Complaint letters: 2001-2004 first granted asylum in Netherland.





Record No.: complaint-2001-2004-nl.htm

HomeBush family - my fake family - members of my household - military intelligence secret camp in USA simulating Damascus, SyriaAmerican military persecuted me since 1959

Documents available.



Everything below is a cry out loud for help and complaint to the severe injustice these people did to me. Unfortunately I am always complaining to the institutions that are doing the injustice to me in first of all, yet I did not know that they were the ones that were doing me this injustice, due to they are criminals and cowereds, they always use brainwash and others to do for them their dirty work, such as CIA, FBI, German police, military intelligence, whore women agents and others.


I was brought to the Netherland on 11.02.2001 from USA by force through 3 American immigration officers; one of them was allegedly working for the governmental department of Human Social Services in Houston, Texas, USA. This after viciously keeping me for 15 years as slave and hostage in USA, after kidnapping me from Germany to USA in 1986 by using the illegal American military intelligence project named Calypso where also the Dutch government was involved due to it was a project to trade hostages for products and money, whereby my family the Bush, Rockefeller, Windsor and Kennedy families were on both ends of the negotiations with terrorists, on the one side as members of the governments (USA, England, Germany, France, Netherland and possibly also others) of the kidnapped persons and on the other side disguised as my fake family under the protection of CIA and military intelligence as members of the governments that kidnapped many hostages in 1980s to Lebanon which are: Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Palestinian and Jordan, and possibly also Egypt and Saudi Arabia, at least they financed it.


And these below listed documents shows clearly that I am crying out for help and justice, yet every one of these criminals is pushing me away and the blaming it on the others, in other words they are toying with my life like a ball, each one blame and push me to the others while they are hiding what they did to me and that they were also heavily involved in kidnapping me several times in my life these no good criminal vicious sadistic government members and traitors to humanity and any human decency.


Asylum and all related documents in Netherland from 2001-2004

Note: See also the related asylum 2007 in Netherland


1.     First Asylum in Netherland on 11.02.2001

1.1.   First Interview in Netherland on 13.02.2001

1.2.   Summary report of first interview on 14.02.2001

1.3.   Summary report of second Interview on 13.07.2001

1.4.   Summary report of third interview on 06.09.2001

1.5.   Asylum approval on 26.03.2002 ends In April 2004

1.6.   Dutch asylum ID after first asylum