lessen the concentration and the free individual will. Often, I ask myself: what am I doing now and here, which is their way to force me to run away and always be busy running away of them, which is a very mean, sadistic and nasty slavery strategy.


I hope you accept my apology and be my friend, because I can really use one in this never-ending dread times.


The attachments below are for your information as an additional prove that I did not do any of that against you, but it is also as prove because most of the people that were mentioned within that appalling website called “Wanted” were described wrongly and that you can easily verify, that all those people and institutions mentioned in this website are good people and good institutions that I have either great love for them, great respect to them or both, with the exception of a handful of persons hiding within these pages that caused me a lot of grief and forced me to write the website against you. I rather create a business that is financially beneficial for me and my community than attacking others, but they prevented me to work since the year 2000; enable to keep me under their control, because without work there is no money and with no money I can’t be free of them. Now I am almost 65 years old and still trying to get free of them.


Additional point to set the records straight and to make my situation absolutely clear, and that too, you can easily verify, which is that I and the family that raised me have absolutely no connection what so ever to terrorism, illegal drugs, Nazi (I was born 1952), Mafia, organized crimes and as I mentioned before I was raised by a moderate faithful, respectful and peaceful Muslim family, that I always looked up to with most respect not out of fear but rather out of respect of what they made for their selves and for their communities, and this family consist of engineers who builds roads, buildings, schools, manage parts of airports, successful business people in the Middle East and elsewhere, some of them are medical professionals and builds and own hospitals for healing and not for destructions. Others are diplomats to build and maintain peaceful communications with other nations and that too you can easily verify without me having to mention their names!


Please take a moment to evaluate this: who would voluntarily write a website that would place him in a spot light of craziness, while describing himself and everyone he ever knew since birth with all kind of negative destructive characteristics, above all describe himself as not qualified for anything?


Hier too you will come to only one answer: No one!


I am an IT professional since the day I started my study as mainframe programmer in 1974 in Germany and went to many countries, worked with many companies in over 20 countries and over 10 US states, and traveled to even much more countries and US States, lived in Egypt for 10 years, lived in Germany for 17 years, also if not voluntarily yet lived in USA for 15 years, lived one year in the UK, and since almost 17 years living in the Netherlands, worked with at least 15 of the world’s top 500 fortune companies, and I loved each one of them because they all enriched my life, and this alone shows that I am not only sane but also as intelligent as it can get and would never create such a disgrace to humanity website called “Wanted” not voluntarily and not out of anger and most definitely not as revenge, not only because I do not believe in revenge, which is destruction and I believe in constructive life, but because I am absolute pacifist since 1976, beside I absolutely have nothing to revenge to or against the family I was raised by, in matter of fact I can only look up to them and learn of them!


As additional proof, please feel free to research my “facebook.com/najarworld” profile, and then you will find that a person who was around in the world and have a large family as mentioned above and friends in Germany, USA and other parts of the world, has facebook.com friends only from slavery time and location (where the facebook.com account was also created!!) as well as friends linking him by force to ex-Soviet Union or current Russia or even Mexico, and the rest you can figure out yourself!!!!!


The only reason that I am allowed or can now write these apology letters and filling a complaint is because I am in The Hague and I strongly believe that some members of the Dutch royal family are making it possible and I am thankful for that!


Last but not least, I would like to ask you kindly to call off any networking that may have been set to harm me as a revenge for that website, because in this case you would be doing me very wrong, because I am absolutely innocent of this or any other crime. Personally, I believe revenge is beneath you and that you would not waste your time on that and against me, but after all the continuous brainwash, slavery and suffering they put me through since 1984, I don’t know any more who to trust, and that is another reason why I am writing to you, to build a bridge of trust and friendship that I urgently need!!!


I thank you for reading my apology letter. I sincerely hope for your understanding and forgiveness. I know that you are a very busy person that is why I ask you to excuse me that I was not able to make it any shorter, and this is due to the long year of brainwash and slavery since 1984 to 2001 in USA and February 2001 and until current in July 2017 in the Netherlands and partially also in Germany and the UK.


Should you require any more information, then please do not hesitate to contact me at any time, until then I wish you all the success in any venture that you may start and while wishing you all the best, I sincerely hope to hear from you.



With my sincere regards,


My signature



Michael Najar aka Mohamad Nuzhat Najar










